Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

November 2006

Lisa Renee


Dear Family,

During these past few months we have been completing a phase of personal reorganization and recreating our perceptions of who we really are. This included a penetrating exploration of the deepest layers of our psycho-spiritual selves and how this has programmed our being and past behavior patterns. We have been closing accounts, ending relationships, losing the ancestral imprints and looking through a magnifying glass at our masculine and feminine roles. And about now we are so ready to solidify a new reality, so ready to meet more of our soul family and live in a like minded community. The anticipation we feel around assuming our new energy roles and purpose in the world have been increasingly felt.

This last phase has emphasized the necessity of completing our current spiritual tasks before advancing to the next level of our new reality. Systematically we have learned to bypass the triggers that once were very emotionally charged for us. Wherever you may still be resisting change you will be tested, pressured to let go and surrender in order to make some real progress. If we have not done our homework, if we we're not listening to our inner discernment prompting us to change, some explosions might be happening right now. This is to rebalance the power structures in our life to be resonating with our personal values and vibration.

When you feel blocked, getting in touch with your true values and what brings you joy in the moment can provide the solution. Remember to focus on what you want to create in the longer term as you are now Laying your Foundation. Where do you need to be spending your time, energy and resources to energize your soul purpose and fulfillment of your dreams? You may not negotiate or bargain your heart any longer. These New Energies will not support anything hidden in denial or fear within you. Setting aside living your truth or procrastinating will not work for us any longer.

Interdimensional Pause Button

There is something very critical happening right now in the choices of multidimensional timelines and the vibrational match of what is aligning and attuning to our personal energetic field. There is a lot of unusual energetic movement as we can sense a mix of old and new energies swirling around us. Much is leaving, some is hovering, while we are experiencing a new influx of people and circumstances coming into our view. What is left standing after the dust settles is what is coming with us into our soul's chosen timeline.

Currently and over the next few weeks, everything is up for grabs and in a type of suspended animation. It feels like we are working through this phase with a pause button. It reminds me of the movie Click. I saw only the trailer, however, I feel like we are walking around in this movie where our life is placed on the pause button. The many conflicting energies are scouring about trying to find their order of priority in how they fit into our lives. We are harmonizing the poles of these opposites while walking a tightrope of balance, while more balls are being tossed to us to juggle. These items are standing up to the test, if they really do hold the resonance of the truth and integrity that is authentic to our next level of being. At least we are doing the best we can. Somewhere it is said that we are never given more than we can handle. 

The experiences presented to us at this time are to finely tune our energetic discernment and have more awareness of the quality of resonance. We are learning to energetically read fields of data much more clearly. These experiences have been at an exquisitely sensitive and more detailed level. We will find that these experiences are serving a purpose, in that we must be integrated.  So that our negative ego detection system is not overridden by one of our possible human glamours through states of; delusion, illusion, self deception, fear or victim consciousness. Consistently checking the inner mechanism of your ego versus your higher self, is a huge level of discernment to have. In this New Energy there cannot be conditional clauses in your spiritual truth, you are in beingness and not in concept any longer. We are leaving the intellectual concepts of our spirituality and energetic truths, which must be anchored into our bodies as beingness.


Lately, many of us have been feeling the building momentum of energy creating an internalized pressure to DO something. What is so fascinating is right when you decide you are choosing an action and doing it, the need to take action actually evaporates. A pause and then hold, stops you in your tracks before you get in too deep.

Try to diffuse any frustration from the push pull energies we are now experiencing. Accept, honor and receive the message that you are in divine timing now. We are being deployed very specifically according to our unique energetic signatures and gifts to contribute. This is very different from the human order of 3rd dimensional energy dynamics. Attempting to use your old 3D manifesting techniques will not work in laying your new foundation. You are not in this dimensional grouping any longer and are subject to the new physics of higher vibrating patterns. Be Here now. 

I have been called to witness these energy dynamics through several classic polarity struggles in my periphery, transpiring in other people's worlds. I have no opinion and feel neutral to there outcome, yet I can sense I am being called to witness and hold space for these circumstantial dramas. So far it has been anonymously placed and I feel to be in service as the eyes, ears and nose of spirit in these situations.

And so we wait in suspended animation for the resolution to happen in a natural progression of these particular forces. We are waiting for the revelation, the revealing of truth in every area of our lives. And again, when this phase is complete all that is left standing is what is vibrationally matched to us, moving forward into the coming timeline of our new energetic realities.

Positive Visions with Discipline

Lately there has been a firm message and reminder for us to control our thoughts now. During this time especially, we are being asked to be vigilant and replace all unloving thoughts with loving thoughts. Utilize your subconscious and conscious mind to be subservient to your superconscious mind or Higher Self. Currently it is our job to disidentify from the mass consciousness grids as these grids are in a total uproar and steeped in polarization and negative consciousness.

Be in neutrality and when you feel your buttons are being pushed work your emotional tools. Invite your Evolution support teams to peel away the layers and the triggers as much as you can. There are many tools on the ES website to support this. The more emotionally triggered you are the more intense the energetic manifestation.

Maintaining your Oneness with all things while having the capacity to experience the Diversity, Is the genius of understanding that the myriad of unlimited possibilities is all truth, through the Lens of Oneself in the God matrix. However, its purity will be tested continually in your life experience and you will be shaped into your deepest intentions, in maintaining that Truth. Your Truth is your own and it is up to you to find it, feel it and know it beyond any shadow of doubt. This is where we are being led. This IS the new paradigm, being in complete spiritual energetic integrity as soul infused personalities in the physical world. Know that the Universe will support your Truth no matter what it looks like.

The Shadow Unraveling

It has been brought to my attention that many of us are feeling an intense surge of density or shadow surfacing in our environments now and I want to address this. These new energies will not let anything hidden or misrepresented stand as truth. These energies will continue to be more amplified, especially for those holding a greater sphere of influence over others. We will begin to view a dismantling of those in perceived power with influence over others, that are not in alignment with their true nature. First, this will be seen in the spiritual, religious and metaphysical worlds. The false prophet or guru will begin to unravel and reveal its hidden nature to the public.

I have been speaking of the particle conversion period and the separation of the time or dimensional grid matrices since January 2006. Over the summer this is what has been transpiring, with our feeling so disconnected from the third dimensional matrices and our old reality programs. This has also created an extreme amplification of our polarity experience on this plane between the light and shadow. We will see the extremes of this playing out, appearing surreal and even absurd, as we watch the external dramas erupt under pressure.

We must transcend the old 3D programming by being aware of its deception and illusory appearance in our lives. This may be presented with some variation for each of us, however, we may be confronted with our big karmic challenge in order to be completely devoid of all emotional charge with that circumstance or event. It is then that we can actually see what is really going on by transcending the illusion, as it has appeared in our life. That is what it means to pierce the illusion with the sword of truth. It is time to get our swords out.

You may notice this playing out simultaneously in the micro and macro, in the personal and global levels. We are being asked to be in our center and hold the space of balance, with the intention of holding a supreme connection to source. The purpose is stabilizing our being to such an extent that nothing external is allowed into our inner sanctum, or to knock us out of our connection. The security, stability, center and nourishment is received from that very source connection. Please work on engaged neutrality and detached compassion for these events and invoke, call in and connect to your Higher Self and guidance as much as possible.

Remember with every evolutionary cycle when we traverse extremely deep pockets of our soul expansion, many times we hit the bottom of the barrel right before we are about to have a catalytic breakthrough. This is the Eye of the Needle phenomena. All that magnificence of greater expansion and God light is filling our being, purifying the density and pulling us through the center of the eye of the needle. These temporary phases of expansion feel like this, as the physical density of our body's vibration attempts to harmonize with the higher and finer octaves of our light body and Auric field, that is now oscillating at its new levels of frequency attunement.

Planet Alert: Nuclear Testing

I felt it pertinent to share this latest development that had some of us energetically reeling in October. There was a devastating impact to the Earth's grid from nuclear testing and it is having global ramifications. I have found that many clients and soul family were having foot and leg issues, such as exacerbated pain, since this event took place in October. This event was the nuclear testing that occurred in North Korea.

If this has resonance for you and you have experienced pain the suggestions from the Councils have included the following:

Step 1 - Utilize the 12th dimensional pillar shielding technique. (This is referred to as the 12D Shield technique.)

Step 2 - Further utilize the Multi-Dimensional grounding technique. We have been instructed not to ground into the Earth 3D grids or the inner Earth, as many of us have been trained.

Step 3 - As guided, utilize the Negative Form Protocol to remove the 3D distortions, deadlight and miasma from your energy field.

Step 4 - Ask your Guides and Evolution healers to focus on sealing your feet chakras from the magnetic interference. The chaotic energy is seeping into our magnetic fields up through the feet. It is suggested to plug up the access points in the foot chakra, via small openings on either side of the chakra at the center of the foot. Envision plugging the energy leaks with a stopper. It will stop the upsurge and allow the body to find its natural balance and center point again.

Stay In the Luminosity of Your Heart and Soul Path, we are here as ONE.

 2006 Lisa Renee,

Suggested for You

  • Relationship Closure

    As we go through our emotional clearing process, sometimes it’s very helpful to complete the following relationship closure exercise. 

    Relationship Closure

    As we go through our emotional clearing process, sometimes it’s very helpful to complete the following relationship closure exercise. This exercise is very helpful in resolving crystallized patterns in the body by stating intentions and declarations that you are forgiving, releasing and closing this particular relationship that trauma, emotional fears or other abhorrent energies that were recorded as cellular memories in your energy field.

    Any time we experience shock or trauma it creates a memory imprint or residue in our energy field. To fully resolve, heal and clear these issues, recorded as traumas, in our physical body and other energy body systems, we need to become aware of that trauma in bringing it to the surface and allowing it to be released fully and with intention. Generally, I have found this helps clear and release emotional blocks much more effectively, efficiently and rapidly.

    For this exercise, you will need a pad of paper and a pen or pencil. So, as you are ready with your pen and your pad of paper, let’s begin the series of questions.

    When you are ready, take a deep breath and quite your mind and allow yourself to prepare for this exercise.

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  • Transit Gate Vortex

    To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

    12D Expands into Transit Gate

    Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the SoulMonad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages.

    At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. This is a vortex set up specifically to clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign Free- which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ.

    To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

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