Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Art by Sequoia

February 2025
Aquarius Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During the move into Aquarius Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Stage 12 Aquarius, February 16 to March 11

  • Alchemical Theme: Multiplication, Virtues
  • Element: Air, Fixed, Positive
  • Geometric Form: Upward-pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line
  • Planetary Correlations: Uranus and Solar Logos
  • Alchemical Metal: Uranium
  • Stargates: Inner Gate and Island of Kauai, Hawaii and its underground linkup into the South of France, Montsegur.
  • Embodied Correlations: The Avatar or Nirvanic Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 12D White Body of the Christos Avatar. The 12D White wave of the third layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the 12th Chakra. The Avatar Body function is to connect the Earth Star Chakra in the base shield that transmits the platinum liquid light blueprint for the Diamond Sun body of the Avatar Christ. The Earth Star, when it has been activated to run 12D Ray current, is located approximately six inches below the feet and connects into the base of the 12D Christos Shield. It connects into the 12th dimension in the future timelines and is the 12D Ray of the Christ Mind. Once the 12D Ray has been activated, the God-Sovereign-Free triad or Threefold Founder Flame is ignited within the center of the horizontal base of the 12D Shield, which supports the continuation of safe progression through the Ascension Cycle during the planetary liberation of the Earth. Service to the One is its own Reward.
  • Aquarius Rules: ankles, lower limbs, shins, spiritualization of blood, circulatory system.

The process of multiplication involves the concentrated absorption of the inner Christos solar light that activates spiritual powers of higher virtues and ethics that emanate blessings onto others and into the environment, which is associated with Aquarian Solar Alchemy. It involves the alchemical process that greatly increases the focused refinement and energetic effectiveness of the individual’s solar consciousness as an energetic sphere of influence that manifests through the embodied biological spiritual light source. Christ is often used to demonstrate the Aquarian alchemical concept that God is the master of multiplication, which could be performed infinitely through the spiritual potency of one’s inner light source being multiplied to perform service to others or offer divine blessings.

To multiply something, it first must be blessed in the natural laws of God, with the sincere intention of generously giving something to another. Such as offering a divine service of spontaneous spiritual healing or contributing to the greater good of all involved, to multiply something in order to freely offer it as a holy blessing and gift for others. Yet, with God’s gift of multiplication of holy blessings when demonstrated through the inner Christ light, the greater the responsibility becomes in order to maintain divine alignment and personal integrity. As with the embodiment themes of Aquarian solar alchemy, the divine blessings greatly multiply spiritual power in this material world which simultaneously multiplies assorted difficulties along with an increase of critics and detractors. Therefore, the gifts of multiplication come with many hard spiritual lessons to master in the world, as when under dark spiritual attack, we must always act in right alignment, right action and with integrity, regardless of what others may say or think.

During this ascension stage, the previous life stream’s records in the blood are being purified from accumulated karmic ancestral records; thus, the blood becomes spiritualized within its chemistry, spontaneously generating abundant blessings of holy spiritual virtues and divine gifts. This is why the Guardians refer to the Spirits of Christ as Krystic attributes of powerful spiritual virtues that act to multiply blessings and abundance for all of those who come in contact with it.

The process of multiplication occurs near the end of the annual magnum opus cycle of spiritual ascension alchemy, moving through all of the constellations and their alchemical laws. This is the symbolic state in which Christ is able to take any base substance and multiply it into many fish and bread loaves to feed the hungry and offer them blessings. Through the access of pure embodied spiritual essence, the abundance of the spiritual light flows in and blesses the environment from the sacred crystal heart which functions as a liquid light beacon within a diamond sun body. Thus, the divine destiny for angelic humans is to activate their inner Christ and multiply abundance and blessings for all those who come in contact with it, as well as for the individual who embodies its organic solar light. This principle is about serving the group consciousness of the world soul in the highest expression of spiritual ascension that is made available for all human beings at any time or space that is their personal divine timing to reunite with God.  In traditional alchemy, this is used to increase the spiritual potency of the philosopher stone, the turning of base metals into pure gold and silver. This alchemical process of multiplication is a significant milestone in the spiritual ascension journey, as it symbolizes activation and unity of the Inner Christ and holy spirit, along with the consciousness expansion that reunites us with the Godhead, as the inherent transformation of the human lightbody emerges into a sovereign Diamond Sun.  

Law of Vibration

  • Astrological Correspondence: Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus – Uranus, Solar Logos - Air
  • Chakra and Sphere 12, Avatar Mind of Avatar Body
  • Royal Star - Fomalhaut

This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. In and beyond the material realm and into realms in which everything is conscious living energy, is the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales into timelines. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of the source field, is the vibrational rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration in its contraction and the oscillation speed through which it expands, is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.

If the rate of that frequency-vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into its simplest and most basic form consists of a rate of frequency-vibration. At the highest levels and at the lowest levels, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own energetic signature, attributes and quality of manifestation. It is important to realize that every substance, body and unique energetic being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when it is stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the positive forces of life, such as the spiritual forces of goodness, forces of gratitude, forces of unconditional love, will amplify these attributes through resonances and thus, strengthen our multidimensional body dramatically. Resonating through an undisciplined ego-personality that impulsively expresses negative forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance to what is, will also amplify those same discordant tones which magnify energetic disturbances that form blockages within our multidimensional body.

We can learn to apply the first Law of Mentalism to shift our negative thoughts in order to change our mental state into a positive state with a higher vibration. Directing concentrated focus upon loving, positive states and higher frequencies with an effort of applying personal will in order to shift into higher frequency-vibration, is called Mental Transmutation.

This principle explains that the distinction made between the manifestations of the planes of matter, energy, mind and spirit are just the result of different vibrations on a frequency scale. The higher the energy of a person is, the higher the rate of frequency-vibration they will be embodying and interacting with on multidimensional planes.

In the higher dimensions, at the highest rate of vibration the rate and intensity are so fast that it may appear that entity is effortlessly gliding yet motionless, like a wheel spinning in place that appears perfectly stable. And at the lowest levels of vibration, objects move so slowly they appear to be totally stationery and immovable. Between these two states of being exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own unique energetic signature.

The Law of Vibration is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix, and its ultimate governance by the returning Solar Logos. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Southern direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W), that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. This is why Fomalhaut is referred to as the Guardian of the South, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars.

Consciousness is Rate of Frequency

  • Energy is Consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its Rate of Frequency.
  • The process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the Vibration rate.

Beyond the material realm and into a realm where everything is energy, is the Law of Vibration. A Natural Universal Law that states that ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates which forms a rate of Frequency.’

The lower the vibration, the slower the vibration; the higher the vibration the faster the vibration. The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual result simply from different levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. While the feelings of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low Rate of Frequency, the feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much quicker.

Consciousness is Vibration

Consciousness energy or vibration consists of and is interconnected to providing a distinct vibratory pattern that is immediately transmitted and received, with no concept of space or time when released into the vast space of the universe. Consciousness vibration is not limited to time and space and exists outside of time. There are a vast number of qualities of vibrational frequency existing as an ever-present consciousness layer that exists throughout the entire universe. Everything in our universe consists of multiple dimensional layers of vibrational frequency. If the rate of that vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. This means it is beyond the capacity of the five basic senses, such as frequency rates that exist outside of the known visible light spectrum. If we are unable to see or sense frequency-vibrations in and around us, that doesn't mean that vibration or frequency doesn't exist because you cannot sense it. It is the function of activating our spiritual lightbody through the ascension process that activates higher sensory perception, that which gives a human being the ability to see or sense a rage of frequencies that other humans may not see.

The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into its simplest and most basic form, consists of a Rate of Frequency. Let's begin to consider this concept by looking at something as simple as a piece of paper. As you pick it up and look at it, it appears to be a solid object that you can sense with all of the five basic human senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. If you were to tear off a small piece of the corner and place it under a microscope, you would find that it now appears to transform into a different form than when you held it in your hand or as it laid on the table. As you observe it closely you will find that there appears to be movement within it. The movement that you see is from millions of individual forms of microscopic matter that make up the piece of paper, which are called molecules. Everything in our world that you can sense with the five basic human senses are made up of trillions of these tiny molecules.

Now let's take one of those molecules and place it under a much more powerful microscope and as you look through the lens you will find that there appears to be movement from within the molecule. This movement is created by something known to the mainstream scientific community as atoms, which broken down and analyzed further consist of a proton, which is at the center and an electron which constantly orbits the proton, creating a vibratory pattern. Everything that exists, whether physical and seen or non-physical and unseen, contains some variation of atoms and subatomic particles. The varying amounts of each of these put together, form various shapes or energies which determine the form or rates of vibrational frequency. Depending on the specific amounts of each of these subatomic ingredients, all physical phenomenon that can be seen, whether tangible and measurable experiences or in the case of objects, these subatomic structures determine if the thing being observed is solid, liquid or gas. The specific amounts of these subatomic particles combined with their rate of vibration also determines whether it can be sensed with the five basic human senses or not. Regardless of its form, everything that exists, seen and unseen, consists of a rate of vibration. In other words, what you see in physical life is not as solid as it appears to be. It is ALL a vibrating mass of energy.

Universal Vibration

Drum vibration mode21

Vibration Pattern of Circular Drum

Everything that exists must generate from a Central Point of Universal Consciousness, the Original Source from which that vibration exists. The God Source, the Center Point of All Union, is known by many names amongst the people in our world. This Universal Consciousness is THE God Source of all that is, was or ever will be. Although it is referred to in many different ways, regardless of the names attached to it by humankind, it exists and is always present in some form in everyone and everything. Each of us as an individual being, is an integral yet individual part of this Universal God Consciousness, and collectively make up a portion of the whole of the Universal Consciousness Vibration, much like a drop of water is a part of and makes up the body of water in an ocean. There are also many layers of vibrational fields that are reduced to smaller forms of the Galactic, Solar, Planetary, human, animal, plant and natural kingdoms of the Earth, all groupings of collective consciousness fields that uniquely vibrate and interconnect into the overall Universal Consciousness Vibration. Humanity and everything else within our universe, in our most basic form, exists as a unique arrangement of vibrational frequency that was originally generated from the central point of union, the Original God Source.

In honor of the shift into Aquarian Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Vibration, and the 12D White Christ Avatar or Nirvanic Mind of the Solar Logos, our offering is to revisit the previous blog transcript, Aquarian Solar Logos Dragon describing the Aquarian Meridian Project.   

Aquarian Meridan Project

(transcript of audio)

Beloved family, the collective energies rising at this juncture present some themes concerning the spiritual integration and complexity around our third eye and the ancient eyes of the Christos Founders in their higher sensory vision. At multiple layers of vision there are multiple layers of our higher sensory ability, which is quite extensive through whatever level of spiritual awakening we have in the body, our light body, our genetic configurations. When we refer to the third eye, it’s much more than the sixth dimensional and seventh dimensional access portal located within our brain. It goes into multiple dimensional layers and harmonic universes throughout the universal complex into the parallels, and then out into the cosmos beyond this universal time matrix and into the eternal now of nondimensionalized spaces.

The focus is on the deeper understanding of the functions in the third eye in the center of the brain in which there are dual energies that bring conflict and are required to be brought into energetic balance. We understand all kinds of spiritual blockages, were placed upon human’s, such as pineal cages and other types of distortions, inversions and artificial frequency layers were placed to interfere with our personal frequency vibration and restrict higher sensory vision. All of that encompasses our themed discussion in this moment knowing that all dual energies or diverse energies that bring on conflict, can be utilized to transform into the higher synthesis of function and operation of our higher sensory vision. We choose the ancient eternal Eye of God, to be One with us.

As we bring the intelligent use of natural laws into our conscious participation, we bring the energetic synthesis of polarities to that which has existed as two halves. Yet these two halves function together as a whole as one within the third eye complex. In this moment we bring forth that understanding of spiritual connection with the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which act as the two halves of our brain and produce and distribute hormonal secretions of the inner Michael and Mary. This is the region of their highest Christic archetypal expression reaching unification or hierogamic union within our brain, physically, energetically and spiritually. The pearl activation brings the next stages of the higher functioning of the skull and brain energy centers, that are associated with our individual, group and collective species pursuit and knowledge of attaining spiritual truth. The spiritual truth of our spiritual origins.

Thus, the energy centers in our brain are undergoing, what I am currently feeling, tremendous stress from the exertion of aggressive outer psychic pressures, the electronic harassment, psychological warfare and gas lighting deceptions that are on turbo as the magnetic field collapses, inverts and changes its position, which apparently is happening at some level of the reality in this moment. The point of perception for me is more of a galactic awareness of the understanding of what we are holding as a group template, which is a part of the shifting architecture of ascension and the embodiment of our Cosmic Mother in all of her Holy Sophianic permutations.  And that creation of super-magnetism in the solar sound, the eternal sound, the first primal sound of our Holy Mother restoring, returning through us in our own divine emanation through the spiritualization and solarization of our female.

This as well is the ongoing rigorous spiritual activations that all of this entails as we each are being pushed to seek the truth existing within ourselves, within our unique individual inner spirits’ struggle to learn the real truths that have been hidden from us. To learn the real truths about our soul, our spirit and it's divine and rightful place in this universe. Thus, we are entering a whole new phase of personal discovery, requiring us to relearn almost everything we thought we already knew about ourselves - to act effectively, to act accurately, to resolve or neutralize or bring into unification assorted conflicts as we integrate the remaining energetic polarities appearing in our life's situation, in our relationships, everything that has to do with our co-creation faculties. We need to gather enough information about certain things when we’re in a new phase of personal discovery, because we’re in a phase of gathering information. And certainly, many of us feel like we’re on information overload with the state of the conflicts and chaos in the outer world. And yet this is a part of the spiritual integration process - gathering enough information about ourselves in a process of personal discovery of spiritual truth. Learning who we are.  Learning the real truths about our soul mission, our higher purpose, our divine and rightful place in the universe.

To act effectively and accurately in order to resolve these assorted conflicts we’re gathering information, we’re integrating information. And this is about making decisions, making choices. Some of it is non-action and just the observation of events through compassionate witnessing. And in some ways, there are levels in which we will be prompted to take action, and sometimes surfaces through this process of spiritual activation through sudden realizations or aha moments. All the sudden we have an epiphany. All the sudden we have a self-realization when our consciousness is in the process of integrating new accumulating data points about ourselves, our lives, our relationships, our lessons, and everything that is the content of our co-creations.

Sometimes in order to bring a process of energetic integration that helps us progress further, we can ask or inquire upon our heart a few simple questions. Identify what is going on in your life that is completely new to you right now. What are you in the midst of in your own personal discoveries? Identify and locate what you have been trying to know or thinking about, reflecting in order to understand something more deeply about the situation in your life, whatever that may be that's in front of you right now. Holding space, and today our container is this space, to inquire upon - what are you to do with this new information about your personal discovery? What do you do with this new information that you have been receiving or are on the cusp of receiving?

These questions, this holding space helps to unpack that content which may feel or be obfuscated or hidden underneath many layers upon layers which begins to surface some clarity about information that was previously unknown or missing from your awareness. And then this focused awareness helps you to know how to do something - as in, take in information and then begin to know how to take action or non-action upon it. Sometimes just an awareness of something in conscious participation can align with a shift, maybe you're just aware of it. But you're aware of it in a new way in this moment. You may not need to act upon it in this moment, but you are consciously shifting that by interacting or participating with your knowledge and awareness of it in the moment. We want to always be aligned to our inner spirit, aligned with the natural laws of God in order for our personal tasks to be taken in the most effective, easy and natural progression that moves us forward gracefully with the Divine Will of God at the helm.

Now many of us may be experiencing recent ascension symptoms that can be heavy with this magnetic change, the words that come to mind are magnetic flux reversal. There is a pole reversal of magnetism happening at some level. The issue is exactly where and to whom is this shift occurring, because the ascension symptoms are very heavy with this magnetic overlay of shifting that creates intense aches and pains in our head, our skull, our scalp, our eyes, ears, mouth, all of our sensory organs that take in more input in order to process and understand information in life, in our surroundings, in our world. This can overload our central nervous system with artificial and organic electromagnetic frequency exposures that can tip us over into these sensations of dizziness and vertigo, light headedness, balance issues, stomach flip-flopping around the butterfly kind of feeling in your still point. Your eyes feel tired and sore like you've been staring at a computer monitor, even when you haven't!  The ear soreness; the inner ears are even sore. There is a rawness, a raw nerve type sensation happening with our sensory organs of input.

As the outer world is and has been escalating through this nonsensical, absurd, ridiculous and chaotic explosion of inverted systems, many of us know the system is being run upside down. Yet this inversion, this chaos, this absurdism, this nonsensical approach to reality, is the weapon designed to interfere with our natural ability to act in alignment with our current life situation.

We can as well surmise and understand that the whole consciousness war is to interfere with our coherent actions in our own current life situation. Some of us may feel, we do not know what to do. We do not know what to say. We do not know how to handle these nonsensical ridiculous, absurd situations because this forces us into a type of behavioral confusion, where you do not know how to behave in the context of an interaction with others who are subscribing to or feeding these nonsensical absurd situations. Or what seems to be utterly ridiculous, and yet others are taking it quite seriously. And when we see society in a state of decline and collapse in this inverted system and some people attempting to go back to normal and to hold on to what was the 3D behavioral norms it creates, again, a lot of confusion in our lives when attempting to figure out how to untie this Gordian knot, this package of high strangeness.

And so, taking this outer awareness of the current situation - this psychological warfare in the Alice in Wonderland world of crazy - bringing this into consideration that this is a truth. This is an accurate assessment. This phase is pushing us towards practical shifts in new ways of relating regardless of the nonsensical situation happening in the outer world. Coming into new approaches that honor ourselves in who we know that we are, regardless of what others are doing.  And as we’ve said many times, be true to you. Be true to you. Be true to your heart.

The central issue during this confusion is to live and be as you are naturally.

And to not let the nonsensical ridiculous impose its overlays upon you. Paying attention to your divine piece of the puzzle, not other people's pieces, your piece of the puzzle. Knowing that as you work your pieces, this alone is the most effective action of holding coherence that aligns us to our highest timeline that exists in the future with our highest Christic future selves.

On the spiritual path our ultimate goal is to express more balance, coherence and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of in our self-revelations, our personal discovery of spiritual truth. The principal expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in the patterns between the natural laws of consciousness that exist simultaneously in multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above so below - as below so above. What is manifested in our material world reflects the quality of the thoughts behind the pattern from the unmanifest layers. This principle states there is correspondence between multiple planes of reality which may form into integrated and harmonious interactions delineated as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes at the individual microcosm, impacting intersecting with the collective macrocosm levels.

We want to understand more about causal reality, causal events happening through us, around us in our co-creations. As we look to the macro to the micro, to the micro to the macro, we observe the interconnections, we see the patterns that are present there to understand the nature of problems. To understand the nature of conflicts and life lessons we look beyond the linear thinking of issues. Instead, we look at what exists as it is in the energetic layers that co-created it. We see the pattern and the shadow of what generated that particular situation.

Now, we introduce the alchemy and natural laws being presented for our group consciousness participation today. This actually pertains to a newly introduced aspect of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon of the Aquarian Ouroboros lines of our planet. This is an understanding of exploration of Father’s Solar Dragon body parts. We began our journey of His and our solar awakening, the Cosmic Dragon awakening, last December during the Lincoln Cathedral activations which brought forth the animating presence of the Golden Aquarian Dragon who embodies the Law of Vibration and is a part of the Solar Logos trinity that is inherently a part of the configuration of the Avatar Christos matrix, which is the fourth triad of intelligence that holds the higher frequency bands of 10D, 11D and 12D in our universal time matrix.

Now we know that for a long time, the understanding of context that Solar Logos was imploded, that it was destroyed, along with the Law of Gender. A part of the last 20 years of architectural grid work and the cosmic Christos Guardian Host timeline repair projects were to reinstate, to repair, to rehabilitate, to bring forth the Solar Logos. So now, what we’re understanding what we’re interacting with here is an aspect of the Holy Father in his Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon form. This is how he gets around through the Aquarian Ouroboros line to again, bring us into the awareness of his animating eternal life presence through the Aquarian law, the Aquarian principle. And understand this is a part of the Solar Rishic Founder coming into the Aquarian Ouroboros line to enforce the law, to bring forth the kingship arcs. Which again show us through the Solar Logos – as we understood that the solar logos matrix was not functioning, was not operating due to the NAA invasion.

This Aquarian Solar Dragon aspect of our Holy Father is interacting with us and giving us information to understand more about the function of his Solar Dragon parts, how he expresses himself, how we may interact with him, we are invited to as it feels in divine alignment to our heart, to our mind and to our body. Obviously, this is in direct alignment to our natural spiritual progression and feeling of what feels natural and aligned to us personally. But as he explores with us, he is leading the way and showing us his solar logos identity, how he expresses himself in the matrix of our creation, how we may interact with him or can, if we choose to connect with the Christos frequency.

Now the Cosmic Christos Suns send forth their solar ray principles and astrological correspondences through the 13 primary Dragon bodies enmeshed within the planetary matrix. So now we’re at a stage where Aquarian Solar Dragon of Holy Father presents himself, so the Solar Rishic Founder Holy Father principle comes into the embodiment through the Aquarian Solar Dragon and reminds me of the Solar Logos body and then further reminds me of the Aquarian Meridian Project that directly impacts the gallbladder meridian, the astral plane, that which caused the 2D/4D split. He's helping us to look at, he’s helping me at this time to look at and return to the cycle of time where this first came into my awareness in 2008, to seed that thought of the Aquarian Meridian Project and say “Remember this was me reminding you of the solar logos of which you are a part.” Of which we all are a part as we restore the solar logos configuration and we move this through the architecture on the astral plane in order to repair the soul matrix. To repair as well what he shows as the gallbladder architecture of the organ in our body, which apparently is as well an embodied law and principle.

Now coming back to the gallbladder and understanding this is an organ in our own body. We are embodied within a cosmic principle - the universal man, the cosmic man, the angelic human that we are - all of our organs and body parts embody principles in the stars.

Aquarian Solar Dragon of the Holy Father in the Solar Logos matrix reminds us - let's look at the Aquarian Meridians in the gallbladder architecture as this is a restoration of embodied law in that star principle. Not only in the macrocosm but in the microcosm we are, as we again connect to that holographic architecture that is being guided through the Solar Logos of our Founder Solar Rishic Father at this time.

As we focus inward, taking a moment as we connect to this principle in our own body. The gallbladder principle in our physical body is ruled by the Aquarian line. It is connected to our mental powers running through twelve layers of mind matrices. The consciousness body and substance of our mental mind matrices are connected directly to the gallbladder principle. This is understanding the Aquarian overlay, the Aquarian principles and laws give us mental power, mental substance. Now taking this further, the gift of our mental bodies, the gift of the ability to think, to have critical thinking, to have thought substance - this is what Holy Father reminds us. To guard our mind. This is the gift of our physical body: to give us mental powers of critical thinking, to be able to discern, to be able to see. Because in the power of thought we can think something out in the analysis of a problem or life situation, and we don't actually have to experience it directly always in the matter world, because we can think it out. We can in our mind imagine what it would be to think out various analyses of situations and then conclude various outcomes based upon these imaginings. This is a part of our critical thinking. This is also a part of our imaginings, which is our consciousness in action.

Who knew, all of this process is connected to our gallbladder principle and the Aquarian line, the Aquarian Meridian, the Aquarian Solar Dragon. All of this is interrelated. This is our theme, our focus, our spiritual healing is today and of course, why we’re discussing it so that we can grasp it at another deeper level. Again, the mental powers of critical thinking, of discernment, of imaginings, and having analysis of situations gives us an ability to have strong discernment in which to develop ourselves, so we may act wisely in situations of co-creatorship.

Now any time - this is what's very interesting - in looking at the current stresses we are all under with the current world outer scape environment. Now any time we are under incredible stress or obfuscation, confusion, gas lighting lies, we’re under great stress to perceive things accurately. We’re trying to look at something or perceive something, analyze something accurately in our lives. And when we do we experience a sympathetic response in our gallbladder because the gallbladder function is connected to the Aquarian lines, the Aquarian energies. Thus, it places us in a position to search for an accurate analysis of the stresses or the pressures or the situations or the conflicts that we are experiencing in our life. Now especially as well, if we have made a decision about something and we have not thought that out, not used critical thinking or discernment but instead rushed into a decision. A sudden decision is made and now it's known not to be a good decision. Think about what's happening with the introduction of bio-weapon injections in the outer world. How many people didn't use critical thinking? How many people listened to the people around them or made a rash decision, a sudden decision? All of this creates stress and problems in the gallbladder and all of the sympathetic resonance it contains connected to all of this micro-macro and macro-micro situation.

This stage thrusts us and many of the population into a crisis of decision-making. And this will be found to be in our relationships or situations in which that individual or group of people failed to use critical thinking, failed to use sound judgment, failed to use sound decision making. This is a spiritual lesson of the Aquarian frequencies. The gallbladder in our body responds directly to this process. As we know this is a very important part of our body. We’ve got 44 points on the meridian line on both left and right, that comprises this gallbladder meridian. And it's the only meridian that I know of at this time that has a direct layer of access into the physical governance of our body, the physical flesh of our body from the etheric layers and this is why it's so important to us.

When we are not honest with ourselves, when we’re not honest about our true feelings, it damages our trust, it damages our sound judgment, impairs our critical thinking and mental powers. All of our mental powers are damaged and impaired. And this also impacts our perceptions, our sense of fair mindedness, right? Are people being fair? Meaning: is there justice? Is there fairness? Is there justice that will be served?  Now the Aquarian Dragon of the Solar Logos in Holy Father’s body in His natural law says “Justice will be served! No one is above the law. No one is above the law. It is only time”.

Thus, we give our concerns of fairness and justice to God. Knowing this difficult situation that we are living within is not arbitrary man-made laws governing us because we choose and allow Divine Will to reign and rule us. That is the spiritual truth.

For a moment as we connect with the Aquarian Golden Dragon of our Solar Logos Holy Father principle, imagine a solar fire Golden Dragon. He is a golden ouroboros line. This is one of his Solar Logos body parts that we are connecting to. And in a golden Dragon body with pale violet crystal eyes that appear as a variety of, I would say is like a beveled violet lilac colored crystal gemstones.

For a moment, let's create some space intending to connect from your sacred crystal heart to the presence of the Aquarian Christos Dragon, Guardian Holy Father's sacred crystal heart. And in this moment, Holy Father reminds us of the Aquarian natural Law of Vibration. The principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests. Everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower and also rotates, which forms a rate of frequency vibration beyond the material realm and into the realm in which everything is conscious energy. This is the Law of Vibration. Everything in our universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout dimensional scales. Our Holy Father in his golden Dragon body spans all dimensional scales.

Energy is consciousness. Consciousness is energy. It contracts or expands to maintain its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or how slow that energy contracts back towards its center point, that is our heart, is the vibration rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration which is our contraction point, and the oscillation which is our expansion speed, is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things. And clearly, we are undergoing a rapid frequency vibration - I would say the oscillation speed increase. The spinning speed of our oscillation of frequency, the frequency rate, is rapidly increasing. And this brings us to our theme Aquarian Meridian Project.

Now this was the reminder, to bring our attention upon the consciousness shift of ages in which the new gallbladder matrix is being assisted in healing problematic issues. As we know our bodies have been riddled with parasites, with suppressors, with problems in which the gallbladder matrix had been hijacked.  The luciferian new world order hijack of the New Age intends, and has hijacked many of the Aquarian principles of our Holy Father. He reminds us, the Aquarian project or the Aquarian line is His law, His principle.

Thus, we give it to God and become aware, have the discernment of the Aquarian hijack that is also in place running concurrently through the distortions of AI systems, and the distortions which they are attempting to capitalize on at this particular time within the outer constructs, the outer chaos, the outer environments. So again, do not confuse the two. Understand the cloning issues with the term Aquarian as we know it, has been hijacked in the New Age. So again, we are reclaiming it.  Aquarian Law, Law of Vibration, Solar Logos in Cosmic Christos and the organic cosmic Christos Solar Dragon architecture which is comprising the Aquarian law.

The Guardians state the gallbladder meridian is the Aquarian Meridian. They mentioned the liver and gallbladder relationships symbolizing the movement of the ages from the Piscean to the Aquarian within the larger micro-macro cosmic structure. Now Aquarian Solar Dragon of our Holy Father Founder announces this shift happening now.

And understanding as well, the gallbladder representing through the law with this layer has a term of understanding justice, cause and effect judgment. This is kind of understanding subsidiary reactions and the byproducts of law of vibration, represent that which comes to be judged.  Now again, not in the biblical way in which sin and blame and karma are used, but understanding that which is in alignment to truth, that which is in alignment to lies, and we choose truth.

We must have discernment to move towards the truth. Seek truth with all of the love in our heart, perceiving that which we know as right and wrong to us inside, right? That which is right for us is that which feels resonant to us. That which is wrong to us is that which feels discordant, harmful or destructive to us. This seems to mean that these functions represent themselves in our organ system and the karmic miasma carried through generations of the process which we have judged it to be, is coming to a completion cycle. And this impacts the masculine right side bi-wave on the bottom of the right foot on axiatonal line 6D, next to our baby toe and right-hand ring finger.

So, our focus is all of that which this theme entails in the restoration of Aquarian Meridian in co-collaboration and partnership with our Beloved Holy Father Golden Dragon principle of the Aquarian Solar Dragon Ouroboros Line in his full embodiment presenting himself as protector of Law, protector of us - those that seek the truth, He protects. Those that are in truth he protects.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. May you and your loved ones be blessed in the New Year. GSF!

With a Loving heart,

Lisa Renee

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