During these times of great planetary and human evolution, known as the Ascension Cycle, a re-evaluation of our personal priorities, lifestyle and social values are at the forefront for many desiring the knowledge to shift and change their own limiting beliefs and consciousness perceptions. Many of us are living in a deep discontent with our lifestyle, searching to ride the wave of a great change in order to move away from the enslaving nature of the current planetary collective consciousness.
Much of this knowledge has been esoteric and hidden for centuries in many Mystery School teachings and Ancient Wisdom philosophies that carried down this knowledge through certain blood lineages. Basic energetic concepts in comprehending how to access Universal Creative Intelligence forces, the Natural Energetic Laws of Governing Forms, and how one can masterfully direct these energies to influence their experience within the world of matter; have only been allowed to be accessed by a privileged few. The Ascension Cycle requires our participation with ourselves and in order to gain energetic sovereignty in the matter worlds, the commitment to serve one’s spiritual core is what allows one to have access to these previously hidden systems.
- Category: About Energetic Synthesis
This Site was made possible because many people like us do not believe in copyright law, and share their work as open source. The site is represented as an “Information Commons” and exists as an open source educational reference, such as a physical library or online community, which exists to produce, conserve, and preserve information for current and future generations of humanity.
- Category: About Energetic Synthesis
Dear Ascension Community,
This section is required in so that we can be educated and better informed about the larger scope of the war over consciousness on the planet and how we can have increased discernment on the motivations and/or agendas of which spiritual information is shared, especially CLONED MATERIAL. Accessing our consciousness, having a roadmap to help support our spiritual growth to begin to comprehend our larger relationship to our Inner Spiritual Source Light, and further the planet, the galaxies, and the Cosmos, is the divine birthright of each and every being on this planet. Yet through ignorance, unawareness, and dark manipulation tactics, accurate assessment and discernment is not generally well developed in the human being in order to be able to make clear informed decisions about where they are placing their attention and value.
- Category: About Energetic Synthesis
Summation of Communication
Hi Everyone,
This is something that I've been sitting on for a while, but now that it has been mentioned in the forums (in the Moon transit thread)I wanted to bring it to light here.
There is a Facebook page called Sacred Synthesis.
This person (Romeo Baron) has created a look and feel using much of ES information and images to promote Ascension material. This person does NOT give any credit to any of the authors that have written the material he posts. And some of the images that he uses are from the HGS training manual, which I believe is still private to the ES community (I might be wrong on this).
His about page, minus the "about" section, is a direct copy of text taken from the ES Member Guidelines, Ascension Glossary, and also part of other articles.
Perhaps I'm over zealous, but I get upset when credit is not given when possible. Originally that was my only issue, however, I'm feeling something weird in the community.
We have a number of members who interact with his postings and also "like" his page.
Please know that it's not that he's reposting information (spread the word!), it's that by not giving any credit to the original authors, he's creating a false sense of authority, IMO. I don't know how else to express that.
Lisa, I don't know if you want to, or feel the need to, but an official statement with regard to this might be in order given the Mentor/HGS concern with some of these members.
If it's just me who feels it, that is ok (it might be a personal issue), however, I still felt the need to bring it forward.
ES Mentor
- Category: About Energetic Synthesis