Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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February 2019

Mainstreaming Satanism and Luciferianism

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Most of us can feel morality and culture being eroded at an increasing pace, but very few people recognize that this is by design.  Until we can see the intentional distortions being offered up as the norm and identify the hidden motivations to herd an unaware humanity into consent with dark forces, we do not have free choice.  Two of the main factions responsible for this are being given a make-over, to be sold to the public as something they are not. These are complex forces, mixing two energies that were organic to the earth realm, but that have been hijacked and amplified by invading off planet groups.  These groups are exerting a tremendous influence over humanity at this time, and being able to read their signatures and decode their agendas, means being better able to maintain personal integrity and freedom of choice for all of humanity in the ascension cycle.

The Mainstreaming of Satanism and the Mainstreaming of Luciferianism, are the current dominant cultures that are being methodically and secretly constructed through an array of social engineering experiments. These are being perpetrated through an increasing multitude of electromagnetic and chemical weapons targeting the unaware earth population, with the goal of mass mind control. Most people are still not able to discern the aggressive agendas hidden in plain sight that directly promote the death culture. These agendas are based upon manipulating Satanic and Luciferian doctrines and ideologies, and their proponents continue to deceive the public through pushing for mainstream acceptance while denying accountability for the destructive harm caused by their actions. These Controller groups desire to make the more extreme Satanic and Luciferian ideologies and their related behaviors and rituals fully mainstreamed and socially integrated.  Thus, the agenda is to mainstream these practices so that they will become legally protected when their various harmful activities are openly disclosed or observed in full view of the public.  

This month’s newsletter is intended to demystify, educate and eliminate the many veils of confusion and the gaslighting tactics that are used by the main supporters of these dark ideologies. This is to help remove the knee jerk avoidance and the mainstream taboo, that prevents openly discussing the definition of the practices that are classified as Satanism or Luciferianism.

This is a very complex subject where layers upon layers of deceptions, lies and cover stories are put in place to confuse the masses about the real source and intention behind these practices. There are many different schools of thought on the path towards achieving self-realization and greater enlightenment. There are discussions and debates on what are often referred to as the right-hand and left-hand path, and whether taboo types of activities can be used for spiritual benefit. However, what this newsletter attempts to define is the larger global agendas of the most powerful Satanic and Luciferian practitioners, those in the Power Elite that have alien handlers that use these practices to directly contact the NAA, and conjure sorcery against the masses.

When attempting to describe Satanism or Luciferianism, the descriptors used are generally portrayed inaccurately to the public as delusions or fabrications of the unstable and superstitious mind, made up as purely religious constructs to control the masses through fear. That discussions about Satanism and Luciferianism are limited to conspiracy theorists, or whispered behind the closed doors of members of the clergy, exorcists, and secret societies is by design. Many people are taught to believe that these spiritual forces, rituals and the doctrines behind them do not exist, that these forces are purely imaginary and do not have an influence in the world or on those minds that are properly educated in the hard sciences. This is absolutely inaccurate. More people need to be able to identify and recognize Satanism and Luciferianism in action, when its ideology is being represented through the use of mainstream symbols and in practices that are shaping the cultural and societal norms, because it is being used as a type of black magic sorcery to directly infect minds, greatly impacting how the masses think and perceive their reality.

When we finally recognize and know what it is, its darker existence can be found everywhere by opening our eyes to see the current state of chaos, mental fragmentation and traumatized pain in people that are running the world around us. Because when people do not recognize these forces even when they are looking them in the face, they are easily manipulated by them to easily give up their consent and authority. Classic dark Satanists and Luciferians glorify themselves through the ultimate heights of narcissism and lust for power, using knowledge to feel superior and to take unfair advantage over others. Thus, they endorse the master-slave relationship and they believe it is their natural right to be the dark master of humanity, because they consider themselves smarter, stronger and genetically superior.

Denying the Dark Agenda’s Ancient Ideology

The point is to comprehend that Satanism and Luciferianism are ancient ideologies based in total secrecy, black magic sorcery and the continual cover up and denial of their existence to outsiders. Many of these mixed ideologies are promoted as atheistic, when this is entirely inaccurate, as they are connected directly to specific gestalts of energy intelligence. These are consciousness lifestyles and sometimes religious practices that have remained deeply buried behind the mysteriously hidden shadows of the esoteric occult, which has grown its tentacles of influence way beyond any current world religion, intellectual reasoning or spiritual philosophy. It is a dark predatorial consciousness with a doctrine that has infiltrated and infected every single aspect of secular society, generating an inverted society designed to reverse the principles of life into principles of death. Satanic and Luciferian death symbolism, black magic sorcery and their destructive beliefs are being thrust into our subconscious mind every day, through the onslaught of commercial entertainment, advertising and consumer branding of the death culture. These assaults against human consciousness are meticulously pre-planned, through the intentional social engineering experiments decided upon by the many academic think tanks and international committees that are founded by the Power Elite, and run at the highest levels by the NAA puppet masters.  

The most powerful cult of insiders, such as those involved with the Power Elite, misrepresent themselves and lie to the unaware public who are being tricked every day to believe that Mainstream Satanism or Luciferianism is an ideology that has genuinely benign, noble and humanitarian intentions. Under the guise of the marketing promotions of a gentler, kinder and more charitable Satan or Lucifer to the unaware masses, he is a friendly, sensual God that just wants to give you the knowledge you deserve so you can manipulate and lie to get the things you want on the material plane. Other forms of this propaganda use the atheistic mind control to target the subconscious, that none of this actually exists and life is meaningless anyway, so you better stick it to others and get yours while you can.

Unfortunately, these are grave inaccuracies filled with complex deceptions and lies that are being spread, as the survival of a high-powered practicing Satanist and Luciferian that relies on ritual blood sacrifice of humans, is fully dependent on the propaganda machines and gaslighting tactics for controlling the perception of the population. They are fully dependent on controlling the public perception in order to promote social acceptance of their lifestyle choices, being classified as harmless hanging out with the intellectuals, atheists and scientists. Thus, they are pushing for mainstream acceptance of their practices into the population via political manipulation of highly charged controversial issues. In order to distract they hide behind the most liberal people who are unaware of their global agenda. People who morally believe all human rights should be protected, even those committing harm to the people, provide great cover for dark forces.  Without an understanding of the actual consequences of the hidden forces behind these actions, they have no idea who they are inadvertently protecting. Does our civilized society want to protect the rights of the mentally ill and spiritually sick to be lying propagandists, free to use technological mind control to create world slavery? To protect having sex with children and to use human blood sacrifice and Negative Alien rituals to help maintain their power and control in materialism?

Thus, these topics must be openly and intelligently discussed with reasonable, flexible and coherent minds, in order to understand where the primary ideologies and their belief systems originate, and why these groups operate in total secrecy and lies, seeking to have full spectrum domination, power and global control. 

Total Secrecy, Non-Disclosure and Brutal Punishment

Satanic and Luciferian consciousness forces can exist simultaneously within humans and non-human entities, who are practicing Satanic or Luciferian ideologies. They have a lifestyle that can also be considered Service to Self orientation, a deeply egoic, narcissistic and potentially psychopathic and violent personality that wants wealth and power over anything else. Powerful Satanic and Luciferian cults operate within inverted systems, they enforce a culture of absolute secrecy, and demanded loyalty with many layers of compartmentalized bureaucracy, filled with legal instruments and non-disclosure agreements throughout the many pillars of society to remain mostly undetected. They have access to unlimited wealth, while their projects are incredibly well funded and expertly insulated through a vetted network of powerful people. People that are organized in a hierarchical, highly compartmentalized layer of pyramidal inverted institutions and storefronts, where each layer has limited knowledge about the many tentacles that make up the entire scope of the organization’s true objectives and activities.

As such, a whistleblower that leaks secrets or is an apostate of the business of the cult or its lifestyle, is considered a traitor and threat to be blackmailed and legitimately punished by any extent that is relative to their personal beliefs or moral code, if there is one. The cult will seek to permanently erase or destroy their lives and that of their families, even down to ritual torture and death. As a result of enforcing such dire consequences for breaking secret agreements, and the fact there is no rule of law operating for those criminals who have unlimited wealth for bribery, there are few people that are willing to go public and help educate others about those in power that subscribe to the Power Elite Satanic or Luciferian cult lifestyle. For this reason, it is unreasonable and naive to believe that the survivors and victims of Satanic and Luciferian cults and human trafficking rings will become public and tell their story, when in the majority of cases they remain completely unprotected by the law.

The Many Spectrums of Satanism and Luciferianism

It is important to comprehend as with all things, that there are many ranges of current socially acceptable lifestyle practices that would identify within the spectrum of Satanism or Luciferianism, from dabblers, black magicians, as well as any moderate to fanatic practices that strictly observe the holidays and ritual seasons. The spectrum of the intensity of the practice of Satanism or Luciferianism is usually based on the level of each person’s negative ego distortions, their personal desires, lust for power and addictive tendencies. The stronger the ego drive for instant gratification, the less moral fiber to consider the consequences that action has upon others. In the freedom of practicing any religion or lifestyle, just because a person identifies with being religious or spiritual does not make them a good hearted, trustworthy and compassionate person.

One may draw comparisons observing many Christian sects, that may identify with the Bible or Jesus’ teachings, yet have many different ranges of interpretations and belief systems in what is thought to be God’s divine will for humanity. People that identity with being Christian and yet subscribe to the blood sacrifice of Jesus nailed to a cross as God’s plan for humanity, have no idea that blood sacrifice is purely Satanic and has absolutely nothing to do with true Christianity. In this state of mental confusion, there are many people with inverted belief systems, identifying as a Christian, and yet they are really practicing and connecting with Satanic forces that are pretending to be Christian. Satanic and Luciferian forces are the great Imposter Spirits, they are the ultimate deceivers and liars that enjoy confusing and mocking people. As an example, the Catholic Church is plagued with pedophilia and sodomy of children committed by clergy, which are the main tenets of the high-powered Satanists in their rituals for gaining power and control over others. With the knowledge of the Satanic agenda and their practices and belief systems, it becomes crystal clear who has been really running the Catholic Church and Vatican City. Satanic forces mock the Christians by pretending to be representatives of goodness, God and Christ.

Additionally, many youngsters involved in these practices that proclaim themselves as Satanists when influenced from movies, modern art or music, are not involved in human blood sacrifice, but remain completely unaware of the spiritual-energetic ramifications of giving their authority to Satanic or Luciferian forces. Many have no idea that these forces directly connect and communicate with an array of off planet alien forces that directly answer to some of these sigils and rituals, many times infiltrating the human energy field and implanting their consciousness to become their mind control slave.

However, what is considered acceptable behavior in one sect of a Satanic cult, like the ritual murder and cannibalism of babies, may be found morally reprehensible in a Luciferian belief system and vice versa. Many Luciferians do not believe that Satanic forces actually exist. Yet, they are interacting with Satanic forces in Satanic blood ritual referring to this same consciousness force as Lucifer, without the conscious awareness of the fact of who or what is actually present during the ritual of black magic sorcery. What makes it easy to confuse the two distinct and separate consciousness forces of Satanism and Luciferianism, is that they are comprised of female-male gender reversals that are both based in the Service to Self ideology. Satanism is without light, and is made up of black subtle forces conjured from the lowest female principle dimensions and black magic grids, while Luciferianism is the false light source conjured from the higher male principle dimensions, attempting to mimic and steal enlightenment from the Solar Consciousness of Christos-Sophia.  We could think of a classic Satanist locked in the lower three layers of the negative ego, focused on the instinctual drives, while the Luciferian is attempting to gain higher knowledge through opening his third eye, by passing his heart center.

Additionally, there are many people that are not aware of the NAA, and may identify as a Satanist or Luciferian, yet are fully capable of having a reasonable set of ethics in being respectful to others and not desiring to inflict harm on anyone. They may reject dogmatic religion and choose to support human creativity, personal freedom, gaining knowledge and seeking enjoyment of earthly life. For them, the Christian religion as it is generally represented is morally repugnant, and what is marketed as Luciferianism is much more appealing and rational.  

However, Satanism and Luciferianism at its core source share the common ground of beliefs that are rooted in Service to Self, believing that in order to become a master of the material world and gain wealth, prestige and knowledge, those with superior genetics and brute power deserve to exercise rulership over others that are less privileged. These Archontic Deception overlays come directly from the mind control broadcast from the NAA themselves. Spreading and growing the secret practice of Satanism and Luciferianism in the earth human population and throughout the main pillars of society is the primary agenda of the negative aliens who invaded our earth, who desire to enslave the planet and human consciousness through believing in their many complex deceptions.

Satanism and Luciferianism are Bi-Wave Consciousness

The Negative Alien agenda is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, made up of primarily groups that embody Satanic or Luciferian bi-wave polarity consciousness.

The forces of polarity that exist in creation as a gender principle have taken on the bi-wave collective consciousness as the anti-life and fallen aspects of the Universal Mother and Universal Father. These fallen aspects are the Imposters of the original Universal Founders that operate as a trinity. There is a Reversal Mother alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Satanism to be expressed on the earth. There is a Reversal Father alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Luciferianism to be expressed on the earth. These larger gestalts of bi-wave consciousness have taken human and nonhuman forms in multiple dimensions of reality, and are dueling for complete control over the consciousness on the planet in order to continue to exist on the earth plane. These many varieties of bi-wave forces attempt to enslave humans to express their quality of anti-life reversals, made through the Satanic or Luciferian collective consciousness.

Since humanity has the 12 Strand DNA imprint and potential of uniting with the eternal tri-wave consciousness of the combined Universal Mother and Universal Father Christos Trinity, the war on earth is between bi-wave and tri-wave, or anti-life and eternal life.

Much of the NAA is veiled in the secrecy of black operations and shadow levels of the collaboration between non-terrestrial entities and the human special access programs, buried in the many compartments of the military industrial complex or covert intelligence agencies. The primary timeline for takeover through the shadow government began during the World Wars in the branch of the naval forces, who had procured off planet technologies from the NAA and were hiding them in the underground labs and underwater bases on the earth. Earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, the Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest event during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, when human history was completely rewritten by the victors of war. These agendas are still in effect today and are enforced by the Power elite or Controller group, that are hard core practicing Satanists and Luciferians.  The Atlantian Conspiracy and Luciferian Covenant impacts all human and earthly life as an enforced enslavement program, where planetary resources are being harvested to send back to off planet entities, that collect the energetic quanta of human life force and earthly minerals.

Black Sun Program are Satanists

So, who are the Satanists in the NAA?

Most of the Black Suns are comprised of the Reptile Insectoid Collectives. These groups are primarily responsible for spreading Satanic practices on the earth, particularly pushing blood sacrifice and child sacrifice ritual practices. Because as predatorial parasites, they require a massive amount of human soul energy to survive and consider sacrificed children to be a delicacy. As a result, they have made many deals with the Black Sun Satanist Power Elite to keep them in control of the planetary resources, more specifically the black magic currency and global financial institutions. They endorse and protect those in power that have been prolific harvesters of child sacrifice and that carry out the activities that serve their human enslavement agenda. Aleister Crowley was contacted in 1904 and is the Black Sun poster child of the last century, he was given power and Essene Gnostic knowledge to spread the O.T.O. into the related satanic practices, in order to build the black magic grids or Thothian grids worldwide for supporting the control network for the Power Elite. These are essentially the infiltrations that were made into the planetary grid networks that are used today to support the Power elite rituals through the use of black magic sorcery, making their mind control sorcery and blood rituals more effective. The Power elite draw upon a massive energetic field harvested from human souls that was generated specifically for them, in order to maintain the highest levels of wealth in the pyramid of global control.

Some of the Black Suns are obsessed with the ideology of creating an elite race with a superior Olympian-Titan-Nordic body, and have stolen and genetically modified the Ruby Sun DNA from human beings for this reason. They have cloned out these bodies so that they appear to be Nordic humans making it easier to infiltrate human culture, as well as to satisfy their personal vanity. The Black Suns are comprised of Black Satanic forces and joined with the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Angelic Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this time vector in the Universal Time Matrix.

Reptile Insectoid Collective:

  • Dragon Moth from Orion Black hole system.
  • Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black from Nibiruian lines.
  • Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centauri.
  • Centaur Hybrids from Omega Centauri.
  • Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas.
  • Zeta from Zeta Reticuli.

The Black Suns are also referred to as Black Suns from their DNA genetic lineage, in that their heart center and source connection is made from a black hole. The Black Suns have reversed their DNA from many eons of inciting warring aggression against multiple species in the Universal timelines. They exist primarily in the reverse 10th dimensional DNA strand and thus they maintain a network in the Middle East, to run reversal currents in which they use the Iran-Iraq Gate to sustain themselves. They actively groom and cultivate Satanic Ritual Abuse for mass human blood sacrifice in the areas they have control like the Middle East, because they require the blood and soul energy for sustenance to survive, and are addicted to human hormones in the bloodstream, like adrenochrome. They are capable of existing in three-dimensional consciousness while in their body, yet they have access to 10 dimensions of the timelines in the collective consciousness field. They are primarily from the Satanic class network family, although they work and cooperate with the Luciferian families to gain control over the planet territories and share in the spoils of war. They cannot cellularly transmute their body in and out of Stargates easily and they need to use earth human genetics to do that, which is why they have a special interest in Starseed people. They access limited levels of biological immortality through the vampirism and siphoning of other living things, such as harvesting the life force energy of planet earth.

Primary Satanic Ideology

The Black Sun main philosophies that interconnect throughout the different branches of Satanism include the following:

  • Service to Self, each person should do whatever they can to advance their personal power and influence in the world no matter what the cost, no matter what kind of harm is generated. It’s either you or them.
  • Moral Nihilism, there is no such thing as ethics or standards of right or wrong behavior, therefore as human beings we have the right to act upon our whims and base our actions accordingly.
  • Social Darwinism, the belief that survival of the fittest and the strongest will always prevail to rule, and the focus on personal needs and survival in order to gain rulership is required by any means necessary.
  • Eugenics, those that are most fit to rule are the top genetic specimens and thus, they decide how to propagate the future of the human gene pool, by deciding who lives and who dies.

Here we can see the master-slave narrative in action through the Satanic ideology. Humanity is being indoctrinated with Satanic Ideology through assorted mind control and propaganda tactics, because the masses do not understand that they have been given a false narrative, a false version of Satanism that is being promoted by the mainstream media and popular culture. Classic Luciferianism is also Service to Self, sharing many of the same principles of Satanism, with the exception of seeking Universal knowledge and enlightenment while protecting the Luciferian Covenant, as explained below.

Belial Suns are Luciferians

Who are Luciferians in the NAA? Did they engineer the 13 Bloodlines?

The Sons of Belial are not only a massive gestalt of false light collective Luciferian consciousness that exist on the material plane, but also a part of the consortium of entities that make up the Negative Aliens. The Negative Alien that is embodying Luciferian principles, such as the Belial group, contacts and interfaces with its vibrational match or genetic line on the material plane, which is a human vessel embodying the same collective thoughtform vibration. The Belial Group is responsible for primarily spreading Luciferian ideologies and esoteric knowledge in the powerful and elite secret societies used for grooming world leaders, politicians and corporate heads that represent their overall interests in fulfilling the Luciferian Covenant. Luciferians believe in their superiority to rule and hold high value and esteem for universal knowledge, universal laws and enlightenment, yet they believe they are the rightful Gods to be worshipped by all of humanity. Thus, through imprisonment and takeover of the earth, they reject the authority of the Solar Consciousness of Christ Michael, rejecting the concept of divine right order, personal sovereignty as a right, and the divine plan of the Creator to achieve humanity's ascension.

Thus, the Luciferians became toxic with the perceived ideology that they are Supreme Gods of their own replicated worlds, and enslaved others, using others light source to build artificial realities that serve their continued existence and rulership. Many of the Power Elite believe that they are directly genetically descended from this invading alien group which they call Gods, and refer to them as the bloodlines of Lucifer. The Thirteen bloodlines were organized to be infiltrated by the Negative Alien Luciferians, they were genetically modified and engineered to be used to protect their investment and interest in dominating the earth, while harvesting humans as a work force and as an energy source. Yes, the Luciferian forces genetically modified 13 human bloodlines on the earth to act as the Controllers of their personal property. Over thousands of years, some of these elite bloodlines digressed even lower into full blown Satanic bloodlines, in which the general accepted behaviors tend to be much more violent, lustful and bloodthirsty than Luciferians. Satanics suffer with a black hole that generates extreme addictions, in severe cases generating blood lust and sexual lust that can never be satiated. While Luciferians suffer from the narcissistic ego of pride and lust for power to achieve enlightenment and to become Godlike, as well as gaining material power and possessing beautiful objects.

These are mostly Reptilian hybrid beings that have lost their connection to the Godhead by rejecting the natural laws, and in partnership with the Satanic reptilians, produced an artificial reality based on the Saturnian Kabbalah Sephiroth, Black Cube and Black Tree of Life reversal architecture. As a result of the disconnection of the organic architecture that generates an open source supply of life force energy, in an entropic system their DNA became increasingly corrupted and damaged.

Belial Suns are also called Fallen Angelics, because they are of false light or the fallen light source of Lucifer. The hybrids created by the Fallen Angelics comprise many of those in the Annunaki groups:

  • Alpha Omega Order Templar Melchizedeks, Fallen Seraphim.
  • Samjase Annunaki from Pleiades, Alcyone.
  • Jehovian Annunaki from Sirius A, designers of the Crucifixion Implant network on earth.
  • Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives, Collectives from Nibiru and Sirius A.
  • Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron alliance with Nibiruians.
  • Michael Family Nephilim Hybrids, cloned Michael bodies of the Annunaki hybrids from Orion, Sirius, Andromeda.

The Belial Suns, are mostly comprised of Annunaki Hybrids including some of the Nephilim regressive lines that have 9-10-11 DNA strands. Their main control hub is located in the United Kingdom, and they maintain and administer to the NET’s that generate the Checkerboard Mutation and the 11th Stargate at Stonehenge.

Luciferian Covenant and Doctrine

Approximately 11,500 YA, the anti-human and anti-krystic agenda for takeover of the planet from factions of the NAA that are Luciferian forces, is called the Luciferian Covenant. This is the historical timeline trigger event from which the Power Elite or Illuminati bloodlines are sourced, and they are instructed to protect these bloodlines from the ‘Gods’ by practicing their rituals and maintaining genetic purity. The Luciferian Covenant is comprised of factions of NAA and Power Elite that rewrote the history of humanity since the Atlantian Flood, and have falsified the historical records to hide the knowledge that this event ever happened. They have tried to obliterate evidence as well as mind control all information leading back to the extraterrestrial involvement in all human earthly affairs.

They have been successful by employing the military strategy of compartmentalization and persecution, through the Victim-Victimizer software mind control to intimidate and threaten any humans that dare ask the larger questions of what the extraterrestrials are doing on our planet and why they are abducting and possessing humans to harvest DNA.

The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

This evolved into many different secret societies operating today, with mixtures of spiritual teachings that came from an assortment of the core teachings found in many of the ancient mystery schools and sacred texts that were hidden from the church leaders and their religious followers. Through this the stated Luciferian based gnostic teachings were disseminated into books made available to the public, and it was believed by its proponents that Lucifer controlled all world affairs and desired to lead humans into a new age of prosperity and peace. Therefore, mixed perceptions of the Luciferian Doctrine are central to members of the Power Elite that are running the Controller pillars of society, as well as central to the organization of many secret societies, such as masonic orders, even influencing many of the most popular New Age belief systems.

However, when you deeply know the Lucifer figure that exists as the marketed product of the NAA Luciferian forces, one becomes aware they are imposters, liars and propagandists that like to counterfeit and take credit for the light of creation and others achievements through energy parasitism. The false light of Lucifer was stolen from the original DNA template and consciousness of angelic humans, that reflects the true light of God’s eternal spark that exists within us. How the Luciferian NAA despise the spark of light we have been naturally given to achieve sovereignty and spiritual freedom from within us!  Luciferian entities covet our light source, and mask themselves as Gods to those that will trade their soul light and inner spark for the instant gratification of gaining some knowledge, material wealth and power in the external world. As a result of making this pact, a blood covenant is formed, and the consciousness of that person is now indebted and bonded through cause and effect, to serve these Luciferian entities in life and afterlife.  It is wise to remember that when interacting with Satanic or Luciferian forces through their ritual practices, nothing is ever given for free, there will always be a heavy payment required in time. There is no true love or peace present, and these entities are purely Service to Self, they don’t care about humanity and will say anything to get you to believe their lies.

Power Elite, How they Control the World

Who are the human groups that are mind controlled by the NAA and are used to enforce the Satanic and Luciferian global agendas of the Negative Aliens?

There are many terms used to describe the minority group of human bloodlines that were infiltrated with Satanic and Luciferian ideologies creating the psychopathic human minds that would be used to enforce and carry out the enslavement of the earth population. Many of these people are severely traumatized with dissociative disorders from participating in Satanic or Luciferian based rituals since birth. The goal of a Satanist Bloodline family is to bind the child to a demonic entity gestalt or negative alien, so that person is a possessed biological robot that does what he or she is told by the NAA. Thus, it is important to comprehend that these bloodlines have assigned mind control handlers that are non-humans, the Power Elite that are not full-blown possessions, have direct alien handlers assigned to control their every move. Many of these people have no idea the extent of the alien mind control that they exist under, in the fog of confusion they believe the alien implanted thoughts are their own.  Additionally, some of the newer generations of offspring do not want to continue the same practices of their grandfathers and are pulling out, which poses weakness in their control structures as this generates infighting and conflicts within these powerful families.

Although known by different names such as Illuminati, Dark Cabal, Power Elite, Archons or Controllers, essentially these are criminal minds that behave similarly to mafia thugs, using mind control, brutality, tyranny and totalitarianism to enslave the human race to maintain their personal power and wealth, at any cost and without concern for the consequences. The Power Elite are a small group of people who act as the main Controllers of our world. They conjure black magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the collective consciousness through fear-based programming that is transmitted via mind control. To reinforce the fear programming and keep the population in a vibration of fear and separation, they organized a complex system of global institutions to act as the primary enforcer of the propagation of the disinformation that they use to influence people to self-enforce the belief systems that shape the current narrative of the 3D reality.

The Power elite and committee members that include those families running in the Controller groups have been organized based upon their ancestral bloodlines, wealth, power and status. The majority of these people were groomed through Satanic-Luciferian cult practices and placed in the absolute highest positions of power by the NAA forces. With trauma-based mind control, these people over time have proven to be effective in carrying out the alien agenda, and thus are kept in the highest positions of global power to maintain the mind control reality and electromagnetic fences that are used to enforce the prison planet.  Many of the groups that work under the pyramidal structure of control and its many layers of compartmentalization are unaware of what agendas exist at the very top of the power structure, which is annihilation of the original human DNA. Most remain unaware that the NAA are at the highest positions, running the main structures of anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs. This extends to all of the most powerful and large multinational corporations on the planet, as these same multinational corporations have tentacles that extend to off planet barter and trade with other civilizations, as well as running or servicing the Secret Space Programs. Members of the Power Elite or Cabal can be found throughout all the primary Controller Pillars of Society and that which influences power and policy in our world.

  • Powerful Bloodline Families, and Royalty
  • Military Industrial, Secret Access Programs, NAA Agreements
  • Intelligence Communities, Covert Groups and Secret Societies
  • Finance Leaders, International Investment Bankers
  • Religious Organizations and Leaders, Secret Brotherhoods and Sects
  • Multinational Conglomerate Corporation CEO’s
  • World Leaders, Presidents and Government Officials
  • International Committees, Universities, Academic and Scientific Leaders
  • Pharmaceutical, Medical and Bio-Technology Leaders, Transhumanism
  • Controller Mainstream Media, Propaganda and Press

Luciferian Covenant and Satanic Cultists in the Power Elite bloodlines organized together to share in the spoils of war against the earth inhabitants, and to enslave the masses, those they consider underlings or feeders to be slaves to the Negative Alien Agenda.  This is a shared agenda between Power Elite Humans and Negative Aliens to gain full spectrum dominance over the earth, gaining full unhampered access to trade and barter all of the earth’s many resources, while mind controlling all inhabitants to be their worker slaves. This agenda includes Galactic human trafficking in which earth inhabitants, including children are taking off planet to work in slave colonies, or as sexual slaves, or used in blood sacrifices.

The main corporations and those powerful private sectors that are fully controlled by the Power elite, primarily control the world governments through schemes of lobbying, bribing and blackmail. Clearly, this is highly unethical and sometimes criminal behavior, but it is an open secret that this is how the world works if you want to play along with the big boys.

Lobbying, persuasion, or interest representation is the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials in their daily life, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbying is done by many types of people, associations and organized groups, including individuals in the private sector, corporations, fellow legislators or government officials, or advocacy and special interest groups. Lobbyists may be among a legislator's constituencies, meaning a voter or bloc of voters within their electoral district; they may engage in lobbying as a profitable business. -Wikipedia

Controlling government and corporate structures through strongarm tactics of bribery and blackmail isn’t enough, because to gain more control over people and to create a master slave mentality, the Controller knows he must generate as much fear and intimidation as possible into mainstream thinking.

Archontic Deception Strategy

The psychological warfare approach of Divide and Conquer Tactics used by the NAA to condition anti-human values and erode integrity in the masses is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. The Archontic Deception Strategy is used to socially engineer the Death Culture, a culture of fear, dishonesty, deception and intimidation. This is achieved through Pavlovian mind control conditioning that adopts extremely self-destructive behaviors as the standard model to guide human behavior. Through conditioning these same behaviors repeatedly in mass media to manufacture social norms, it has produced a population of people that commonly display these negative ego qualities of fear, dishonesty and deception as an acceptable value system that guides their deepest motivations and interactions. People without a value system of personal integrity are easily corrupted and manipulated by mass mind control, producing unstable, erratic and destructive behaviors. This produces the mindset of a slave.

Satanics and Luciferians know that by controlling the mind, one can gain control over the human soul and spirit. Thus, through the sophisticated use of hidden electromagnetic technologies and psychotronic weapons to incite continual programs of fear and terror, they can digress humanity into biological robots. Their hope is that with a mind-controlled population, they will be fully unchallenged and can take full and complete possession of the earth’s physical resources. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religious, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate the 3D reality based upon the belief systems they want to program in humanity and thus, fully control.

The technological and mind control means of social engineering encompass five main Archontic Deception Strategies used to generate extremely dysfunctional behaviors, which we refer to as Archontic deception behaviors. These are used to spread anti-human value systems in the human public, and create the master-slave mentality.

  • Divide and Conquer Tactics
  • Victim/Victimizer
  • Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
  • Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
  • Misogyny

To study more about the Archontic Deception Strategy and its effects upon the subconscious layers of the negative ego, the Archontic Deception Behaviors, as well as the anti-dote to these strategies, it is suggested to look up these terms in the Ascension Glossary.

Black Magic Sorcery

How do the NAA and the Power Elite manage to maintain their power and global control over the majority of the wealth and planetary resources when they are such a small minority?

The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure black magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the collective consciousness. The manipulation of consciousness technology, planetary grid networks and the world of forces for Service to Self and Negative Ego purposes, without regard for the consent or the consequence of actions upon others, is a form of black magic sorcery. There are many different levels of the propagation of black magic and all are based in Service to Self or ego gratification, such as using black magic to generate harm to others. The practice of black magic and conjuring demons or aliens for gaining knowledge or power is considered the left-hand path, and is the definition of a Black Magician or Sorcerer.

Some ways to define Black Magic:

  • Practicing rituals based in Service to Self crafts and methods, for personal gain and profit at the expense of others.
  • Sending curses, hexes and negative energy patterns to people with intent to harm, such as making them sick, ill or wishing them dead.
  • Using deceptions, schemes and manipulation with intent to harm another.
  • Practicing blood sacrifice or the killing of a living thing dedicated to ritual or cleansing.
  • Practicing Black Arts for conjuring elementals and demons to work for the practitioner.
  • Acquiring knowledge without tempering higher consciousness that results in Succubus activities or the stealing of others life force for use in selfish gain.
  • The use of electromagnetic energy to form alien Implants, holographic inserts or etheric weapons to technologically assault and target another.
  • Black Magic used in sexual acts to conjure forces and bind the soul of the person through rape or forced sodomy.
  • Any forced sexual act involving lack of consent between parties and/or a child.
  • Any actions or behavior in which the Luciferian or Satanic force is called upon, conjured or embodied.
  • Using AI for consciousness exploitation by controlling people’s minds, implanting thoughts and controlling perceptions of reality in order to take advantage.
  • Bio-technology abuses within all industries, such as spraying chemtrails, GMOs, manipulating human DNA to generate diseases, aborted human embryos placed in food supply, injecting pathogens through vaccines, are all considered tools of black magic sorcery.
  • Human blood sacrifice, animal blood sacrifice, drinking blood, cannibalism, and sex in ritual setting.

Black Magicians or Sorcerers exist in the human realm and in every dimension. Many Christos lightworkers deal with astral plane black magicians, human and non-human, who consistently throw etheric weapons, curses and implants with intent to harm or make us sick, from the astral or during the sleep state. This is why learning about these forces, and how to communicate with Krystal Star and holding meditation, prayers and doing spiritual housekeeping is critical during this time of the Ascension cycle.

White Magic or Black Magic

In the proper context for comprehending that everything is made of energy, all energy is intelligent and conscious and this energy influences the world around us. This helps us to easily identify the difference between what is referred to as white magic, positive energy or black magic, negative energy.  Those that have knowledge of energy and are practicing meditation rituals to focus their consciousness with positive intentions, that are loving, kind and compassionate and seeking to truly do no harm or evil to themselves and others, are referred to as white magicians or Maji. White magic has traditionally been referred to in the use of supernatural powers or consciousness magic for selfless purposes, such as healings, blessings, prayers, clearings and planetary gridwork. Acquiring knowledge of the mechanics of consciousness and practicing ritual in itself is not evil, as the church has stated or those that have been mind controlled to fear these practices.

To truly practice the positive application of directing our consciousness energy in Service to Others, we must purify our consciousness and our body of negative ego desires, and allow ourselves to be a clear conduit of genuine heart-based intentions to serve our inner spirit or God’s divine will.  Through the pursuit of spiritual dedication to develop unconditional love, virtue ethics, goodness and communing with the Spirits of Christ, one allows themselves to become a white magician. By allowing the forces of goodness to flow through our physical vessel and circulate the inner light, while blessing the world around us. This is the natural result of spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness towards achieving spiritual freedom. It is not the ego identity that accomplishes this, it is the spark of God that transforms and heals the darkness, from the perfection of the Universal Krystal light that may flow through us.

The opposing energy of goodness, those with negative ego and ill will seeking advancement of their own selfish desires at the expense of others, spreading hateful aspects that are destructive, are those that conjure black forces and black magic.

In respect to using black magic to manipulate the planetary grid, the NAA and Power elite have accessed knowledge to gather collective conscious energy from the ley lines to power up their agendas. The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of consciousness organized intelligently into layers of geomantic blueprints, which perform specific functions within a precise layer of multiple webbings of energy. The NAA have given them information to interact with this living field of energy, and through the use of black magic sorcery and human blood sacrifice, they have been able to use it to maintain their control up until this point. During the Ascension Cycle, these forces are warring over what they feel are their conquered territories in the planet, including the use of humans as slaves.

Blood Sacrifice and Ritual Killing

Why do these Black Magic rituals contain blood sacrifice and ritual killing?

For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of mind control, in order to harvest negative emotional energy or loosh from the masses. Blood Sacrifice, whether human, animal or any living thing, are made during some of the black magic rituals that are designed to call directly upon the NAA, feeding them with loosh. Also, the ritualist may desire to conjure aspects of dark energy intelligence, such as the elemental forces that directly connect into the black magic grids. The NAA rewards ritual sacrifice and the killing that happens in wars, because this is the main food source of collecting loosh, as well as satisfying their addictive sensations that they get from ingesting the fear hormones that are released from the person or animal during its ritual killing. One of the primary black magic streams is collected from deep in the 2D layers of the earth body, and this astral stream of black magic forces is called Baphomet. Once connected to Baphomet, the black magician can call upon and conjure a variety of demonic forces in the spiritual hierarchy, including the 72 Demons used in the Ars Goetia. These groups are commonly used for soul binding of the subject.

For Satanists, Luciferians, witches, and those practicing Santeria, voodoo, violent religions or other related rituals involving drugs or killing, the black magician is allowing their body to become possessed by lower spirits and is being controlled to spread the infection of this Satanic force field into the earth. In this way portals can be ripped open and demonic entities can freely roam among us. The world of forces can be ritualized through offerings of anti-life through blood sacrifice, called Satanic Ritual Abuse, and its black hearted and evil intentions are made manifest through superimposing forces or binding others energies without their consent in physical matter. Blood sacrifices and killing rituals are also used to bind groups of souls to demonic entities and NAA entities, for collecting their energy source and to satiate blood lust.

The Main Goals of the Power Elite

What are the primary goals and methods used by the NAA and Power Elite in their quest to fulfill the Luciferian Covenant and install the New World Order, a totalitarian and dystopian nightmare of consciousness enslavement?

Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidently, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age. This is inaccurate. The Power elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of social engineering and hidden technological mind control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move. Let’s review a brief summation of these goals.

Before and during World War II, the Black Suns promoted German idealism into mind control via their social engineering experiments designed by their German academic counterparts that were the most revered and famous philosophers during that time. These guys were Black Suns connected to the Bavarian illuminati and were used to infiltrate the most prestigious academic institutions worldwide with deliberate misinformation that would eventually be spread as the standard curriculum in most colleges. Many of these social engineering programs got their start from the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt School, which was used by the Black Suns and practicing Satanists to endorse and spread a faux communist ideology that was really designed as a eugenics program. This Black Sun flavor of social engineering experimentation is being used aggressively today to target prestigious academic institutions throughout the United States, with the hidden agenda to attempt to destroy the American Constitution in favor of socialism or communism, in order to rapidly enforce the globalist agenda for instituting the New World Order.

Intentionally directing social engineering and mind control programming to dehumanize and demoralize the earth population, by denying them their basic rights to fundamental human needs and to generate depravity through increasing criminal behaviors, traumatic addiction, suicides and growing the homeless population. This includes propaganda to spread spiritually abusive behaviors as socially acceptable in the death culture, like legalized drugs, killing others, pornography and prostitution that are distractions from becoming aware that the earth is being used as a prison farm for creating more loosh for the predatorial parasites.

Promote spiritual abuse and the rejection of God by spreading the anti-soul or anti-Christ religions and their related practices that destroy the inner spirit or inner Christ connection, that exists inside every angelic human being that is incarnated on the planet. Spread violent religions, and replace the ancient Christos Essene Gnostic teachings and call it Luciferianism.

Control the weather and climate by intentionally poisoning and polluting the earth and natural resources through hidden technology and secret military agendas, in order to make these resources as scarce as possible, while spreading misinformation in the mainstream about environmentalism and climate changes.  Use people’s genuine concern about the environment as a way to manipulate the unaware population into approval for directing tax payer’s dollars and massive funding into the Controller’s inverted systems, via their organized institutions to launder money into approved projects like chemtrailing and gang stalking. These schemes are designed to profit a few in order to protect the major industrial conglomerates, while actually enforcing and promoting policies that destroy the environment, rather than protect the earth’s environment.

Systematic globalization agenda and economic terrorism used to eventually collapse the global economies in order to generate chaos and world-wide humanitarian crisis. To achieve this goal, the Controllers must patiently orchestrate their covert agenda to infiltrate all world governments, divide and conquer independent nations by destroying them from within their own country, carried out by their own people. The first stages of this agenda are to fully exploit cheap labor by forcing indentured servitude in the impoverished populations of less developed nations, while cultivating more debt slaves in the first world nations, in order to destroy the economic stability and financial power, to collapse the autonomy of that nation. This is designed to force economic, political and societal collapse in order to force all nations into dependence and collusion with the One World Order agenda.

Control the bio-neurology of the human population through electromagnetic signals, prescription drugs, medical devices, GMO’s, and an assortment of toxins and poisons placed in the air, water and food supply, that generate many human diseases, while ensuring that the knowledge to cure these diseases is made unavailable to the masses.

Promote disinformation and suppression of accurate knowledge within the hard sciences, academia, inventions, and advanced technologies with the exception of those that are approved to promote the death culture objectives of the NAA and Controller groups.

Consistently control the mass perception of reality to be created in terrorism, cataclysm and pestilence fear programming that is carried out through the beliefs held in the biblical revelations, through an artificial mind control program known as Armageddon software. Armageddon programs are designed to trigger subconscious memories in the collective consciousness, of previously hidden timelines of traumatic devastation that was caused by the NAA, such as the warring events that took place during the Luciferian Rebellion and Atlantian Cataclysm. This keeps people in a constant state of survival and poverty consciousness, unable to develop the personal strength required to cultivate self-determination and personal sovereignty.

The use of inverted systems in the non-profit organizations and religious institutions that are set up as storefronts used for international money laundering or criminal activities under the guise of humanitarian causes or charities, when the funds are collected for the express purposes to continue to enforce human misery and human suffering.

Transhumanism and Transgenderism are used to further promote the death culture’s intended agenda to destroy the heart and Soul, the compassionate and empathic divine human being, through the intended annihilation of the true essence of both the Masculine and Feminine. In order to disrupt or destroy the unifying potential of the androgynous lightbody in the DNA of the human being, the first directive would be to attack the inner and outer gender principle in all ways possible. The NAA promote counterfeit creations through inciting confusion in the death process, obliterate the knowledge of the Lightbody and Soul, spin confusion in sexual conduct and concepts of marriage and children, instill gender confusion in expected roles, and then start to blend human bodies with animals and machines.

Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice is an Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA. The NAA and Satanists prefer to use children as targets in order to harvest negative emotional energy or Loosh, and as a result, child abuse, child sex slavery, child porn, child organ harvesting and child sacrifice are immensely profitable for those in the criminal network.

The mind control used for gender reversal distortions are the most traumatizing, from painful memories existing between men and women being forced to abuse each other, over and over. These gender distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual Ascension was stolen from humanity through the NAA alien invasion, and the pain of that theft and the emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts.

Human Trafficking is the sale or barter for humans into slavery by other humans and non-humans. This is a massive epidemic on planet earth, and it also exists off planet earth and is referred to as Galactic Human Slavery. Generally, a person is culled for certain purposes and then abducted, captured from their families and sold or bartered for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade, engineering, and manufacturing. The person is mind controlled under a system of threats, intimidation and torture to remain compliant and submissive to the acts they are forced to perform for their handlers, who may be human or non-human entities. In poverty stricken third world countries, or during mass migration of refugees, children are grabbed from inattentive parents or offered a few hundred dollars to take their child. This level of human trafficking brings in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade both on and off planet.

Currently, the World Slavery system is used to parasitize soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the NAA fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the trafficking of its inhabitants. It is estimated that at least 8 million children worldwide go missing each year. It is estimated that nearly 800,000 children will be reported missing each year in the USA; 40,000 children go missing each year in Brazil; 50,500 in Canada; 39,000 in France; 100,000 in Germany; and 45,000 in Mexico. An estimated 230,000 children go missing in the United Kingdom each year, or one child every 5 minutes.

Ask yourself the Question:

  • Who is benefiting from the enslavement of human beings on planet earth?
  • Who is benefiting by having sex with our children?

Every action you take to educate yourself, any action that is taken to help educate others on these topics, no matter how small, helps to bring an end to slavery and human suffering from servitude. Together, if we can understand what is happening on the earth and open our eyes to actually see these hidden agendas of Satanism and Luciferianism, across all paths, we can unite to end human slavery for the future generations. This is the true purpose of the Guardian host Christos mission to support planetary ascension and the liberation of humanity from the oppressors.

As we move through these turbulent times, remember that Love is the answer. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


Human Trafficking Information


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