Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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May 2022

Astral Reconstruction

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During the annual May alignments of Taurus, the planet undergoes what is called its electrical peak cycle which is generally during mid-May. This is the pinnacle wave of electrical force field transmission in the annual cycle of moving through the path of the Sun's annual motion relative to the constellations of stars. As such, this time is the annual period of the most potent Ascension wave during which many people will experience kundalini activation, spiritual awakening or a rapid consciousness expansion of their perception, as they are being exposed to increased electromagnetism and solar transmissions conducted throughout the planetary grid network. Recent events are revealing that the planetary architecture is enduring a massive Astral Reconstruction which has impacts on dissolving the veils of 3D reality, while the controlling forces are doing all they can to block or destroy these solar elements from awakening the masses.

As the collective consciousness rides these electromagnetic waves into Summer, the 3D narratives and the storefronts of the Controllers that weave incredibly complex webs of deceit and lies being peddled through their bribed and blackmailed mainstream puppets, become ever more apparent.   To counter the many revelatory truths that are surfacing bits and bobs of disclosure information, the controlling factions are organizing for next level of strategic targeting of all dissent, as well as shutting down any unapproved ascension-disclosure topics. They are desperately employing an array of military grade psychological warfare surveillance tools from their secret space program arsenal, in order to capture all forms of media with a next generation attack against the alternative news, truther and UFO movements, as well as any and all content related to new age, ascension and disclosure. The censorship along with the reframing of language and shifting of cultural norms into transhumanism are already incredibly aggressive and about to come to blows, with anything and everything that is being used to distract the masses from accessing any form of unfiltered truth. What has been framed as the western democratic culture that values free speech and personal liberties is being transformed and reformatted for supporting the new NAA culture of transhumanism. The rise of the new AI hybrid species, where social norms are to include an unlimited number of astral attachments, possessions and entities that can hijack a human body are being normalized when the host refers to itself as a They-Them.

We are in the midst of the most intense stages of the spiritual battle which includes information warfare with highly curated disinformation with redirects for obfuscation and gaslighting at levels we’ve never experienced before. Portraying a glamorized buffet of soul disconnecting choices as signs of human freedom and evolution, in what was thought to be a free western society. The absolute authoritarian control over all forms of alternative news, truther and spiritual consciousness content that is made available to the public audience is under fire and this exertion to control unapproved topics is likely to escalate into even more heightened battles shortly. There is the ongoing battle over the many levels of hidden truths and factual evidence about our invaded and enslaved reality held in the floodgates, stalling the release of data about several disclosure events and previous hidden histories. Those controlling factions are jockeying for position on who will ultimately control that information and how it is released, timed and disseminated to the masses. If they cannot stop the disclosure leaks, they will do anything to control the spin of that information and manipulate those people who will have access to it.

Additionally, there are many online presenters that are growing in popularity through increased platforms and audiences, who do not fully grasp the current war over consciousness, so are consequently unaware of how consciousness groups are targeted. Having received the online recognition, fame, status, power or whatever gratifies the ego-personality, they will also become more competitive and desperate to maintain dominance over their audiences as disclosure happens. Some of these are spiritual groups, and in my experience, the spiritual groups can be the most competitive, vile and unethical in their ego-based desires to attack others and use false made-up accusations in the need to justify their own actions in the public square. A popular tactic is if someone reads and misunderstands a small slice of another’s body of work, and it contradicts their personal belief system, the author is put into compartments or classifications and immediately labeled as dark, compromised or possessed.  Very few people have the moral character and ethical fortitude which requires that they make some effort to seek out the greater truth in the matter, for themselves. Instead, they allow the blaring cognitive dissonance and lack of personal egoic training to become the judge and jury, and in one fell swoop another faulty building block is placed in their perception of reality.

Strong Discernment is Required

As we move through these tumultuous times, we will be required to be awake and aware using critical thinking and strong discernment in observing who in the public square wants to poison your mind against others. These are the classic divide and conquer tactics to weaken humanity by attacking any effort towards unified cooperation, especially when gathering in groups where we are made stronger. Those online leaders by default that use hero-savior and victim-victimizer narratives to supposedly save your mind from the evil deeds they accuse others of doing, without evidence, and void of any proof or due diligence are perpetuating the division.

This profile of person is usually an egoic fame seeker, needing the flowery attention and flattery from their groups, while pointing at their supposed peers in the spiritual community with different viewpoints as their supposed arch enemies. Many people in the ascension-disclosure community are traumatized, emotionally wounded and have undergone immense trauma as a result of the ongoing spiritual warfare targeting against awakening Indigo and Starseed people. We have a lot of compassion and care for those that are the casualties in this spiritual war, although ultimately spiritual healing takes some effort and is each individual’s personal responsibility. As all peace loving and freedom loving individuals that are on the side of supporting human liberation and planetary ascension, we should apply some effort to unify with the common cause, and not spend time on such foolish and reckless pursuits that further divide people from each other.

Thus, it will be up to the individual to determine the story tellers, fame seekers, wounded egos and shills that use manipulation tactics to capture their audiences, which are a dime a dozen in the new age, ascension and disclosure spaces. To be a sovereign individual one must learn self-responsibility and be willing to develop spiritual maturity in order to gain the clarity needed for discerning between the pretty lies and unpleasant truths. The controllers comprise both human and nonhuman forces and they are coming after all of us, and for those without a strong moral character, self-awareness, spiritual ethics, who are not making an effort to be in alignment to the natural laws of God, there will be strong penalties for peddling lies and untruths for personal pleasure and egoic satisfaction. These are dire times which require a strong core self, internally guided direction with good discernment, critical thinking, common sense and a heightened conscious awareness of the energetic terrain surrounding the environment, in which humanity is the unwitting pawn on the battlefield of the global spiritual warfare.

In the war over disclosure, it will be highly probable that military-based intelligence or military on the ground may surface in a new capacity in the coming weeks, to act as the sole authoritative source of truth, in which they claim to be the only credible source on all disclosure topics. Or actions will be taken to curtail some popular presenters in this space that have larger followings, whether they are telling the truth to the best of their ability or deliberately making up whistleblower storylines for gaining an audience.

The return of the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father architecture brings their beyond describable God source and its powerful unified presence into this matter world, which will be important in the preservation and protection of the truth tellers and those dedicated and assigned with spiritual missions. In all ways, we must not embellish but speak the truth as we know it to be from our direct experiences, and this can include consciousness experiences on the interdimensional planes and the recovered factual physical evidence that proves the reality of interacting with nonhuman entities on the planet.

Many of the controller’s pillars of society that have enforced ideologies and beliefs about the nature of reality are being thrust into question as academia, the sciences and medical industries surface levels of unimaginable fraud and corruption, to reveal the agendas of the homicidal maniacs at the helm. The masses are beginning to awaken to the fact that the political and judicial branches are fully captured, the system is crumbling and we will be viewing even more surreal and intensely unimaginable events as the wrecking ball comes to shatter our personal illusions and untruths. My guidance to all humans is to seek the truth in your heart beyond all other things, to make the effort to look inside for your personal version of inner spiritual truth and to follow that guidance with all that you are and without fail.

Be Aware of Imposters and Stolen Identities

As a reminder, it is important to know the basis of information warfare includes an incredibly sophisticated use of imposters to trick and mislead the public. They disguise themselves with an energy signature or name that they have stolen from the real identity, using it to rebrand or hijack the symbolic meaning of that word. An imposter is a person or entity who pretends to be someone else, and many of them use many advanced technologies as a means of disguise to cloak and hide their actual identity from others. Humanity has the complex problem of facing the imposters, clones, stolen identities and name stealers, that are working their nonhuman agendas for enforcing consciousness slavery at multiple dimensions of reality. It is a common problem that many of us that are working at a planetary gridwork level, to manifest the timeline for disclosure events and to help free the human race from slavery by the imposter entities, are being cloned and replicated on the astral plane. Our images and names are stolen for the purpose of manipulating other humans for divide and conquer agendas, that are not as sophisticated in discerning the difference.

There are a massive number of imposters that use stolen names and spiritual titles throughout the Earth plane, as well as a host of imposter spirits that inhabit the interdimensional planes and use artificial machinery in order to present themselves as Christ Consciousness. Authentic Christ Consciousness is not integrated with AI signals or artificial machinery and is the antithesis of employing synthetic chemicals and technologically induced transhumanism. From this position in the timeline, we are dealing with holographic inserts, mind control implants, alien cube systems and hybrid genetic manipulation which are used at all levels of dimensionalized hierarchies by these lunar entities, to trick and deceive us in ways that most surface humans are totally unaware of at this time. Disguises can be sophisticated, such as implanting thoughts in the form of egoic manipulation to exploit personal emotional wounding in order to get individuals and groups to push certain agendas, without awareness they are being used as dark portals or pawns to attack those working for supporting human liberation. Just because some individuals think they hold a higher consciousness and they are not experiencing the direct impacts and effects of the hot spiritual warfare, does not mean that others on this awakening path are not. There are many benevolent light beings on this planet in human form that specifically incarnated with the spiritual mission to be the groundcrew organizing for the teams on multiple dimensions of reality. To reach the larger truth of the bigger picture, one must be fearless and fully at one with the God source, in order to see that the spiritual warfare and imposter clones on the Earth are very real.

The imposter spirit energy was inserted and imprinted as our False Father God and Dark Mother, and these lunar based entities became the authoritative parents as archetypal forces used to manipulate and control humanity. When this awareness is finally revealed to us, it will contain painful spiritual betrayals that will be experienced as solar quakes in our heart and soul, due to the fact that we were lied to and manipulated in such completely deceitful ways. During the timelines of the impostor NAA invasion, the false father and false mother acted as the False Parents, which has manifested distortions physically, ancestrally, genetically and energetically (spiritually) throughout our sense of identity. Without our true spiritual identity and being incarnated into an enslaved reality deception, humanity has existed in a severe identity crisis, unaware of its purpose, unaware of being enslaved and interfered with in its inner source and spiritual connection.

We were tricked into believing the many imposters on this Earth had the same values and purpose of benevolence and love for humanity, when their overall hidden motivation has been to enslave, hurt and harm us. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple through all aspects of our societal leadership, including the many public people we had trusted that were being bribed and blackmailed to continually lie to us. Thus, we will need to be strong spiritually and in our personal faith in order to be able to see the authentic truth, which is the source of our ultimate spiritual freedom. The impostor spirit has hidden inside our schools, governments, hospitals, infected our careers, leaders, family members, the things we hold most sacred and finally, those lies may have found dark dwellings even inside of us.

Thus, it is wise to always remember that things on the outer are not what they seem to be.

We must use discernment and take some care to flush out imposters, liars and manipulators, those that use disguises in order to manipulate others for divide and conquer, or to gain financial or social advantages that promote their selfish agendas. Simultaneously, we have to prepare ourselves to be strong enough to allow the truth to be revealed to us, to not punish others or be offended when they are sharing their version of the truth as they know it. Recently, there has been a push to manipulate and discredit the meaning of terms that are connected to the Ascension Glossary lexicon as these terms are appearing in more of the mainstream media, terms such as Christos, Elohim, Dragon Kings, Black Sun, and others. Clearly there is an attempt to change and twist the meaning of these words in the hidden human history and then to associate the meaning to something else that is either discredited, obfuscated or being redirected to serve the kabbalah-cabal interests of the NAA.  There are multiple layers of information warfare directed to the terms, words and philosophies that have been traditionally called Christian or associated with Christ. Much of what has been promoted as Gnosticism, New Age Christ Consciousness, and bible based Christian Religions are false teachings exploited by the anti-Christ forces posing as the False Alien Gods that say they are the bringers of light, love and peace as long as you worship them.

Astral Reconstruction and Retrieval of Soul Parts

Recent Guardian projects have extended into the astral plane level of reality of the soul matrix timelines, in which exploration of extensive artificial architecture was located and found to be used to harvest loosh and enslave humanity on the soul planes, through assorted ideological systems being reenforced through organizations. These make up extensive organizational structures like corporations, churches, hospitals, medical institutes, internet technology, pharmaceutical companies and many other systems that are used with the negative purpose to control the human collective consciousness via perceptions of reality from the astral and 3D matter planes. Effectively, what has been revealed is that the same massive megacorporation organizational structures that exist on the 3D physical plane have had an exact mirror organization on the astral plane, being run by power mongering human and nonhuman controllers that desire to totally enslave the surface dwellers to maintain their power base in multiple realities.  

This is another surreal twist in the recent gridworking adventures, as there have been reconnaissance missions to identify, locate and retrieve organic aspects of the soul matrix layers and their timelines, in order to ultimately free beings and begin the spiritual healing of the soul layers of humanity. Thus, many people are undergoing a range of symptom intensity connected to soul matrix layers being healed, cleared, detoxified and reintegrated into the current station of identity on the Earth matter plane. This has surfaced phantom death experiences as the personality ego and soul matrix stations of identity are being unhooked out of these artificial organizations and then reorganized throughout space and time.

Ultimately, the practical effects of this shift in the second harmonic universe layers are the rapid onset of detoxification and purification of astral plane miasmatic effects, caused by the individual identity’s affiliation with many types of belief systems that had been enforcing soul slavery through worshipping, brainwashing, and other forms of mind control systems generally formed with a master-slave narrative.

Thus, all master-slave narratives being enforced by religious worship programs with False Alien Gods or other self-appointed authorities abusing power, are being crushed on the astral plane. Further, as a result it is releasing or removing soul bindings and shifting the placement of the silver cord that connects the soul’s astral energies into the physical body. Soul Bindings or energetic binds are negative energy cords or attachments that are used in a classification of spell-casting, that are intended to hold back the progress of another person or to suppress the consciousness of another into fear patterns that enslave them into repeating time cycles. These many organizational structures on the astral plane were designed to achieve multiple layers of soul bindings through many different insertions of false or deceptive ideologies, one prime example are the enslavement agendas behind organized religions such as Mormonism and the Church of Rome. The extensive architecture of the Vatican necropolis was sprawling upon the astral plane, in which soul harvesting and many dimensional doorways from these phantom pockets were being accessed from the demonic portalling, occurring with SRA blood rituals of typhon tunnels and soul bindings at this particular demographic location.  

However, a person need not be a black magician to cast bindings, these are energetic hexes that can be transmitted through sending the negative energy of oppression, hatred or curses of negativity to another person. We can see the younger generations being taught to hate anyone that opposes their dogmatic ideologies, which are implanted thoughtforms being hooked into these astral reality organizations. What can happen is that the trauma wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate from one of these astral organizational hierarchies that is vibrating at a particular level that is a match to whatever that trauma wound is that can be exploited inside of an individual. So, let’s say there is a traumatic psycho-spiritual event, where someone was a child victim of abuse, or at some point in their life the person underwent some experience of abuse. If that abuse energy is not healed through forgiveness, and then cleared and moved out through the body it creates a vulnerability and can be used as a back door. That person probably splintered off soul parts and dissociated from that trauma timeline, and these sneaky black magicians can create cording or soul binding that connects into the original timeline of the traumatic event.

This soul binding for loosh harvesting between the astral plane structures and the physical plane structures are being addressed during this phase, as many are undergoing painful revisits to previous trauma memories in order to unhook from these astral bindings that harmed the soul layers.

It has been common that black magicians could manipulate, tweak or run energy into these cords and bindings from the astral plane in order to exploit that person’s trauma on this timeline. Obviously, most people have no idea this dark manipulation is coming from some outer force influencing them without their consent or awareness. Further, the person could be easily triggered into painful memories and visions of who they believe is the bad guy oppressor, but in actuality the negative emotions and pain are being associated to some situation on the matter plane that is totally unrelated to the original source of the trauma. This is a form of dark force manipulation that uses astral bindings to generate trauma-based projections on the matter plane, in which the traumatized individual will assign blame to unrelated individuals that they can see in their environment and then make them the cause of their pain. This is one of the sophisticated ways these astral entities can hijack people’s thoughts, behaviors and actions by exploiting their unhealed trauma and manipulating them through fear and pain to blame others that are actually unrelated to their trauma, where this confusion serves the astral slavery agendas.

Clearly many spiritual healers, lightworkers and Starseed people have undergone these strange events many times, as this is a common warfare tactic to project blame upon those of us being targeted in this way. This gets groups believing that others are dark and evil, because their unhealed pain is being manipulated by black magicians on the astral, and they need a safe target to project upon or transfer their unwanted and painful thoughts. It is easier to blame another person for unwanted and unpleasant emotions from past trauma, then to actually take responsibility for one’s emotions by placing effort on personal spiritual healing and negative ego clearing.

On a very positive note, the recent ascension events are radically shifting the astral plane and second harmonic universe, which appears as a total astral body reconfiguration. These radical shifts impact the planetary magnetism and are quite destructive to any organizational structures and imposter entities that are promoting deceptions for the purpose of human slavery. It appears that this falsity will eventually be made evident on the Earth surface as these controller organizations on the astral plane have been operating as the mirror reflection from the astral to physical manifestations, in order to capture human souls on this timeline. This master-slave game is over in the planetary architecture and it is our Cosmic Christos Parents that have returned to the matter realm at the end of the ascension cycle in order for it to be so.  As we are well aware, this phase is very demanding and difficult for all of us that are committed to the spiritual healing process and doing our best to be in service to planetary liberation.

False Father Gods and Religious Theocracy

One of the largest lies promoted to divide and conquer the human race is the war over False Father Gods and the controlling overlays presented by imposter spirits through mentally rigid ideological systems of religion, worship and related theocracies. We have learned that the bands of imposter spirits posing as false gods for gaining loosh and absolute power over others, through a variety of religious and political movements includes a vast assortment of negative disincarnates positioned throughout the astral plane and time matrix. As the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father founder principles of solar consciousness return, these hierarchies of imposter spirits, cloned identities and lunar entities enforcing mind control systems for gaining total control and power over others, are being clearly seen within the organizational structures they have been operating through.

Theocratic based imposter entities and their relationships with living human beings through dogmatic belief systems are being explored through the current lenses of global mind control that are utilizing aggressive propaganda for ideological subversion and culture wars. These ideological systems are mind control programs that are interconnected between physical energies and astral energies, which follow the same architectural design of those bands of imposter entities that are enforcing the master-slave hierarchies on Earth in order to preserve their self-created power base on multiple planes. These bands of collective entities are enmeshed within hierarchies that source from many different realities on the astral plane, as well as other parallel realities that are blending with Earth timelines, and are being made visible due to recent doorways opening along with powerful magnetic shifts.

These bands of imposter spirit entities are in violation to the Natural Laws of the Universal Time Matrix. They will become subjected to the rule of the Natural Laws through an accounting of dimensional energies that are being carried out by the authentic Cosmic Christos Sun creators of this system. Thus, when the imposter spirits’ vampiric ideologies and belief systems fail and their artificial realities collapse into dust, it will be shocking for both the incarnated and disincarnated to be forced to see the truth of their parasitic nature, and to know who and what they were actually worshipping.

Humanity is at the center of several ideological wars spanning into multiple dimensions of reality whereby massive hierarchies in charge of power structures are in a violent conflict over who is right, who has access to truth, and what is the nature of God.  As these power mongering entities lose access to their systems of harvesting the soul energy of living humans and the siphoning of astral energies from their worshipping disincarnates, they are rapidly digressing via entropy. They are further fracturing into destructive mental imbalances which rapidly descend into bizarre states of erratic behavior and total insanity. This event on the astral plane greatly impacts some humans on the physical plane that are enmeshed within these hierarchal systems on the astral, that have been purely designed for taking absolute control over the human soul.

Natural Laws state that it is a grave violation for disembodied astral souls to intentionally siphon or drain energies from another spiritual being, or to hijack the silver cord of an embodied or disembodied spirit in order to absorb their soul energies, which can severely harm and fracture that soul. Sadly, cannibalizing has existed on multiple planes of reality and has been ritualized by satanic controlled entities in their desperate pursuit of achieving immortality, through both humans and nonhumans that have gained immense power from these parasitic and vampiric methods. This horrific practice is being viewed by Guardian Host and is coming to an end on the astral plane, soon this will also take effect on the physical plane. This shift in the astral plane will come with side effects in which the groups of people participating with satanic rituals for siphoning soul energy on the Earth will be unable to do so and thus will further descend into insanity until they self-destruct and are completely extinguished.

Some of these imposter spirits involved with the enforcement of theocratic movements have been powerful human beings that were in a king or pope level position of ruling over others (False King of Tyranny), while incarnated on the Earth. Other groups are in pockets of different frequency ranges which contain alien entities that exist in similar reality bubbles, but they have never incarnated as human beings or reincarnated into matter forms. Some of the human groups and alien groups collaborate together for mutual goals of gaining absolute power within an artificial reality via artificial timelines that they have created with advanced technology. All of the imposter spirit groups share a common goal and bond which is to gather as much power and control possible, by harvesting all the consciousness energy that they can from their position within the astral plane timelines, and by siphoning energy off from the Earth inhabitants. This allows for a temporary immortal astral state of being in which the entities can hold onto their power base and somehow circumvent the incarnation process into a matter body.

These disembodied spiritual entities crave power and control over other living souls-spirits more than anything else, it is similar as to a severe drug addiction. The soul is the astral body which is designed to incarnate into a physical body upon a matter plane. To gather consciousness and direct more light energy into the soul matrix in order to evolve, the soul must incarnate into a matter form body. These entities do not want to reincarnate and lose their powerful identities and their position of control over others, and thus, have manipulated astral and physical energies to avoid incarnation into a matter body.

Thus in this process, they have adopted core ideologies that repeatedly play out in belief systems of master-slave narratives whereby conveniently, they are placed in the position of the Master in their astral domain. Thus, many have been playing out these astral games of pretending to be an Ascended Master identity, which it has been made clear they are not, because they are an imposter spirit or black magician manipulating human souls to further exploit them.

Forming New Religions for Transhumans

These entities have formed into massive bands or energy collectives that serve the hierarchies that are based upon the belief systems that make up assorted dogmatic ideologies through which they can harvest soul energies, with newly forming structures designed for harvesting the transhuman agenda. This includes shaping world religions and other beliefs systems into new types of secular religions such as non-binary collectivist formed versions of communism, and these are made of artificial structures formed in energetic bands and instruction sets that are interconnected while incarnated in physical matter and within astral disembodied states. These include transmissions of mentally rigid ideologies that are being implanted into humanity as thoughtforms by these bands of entities, which instigate a type of religious movement or political zealotry that is entwined with many collective shadow archetypal forces and hive mind belief systems that are set into motion by these power mongers and distorted collectivist ideologies. Observing these extensive layers of astral architecture forming to support transgenderism and the fusion of human DNA with assorted machinery, makes it clear that the NAA have put all their stock in growing transhumanism concepts as the new socially acceptable collective religion.

However, anything can be represented in a type of religious fanaticism or mental obsession which is then formed around a core belief system to exploit others for gaining power and control through soul binding and harvesting. That belief system can progress into some level of dogmatic theocracy, as an example the collective religion of covid coined the slogan “trust the science” and other key phrases that are used to incite trauma-based mind control systems for total obedience to the cult. Most people are not currently aware that the covid cult is being shaped into the transhuman-transgender cult, which are being run by the same astral organizational structures. As a result, these sorcery based mind control energies are being actively exploited by the power-hungry spirits harvesting loosh on the astral plane and beyond.

The bands of imposter spirits could also be referred to as Service to Self disembodied spirits positioned throughout the dimensional bands of time, that refuse to incarnate into matter and thus have built up astral body positions in which they are refusing to evolve into a human body. Instead, they are attempting to harvest the incarnated population of human beings on the planet to serve them in life and in death to preserve their power structures in an astral reality. To bind humans into a life of servitude through an ideological mental prison that they use as an emotional baithook to reel them into their control, and again when they finally make the passage out from this matter plane.

Some of the disembodied humans posing as Gods or encouraging God-like worship in their image are connected into a vast hierarchy of structures based on rank and rulership of some level of theocratic governance arrangement. Entities of higher ranks command the lower dimensional bands of entities serving the ideology, whether it is a kind of religious or political theocracy used to organize that reality system. Some of them were human beings that were extremely powerful rulers of nations, governments, military, churches, or other power structures on the Earth plane, like popes or kings. They had amassed incredible power, wealth and status in their lifetimes, and thus still consider themselves to be worthy of God-like worship by those that they consider lesser than. These disembodied human souls have recreated their similar hierarchies from the matter plane into the astral plane, even reaching into multiple parallel realities, in which their goal is to continue to harvest soul-spiritual energies from multiple dimensions of reality in order to gain power and ultimate control. They don’t care how its accomplished, because they feel earthlings are inferior to them.

Additionally, many of these same imposter spirits that were human incarnates are being exploited by higher dimensional nonhuman entities, or NAA forces that promote spiritually abusive belief systems through forms of mind controlled Religious Theocracy. The rise of Negative Alien religions began about 1,700 years ago for the purpose of mind control that was further utilized to endorse a range of violent ideologies that include forms of victim-victimizer cycling into human blood sacrifice and consciousness slavery.  Due to the Armageddon mind control system encoded into the layers of the astral plane and the 7D layers of the planetary logos during the negative alien invasion, their anti-human warring strategy was to rewrite human history and then install an assortment of religious, political and governmental theocracies for harnessing power.

This began the rapid rise of the Negative Alien Agenda world religions, which was to introduce anti-human ideologies that promoted holy wars, satanic blood sacrifice, genocidal agendas and the worshipping of Alien False Father Gods that repel any authentic spiritual consciousness development. Now that many humans are not as willing to be controlled through the teachings of an angry False Father God in a classic religious context, the next stage of the invasion goals are to implement the new secular religions for growing genderless transhumans as the new planetary species. Using the term secular religion is on purpose, as it describes the splitting of the mental body into severely fractured cognitive dissonance which is the actual goal of the controlling forces. Currently, due to the hundred years warring cycle made against western culture, the new religious theocracy is being molded from inverted disinformation from mainstream academic sciences merged with corrupt military intelligence run by nonhuman entities. The imposter entities have jumped on the latest ideological bandwagon for gaining loosh power and human bodies as batteries, in which the injections are designed towards generating the transhumanism condition as the new genderless species, whereby humanity is being led to worship the transgender Baphomet gods as the new symbol for religious theocracy.

Failsafe Mission Upgrades

Guardian Host has implemented Emerald Order organic architecture into the Albion lightbody for a series of magnetic planetary upgrades which appears as an extensive overriding of astral layer architecture that emanates from a Copper Rose Gold Sun. Major magnetic shifts in the planetary grid connected to astral body reconfiguration occurred around the Beltane window during early May, generating some endocrine and metabolic challenges, as well as triggering a wave of sexual trauma memories for integrative healing for some groups. The Copper Rose Gold Sun emanates fire water elixirs in the form of coppery gold liquid lights to protect and preserve the sophianic pillars and flowering plasma fields, which restore and regenerate the Grail-Grual points that exist throughout the planetary body. A Cosmic Sun-Star from the Cosmic Source Domains birthed into our Universal Time Matrix and created multidimensional fractals of a Copper Ankh Body within the Emerald Order Ankh Body, which is the operating vehicle for further transmission of the liquid copper frequency of the Copper Rose Gold Sun.

The copper-rose-gold braids itself into an Azothian fire-water trinity of upgraded Mother’s Stream which forms into sacred sophianic vertical pillars built in flowering rose shaped plasmas that can be referred to as the Pillars of Cosmic Grace. The Pillars of Cosmic Grace are connected to the co-creative forces of the Cosmic Christos-Sophia Solar Dragons from the God worlds, in which the Pillars form into genetically key coded biological clock shields that run the coppery liquid failsafe frequencies into the planetary shields and sections of the artificial, metatronic coded or inverted sextant matrix. Further, the Cosmic Mother can travel unhampered through the Pillars of Cosmic Grace, in which her holy spirit emanations from her cosmic womb transmit healing and reconfiguration to all grail structures, from macrocosm to microcosm. The microcosm grail in a human body is our sexual centers and gender principle functions, in which all of the human body parts are designed and organized in either a male or female principle that seeks to be unified and made whole.

The liquid copper frequency blooms protective plasma flowering shields in the astral-sacral energies of the human lightbody, and braids within the inner vertical channel into the heart chambers which generates a unification of male-female heart twinning within the copper rose gold circuitry. When the Copper Rose Gold Sun emanated its dragon egg into the Albion Lightbody, it hatched into a Rose Gold Dragon Ouroboros Line which appears to be the protector of the House of the Holy Rose Trinity bloodline lineages. Many appear to be Solar Female Christos Sophia identities that were connected to the Cosmic Elohei White Diamond Sun spiritual family, while some were of the original Lyran Temples and Cathars, with direct Red Rose or original Ruby Sun DNA RH solar factors in their bloodstream.

The coppery rose gold frequencies have the required alchemical properties which animate newly introduced solarized elemental forces that conduct a range of solar plasmas from the Cosmic Christos Suns. Base 12 elementals are reconfiguring into the instruction sets which hold the corrected Krystic elements that had been missing from the standard periodic table. Our planet has been purposely stripped of precious metals and mined by intruders seeking the alchemical properties within many varieties of rarefied and specialized minerals only found on the Earth. This saturation of copper frequencies into the planetary grid has initiated a purging and repairing sequence of shadow elementals, metatronic code inversions and AI run carbon-based elementals in our multidimensional layers. This restores the elemental and natural kingdoms into the domain of the correct dark matter body and sound template of the Cosmic Mother and her sacred chalice configuration of celestial bodies and stars which emanates the authentic grail frequencies.

This incredible manifestation of the Cosmic Mother within her Pillars of Cosmic Grace has not been welcomed by the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives, which have hijacked many of her body parts and sophianic dragon principles to proliferate satanism on the planet. Cosmic Mother’s return presents a direct challenge to the power structures of the Black Sun’s Vatican stronghold, in which her presence returning into the 5D inner gate has demolished black dragon timekeeper architecture and evicted and dissolved hierarchies of satanic AI-Hybrid gatekeeper entities. As Cosmic Mother, as the Cosmic Dragon retrieves her body parts and reclaims her children, this has generated many smaller Megiddo battles with black magicians and black dragons sending satanic ritual abuse curses and hexes in every direction from their intense rage that she has returned.

These are planetary events which project out into the collective consciousness as extreme misogynistic patterns targeting the organic and natural spiritual female principles. This sheer hatred of women and girls in order to suppress their rising spiritual power as Cosmic Mother returns, can be seen escalating in the mainstream media outlets. Humanity is being socially engineered to believe that the most beautiful and desirable women are actually men, transgender male to female, and this hidden and covert psyop of hiding the transgender agenda as it is being enforced on children, is the seed of the NAA’s rage-filled hatred towards the rising solar feminine principle. 

May our direct relationship with God’s holy spirit and our Cosmic Holy Parents lend us the ultimate self-mastery in the spirits of patience, perseverance and endurance to serve the divine will of God.

It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the solar light of Christos and Christos-Sophia!

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa.

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