August 2024
Leo Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by the curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. In the future, humanity will undergo several major scientific revelations to know that the true reality of gravitational forces has been intentionally hidden from them by the archontic controllers, due to the existence of zero gravity technologies and free energy devices.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 14466
July 2024
Cancerian Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
As the Cosmic Holy Father returns with the Andromedan 8D Christos Realm keepers destined to be seated in the 8D Grail Emerald-Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral forming into the octagonal foundation stone of the Temple of Khemalohatea, they must determine what must undergo dissolution and transmutation in order to prepare the organic planetary templar Kathara shield for the alchemical process of the Separation of Worlds.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 13948
June 2024
Gemini Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
We pray that everyone on the front lines in the ascending spiritual communities are doing as well as possible in the current terrain, protecting your sacred crystal heart and holding as much unconditional love inside your body as you can muster. As we experience the outer events rapidly unfolding, even when we have been made aware of the scope of these anti-human agendas, seeing them play out so aggressively in the physical world while seeing loved ones and many other humans being harmed from these dreadful lies, can send shock waves throughout our system.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 16212
May 2024
Taurus Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses at this juncture where humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 20823
Suggested For You
The Heart-Brain Complex
November 2012
Heart Brain Complex
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original and organic design and function of the collective human soul and oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space, the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. It has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture on the planet. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system or grid network, and the nerve cells of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body.