Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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May 2011

Communion to Confirmation 

Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

We are entering times of a Great Celebration as the Ascension cycle in the Restoration period continues from last November.
This month the Guardians use common terms in religious and theological rites that are not from my current life experiences, as I have had no biblical or religious training. However, they describe that many of these terms used in ceremonies of organized religion and other power controller rituals such as within the Illuminati factions, are actually referencing and using parts of our own personal and planetary collective spiritual lightbodies. They also speak of how these rituals are used to build energetic positions, called trigger events to manifest certain world events into a desired outcome in the global scape. We have entered a time such as this, where World Domination is being attempted as a response to the recent progress of Open Architecture, that has changed the game on planet earth as we know it.

This year has many upcoming frequency events relating to the connection of the Universal Unity Logos architecture, the House that God Built, merging with our invaded planetary logos or collective human blueprint body and crown chakra of the human race. This rebirthing of the planetary logos includes recoding the 7th Violet Ray of Ceremonial Magic, which changes how ritual/spell/curse energy has been cast or used in magical rites on our planet. The rebirth of the Female Melchizedek Christ Mother principle to embody the Crown Chakra Logos, to change the distorted electron fields and heal the male mental body principle, and healing the Bloodline from the Wounds of Christ, a miasmatic infection held inside the bodies. The Wounds of Christ are karmic blood miasmas in the planetary and personal bodies, from the distortions embedded as the false Crucifixion inserts in our Logos, Group Body. These inserts misdirected and stole our planetary pranic energy and body parts, belonging to our spirit our auric energy bodies. These false crucifixion inserts are how our planetary collective mind was invaded to reflect itself with the salvation model of a crucified deity, which represented the enslavement of humanity to recycle their souls from karmically bound physical bodies and distorted blood. These crucified group bodies were used to feed the artificial creations or phantom spaces made by controllers to serve their agenda. It is relevant that these terms are surfacing now to be recoded into alignment with God purpose from their misuse within those groups, that wielded religious wars and power over others in the past, as well as what is transpiring now in the current times. This time of Restoration is the Reclamation of the Christ Intelligence, and returning its spirit bodies back to the planet and the Rightful Owner.

The Witness Overrides Distortion

These are energy and intelligence bodies that can and are being returned to us during this Restoration period, when we claim them with all of our heart to be aligned with our desire to have a direct connection to God Spirit. This is a cycle where miraculous healings are possible through being a fully present witness to the past histories, as they are memories recorded in the cells of your body. These memories can be painful, so as you observe them with loving neutrality you have the power to remove them from your body. This healing and related clearing happens at a non linear, non verbal, non mental body level. You have to be in your now moment awareness and completely relaxed, to access this consciousness power from within your Inner Spirit. From the observer level, without judgment of what you are witnessing, your conscious power will neutralize and thereby clear the distortion from your body, therefore changing your future record by changing your consciousness vibration. This is how timelines are overridden, and many Starseeds and Indigos are learning and practicing this experience in their lives now. Staying in the now, commanding your space and not taking things personally, is a skill needed while gaining mastery in holding the witness.

A Pure and Light Heart

In these tumultuous times our priority and discipline must be to serve our Inner Christ Light over our lower ego nature, and that is our sovereign path and divine right to God’s confirmation of our Light. This term Confirmation is absolutely not to be used as judgment upon others.

To be in Communion with Christ and Confirmed by God, is the measurement of the frequency alignment of a pure and light heart carried within a loving human being.

No human based organization can control or measure that relationship. Communion with God Spirit has nothing to do with I.Q. level, canon based religious law or paying money for your afterlife position or title of salvation. To be confirmed and protected by God Spirit, one must model and aspire to become more Christ-like, as this is the image of God physically manifested. The choice is always ours without any judgment, however the consequence is the energetic imbalance created by ignoring the Natural Law. Where you direct your consciousness power it is your responsibility at the level of Law you are aware of. As you become more aware, the responsibility is greater, as the results of the Law are amplified considerably within each higher octave of energetic intelligence. The Law in Action on planet Earth is now undergoing change, which will manifest consequences to aberrant behavior that was not previously in view. What has been hidden is being revealed through the Change in Law. The protection supported by God’s Natural Laws are palpable, as you learn to free your mind from fear, you will experience this protection as inner peace, regardless of any external source. Focus on your pure and light heart.

Measurement Factor of God’s Natural Law

This year is of serious consequence upon the human race to make the vibrational choice of personal evolutionary direction. This event will be the deciding factor of our future destiny in this life and beyond. This is difficult to express in language as I have been looking at the change this measurement refers to in the architecture of the planetary field and words are not adequate. However, the Guardians refer to this upcoming time of mid May’s Ascension wave and its electrical peak, as having a new quality of planetary measurement. We are either initiating our body to progress into the Unity Field of Inner Christ Light, or be ravaged in the escalating collective mental body fear and anxiety programs being pushed within the current world events. We must be fearless in our connection with God as in the Living example of Christ. Dedicate to clearing fear from controlling you or your body every day and do not falter in your love for yourself and others. Choose Love, love and more love. This is truly the year to live in this world and not be of it.

According to the Guardians, this year marks a delineation point between those who choose to be with the Living Light of God and those that do not. God Spirit leaves the door open but the threshold must be crossed into the Living Light Architecture. There is a direct relationship that is supported with the new Unity Architecture, which allows an orbital and spherical connection with God Force, and a measurement and monitoring of our light field is transpiring at personal, collective, and planetary levels. This planet entered a cycle in March with the anchoring of a new architecture, that is akin to explaining a direct measurement of our current station of identity and its life stream are being monitored. This has nothing to do with judgment of our Light, however the release of the crucifixion imposed upon our Inner Light. This mark upon our Soul is being removed. We are being Restored through this measurement of returning Gods Natural Laws to our planet.

Freed of Bondage

Every effort is being made to either rehabilitate or move those who resist change at the expense of intentionally harming or abusing others for service to themselves. This intent to harm is in a consciousness power override with the Legions of those who Defend the Law of God on Earth, and those who disregard it. This is the last cycle of free will to be in abuse of the Natural Laws of God, and this Age of the dark control is ending for those reasons. It cannot sustain itself in the current environment without annihilating itself. As it annihilates itself it attempts to take as many souls as it can with it, to bind souls into pain and further fragmentation. This is why this year is critical to transcend these mass consciousness attempts being used to instigate pain, fear, torture or delusional fantasy in the human race. You cannot buy these externally fed lies that take you away from owning the power of your own Inner Truth.

As we become present to observe the past histories, and the rituals used in order to transcend those patterns from repeating again in the future, we can shift how these bodies, and their terms have been used and bound in magical rites. We become the consciousness technology to override the painful histories and clear them from the planetary cellular memory as they have been embedded repeatedly with harmful or manipulative intent. As we intend Freedom and Sovereignty for all human beings to live in relationship with the experience of knowing God Spirit, we deliver past patterns and the bondage of others to be freed in the power of God’s Natural Laws. The Open Architecture unity source code anchored on our planet in March is designed to support this foundation, to create this as an energetic and manifested reality on the Earth.

Faith Ends Knowing Begins

We have waited eons of time to witness this event and it is a joyous time for many who bear witness to this change in the energetic architecture of our planet already. We have an incredible opportunity now and this year to experience what it means to be free. It is the freedom of living as a Light Heart, confirmed in our direct relationship to God and Christ, knowing that we are beyond faith and reunited with our true knowing. True knowing requires a cellular recognition of your direct experience to feel, sense and be merged with the Living Light Intelligence. With True Knowing faith is not required, as your faith is limited to mental beliefs, your knowing radiates the luminescence of your eternal life throughout your body. Once the inner light is illuminated, it overrides all need for mental constructs, beliefs and intermediaries telling you what is right and what is wrong in the way to connect to God Spirit.

Terminating the Poisoned Chalice

As God Spirit bodies are sequentially being Returned to the Rightful Owner, it is also the termination of the use of intermediaries directing and using our spiritual lightbodies in a false exchange, or the poisoned chalice to Become Closer to God. The term poisoned chalice is applied to a thing or situation which appears to be good when it is received or experienced by someone, but then becomes or is found to be bad. The idea was referred to by Benedict of Nursia in one of his exorcisms, found on the Saint Benedict Medal: Be gone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!

Salvationistic and Redemptive models are complete. Many of these Intermediaries of God have abused their knowledge and power over their vow to serve human beings as God’s humble servant. They have become drunk from the poisoned cup. When the ego nature takes control to manipulate outcomes that satisfy personal agendas over the will of God, black magic is being used. When we choose to serve agendas of personal power over others, greed or material wealth, we are easily corrupted by continually drinking from the poisoned chalice.

This consumption and use of others energies has been the way many humans and non-humans have abused the energetic consciousness power of the masses, into an enslavement program and disdain for the genetic undesirable. The wounds of discrimination are based on this model as it creates a continual enemy and war pattern dividing the human race. The genetic undesirable is considered the slave to a self proclaimed master, who imposes his karmic load repeatedly upon the slave. This is a trick the dark controllers have been playing on all levels of human beings for at least the last 5,000 years. Unfortunately, this mind control thoughtform passed down through the generations has been altering human DNA by continuing this ignorance of race discrimination and its infection into the global social structures. Holding the patterns of Christed intention in our Heart to Unify with God Spirit, and with all of humanity, heals this wound of discrimination. Through these inspirations we will also terminate the many ways the poisoned chalice has infected our lives. For we are about to drink from another cup…

The Eucharistic Body

In many Christian based religious traditions there are a variety of beliefs concerning this term and its use as a magical rite to become in Communion with Christ in order to become Confirmed by God.

From Wikipedia: The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Lord's Supper, and other names, is a sacrament or ordinance that Christians celebrate in accordance with the instruction that, according to the New Testament, Jesus gave at his Last Supper to do in his memory what he did when he gave his disciples bread, saying, "This is my body", and wine, saying, "This is my blood".

This is a rite that describes the relationship of a human being to the Body of the Christ and its connection being made alive in the Blood of the Christ. According to the Guardians this Eucharist is an actual body of the Christ Intelligence, it is a group body as well as a personal light body. It has been supported in the new architecture to become manifested as an actual living body on the planet. This Christ Body is now able to manifest through the House that God Built, also referred to as the Sacred House of Mirrors[1] .

This body is represented at two levels of physical function and stages of development, the body structure itself and the bloodline. The life blood must have a structure through which to carry and circulate, and that is represented by the Chalice. The Holy Grail of Christ Blood, The Golden Chalice is the Golden Heart that circulates Gods Holy Blood to Creation, The Christ Bloodline. The Chalice Eucharist body as given to the planetary heart, as well as multiple areas becoming Diamond Heart Centers for the planet, and is beating for the first time at the 4D Stargate in Giza. This is rapidly changing the emotional body of the earth and human beings, as deep memories surface to be healed, as well as open the heart functions to override the 4D astral heart distortions. If you would like to see pictures of the Chalice over Egypt, please send love and gratitude to Carmen Boulter at for capturing these most magnificent images. Sign up for her newsletter and you will have access to her personal photos.

The Christ body of the Eucharist ritual is represented by the taking of the bread, which is the representation of the new Unity Architecture as a skeletal structure that Houses the Christ Body on Earth. As the Blood can now give life to the Body, many of us are now experiencing changes within our own blood and bone. We are the microcosm to the macrocosm, as Starseeds we are designed to embody the prototype first. Our skeletal bone structure and the marrow are responsible for the production of new red blood cells, and our core skeletal structure and bone matrix is changing now to house the new body. The change to blood and bone has given many of us a new meaning to the term of exhausted to the bone! For months now we have been sleeping and laying down past the point of any comprehension. As deep as the blood and bone matrix go into our body, it makes complete sense now. Indigos and Star beings evolving this Eucharist body prototype will experience both of the extremes, based on the self responsibility to etherically clear the blocked energy from the body and Auric field. Please meditate and work your tools to clear your body daily if you have been impacted by this and are ill. (Please see Crucifixion Implants and Eukachrist at

Since last November, blood diseases and related issues from the cleansing of the Wounds of the Christ resurfacing as well as removing crucifixion blockages are manifesting related physical symptoms. Heart, Blood, Circulatory and their cleansing organs, such as Liver and Kidney will need extra care. This Christ bloodline clearing has been active in my awareness since 2008. Many of the Indigo children are clearing these implants and memories now and have greater ease with it than an Adult Indigo. We are undergoing another level of massive clearing on the planet now. This is freedom for our race as we are being released from this bondage as we so choose to be. Commit to your meditation and spiritual practices daily.

Please note that most renaissance paintings depict the side wound of Christ as being pierced and bleeding on Christ’s right side. Interesting to me that the Guardians are saying this is a reversal or mirror image of the crucifixion holographic insert or memory being programmed upon our consciousness, and that the Spear wound is symbolic of tainting the blood of Christ with karma. This was representing the implant placed on the 7th meridian, Violet Flame, that impacted the Spleen from being able to operate at its spiritual purpose. Please only take in what information feels aligned to you personally, I am sharing this with you for your information and discernment only.

Bloodline detoxification may create symptoms such as:

blood illnesses (anemia to leukemia)
liver and spleen flutter and related issues
digestive problems
skin rashes (generally from liver overload)
changes in Eyesight, cloudy vision
diarrhea or changes in bowel elimination
fatigue and great need for sleep
Ancestral clearings, relatives showing up suddenly, etc.

You may want to use the Core Soul Protection Prayer Audio or Negative Form Clearing and dedicate its clearing to your Ancestors and clearing your bloodline. (See more on the Spear of Destiny here.)

The Ritual Beltaine Marks the Beast Timeline

In direct opposition to the successful anchoring of the Eucharist body to the planet, the controllers are revving up for their beast agenda, to regain their self proclaimed dominion on Earth. Certain parts of the planet where the beast machine exists as a stronghold have been unstable to horrific for those warrior gridworkers, committed to clearing the planet and human beings infected in those areas by this technology. Since April 29th we have begun another series of trigger events, globally orchestrated by the controllers and their human puppets to engage with the timeline of the beast machine. On May 1st the sacrifice of the Antichrist posterboy was made public, in the form of Osama Bin Laden. He was apparently already dead but was used as the ritual sacrifice to energetically feed the consciousness responsible for the death of thousands and bound to that beast or 911 agenda, to be directed for the power required to continue the beast timeline. Upon the tremendous power wave of a ritualized fairytale wedding in the United Kingdom, the 11D Stargate, millions attended the beatification of Pope John Paul at the Vatican in Rome, the 5D Stargate, and simultaneously the announcement of the death of the most hated and wanted man on the planet, marked the beginning of trigger events, on the ritual of Beltaine used to power up the beast machine agenda.

On May 1st this manifested on the planet as death marks or beast marks which are like curses, spells, hexes, and false artifacts, that were sprayed on millions of human beings. This was a desperate attempt to claim power over many liberating souls that were out of the frequency reach of the dark controllers. These beast marks are implants that work like curses and are designed to create incredibly negativity in you and your life. Please do not fear this if you have been impacted by this event, connect with your spirit and ask that this mark, curse, or spell to be terminated. You can use the Return to Rightful Owner command In Gods authority and Christ Name (from the November 2010 newsletter), if you feel you need more guidance on how to ask for clearing. These are marks for attempts to overwhelm people with negativity so they can be possessed by these forces. Do not falter in your Love of God and Connection to your Inner Spirit, that is your antidote to this attack against humanity. Do not engage with negativity, let it dissolve into your neutral witness.

I thank with all of my heart, the many Warrior Lightworkers all over the planet who helped to clear the death mark of the beast from the field and intervening for Guardian support. If you were down for the count around the weekend and the first few days of May, you may have been contributing your support to our God Forces, to remove the implants from the field and your spiritual family bodies. The sensation was like being isolated in a strange energetic fog, designed for protection from these forces infiltrating your aura.

We are in the best of times and worst of times, choose your heart with all of your Light.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

1. The Sacred House of Mirrors is referring to the Spiritual House that God built by the schematic received through the Divine Cosmic Cube of 144,000. The Ascended Arc Lights of Christos, the Luminaries have created the Architecture that allow this to descend into the physical manifest worlds. In effect, we have animated the House that God Built in the March Equinox energies. The Mother and Father Arc were a part of birthing the Unity geometries that became living breathing creatures, the offspring, the Christ Child Trinity, alive and well and dwelling within the Sacred House of Mirrors.


© 2011, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2009-2011, Lisa Renee

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url.



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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at:


Suggested for You

  • The Indigo Neurology

    At this time of accelerated evolution, it is required for some Indigo’s undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field.

    The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic switchboard for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be more easily calibrated to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring will hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual's body with minimum discomfort. Etheric Surgery will be an emerging career of the future, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time of human transition during the Ascension Cycle.  

    In my session experiences, I have witnessed that the Indigo energetic field matrices are much more highly sensitized and developed.  Indigos appear to be pre-wired into naturally being in a developed state of Higher Sensory Perception and thus have multidimensional awareness. Indigos process information and data in the environmental energies much differently than most third dimensional humans.

    Their mode of information processing is not in a linear sequence but in a multidimensional state. They tend to read a page or book from the middle of the page or at the end of the book, not reading to absorb the material from the book cover to finish as do most humans. They can scan a large field of material and pluck out specific data that is of direct interest to them and discard the rest. They can have a huge scope and breadth to their ability to absorb various amounts of information. They are not interested in absorbing anything that is not pertinent to them or of interest to them, hence school studies of detailed minutia is a nightmare for most of these Indigo students. Their cognitive abilities are different and many times they are not recognized and supported within their creative genius. If their immense potential is not cultivated, they may be considered impaired by the third dimensional standards. However, they are highly advanced and require new methods of learning and accessing their creative potential and soul purpose. 

    Indigos have highly developed senses in different areas, acute hearing, sight or sensitivity to smell, sounds and food. This can also develop into allergic responses to many environmental synthetics, pollutants and preservatives in food. Anything inorganic is an insult to their nervous system and may become intolerable for them.  Also, many Indigo’s are fully telepathic. If they are exposed to certain qualities of energy fields not in resonance to their personal vibration, it can feel excruciating to them. I have found that many Adult Indigos over time, have self medicated their sensitivity with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to harsh energies. Since childhood, they were emotionally overwhelmed from the tremendous input and array of external energies. Many times unaware they were an empath and that they would absorb the feelings, thoughts and energies of people around them. Over time this phenomena would feel painfully dense for them. 

    Over the years, when I had an session practice, I have facilitated neurological structure upgrades at the energetic template level for Indigo’s. This is a type of etheric surgery that upgrades the nadis structures and the energetic blueprint for the nervous system to be calibrated into harmony with the current vibration level of the soul essence housing the body(ies). I have facilitated this for Adults and children. In most cases the client feels more comfortable in a variety of ways. Many times nutrients and supplements are also requested to support the physical body with its neurological structure. As the nerve synapses fire energetic frequency it can burn through the neurotransmitter supply and specific tissue salts and minerals. Once these nutrients are replaced the Indigo feels much less anxiety or as highly sensitized when exposed to discordant frequencies. 

    We are going through a cycle of massive acceleration of frequency activation. We need to prepare our bodies and use all tools given to us to make this as smooth as possible. I highly encourage, as you are guided, to utilize the tools and begin to inquire within what is needed for you personally. Ask to be guided to the right healers, for information, or direct healing from your Ascension Teams and Indigo Star Families.  

    I offer this as information that has been provided to me during many of my etheric healing sessions. At this time it is difficult to quantify scientifically, as this data has been compiled through cultivating an multidimensional awareness over the past few years of my personal Ascension process and doing thousands of sessions.  I genuinely hope this will help parents of Indigo Children and Adult Indigos alike to discern better their own multidimensional energy anatomy and find solutions to allow them more comfort during this special time on the planet.  

    I have provided many tools on this website and the community. These invocational commands are called the “Indigo Calibration Tool”. As you are guided, please facilitate for yourself as needed and for your Indigo children. You may need to develop a spiritual program and do them repeatedly as this assists the inner plane healers and Master Guides supporting our personal evolution to get more accurate and specific in fine tuning the neurological structure upgrades.

    Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!


    As a parent, you must ask permission from the Higher selves involved if you are in harmony to represent this healing for the child. Feel your answer, or muscle test. If the answer is no, you must wait or ask for direct lead as to what step is next. If there is an opening, request as the Parent to address your Childs Higher Self Spiritual Council. (HSC) I would suggest to complete this calibration when your child has just gone to sleep. Request your Higher Self Councils and your child’s HSC work together to the highest capacity of exchange in service to the Light. I also highly suggest working with creating the 12D Shield for yourself first (as Step one) and then placing one around your child. This would be Step two.

    You may use the language of your own request or to your specific Spiritual Authority that you feel attuned to. I greatly suggest that you must include that you are intending to align to the Agenda of the Guardian Races here to serve the Law of One and Christ Mission, because they are truth spirits and do not deceive or manipulate. Otherwise, it is possible that one can get those entities with different agendas sneaking in. Many of these Indigo-Crystal children are of extreme interest to ET races and so your intention and setting the field is very important. It is your responsibility to command the space in the Light and In Service to the highest experssion of God Source. When you set the space, one is commanding that nothing else outside that vibration of the truth spirit or God Source be allowed within your sacred space.

    Much love and blessings to you both,


    Parent-Child Indigo Calibration

    Parent Speaks for Child:

    We Ask The Guardians, God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    I place my child in the stewardship of which is dedicated to serve God’s blessing and grace and for him/her to be returned as their rightful ownership held in the Natural Laws of God in divine sovereignty, as God would have it be. I bless and sanctify my child to be blessed, protected and dedicated to the highest expression that serves the Eternal God Plan, in the authority of God, and name of the Christ. Please give me direct cognition of any action or non- action to be addressed as the parent of  ______  as I state my blessing and commitment to protect my child as a servant and vessel of God’s highest light and expression.

    (Imagine or Intend filling yourself/child with 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light, the dimension where our 12 DNA strand AVATAR Blueprint exists.Spend a few moments feeling that fill your body.)

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in into full expansion in the Cosmic Christ Force of Krystal Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the AURORA KRYSTAL FORCES OF LIGHT to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Ask our Higher Selves to check to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies and parts or bodies have been abducted, and return them NOW, and to invalidate the beings that did the abduction, healing and sealing your field from intrusion. We call back now all that is our self sovereign god power and right.

    Further Return all energies and essences that were stolen or misdirected from control or manipulation. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW.

    Call in our personal ascension and evolution team to support.

    We Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and Holographic Repatterning to the Christ Mind.

    We ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering our spiritual growth.

    Remove all imbalanced energies, implants and their manipulation, all fear-based programs preventing us from completing our ascension.

    Please install the lattice work of light into our mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs.

    You may feel them moving out the top of your head. If you feel specific fears you know about yourself, request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Christ Masters to remove. The more specific the better.

    We request that our Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there.

    We Request that you clear and heal our etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking either of us or me.

    We request that you clear and heal our astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from our astral, or emotional body

    We thank the Beloved Guardians and our Evolution Teams and genetic technicians for this healing and support.

    We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral pattern in our genetic lineage contributing to any blockages preventing us from our soul and god realization. We claim in the Truth of our being fully revealed as Light. The divine inheritance that IS the Truth. Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!

    Request that the (Reptilian) tailbone implant/obstruction/manipulation to be removed by the Guardians or 12th Dimensional God Self and to restore the merkaba spin and rotation to its absolute perfect state of functioning. Command your Light to be All Received NOW. Open all energetic communication and pathways to be crystal clear with your etheric template body by axiatonal alignment to the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies. Ask your Root chakra and Sacral Chakra attunement and axiatonal lines be connected to the frequency hubs in divine harmony and right order.

    Anchor, activate, energize 12th Dimensional Blueprint, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be.

    Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body.

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, and the Electro magnetic Battery Body to new connections. Reset and Synchronize to Timeline in this moment of Self.

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all etheric merdian Channels to the Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines in order of priority as necessary. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through the Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Reset.

    Anchor the All Biological Codes and Seed Crytals as needed for the Christos race. Activate the Silicate matrix in its divine order.

    Ask AURORA FORCES of ELEMENTAL COMMAND and THEIR FAMILY of Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electro magnetic devices and frequencies in your home/office/school to be in attunement with your divine essence vibration, your soul plan, and then calibrate it seamlessly to the NEW EARTH planetary life force through the FOUR FACES OF MAN.

    Ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed for the optimum functioning and comfort of your bio-energy field and for your child that is outside the scope of your request or understanding.

    Calibrate all connections to harmonize and synchronize seamlessly with your energetic field to this timeline. 

    Permanently, Totally and Completely.


    Parent states Intention of Guardianship :

    I harmonize and hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. And So it Is.

    Please take this through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

    From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, annihilate the Negatives generating harm at the Moment of Self, Past, Present and Future timelines.

    Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and chakra complexes on all levels. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

    Beloveds, We thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in  all ways.

    And So it is. We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, for this eternal blessing of protection. 

  • Personal Power

    Dear Family, 

    I have been guided to write about this topic especially at this particular time. Many of us are at an all time high of stress, confusion, emotional intensity and instability in our lives. It is becoming increasingly important to learn how to create balance in your life in the midst of the escalating external chaos and major life altering changes. We will need further tools to learn how to connect to our Higher Self, manage our emotions and learn how to control our negative ego. It will take some investment of time to learn about your Multidimensional Anatomy and to learn to discipline your thoughts and control your emotional body. This is absolutely a Key of achieving Spiritual and Psychological Health as you become more Multidimensional. As you direct your personal intention and will to discipline your ego to the subservience to the Higher Self and Higher Mind you will be relieved of suffering. Whenever we are out of balance, the Negative Ego is always the cause. We must learn to discern WHICH voice to listen to and decide whom we will serve. To regain control over our non reasoning mind, the “subconscious”, we must retain our personal power and resist using it in service to the Negative Ego. I genuinely hope this information proves useful and it is with gratitude I share this with you. 

    Ascension Dynamics 

    As the planet is accelerating into the higher reality fields and their higher resonating frequency patterns, it is clear that many of us are experiencing a densification and magnification of our 3rd dimensional reality. I have been speaking of the “demarcation point” between these reality systems, the 3rd Dimensional and Multidimensional realities, as being incredibly amplified especially now.  

    This will continue onward and it is best to prepare ourselves and learn the tools of managing our ego system and our “mind” fields. This is why comprehending our multidimensional anatomy is crucial as once you are aware of the levels of your own being, it becomes clear on how to manage your ego and the subconscious mind. We cannot be on auto-pilot with our consciousness anymore without paying the energetic price. There are NO Neutral thoughts and this new energy cycle will prove this to us, time and time again.  

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