Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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December 2011


Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

As we close out these final days that lead us into the mysterious ending cycle of 2012, we are at the stage of growth which requires our direct Participation with the inner and outer self.
We are being pushed in every conceivable way from the inner, outer and in-between energetic influences to participate in new ways with our sense of a new self. We have a new self that is emerging now. This is the way our spiritual essence transforms the physical body to higher and higher levels of energetic congruency and alignment with the Source. When we are embodied, when we have built our spiritual house through our consciousness participation, we are then congruent with our inner spirit light and as a result, our life experience is much more peaceful, fulfilling and easy. As we become more and more aligned to our true inner essence, spiritual alchemy transpires and radiates a new outward emanation of the self. This process leads to a direct change in our sense of self, which ultimately changes our goals and where we place our attention as a priority. At this time, many of us are undergoing a change of values, a change of focus and attention, a change of ideals and priorities. We are being cut away from the external distractions and being given holding patterns, to get to more inner clarity. This is the sensation of living in suspended animation where stillness and silence are being forced into your setting for longer intervals of time. Many times, to the untrained mind this can be unnerving. We are being shifted, molded, directed and pushed into the pattern of inner alignment that is especially required now, for our movement into the New Year.

The paradox inherent in knowing the real inner self, is that we are led to the experience of direct knowing that we are fully connected to God Source and thus connected to all things. We have to know ourselves in order to know God. We are not independent but interdependent with all of Life. However, we must become independent or Own our Personal Power, in order to learn to become interdependent or Express Unity and Harmony with Life. So, the revelation of the inner self once defined through many experiences ultimately expresses true Unity with All things. We must have knowing of who we are not, in order to have the direct revelation of knowing who we really are. This requires meeting the dark resistance inside us and in our external reality face to face with honesty. Many people meet the dark resistance of fears, energetic blockages, and miasma with denial and it stunts their personal growth. They are destined to repeat the painful experience again and again. This time requires our conscious participation and developed spiritual maturity to accept circumstances as they are, above our own personal comfort. Being transparent without resistance to the extenuating circumstances, such as the appearance of external darkness or injustice in the world, is the most effective way to perform the spiritual alchemy that transforms difficult and painful patterns into higher resolution and clarity.

During this time the sense of self may also be reflected in relationships we have with others around us, as well as our own biological family members, which may require a level of our personal participation. It is important to be fearless and see the opportunity to interact authentically, increasing your skill in compassionate communication and compassionate witnessing. As this is the holiday season it gives us more opportunities to observe, to reflect and to participate in the higher expression towards our own self as well as others. We can observe and monitor our behaviors, actions and thoughts when we participate in relationship with others. As we consciously participate with our own growth, we simultaneously have the opportunity to free old entanglements and unresolved bonds with other people. When these healing openings occur you will experience old relationships, extended family or people that revisit you or want to reacquaint with you during this time. Sometimes it feels like old wounds are being opened, however it is positive to rethink the outworn attitudes and painful emotions you had in the past and upgrade them to your current version of a compassionate reality. This is a time to apply blessings of unconditional forgiveness to all painful patterns. You are a new self! You exist at a new frequency and the old event is touching into the new frequency for healing, clarity and resolution. When this frequency intersection transpires, it changes the old timeline of the original painful event recorded in your cellular memory. Try to have patience through this process!

We can feel the anticipation of the other shoe ready to drop, as we may feel a subtle undercurrent of directional movement brewing behind the scenes. In the new energy, events transpire with immediacy and spontaneity so get ready for the push forward next year! The push will be for your Participation with the new and improved self, while interacting with the old world through new capacities. Your new self will have more resiliency and less gravitational pull into the painful density or dramas being played out in the environment. No matter where one is in their personal spiritual evolution, this time will require a new level of personal Participation, either within themselves or within the outward mirror of their own reflection in others.

The Mystery School Reveals

We are pushing the envelope open of what has been hidden for centuries from the majority of humanity. In the current mainstream view, few people understand that the entire worlds resources have been segregated and divided, economically through a very few Secret Societies. These organizations have abused their power to claim dominion over others and establish tyrannical rule over the territories of the planet. The main controller function of these Secret Societies are recruiting rich and powerful families, to be given usurped or corrupted knowledge that is passed down through the original teachings of the Ancient Mystery Schools. Many of these Secret Societies or Cloaked Mystery Schools are corrupted by the Negative Alien influences and their reptilian controller agenda. Many ego corrupted humans are just pawns in the shell game being manipulated from other dimensions of reality. This corruption of knowledge and use of alchemy by Negative Ego Ritual Masters, created massive reversal feed line distortions of what we know as black magic grids. Black magic grids are energetic structures of embedded architecture or tangible technologies that are used by the controllers, to perpetrate harm to the planet or humans in some way that serve their agenda. Once a family or politician is in the hidden fold of the pyramid scheme, depending on their function, the economic rewards and use of massive resources are given to carry out specific controller agendas. This is akin to the self-policing internal laws set forth from the thug mentality of an Italian Mafioso family.

Some early permutations of these teachings stem from the Brotherhoods like Sons of Belial, Sons of One, Brotherhood of the Snake established in Atlantis, that later became integrated with the Egyptian Mystery School lineages. As we reveal more of this recorded timeline of our hidden history, it shows how the Mystery Schools of the Earth were hijacked by controllers and corrupted by black magicians. This abuse of technology is the invisible prison, insane asylum, that is used to enslave the people of the earth. It is still actively practiced and used today. As an example, the United States currency system is heavily infiltrated with Egyptian black magic and alchemical symbols that are used purposely to directly control the money supply. Just look at the hidden embedded symbolism on a Dollar Bill. Let it be known that the intentional and continued use of black magic to create harm, leads to a black heart and consequently, soul destruction.

Solomon’s Mercy Shield

As the covenant of Cosmic Christ, Kryst was to return to the planet at the end of the Ascension cycle in 2012, the original blood lineages of King Solomon, House of David, were entrusted with returning the alchemical language and its teachings back to the people of the Earth. This is a spiritual-energetic event as well as an embodiment event. Christ as a physical descendant of The House of David and a spiritual manifestation of the Universal Melchizedek, embodied these Mystery School teachings for the future legacy of humanity. Most all of the Christ teachings have been incredibly distorted and twisted into the control of organized religion by the Reptilians.

The covenant with King Solomon and its Mercy Shield, is being sequentially activated to start the change over from the current infiltrated structure of the Mystery Schools, by reprogramming their corrupted horizontal energetic architecture into a spherical system. Those that have been abusing technologies linearly, like Satanism, will not have the same impact with ritual for this reason. The Solomon Shield is a spherical morphogenetic field designed to buffer and realign horizontal timeline networks and clock shield devices on the planetary body. A clock shield device is like a combination lock that opens biological clocks, your perception of biological Age is governed by a clock shield device, and events in time to manifest locally. The Solomon Shield's specific function is to override grid damage and cataclysm potentials recorded in the Golden Eagle networks. The corrupted black magic energetic architecture is embedded and propagated into the planetary body, the collective planetary mind, planetary timelines as well as our personal bodies. These subsidiary grid systems feed into the larger planetary reversal NET systems, and other networks used by the Negative Alien agenda. This corrupted architecture also manifested energy body distortions in the Arch Angelics and the Hierarchy of Light Beings that maintain and exist within the multiple octaves of dimensional existence. The Fallen Ones, the hijacked architecture of the Egyptian Mystery School lineages from Atlantis have been primarily horizontally controlled, governed by male Golden Eagle and Phoenix Grids, and are being merged and dissolved at vertical levels with the female White Lion Grid as never before.

This shift has relationship to the progress moving forward of gaining access to the Heart Based Male principle to be fully embodied in its Rod function on the planet. This also has purpose to remove the patriarchal domination programs and its negative ego corruption from accessing the true Ancient Mystery School technologies that have been used to control others. The True Mystery School teachings are accessed devoid of negative ego, and are in full and complete service to God Source and thus Humanity. This knowledge belongs to all people. It is the Law of One. It is able to be accessed from the inner spherical Heart Based Intelligence and can be called upon. The mind intelligence is linear to time while the heart intelligence exists as a spherical field in no time, the zero point. These spherical teaching activations are being increased to the public access in a variety of ways. Some of us are preparing for this activation conduit as an embodiment for our service in 2012 and beyond.

Anubian Black Heart

Over many centuries as a result of the extreme abuse, pain and trauma wielded by both humans and nonhumans, there are extremely dense pockets of blackened and dead energy deposited in the Earth. Using Higher Sensory ability, this can appear like black tar, frozen black calcifications, black-crimson crystals, insectoid or reptoid shaped artifacts, pus filled infection and even massive tumors. The Earth is a living holographic record and embeds all events in time and their memory imprints from every living thing into the grid system. Nothing goes unseen and all is known and recorded at the end of the cycle. The Earth is a massive genetic library and energetic record for the Cosmos. Many of the energetic systems are dead, unplugged, extremely damaged or directing circuits of reversal type frequencies. Reversal frequencies over time are harmful, they block the flow of pranic life force and by doing so they eventually create insanity, disease and death in physical forms.

The planetary grid network is extremely complex and is intersected between cross sections of living and dead architecture. Some of it is organic to creation, while most of it is artificial. The artificial networks are how the Negative Aliens genetically manipulated humans into the current state of an unplugged DNA existence. Like a cross hatch pattern, there are vertical, horizontal and diagonal intersections of the planetary grid network. In some of the larger networks such as in Dragon Lines and Stargates there are massive spinning vortex fields that are directed by a crystal heart. The crystal heart is a crystalline network in the earth crust that gives the instruction set to direct the energetic frequencies through the planet’s energetic circulatory system. This works exactly like a human heart pumping blood into the veins and arterial system of the body. If the heart stops pumping blood into a limb because of a blockage, well, there are serious problems.

The planet has some of these serious problems in the crystal heart network of major systems. This issue being manipulated by the Reptilians is referred to as the Anubian Black Heart. Over time the death, destruction and pain of humanity and the planet was collected and programmed into these crystal hearts making them black hearts. Reversed electron networks run these black heart systems and direct harmful energies into the planet. As the macro body relationship impacts the micro body relationship, this means some of us are undergoing massive shifts to clear this damage out of our own body from impacting the permanent atom, located inside our crystal heart, located at the thymus gland area. As we move into 2012, gridworkers will be made aware to neutralize or heal these systems as possible when the aligned timeline permits. Diamond Heart Transmissions from the Aquamarine Mother Arc and embodied Aurora Crystal pattern are a part of healing the Anubian Black Heart in the planet and humanity.

As we study the archetype of Anubis (more on Anubis) it gives us clues to understand why the Negative Aliens are using this memory field and its archetype to influence the planetary field. Anubis is the Egyptian God of the Underworld and upon measuring a deceased person with a black heart, the heart and thus the soul were destroyed by feeding it to Ammit. (more on Ammit)

This Diamond Heart Transmission through our own kindness and loving compassionate heart will be more in our awareness to heal the Anubian Black Heart, which is deposited into the planetary grid system and therefore potential human beings. It is a focus for our healing in 2012. This next year is purposed as the Ultimate Healing of the Hearts of Humanity.

Got Ascension Flu?

As in relationship to the above manifestations in the timeline of the planet, Lightworkers may have had physical issues or dreams related to the memories of Melchizedek Initiations, Egyptian Mystery School teachings, interest in the Egyptian Pantheon of Gods or their related events in your Soul or Monad records. Many of us have incurred soul trauma in this regard and the body may choose to find release and heart healing. Egyptian artifacts and Alchemical symbols, The Sphinx, Anubis and related items may surface in your current awareness. Also, all Head, Face and Neck Chakras are getting a workout. Smaller lotus chakras are opening around cheeks, eyes, and forehead. The True Mystery School Teachings are destined to take the place of organized religion and its propagated wars over God. Ultimately, the dismantling of organized religion is a part of ending tyranny and war on our planet. The Science of Ascension through applied Ancient Mystery School Teachings is the divine right of access to every living being.

The Harvesting of Positive Polarity Beings

This cycle begins another acceleration of groups of souls that have incarnated at this time with the positive polarity influence of their Monadic source. What this means is that there will be more influence in the planetary field to impact those people incarnated on the earth now that have positive charge and positive field orientation. This has large implications in a variety of ways. All levels of our bodies may have one level or different levels of these electrical charges. This is related to the Ray structure that exists at each level of your multidimensional energetic bodies. As you become more whole and aligned to be congruent with your inner spirit, you actually heal and integrate your bodies into One neutral field. As an example, when we understand the physical aspects of the energetic body have a different charge while in a male or female form, the positively charged principle is actually the male physical form. The female form body is negatively charged. This implies we will see an increase of male physical bodies able to shift into their neutral state of physical and energetic being. When the physical body is healed of negative thought form and thus its polarity, neutral state is achieved and in this state the heart intelligence can be opened and accessed easier.

Additionally this energetic principle of positive, negative and neutral exists as an orientation of Soul and Monad bodies. We have all existed in time or do exist within the three states of being. At the end of the cycle, we integrate these three principles into Oneness. This is a part of the Ascension process returning us back into the Unity Intelligence field. So, depending on the overall light quotient we carry and the degree required to shift back into the neutral field, we will have a relative impact of change to our level of being.

Another example of positive polarity is a person who devotes themselves to positive thoughts and deeds but personally judges what is deemed as good or bad. Being of service to the whole requires neutrality not selective positioning. When we are selective, we start choosing our personal will over God’s divine law. Soon we are living in our ego positions under the guise that we are a positive person. So, this positive person learns that there is no good or bad, and in facing and accepting the fear of darkness or fear of death beyond these fears, there is only neutral.

What is being relayed curiously, is that it is much easier to shift a person from positive charge to neutral than from negative charge to neutral. As negative polarity orientation on this planet has reached its harvest capacity, it means those beings in negative polarity are being moved off planet in the next cycle in order to balance their energetic responsibility. As I understand it, it is not of this earth body but somewhere else on another planet with much less veiling.

Kindness Above All

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings and are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your Soul, Connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race, we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness.

As we end this cycle, remember it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are, take the time you need, allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others.

One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child and a person for life. One second of kindness can elevate a child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving.

Wishing you All the Happiest of Holidays.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path. Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

Exercise: How to Participate with your Inner Self:

Inhale a deep breath into your Heart Chakra. See your Heart Door Open Wide while you hold this intention in your mind:

I ask to receive the greater knowledge of my Soul and to be Open to Receive All I need to Grow.

Hold Breath for 10 seconds while focused on your Heart center.
Exhale slowly ¼ (or so) of your held breath and Inhale another deep breath into your Solar Plexus center.
Hold Breath for 10 seconds within your Solar Plexus center.
Exhale slowly ¼ (or so) of your breath and then Inhale another deep breath.
As you inhale bring the energy of your breath from your Solar Plexus upward past your heart and releasing out of the top of your crown.

Rest with 3 Breaths and Start the process again.

As you progress with this simple technique as a daily practice, it is suggested to ask inwardly these simple questions:
• Who am I?
• Where did I come from?
• Why am I here?
• What am I supposed to be doing with my life?
Remember there is no way to do this exercise incorrectly. Let go, feel inside and follow your intuition along with your breath. You may want to journal your impressions for review at a later time.


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