Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

May 2007

Lisa Renee

This last quarter has been nothing short of breathtaking, with such life altering transformational forces propelling us forward. We are still settling into the multidimensional intersection described last month. Feeling relieved, grateful and at times grief stricken as we have left much behind. Our old world which included layers of outworn belief structures, errant emotions and the idiot compassion that drew us into others dramas, are withering  away from our lack of attention. An experience of the inner light bearing the true compassion for ourselves and others has surfaced to honor our new reconstruction and reordering. We are feeling quite humbled.

We have recently emerged from completing an incredible phase of human species evolutionary development, into an expanded awareness of our multidimensional nature. A New Era of human consciousness is beginning at this density level, meaning the 3D consciousness awareness that we as a species are moving through. We have reached a stage of critical mass where we will bear witness to the changes coming to bear upon our external view, refracted by the light shining through a changed hologram. For many of us, this summer will appear quite different as a new terrain will have risen for our earthly experiences. 

Getting us to this stage, we are existing in such a wide spectrum of frequency that we have never experienced before in our physical bodies. It is all very New. Similar to the governing process in the Tarot Wheel Of Fortune, the Universal Law of Cycles has built the momentum pushing us into the catalytic breakthrough, leading us as a species to our new destiny. It is now that we begin the New Era. It was very uncomfortable birthing ourselves but now it is so worth it.

The Four corners of the divine throne of God, the Four Pillars of the Hu-Man, has returned to Earth by way of the New Elemental Command. (Please refer to the New Earth Element Encryption¹ note at the end of article).

Planetary Activations

May is a very big month for Planetary Frequency Activations.

In Mid may we will have another Ascension Wave Cycle opening up for many more of us to reach the critical mass necessary to begin another stage of our personal awakening or initiation into higher frequency fields. The Guardians have described four different scenarios for the Ascension Plan, or group waves for this year. (See in the March newsletter, 'Showtime!').

For those unprepared it will feel like an unbearable pressure cooker that has popped open their consciousness and forced transformation upon their old way of being. You may observe some beings within your external view that have been ignoring the Universe’s message that they need to heal or make adjustments in the way they live. The most common way the soul will utilize the reorganization of ego in these beings is through a healing crisis, manifested by an emotional meltdown or being taken out of physical commission. It is important to honor these processes in the beings around you and to not be caught up in the illusion of what the 3D labels may call it or refer to it as. We will have many more opportunities this month and ongoing to practice loving compassion with engaged detachment, when observing the transformation of the people around us. It may appear to be a dark night, but truly hidden behind it is the Light of the Soul coming into view. Bless their process and join the celebration of a new dawn of consciousness emerging from beneath the dark ashes.

As the experienced Agent of Transformation you have become, having repeatedly arisen as the Phoenix from the very same dark ashes, lending your strength, compassion and knowledge will be very much needed and appreciated during these times. Give back your Goodness or Godness to the world. Give your love, knowledge and blessings and expand your abundance through this service of sharing all you know about transformation. The soul’s true nature is of One, one with abundance, joy and fulfillment found through this purpose of service.

Now for some detail on what is to be activated on the planet and within our bodies, currently, as this will help you to prepare and to understand the direct nature and task of our current transformation. In the coming months you will be able to see clearly just how the governing processes of our transforming energetic biology is affecting the external manifestation, our holographic projection into this reality system.

This year most of the crisis surfacing or manifesting in our global and personal view, our micro and macro, will be moving spherically around these intensified issues. These are the 3rd dimensional attributes and processes that govern the solar plexus function for the human species. The pressures of the transformational forces will increase the likelihood of a breakdown of certain structures of order and more acts of imbalanced egos jostling over power. Remember this is a necessary part of our process, to shift our consciousness and to stay expanded in our view and light energy. As you maintain your light connection with an observing consciousness you will be totally unaffected by the external chaos.

Solar Plexus Activation

In this month of May, we will be commencing another activation period referred to as the Pillar Three Star Cycle. On the planetary level we began these transmissions in May of 2005 to activate frequency and to open the Crystal Star seals governing each of the chakra complexes. This is the sequence of annual energetic transmissions that are influencing the planetary shift into ever higher frequencies by completing the Seven Main Chakra activations, which end its cycle in 2012. This Pillar of energy will affect the masses and is related to a realignment of our third chakra or our Solar Plexus chakra. As this frequency becomes available it will begin to release the 3rd Crystal Star Seal that governs our 3rd dimensional identity structures, which will then begin to recalibrate the solar plexus function into a higher expression of its nature. As the Agents of Alchemy, as the Transformers you know this. It is the purification of lower dimensional expression and it will result in a purging. Most of us have completed the levels of this clearing to smoothly navigate this activation. However we will be observing the results of this activation globally in the masses and possibly in sections of our personal environment. 

The 3D identity structures are the three mind matrices of our Subconscious, Instinctual and Conscious or Reasoning Mind.  When the 3rd crystal star seal is released it also begins to build the 3D layer functions of our merkaba body, which begins to merge the next level of our soul family identities, the past/future lifetimes with our consciousness here at this density.

The Human’s Crystal Star Seal grid is located on the main vertical spiritual current, or central column. This is also called the sushumna or hara line of our energy bodies, upon which our seven main horizontal chakra cone system is built. The crystal seals grid is what governs the particle spin and levels of frequency accretion that are transduced and transmitted into the chakras.  It serves the function in the energy bodies of keeping the human soul identities and the auric layers of the body in separate dimensions. Therefore the bio-energetic mechanics of the crystal star seals greatly impact the capacity of our ability to embody higher expressions of dimensional consciousness and evolve.

Along with this solar plexus activation, this particular 3rd level Yellow Crystal Star Seal is a primary crystal seal that correlates with certain bioenergetic functions in our bodies. This means that the processes that correspond to physical functions and their systems may have periods of adjustment of change, to upgrade the body into higher functioning. The main physical upgrades will be focused on improved cardio-vascular and pulmonary system functions and the ability of the body to convert nutrients into usable energy management for the body.

This means we may experience radical changes with our food, food consumption and how our bodies convert food into energy. We will require less consumed food as our bodies use light source as a nutrient to convert energy for our bodies.

This particular Crystal Star seal will also unlock upgrades in the etheric nadial structure, which is the energetic blueprint for our physical body’s Central Nervous System (CNS). This means upon completing the star crystal seal release, our CNS will have an upgrade that will allow greater capacity of electrical functioning to prepare the bodies to receive new levels of conducting, transmitting and holding frequency that is of the Soul Matrix. The natural sequence leading us through this cycle of mass Solar Plexus activation, is to begin to merge the three Stations of 3rd Dimensional Identities. These three are the 1D-Subconscious, 2D Instinctual, and 3D Conscious or Reasoning Ego Minds. As these bodies are integrated into one 3D energetic level within the energy body, together they merge and create a Shield. This formed Shield is akin to an energetic completion of the 3D experience for the personality, and the 4D Identities of the Soul Matrix and its Frequencies start to pour into the energy bodies. It is the 4D Etheric Nadial Complex that is a final function of the upgrades governed by the Yellow Crystal Star Seal being released in the masses at a planetary level. This allows the Soul matrix and its 4D-5D-6D frequencies to be physically embodied.

As you may begin to understand this larger picture, this portends humongous changes in the masses of human consciousness by virtue of the mechanics of these particular activations and the star crystal seal functions. It is going to be a wild magical ride into a space, for which we as a species have no framework, benchmark or template. This promises amazing opportunities for us as we stay in the light of our implicit connection to our Higher-Self, God-Self. We must maintain flexibility, expansiveness and surrender to the highest expression of our being at all times. Please note that in a being who is resisting the change into its soul expansion, you will observe that there will be a failure of these systems to function properly. If during this time you are exposed to any of the malfunctions of the solar plexus and its corresponding crystal star seal, meditate, ask for help and bring in your healing teams to recalibrate these areas for you. As an example, call upon your Light Family of healers and ask that all miasma, imprints or blockage be released out of your solar plexus and to activate the perfect release and functioning of your star crystal seal. Know that all requests are fulfilled and all you need will be given, as you keep your consciousness steady in the light and invite the help in.

More about the Solar Plexus

Here is some basic information about the 3rd Chakra, to help reframe the outward manifestations you may be observing relating to its issues.

This Energy Center has the attributes of consciousness that govern our mental body and issues around power, control, the freedom to be oneself, and our chosen career. The greatest need of this Chakra is to live in an organized world where everything is orderly and disciplined, to be an intellectual and be an individual.

This Center is the foundation of the ego and its personality and is where we carry anger, hostility, rage and issues that arise when we feel threatened in our personal power or ambition.  This area is a clearinghouse and receptacle for repressed emotions.

The  Solar plexus chakra is related to the transition from base states to higher states of emotion, as well as the exchange of energy, assimilation and digestion. This Chakra supplies the energy to all digestive organs such as the stomach,  pancreas , gallbladder and liver, which play a valuable role in digestion and in the conversion of food into energy for the body. Digestive problems come out of imbalances or damage held in this Chakra.

In closing, things may start to look pretty odd or pretty wild to us at times during this cycle of transformation. More of the masses will be initiated into leaving human order and moving into divine order, which is not based on reason or linear thinking to satisfy the ego. This sets a world stage of confusion for many who are not aware of what is transpiring.

Your knowledge will be ready to be received during this time and you will be asked or encouraged to speak your Truth, as the Agent of Transformation that you are. Just Be it. You will Be supported in your Truth.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path. We are here as One.

Lisa Renee

[1]. New Earth Element Encryption
The latest evolutionary shift developing is that the elemental physical body is getting upgraded at the subatomic and molecular level. This subatomic level of our elemental-physical body blueprint commences at the first layer of our core manifestation template. This template is the 1st dimensional layer that consciousness utilizes to manifest in the physical world. This first layer is at the 1st Dimensional level of the Earth plane and its energies or Chi are synthesized and transmitted through our bodies via our Root Chakra. Those ready to receive these new elemental encryptions are starting the process of being released from the old energy structures, which include the timelines of cellular record in our bodies that existed in the 1st dimensional level. They are being reorganized with the new elementals, new divine particles from the 12 D Blueprint levels of the future or original planet Earth. The Elemental Command is also referred to as the Four Faces or Four Pillars of Hu-Man that encompass all of the chemical constituents of DNA, comprising the instruction sets within the physical elemental vehicle.

 2007 Lisa Renee,

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