Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Art by Sequoia

December 2024
Sagittarius Solar Alchemy

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During the move into Sagittarius Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Sagittarian solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Stage 10 Sagittarius, December 18 to January 18

  • Alchemical Theme: Incineration, Resurrection
  • Element: Fire, Mutable
  • Geometric Form: Tetrahedron, Dodecagon
  • Planetary Correlations: Jupiter
  • Alchemical Metals: Gold, White Brass
  • Embodied Correlations: The Christ Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 10D Sapphire Body of the Avatar. Where Fire Becomes Light. The 10D Sapphire wave of the first layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the Shara Complex and the 10th Chakra located behind the left ear.
  • Sagittarius rules: hips, thighs, femur, ileum, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, pelvic ischium.

During the Sagittarian Solar Alchemy, this is the stage of the ascension process which begins the frequency accretion and absorption of the Ophiuchus divine fire water solar transmissions igniting lightbody activations to run throughout the physical form. As the solar light embodies, it performs the function of incineration of the old forms and their dead energy, by letting go of the past identity, the burning up of the lunar force miasma and decrepit energies by solar fire. This is similar to the higher self igniting an inner spiritual bonfire to incinerate the lower self and clear out its accumulated energy parasites and miasmas, which may bring on the dark night of soul stages of healing crisis. Once the higher divine blueprint and the Cosmic Aether of the holy spirit have been reconnected into the spiritual links of the human body, massive spiritual healing through divine design begins. This is reducing the old identity held in the personality’s Negative Form of shadow selves and its ancestral miasmatic debris into ashes. As the Phoenix rises from its burnt ashes, the consciousness is reborn upon its old form which was incinerated in the spiritual bonfire. The Phoenix's ashes represent the past, while its rebirth symbolizes moving on and starting anew. The Phoenix has been attributed to Ancient Egypt, and is depicted as being consumed by fiery flames and then rising from the ashes, which symbolizes spiritual transformation and renewal through destruction.

This stage of the spiritual alchemy represents the phase transition which changes the matter substance from blackened, to gray and then to white. Sometimes one can sense the phantom death or death energy when moving through the blackened state. Yet, this begins stages of great spiritual renewal and resurrection in the pure heart of ascending consciousness.

The Law of Verification

  • Astrological Correspondence: Sagittarius – Jupiter - Fire
  • Chakra and Sphere 10, Solar Christ Mind of Avatar Body

The Law of Verification is the link to what has been learned through the lessons of life and the gathering of knowledge that has been accumulated, and then verifying those experiences by figuring out how to apply that knowledge into our everyday life. We take our spiritual lessons and then explore the opportunity to apply them to the material world, paying attention to the results we may get. We get to explore ourselves and our perceived limitations by experimenting with the knowledge that has been gained in order to increase our skills, competencies and talents, by changing and experimenting with the way that we do things. Through verification of what we are learning, we access our creative potentials in order to find new methods to address old problems, and this pushes us beyond our limits to increase our self-confidence and personal power to know that we have all we need inside of us.

If we can look at the negativity and challenges we face as life lessons designed to expand our consciousness, we may approach problems in life with a completely different attitude. We then realize we will have conditions, events and people that surface in our world that come to test out what we are learning about ourselves. We are given the opportunity to adjust our thinking, to know this experience as the truth and see it as a blessing, shifting our reactions to many of life’s experiences. The Law of Verification comes into play when building a strong spiritual foundation, when there are things in our life that need to be stabilized and made stronger, because something in the core is weakened. We may undergo tests of character to see how strong we are in the commitment to personal values or spiritual growth, and in what areas we may falter. If we base our decisions in life upon falsity or lies, this weakness will be tested and brought to the surface so that we can see it operating and verify the truth of it through our own experience. This realization supports the ability to perceive where we need to make changes to modify attitudes and behavior, and to perceive the opposing forces of polarity involved, in order to verify if we are acting in alignment to the natural laws, in alignment to our authentic selves. The Law of Verification teaches us a lesson through inner revelation. The path of moderation in all the pursuits in life in order to achieve energetic balance, is the key to mastery of this law, which opens the communication with neutral forces, the Trinity Waves.

Verifying Personal Integrity

The Law of Verification is the link between what you have learned about yourself spiritually, who you are at the deepest levels of personal integrity and unflinchingly applying it into every aspect of your daily life. It is now that you must find ways to use this new knowledge of yourself by grounding it into your daily life and personal habits. Your new hard-earned levels of truth, freedom, soul integrity, of what you feel is right for you personally, become challenged by circumstances, people and things. Many of these old circumstances will not resonate with you anymore and thus, will end, fall away, disappear or be reformed to your new frequency. Many times, this appears rather troubling even though it is a major blessing in disguise.

This law presents you with a trial or test, to see if you can still remain in your personal truth or on your path, despite challenges to your new way of being and hard pushes made against your integrity. It is a time where you must devise new methods of dealing with old problems. It is a time that demands new insights and creative resolution. We are then led to explore new beliefs about our world and what is transpiring around us.

As we gain mastery with self-control, we use the Spirit of Patience and tact in the handling of such situations.

The questions we need to be clear for our Verification:

  • What in my life needs stabilizing?
  • What tests must I pass to learn my lessons?
  • What beliefs do I hold that I must verify through my experience?
  • How am I synthesizing opposing forces in my life?
  • After going through the death of transforming, what characterizes my new rebirth in this next cycle?
  • What law of God do I violate and what can I do to stay in harmony with those laws?

You may want to investigate these to be more aware of your fears and triggers that bring you into a downward spiral. Recognize those emotional triggers and work to adjust them, refocus your thoughts to trusting in the divine order. Trusting implicitly in spirit and divine guidance is a huge test for many of us in the wounded healer archetype. Know it is time and that we are eternal.

The 10D Shara Complex Activation

The Shara Complex is our lightbody’s communication interface that is the 10D instruction set that allows our current identity to communicate with our Inner Christ Avatar, and to further connect with our Universal Melchizedek consciousness gestalt family. We need our Shara Complex to operate correctly with the Galactic Sun Star Network and portal system, that connects us with our Galactic Star family and the highest spiritual forms in the Universal Rishi-Reisha Flame bodies that are directly linked beyond the time matrix in the God Worlds. The Shara controls our entire Personal Christ incarnations through the many stations of identities we have had, throughout all timelines in every density. In previous timelines without our Shara and Rasha body working correctly, angelic humanity was subjected to being recycled through repeated reincarnations, because we could not remember who we were or remember how to connect with our highest spiritual selves and organic spiritual family. With a properly functioning 10D Shara Complex, all of these incredible functions are natural and automatic for angelic humans. As we reclaim the 10th Stargate, we are also reclaiming our divine inheritance as Galactic and Universal Star beings.

Angelic humanity can look forward to the reconnection of the 10D Shara Complex in the future, which has fantastic physical health functions that activate the immune system and organs, by linking the thalamus to the thymus to protect the spiritualized Christ pattern in the blood from any infiltration of miasmatic patterns. As well as offering an incredible array of higher sensory perception skill sets that go way beyond anything we can imagine on the planet currently. Certainly, the 10D Shara Complex activation will make it impossible to believe the lies told by others or be fooled by deceptive narratives any longer, as the coherent and krystal clear truth of the Inner Christ will be the only thing directly known, felt and seen, when this lightbody activation occurs for each ascending individual.

10D Sapphire Body Activation

With planetary Sapphire Body Activation, the access into organic 10D layers expanded between the Reisha Worlds into our side of the time matrix, connecting to the Cosmic Blue Rainbow Sun network of the Mahara Reisha Blue Dragons. The 10D sapphire flame body began to emerge and connect with the 23D Founder Sapphire Flame igniting in the 10th Stargate Network and this ushered in many of Cosmic Mother’s spiritual representatives from the Reisha Worlds, into our world.

The beloved Peacock Angels of Pavo constellation bring awareness upon the 10D Shara Complex that suffered much damage when the Sapphire Blue Flame Mother was ripped out of the planetary matrix through the 10th stargate invasion, and thus they remind us that the Shara instruction set is entwined with the dark matter Rasha Body as its mirrored reflection. (i.e. Shara=Rasha)

When the 10D matrix imploded, the portal passageways utilized by the Avatar Christ-Buddhic-Maharata consciousness connected to the Cradle of Lyra, was being generated by the Galactic Sun Star network that was connected into the Shara and Rasha layers, and these networks were extremely damaged from NAA invasion histories. The Galactic Star network and its instruction sets are connected and plug into the 10D-11D-12D trinitized forms of the Solar Logos Christos-Buddhic-Mahara consciousness identities, yet the planet was unable to run these solar frequencies until the Platinum Crystal and platinum frequency of the Christos Avatar Ray was activated in the planetary grid approximately 24 years ago.

Solar Star Chakra

This is the Solar Star Chakra, located 6 inches above the crown and is Sapphire in color. The 10th Chakra has lines around our Left side and its main portal is a network from behind the left ear, to the crown chakra (7th Chakra) and into the Soul Star directly above our crown, about 6 to 8 inches above our head. This is a Triad Communication Station portal from our Avatar Christ consciousness intelligence, and without this communication hub in our lightbody, we cannot sense communication from the Krystal Star at that frequency level. The thalamus is connected to the 10th axiatonal lines and the 10th Chakra.

Sapphire Flame Body Architecture

Through Guardian Host and Padmasambhava, we have learned that the 10D stargate under Iraq houses an ancient sapphire diamond crystal connected to the 23D Sapphire Flame and Sapphire Diamond Shield that is holding all of the holographic records of the 10th gate. Guardian Padmasambhava is a protector of the sapphire diamond shield of the Blue Rainbow Triple Solar Goddesses of the 10th Stargate Network and planetary dark matter body, and therefore has taken an active role in recent events. Additionally, the 4D stargate in Giza houses an ancient ruby crystal connected to the 22nd Ruby Flame that is holding all of the holographic records of the 4th gate and the Sun portal. Iraq’s 10th gate Sapphire Crystal and Giza’s 4th gate Ruby Crystal hold the entire spectrum of Diamond Sun genetic codes for the 10D Shara Complex, which functions as the Christos Avatar body’s tri-frequency communication network within the 10D Solar Star.

Guardian host explains that reclaiming these layers of the Sapphire-Ruby crystalline architecture in these stargates is critical for the merge of the tri-matrix of God Founder Tesseract Cubes to 36D; the ongoing reclamation of the Cosmic Spirit Body of the Blue Rainbow Suns. This includes connecting the Shara Complex back in the Rasha Body, repairs to the Ruby Sun DNA distortions from Nephilim Reversals, along with the continuation of the authentic Emerald Sun DNA Cosmic Dragon Starhuman embodiment. Therefore, the sapphire diamond shield and ruby diamond shield have arisen as merged Triple Solar Suns of the Cosmic Christos-Sophia male-female hierogamic template, giving Christos Starseed dragon people on the planet the ability to purge out many of the NAA imposters that have been using cloned aspects of their consciousness body parts along with access to the Holy Father’s 36D Founder cubes.

Cosmic Father's Azurtan Triple Rod Tones

The Universal Melchizedek Holy Father’s Triple Rod Tones for the masculine rainbow rod and his dark matter halo suns seem to resonate into AZ-UR-TA-NA electro-tonal codes, where they merge into their authentic corresponding Aeonic Pairs in order to blend with the sophianic diamond heart songs of the Triple Solar Female’s TA tones.

Thus, with newly available organic Kryst codes, the Guardian Host is anchoring Cosmic Twinned Dragon Pillars in the Asian grids with Universal Melchizedek masculine-feminine solar dragon TA tones to dismantle the Zeta Drakonian artificial red wave constructs with organic dark matter rainbow body plasma shields, along with further corrections being made to the Rasha Body for supporting the planetary tones for the complete Eukachristic shield and rehabilitated Shara Complex.

To address the increase of recent unidentified aerial phenomenon and drone sightings across the globe, Guardian Host has brought forward the reminder that our planet is enduring hot active warfare between off planet and on planet factions, which culminates into Operation Red Skies, Blue Skies and Black Skies. For those that may receive benefit from its intended spiritual support, I have included my journal below from earlier this year.

Operation Red Skies, Blue Skies, Black Skies

The final battle of Michael Wars in Antarctica

Dear ES Family,

For about a decade, Guardian Host would point to the Family of Michael histories with Michael Wars and the assorted stolen technologies from Aldebaran that have been outfitted into the 9D stargate located in Antarctica, and the transmission would be “Red Skies at Night” (resonating to the lyrics of a song by the Fixx circa 1982) for verification of these covert operations. This message came with the sensations of a final conflict battle that would be coming involving the lineages of the covert German Esoteric Societies or Black Sun Nazi’s from World War II, that went underground in the USA and Antarctica. The future timeline event was the continuation into completion of the Michael Wars from space that was finally going to manifest on the planetary surface to complete the warring cycle of the Luciferian Rebellion. This would be one of the final culminations of the massive conflict between malevolent and benevolent forces and it would come with threats of nuclear war being connected to the Armageddon software agendas of the NAA to incite World War III, and that event is the eventual catalyst for the Collective Awakening Event.

This is exactly the time and space we find ourselves straddling at this particular stage of surreal spiritual warfare. As we started the Aries Solar Alchemy, it began with the reconnaissance and warnings from our teams telling us to change the way we hold group offerings, and to be careful and check in for daily updates in case there were last minute instructions. On the periphery, and sometimes during full defense posture, there have been Guardian liberation projects ongoing with confrontation of Secret Space colonies that have been major manufacturing hubs for enslaving human souls in biological drone bodies as worker slaves. Recon keeps leading back to their source directives and originations, taking orders from the NAA big archontic bosses that are stationed in the underground bases around the south pole and lodged in the 9D stargate of Antarctica.

We have been assured several times that there will not be another cataclysmic surface event as there has been in the past with several floods or ice age destructive resets (i.e. think Mud Flood). But that this time, it was the final battle to end the Luciferian Rebellion history as connected to the family of Michael holocaust, and that we would evade the planned ‘great reset’ through surface cataclysms via the Collective Awakening Event as connected to RED SKIES, which signals the evolution into the organic timelines of planetary ascension and finally result in human liberation.

Lately, the confirmation of the solar system battle that began in Aldebaran is referenced as the Space Force Red Skies regiment, and there has been the acknowledgement of the timelines blending with Michael Wars and that we are enduring the hidden warfare now that is taking place and being directed from the Antarctica region. This is connected to the return of Cosmic Father’s ruby templar and his solar dragon forces that have been observed organizing into strategic formations and showing up to defend many of us in this community from the onslaught of antichrist weaponry. Further, much of the resistance is connected to the NAA’s Operation Blue Skies and Black Skies and their plans for staged alien invasion to hijack the benevolent off worlder groups sky forces.

Everything that is the organic code in our creation that supports life and the natural energy exchange with the benevolent forces of God, has been copied in counterfeit and run into anti life reversals (i.e. metatronic-monadic reversal). This was purposed to replace the organic ascension timeline and to redirect the world soul of the human population into manifesting the imposter spirit narratives recorded as the bible’s revelation events of the Armageddon software. Intended as a control operation, this was to incite the mass fear broadcast of the cataclysmic pole shift and explosive solar flash generating mass destruction, as supposedly God’s final plan to eradicate the wicked.

Many of us are aware of the planned staged event for global alien invasion using advanced holographic technology called Project Blue Beam or Blue Skies, these technologies were used for the Fatima Marian apparitions in Portugal. Further, it is well known that the Blue Beam agenda was pre-told by Werner Von Braun as the final strategy to control the global human population. [1]He was a nazi insider in the aerospace industry with connection to Antarctica factions, and worked with promotion of the Disney propaganda films for the “space race”, and was one of the many Project Paperclip rocket scientist recruits from World War II.

It is an interesting pattern to see that the blue beam projections were transmitted on the 13th of the month for six months in Portugal in 1917, and began exactly during the electrical peak cycle for maximum influence on the world population. Many of which would go on to die of radiation poisoning and so-called Spanish flu, similar to what we have suffered over the past few years through an instant replay using the whole covid narrative. The controllers like to replay their successful holocaust timelines over and over, and this blue beam operation was successful based on the millions who were killed worldwide through the so-called solution to the manufactured problem, as the newly introduced genetically modified vaccines with foreign DNA substances, best described as the intended bio-weapons.

The Six Appearances by Our Lady in 1917

  • May 13, 1917 ~ The First Apparition.
  • June 13, 1917 ~ The Second Apparition.
  • July 13, 1917 ~ The third apparition.
  • August 19, 1917 ~ The fourth apparition.
  • September 13, 1917 ~ The fifth apparition.
  • October 13, 1917 ~ The sixth apparition.

We began to look at Red Skies operations more closely during the planetary emancipation cycle of 2015, when the spiritual warfare against humanity was heavily escalated through the satanic mainstreaming of transhumanist-transgender agendas for the purpose of blocking human ascension.  The same patterns were being shown as connected to the Jade Helm military operations for AI mapping of the planetary surface grid that was in full swing at that particular time. This was when they were getting the US masses riled up about the measles outbreak at Disneyland, spreading vaccine propaganda and starting to threaten California parents with mandated child vaccinations in order to get them enrolled in schools. This was the timeline trigger event and dress rehearsal for future covid plandemic operations. This sinister plan was unfolding and it was made clear that California was the black sun prototype for the techno totalitarianism model that was implemented in Communist China during the communist revolution. The controllers were indoctrinating young and immature minds by bringing this ideological scourge to the academic institutions in the United States, and looking back we saw this satanic agenda unfold at turbo speed not only in California, but spreading its dark infection across the world.

Red Skies at Night

  • "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning" first appeared in the bible in the Gospel of Matthew.
  • Christ answered, “At sunset you say we will have good weather, because the sky is red."
  • It is an old weather saying often used at sunrise and sunset to signify the changing sky and originally known to help the shepherds prepare for the next day's weather. Despite there being global variations in this saying such as "Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors warning", the scientific understanding behind such occurrences remains the same.

And here we are back at Red Skies and related Red Sky events. It is important to express that these are my direct experiences over the years and they were happening way before the Q movement began in 2017. Although clearly there appears to be similarities as reported by some of the alternative truther community.

Red Skies level of strategic operations has been going on for a very long time. These are guardian operations that span multiple timelines into higher dimensions that include other benevolent races as well as advanced off world humans. With recent geomagnetic storms of red skies, highlighting the return of Cosmic Father in his Ruby Templar, there have been other stages of the operations unfolding in connection with the Secret Space Liberation and confrontations unfolding in Antarctica.

The final conflict is ultimately between the Christos Guardian forces who are the progenitors of the core manifestation template and diamond sun DNA that created this planet and angelic humanity versus the anti-human, anti-Christ NAA invaders that conquered us during the Luciferian Rebellion. Now we can clearly see the horrific consequences of losing that war 26,000 years ago, all around us in the form of human trafficking, consciousness slavery, world poverty and child sacrifice, the dark encroachment of a prison planet.

In retaliation to interdimensional benevolent teams working in cooperation with the Red Skies projects to defend the planet earth’s ascension timeline for human liberation, the NAA came up with the Blue Skies or Bluebeam version to counter their progress, attempting to thwart their objectives at every turn. Ultimately, Christos Guardians will continue on various interdimensional planes to implement the strategies of Red Skies through coordinated operations and eventually, probably soon, this will lead to catalyze Blue Skies and related events. This could manifest surreal and mind-boggling circumstances of ET crafts or off-worlders showing of advanced technological powers, that are connected to the Collective Awakening Event. These will be major global events which then finally bring on the global disclosure that no one can pretend is not happening, because life on planet earth will change forever.

Please be aware that as mentioned before, we live in the wild card times of many possibilities, and no one knows the exact date and time of these actual events, it is in the hands of God.  I was given the green light to share this information with the community along with the prayer and hope that this can be helpful for you to prepare mentally and emotionally, and help family members, if indeed something this drastic does occur in the outerscape. It is important that you keep calm and do not panic or believe that we are being conquered by space aliens, we are not alone anymore. The alien invasion already happened a long time ago, and we are living through the liberation of our planet and alignment with the organic ascension timeline that includes the eventual positive outcome for humanity that begins with the onset of the Collective Awakening Event.

May we feel the support of our Guardian defender families surrounding us amidst the surreal energetic landscape and unpleasant ascension symptoms and swirling electronic warfare!

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. May you and your loved ones be blessed this holiday season and in this coming New Year. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


Reference: [1] The Alien False Flag: Historical Perspectives and Theoretical Implications for Government Control

Suggested for You

  • Axiatonal Alignment

    Axiatonal Lines create the energy network in the light body where all dimensional frequencies are transduced into the meridians, chakras and etheric nadial structure. These 12 vertical lines move throughout the entire light body running energy to the chakras. These 12 vertical lines create intersection points with the horizontal fields that project out the Chakra cones, and where the DNA manifests. Each axiatonal line has a corresponding dimension, Chakra, chakra crystal, and frequency color.

    Inside your 12D Shield, request an axiatonal alignment to align and unify the vertical to horizontal energetic frequencies between the male and female energies in your auara. This is to balance polarities to zero point or unification, and to strengthen your vertical channel and open direct communication channels to your spiritual and God bodies. 

    • Left Hand: Female, Receiver, Magnetic, Counter-Clockwise Rotation 4-7-10-1-5 (from Left-Right)
    • Right Hand: Male, Transmitter, Electric, Clockwise Rotation 3-6-9-2-8 (from Right-Left)
    • Central Hara Line (Unity): 11-12 (straight up and down)

    An Axiatonal Alignment is a request for our energetic light network be calibrated and phase aligned to support maximum health, harmony and balance throughout our bio-energy systems. The Axiatonal Alignment process is one of the requested steps to connect to the inner core required in the energetic HGS Calibration process to access the HGS system.

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  • EMF Field Calibration


    Set the Command for Recalibration before bedtime. 

    Connect to 12D Hub (see 12D Technique)

    Invocate the following: 

    We Ask The Guardians, our God Self, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Christos Force Of Liquid Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible.  We ask the God Sentinels and Aurora Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Anchor, activate, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be. Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication. 

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body. Reset and Synchronize to Ascension Timeline of God-Sovereign-Free in this moment of Self. 

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all upgraded etheric merdian Channels to the Aurora Portal Network and their Axiatonal lines in order of priority. Please Recalibrate, Synchronize our clock shield and horizontal networks. 

    Anchor the Biological Codes for the Christos Race, Activate my Silicate Matrix and Activate the God Particle Electrons.  

    Beloved Aurora Forces and the New Earth Aurora Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electromagnetic devices and spectrum of frequencies in my home and office to be in attunement with my highest divine essence vibration.  

    Call upon your personal “Gatekeeper” assigned by the Guardian Celestial Management Structures to monitor and correct all disturbing radioactive and EMF frequencies creating disharmony within your field. Request your Regent Guardian “Gatekeeper”  permanently to monitor energy harmonization of your field 24/7/365.  Phase align and synchronize all 12 bodies and establish beneficial communications between all minds for optimum integration. 

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