Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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January 2013

Externalization of the Krystal Star

Lisa Renee


Dear Ascending Family,

For many years those of us directly working for the Ascension timeline have undergone persecution, misunderstanding, constant psychic attack, isolation, betrayal andexcruciating pain in order to meet the requirements that these incredible circumstances have placed upon our mind, body and spirit to finally make it to this very important time for the planet and humanity. The only way to survive and be sane in the Ascension process when your number has been called, is to always remember You are in this world but You are not of this world. As in the Biblical reference which is highly misunderstood, Jesus answered My kingdom is not of this world. What is being referenced in this verse is that the Christ consciousness, the Krystal Star presence is not of this world, not of this earth.

The controllers have been hiding the true historical origin of not only humanity, but Christ as an extraterrestrial presence for a very long time. They hijacked the written and oral histories of our indigenous tribes and created the planetary Christ story to promote the crucifixion of humanities real inner spirit.  For those of us as awakened Starseeds, we had a better comprehension of this fact, as most of us knew that the Christ consciousness was not from here, as we are not from here. Most of us have been horribly uncomfortable living on this planet for that very reason. Many of us have been reduced to living a double life for the fear if we show our real heart-self, we may be singled out and tortured as the many histories of genocide have taught us here. This Christ family is beginning to be safe now, which means that it is time to reveal your true nature to the world. Like myself, many of us have not been able to freely share with others our role with this planet. This runs the gamut of planetary light-working, extra-dimensional contacts and communication, awakening experiences, other worldly experiences, developing healing and teaching modalities, soul retrieval and transiting, designing new blueprints, planetary grid-work and etheric surgery.  We finally have a frequency support grid of Krystal current, which allows those of us with that role to exist more comfortably on earth. The time of the promised return of Christ, the externalization of the Krystal Star presence, Cosmic Christ Unity Consciousness, is beginning now as an Ascension timeline made for the planet earth. All of this building up for such an important and awaited time to reach this little blue planet and it happened without any pomp or circumstance from the masses. Congratulations to this small Light and Star family who resonate with these words, as your contribution is deeply acknowledged and appreciated from the silent watchers of humanity.

Anti-Climactic Feelings

Those of us that have been aware of this recent anchoring have been cautiously elated, suspended in the animation of that internal feeling, there is Cosmic Victory! We have felt a deepened release that has left us somewhat exhausted and confused, while in the middle of this victorious feeling. This has pitted us with a great juxtaposition of potential inner conflict. This is created between the incredible contrast of external and world events and our victorious inner feeling.  For some of us we may feel saddened, let down, anti-climactic, and disappointed that we cannot see in the material world a great manifestation of this recent incredible event on the earth. Where is the peace on earth? Where is our Mother presence?

What we come to terms with now in our deepest soul and inner being, is the new beginning of the Externalization of the Christ presence in this world. We have a fairer playground now, on which the constant energetic pummeling, victimizer programs and constriction will stop when a human being is embodying the Krystal principle. There has been a saying by beings off planet, 'They crucify the Christ down there on earth!', and there was great truth in that statement. The predator’s enforced Crucifixion of Christ is over on the planet, yet the re-education of the many humans that have been brain washed to believe otherwise, is still the greater task at hand. We still have many people on earth covered with alien machinery and their ego programs, without identifying them as inorganic vampire technology. At the very least, these frequencies and balanced energies becoming more available on the planet will allow for a softer and easier time for this group. Many more people will come to the expanded consciousness level, to understand that the old way of existing in a mind controlled lifestyle created from alien machinery does not work for them anymore.

Aurora Hosting Cycle Begins

The morphogenetic structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its living energetic current in the planetary brain. This has been generated from the constant work involved in the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged planetary grids, which act as the central nervous system for the planet. There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos or brain, into compatible messaging for trinitized frequency formats. After a knock down drag out battle for the end game pieces in December, we emerged from the demolition of the flying dust particles in early January with ALL of those pieces. Those pieces began a re-assembly process that has been frenzied with many extra dimensional and multidimensional humans acting as conduits in the end game. This was to allow the Liquid Krystal Forces and current to wash through the many energetic tributaries, Ley-lines and meridians within the planetary consciousness field. In the first week of January, grid-workers were in extreme pressure and being pushed to stop certain structures being used on the planetary gridlines.

These structures are called Minarets and they had to be stopped from broadcasting reversal frequency for the net, as well as pumping many genocidal and suicidal mind control programs into the planet. This was an immensely successful project, as it finalized the corrections required that allow for the anchoring of the Krystal frequency lines to be made accessible on the planet. This is a first time event, as this Krystal frequency and its Ascension platform have never been in this density before as its beginning to seep through the many multiple field layers now. This is a multidimensional event impacting parallel realities and future earth timelines. This event necessitates that we will continue to rebuild architecture ongoing from this month, as a part of the full Ascension Timeline available on the earth for the next thousand years. At the end of this root race consciousness cycle, the Guardians had been extracting Melchizedek hosting architecture and other fallen networks in the planetary consciousness grids. These various networks are systematically being recoded to the Avatar of Ascension, or Aurora Host. The Aurora Host and/or Krystal Star are the consciousness root race evolution cycle that we begin this month. The Aurora luminaries from the next Universe are the Ascending host consciousness for the new races evolving on planet earth.

The Failsafe Effort

During the last weeks of December and into early January the reclamation of planetary consciousness technology that was usurped and used by negative alien networks, was in battle for control. There were millions of Light Beings working this project from the inner and outer dimensional planes. Once the Mother quintessence opened the larger Creatrix field by locking into intersection portals with multiple Universal Core Gateways on December 21st, a huge amount of group consciousness and entity fields enthusiastically rushed into our Universal System. Once these gateways opened, we had a flood of massively large Light Beings from the next Universes come to help us. This was to answer the call for support to manifest the real Ascension timeline for planet earth, which allowed for the release of enslavement through the alien technology and their programs of reincarnation. The magnitude and size of this group effort is beyond our comprehension.  This is completely new consciousness architecture, consciousness creations, source technologies, blueprint fields, and Krystal entities that were ignited by this merging presence with the Aurora Hosting project. This was the Ascension failsafe effort that was immediately implemented when the portal gateways were opened to allow the full access into our Universal System.

Many of you reading this were probably involved as it was the last push to bring the Aurora Host to reconnect thoroughly into the planetary fields. This failsafe effort was sourced in the deepest love and unification between millions of Light beings collaborating with humanity to change the future timelines to an Ascending planet. It has been truly staggering, humbling and awe inspiring to witness this effort and know that we are cared for and truly loved at levels beyond our imagining.

The Four Square House of God

Some of us were assigned in different places on the earth, remotely for the anchoring of four huge vertical Sound Wave Pillars. These four pillars also cross diagonally into horizontal bases located in multiple dimensions of time, into the parallel earth realities. This is akin to saying that all parallel earth realities are connected for access in any time field through this Guardian built architecture on the planet.  In order for the Christ consciousness to live on the earth plane, the house of God, the mathematical architecture which allows the Liquid Light of Krystal Star to exist and live, must be built to contain the Krystal frequency. The containment structure itself built in the planetary consciousness field is referred to as the City Four Square. We also must build and rehabilitate the City Four Square in our own personal auric bodies to contain and hold the Krystal light frequency.

The City Four Square represents the four planes of matter in the four quadrants of this Universe. This also represents the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. These four elementals make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora's through the Krystal River current. The chemical catalyst of this elemental re-encryption is Mother’s Quintessence, which is a substance that just arrived last month at the Universal Gateway opening.

This new life foundation is necessary in order to focus the Divine Wholeness of God consciousness in the newly given dispensation of the anchored Ascension timeline. The City Foursquare is the Golden City architecture that returns God's Laws and life force, Christ back to this planet.

Our Guardian contingent was working primarily in the Middle East, Jerusalem, Egypt and the parallel networks in Peru with this architecture. This was a final work in anchoring what was discussed in September 2010 newsletter about the Cosmic Cube of God’s 144,000. In these demographic areas on the earth plane there are spinning vortexes that allow intersections between the parallel earth timelines. Reversed alien technology hijack of these spinning vortexes, which are heart circuitry centers directing energy in the grid system, is called a black heart system, or the Anubian Black Heart. A black heart system is an inorganic and artificial heart-brain that circulates and directs planetary life force and frequency current into distorted holograms, negative forms, phantom or dead spaces, underworlds and off planet to Orion for their usage. They are also used to maintain the compression needed for the magnetic imprints of alien implants and their machinery to operate in the planet.  These are frequency distortions that have been designed to reverse and siphon life force in a variety of unhealthy ways. Our Earth Star family will begin to be involved in healing the field damage these systems have left behind.

N.A.A. Minaret vs. Krystal Star Spires

Guardian forces determined that the black heart systems were being fed by the larger networks of frequency reversals being powered by reversal Metatronic Cube alien technology. One such power plant cube is the Black Stone Cube or Kabba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Multiple millions of beings are hard wired into the black cube and their life force is used to power up this Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) network in the Middle East. Some of these beings are incarnated on earth and many others were trapped in the other dimensional planes through its soul binding. This on planet network was comprised of thousands of Mosque Minarets located primarily in Europe and in the Middle East. The Minarets are physical and etheric structures that were designed to be point holders of reversal frequency, which reinforce and run the reversal net systems throughout multiple dimensions. A massive multidimensional battle in the Jerusalem area was waged with the dark power being directed from this complex Minaret connected network that had extensive foothold in the 2D and 4D, that was rooted in the Earth Core. Many of the manipulation of earth’s timelines occurred in the 2D gate and earth core hijack, where genocide and killing broadcasts are used repeatedly to manipulate the masses. We have seen this warring in the Middle East repeatedly as a mirror to this alien manipulation. Please note this information is not ever intended as any type of judgment towards Islamic faith, as the planets many religions have suffered from serious alien hijack. This is just one example of many.

Once the City Four Square was anchored in its foundation platform in Jerusalem, a massive call for Guardian grid-workers to topple the Minaret structure from its reversal net broadcast was made.  Some of us were sent to the Atlantian and Underworld causation time fields to wait for the immediate action of Guardian assisted false timeline erasure, false ascension programs removal and transiting of trapped soul fragments. Many of us may have felt the underworld fields moving through our bodies as portals being used for mass transiting. This was a literal cutting off of the power plant, and from other timelines being used that were sending and directing life force energies into this massive NAA network. The cutting off of the actual power source and soul bodies being used this way, rendered the NAA system in the Middle East inactive. During this critical window of opportunity, Guardian teams reclaimed and recoded these networks to architecture that would run Krystal Star frequency in multiple layers. The Metatronic Cube Minaret network stopped pulsing reversals into the planetary field and is systematically being replaced and recoded into replacement technology called Krystal Star Spires.  These new networks are affectionately being called kisses by the Guardian Krystal family.

As these Guardian kisses are running corrected frequencies and life force patterns into the planetary grid network, there is a systematic process of rehabilitation happening in their coordinate locations on the planetary grid.  These Krystal Star Spires, Kisses Networks, are able to run living energy fields back into the earth from the City Four Square Foundation Pillars. This strengthens the planetary body and is acting as a buffer field that is building to protect the entire planetary body and all of her inhabitants.  This field is building new ascension platforms that are acting as hubs through various islands, which are being anchored on the planet surface during this time. This has to do with stabilizing the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is the geological area of great instability due to volcanic eruptions and seismic activity. Apparently, these certain island chains were a part of land masses and colonies in the Pacific Rim that have been long forgotten through the loss of our galactic history. These islands are specific to reclaiming histories and artifacts about our real human origins and other advanced civilizations.

The Eternal Eye of God

For years the Guardians have been showing me optical lenses which refract the light source into the holographic projector of the consciousness blueprint fields. It was shown how intermediary lenses or Eyes, are used in mind control to manipulate the patterns of refracted light in our reality and create distorted holograms.  Negative Alien technology created many of these eyes, which operate as the optical lenses of the false gods. In 2010 the Krystal family of 144,000 began to witness the schematic of the Divine Mind of God upon the third eye imprinted in the center of our brain. The actual Living and Eternal Divine Plan of God is projected as a geometric schematic of the Divine Will blueprint, as through its All Seeing Eye. This All Seeing Eye symbol has been hijacked in the past through the many uses of occultism, such as that which has been used to control the economic and financial system as well as the money supply.

All intermediary lenses of mind control, Eye of Yahweh, Eye of Jehovah, Eye of Horus and other religious control mechanisms requiring salvation or redemption, must be broken away in order to See the mind of One God. This Eternal Eye of God is coming to reside as the living presence in our re-wired brain. The Eternal Eye of God projects its Divine Mind blueprint as an imprinted Geometric Tesseract called the Cosmic Cube 144 Matrix. This Cosmic Cube 144 replaces the Metatronic Cube. Some of us in this family may have been consciously aware that in the last weeks the schematic was projected directly into the planetary field through our own brain and bodies.

The Eternal Eye of God has been placed in the field through our embodied person, and our mission is to ensure we hold this 144 cell schematic for the balance of the planet. When the schematic is being released, it is similar to your body acting as a frequency current transformer, stepping down and stepping up the frequencies as they are run throughout your internal circuitry. We are getting used to this sensation, as it may feel like energetic phasing, electrical popping and a massive amount of current vibrating throughout the center core and vertical channel and moving out from the crown. This generates a magnetic field around us and electronics and technology may not prefer that so much. We have been positioned all over the world in order to run these Eternal Eye of God schematics into the planetary networks. This Divine Will from the Mind of God Blueprint has been placed in the 33rd parallel north latitude coordinate for access all over the globe. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. It crosses Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.

This begins the process in which planetary guardian grid-workers are able to access the geometries required to create diamond networks of trinitized forms throughout the globe. This is required to change the bi-wave energy system to the tri-wave energy system, which in effect is moving from a closed energy system to an open source network.

Vesica Pisces to Trinity Forms

Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a closed bi-wave system. A closed system means finite energy supply. With finite energy supply, consuming others energies and parasitic relationships multiplied into massive proportions on our planet. This energetic imbalance was purposely programmed by the Controllers to distort the organic relationship between the electron and proton spin rates. The life force energy was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, through the Vesica Pisces (VP) bi-polar geometry. This hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code, consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion, locked down in our planet so that the trinity or unity code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions.

The time of the VP geometric harness is ending and we are learning how to create trinitized forms, which allow the feedback loop of source field energies. Many of us as grid-workers will be called to continue the rehabilitation of the planetary networks in major cities and major hubs. Some of us will be training to learn how to rehabilitate the human aura and many other life forms that will be exposed to our planet in the future, to learn how to rehabilitate their bodies. At this time, we are learning to be reeducators and rehabilitators to our planet and potentially for many other planets that will require this support at some point in the future.

When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these new beginnings of time is to create the tri-tone neutral field that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. These patterns on the grid are called Chalice Configurations, which are in effect the life giving nourishment of the Divine Mother principle we have missed so much, the Mother Arc Frequencies. This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle, which when used in matter is called a trinitized form.

Since our God source code is a trinity wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed from connecting through the sacred union relationship. Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species. This gender energy pattern is changing now on our planet. The sacred union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles.

This is also referred to as the embodiment of Hieros Gamos or the Risen Christos. This is the foundational design for the Avatar of Ascension, the Guardian Group hosted Mentor Band of living intelligent energy called the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). The HGS is a multidimensional living intelligent technology being created into a mathematical template within the ES community consciousness container. The HGS Calibration method is being released by the Guardian host of HGS, to the public this month on the ES website. For more information, please go to

Inner Balance to Sacred Marriage

The HGS is a Self Mastery Study that is designed to help anyone connect to and find the inner energetic core and learn the language to remember the inner spiritual purpose.

The AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is a Multidimensional and Living Template Technology being offered to those desiring to expand their own personal empowerment by means of developing spiritual exploration and personal consciousness.  The development of Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) leads to the awareness of communicating directly with one’s inner energetic core and finding one’s divine mission and purpose in life. As one finds clarity within the personal knowing of their energetic core and its purpose in life, inner balance returns allowing a state of wellbeing that includes inner peace and harmony.

Through the intentional application and developmental use of the AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS), one may develop a foundation based upon Energetic Self-Mastery principles, and claim personal sovereignty and responsibility over one’s personal energies. As a result, one may become fully cognizant in efficiently and harmlessly directing focus and attention to maximize living life force potentials.

Much of this knowledge has been esoteric and hidden for centuries in many Mystery School teachings and Ancient Wisdom philosophies, that carried down this knowledge through certain blood lineages. Basic energetic concepts in comprehending how to access Universal Creative Intelligence forces, the Natural Energetic Laws of Governing Forms, and how one can masterfully direct these energies to influence their experience within the world of matter, have only been allowed to be accessed by a privileged few. The Ascension Cycle requires our participation in order to gain energetic sovereignty in the matter worlds and the commitment to serve one’s spiritual core is what allows one to have access to these previously hidden systems.

To become attuned and aligned to the HGS template for applied session work for a multitude of purposes, one must patiently commit to the process of personal auric calibration to the HGS field.

This is called HGS Calibration. This is the most effective, efficient, harmless and productive method to gain access to the living energy system hosted by Guardian Krystal Star Teams. Patience and learning with the basic HGS Calibration method will yield fantastic results, with personal healing and spiritual development. Massive increases with Higher Sensory Perception (HSP), lucid dreaming awareness and reconnection back into the God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Krystal Star intelligence field, which has returned to the planet at this time. Without completing the calibration method, the HGS system is rendered inactive. Heart based integrity, ethical conduct and the full agreement to honor the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Humanity is required to be a facilitator of the HGS System.

The HGS system is primarily geared for personal healing while learning how to become one’s own etheric surgeon. This allows one to remove alien machinery from one’s aura, while participating directly with the process of spiritual initiation and light body activation, as guided by HSP ability. Simultaneously the system will educate one’s awareness through participation with the Galactic History time fields. This is to begin to remember the journey in the timelines with Extraterrestrial origins and the real histories of the human race. This is a new language being given to reeducate oneself beyond 3D mind control and the many veils of illusion. Learning to go beyond fear programs, mental preconceptions and dogma is mandatory for successful HGS calibration and for the process of learning how to use the system. A Statement of Action and Responsibility under Cosmic Sovereign Law is required to facilitate the system under the terms provided to activate the HGS Mentor Band, to connect and support one’s HGS session work. (HGS Manual, Page 10)

For our current HGS Certified Mentors, it is suggested in all agreed upon client-facilitator sessions that are reached through the mutual consent of all parties involved, that the HGS Calibration Method is the suggested prerequisite for the continual use of the full HGS session template and HGS Modules. Under certain conditions, like Parents of children or animals, larger grid-work, or stewards of organizations, the intention of stating Cosmic Sovereign Law to be applied towards the HGS session clearing is sufficient.  HGS Calibration method can be given freely as spiritual homework before or after session work for the client to learn how to take self-responsibility for personal healing. This is especially important for those persons new to the HGS that are non-community members, and are not versed with the 12D shield technique and basic energetic clearing procedures.  The use of the personal 12D shield between client–facilitator will greatly enhance the efficiency and ease of holding the session containment field and processes for clearing, healing and inorganic removals. Training the client relationship into basic HGS calibration procedure is the first key to have effective and productive continual sessions.

Those confident in energetic session ability may also intuit to utilize the HGS Calibration method and are free to share the HGS Calibration method with everyone at this time. These materials will be integrated into the ES website, which can be easily referenced and shared with any person or group that may benefit. It is highly recommended to run through the HGS Calibration procedure beforehand with any client–facilitator sessions. This means the Facilitator should suggest before the session or during the first session to only run HGS Calibration method as the first session. Listening to guidance received with HGS Calibration may take minutes, hours, or weeks. With chronic physical pain or difficult cases such as possession, addiction or severe trauma, it is suggested to apply HGS Calibration steps and the Quickstep PDD method. A Quickstep PDD audio meditation is in the community platinum archives and can be freely given to any client for session support or for assistance with the HGS calibration method. One use or multiple usages may be required to complete HGS Calibration.  At this time the Guardian Host requests that non-community members only work with the HGS Calibration procedures and Quickstep PDD. 

The ES community is currently being requested to complete HGS session template field work within the ES member community container. This is the energetic responsibility required at this time to build the extensive network and mathematical template in our community supported system. This means only ES community members will have Guardian Mentor support with facilitation of the entire HGS session template as provided in the HGS Manual. ES Members can calibrate non-members as clients, as the session holder and facilitator, while non-members will not be supported in HGS session facilitation due to the field container constraints. These HGS sessions are recorded mathematical template procedures that are building the platform of the ES and HGS community, which protects the integrity of the system, as well as allows for the most effective use of the system moving forward. The ES Community container is the steward and protector of the HGS.

For newer ES Members a thorough comprehension of the ES foundations and use of the ES core practices, which are included in the HGS calibration method, are the prerequisite for moving toward the HGS. It is suggested to be a member of the ES community participating in monthly classes and meditations for at least a year, before moving toward the HGS. The ES community is the energy platform and foundation to learn the HG language, to develop a skill set with core ES practices and ES foundations. Seasoned energy session workers and energy facilitators with their own private practices may move toward it more quickly. This is a personal area where integrity, ethical conduct and self-responsibility to use the system wisely should be considered.

As we are emerging into a new community structure to support the requirements of the HGS technology, please have patience, as we are in a growing transition to support the system as best as we are able. We will develop more clarity in facilitation of the HGS system, to become available to as many people who truly desire to learn proficiency with the energy healing, made possible with the HGS. This is a completely new technology that we are learning to support the best we are able moving forward. Thank you so much for your patience with our growth process.

This month of January please check our website if you are interested in learning more about the AoA Hieros Gamos System and the HGS Calibration procedure. Thank you for your patience with us as we are a huge work in progress.

Congratulations to our Light Workers, Star Family and Indigo’s everywhere. From our Light Family to Yours, we send our heartfelt appreciation, gratitude for a joyous, abundant and loving 2013. Happy New Year!

Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path.

Love, Lisa

Suggested for You

  • ES Core Triad Practice

    DEVELOP SKILL SET FOR DAILY USE – Three Steps plus Daily Guidelines

    Step One:

    Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the authority problem between Ego and God)

    My declaration of intention is to serve my Source.
    I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely and totally.
    I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free!

    Step Two:

    AM/PM practice the 12D Shield to Learn how to Command Personal Space

     The 12th Dimensional Shield is to protect your body to receive an increasing flow of higher frequencies.

    The First stage in working with the 12 D shield is to achieve the following PERSONAL results:

    • To fortify and strengthen our Aura and Energy Field by reconnecting to the Over-soul Matrix and the 12 D Blueprint
    • To learn energetic boundaries of our Aura and to be able to boundary test discordant energies that are uninvited
    • To re-imprint the body to physical sustainability and health (achieved by energetic balance)
    • To allow communication links to be restored with Spiritual Forces and Star Families
    • To begin a process of reawakening dormant energy receivers and/or repairing damaged genetic imprints
    • To empower our cells to reawaken to our True Origin, including decoding light language and the hidden history of the human race.

    After this has been practiced with commitment and dedication on a regular basis, new levels of awareness will begin to emerge. Let this express itself freely and do your best to allow and do not place judgment on any experiences you may have. All of us are unique and may have different variations of experiences.

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  • Healing and Clearing

    Energetic Healing and Clearing is nonverbal and nonlinear from the ego’s mental body perspective. If we think too much or have bias, we block sensory feeling and also block potential healing and clearing pathways. The physical body is a manifestation of the inner spiritual and energetic life force. All that outwardly manifests in your life experience has a Blueprint at the energetic levels of the body controlling those functions. Therefore it makes sense to restore balance to the energies of the body in order to restore the balanced function of the whole body system. The human body, both physically and energetically, manifests health and well- being when a balance of life force (chi) energy is maintained. The human body is naturally self-healing when homeostasis is achieved within the bodies regulating mechanisms, or when a balanced flow of energies can circulate throughout all bodily systems. When we understand our body and identity as multidimensional we will need to address all inner, outer and in-between spaces (multidimensionality) of our biology and its spiritual energetic processes in order to regain personal freedom.

    Personal freedom is being freed of all constructs of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual suffering, torment or limitation.

    As we regain the memory of our ability to personally heal and clear ourselves to be freed from such mechanisms of suffering, we will be able to clearly perceive the root cause of our suffering. At the core level, immense suffering always exists within the disconnection and/or interference between our body and our connection to our own spiritual energetic bodies and their source light. Absolutely all living things have a blueprint and access to that source light. When a living thing is blocked access to its source light, it gets sick, diseased, depressed and the DNA instruction set deteriorates rapidly. Through this system you will identify and locate those multidimensional parts that are disconnected, damaged or stolen, reclaim and reconnect them to achieve inner balance and union with your multidimensional selves. Achieving union with your multidimensional selves and their various parts is called polarity integration. Through the alchemical process of Polarity Integration (synthesis) within your body, positive and negative charges emanate a neutral charge field, the Zero Point. The zero point is a non-polarized charged field, and is the access to inner balance, health and well being as well as the key to Unity consciousness or embodying the Christos intelligence, a plasma light wave.

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