Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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October 2021

Psychology of Evil

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

There are direct experiencers and non-experiencers, empaths and non-empaths. The experiencers and Starseeds on the ascension path know full well we are in deep with the spiritual warfare that is aggressively attacking all Guardian Host representatives, awakening humans and those serving the reclamation of the Christos mission on multiple planes of reality. It is my belief that giving the public those galactic details in the middle of an active genocidal program that is gaining numbers on the Earth plane is not productive or helpful at this time. We need clear minds and pure hearts to unite our focused prayers to support each other and stand up for the truth, in order to prevent more tragedies from escalating that further harm humans or kill more children. Thus, this article is directed to support the empathic experiencers so they can better interact with the non-experiencers around them, by opening compassionate conversations on current news topics and world events that show very clearly that the nature of evil has taken over many people in different positions of social and governmental power.

Those that were characterized by some degree of psychological defect (negative ego), by playing along with the Psychology of Evil rampant in the corrupt global institutions and corporations have now digressed to completely serve the anti-human agendas as a result of the intimidation, bribery, blackmail or extreme social pressure. The predatory nature of workplace corporatocracy intentionally produces psychopaths throughout society and they have become more visible to us, as many of them fell into line during the manufactured crisis. Many in this category are doing exactly what they are told by those in the top chain of command even when it’s evident that these rules, mandates and demands should be illegal, are unconstitutional and are directly responsible for killing people. This has been deeply shocking to witness and a reality check for those who are aware of what is happening in the decline of western culture and the globalscape.

Thus, it is up to us to be willing to explore and set forth the ethical questions that bring to light and distinguish the Psychology of Evil behind the processes of motivating humans to further spawn evil, to enforce harmful actions that greatly devastate many others. Why do so many individuals feel powerless in their lives as if they do not have a choice in the matter? The Psychology of Evil has been subconsciously conditioned in us with an alter subpersonality of self-enforced enslavement that screams we are helpless to change this tyrannical control gripping our reality. That we don’t have a choice in this matter and thus, we are in bondage, to be subjected to our fate as it has been decided by evil tyrants.

This is not true for you unless you mentally decide to embrace the lie as if it is true. We must dig deep to know the contents of our heart, find our most cherished ethical personal value system and commit to stay true to ourselves, uniting with others that share similar values.

There is the great need to openly discuss the facets of the Psychology of Evil that are blaringly obvious in the environment, in which evil reveals its nature by enacting authoritarian and tyrannical control over others through means of great deception, indoctrination and abuses of power. No matter who you are, no matter the culture or ethnic background that you have come from, we all have felt the hair standing on end, the pit of our stomach in knots, when in the presence of something or someone that is embodied evil. To survive this phase of dark immersion in the outer reality that is being controlled by criminal psychopaths at the helm, you will need to know how to identify psychopathy and the presence of evil, so that you do not inadvertently allow this evil to work through you. Will you commit evil willingly or inadvertently, will you allow your body to be an expression of antihuman evil agendas?

The choice is yours to make.

Most people have been mind controlled in the death culture to discount the existence of pathological evil by ignoring it entirely as a factor of influence that spreads misery and disease in our lives. Instead with the gradual mainstreaming of satanism, collectively the masses have been unconsciously conditioned by the controlled media to actually celebrate darkness and depravity by being entertained or fascinated by it. We’ve all been trained to be inclusive and equitable to the presence of evil psychopaths, enabling them to groom young children as if it’s a valid lifestyle choice and perfectly okay to destroy things, enact harm and lie to others. This pall of darkness creeping into our culture was made psychologically acceptable through purposeful semantic deception which led to acceptance of the Psychology of Evil and the pathology of psychopaths as a normalized state of being from classrooms to board rooms, to greatly reward its deviant behaviors in order to condition more of the same in the mentally unstable. This is a clever tool used to demoralize humanity to such degrees that it eventually empowered unadulterated evil to rise among humanity unnoticed and unchecked, which then permeated throughout our culture, as socially adept psychopaths saturated the social-governmental institutions and formed into the cascading tyranny that is clearly observable today.

The Psychology of Evil’s influence has surfaced to such levels of impact that many humans can now feel the crushing sense of building oppression and doom clouding over our day to day lives, as the hidden hand from the shadows tries to gain total control over everything we say or do. The quality of our lives is rapidly deteriorating and many people have not awakened from this anti-Christ nightmare to realize it is the result of tolerating the Psychology of Evil to pervade our lives, allowing criminal psychopaths to run our civilization.

Thus, as responsible citizens we have to know how the nature of evil functions in our world to spread darkness and desolation, and when considering evil, it is not held as a moralizing factor but realized to be a pathology that makes us extremely sick. Understanding the nature of the Psychology of Evil in our midst is what allows us to protect our minds from being infected by the poisonous and diseased contents that are contained within the propaganda that it uses to influence and degrade human culture. For this reason, we have to be awake to see evil’s covert manipulations when they are operating in front of us. It is then we can identify the motivations, thoughtforms and behaviors that are present in the Psychology of Evil because we cannot defend ourselves from the tyrants’ evil plans when we cannot see what they are doing to intentionally harm us and destroy our lives. It is important to remember that evil psychopaths are the minority, yet when they wield incredible power and control at every level of society, they wreak incredible destruction, pain and misery upon the rest of us. Evil forces are liars. Liars know that telling lies is only good for the liar, and this can be disastrous to the choices being made by honest and innocent people that want to do the right thing, but firmly believe in the lies because a supposed expert or authority is spreading them.

The Psychology of Evil inherent in the anti-human forces tyrannical agenda is to make every aspect of our human existence on the planet unbearable, miserable and tortuous, in order to generate total obedience to the evil authority that requires from us the master-slave mentality. Through the brainwashing that starts early with semantic deception saturation in education and throughout the ongoing promotion of the denial of evil’s existence around us, humanity is groomed to accept this horrible fate of accepting evil as if some condition enacted of original sin. This is the great lie of the evilest ones who would keep us crucified and enslaved.

Evil forces that are working to overthrow human freedoms have confounded our language with the purposeful usurpation and theft of words, in which to twist the meaning of those words in order to deploy them as mind control weapons. Semantic deception is the means by which the predatorial minds have hidden their intent by manipulating language to mean the opposite of what it meant conventionally. Through the weaponization of words and the immediate condemnation that comes from those groups that have succumbed to the political correctness of the controlled narrative groupthink, it has stripped us of our free expression and crippled sane and rational public discourse among those not paid off by the global interests. Some of us can sense that what has been set into motion by the global tyrants that want to exert control over every minute function of our mind and body is absolutely unprecedented, as they purposely lead the masses into the hell realms. Many of us realize that our lives on planet Earth will never be the same, and soon we will need to gather strength in unified cooperation to form parallel structures in order to emotionally survive this transition to co-create a better world on the other side of disclosure.

We must be able to discern the data we have access to objectively and as correctly as possible by knowing the end desired result of those in power, in order to make an accurate assessment of current conditions that help us understand the mass encroachment of evil. We will not understand current events until we comprehend how psychopathic evil forces manipulate and control perception in the masses, in order to get them to deny the existence of the snowballing tyranny and by conditioning them to place their trust in the most corrupt and unethical authoritarian or celebrity voices. Like the frog unaware that it is being slowly boiled to death in a pot of hot water, many people still seem to remain oblivious to the escalating tyranny that is rapidly building momentum globally as a result of the general nonresistance and compliance in the masses that is acquiescing to the increase of absurdly tyrannical demands.

Psychopaths Disguised as Trusted Voices

We all will be required at some point to gain acceptance of the knowledge that the level of evil and criminal psychopaths running rampant in our world today are being disguised as the credible experts, political ruling class, mainstream news anchors, trusted scientific dogmas and authoritative voices that have been approved and highlighted by the cabal’s propaganda machine. The global medical behemoth is the belly of the beast machine set forth to broadcast to us the big lies, and the evil lies that we are living through now are some of the biggest lies ever told. The anti-human blood sacrifice activities that our death culture has been established upon for thousands of years, along with the most recent genocidal campaigns, are completely unfathomable in the mindset of the average kind hearted human being. This is because humanity has been brainwashed since birth to believe in the controlled narratives, the big lie and to constantly deny the existence of evil in order to condition obedience and moral relativity when exposed to anti-human behaviors. Thus, the majority of the population are made ignorant to who actually controls and runs this world as the master of ceremony, propagating the biggest lies in order to covertly spread evil through global human slavery, poverty and suffering.

To understand what is happening in our world today, we must be willing to examine beliefs about the existence of pathological evil as a dark consciousness force that lies and lies some more, to enact the anti-human goals of tyrants and despots. Then educate ourselves about the Psychology of Evil that can take root and operate in a well-meaning person that believes the many lies they have been told by the same proclaimed authorities using assorted grooming methods. We are being surrounded with many case studies of intelligent, good-hearted people that have a broken inner compass and lack self-awareness. They have believed in the lies perpetrated by evil and then unintentionally become the propaganda mouth-piece for those Controller forces. This is incredibly dangerous.

In this context, evil is defined as anti-life, anti-human and anti-Christ. Evil is a dark force gestalt in which there is no reverence for natural laws, living things or God. It is rooted in dark ignorance, lies and hatred to the extent that when killing, maiming and torturing others it holds no remorse or willingness to change.

Pathological evil is a predator force which is ultimately nonhuman, it thinks it is superior to others and greatly enjoys the power, adrenaline high and life force energy it receives by creating immense pain in others. As an evil force that takes shape as negative alien forces and demonic entities it will purposely seek to torture, cannibalize, sodomize and destroy living things and target innocent children for corrupting their essential purity. How is it that so few people can discern when pathological evil is operating in their midst which leaves them defenseless to discern lies and thus, they remain unable to see the global warfare that is being purposely waged against humanity?

When we deny the existence of evil forces as the progenitor of all pathology, cognitive dissonance forms in our world view and we refuse to see the truth no matter how much evidence or facts are provided which would show otherwise. Until the tyranny enacted by evil has finally come to their doorstep and there is a combat boot upon their neck, those that can clearly identify evil in action are doing what they can now to help alert others and sound the warnings.

Something is Terribly Wrong

Whether people are ensconced in the beliefs of what they tell us is the 3D controlled narrative or in the throes of profound spiritual crisis, deep inside our gut many people know by now that something has gone terribly wrong on the world stage. Somehow evil oppression has sprouted up everywhere at an incredible pace that is infecting our civilization across the globe. Humanity is being taken to another level of mind control conditioning in which all segments of society are being tested, catalogued and trained for absolute obedience and total compliance, to serve the interests of tyrannical forces that are beyond anything that most of the current generation has ever lived through before.

Life as we have known it has forever changed, humanity will never return to what it was like previous to the final conflict totalitarian takeover of our Earth by nonhuman run power elite hierarchies that hold complete monopolies over all globally formed corporate industries, economic models and currencies. These transnational corporate entities form the storefront components which hide all of the moving parts of the massive global psychopathic machine which controls governments, elects politicians and runs off planet human trafficking and child blood sacrifice services on behalf of nonhuman entities harvesting humanity for parts. These killing machines that enforce the materialistic death culture have been used to hide the murdering plunder and pillage of our planet’s natural resources, have stolen and sacrificed the lives and future of our children. This evidence of pathological evil must finally be faced and seen for what it is as human beings cannot continue to go on in the world with an economic system built upon human slavery, blood sacrifice and pedophilia.

We must prepare ourselves to be emotionally strong enough and spiritually guided enough to face the shocking evidence of such evil atrocities committed with our hard-earned tax dollars, such as in the months and years to come which will reveal the funding source and results of the current genocidal program. Digging deep within the compassionate core of our eternal spirit to help guide, counsel and comfort those around us to navigate the remnants and trauma resulting from the mass delusion spawned directly from the psychology of evil running in the minds of psychopaths. As they awaken to the grim reality of these horrors taking place in a supposed free market society and then find out that this anti-human agenda of global tyrannical control has been hidden all along behind the curtain in a maze of covert compartmentalization, hierarchies and secret societies.

Thus, there will not be a return to the status quo of pre-2020, whether we like it or not. Every individual will be forced to adapt to the massive cultural transitions ahead, both at consciousness levels and for most of us it will also necessitate changes in physical lifestyle. Humanity will be exposed to very unpleasant and painful information that will educate and inform us on how it is possible, that a large majority of the population are allowing radical tyrannical agendas run by a smaller group of pathological psychopaths to carry out real time global human genocide in our midst. Sadly and tragically, many of us will potentially suffer the loss of some people we know, friends or family members as they develop severe autoimmune illness, spiritual disconnection and injuries as the result of the shots over time.

What humanity is enduring as a global plandemic and attempts to force vaccination mandates are not the result of a freak accident, random natural events or stemming from absurd levels of human incompetence. This surreal drama of evil takeover has been meticulously planned and orchestrated for hundreds if not thousands of years by bloodline families that worship anti-life or satanic based ideologies. It is time to stop questioning how this virus originated or could spread globally by such gross negligence and understand that the matrix of evil running our world has purposely orchestrated the release of several sequences of intended biological murder weapons that are designed primarily as soft kill agendas. Soft kill means that the intended murder weapon is hidden and the killing is not immediate, it remains unseen as a part of the warfare, as a military strategy it is designed to destabilize and weaken, to slowly injure and kill over time. This way the citizens will not see who the real murderers and eugenicists are as they claim plausible deniability. When severe injuries and death from the shot are currently being aggressively denied, this is a form of soft kill method psyop carried out by the hospitals and medical professionals that are unwilling to assign the cause of onset and diseases attributed to the actual shots because of the liability that damages the credibility of the medical industry and the controlled narrative.

These shots are multifaceted biological weapons that have impacts upon physical and spiritual planes and are specifically designed to be rolled out in sequences that have additional factors for combining and building elements, in situ. This means they are designed to react with human tissues and produce cellular pleomorphic changes inside of the body that are untraceable or difficult to find the origin. Such as parasite eggs that remain dormant in their life cycle until they are activated by other exposures or AI programmable carbon nanobots that can be assembled into crystalline formations that are enmeshed within the organic tissues to take over the individual’s bio-neurology. This weapon is much more than genetically modified organisms programmed to be spike protein generators. To help heal humanity in the future will we need to know how to organically detoxify the blood of these toxic components, and there is assurance that this will be made possible. However, logistics and timing are a problem with such a large population.

There is not one drop of human kindness or benevolence present in the pharmaceutical manufacturing of these shots, whether they contain saline placebos, aluminum carbon hydra parasites, trypanosoma cruzi, antigens or graphene oxide, for all intents and purposes these are biological weapons formulated with the intent to maim, injure and murder. And now they plan to inject this poison into young children by brainwashing their parents to believe the evil and corrupt trusted experts on mainstream media and news that are directly employed or paid a salary to carry out this sham by the global health mafia.

False Flags Explained as Random Unexplainable Events

In recent human history when studying despots and tyrants scheming to takeover a region, country or in order to gain power and influence on the global stage, it is very common to see the pattern of a supposedly random or questionable event that is staged for mass mainstream optics. From the perspective of the uninformed population being endlessly distracted by economic stress or meaningless drivel, suddenly there are eruptions from out of nowhere that appear to be a serious act of warfare from a perceived enemy or something posing as a major physical threat to the safety of the citizens. Historically speaking, most political, economic or social events that generate cultural revolution or major upheavals to the culture of those nations or groups being targeted, turn out to be planned false flags or psychological operations for the purpose of regime changes and further tyrannical enslavement of the local population. If we look at what is happening worldwide and see the mass orchestration of the exact same tyrannical policies being implemented in every country across the globe, what makes people think that what is happening in the United States is any different from the Bolshevik Revolution, World War II or Mao’s Cultural Revolution? The results of which were that millions upon millions of human beings were starved, tortured and murdered.

From the perspective of the western culture of the United States, it has been incredibly obvious that the mainstream media has aggressively ratcheted up the ideological subversion tactics in which every topic is being radically politicized and polarized for the purpose of weaponizing groupthink for eventually propagating genocide. Citizens are being aggressively polarized against each other by mainstream media so they attack each other and see them as opposing enemies or subhuman, instead of seeing the hidden hand and real agenda orchestrating this play to divide us and destroy absolutely everything. The angry mob searches for those they can scapegoat or persecute through displays of public shaming or grandstanding to make public or political examples of, in order to further spread their poisonous anti-human ideology which is based on coercion, intimidation and aggressive violence. This is the classical set up by evil forces that use this political polarization tactic as the roadmap for Genocide 101. The useful pawns are manipulated for inciting anarchy for the dark overlords goals and are generally the first waves picked for the next stage of genocide when the regime change is rendered complete. The point is that there are no random events or accidents in the global political theatre. People that call themselves spiritual, conscious, well-researched, health motivated and open minded have rolled up their sleeves and let whomever inject whatever they want directly into their bloodstream without asking to know the exact contents.

Could it possibly be that you or others are taking part in the premeditated orchestration of political theatre and propaganda that is pulling you into believing in another staged event of plandemic that is being used as the random unexplained event to completely devastate our human lives? A well-planned manufactured hoax based on the biggest lies ever told along with a coordinated attempt carried out by evil criminal psychopaths that is designed to enslave us all with crippling fear, destroying our children’s future, and further abolishing the personal liberties and freedoms we once enjoyed?

As the outer pressures mount for gaining total compliance and obedience to the global tyrants’ increasing laundry list of control agendas, where will the line be crossed? That moment when people realize that continued compliance to never-ending tyrannical demands is leading humanity directly to mass enslavement and genocide. Nothing will stop what is coming with the ascension timeline, but the point is how many more human casualties do we have to suffer at the hands of pure evil psychopaths, how many more children will be taken from us as the result of the masses obedient compliance to these tyrannical agendas. If one person or child dies in a family of five that all took the shot, the life for that family will be incredibly traumatized with the loss of that one family member, no matter how much benevolence happens as we arrive to the celebration of the great planetary awakening. The planetary dark night of the soul and the collective grief being processed when humanity wakes up and realizes what we have allowed to happen by trusting evil psychopaths will be soul crushing for many.

As we speak, another long list of bureaucracies designed to force next level compliance is currently being rolled out for immunity certifications, vaccine passports, contact tracing applications, quantum dot tattoos, bracelets, chip implants, quarantine camps, forced medication and never-ending booster shots. The tyrants are working feverishly towards legally making it so they can force you to inject any substance, parasite, nonbiological material or toxin directly into your bloodstream, and you will have no legal power to refuse while they banish you from society and confiscate your livelihood. By December they tell us, five-year-olds are next on their laundry list and will become eligible for their first shot.

At what point will the people decide that the line has been crossed which compels them to adamantly refuse to comply with such evil destruction of our society that is greatly harming human beings by instead choosing to uphold human rights, joining in unity and sharing honestly their research findings with each other. Will it take confiscation of property, bank accounts, depopulation, abducting their children, public executions, living in quarantine camps, at what point will those believing this manufactured narrative in the west wake up and see what is actually happening?

Further that this was planned from the onset, as the creation of patents, technologies and genetically modified antigens owned by the usual suspect cabal members began many years ago, which can all be tracked and traced online. It was all an elaborate hoax to engineer the plandemic through mass media terrorization, fear mongering and fake statistics in order to offer their solution - the genetic modification toxic shot for depopulation and to prepare for the Great Reset of Agenda 2030. In which the tortured fear-based mind control victims (that would be us, humanity) would easily accept the long-planned orchestration of evil psychopaths incoming tyrannical conditions by giving up all of their personal freedom without much resistance.

If you Give up Freedom to Tyrants, Freedom will Never be Given Back

We are moving into the digital world with the same threats of tyrannical oppression that surfaced during the World Wars, except this timeline’s version of the encroachment of evil is through the implementation of artificial intelligence systems that enforce a cyber regime of technocratic totalitarianism.

In the west especially, we are observing the collapse of our civilization that was founded upon upholding personal freedom, self-determination and liberty for the individual citizen, as those criminal psychopaths who get away with egregious abuses of power want to exert complete and utter control over our lives. In this confusing terrain of misdirection, confusion and grotesque deception narratives told by pathological liars, the path of least resistance is the road that leads to total enslavement. Once we willingly give up our personal freedom and human liberties to tyrants in power and their political puppets, we will never get it back. Thus, we need to carefully consider what is at stake at this juncture, and through proper context gained through the educational research which shows the clear pattern of the intended and desired outcome of these tyrannical evil agendas, see exactly who is responsible for carrying these agendas out. Then learn how to defend ourselves from the upcoming onslaught which will continue to target attacks against individual autonomy and self-sovereignty.

Our unique soul expression came to the Earth during the planetary liberation and spiritual ascension cycle to experience the global consciousness shift and disclosure event timeline. Thus, you are here for the explicit reason of experiencing and recognizing the evil anti-human forces in play and see who is actually oppressing humanity firsthand, so that you are equipped to defend yourself and possibly defend others from the state of dark encroachment, which usurps human rights through the enforcement of global tyranny. The power elite are the luciferian bloodline families that have accumulated all of the global wealth, power and have gained control over most of the governments on the planet. If you are unaware that our western democracy or government republic was hijacked long ago by these same global controlling interests, then you are missing a major factor in being able to connect the dots of the real motivation behind current events that are based on grand conspiracy, deceptions and inciting terror into the minds of the population, through ongoing psychological operations and propaganda.

Globalist luciferian bloodlines purposely engineered and implemented the pandemic by intentionally creating an assortment of bio-weapons to institute worldwide lockdowns, and they began to set into motion the tyrannical police state based on the forced acceptance of assorted anti-human, anti-life ideologies via radical politization and ideological divisions designed for divide and conquer of the populations and nations. This politicized agenda was meticulously pre-planned to gain compliance and absolute obedience of the masses through the conditioned satanic rituals of forced masking with ultimate goals for depopulation, sterilization and dehumanization. Where finally those who remained alive, more booster shots and then routing them towards technocracy with increased poverty, slavery and transhumanism.

Then introduce the further obedience training needed to accept the series of regular toxic shots filled with assorted genetically modifying elements to program AI controlled satanic thoughtforms directly into human brains, by connecting their brain waves to an artificial hive net containing their digital twin. Including ongoing experimental injections that contain an assortment of non-biological materials, deadly parasites, toxic metals, cloned fetal tissue, graphene, alien DNA and more. Mengele’s twisted dream world finally realized. This franken shot is offered as the only solution to their orchestrated bio-weapon through the ongoing mainstream propaganda PR stunt that is hell bent on terrorizing people, so that they are willing to give up their personal freedom for the illusion of physical safety. Thus, they will act as the obedient useful idiots to self-enforce global human slavery as we are gradually modified into transhuman robots subjected to live out our days in AI run virtual reality play pens.

We Need to Know that Unfathomable Evil Exists

Yes, this level of unfathomable evil indeed exists in the minds and bodies of some spiritually bankrupt people and it is a predator that loves access to unlimited power, control and money at whatever cost, often resorting to assorted tactics of intimidation, trauma-based mind control and violence. It is time to overcome the cognitive dissonance that denies the existence of evil psychopaths operating in corrupt institutions and corporations you have come to rely on as pillars of society. Along with their relentless promotion of tyrannical objectives to intentionally enslave humanity under the guise of personal security. This odyssey can begin by researching it for yourselves and being honest with what you can handle, but willing to seek truth first. Then sharing this research journey with friends and loved ones, and accepting that this possibility of global conspiracy carried out by ruthless power mongers that control mainstream media and have rewritten human history, is one way to arrive at a much more accurate assessment of the current reality.

This will help you to prepare for what is coming in terms of disclosure, which will be the revelation that this unfathomable level of evil really exists and humanity has to gather together in unity in order to evict these evil forces from our lives once and for all. What is happening in our world that is called a pandemic is not a random act of nature, this evil agenda has been catalyzed through the aggressive levels of spiritual warfare occurring as the result of planetary ascension cycle and global awakening events. These are not assumptions but based on many accumulative factual events that can be verified. There is cause and effect, consequences of actions that will come to bear heavy burdens upon human society coming to terms with the existence of this evil global agenda through the near-death experience humanity is sharing now.

God and benevolent spirits work through us, and it is through our dedication to serve God that we can access the truth spirits, so this tyranny and genocidal agenda can stop through peaceful noncompliance and working towards genuine humanitarian objectives. Thus, it is important to know who the actual enemy of humanity is before you or your loved ones become another casualty of this tyrannical homicidal agenda being promoted by the brainwashed or those bribed or blackmailed to be the public trusted voices and experts in healthcare, politics or in any other pillar of society. These same consortiums of dark forces of nonhuman entities and the people on the planet who represent them as the power elite have been responsible for orchestrating every World War, false flag, holocaust event, alien hybridization program and many of the violent armed conflicts we have suffered through in recent history. Their puppet installed governments and political parties based on bribery and blackmail demand absolute secrecy in their ranks and they do not care about your human rights, health, wellbeing or the future that is to be inherited by your children.

This particular context of global control wielded by a minority of covert power elite families will be necessary for reframing your beliefs in order to start with an accurate basic assumption, which you can build upon when observing outer events and collecting more research. If you start with this basic comprehension, more and more of what you are observing in the outerscape starts to make a lot more sense and then coherent logic forms from these same events, which leads us to perceive the desired outcomes of those evil ones that are in control. Those people that still believe the big lie they tell us cannot comprehend why we are suffering through this pandemic, with such a rapid loss of human rights and freedoms as western society digresses into technocratic tyranny.

While we were being distracted by pointless online circular debates, ideological conflicts and over politicized dramas, the power elite were studying and recording our daily behaviors through customized AI algorithms, to use as a programmed mind control weapon to inflict further psychological operations. They think of us as livestock they can shepherd and direct anywhere that they want and hence decided to put us all into an AI generated playpen of digital twins, to be their working transhuman slaves for whatever they decide to use us for. Our precious human lives are worthless to them, all living creatures are worthless with the exception of what they can steal and use for personal gain, profit or entertainment.

During the final conflict, it is obvious that the forces of evil are actually not that intelligent when you understand their methods, they use the same playbook of trickery, black magic sorcery manipulation over and over again. It has been made obvious that from their lack of impulse control, recklessness and sheer desperation they are beginning to make a lot more mistakes, which many more people are waking up to see and starting to question. The psychology and structure behind the evil agendas being implemented by predatorial parasites are beginning to be made visible to more of the masses that realize they are being intentionally manipulated into feeding further divisions of race, gender, injection status and political affiliation.

Unite, Rise in Peaceful Resistance

As history would show us when the forces of evil enact tyranny and they come knocking for totalitarian takeover, the citizens need to unite and rise in numbers in which they take a stand on smaller easier battles at local levels, before the tyranny grows and spreads into much larger battles that cannot be fought. Peaceful resistance and noncompliance to tyrannical demands that violate your body and soul would make sense at this particular stage when there is still time to prevent or stop more tragedies from occurring, as they cannot put everyone involved in prison. Every individual has a part to play in this planetary liberation process in which it may be time for some people to take decisive and immediate actions in their own lives to refuse to cooperate with evil before the outer tyranny escalates even further from nonresistance. When a person or group starts to strip you of your personal freedoms for no apparent reason, or as it is now being demanded that you comply based on utter deceptions and lies of evil forces behind the tyrant propagandists, stand up for your human rights and do not acquiesce.

I do not consent to evil, the answer is no.

Power in most cases is founded upon a total illusion based on mind control and intimidation, and the power structures exist only because we, the collective have given them the power to act on our behalf to impose these rules, demands or mandates which are not laws at this stage. The system exists as it does because we allow it to exist, and this is an important feature in remembering illusions of power that have been given to the structures that hold governance and power in how we live our lives. When the democratic republic government’s shadow institutions of unelected officials decided to attack its own citizens, and acts against the will of the people by funding and using bio-weapons for intentional global genocide, it is no longer a democracy and rendered illegitimate as crimes made against humanity.

As we consider our options, we must be smart to have situational awareness about evil intentions and consider the consequences in order to not fall prey to false flags, or other types of manipulations that are designed to trap those who form resistances with fake accusations and charges. The controllers expected that we would rebel and that they will continually overwhelm and wear us down so that we are so psychologically tortured and emotionally devastated by this manufactured crisis that we will just give up and comply with their demands. The first level attacks are to those who are honest, intelligent, critical thinkers, the ethical and spiritually developed people that are gathering research evidence and warning the public. As most of us have observed, this group is aggressively attacked by silencing them through censorship, cancel culture and finding ways in which they can ultimately remove them and their voices from the population. This is how some nations have been destroyed, the controllers identify and then attempt to take out the people that can educate, wake up and help inform others as to what is really going on during the pivotal time when the escalating tyranny or covert evil agendas are in the earlier stages and thus are more vulnerable to collapse.

This means to search your heart and pray to support those independent journalists and truth seekers that are genuine, doing their best to uncover truth and share it with you. These people are our heroes and they should not be punished and carelessly criticized by their audience when you may not align with everything they say. They are doing the best they can under duress, under attack, under character defamation, under black magic evil, censorship and controlled opposition among everything else they have to contend with when they go public.

Evil Masterfully Twists Truth

Psychopaths who tend to be professional liars and master manipulators to get around in society know that they can twist truths during a dispute in order to make an honest or innocent person appear bad or evil to others, such as in the court of public opinion. Especially if the honest person being accused is willing to admit their mistakes, or could have done something better and wants to correct the problem. Our challenge includes the awareness that the justice system is primarily captured, and at this point legal remedies will likely not exist until a major collapse of society occurs and the people hunt down all corrupt psychopaths and remove them from having power in the legal system.

In legal cases, most people will take the basic assumption that the truth is somewhere in the middle of the testimony of both sides, because they believe that all people must have reasonably good motivations. What if that is not accurate, and if one side is a lying psychopath that is motivated by evil and holds no remorse for the harm they create? Maybe they are being paid to target a person that is a business competitor, or have a personal vendetta against someone. Maybe they are being paid to defend Big Pharma to hide all vaccine injuries and deaths from the public and defame all doctors that do come out about vaccine injury. Maybe they are being given incentives to destroy a person’s reputation so that this person being accused of wrongdoing is unable to defend themselves from the social and economic destruction of their livelihood.

This evil corruption happens at high percentage levels because many people do not have the time, money or access level to perform the due diligence needed to get to the actual facts, follow the money and find the hidden schemes. The justice system tends to defer its favor to those who have the most money and power that run the bureaucracy, and to the interests of those in high places that have paid them off and installed them. Most of us realize by now that we live in a two-tiered society where the rule of law does not really exist in many cases. Thus, it is how corrupt transnational corporations are with their massive political power and unlimited money to buy attorneys and threaten others with non-disclosure agreements, destroy and assimilate their business competitors to form absolute monopolies that control industries without accountability to the public.

Thus, in legal disputes it is very common to accept legal arguments for both sides, which is essentially where those that lie for a living, are finding the best storyline approach to represent their client in order to say whatever they make up to win the argument. Notice how those in power like to make official documentaries about themselves when they are designed as public relation commercials written by their PR firm to help mitigate damage control and improve their media reputation in public opinion, which will reflect in a court of law. Essentially the court system operates the same way, it allows anyone to say anything during legal arguments or make unfounded accusations or representations in which the goal is to convince the group of people in the courtroom of something, to sway them to believe their side of the legal argument that they represent for their client paying the big money. Many times, with moral and spiritual bankruptcy rampant, people will lie and say whatever they think they need to say to win their case or to appear to be the victim, even when they are not. The devil’s motto is always to hold the position; deny, deny, deny and reverse victim and offender.

Therefore, the liar knows that they will have the greater advantage in disputes or arguments by telling lies, while the innocent person being accused believes they have the greater advantage by telling the truth. Yet in court, the truth will be twisted by the liars in such way to make the innocent person appear bad, which is only detrimental to the innocent person. This situation always results in the advantage of the group perception being given to the hands of liars, as psychopaths have no conscience lying under oath when giving testimony. All they care about is winning their case, and the actual facts and the truth in the matter are completely inconsequential. Hardcore satanists believe lying to the rest of us they call the sheep is actually a great sacrament. The bigger the lie they can get away with, the better it is for the satanists. Knowing that this is commonplace means that we should be aware that in many situations our culture supports lying psychopaths who commit evil, because human beings with conscience and feelings do not understand that a psychopath committing evil and telling lies does not have a conscience or feelings.

They do this without remorse and do not care about you. They know telling lies gives them the distinct advantage over most human beings that have feelings of remorse and do not want to harm others. They also know the only way to get you to accept evil, support evil, express evil and embody evil is to sell your soul without you realizing it, and that to achieve this they have to lie to you, pay you off or indoctrinate you. The psychology of evil and the motivation behind antichrist forces is knowing they are predators that will say anything, do anything, imitate anything, even tell twisted truths and lies that may sound accurate, in order to get you to believe them so that they can take advantage of you and others for tyrannical power and control.

Thus, it is critical at this time that you have the skillsets to identify liars and psychopaths. You need to identify the nature of evil when it is near and not let it manipulate or control you with indoctrination or gaslighting. If we are spiritually strong enough to hold genuine compassion for lying evil psychopaths and not be infected by their mind parasites, that is wonderful. However, right now the majority of people need to clearly identify the nature of evil infecting those minds around them, in order to protect their own psycho-emotional health by refusing to support evil or commit evil inadvertently. If we are able to identify liars, we protect ourselves from the poisonous lies being told, this helps us to defend ourselves and our children from such maniacs.

Those in Power are Terrified

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
~ Joseph Goebbels; Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945.

Those in power are terrified of the fact that we are waking up to their evil plans and controller games, and thus they are using every tactic to distract, confuse and keep us divided and fighting each other while they continue to demand obedience and compliance. Consider your individual situation and act carefully upon your own self-determination, but as a general rule to tyrannical demands do not comply. This roll out of technocratic totalitarianism is very fragile as it’s in the early stages of laying the infrastructure, which means that it can crumble very fast just from peaceful resistance and noncompliance in the majority of the population.

Refuse to engage with harmful rhetoric or divisive actions, and choose to act in harmlessness to all humans even if they get nasty. The key for us all is uniting and acting collectively to pray for and support those on the front lines working towards preserving human rights and freedom, and to always remember that the controllers are the small minority, as we outnumber them greatly.

Humanity is mostly comprised of good hearted, kind souls that are God loving people that would never willingly align themselves with the genocide and slavery agendas if they knew what these anti-human evil forces actually represent. Thus, the controllers must use increasing violence, bullying and intimidation tactics in their mind control propaganda in order to achieve their tyrannical goals, and when this is met with resistance, they come at us harder with even more aggression. This generates a vicious circle of evil that cannot sustain itself for the longer term, and historically this level of evil has not lasted throughout many civilizations because in the natural world, everything in God’s creation strives to co-create energetic balance. Evil burns itself out because its entropic methods of violence are not sustainable, it finally annihilates itself in the presence of genuine truth and the forces of unconditional love that is God. Authentic humanity are the natural born conduits of this immense spiritual power.

You Are Eternal, Timeless and Fearless

For those of us that feel frightened by what we can see happening on the outerscape, go within and develop your inner spirit and relationship to God in order to know that you are eternal and timeless, so that you can become fearless. The most effective form of collective resistance to tyrannical demands and immoral laws is mass civil disobedience, which means that you unite with others and take a stand that you will not comply with unreasonable demands that go against your core spiritual integrity and cause damage to you and your family’s wellbeing.

It is important as a collective that we unite together to not direct harm within your communities or towards other humans that are being victimized by the same controller agendas, to instead be sure to focus attention on revealing to others the actual top-down source of exactly who is imposing the tyranny or acting out the evil harm directly. This can be easily tracked, one simple way is to follow the big money, see who is actually funding the anti-human agendas in a maze of non-governmental organizations that are masking themselves as philanthropic causes run by Controller approved board of directors deeply enmeshed in global anti-human agendas. The swamp creatures indeed hang out with each other and serve on the same boards and organizations of global interests that they use to launder money all over the world to pay off people to commit evil on their behalf.

Spreading awareness and informing others about what is happening to exert global tyranny through the manufactured pandemic crisis is a positive step in the right direction. If the pandemic was orchestrated on purpose by the same evil psychopaths that created the problem in order to bring the solution via the genetic modification shots, it helps to break the hypnotic spell of why anyone would give this to children. The adults in the room may need to rise and speak out in order to help save the next round of children from their lives being ruined. Finding likeminded people who want to explore and discover the truth without censorship and by joining forces with those on the same path helps to give strength in numbers. It takes a small percentage of people who are aware, to see beyond the controlled narrative and wake up the rest of society. It is only the well-informed public which can identify and oppose tyrannical oppression, disguised as a health crisis manufactured from the weaponization of a genetically modified iteration of the common cold or flu.

During times of crisis those that are clueless to the reality of the outer mind control agendas can become dangerous and act as useful idiots for spreading the propaganda, while those that are obedient can erupt as dark sleepers and can become hostile to anyone spreading truth that shatters their world view, as they react to defend their ego’s fear and delusions. Through the decades of capturing the educational system and through the reinforcement of ideological subversion present in the mainstream media, the power elite have helped to generate the massive bifurcation present in western culture to groom younger minds and mentally unstable individuals to worship anti-human ideals. There is a segment of society that has been taught with anti-human tactics of social engineering to hate their own race, to despise their history and culture, to loathe their country and extend that hatred to include those who would believe otherwise. This classical conditioning has contributed to the moral and spiritual bankruptcy in which the truth spirit cannot be recognized or felt, and some may decide to defend their world view and status quo with an insane conviction that those that seek to inform via the truth of current painful events are actually the enemy.

Be aware that we live in a death culture that has crafted liars and master manipulators as a means of survival and social success, which greatly monetizes and rewards evil behaviors. Evil forces love to use weak-minded people with low ethics, or people that cannot think for themselves to set off a chain of character assassination campaigns to demoralize and discourage you from speaking the truth to others. Do not allow them to discourage you from speaking out, pray and ask God for strength to carry on. Cast away fears of being judged by others, and act in accordance to your own heart, soul and conscience, do the right thing for you and time will reveal that truth. In time others will come to know that you were speaking the truth to them and because you acted in accordance to your heart and conscience, your heart will be full of love which will protect and serve your divine purpose.

Call to Prayer

Beloved Holy Presence of God, we call upon the Agents of Spiritual Healing, the highest God forces of energetic balance, coherence, sanity and health to request the presence of Gods eternal spirit, the highest expression of truth, protection and healing for all humanity. In our direct connection and love for God, Christos-Sophia and the Holy Spirit, we know that all things are made possible.

Please bring clarity to each individual's personal vision, please allow them to feel the truth spirit and bring transparency to any situation that is being confused with interference and manipulation signatures, so that all grief, suffering, pain, ancestral patterns and their energetic results, can be released and healed, completely and totally, clarified in the highest eternal light of truth and dissolved in the Unconditional Love and Forgiveness of God. Please give our spiritual community the strength, power and endurance to move forward on the ascending path and the spiritual mission that is uniquely theirs. Guide all of us towards improved health, sanity and clarity during these chaotic times, and guide us with the inner wisdom to identify all healing sources that are to our healing benefit and to fully align with our personal and collective divine purposes.

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart,


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