Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

October 2006

Lisa Renee

I cannot get this song out of my head lately. So aptly, this is the title of this month's installment. (Thank you Jim Morrison and the Doors; lyrics are provided at the end of this article.)

Since July we have been in a Particle Conversion period, a transition occurring between the dimensional reality fields that we are moving through and evolving towards. The vibrational delineation became so wide in between the 3D reality fields and the Multidimensional fields, that we were feeling increasingly disconnected from our known reality.

Another way to express this is that we are leaving our known 3D reality and being disconnected from those 3D energetic grids, as we are also undergoing an energetic transition. This can feel like an emptiness, empty space or null zone, a place in between the various timelines. Remember that the illusion of Time, is a Dimension.  During this phase many of us are being positioned to move into the next stage of our development in the Ascension plan. This includes aligning to the appropriate timeline which we are choosing to experience in the next stage of our evolution.

Over the past few months swinging between states of emotional crisis and feeling apathetic, disimpassioned and numb were pretty common for many of us. It is important to remind our self when feeling disconnected or disoriented in our reality that we are undergoing a complete dimensional shift. Therefore, this will dramatically change how we experience our relationship to time and space, along with the things we perceived in that space. We are bound to feel wobbly, ungrounded and disconnected on some days. Remember that you are right on schedule and we are in a temporary phase.

Over the past few weeks there has been an inner shift and feeling that the Winds of Change are upon us. We could feel a new quality of subtle energetic movement that started to put the Wind back in our Sails. At this time with many portals of new energy access opening, we are starting to move past feeling entirely Disconnected (see last months newsletter), and into a sensation building that something huge is about to occur. Personally, I can feel this energy developing momentum in my cells which has been increasing in intensity since about mid-September.

We are feeling the need to prepare, clean house, have closure and get ready for this incoming swell of new energy. This is a difficult sensation to express in words as it feels so expansive and is somewhat disorienting to our physical body. Yet we can feel the palpable changes at a very deep cellular level. We are starting to bring deeper levels of clarity and insight to our purpose. We are entering a phase of anchoring our divinity and therefore multidimensionality, into our physical selves in a completely new way. This multidimensional straddling has several themes coming up for us simultaneously, as we are breaking through to the other side, past the old reality pictures and programs. We are starting the transition into and aligning to the new energy reality fields. I will try to address many of these patterns as so much is happening right now.

Astrological Correspondences

As always, the Universe provides us with the perfect compliments astrologically to support our group themes. In early September, we were in a two-week space between an eclipse of the Moon and an eclipse of the Sun. Finally the Solar Eclipse, coupled with an extra powerful New Moon formed on Friday, September 22nd. Eclipses seem to work like cosmic magnifiers. They can amplify the usual effects of life, raising them to a crisis level so that we can finally see them clearly enough to work through and change them. This leads us to establishing new patterns of living that bring us into our next cycle of spiritual development. The fact that the eclipse occurred on the eve of one of the major turning points of the year, the autumn equinox, also magnifies its demarcation as a major ending and beginning.

This last period over the Virgo transit has represented a time of spiritual testing, assimilation and completion. This has pushed us by emphasizing the necessity that we must complete our current spiritual tasks before advancing to the next level. All things not aligned to our souls purpose must be released and released now. October is the cycle beginning to create a New Dawn to lighten up our lives. The greatest challenges are now behind us. This will create the possibilities of magic and miracles occurring for us. And I know that most of us are feeling more than ready to move forward and to experience some magic and miracles.

Transcending Emotional Patterns 

As we are emerging into new levels of multidimensionality, simultaneously we have been uncompromisingly clearing old 3D behaviors. Lately, we have been consistently presented with opportunities to transcend the experiences that had once provoked old patterns of emotional response. We may have noticed a series of events that had us thinking we were in Groundhog Day? Old relationships, old scenarios and synchronous meetings just about everywhere, surfacing in our day to day to show us a piece of the puzzle that we have been working to fully integrate.

We have learned during this phase of disconnect to sidestep the triggers that once felt very emotionally charged for us. As these various pieces are coming to us to integrate, we are stimulating the karmic resolution of emotions at the multidimensional levels of awareness. This is important to understand as so many of us, when faced with a familiar pattern that we know we are being called upon to heal may say to ourselves, 'Oh no not this Again'. When we are able to let go of needing ego validation and identification with the issues stemming from the history or story of that circumstance, then we have begun to be liberated from those old patterns of behavior. We are no longer in judgment of our self, the person or the situation. 

We are not alone in experiencing these interactions. We have been functioning in agreement with partners, circumstances and situations to work out details, in which all parties involved have a vested stake in their transcendence. These experiences provide an opportunity for the final release of these issues. Therefore it is important to understand that there may be a continuance of getting pulled into a certain drama or relationship with these situations, even though our mind says enough.  Our soul and body will draw us back into this situation, as it is not spiritually complete just yet.

This is a huge awareness to have as so many lightworkers are now asking themselves; Why did this come into my reality again? Have I not done everything under the sun to clear this pattern? Do I know how to manifest what is truly positive for me? The answer is Yes. However, during this Ascension Cycle you are a part of a greater plan and group contribution to the healing completion of emotional responses in the parallel existences. Your contribution in these areas is profound and it is just these experiences that will support you to recognize the Divinity that unites all experience. The purpose is to provide you with the fullness of emotional experience necessary to draw multidimensional levels of awareness into a corresponding state of resolution. What is occurring is a reharmonization of the multidimensional selves into the state of Oneness.

Masculine and Feminine Integration

This part of our evolution process has definitely been at the forefront as we are being led into creating the Divine Union template of the masculine and feminine. Many of us have been reviewing gender roles in ourselves and in our lives. Asking what it is to be a divine human in a female body, or in a male body? We are moving past the family of origin and social programming to explore all kinds of scenarios with different sets of men and women. Many of us have been amply surrounded with examples of the male or female identity piece, mirrored back to us through a host of new and old relationships. Each person is holding a piece of your masculine and feminine integration as you explore what it may be like to experience a sacred union relationship to self and another. For each of us it may be entirely different what the soul chooses to express and how that appears in the physical plane. Alternative relationships and multiple scenarios seem to be coming up for many in the exploration of this integration piece.

It is important to utilize your guidance and allow your freedom to express what feels right for you in this time without the old standards of judgment. Pay attention to your body as it will alert you to what feels right for you and if you listen, it will help maintain the integrity of your being. The freedom to express and explore yourself fully is really the keynote with this integration piece, obviously with harmlessness and with full integrity of emotional disclosure to all involved. When you have nothing to hide, the light of your conscious attention is no longer compromised by secrecy or shame. Your relationships will not be cluttered with any hidden agendas. This clarity is available to you right now if you have the courage to communicate all that you think and feel without hesitation. We are still experimenting with this piece of our evolution and with that, working on the new Divine Union template.

Archetypal Integration

Recently, I have seen that many of us are merging multidimensional identities through archetypal integration. In sessions I have repeatedly observed patterns where there is a merging of identities that were housed in the subconscious and instinctual bodies. This appears to me primarily as constructs in the Second Chakra channels that are now being blended into a Sphere of Oneness. Apparently there is a specific energetic sequence of how this integration piece is upgraded within our own personal chakra and auric field. Lately, many of us have been guided to work with our subconscious energy field to stimulate this archetypal merging. This may include healing with Body Work, Light Symbol Codes, Inner Child (girl/boy) integration and directly working with archetypal symbols. If you have been involved in this work I just want to confirm that you are attuned and right on schedule.

Exit Points

I have been aware that many people around us are choosing Exit Points right now. There seems to be an opening until the end of the year to decide if you want to stay or leave the Earth plane. We are going through these levels of completion now and for some of us the contract is over. Much illness, accidents and abrupt exits have been happening around us. Be sure to remain within a state of Engaged Neutrality coupled with deep compassion, as this is as it needs to be. Not everyone is here to do the physical biological ascension and may need to drop their body, to evolve to where they need to arrive. Many of us are being called upon to be a midwife of the spirit, setting up the transition teams, and helping those families and friends comprehend the passing over process. If this is your piece, I want to thank you for your loving support as this is a role very much needed right now.

If you are unclear about what you are doing here, please consider spending some time renewing your commitment to your soul growth and stating your Declaration of Intention to the Ascension plan and mission. My suggestions would be to set a conscious intention to connect with your Soul, Starseed Identity and if guided, your Star Family. Ask that all spiritual links and connections that are required to create and increase this connection, to be activated and anchored in priority and harmony within your energy field. Set time daily to meditate, connect and increase your Higher Sensory Perception. As you set your intention with a consistent exercise, it will cultivate increased emotional awareness and the cellular knowingness that comes with developed emotional cognition. 

At this time take extra good care of your body as it adjusts to hold a higher vibration in order to work with the new energy fields. Allow yourself play time, safe time, sleep time and heal time. We are moving into a completely new way of living and experiencing our reality. 

Stay In the Luminosity of Your Heart and Soul Path, we are here as ONE.

2006 Lisa Renee,

Break on Through (To the Other Side)
Lyrics by The Doors

You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side!

We chased our pleasures here
Dug our treasures there
But can you still recall
The time we cried
Break on through to the other side

I found an island in your arms
Country in your eyes
Arms that chain us
Eyes that lie
Break on through to the other side

Made the scene
Week to week
Day to day
Hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Suggested for You

  • Spiritual Housekeeping

    Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray and this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the SoulMonad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages and the ES Core Triad.

    At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. This is a vortex set up specifically to exit out and clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF in the boundary test. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad, which is the Threefold Founder Flame. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign-Free, which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ authority.

    In many of our community processes we teach an array of potential spiritual housekeeping or clearing techniques which can be acquired and learned through the many meditations. The Shadow Gate or Transit Gate Vortex is a basic technique that everyone will get a lot of benefit from. To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

    When in situations or locations of severe negative energy build up in the collective, the land itself, the buildings or structures, or interacting with a possessed person/group, these tools can be a lifesaver, and reduce psychic sponging or the toxicity from entering your field. One may also find that dedicating the meditation you are guided to may be dedicated to the specific area or energetic problem lightens the density. Sometimes we may feel too tired and can access a meditation on cell phone or other devices ( turn off wireless and place on airplane mode), to help clear the present space we may find ourselves.

    Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances. Remember that we do not impose our will on anybody or anything, however, we have a divine right to exist in the spaces without being attacked, parasitized and vampirized, and so we must strengthen our field awareness and our sphere of influence in the space. Here are some tools to be aware of not superimposing one's will to commit potential harm to others, but to access the natural laws to neutralize polarities or resolve the energetic conflict in the circumstance or space. These can be said out loud or said in the inner mind or imagined.

    Unity Vow

    Commanding Personal Space

    GSF Project Decree

    Transit Gate Vortex

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  • Parent-Child Protection


    As a parent, you must ask permission from the Higher Selves involved to determine if you are in harmony to represent a healing or other requests on behalf of your child. Look inwardly to deeply feel the answer you receive within, or muscle test. In most cases, in natural law parents have the authority to request spiritual support for their child that is free of interference, until the child is of legal age making their own decisions fully in cause and effect, which is about 21. This changes if the child is incapable of accepting self-responsibility because of mental or health issues. Parents are representative guardians of their children in natural law. If for some reason there is a "no" answer received that blocks the parent's support requests, (which means that it would cause interference in the natural course of events) wait until another time or ask for a direct lead as to what step is next for you to best support your child. Pay attention to guidance received.

    If there is an opening, then request as the Parent to address your Child's Higher Self Spiritual Council (HSC).

    I suggest to complete this entire calibration when your child has just gone to sleep. Request your Higher Self Councils and your child’s HSC to work together in the highest capacity of exchange in service to the Light and in divine alignment to the highest expression.

    I suggest working with amplifying the 12D Shield for yourself as the first step, and then the second step is placing another shield dedicated to surround your child. The final and third step is to state out loud the entire Parent-Child Calibration.

    You may add the use of language that define your own requests or directed to the specific spiritual authority that you feel most attuned to, except that you must include that you are intending to align to the spiritual forces that are serving the Law of One and the Christos Mission.

    Setting a clear intentional space for energy work or spiritual communication is important. Other wise it is possible those with different agendas can attempt to sneak in. Many of the Indigo-Crystal children are of extreme interest to ET races and Fallen entities. So the intention in setting a strong and aligned field is very important. As the Parent, you are commanding the space in alignment to the natural laws, in the Light and in service to the highest expression in the moment. You are commanding the space in the law of structure in so nothing else outside of the vibration of Christ Consciousness is allowed within your sacred space as well as to repel interfering or dark forces.

    Parent-Child Indigo Calibration

    Parent Speaks for Child: We Ask The Guardians, God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    I place my child in the stewardship of which is dedicated to serve God’s blessing and grace and for him/her to be returned into their rightful ownership held in the Natural Laws of God in divine sovereignty, as God would have it be. I bless and sanctify my child to be blessed, protected and dedicated to the highest expression that serves the Eternal God Plan, in the authority of God, and in the name of the Christ.

    Please give me direct cognition of any action or non-action that is required to be addressed as the parent of ______ as I state my blessing and commitment to protect my child as a servant and vessel of God’s highest light and expression.

    (Imagine or Intend filling yourself/child with 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light, the dimension where our 12 DNA strand Avatar blueprint exists. Spend a few moments imagining the feeling as light fills your body.)

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in into full expansion in the Cosmic Christ Force of Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West, into the Earth and Sky: We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible in the light of God. We ask the Aurora forces of light to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    I request that our Higher Selves check to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies and parts or bodies have been abducted or misdirected, and return them to us Now, and to invalidate the beings that did the abduction, further healing and sealing our field from any further intrusion. We call back Now all that is our self sovereign god power and right.

    Further Return all energies and essences that were stolen or misdirected from any source of control or manipulation, human or non-human.


    We call in our personal ascension and evolution team to support us now.

    We Request the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and Holographic Re patterning to the Christ Mind.

    We ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering or interfering with our spiritual growth.

    Please remove all imbalanced energies, implants and their manipulation, all fear-based programs preventing us from completing our ascension.

    Please install the lattice work of light into our mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs.

    You will feel them moving out the top of your head. If You feel specific fears you know about yourself , request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Masters to remove. The more specific the better.

    We request that our Guardian teams focus on my physical body and we ask to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there.

    We Request that you clear and heal our etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking either of us/me.

    We request that you clear and heal our astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from our astral, or emotional body

    We thank the Beloved Guardians, evolution teams and genetic technicians for this healing and support.

    We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral patterns inherited in our genetic lineage that is contributing to any blockages preventing us from our true soul and authentic god realization. We claim in the truth of our being fully revealed as the Light! Our divine inheritance that is the Truth! Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!

    We request that the (Reptilian) tailbone implant/obstruction/manipulation to be removed by the Guardians (or 12th Dimensional God Self) and to restore the merkaba spin and rotation of our lightbody to its absolutely perfect state of functioning. We command all of our Light to be fully received now. Open all energetic communication and pathways to be crystal clear with our etheric template body through axiatonal alignment to the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies. We ask our Root chakra and Sacral Chakra attunement and axiatonal lines be connected to the highest frequency hubs in divine harmony and divine right order.

    Please anchor, activate, energize the 12th Dimensional Blueprint, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be.

    Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body.

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate the Etheric Nadis, Electro-magnetic Battery Body to new connections in alignment with the Spirits of Christ. Reset and Synchronize into this timeline, in this moment of Self.

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all etheric meridian channels to the frequency hubs axiatonal lines in order of priority as needed and necessary. Align and open the hub handshake to the Home Soul-Sun Frequency through the Starseed Identity matrices in the Guardian hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Reset into the highest expression now.

    Please anchor the all Biological Codes and Seed Crystals as needed for the embodiment of the Christos race. Activate the Silicate matrix in its divine order and timing.

    We ask the Aurora Forces of the Elemental Command and their family of Healing Devas that are specific to EMF field balancing, please re-calibrate and align all electro-magnetic devices and frequencies in our home/office/school to be in attunement with our divine essence vibration, our soul plan, then calibrate this field seamlessly into the new earth planetary life force current through the Four Faces of Man.

    We ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed now for the optimum functioning and comfort of our bio-energy field (and for my child) that is outside the scope of our request or current understanding.

    Please calibrate all connections to harmonize and synchronize seamlessly with our energetic field to this timeline _______.

    Permanently, Totally and Completely. I AM GOD, I AM SOVEREIGN, I AM FREE!

    Parent states Intention of Guardianship :

    I harmonize and Hold this sacred space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. And So it Is.

    Please take this clearing through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

    From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, we dissolve and transmute all negative energies in this Moment of Self, in the Past, Present and Future timelines.

    Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and chakra complexes on all levels of being. Take this clearing through the morphogenetic field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal throughout the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal throughout the Time Matrix.

    Beloveds, We thank you for this opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in All ways.

    And So it is. We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union.

    Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, for this eternal blessing of protection.