Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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April 2011

Open Architecture
(The New Frequency of Inclusivity)

Lisa Renee

Dear ES Family,

Recently I have returned from the most beautiful and surreal experience that transpired within our group Guardian planetary gridwork project, that many of us participated with over the last month.
Our group had the opportunity to witness the frequency of the New Open Architecture that supports Unity Source Code geometry, penetrate and anchor into the physical elemental planes, collapsing potentially destructive timelines into other positive potential timelines for humanity’s access. This closed multiple galactic wormholes being accessed by Dark entities, that were being used to manipulate time fields or to use the human being’s energy field through the mass consciousness control programs. When you manipulate massive amounts of energy this way, you create rips in the time space fabric, which manipulates time and space as well as the nodes that control timelines. As a result, we have a bunch of entities quite confused by what has transpired as certain technologies they were using are now defunct. Their known existence is changing along with ours.

During mid March this planet had an opening for anchoring new living architecture through the opening portal of the Ascended Krystal Spiral frequency transmission, activated and anchored through the Sacred House of Mirrors. The Sacred House of Mirrors is referring to the Spiritual House that God built by the schematic received through the Divine Cosmic Cube of 144,000. The Ascended Arc Lights of Christos, the Luminaries have created the Architecture that allow this to descend into the physical manifest worlds. In effect, we have animated the House that God Built, in the March Equinox energies. The Mother and Father Arc were a part of birthing the Unity geometries that became living breathing creatures, as the offspring the Christ Child or Trinity, are alive and well dwelling within the Sacred House of Mirrors. This was also physically represented by the spiritual and ceremonial marriage of a Rod and Staff couple based on taking vows of Inner Christ Unity for humanity within the Hall of Mirrors itself. Our Guardian Forces have another conduit through which to work, in the continuing project of building the Open Architecture of Living Light emanating from the Sacred Mirrors of the Monad or Inner God and Seed Atom, weaving its reflection back into the Unity pattern of the Eternal Christos Self.

Our group and many other Lightworker’s across the globe based upon our own inner self determination, chose how we would participate with these upcoming Unity frequencies and the resulting change it would create in the collective consciousness fields. Many of us were sent around the globe to hold certain patterns of frequency represented as Unity consciousness during this last March Equinox. This is a totally new template level of the Christos intelligence field, the Unity frequency of Inclusivity and the Open Architecture placed within our planet, to support it within multiple other planetary spheres. 

There was an immediate reaction of stabilizing internal pressure, from exploding on the surface of our planet and we saw this manifest into the physical planes. These shifts in the collective human fields have created amplification and pressure that have been very difficult to cataclysmic for some people.

Exclusive Systems are Dying

Those of us that are participating as a conduit for the first wave of the Unity Source Code have experienced massive resistance to this change from the old 3D matrix structure in this new integration period and it has not been fun or easy. Since Mid March, this resistance was amplified considerably to reflect the massive shift we have collaborated to co-create with Christos Forces, to expand the Bands of Compassion and Mercy on our planet. We have just invited Legions of New Beings of Compassion and Mercy to come communicate within the Open Architecture of our planet. These new frequencies are forcing everything hidden to be revealed and that a core structural change is required to survive.

The operating system of organizations and entities must change in value from a closed or exclusive system, to an open inclusive operating system, in order to evolve and survive in these new frequencies and ongoing. 

The higher the frequency you are working within inside any of these old organized structures will reflect the sudden onset of collapse, and immediate chaotic changes or economic flatline. As an example, people that are working within jobs of creative, artistic or spiritual interest will have an immense pressure to change their attitudes, values and rules of engagement to reflect a matched vibration. The matched vibration is open and inclusive, not hidden or exclusive. The more dense control structures will take more time to dismantle fully and although not impervious to radical chaotic change, will be slower because of the bureaucratic red tape of the governmental and societal systems that are very slow to make progressive changes. These systems are collapsing but are meeting a critical mass or a collaborative collapse, as so many of the control systems are interdependent and falsely propped up on each other. These are completely unsustainable systems.

During this period when challenged by the 3D structure, practice states of engaged detachment in scenarios of accusations, betrayals, legal and financial compliance issues, or losing material objects. The entire base foundation of your support structure is changing now. YOU may be pulled out of places or organizations that you were previously working, living or collaborating with. Meditate and rest a lot as dealing with these types of issues can be quite physically draining. I notice in order to keep my body functioning I must withdraw continually to my inner sanctum to gather energy. I really have no choice in this matter, my body requires what it requires, and I have to listen to it. It has required isolation.

The old control matrix and the hidden entities manipulating and using it are barking, biting and scratching in every way they can to gain some momentum. It’s been plum exhausting and had many of us hiding out at home. The control matrix is an intrinsic part of all of our banking and money, legal, educational, medical and big pharma, compliance structures and job systems so these areas have been slapping us silly with all they've got. The closed control system is deranged and broken and it has been revealing its mad psychosis to us more and more with every passing day. The desperation of these entities is just dripping from these systems that do not function any more. As a result of this desperation, more mind controlled automatons appear with a standard boiler plate to wield more bi-polar attempts to force your compliance with their generated fear mechanisms. Unfortunately, the unconscious masses are being mostly preyed upon to be the enforcer of these negative agendas, in fear of losing their paycheck.

Consciousness Elevating Process

We are observing a necessary part of the integration process into the new frequency structures. We have accelerated through a huge burst forward and it’s changed what frequency structure we can connect into. It generates temporary schisms of huge discordance in the opposites of the external field. Needless to say it creates a lot of chaos, confusion and disruption to transcend. We should be getting used to this now. You may see undisciplined people acting out their nasty stuff on the stage, as well as human compassion and philanthropic beauty being displayed all in the same moment. Sometimes it will feel like a chafing of building abrasive energies that can feel unbearable as they integrate inside your personal vessel, as your field is designed to work its consciousness magic to harmonize the environment and resolve conflicts between your being and others. Have you noticed another flux of people from the past, family or co-workers, or all those relationships from multiple identities seeking healing, resolution or guidance? Pluto in retrograde seems to also be pushing these scenarios into some mad rush for closure.

Most of us recognize this consciousness elevating process, initiation into new fields of frequency, as the integration of polarities. One cannot be a true knower without having had the direct experience of becoming it. Every Mystery School emphasizes this as a critical initiation, state of consciousness elevation, to be able to transcend the illusion of form as being real. This has been especially emphasized with the Starseed, as many of us were not intrinsically human, and have not shared the value system of 3D humanity. We had to become 3D humans in order to transcend that limitation, in service to the rest of humanity. As most of us have experienced a high level of physical discomfort with the forces of resistance, counter-agendas and what may appear to be adversarial forces placing obstacles in our mission pathway. Many times, the intensity between the polarization of opposing forces provide the necessary catalyst to slingshot our way past density or decrepit energy structures to elevate us quickly to a new consciousness. That is exactly what is happening during this phase and you may be feeling it as such a core rattling experience, it’s like your molecules are shifting.

Beyond the body’s physical exhaustion and attempts to recover from the pushing and pulling of external energies around us, manifested events have elevated to new bi-polar energetic extremes. For those of us committed to be the vessel of these projects, we know that the backlash is inevitable, as the equal and opposite merge of the new frequency appears. Its cellular memory unlocks many dimensional time doorways that were previously closed and it changes the current potential possibilities accessed.

As I returned from these timeline grid projects feeling like a beat up and worn out soldier that had been kicked in the flank a thousand times, I had to address a legal claim of copyright and overdrafts in the bank, as soon as I crossed the threshold of my door at home. This path is not for the weak hearted and clearly all of us have been confronted with extremely challenging issues stemming from the grasping 3D control programs. The level of unconscious reaction received as a backlash of the new frequency architecture anchoring has been very difficult and very hard work. We are birthing a completely new open architecture on the planet at this time, and it holds great promise for all of us.

Painful Global Events

As we began our project on March 10th, in alignment to the planetary unity source code transmissions, the planetary body had a series of events that energetically manifested as a part of the change in the core architecture in the planetary body. Many of these events were at cost to human lives and created terrible destruction.

These painful global events are screaming at us that we must adapt to these new frequencies and change our behaviors and actions of creating intentional harm. We cannot continue to survive as a species, while acting out horrible acts of brutality and cruelty against humanity. The only chance we can survive is to collect our human and natural resources and learn to live in harmony and principles of Unity with each other.

Most humans on this planet do not understand that the collective consciousness fields holding extremely dense bodies of negative ego thoughts and actions as well as primarily selfish materialistic motivations, are used to control us. Humans are manipulated by the very thoughts we create in order to generate destruction and further division between each other. Certain patterns of psychologically warped Tyrannical Despots and their abuse of power continue to explode onto center stage to be dismantled, while the earth and water elementals adjust to reflect accumulated human abuse of the Asian grid and its surrounding land mass. Life as we know it on this planet is being altered, and adapting to transformation is mandatory without personal ego choice.

Most of us have been ignoring the message to evolve our value systems and respect the natural laws for way too long. The choice has been given to us in how we could experience our evolution in relationship to the planet. However, humanity’s actions whether manipulated though mind control or not, demonstrate we consistently choose devastation and cataclysm in order to change our intrinsic behavior. God punishes no one, we make causal choices that have an energetic consequence to our actions, whether human beings are coherent about this fact or not.

Energetic Knowledge is Currency

These recent intersections were made possible by the Galactic Superhighway of multiple Synchronic Lines that meet in highly charged vortices in certain areas of the planetary body. Recent exchanges were connected into other axis points leading into intelligent energy streams of communication into multiple other planetary bodies in our Universe. Transference of code designed to decipher multiple language platforms used on other planets and other Universal systems, were also a part of this core architecture upgrade, which allows more channels of frequency as a directed communication stream available to our planet. Knowledge contained within the Universal Intelligent Energy Streams is the currency of all advanced cultures and races. Humanity has recently linked up into a lot more available energetic knowledge currency to exchange with multiple advanced Star Races, as a part of being included in Cosmic Citizenship. This accelerates our efforts in the Starseed Ground crew, to create more communication opportunities to have cooperative efforts created, in order to be received by those advanced cultures who hold reverence for life and respect for the Law of One. Our planetary grid network is undergoing a process akin to an Omniversal Satellite link up to communicate with multiple platforms of language. This event is rapidly changing our planet’s communication network from a closed operating system to an open operating system. This is going much further, far beyond the frequency fences and distorted electrons used by the controlling factions on earth.

As the planet is now an open architecture with an open operating system, it means larger and more frequent exchanges with other intelligent life streams in our Universe and Multiverse is ready to happen. We have created a new currency for our planet. Advanced cultures that exist all over the Universe, do not have a monetary system of enslavement as we do on planet earth. Knowledge and technology is the accepted currency, and many cultures are extremely interested in the genetic diversity as well as the influences of most of the hidden extraterrestrial influence on this planet.

The Conflict of Esoteric becoming Exoteric

What has transpired over the last month is a huge change in the core Cosmology of our Universe, and heralds a change in the Hierarchies. There is now an incredible level of support from the Hierarchies of Compassion and Unity, which are the Christos and God Forces.

One of the results of this Cosmological and Hierarchal Shift created a large tumultuous conflict and confusion with multiple planetary and stellar bodies and those entities that have been tending to them at consciousness and energetic levels. There are disagreements and resistances to the Open Architecture that is required to establish true UNITY consciousness. This conflict is also being demonstrated below in the physical earth plane in a variety of ways. It requires subservience to the God plan and service to others beyond yourself, and many humans and non-humans are balking at this requirement. (See the Fine Print from December).

There are two main hierarchal lineages that are a part of the Original Prime Creators of this Universe, are the Architects and the Builders. Namely the Luminaries of the Arcs, The Architects and Inspirers of Form, The HEART of Cosmologies of Christos, The Ascended Arc Lights, and the Builders of Form that are within a total conflict of authority. The Descended Arc Lights or the Mind Cosmologies and its Manifestation, also known as the EYE Doctrine by Tibetan Buddhism, meaning what is seen by external senses and not experienced directly through the inner senses of the heart. 

For eons those that have been the Builders have also been the protectors of esoteric truths, and have prevented occult knowledge from becoming exoteric and known to the common man. Many of us understand the abuse of power through Atlantis and Egypt, and the ego that distorted most of these Law of One teachings to be subverted to selfish motivation or parceled into half truths. It is believed in these hierarchies, both human and non-human that exist in multiple planes, that only the entitled are able to access esoteric truths, and that has been the practical understanding of the teaching of Mystery Schools through the ages, as the levels of dark evolution were certainly upon us on this planet. Competent Mystery School’s always emphasize the importance of the COMPREHENSION of the material, and the unifying concepts of its value to know the Nature of Humanity as a God. As one chooses and delves into esoteric studies, it is the nature of the Universe, the nature of the core essence, the nature of the True Self as the Inner God is slowly revealed to the inspired and disciplined devotee.

This is why it is mandatory to purify your heart and to be disciplined to moral and ethical objectives to support humanity as a whole, as these are not mere judgments of character, they are imperative understandings to not abuse the power of knowledge that has been hidden in the esoteric Sacred Spiritual Sciences. The Law of One is such a Sacred Spiritual Science and it has been revealed to our planet in dispensation as a part of God’s plan, to the common human, and to those who would consider themselves the elected or entitled ones to dictate and control its usage or content. Without comprehension of the teachings, without the heart being the foremost priority of its application, the study is immediately corrupt and limited to the planes of the mind.

This is where the two hierarchies of Architect and Builder are now represented in current physical forms and within this conflict of revealing esoteric truths, attempting to merge the polarities of ancient conflicts. It is the reason and purpose of multiple manifestations of bodies of work that are supporting the Law of One. The Three Principles of Creation must Merge into One Unified Expression within these lineages, One that is free of elitism, exclusivity and mind control. Both Hierarchies are required to build matter, and the conflict between these two lineages is Ancient. The Builders decided they did not want to build by the laws of Architects, and set forth their own creations which promptly died. As Law of One, the Natural Laws of God ultimately supports the eternal Heart, and renders everything else as finite to nonexistent. Any Sacred truth rendered from the mind will ultimately die or distort, and the heart will enliven it through eternity, as God Spirit is the Cosmic Heart of our Universe.

We are building the Heart intelligence fields to new levels now. More of us in human bodies are able to meditate, and to be inspired to receive ancient words, comprehend larger truth about our relationship to the Universe, and connect with vast intelligences. This all is a part of the plan of this Ascension Cycle.

God excludes no one and now in this new cycle will not accept exclusionary models.

What was esoteric and hidden is designed to become exoteric and revealed now. Many humans and other beings are still confused and angry about this revealing of all that was hidden and as such the controls and the attacks in such cases continue and escalate. However, the more we seek to control the worse it’s going to get, as the days of these hierarchies existing in these same ways cannot continue.

How Can We be of Service?

The dedication and discipline to maintain the higher focus of nonjudgment and an attitude of service to others, beyond all human fears and frailties, is more than a fulltime job. It requires every last drop of our essence to be dedicated to serve God Spirit and truly be accountable to our own consciousness power. Truly many of us are emanating the new supernal luminescence from the realms of the Superhuman, the Inner Christos. It is our destiny to be Superhuman, as the Inner Christ Spirit is the emanation of the miraculous byproduct of God-Spirit. Our God Spirit is a Consciousness Technology Supreme that overrides all lesser technologies. These recent events give us lots to ponder and meditate upon as change starts from within us. As we move forward with the intention of being a sovereign model of service to others, we commit to continue to purify ourselves to become the experience and comprehension of greater truths that emanate from within our own inner light. We seek to share unselfishly what we have been given that has shown us abiding love and inner peace, with others around us.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

© 2011, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2009-2011, Lisa Renee

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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at:

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