Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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August 2021

For Parents Supporting Young Children

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

This month we are providing some supportive guidelines in alignment with the Law of One that are designed for parents and guardians of children that are under 12 years of age. The children of this Earth have a lot to contend with and need spiritually mature parents, teachers and counselors to help guide them through the incredible maze of confusion and dark interference that they are being exposed to. Dark forces know that children and teenagers are easy targets and will try to manipulate them and groom them to carry out self-harm and spiritual rejection in a variety of ways.

As a parent, you are a spiritual steward of your child until the age of 21, and have every right to command their space as protected under the natural laws you set forth from parental love and concern. As parents we have to be discerning to not abuse parental power by being overly protective, yet we must take steps to educate our children to gain an empowered stance when confronted by dark entities, sexual predators and other children who may be used by these same forces. Bringing a structure of prayer and meditation to children is teaching them valuable tools to know how to emotionally self-regulate in order to be calmer and more relaxed, as well as learn about the authentic human qualities of compassion and empathy to interact with others better.

In the interpretation of the Law of One within our Spiritual Ascension context, it is an egalitarian philosophy for evolving humanity towards humanitarian goals. Ascension study is made as an evolutionary model for our planet and humanity to achieve spiritual freedom. The main focus is on the inner spiritual study and reflection made upon the personal commitment to expand one's consciousness and benevolence towards life. As we expand our consciousness, we shift perspective to feel our interconnection with all Life and become orientated to be of service to others as this is the organic reflection of the inner spirit. When we experience this all-encompassing spiritual-energetic connection, we inherently desire to practice human kindness and seek to collaborate with developing higher structures that place value on human beings, a value system of a World Humanism.

Currently, we are in the most challenging part of the transition occurring in our world that moves humanity into a new astrological age which supports planetary liberation or spiritual ascension. The planet is undergoing a massive consciousness shift in which all human beings must adjust their way of thinking and being to that which is in direct alignment with their true divine essence and spiritual purpose. It is through rediscovering the sacred crystal human heart that the powerful presence of creative heart-based intelligence of the Godhead expresses itself as true compassionate loving kindness from within the angelic human being.

When the forces of Love are fully present within a person, their heart center opens and flowers, propelling them naturally into each layer of the ascension stages which bring to them consciousness experiences as directed by their inner spirit.  As we move though the spectrum of frequencies and undergo dimensional shifts, this expands consciousness through the process of learning life lessons or achieving Gnosis, which evolves us towards ultimately making higher lifestyle choices in order to attain spiritual freedom.

Parents are Spiritual Guardians of Children

As a parent, you are the guardian and spiritual steward of the soul that is your child, whether biological or adopted. In the pre-birth process, the souls of children have been attracted to the genetic lineage of their parents and have chosen them for spiritual purposes and consciousness lessons. Every human being has a soul blueprint that was designed with specific astrological imprints which act as the guard rails for that soul to help guide them to achieve the life lessons and consciousness experiences they wanted or needed in the current lifetime.

Parents that have chosen to participate with the ascension process should be aware that this also refers to your children, when parents are clearing shadow energies and ancestral patterns, the spiritual benefits are given directly to your children through the parental bond. This means that parents that practice genuinely loving behaviors, personal 12D Christos shielding, spiritual clearing and prayerful intents of sending blessings for your children, is extremely potent in supporting their consciousness body and helping them to be firmly connected and aligned with their own inner spirit.  Conscious and loving parenting offers increased spiritual protection for them when they are asleep and when they are not in your presence and direct care, for whatever the reasons.

Awake parents and guardians should be aware of energetic exposures of their children to an assortment of sensory stimulation that is in the family home and immediate environment. A general rule of thumb for parents is to know the accurate nature of reality is energy and to teach your children age-appropriate concepts that help them to better discern energy through feeling sensations.  

  • Everything is energy.
  • Energy is conscious and intelligent.
  • Some energies can be seen, other energies are not seen but can be felt.
  • Energy is spirit and spirits are everywhere.
  • Spirits can be loving and kind or hateful and mean.
  • These are examples of positive or negative energy. Too much negative energy makes us sick.
  • Being aware of the kinds of energy or spirits around you and your children is critical information to have.
  • We do not judge, but we discern.

Thus, it is important for parents to be aware to identify sources of negative and toxic energies that can infect the child when they are exposed to mainstream fear-based content in computers, smart phones, classrooms, cartoons, video games, online chatrooms or television programs. Children under the age of six are extremely empathic to their environment in which exposure to certain types of fear based or harmful negative energies and violence can spiritually traumatize them and imprint these negative patterns into their subconscious mind, greatly impacting them into adulthood.

Loving parents know their children beyond any other person that claims to be an expert or authority on matters impacting your child. Thus, it is critical knowledge to take control over and monitor your child’s exposures to information supplied by other adults such as doctors, teachers, governmental authorities or supposed child experts. You as the parent are the expert in knowing what your child needs to help them thrive by knowing they have a soul. Use critical thinking and common sense in raising your child and do not allow others to take your parental authority or personal power away in how you decide to raise your children to grow into healthy and happy adults. You are their spiritual guardian; self-proclaimed and governmental authorities that want to insert their influence are not.

Additionally, there are many synthetic chemicals and pathogens that are physical toxins found in the environment that we are being exposed to every day and these chemicals and genetic modifiers are being purposely mixed into our food, water, air, and vaccinations. The point is to be educated to identify potential toxins and know that an accumulation of toxic exposures over time from various sources, such as physical toxins, mental toxins, emotional toxins all combine to generate spiritual toxins which greatly weaken our children. Our common sense tells us that as a parent, we want to limit toxic exposures and negative energy in our family unit. We do our best to create the most robust health and positive environment for our children to grow and develop in so that they can excel and actualize their highest spiritual potentials.  

Children under the Age of Six

Thus, for children under six be especially aware to monitor access to current children’s entertainment and media sources, as well as mainstream classroom curriculum by becoming aware of child grooming into sex and violence, and the mind control tactics that are being used for intentional subconscious programming. The current mainstream western culture has been socially conditioned into accepting and normalizing anti-human and satanic based belief systems. Thus, it is critical to guard your mind from the scourge and help guide your children into positive life affirming belief systems that help build self-love, self-esteem and self-responsibility. Children in this age group should never be exposed to death culture media or content transmitted by another adult that is related to open acceptance of sexual situations, violence, gender issues, racial bias and other divisive classification systems that are being used specifically to groom children through harmful indoctrination. Harmful indoctrination is akin to the purposeful social engineering of dehumanizing belief systems into the public which are designed to implant feelings of demoralization and low self-worth in young and impressionable minds.

Belief systems surrounding a child’s self-worth and self-esteem begins to form from outer exposures during pregnancy and into babyhood, further developing gradually over time. From the moment of entering into this world as a newborn, the level of loving care and positive attention a baby receives from their parents helps them to build a strong core self that bonds with their soul expression. Building the foundation for the core self to develop self-worth is cultivated when the soul of the child experiences loving kindness, care and attention from the parents which generates a safe environment for exploring personal expression.

The consciousness of the soul is present at the developing fetus stage, which further merges and connects during the live birth, which is the profound moment the soul takes on the incarnational imprints and clock shield template (timeline) of the planet Earth collective consciousness. Newborns and babies are empathically connected to the biological mother’s auric field and thus the child’s soul will be most impacted by the emotional state of the mother and later, will form empathic bonds with the father and primary caregivers. Removing or disturbing biological parental bonds is the agenda of the anti-human forces to traumatize souls when they are babies and children. Although earthly life is complicated and we cannot always prevent this in the current misaligned culture, adopted parents and caregivers of orphans should be aware that there are a range of spiritual impacts that can traumatize the soul of a newborn or baby. The imprints they receive at this age from adults are critical to their successful development and future self-esteem to actualize their soul blueprint.  

Although many children are more advanced souls and have their heart and upper chakra energy centers partially active, it is wise for parents to know that children are targets of spiritual warfare in the current mainstream death culture. As a parent it is your responsibility to help steward your children to grow up with strong self-esteem and be spiritually connected in order to be well adjusted and aware human beings. As an awake parent, it is important to know the signs and red flags involved in grooming children into harmful behaviors that are rampant in the current society and to take pro-active steps to control the potential negative impacts made on your children. This does not mean to deprive them of necessary life experiences, but rather to hold the awareness of the impact of negative energies by monitoring the amount of negative energy they filter. As their parent, you can help them filter and clear these negative energies out so they do not internalize or remain stuck to your child’s consciousness and lightbody.

Be a Positive Role Model

As awake parents or as a guardian, you are the most important adult figures in teaching your children about consciousness energy and by modeling positive life affirming skill sets for them to emulate. By intending to live as the positive example for others and through the intention of holding higher frequencies through the expression of loving and kind behaviors in the family unit, your child is receiving the positive imprint upon their bio-neurology which includes accumulation of positive frequencies into their lightbody. In the early developmental phases of childhood, mirror neurons develop mirror properties through the child mimicking and imitating the repetitive behavior of their parents and the environment. A mirror neuron is a nerve cell that fires when the person observes an action being performed by another person. This means that a child watching the behavior of their parent or caretaker, is actually laying down tracks for the same neuronal pattern of action, via the information that is being carried in their neural impulses. Babies and children naturally have a much slower brain wave frequency than adults and thus the right brain functioning and sensory related abilities related to mirror neurons firing and feelings of empathy, develop first.

Babies and children are imprinted into belief systems and behaviors by watching their parents, they take their social cues from what their parents are doing. Be aware that as a parent, your children are observing you continually from subconscious and conscious levels and this will inform and shape their behavior. Children are naturally empathic and highly suggestible to the energy and behaviors in their environment. The most important formative years of their unique ego-personality shapes itself until approximately the age of six, with another layer of deepening soul integration occurring during the age of twelve.  Thus, it is suggested to model the positive characteristics you want to instill in your children, such as developing moral character and a personal value system based on reverence for life, practicing unconditional love, peace, compassion and empathy. The model of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One and the ethical virtues of the Spirits of Christos hold reverence for life and help them to develop spiritual strength as children, growing into adulthood aware of co-creating with others a peaceful culture of World Humanism.

In the current human culture, showing unconditional love and being able to have open, honest and compassionate communications in all levels of relationships are not generally emphasized. We live in a stressful world, yet it is critical to make time to have family communications and open dialogues that help educate our children of all ages to better deal with the challenges of life and have some basic tools to deal with emotional issues. When its age appropriate, make your expectations clear and when there are problems, explain it by expressing your feelings and invite your child to help you to problem solve so that they can also participate with the solution.

At the age of six and under, the child and their lightbody is still attached to their parents lightbody, where the most present caregiver or maternal figure will usually hold the parental bond for the shared lightbody merge. The anti-Christ forces have many harmful strategies they use to target children and family units in order to interfere with the mother to child bond and the biological parental bond with their children’s souls, as this disrupts natural soul growth at the most important phase of a child’s soul acclimation into earthly life.  Due to the high probability of this shared lightbody resonance, the child will be especially connected to the most present caregiver or parent through positive transference. Positive transference means that they will receive the energetics and emotional frequencies that are being expressed as the fundamental frequency of their primary caregiver or parents and those energies and emotional states which are found in the family home.

It is suggested to meditate and pray daily when pregnant, including your baby’s soul in your prayers and daily blessings. After the child is born, to practice meditation and include your child’s or children’s souls and higher selves to participate with you in cleansing and healing prayers or offered blessings. With babies or distressed children, it is very spiritually healing to regularly meditate and pray with the child being held in your arms near your heart chakra or placing the child when awake or asleep in close proximity to your lightbody field when you are clearing, shielding and praying. During this age, babies and children are highly responsive to the Law of Resonance which results in direct positive energy transference from the parent during any kind of ascension focused activity, such as holding loving prayers and clearing intentions that will increase the higher frequency vibrations in you and your children.

At this age, the teaching is by example and education about ascension concepts is not necessary unless they ask you directly for that information. As an awake parent, visualization exercises and using imagination for co-creation of positive energies is the most important tool to keep your child’s lightbody strong and protected. Repeating simple phrases like:  God or Christ Loves (their name), Mommy and Daddy Love (their name), The Beautiful Angels Love (their name), so they receive constant energetic imprints and positive affirmations that they are loved unconditionally by both sets of their Universal God parents and their biological parents or caregivers.  In ES community, the Christos 12D Shield is the base teaching to build spiritual connection and lightbody strength, in which the parent can do this visualization exercise for their children as their spiritual guardian from birth until the age of 21.

To help ourselves, our children and families prepare for planetary ascension and to heal our spiritual aspects we must know that human beings have a soul anatomy that is multidimensional. That includes the awareness that to give our families the best care, our children will need to be cared for in the context that they are multidimensional spiritual beings. To develop a lifestyle plan to help grow the consciousness of your children and family unit, two main approaches are suggested. To think upon implementing a holistic and integrative lifestyle strategy that is based upon addressing the Four Body System for children under six. For children over six years of age and with parental guidance it may be supportive to introduce the main chakra centers with activities that provide for the intentional healing and balancing of the seven main chakras as an ascension lifestyle that include brief meditation techniques.

Four Body System Model

The Four Body System Model is the beginner stage of learning how the multidimensional components of human consciousness intelligences interact together through; the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual energetic body. As we choose to interact with each of our four main layers on the path of spiritual awakening, it supports a holistic and integrated Ascension. When you are caring for your children and helping to guide them through earthly life challenges, as a parent you may want to have the context of finding ways that support your child’s four body system and then when they get older, making them aware of these parts of their body and how they function. This will cultivate spiritual integration and energetic connection between these body parts so that they function together much more effectively. Most people pay attention to limited areas of their bodies functioning which can disconnect the flow of energy and communication between the basic parts, as well as internal organs and glands. If an individual is taught in childhood to understand that they can choose their thoughts and emotions and shift into positive consciousness states, this gives them confidence when they realize they do not have to suffer the whims of an unruly emotional body or instinctual impulses. Laying this groundwork in the emotional body of a child greatly discourages an assortment of ego attachment disorders which commonly develop into addictions and addictive impulses in later years.

Thus, it is important to understand how the four main layers interact so that you can consciously participate with connecting each layer of intelligence to communicate with each other throughout the bio-neurology. As an example, many adults may not realize that their unconscious mind and conscious mind thought forms directly create their emotional state through reactions and impulses. To better manage emotions and have good impulse control, one will need to become aware of the contents of the mental body and emotional triggers, to interact consciously with the understanding that we want our mental body and emotional body to work in harmony with each other. As we become more self-aware and conscious, we participate with integration and harmonization of our four main parts and will experience much more peace and harmony in our life. As each individual brings intentional awareness to integrate these four body parts, an organic progression towards evolving into wholeness and inner alignment with the core self, is the natural result.

As a parent with this knowledge, you will want to help your child’s soul develop into their maximum spiritual expression by helping them to integrate these parts through age-appropriate activities and feedback that supports their overall health and wellbeing.

Physical Body Goals: As a parent supporting your child’s physical health and ongoing physical development would mean to implement some physical support systems in which your child shows interest. This may include planning healthy organic balanced meals, regular time running or playing out in the sunshine, enjoying crafts, games and play together or going on adventures to explore nature as a family. Physical alignment can mean group activities such as sports or child yoga, but also means an awareness of grounding to the Earth, where being barefoot or going on nature walks is grounding for children as well as adults.

Emotional Body Goals: As a parent supporting their child’s emotional development, this means to help your child connect with and understand their emotional feelings and impulses without repercussions. When we are emotional adults, we can help our children to better identify and express emotions that are not being punished as good or bad, but allowed as honest expression of feelings and then compassionately worked through when it’s possible. Show your child how to let go of frustration and to be redirected back into positive feelings without dwelling on tantrums or negativity. Let them know there are consequences to their actions and show them how that works in the decisions they make. Dancing and singing, chanting and humming, vocal and verbal communications in storytelling. Lots of physical affection, hugging and kissing in a pure unconditionally loving and compassionate and supportive environment.

Mental Body Goals: Help children to develop their problem-solving skills as well as be exposed to classical music, artistic masterpieces of beauty or playing with toys and games that cultivate skill sets in order to explore ways they can stimulate their brain while learning through creative play.  Coloring and drawing, memory recall games, creative arts to engage the mind, all forms of learning and developing cognitive skill sets, common sense and consequences to actions. Show your child what potential lessons they have learned through interactions or choices they make.

Spiritual Body Goals: Encourage your child to connect with their higher spiritual power knowing that higher power unconditionally loves them, by using language to describe that spiritual relationship in ways that you are comfortable with. Give them suggestions or guide them in simple daily affirmations, a short and easy prayer in the morning and evening and as they get older, quiet moments set aside for quick meditation or sharing reflection on daily events to emphasize teachings for spiritual behaviors with virtue-ethics. God is loving and kind and the soul is loving and kind. When people disconnect from God and soul, they are no longer loving and kind.

Children over Six and Seven Chakra System

For children over the age of six they may be ready to know more about how their energy body works and that everything around them is energy. As an awake parent, you may want to introduce your children to energy concepts like the chakra system and begin to teach them basic meditation and higher sensory techniques. As a parent starts their own spiritual ascension practice, there may be relevant information that is appropriate to share with your children. Depending on the age of your child and their specific social issues, such as school aged children, discerning the best times when ascension related activities are positive to implement. It may be that when it is a school holiday or summer break, this is the best time to introduce ascension information or different concepts that help them to better discern energy.

At this age it is appropriate to introduce them to prayer and when they go to bed to call upon God, Christ or their Guardian Angels to keep them connected and protected in the eternal light, and by expressing thanks for the things they have received that day. When appropriate, we also suggest to add intentions for sleep state, so that when we are sleeping, we are intending to also do spiritual work, send prayers to others or ask to help resolve any worldly issues that may come up. Maybe we know our beloved family member is not feeling well, so the other family members send their prayers during sleep time for blessings of health and wellness to that individual. In a family household, it is important to reserve quiet time when each individual can be alone in a private space in which they can retreat from the others. Allow your children to have a special place or quiet spot for them to go to where they can be alone and uninterrupted. Maybe this is a special treehouse or play house in the yard in which the child loves to find refuge and play in their special space designed just for them. During the ascension cycle, it is important to be aware that every individual of any age will need some space and alone time in their own energy and that this allows for spiritual healing, recalibration and to help rebalance their energy field.

At this age it will be important for parents to emphasize a positive value system in which it is necessary to tell the truth to parents and others as much as possible. Let your children know that you will tell them the truth to the best of your ability and that you love them unconditionally and to always tell you the truth also. It is imperative that when making this agreement with your child, that telling the truth is never punished by angry reactions.  Parents may need to guide children in certain situations to know that not everyone tells the truth and sometimes people say things they do not mean, others including adults may even outright lie.

At some point parents may need to help guide children through difficult situations in which they have been exposed to something that is not true but is fantasy. They may be attached to a fairy tale or cartoon character in which a parent may need to help them understand the difference between a real person and a fake character. Children will be exposed to bullies at some point and so helping to reinforce self-esteem, safety at home and conflict resolution as a way of life, helps children to release grief or complicated emotions when exposed to someone that hurt their feelings. Helping children to know that sometimes unhappy people are unsafe or act mean and to know these are not real friends, that we may have to end these relationships or connections. That is why we value and cherish our real friends and family that genuinely love and care about us as we care for them and that these real friendships and family relationships are blessings in our lives.

The seven-chakra system is updated with the Ascension Earth merge with the Cosmic Founder Source Domain and is also a way to help your child integrate their chakra centers by incorporating different strategies into your child’s day to day activities. 

1D Root: This energy center generates a strong and stable base which helps the child feel confident and supported. This includes physical support exercise, regular outdoor activities, swimming, sports or family bonding activities. This energy center is the grounding mechanism that was in the red spectrum. In the new diamond ray energies this takes on a pale magenta pink hue and is the realm of union with the Holy Father on the Earth.  The tone of this energy center is KA and its meditating companion is a magenta or pink tourmaline crystal.

2D Sacral: This energy center generates a container for expressing healthy pleasures for the instinctual body, planning special events for indulgences, emotional bonding through sharing, fun water activities, lower stomach exercises. This energy center was orange and now takes on a golden orange hue or creamy peach color and is the realm of union with Holy Christos Sophia on the Earth. The tone of this energy center is RA and its meditating companion is a golden imperial topaz crystal.

3D Solar Plexus: This energy center is the center of personal will and the seat of mind of the core spiritual body. Breathing and stress release exercises, letting off steam and pent-up energies, open discussion on the ego personality aspects, such as addressing fears and setting short term goals, self-esteem exercises. This energy center was yellow and now takes on a yellow greenish glow to aquamarine hues and is the realm of union between the core spiritual self and the Cosmic Holy Mother on the Earth. The tone of this energy center is YA and its meditating companion is an aquamarine or herderite crystal.

4D Heart Center: This energy center is the center of unconditional love, kindness and compassion, the development of trust with self and others. Expressing affection, hugs and ways to be loving to others and loving towards nature. This energy center was light green and now takes on an emerald diamond hue and is the realm of union with the Cosmic Emerald Heart of God and the Emerald Tree of Life in the Albion Lightbody of Earth. The tone of this energy center is SA and its meditating companion is an emerald crystal or malachite gemstone.

5D Throat –This energy center is the center of communication and expression of inner truth by voice, speech and song. Singing, voice coaching, giving a voice presentation or speech, performances and even gargling. This energy center was cobalt blue and now takes on a silvery blue to white diamond hue and is the realm of union with the Cosmic Voice of God. The tone of this energy center is TA and its meditating companion is an angelite crystal or blue lace agate gemstone.

6D Brow – This energy center is the 3rd Eye which opens creative visualization and intuitive capabilities. Focusing on the 3rd eye with chakra training, imagining a violet dot in the center of the brain as a doorway to other dimensions, memory recall, use of imagination or other creative arts with colorful and beautiful imagery. This energy center was indigo and now takes on a merged indigo violet pastel hue and is the realm of union with the Cosmic Eye of God. The tone of this energy center is HA and its meditating companion is an azurite crystal or aquamarine gemstone.

7D Crown - This energy center functions as full spectrum spiritual alignment with the Godhead through the merge of all other energy centers and color waves. Thus, this energy center was violet and now takes on a golden halo of pastel rainbow diamond hues that unify between the crown and base surrounding the body in a golden white halo, which extends out further into rainbow pastel colors and is the realm of spiritual union with the Cosmic Trinity of God. The tone of this energy center is LA and its meditating companion is an opal gemstone or Herkimer diamond crystal. LA is the great unifier and synthesizer of all energies that come before it.

All seven of the core tones can be chanted together as KA RA YA SA TA HA LA or Krystallah.

Supporting Children’s Spiritual Development

When developing a plan for your child or family by including consistent activities that support spiritual development, spiritual healing and energy balancing that align with planetary ascension and learning how get in touch with the divine creator, here are a few suggestions.

Planetary Ascension: Share age-appropriate information about the planetary ascension and personal ascension that are creating big changes in our world, in order that we can co-create a positive humanitarian culture for the New Earth. Give them some context about confusing things they may see around them in order to help them understand that all of humanity is undergoing a big shift in how they think and do things in the world. Not everyone knows the planet is ascending and that it requires they adapt and make changes in their lives to be more loving and kinder to help create a healthier place to live. Some adults are confused about what is happening and as a result they may feel sad, angry or unhappy about these changes.

New Earth: Parents may want to focus on each of the Law of One principles and give examples of how these principles are practiced in our daily healthy lifestyle so that we consciously work towards building a culture of World Humanism. The Law of One is unity consciousness in which we know there is a loving God Creator which connects us to every living thing and all beings. Living in the New Earth means that humanity must change how we live so that all people can live and function in a world based on love, peace and mutual respect. All living things on the Earth must be respected as the living energy of the God creator and when we love ourselves, love others, love the Earth and her creatures, we offer ourselves to be of service to others in order to responsibly co-create and take care of all living things in our world.

Prayer and Meditation: Encourage prayer and pray with your children daily. Prayers can be short and sweet with an intended purpose from the heart. Intending to connect with divine creator, giving thanks for meals or things received, praying for others, developing a personal spiritual relationship with God or Guardian Angels. As a parent, our goal is to help encourage our child to develop a direct spiritual connection and best friend relationship with God and Christos (higher power), knowing they are loving truthful spirits that are listening and guiding them in times of trouble and always.

Giving Unconditional Love: When we are giving unconditional love to others, we are generating positive forces of energy transference that are being sent to a person or emanating positive loving vibrations into the environment from our heart center and auric field. Bring your child’s attention to their heart center and educate them that this is the center of their divine spirit that is naturally loving and kind. Be affectionate, give cuddles and say I love you often. Find ways to demonstrate heart-based feelings of unconditional love to others and the Earth. It is simply an awareness of sharing positive energy and care to those people, places and things around us. Each individual can share positivity and unconditional love by accepting others as spiritual-energy beings and intending to direct positive energy through thoughts, words, actions and prayers. Activities that show you care about the environment and other people by cleaning or tidying up, drawing a picture to brighten the day for an elderly person or genuinely doing something that helps another is an easy way to express unconditional love.

Emotional Body Skills: Babies and toddlers get frustrated between things they want to do and what they are actually able to do causing temper tantrums. Remaining calm while distracting them is refocusing their attention on something else, which is an example to help kids learn how to redirect and control their behavior. Sometimes patiently giving instruction, timeouts or quick meditation audios can improve a child’s sense of self-control guiding them back into balance. As children get older, they need to understand consequences of actions based on their own behavior. Encourage them to walk away from situations when they get angry in order to cool off rather than have an outburst. Help children know they are the boss of their own body, including the fact they can shift their own emotional states. If they feel sad or angry, that this is an energy they can release and change when they better understand their feelings. Help your child put emotions into words so they can learn to express what they are feeling.

Ego Detachment: This works as a mirror exercise for the parent’s ego detachment as seen through the lens of their children, as your children are not going to be who you may want them to be, but they will grow into who they really are. Prepare to allow your child to be the unique soul expression they truly are, by stewarding them to be more resilient, independent and able to act as an individual. Engaged detachment is the ability to be fully present and not withdraw your energy. Seeing things from another perspective without needing it to be a certain way so you are not attached to that as an outcome. It’s training children to find present moment awareness and know they cannot control people, places and things, that it is best to not fixate or attach to certain outcomes. Change is a normal aspect of life and sometimes we must let things go when they are no longer positive for us. Knowing that everything has purpose in life that we can learn from, some things will happen that we do not understand. Change can bring things that need to happen in our lives and we can honor this change as a part of the natural growth cycle of life. Additionally, helping children know the difference between truthful statements and deceptions, fantasy and make-believe characters, by discerning imposter energies that try to control through manipulation, are vital life skills needed at this point of evolution on planet Earth.

Physical Exercise: It is helpful to introduce children to the awareness that the physical body is designed for movement and exercise which is not only enjoyable, but keeps our body grounded and more energetically balanced.  Physical exercise helps the body stay oxygenated and helps circulate vital forces and ascension energies throughout the body. With the immense planetary plasma activations, some exercise and other physical outdoor activities are helpful for both adults and children to embody higher frequencies.  When possible, intend to connect with nature and choose outdoor activities or sports in which parents and children can enjoy together. Swimming is excellent for increasing the flow of energy throughout the body, releasing emotional energy and neutralizing negative electromagnetic energies from assorted electrical products.

Chakra and/or Energy Balancing: For children over six that are ready for this information, a simple focus of attention upon the areas of the body where the chakras and glands are located, is the best way to begin to learn how to balance bodily energies. Quick meditation by going within the self to achieve stillness or quiet is one of the easiest ways to overall balance the chakra-gland energies. The power of intent or the power of focused attention for a sustained amount of time, even if it’s for 60 seconds can be very effective. Learn the approximate locations of the chakras and know that each energy center is run by a gland that secretes hormones in the body. Close your eyes, relax and pay attention to your breathing and find a comfortable position. Guide your child through a shared breathing exercise and then focus upon that specific chakra energy center through a variety of methods, in silent awareness, while holding a crystal, chanting the chakra crystal tone, visualizing its color, sharing the feeling impressions of energies. By making chakra energy awareness a consistent practice even if its for a few minutes, your child’s visualization skills, access to sensory feelings and energy impressions for discernment will build strength quickly. Feeling balanced means our body is energetically centered and thus we recover easily from emotional distress or when exposed to environmental energetic chaos. Individuals of any age will experience an increased sense of wellbeing from energy balancing exercises. A child will feel more balanced when their parents energetic state is more balanced, as this is the consciousness state of shared harmonic resonance.

Do Things You Enjoy: Most children start out naturally doing things they like to do and they can be conditioned to stop when they do not receive support or have been traumatized. As an adult, if you want to remember to learn how to be happy and live an authentic life, spend time with small children. Small children are totally natural in the way they play, the way they talk, the way they walk, it is just authentically who they are in the moment. Thus, give attention and time by always encouraging each of your children to do things that are authentic to them and that they enjoy or love doing.  Allowing them to play and explore a variety of different mediums of art, crafts, painting, coloring, singing, dancing, games, playing with friends, going to the park, petting zoo, quiet time, listening or playing music and whatever else is fun. As children get older, you may need to come together as a family to celebrate family traditions like birthdays and holidays, to affirm with each family member how to spend more of your personal time doing things that you all enjoy doing and making it happen.

Describing the energetic nature of our reality can be difficult for adults to understand let alone children. To help parents begin to open this conversation, we’re providing a support script which you can utilize and personalize, edit and add whatever you may feel is supportive for the unique soul expression that is your child.

Sample Discussion about Planetary Ascension

We are all spiritual beings that are made of energy. You are a human being that has a soul. We are souls living on a planet while in a physical body. Our planet has a spiritual body as we do and so our planet and all the living creatures on her also have a soul just as we do.

Our planet is undergoing a special moment because Earth is having a birthday. Just like when you have a birthday and it is so exciting, the Earth is having her birthday which is called planetary ascension. We came as a soul so we could be a physical person at this time to help celebrate the Earth’s birthday. Not everyone realizes that this is happening quite yet, but one day everyone will know.

Our Universe has many different time cycles and works like a giant cosmic clock. When time cycles finish all the planets in the solar system move into another level to experience a different time cycle. That is what is happening now and for some people it can be confusing because they do not know this is happening.

When you have a birthday, it means that one year or twelve months have passed and you are one year older now. Planets have birthdays in the same way. When a time cycle ends and the planet shifts into another time cycle, she changes everything which means as humans living on the planet, we all have to change with her. Some people may not know how to change, but what it means is that when the planet has her birthday, she helps us all to realize that every human soul needs love, that we need to love each other and learn how to be nice to help one another.

The Earth is made of a rainbow spectrum of colors and these colors are also connected to your body and your soul. When it rains and we see rainbows the Earth is showing us these colors in the sky! Our Universe is also made of these same rainbows of colors. Each of these colors in the rainbow make something called a dimension. When the planet has a birthday, it is when she decides to move from one color or dimension to another color in a higher dimension. This takes millions of years to happen, so this means the planets birthday is very special and it’s called ascension. As the planet undergoes this change, it means we should know about our soul which is our energy body. Our energy body looks just like our physical body and it is made up of energy webbing. Even if we cannot see our energy body, we have one, every human being and living creature has an energy body. Our energy body connects to seven main energy centers that are called chakras. These wheels of energy in our chakras connect into our energy body or soul and then our soul makes different colors.

Our soul or energy body is connected to the Earth and her spiritual body. So you, me and all of us are connected to the spiritual body of the planet as she changes and shifts into ascension. Because there is so much change happening and many people are still confused, we need to not let our energy body become weakened or hurt. We need to take some steps so that our energy body is strong, healthy and happy by keeping it filled up with white golden light. The awareness that we need to keep our energy body and soul strong with light during the planetary shift, is called ascension.

Older Children Energy Concepts

To educate children about how the energy in their multidimensional body works, a basic graphic aid for introducing them to the chakra energy centers may be helpful. Creative parents may want to use a doll or favorite stuffed animal to place buttons or colorful gems to show the location of the chakra centers.

You have a spiritual body that is made of energy. It is an energy form of your physical body and looks just like you do when you see yourself in the mirror. This energy body is invisible to most people but it is connected to our physical body through seven major centers. These energy centers are called chakras, and each of them function in a certain way to perform a special task for our body.

The chakras flow energy from your spiritual body to your actual physical body. We may not be able to see our spiritual body, but we can feel our spiritual body as energy moving. The chakras send energy all over our body to keep us healthy, strong and balanced. They can get blocked up and so it is good to pay attention to them so they are working really well all the time. When the chakras get blocked up, sometimes we can get sick and not feel good. When this happens you may feel very tired and maybe even sad or angry. When you are feeling very happy and calm, this is when your chakras are working well flowing good energy to you.

You have seven main chakra energy centers on the center of your body that move this way. (Show the central vertical channel). The first chakra is on your bottom of your spine. The second chakra is right near your belly button. The third one is the bottom of your rib cage on your stomach. The fourth one is the heart chakra which is on our heart, here. The fifth one is the throat chakra here. The sixth chakra is between your eyes on your forehead. And the seventh chakra is on top of your head. So now that you know that you have these energy centers in your body, it will be up to you to take care of them. You are the owner and boss of your body, and so you can learn how your body works as energy. When something feels bad to you, walk away from it and then intend to remove that energy from your body.

When you feel upset or someone makes you sad or angry, remember that feeling is energy. When we feel negative emotions, sometimes these can be ugly energies. People can say ugly words and these can have ugly energies attached to them. Maybe you want to calm down to feel better when something happened. You can say to yourself that you did not like how that made you feel and then remember that you can remove that ugly energy off your body. Ugly energy can feel and look like black goo or sticky black blobs and it can also feel heavy and icky. To clear off this ugly energy, you can imagine that the Sun is above you sending rays of light like a shower down your body to dissolve all the black blobs of energy. You can use the light shield we have done together, see your body covered and wrapped up in white golden light, then see that golden light dissolving all the black blobs.  Sometimes if we are feeling ugly energy, we may need to be left alone to recharge our body and get away from other kids. That is okay when you tell everyone that you need some space and do not want to be disturbed because you need to balance your energy to feel better. 

Every few days, it is good to check in with your chakra energies and intend to keep them nice, clean and working well to keep you healthy and happy. You can ask me anytime to help you clear energy when you are not feeling well and we can do this together. Or you can ask your Guardian Angel to create a golden halo around or above your head and ask your angel to pour down a shower of golden white energies from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. See the energy flowing down and all around into your chakras dissolving any dark blobs and ugly energy, feeling the dirt flow down into the Earth like it is water going down the drain. Imagine your invisible spiritual body shining bright like the Sun!

Basic Energy Clearing for Children

Find a comfortable spot, sit down and close your eyes. If you feel like it put your hands in prayer position. Dear God, my Guardian Angel please activate my Golden Angel Halo. Now see a golden ball of light appear on top of your head. The golden ball around your head is about the size of a volleyball. This is your Golden Angel Halo!

The golden ball is like the Sun, see that it has warm rays of light coming off of it. Sense and feel the warmth of the Sun, like when you are outside and the Sun feels good on your skin. Now we are going to bring a smaller golden ball from the bigger Sun and slowly move it down our body.

Now see the smaller golden sun on top of your head. Now imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your head with beautiful golden lights. Move the small golden ball of light in between your eyes, just above your nose. Continue to see the rays of light clear away any heavy or dark energies. 

Now see the golden sun on top of your throat. Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your throat and neck with beautiful golden lights.

Now see the golden sun on top of your heart.  Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your heart and neck with beautiful golden lights.

Now move the golden sun on top of your belly button. Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your belly button with beautiful golden lights.

Now focus on the golden ball at your belly button and see it move down to in-between your knees and then stop at your feet, See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area with beautiful golden lights. Then intend to send the golden ball down into the Earth. 

Guardian Angel please help me balance my energy centers so I am healthy and happy. Thank you, Guardian Angel, I love you.

Note: You can add all the chakra centers or customize this script to include anything that needs clearing by sending a Golden ball to the issue while intending to clear negative or blocked energies.


There are many alternatives available online to help parents teach their children and themselves an assortment of meditation techniques that help them to overcome and neutralize many different kinds of stressors. Meditation themes such as being calm, increasing focus, breathing exercises, feeling empathy and kindness are widely available for all age groups. Teaching children to meditate and develop present moment awareness gives them the advantages of developing many positive traits in their mental and emotional body that will help them immensely throughout their life. Children should not be forced to meditate but given gentle encouragement to do so.

Meditation exercises give children the tools to develop focus, foster self-esteem, boost their confidence helping them to genuinely feel empathy and happiness in their lives. Meditation has an effect on the functioning of the brain and brain waves into more positive states, which all meditators have known for thousands of years, that meditation is positive and healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

Making time to meditate with a household of responsibilities and children can be difficult. No one in the family may be able to meditate on a schedule, but the conversation can be opened to help make meditation and prayer apart of the family dynamic. Parents including their children in some basic breath or mindfulness exercises as a family sharing the experience together may be the best option. Many times, children can more easily meditate than adults, as they have less mental complexity in overthinking the process of meditation. Do not judge or criticize yourself as the parent, the most important thing is not to force the process but let it go and allow it to be simple and free without expectations.

May this offering help parents support their beloved children to become healthier, happier and empathic well-adjusted individuals that actualize their true heart and soul purpose for being on this ascending planet.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa.


More ES resources:

Parent-Child Protection

Boundary Test

Peaceful Sleep Command

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