Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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September 2012

Rebuilding Foundation, Work in Progress

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascension Family,

This summer has been leading us through another one of those spiritual ascension developmental phases of feeling that your life is under construction or being continually evaluated in stages during a long work in progress.
Many of us have had to stand back with detached observation, behind the enforced construction site yellow tape, while the demolition derby came into our reality with a wrecking ball and a bulldozer. For others we have been waiting patiently for the right time and the right place to join into the new energy stream. This has had a massive impact in many ways to our life circumstances, our relationships personal or professional, and within organizations or any other type of dynamic that has been running an obsolete energy system. These energies astrologically, cosmically, planetary or otherwise are forcing transformation into a new base setting from which to operate. For some of us this is a real testament to our ability to let go. We are being forced to let go of obsolete relationships, power imbalances and their emotional patterns, and that is not generally a fun experience, even if it is necessary.

We have to move out from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stagnation, and if something or someone is a suppressive influence on our spirit, that situation is being dismantled. Most people have a hard time with endings, so good behavior is not always present. It is especially difficult when we have formed bonds with other people we love, generated stories that include them in our future landscape, and we have the realization that story is not going to happen. This time cycle is similar to a hard-drive reset, where we are rebuilding the inner and outer foundation, on which our lives are based. Any interactive dynamic between people, places or things that is now obsolete in this current energy level, even if it appeared to be working, is getting an overhaul, evaluation, and massive transformation. Remember that this is your inner spirit navigating you through these changes, in ways your mind is not going to be thrilled with. Shifting your perspective to look at these opportunities to learn strengthen and grow beyond your current belief systems to expand consciousness, is what the purpose of this time really is. Have comfort in knowing that you are Rebuilding Foundation, if you are having a difficult time during these life altering changes.

Changes are Johnny-on-the-Spot!

Once again the more adaptable, flexible and fearless one is in the face of massive transformation and change, the more relative ease one will experience, while the dust flies and the energetic chaos continues. It is similar to a set or location change on a movie set. Prop master and gaffer, where are you? Massive reconstruction is happening now in the field and that lends to more surreal, weird and unusual experiences. Many of us that are seasoned on the ascension path are not new to this type of paranormal phenomena, it’s another day in the life of a light-worker. However, these powerful forces bring a new sweeping wave of people getting a fast shake down into the awakening fold. This intense current is moving very fast and it requires spontaneous acceptance of massive life altering changes. In fact, spontaneous may be an understatement as this time requires now moment life changes in a split second, where directions are laid out on the spot. Some of us may still try to register in the brain what is happening, but by the time it registers, the change has already been made and is gone. Those of us that have developed the ability to listen and follow the inner spirit without hesitation, are marveling at the new energetic efficiency of changes being made. The energy available to us now makes it quick, rapid, efficient and crystal clear.

However, many humans are not well equipped to counter and neutralize the kind of stress that these changes and their events, exert on the individual person. These types of life altering patterns without an evolutionary context and tools, can be experienced as traumatic and painful. That means fear, chaos, despair and trauma are very high in the collective fields, and we have many confused people wondering what in the heck is happening. Many people identify with these fear forces and negative feelings as stemming from their own internal misery, and that is not exactly an accurate perception. The collective human energetic weight can feel like a crushing density without some development of inner foundation and inner clarity. This confusion is also transpiring in many extra dimensions outside of our 3D fishbowl, adding more intensity to the entire melting pot of transformation.

The Melting Pot

The fiery heat of the melting pot is the necessary process of synthesizing the opposing forces in our life, and as we move through this end cycle, we undergo the forging required through the remixing of these forces. Like hot metal being forged into shapes, the spiritual forging of a human being produces a host of new characteristic human strengths. That forged human has the capacity to evolve into a superhuman through the biological ascension process.

Through the spiritual ascension process we are exposed to great internal heat, environmental shifts and energetic catalysts to effect a deep chemical change. A change so profound on our being that it has molecular and atomic consequences. Ultimately the consequence of all of this pressure in all of its forms, as it is applied internally and externally, has a profound impact on one’s consciousness. As an example to understand this archetypal pattern, the tarot card of Temperance represents this same alchemical mixing and blending to achieve equilibrium, ultimately as a result of the joining of forces. Those feeling the weight and density of these life changes may feel empowered and lifted to reflect or meditate on the meaning of Temperance in your life. Many times. when we have context for change the suffering is removed.

“Temperance is almost invariably depicted as a person pouring liquid from one receptacle into another. Historically, this was a standard symbol of the virtue temperance, one of the cardinal virtues, representing the dilution of wine with water. In many decks, the person is a winged person/angel, usually female or androgynous, and stands with one foot on water and one foot on land.”

This most certainly is our theme this year with the Hieros Gamos, the necessary return of balancing inner and outer forces, and that process is especially being enforced now in every area of our lives. If there is a relationship or an organization we are involved with that is not flowing in the same energetic stream, that situation is gearing up for completion and the redirection of its resources. This is also serving as an energetic alignment and convergence of congruent timelines, for each being and their circumstantial level of growth. The areas that we are not balanced or in congruent flow with our inner energies, are generally viewed from the perspective of pain and suffering. Physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, can be very present in the body now, and that gives one the opportunity to address that pain and do the work necessary to transcend that pain. With an evolutionary context and some basic tools, this pain will lead us back into balance with ourselves, as we apply a proper perception with a positive attitude.

With an evolutionary context, we can begin to comprehend our larger connection to the macrocosm or Universal forces and we can allow ourselves to relax into that Universal flow. Once we can see our existence as a higher self within a larger group consciousness, our individual issues fall away and we cease to be so absorbed in our perception of personal suffering. Yet the suffering experience can be productive when inquiring on the nature of the pain. Where are the areas in your life you feel pain or suffering, and what message is it giving you? Let this lead you to a new version of yourself. When you are free of internal fear you are free to move away from suffering. This allows you to converge with others who are sharing the same energetic alignment path, which creates more balanced energy and value exchanges, through more congruent parties. There is no bad or good, it all comes down to resonance, inner congruency and the proper alignment of mutuality. Seeds must be sown where they can grow and flourish. We do not expect to grow a harvest from the bedrock of stone. One must till their own soil no one else can do that for you.

Restructuring Fields

August’s magnetic peak was a pinnacle movement in the extra-dimensional fields, which like the domino effect has created a spiritual diaspora where many entities and energies are dislocated from their time and space continuum. The phenomena of collapsing time and space fields has been transpiring gradually over a very long time, and is rapidly gaining acceleration. Many other planes of existences and the content in those fields, are undergoing dimensional shifting, displacement, ascending in octave, time/space collapse, negotiations, surveying damage, rehabilitation and re-assignment.

The mechanics of the consciousness fields being restructured are at the highest intensity we have known on the planet now, as frequency fences, quarantines and membranes between many other dimensions are gone. The restructuring fields are moving planes of existence and the beings living within them into different coordinate locations. This is the necessary movement for evolutionary change involving many variations of consciousness levels that exist on earth and extra-dimensionally. Like the notes being played in a musical scale, we are playing a massive game of Universal musical chairs that has its players running all over the room to find a place to sit down.

This brings the quality of extra-dimensional forces, entities and disincarnates to be much more present to the awareness of human beings that have some degree of neurological and energetic sensitivity. Naturally the humans plugged in the most in this way are genetically pre-determined, are the Starseeds and Indigos and planetary lightworkers, whether they know that is their role for incarnation on planet earth at this time or not. We see many advanced souls still grappling mentally or emotionally to truly comprehend who they are and what they are capable of.

Any one that has been spiritually awakened is feeling, sensing and interacting with these restructuring energy fields, and lives this every day as a reality experience. Depending on one’s development to trust the inner guidance, each of us has to find our own inner truth to bridge the mental body and spiritual body experiences. That begins by forming some kind of cohesive context and language to express that experience. However, we are aware that the mass majority are still not sensing most energetic phenomena in any kind of spiritual or evolutionary context. All human beings have this capacity to access higher sensory perception, yet very few are using that capacity.

The challenges of our human community continue with forming language, context, and ways to express the status of our ascending planet, and open the dialogue to discuss these great challenges that humanity faces now. We have many people operating at many more diverse levels of consciousness and serving different roles than ever before. This makes intentional exchanges, clear language and communication skills, extremely important as a type of energetic currency forming in the shifting paradigm. Not only are we being moved into developing greater communication skill with the incarnated human family, we are having communication with many more levels of existence, as their reality crashes into ours and all parties involved are confused.

The confusion is how we all can openly communicate with the realms opening into the human world and not be scared, in denial or persecuted for doing so. Our light family is needed to be supportive, inclusive and tolerant of the different ways of perceiving language and ways of communication. How do we find the most compassionate language to draw boundary distinctions required to hold energetic space integrity, create value exchanges, and yet feel open and inclusive to all? As we interact with these restructuring fields and the entity displacement it causes, how can we best be productive and of service?

Issues of Spiritual Diaspora

As the magnetic peak gave way to many openings in the planetary dimensional structure, this allowed many more people to be exposed to these energies, elements, disincarnates and many other types of extra-dimensional activity. Multidimensional activity on earth is rapidly accelerating and still there is not much information available to the masses about what it means to become a multidimensional human being. This generates symptoms that people do not realize are multidimensional or spiritual and energetic in nature, as they have not been given a context for multi-dimensionality or spiritual ascension.

Many people’s bodies are having reactions to environmental energies and their body is searching for homeostasis, a way to achieve balance between the changing bodily systems. As the environmental energies become more chaotic, the energy body is being exposed to many different forces. This makes us aware that spiritual housecleaning is not something that is taught or readily available. As light-workers we may be helping more people to understand the necessity of energetic self-clearing, through whatever language or way that person can accept that communication. It is truly critical to know that everyone has the power to call upon and run life force, to shield their body, to remove blocked or harmful energies from impacting their aura, and how they experience those energies in the environment. If one is empathic and feels geological pain and trauma, they do not have to hold onto that pain inside their body. There are many re-educational materials and ascension tools to prevent that from happening.

Most people that are seeing things in their bedroom at sleep-time, watching orbs or seeing UFO’S in the skies, do not realize that many times they are seeing something existing in another dimension. Much of the phenomena that humans perceive more of now, has always existed at some level of interaction with that person or our planet, we just did not perceive it as existing yet. When we become multidimensional, we start to perceive things that exist in other dimensions.

Recent sequential events have changed the portal access points and removed some of the dimensional blocks that existed between the earth core and the subsequent dimensions 1-5. Many of those spaces have an underworld quality. Some consciousness has been trapped there and these spaces are having to be re-structured in the way they interface with the planet and human consciousness. Guardian architects and Aurora networks are performing systematic survey of damage in these areas and a mission re-assignment is underway, relative to the needs that are specified to create the most beneficial changes to outcome.


One byproduct of this dimensional shifting is that more people are feeling energetically slimed, while visiting or moving through certain land demographics. Additionally, people are becoming more aware of the various levels of energetic attachments that come from the land mass and are getting stuck on their aura. Many light-workers are already well aware of this issue and have a regular spiritual housekeeping regime to keep their energetic aura clean and clear. (Such as the 12D Shield). Many others have not felt this as a major issue until recently.

As our planet undergoes great polarity amplification from massive frequency and dimensional shifts, there are areas on planet that are increasingly capable of holding higher frequency, while others are not. More of us can feel these frequency differences existing in the different areas of ascending and descending hubs. There are great energy schisms existing in some places and grid-workers will be called to visit many of these spaces in the future. Environmental harmonization is greatly needed and that is a primary role of the Starseed and Indigo families. As we are called to these places, many times the high density and reversal life force is being fed by trapped energies and entities in that area. To run life force throughout the grid, we must remove the blocked or dead energies first, and that includes attachments. ES community had such a project while in Bali last month.

These attachments can be a part of; elementals, dead energy, demonics, earth bound souls, collective thought-forms, fragments, ancestors, etheric weapons, geopathic stressors like curry lines or static energy fields, and just plain bad energy. Reversed life force deposited into the land mass, into houses, places of worship, or any other space a person walks around on the ground. This kind of negative energy can build up in a person’s aura and make one feel physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually sick. This is similar to understanding if our life force and aura are not circulating properly, we can have clogged pipes that make us feel unwell. If we have an entity attachment in our aura it can make us feel sick, slimed, and not ourselves. Most humans are not aware if a massive trauma happens on a land mass at any point in time, that energy is stuck there until someone cleans it up. If no one does, it lingers and attracts more negative energy. Generally, this creates an unhappy space and a sensitive may feel this energy and want to run away from it. Hopefully, a lightworker notices it and places heart energy and living light into the field to override the heavy energies. 

Many times, one may notice a place where trauma has occurred such as a suicide or murder, or where there is depression and just how heavy and sad that place will feel. This is called astral and etheric residue and many of us already sense and feel when that kind of negativity is present. Thoughts and emotions are things and leave energetic imprints and residue in everything. To an unconscious person, they pick up on these external energies and think it is coming from inside themselves. Many times, the person will act out the same energetic pattern without even knowing about it.

Additionally because we have so many displaced entities, many light-workers with a strong light aura, are attracting extra-dimensionals as well as trapped or confused human souls. They are coming to you for the light and for help. Tools will be provided in this newsletter to begin to support the land, nature and any beings that may be confused and/or stuck in that land, place, house or space. Many beings get stuck or attached to an object and cannot leave on their own. With this tool and an open loving and sincere heart, you can help comfort, transit and guide these energies in a way that is good for you, and good for them.

Open 12 D portals in the Environment to Annul Negative Vortexes
( Override Negative Spin Points to Krystal Coding Alignments )

Opening: In the name of God, I serve the Guardian Consciousness, Serving God in the Sacred Laws of One.

Quick connect and amplify the 12D Shield (See 12D Technique)

Set Space: Beloved God, Holy Mother, Holy Christos, I call upon our families of Living Light aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Please open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Celestial Christ Force Of Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the Krystal Star Intelligence.

North South East West, Earth and Sky: I direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. I am Impenetrable and Invincible. I ask the Aurora Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which I Serve. I invite the Krystal Forces here and now!

I claim my Divine Inheritance and Self Sovereign God Power NOW! I choose the Patterns of Perfection now for all Human Beings! I AM THE DIAMOND SUN NOW!

See the 12D Portal spinning outward in concentric circles opening and expanding around you.

Close and terminate All Reversal Systems, Close and terminate all harmful energies and negative vortexes in this environment, land or nature. I consecrate and dedicate this space (Create the container of the space in consecration to God Source within the Field, as you expand this within your Inner Vision.) to the authority of Gods Natural Laws and to that of the Eternal Living Christ. As I am God Sovereign and Free I so Decree:

Please generate a Field of Divine Grace around and within this “Room, Hotel, and Land.”
Please anchor frequencies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness in this space.
Please generate blessings to all who enter or dwell here, human and non-human, in the Light and Service of the One Source God.

I claim this Space and the Beings in my care as Sovereign and Free in the Light of God, now and always.
Please seal these blessings into permanent installation here.

(Designate a space for a Shadow or Reversal Elements to clear the debris and exit the area)

"I request your assistance in creating a doorway and vortex (designate the space) to clear debris and be used as an exit point by all negative elements, attachments and entities. I hold this as a transit gate to go directly to the God Source Living Light.”

"I have 100% intention and request that any and all of these shadow elements within myself, within the land, nature, animals, plants, spaces or places here, and within any other beings, in any time field or time zone, clear and transition through this exit point and transit gate now."

Pause and feel the energies moving through and allow as guided.

Thank you to all for using this exit gate, with love and appreciation.

Close Space: I harmonize and HOLD this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems, through all levels and components of the Being and this Space. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently, Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal throughout Time and Space.

Beloveds, I thank you for this Opportunity. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in ALL ways. And SO it is. I Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union. Thank you!

In addition for those that have really felt physical pressure in our astral or 4D bodies, remember to seal your astral body along with wearing your 12D shield. This should give more relief from the etheric and astral pressure. That process is using the Golden Egg to seal your astral layers.

Example: See a Golden Egg with the golden ray frequency inside your brain and 3rd eye. Drop the Gold Egg to your tailbone and blow it out of your perineum area. See the bottom root chakra sealed in a gold lid. Create another Gold Egg in your brain and drop it into your 2D chakra. Blow it front to back and see the chakra cones sealed in a golden lid (both front and back). Create the last Gold Egg in your brain, drop it into your Heart Chakra and blow it out front and back, see the front and back chakras sealed in a golden lid. If you feel vulnerability anywhere else, like your head or neck, repeat the process in that area and blow it out to surround your head and then your whole body, while incased in your 12D shield.

As our 4D bodies are connected to our individual and human race emotional body, and with the additional activity happening on the planet at this time, this practice helps to protect your emotional body from rips or tears in the astral layers of your auric shield. Emotional imprints from the environment will be shielded, so your body does not absorb the acute or intense emotions coming from others around you.

Thank you for being here and sharing these intense times with the Guardian family. I appreciate your patience and participation with the use of this tool as you feel empowered and guided to do so.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path, be kind to yourself and each other.

Love, Lisa



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