Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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November 2021

Crystal Healing for Children

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Recently the Amethyst Dragon Kings hosted a pale magenta violet vertical pillar as support for the Cosmic Holy Father principle within the multidimensional layers of the Albion Lightbody. Amethyst Order hosted Kingship Arcs were anchored which brought the next stage of corrected Solar Masculine Christ and Solar Feminine Christ principle through Newgrange, Ireland, which is a Mother Arc Stargate. The 15:15:15 code pattern is the organic Christos alignment of the Solar Masculine Christos Rod architecture from the Rha God World Creation of The Amethyst Order Violet Flame Yanas and Ramyanas. This Rod correction contains the Cosmic Solar Dragon King body parts with organic Violet Sun alignments that allow for the mathematical merge with the vertical Solar Female Christos pattern in order to resurrect herself fully through the magnetic properties of the female 13:13 Staff architecture, which formed into the Universal Ankh body. Through the sacred scepter flame codes of our Cosmic Holy Father which includes the 15:15:15 coded magenta sands of time, this coding is the basis of the sacred math of the Ancient Cosmic Christos Builders from the God Worlds. These Cosmic Father codes from the Amethyst Order anchor the organic feedback loops of the Kryst-Krystallah architecture to transmit organic violet rays that are sourcing directly from the Amethyst Order.

Thus, the source code of our Cosmic Holy Father is currently being dimensionalized throughout the 11th dimensional fields through recent Guardian projects in Ireland. This new level of masculine coding is being referred to as the 15:15:15 Solar Rainbow Dragon King body that holds the 45-degree krystal compass diamond grid alignment into the Cosmic Maji Grail King Crown, which further opens into a series of galactic Ankh body networks linked as dimensional gateways into the Cosmic Founder Source Domains. This recent activation was facilitated within the Mother Arc 11D gateway located in Newgrange, Ireland which connected into other planetary 11th Dimensional Gates along with links into the Krystal Diamond Heart network located in Dublin, Ireland.

As a result, the planetary grid network has undergone a major upgrade with Cosmic Holy Father Rod codes which have made communication with the Earth’s natural kingdoms and her various sentient crystalline grids much more amplified and available. The Amethyst Order Guardians are working through the Aurora Crystal Kingdom and have made their message known loud and clear. Their current priority is to protect and serve the children of the planet by deflecting the harmful energies incurred from assorted exposures to noxious energies and bio-weapons. The means through which they offer their support is intended to clear and neutralize these damaging energies, which they are fully aware include the use of weaponized AI technologies and the instruction set for producing faulty proteins injected into angelic human blood. This Guardian Host project is made in collaboration with the Aurora Crystal Kingdom and the Mother Goddess Sophianic forces which are amplifying their frequencies through the spiritual connections that can be accessed directly in crystals, gemstones and via crystal healing. Thus, introducing children to crystals and their healing properties is highly suggested at this time for invoking strong crystal healing properties that will neutralize a range of harmful energies that are circulating and prevalent in certain environments, like descending hubs or damaged grids.  

Crystals are Living Geometries

Solid crystals were originally created when the Earth was formed from a unique arrangement of geometric crystal lattices. The many crystal species continue to transform and develop with assorted energetic exposures, such as solar plasma and radioactive emissions, along with the shifting frequencies that are held in the evolving planetary crystal matrix. Crystals are recordkeepers of the entire planetary species collective consciousness as they are evolving through experiences in the dimensional timelines. They hold the imprints of the planetary DNA which are the Diamond Sun instruction sets for planetary evolution and human ascension connected to the God Creator. Whatever form the crystal takes, each crystal species has its own specific frequency note and metaphysical energetic themes which directly affect their properties and the way they function. Crystals are built from one of the possible seven geometric forms, hence they are crystalized expressions of the sacred creation rays that are emanating from the Seven Sacred Suns. These seven bright stars are visible to us in the Ursa Major constellation also known as the Great Bear, which further connect to the extensive Sun-Star network spanning access into Krystallah Galactic Suns.  

Further, crystals hold a specific core geometry such as a triangle, square, hexagon, rhomboid or trapezium. In total there are seven crystal systems: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, and cubic. Each shape has a precise function that connects to the geometric forms that are arranged in the blueprints of the planetary grid network. A crystal family is determined by their lattices and point groups, formed by combining crystal systems which have space groups assigned to a common lattice system. The shape of the lattice determines not only which crystal system the stone belongs to, but all of its physical properties and appearance. In some crystal healing practices the axial symmetry of a crystal is believed to directly influence its metaphysical properties. For example, crystals in the cubic system are believed to be grounding, because the cube is a symbol of the element Earth. Guardians mention that some crystal properties are greatly enhanced when in spherical shapes for concentrated effects, but raw and naked crystal formations are the best choice whenever possible. The center heart of the crystal consists of tiny rotating particles vibrating at a certain frequency which gives the crystal its unique energy.  Whatever geometric form they take their crystalline structure can accrete, hold, conserve, focus or emit a range of electromagnetic frequencies from the ray system for spiritual healing, energy balancing and consciousness expansion.

Additionally, the Mother Goddess forces from the Mother Arc aquamarine rays are systematically increasing their presence by overlighting the natural kingdoms of the Earth and are actively directing the Aurora Crystal Kingdom to make their presence known in young children. There seems to be a special Guardian task force for the children in the under 12 years age group and another task force for parents to connect with in order to support their older children. It is for this reason the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel is being introduced for parents to support their children during these challenging times. Thus, it is being suggested to introduce babies and children to crystals and for parents and caretakers to pay attention to what crystals they and their children naturally gravitate towards.  The purpose is that the younger the child the more they retain their innate connection to the crystal and gemstone kingdom, in which they can remember their higher sensory ability to naturally unlock crystal keys and activate healing powers which organically stream from the instruction set of the crystals. Crystals offer energy protection and have the ability to absorb and transmute negativity, artificial frequencies, noxious fields, toxins, extract entities and to help heal many other types of energy imbalances.  

How Crystals can Support Children

Crystals can be used to help children in the same ways that they help adults, but with the added benefit that most children will be much more receptive to the natural healing powers of crystals the younger they are. With younger children, they are more open and spiritual by nature which allows them to activate their imagination with magical thinking, which is highly activating to generate an energetic bond between the crystal and child. Most younger children do not limit their thinking, they can understand how everything is alive, transmitting that awareness into intelligent sentience that works with their crystal guardians. For a child, talking and communicating with a crystal as a living thing is natural and normal. Most all young children will have a natural connection to the crystal and mineral kingdom, yet Starseed and crystal children may be able to present proficient skills with crystals immediately if they are allowed to explore them freely. A child holding or near a powerful crystal may be able to immediately listen to the key tones and vibrational messaging which unlocks the functions inside the crystal. Then know how to link this crystal’s message with other crystal formations to clear and transmute dark energies out of the ley lines. The building of crystal grid circuitry is part of our angelic human knowledge that was memory wiped after the Atlantian flood, but is gradually returning now through many Crystal Children.  

Specially selected crystals by the child and specific crystals that have been programmed by their parent with loving intentions and healing impacts can be effective to support a child or group of children in a range of situations.  Crystals and gemstones can assist with the following:

  • Transmute and clear negative energies, EMF’s, artificial frequencies and entities.
  • Transmute karmic impacts of artificial overlays and detoxify the impacts of bio-weapon injection and shedding exposures.
  • Support the child to feel calmer, protected and safe when away from home or parents.
  • Help them to focus by improving their concentration and mental clarity.
  • Help them to keep their physical body relaxed, reducing separation anxiety or feeling inadequate.
  • Create a more positive association with going to sleep and being alone in the dark.
  • Clear emotional tension, relieving nightmares, helping to release ancestral miasma.
  • Help to resolve sibling tensions and pent-up frustration.
  • Support children to cope better with emotional turmoil and societal changes.
  • Keep children grounded and improve their sense of self-image.
  • Maintain physical and spiritual immunity with energy balancing programs in “wellness crystal”.
  • Set protective crystal grid spaces in classrooms, playgrounds or other child friendly areas.
  • Anchor Angelic Guardian presence via crystal in bedroom that is designated to specifically protect the child’s aura from infiltration or attachments.

With the current chaos and confusion becoming increasingly common place in the outer world, children are being targeted and subjected to much more difficult and harmful energy in general. Heated conflicts between those adults in supposed authority positions on enforcing rules for masking and injecting children is one such major concern. As parents, grandparents and concerned adults, it is getting harder to shield children from current events that are escalating throughout society and are very troubling as they can leave serious emotional scars, mental anxiety and chronic health problems. Thus, many are searching for ways to help children be able to more effectively cope with the emotional turmoil and energetic chaos that is building in the social environments. Crystals can be very helpful for sensitive children to move more easily through difficult times and life transitions, such as moving to a new home, going to a new school or even emotionally processing a death in the family.

Most of us are aware the current cultural changes and future transitions that humanity faces through the planetary dark night of the soul are having direct impacts to our young children, and that many of these influences are not inherently positive.  Every child will experience emotional turmoil from the process of life transforming on a shifting and ascending planet, no matter how much we would prefer to shield them from having to undergo such painful experiences. What is happening is a major consciousness shifting event, which your child’s soul has chosen to participate with in this particular ascension experience in order to ultimately learn and grow as a spiritual being. When we approach life as spiritual lessons within an ascension context, we can adjust our thinking to know these difficult experiences will help to shape the soul, to ultimately form into who your child is meant to become as an authentic spiritual adult. When we have proper context of the planetary ascension underway and have practical spiritual tools to help us move through these challenging times, whether adults or children, we all can better handle the pressures and challenges coming from interacting with the pandemonium of the outer world. Before continuing further, we suggest reading the newsletter, For Parents Supporting Young Children as a companion to this month’s newsletter.

Introducing Children to Crystals

Depending on the age of the child, the first stage is to introduce them to crystals by talking about and showing the child an example of crystals or gemstones and letting them play with and hold the crystal. Get a book with pictures of crystals and briefly mention what crystals can do. That crystals are ancient beings in the Earth that have invisible energies that can help them in their lives. Pay attention to their interest level and notice what parts of the conversation they are animated by or get excited about.

If the child is interested, help them choose a special crystal just for them. Present a few beginner crystals or gemstones, such as in a bowl of tumbled stones or take them to a crystal shop. Suggest they choose a special crystal, one that will be with them next to their bed or under their pillow. If they are older, choosing the right size so they can carry their crystals or tumbled stones in a pocket or school backpack.

Once they have chosen a crystal, gently teach them how to use the crystal. See how they handle the crystal and guide them accordingly. The crystal works better when worn on the child’s body for a time, while in a pocket or necklace, or when they sleep with them. Over a few days once a crystal has been cleansed and is on the child’s body or nearby during sleep, the active crystal will naturally attune to the aura of the child. If they are prone to losing the crystal, get a supply of tumbled stones or crystal angels to easily replace when needed. Find out about the exact crystal properties of the crystal they have chosen and talk to them about the healing impacts that their crystal has. Encourage them to know how to set an intention with the crystal so the crystal can help them with that goal. If they are not old enough to set an intention, you as the loving parent or adult can program the crystal on their behalf through crystal meditation.

At this time for parents, the Amethyst Order suggests the Amethyst crystal family as the primary guardian protector for the individual baby or child for his or her sleeping area. Amethyst Cathedral geodes, crystal clusters, crystal angels, towers or amethyst wand scepters are suggested. However, any quality Amethyst crystal will attune to the Amethyst Order Christos spiritual family which is specifically sending protective violet magenta spiritual energies to souls that are children at this heightened time of spiritual warfare.

Amethyst cathedralOne perfect example is to program the chosen crystal with the 12D Christos shield and GSF founder flames or any potent meditation, to protect the child’s aura during sleep, when away from home, or to deflect harmful energies when exposed to the shedding effects. Any ES meditation clearing can be intended to be held as an anchor intention within any chosen crystal, and having one crystal dedicated per meditation is suggested so that it can consistently amplify its particular positive impacts into the home or play environment.

There are many creative ways to introduce crystals and mineral gemstones into your lifestyle and that of your children.

Some of the best suggestions for children are:

  • Giving them a tumbled stone to carry in their pocket, backpack or purse.
  • Braiding crystal beads into their hair or tying them into shoelaces or clothing.
  • Putting some crystal stones in their bath water for extra aura cleansing.
  • Placing a larger crystal geode or crystal Guardian tower for sleep protection in their bedroom.
  • Setting positive affirmations in the crystal for supporting mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • Going on nature walks and looking for unique geological specimens and choosing special rocks.
  • Using crystals in family craft projects, growing your own crystals and cracking open geodes.
  • Making crystal grids for setting intentions such as teaching mindfulness, single focus concentration or clearing EMF pollution and boosting positive and healthy energies.
  • Making your own crystal elixir sprays and crystal energy homeopathic remedies infused with customized prayerful intentions.

Cleansing and Attunement to Crystals

Crystals should be cleansed when you first acquire or buy them, and after you have used them for specific aura healing or laying a crystal grid. Tumbled stones are more durable and thus suggested for children and beginners as they are inexpensive and easily stored in a pouch or bag. Most crystals can be effectively cleansed under running water, or soaked in salt water or sea water. As you cleanse the crystal with water, hold the intention to cleanse the crystal of any negativity or imbalances with the light of Christ. Also, by placing the crystal in the sunlight for a few hours this can also recharge and reset the crystal for new intentions and purposes.  When cleansing your crystal know the crystal is alive with intelligence that can be dedicated towards fulfilling its creative healing potentials as the God creator intends. Crystals can be dormant from nonactivity, similar to being turned off or in hibernation. To turn on and activate the crystal’s innate healing properties, your soul is the natural conduit for infusing that spark of divine expression to take place within the crystal. As is inherent in all of God’s natural creations, the mineral and crystal kingdoms have divine properties in which each unique species seeks to fulfill its highest expression in order to evolve in alignment with the creative forces of God.

The Earth’s natural kingdoms were originally created for the divine purpose of supporting the embodiment of the unique soul’s love, health, wellbeing and continued spiritual growth of her inhabitants leading them towards planetary ascension. The Earth is made to be the material home for the angelic human domain on the surface under the Universal natural laws of the God creator. This means when the true angelic human is embodied in their Christos form, they have much more spiritual power wielding natural laws to protect the planet as Guardians, than any nonhuman entity imposing unnatural laws through artificial frequencies which are designed to violate humanity. The law of structure and tree of life blueprint reveal that Diamond Sun angelic humans are made in the original image of this planet, thus our collective consciousness and human body are the reflected mirror of what is being recorded in the crystalline matrix of the planetary body. There are many unique and different species on the planet that act as energy placement holders until angelic humans fulfill their divine commission. The planet and her natural kingdoms expressly listen and act upon the communications made between loving hearts and the souls of authentic angelic human beings, and this is one reason why it is so important for humanity to open their hearts and reconnect with the Earth during the ascension cycle. Thus, each dormant crystal when it is activated will be inspired to fulfill its highest purpose in order to be in service to creation, the more that it interacts with the human soul. Giving children access to crystals has mutually beneficial purposes that also serve the planetary crystal consciousness network by co-creating directly with the souls of authentic human beings, which can neutralize AI weaponry and elevate positive global humanitarian outcomes via the ascension-disclosure timeline.

My particular favorite clearing intent is to hold a crystal or pendulum in my right hand over my heart center and say out loud, “I invoke the eternal light of Christ, Christos unity is my guide, may this crystal be purified in the clearest loving expression of my eternal God Self, One Self.”

To prepare the crystal to record the intentional consciousness program you want to set within it, first determine if you can guide your child to set their intention into the crystal, or if you will act on their behalf. The easiest and quickest way to attune a specific crystal to your aura is to meditate or sleep with the crystal. When giving a child the crystal, ask them to hold the crystal in their hands and close their eyes, focusing on the feeling of the crystal while tuning into any crystal message. Some crystals may feel too powerful or intense to an intuitive empath, so be aware that finding the right crystal for them is important.  Bring focus to the breath, imagining the inhaling breath and exhaling breath sourcing from in and out of the heart center. After three in and out heart-based breaths, open your eyes to softly focus upon the crystal in your hands. Observe the crystal, notice its color, shape, size and weight, as well as any sensory impressions of what it feels like. When feeling complete, then close eyes again and intend to focus on the energies of the crystal and ask it for any messages that it may have for you. This may be sufficient to attune with the crystal. However, this is the time to also send your intentions to the crystal for whatever you are asking for help with. While considering the properties of that crystal, send your intentions and prayer to the crystal requesting energetic support. This process can be done with a sleep state intention, and this is perfect for setting Guardian protection grids for babies and younger children. By placing the crystal near their bed or under your older child’s pillow and then praying for your intentions and requests for support with the crystal as a consciousness amplifier, that keeps their inner connection to God open and clear.  

If it feels effortless and natural for the child to set an intention, they can use an individual crystal for that purpose, or set an intention when making a crystal grid dedicated to that purpose. This is the same as a positive affirmation, when they hold their crystal or build a crystal grid, guide them to a simple affirmation and repeat that statement so the vibration is held within the crystal. Essentially, we are supporting our children in attuning to natural laws, in developing perceptual pathways to sense and commune through heart-based intelligence, and to cultivate inner stability and strength through setting intentions and learning to direct awareness in positive ways. Most of us did not have this level of consciousness stewardship as children or this level of warfare in the larger field, so there may be a learning curve with this as parents. Again, this Aurora Crystal Healing Panel is part of a task force created to support and protect the younger children at this time. Parents, there are many age-appropriate positive affirmations for children, teens and supporting families that are available on posters, playing cards or booklets that can help with finding aligned suggestions.

  • I am Loved! I am Brave! I am Kind! I am Smart! I am a Good Listener! I stay Calm! I am Creative!

Crystal Grids

Building crystal grids is coded into angelic human DNA from the hidden timelines of the pre-flood advanced civilizations in which using crystal technology to interact with the living intelligence of the planet was common and known. Thus, many children given the freedom to explore crystals may tap into their soul memories and naturally find themselves outlaying their crystals in certain formations. For kids building a crystal grid is an artistic and creative project which should be joyful and fun, relaxed and natural rather than forced. An adult can give them a geometric pattern as a pre-made grid to set an intention and help the child fill in the pattern with their choice of crystal arrangement. This is similar to coloring books, in providing a geometric outline and letting them use crystals and gemstones to place energetic colors and shapes upon the grid pattern.

To start making a crystal grid you will need to choose a flat surface indoors or outdoors that is a safe place to set it up. Decide if you want a specific geometric pattern to follow or to be creative laying the crystals in intuitive freeform. Designate the space and connect with the crystals, feel into where the crystals and rocks would like to be placed and build from there. A popular crystal grid for adults is the six-pointed merkaba star pattern used as a light symbol in the 12D Christos shield, which is inherent in our human lightbody pattern and the natural creation of male-female unified balance. To get started a wonderful mom created some free crystal grid templates for kids that can be downloaded here.

Making a crystal grid is similar to building a mandala wheel or working with crafts to make an individually unique artwork infused with crystalline energies. Once you have the supplies, encourage your child to feel and examine each crystal before deciding where to place it. Then let your child start arranging the crystals into patterns that most appeal to them. Potentially starting in the center of the working space with larger crystals and working outward with various shapes, sizes, and colors of the different crystals, rocks or other items. Thus, adding other natural elements to the crystal grid could include flowers, leaves, twigs, river rocks, wood or other cherished objects that build the intention that connects directly with the children or family as they are making it together.

Each crystal grid could be made weekly in order to dedicate it to expressing positive attributes or Christos qualities, such as setting intentions for the spirits of peace, compassion, patience, healing, protection or whatever is relevant in that moment to promote specific positive energies for that child.

Crystal grids are unlimited in how they can be created with unique intention and divine purpose. They can be simple to set up as an effective energy harmonizing and space clearing tool, or arranged in complex geometric grid patterns that connect with the Earth’s natural ley lines, in which telempathic communication with a range of intelligences is made possible through meditation. Crystal grids create a language of energetic circuitry which sends a vibratory message throughout the grid to interact with the natural kingdoms of the planet. Essentially any species, minerals, plants, trees, animals and other intuitive humans can be telepathically connected to with the pure heart-based intention of building a crystal grid with that purpose. Thus, building a crystal grid can be especially wonderful for exercising the imagination of children and teens which involves mental focus onto the natural kingdoms and consciousness energy. This supports building energetic links and deeper connections with nature, helping to foster a positive mindset that reduces stress and anxiety, while encouraging creativity and imagination.

Many indigenous cultures have understood the energy exchange with the living Earth and have been giving intentional offerings with art, music, celebration rituals for expressing gratitude and appreciation to the natural kingdom since the dawn of time. Thus, crystal grids are excellent for making intentional prayers for requesting support for an array of personal or family issues, as well as making special gifts and offerings to the Earth and any of her species. As an example, trees, rivers, seas, whales and cetaceans have been found to be especially fond of receiving crystal prayer offerings from human beings. Crystal grids are also utilized for formal gridwork sessions to support the anchoring of tri-wave Cosmic Christos frequencies into the planetary grid network, so the creative possibilities with building crystal grids through the unique soul inspirations and intentions are indeed boundless.

This could be a fun family project where parents and children learn about different crystals together, build a family crystal grid with a specific intention and then share experiences they may notice with energetic changes in the household.

Amethyst Crystal

Some of the most common and easily found crystals that are positive for children include amethyst, aquamarine, quartz, tiger’s eye, carnelian, sodalite and hematite. At this time, for many reasons it is clarified that the favorite crystal for assorted healing and spiritual protection for children of all ages is Amethyst. Amethyst can be paired with other crystals such as selenite and clear quartz for amplifying the clearing out effects of attachments or parasitic energy phenomena.

Amethyst PointThe Amethyst Order made it clear that through the amethyst crystal family, they can block geopathic stressors, AI transmissions, psychic attack, black magic, energetic disturbances and clear many other negative energies in spaces and places by transforming them into higher spiritual vibrations. Thus, they have placed a clarion call for adults to call upon them and the amethyst crystal family to support children at home, or in the classroom, to place amethyst crystals in any area where children are congregated in public spaces. Amethyst has very special spiritual healing and cleansing powers that span multidimensional layers which allows an easier access for Amethyst Order Christos forces to neutralize and transform an assortment of potential negative energies into forces of loving kindness.  This has specific application to neutralize the harmful influences and future impacts of the current bio-weapon upon children, through pathogenic causes as well as nanotech and bio-sensors, which are harmful artificial exposures and not organic to the Earth or supportive for humans in any way.

Amethyst crystals are able to cleanse the blood of toxins or impurities, the crystal reduces swelling, bruising, injuries and heals cellular disorders which strengthens cellular integrity to ward off parasitic invaders. Amethyst has anti-parasitic effects; thus, it is helpful for supporting the digestive tract and intestines, clearing out parasites and balancing gut flora. Sleeping with amethyst supports spiritual alignment and connection through gentle third eye stimulation, allowing for the child’s angelic guardian teams to more easily communicate with them through dreams and intuition. Enhancing spiritual connection helps children and adults feel more emotionally centered and energetically balanced, bringing harmonization to emotional highs and lows, increasing stability in the core self to help deal with grief and loss.  Therefore, Amethyst is very helpful for brain hemispheric balancing, and is soothing and calming for a range of neurological conditions, which can help relieve nervous systems that have been exposed to toxins, and are prone to seizures, tremors, and epileptic fits.  Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines.

Many Amethyst crystals have single points, place the point toward your body to draw in energy and place the point away from your body to draw off energy. Wearing Amethyst pendants over the throat and heart center and sleeping with one under the pillow can clear dream state psychic attacks and nightmares, improving quality of sleep. The more that you love and connect with your crystal, the more potent it will become in supporting you.

About Remote Crystal Healing, Parent to Child

This is intended to help guide parents who are not established energy healers but feel compelled to help protect and direct spiritually healing energies to their children to help them thrive and grow to be well adjusted adults. This may apply to other guardians of children, such as grandparents, relatives, adoptive family or foster parents, and for use in any spaces or places in which children gather together under adult supervision.  Please be aware that the following includes very basic guidelines to help parents get started that are not experts on crystals or energy healing. As a parent, you have superior spiritual support to direct healing energy to protect and support your children, those unique souls stewarded into your care. It is for this reason this system is designed for supporting parents as the priority, yet the system can be easily adapted to support many other situations.

It is important to know the spiritual power that is present through loving heart-based energy with a pure intent to offer spiritual healing as a clear conduit of God’s loving kindness, as well as the power that is inherent in sincere prayers and meditation. All consciousness is energy, and energy is conscious and intelligent. Therefore, the healing intent through the use of the crystal healing system provided is not limited to physical locality and may be transmitted from a distance. This particular system is designed for a responsible and awake adult to act as a clear conduit for sending healing crystal energies to children that are in your presence or remotely, if you have received permission to do so. This is the intentional asking of the higher self of the child, and then listening to your heart for an answer without expectation. In the current terrain of spiritual warfare, it is highly likely that your inner request to be of service to children through their highest spiritual expression will be met with a resounding yes affirmation.   

Every human being has the capacity to discern higher sensory perception messages. This telepathic communication is greatly amplified when we have a special emotional or soul bond with another, such as with our own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. The key will be to let go of the ego mind and allow your heart and feelings to guide you and give impressions on what crystal healing frequency is being requested by the child’s soul and higher self. The more we can speak to our heart and ask our heart for the answers, while letting go of the outcome, the more inner messages of how to be of genuine service will become clearer and easier to discern.

Determine HSP method: First you will need to determine what higher sensory perception method is best for you personally before you carry out a session request. There are two main options suggested, the Yes or No method or the pendulum method, which is described in the Ascension Glossary. If you have another method that you are proficient with that is fine.  You will need some confidence in your personal higher sensory abilities or when using a pendulum to gain a yes, no or not available answers to the queries you pose on behalf of the child’s session.

Check for Permission: Whenever we feel guided to be the conduit for God-Christ self to send healing energies on behalf of children, even when they are our own children, we should intend to first connect directly with their highest self and ask if we have permission to send healing energy. Our intent should be to always follow the guidance of the child’s soul-spirit-Christ expression in natural law. When using the 12D Christos shield to prepare the healing space this aligns energies to serve the natural laws, which are governed by the Christos principles of the Law of One and this in turn will help secure the remote session to deflect interference. As a parent you cannot interfere with your child’s spiritual lessons, but you can do everything you can to clear yourself from ancestral miasma and remove undue energetic burdens and toxic energy around them, which can block their highest spiritual expression and direct connection with God. Making sure their inner God connections and spiritual links are open, strong and aligned inside of their aura and physical body is of key importance. Please be made aware that most currently accepted medical interventions, such as vaccines and pharmaceuticals, actually disconnect cell to cell signals that communicate within the nervous system, and thus, they tend to disconnect or block the child’s soul communication abilities.

Facilitator and Self-healing

As an adult or parent that is taking responsibility to heal themselves and facilitate healing for their children, it is important to remember that each adult individual is directly responsible for their own personal spiritual healing. An adult parent can act as Guardian or surrogate for their child’s spiritual healing until the age of 21, unless there are other complex spiritual circumstances involved such as physical disabilities which could extend throughout their life span.  A child takes on their family of origin ancestral dynamics along with the biological parents inherited miasma and the related mental and emotional dysfunctions. To heal our children, we will need to take steps to heal ourselves, and so the intention in such cases should be to reflect upon the consciousness mirror - which our children’s issues will reflect back to us as the biological or adoptive parent. If we are open to see these consciousness patterns, many similar patterns will be revealed inside of ourselves or from our past, so that it is possible for mutual ancestral healings between the souls of parents and children to spontaneously occur. Many times, if a parent heals a significant personal issue, there will be corresponding healings and shifts that occur within their children.  

Our unhealed aspects, unresolved emotional issues and quality of lightbody auric spiritual strength will impact the quality of healing energies that we can transmit through our own ego filters. Thus, it is important that the facilitator or parent is aware of these energetic dynamics and is committed to release negative ego patterns through a path of spiritual learning that emphasizes the expression of compassion, forgiveness, empathy and unconditional love. Many times, children may only sustain temporary healing status with personal issues until another layer of related parental healing has actually occurred in the family line, depending on the circumstances. Keep that in mind when holding space for crystal healing sessions, that the parents’ consciousness state and their children’s current state of energetic balance and spiritual healing is directly interlinked and interconnected. For more see Bio-Family Macrocosm Mirror.

Opening Crystal Session

To gain support from the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel system, the facilitator will need to be attuned to the frequencies of the system’s organizing law of structure, which is Cosmic Christ Consciousness aligned to the Law of One. Thus, the facilitator must be accepted by the system to uphold loving, positive and benevolent intentions, and to honor the sovereignty of those involved by not imposing or interfering with the soul’s spiritual directives to the best of their known ability. Thus, it is suggested to power up and amplify the personal 12D Christos shield or God’s spiritual armor to protect your aura and support grounding before and after completing the crystal session.  A brief summation of the Aurora Crystal Panel for Children under 21 is below, however we have attached the session templates with a basic instruction outline at the end of the article and attached in this link here.

If this type of session work is new to you, you may notice some fatigue or loss of focus happening during the session. If this happens, you may need to close the session at that point. This kind of focus is like building a muscle and may mean that sessions will be shorter in the beginning, until you get the wing of it.  

With the onset of any energetic session, there should always be an opening, then the session content and then a purposeful closing and sealing of the session in the eternal light of God or Christ.

Beloved Holy presence, I open this crystal healing session in true holy love and perfect peace as a divine request to provide spiritual connection, protection and Christos spiritual healing in organic alignment for my/our/their child or children [name or description].  Beloveds, do I have permission to continue or is this request approved? 

Suggested Use of the Crystal Healing Panel

Accessing this Crystal Healing Panel system is a consciousness exploration that relies upon your own innate intuitive feeling abilities, so please follow your inner guidance and listen to feeling impressions from your inner Christ self over anything else. You alone know your children better than anyone else, remembering that fact as you ask for crystal energy support while navigating the Crystal Healing Panel. When setting up for a crystal session for a child, have a few print outs ready of the Crystal Healing Panel as a blank template along with a pen or pencil. Write in the child’s name, date of birth and age of requested healing on the paper to prepare for the energy session. Please be aware that in spiral no time, we can choose to go back to the childhood age of an adult (access inner children), or to a specific age of the child where we are aware that a significant trauma has occurred. This step of requesting crystal healing for multiple ages of the individual is generally for the more advanced energy session worker, and not for the beginner. However, please be aware that the system can be used to support an individual who is currently an adult, by transmitting crystal healing to specific biological ages when that adult was a child under 21.

First, begin to concentrate within for strengthening inner mental imagery or when using a pendulum, intend to scan the individual child’s aura remotely by focusing upon them and then looking at the center vertical channel and each chakra gland location, front view to back view and then each side view. For those more advanced, you can substitute for use with the 12 Tree grid core manifestation body instead of using the template for a child’s chakra system. As you are scanning their energy field, ask if there is any crystal energy that is required for healing and rebalancing that chakra energy center, or the dimensional sphere in the 12 Tree grid, or within the overall aura. Intend to scan the body in your mind to identify locations of energy weakness, dark spots, auric holes and tears.  Pay attention to inner guidance, messages and where to direct your attention, continue to lead through queries by asking yes or no questions or using your blessed Christos pendulum to gain yes, no or not available answers.

Please be aware that there are two main functions of the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel, crystal energy infusions and negative energy extractions. Crystal energy infusions will generally surface in all of the crystals, rocks or metals on the panel, and this may be sensed in some people as energies moving in clockwise spirals throughout the transmission. Please know that generally beneficial healing energy transmissions from person to person will appear to spin clockwise in your inner vision. Although when you ask God and Christos to be in charge of the session, as God would have it be, it is not something you will need to focus upon if your inner vision does not see the energy spiraling. Dark energy extractions will generally surface in only two items, the black rocks that have been designated for extractions, Obsidian and Hematite. This means if you get a positive test on Obsidian or Hematite, it is a dark extraction that is being requested. Extractions may be sensed moving in a counter clockwise spiraling energy tube with a pulling or magnetizing sensation. Do not worry if this cannot be sensed, it is only a guideline offered for support.

Look at the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel template and either start counting out the numbers of each crystal number 1-45 until you find an affirmative response with a number or intuitively look at each of the crystals by color frequency, or use the pendulum to determine if there is a crystal frequency that registers as affirmative yes. It is possible to get combinations, as multiple crystal energies like to work together. When receiving an affirmative yes response with a crystal family, intend to send that crystal energy to that location identified in the child’s aura or body part. Or use your pendulum to load up with that particular crystal energy and intend to transmit that specific crystal energy via the pendulum to the area designated for energy healing, using the human body image on the Crystal Healing Panel template as your representative proxy for the individual that you are sending healing crystal energy to. Please know that the system can send crystal healing energy anywhere you have identified and located for energy healing, it is not limited to any particular area. Thus, as your confidence grows, you may find yourself sending crystal energies to internal organs, glands, muscles, nervous system, the immune system and any other bodily functions that come up.

There are two options for facilitating crystal infusion transmission. The first and easiest method is to use the number system by counting until you get an affirmative yes response. Count down the numbers listed on the crystal panel, and when reaching an affirmative yes answer, say out loud; Please transmit crystal number [1-45] to beloved [name]. Imagine that you can see that crystal energy infusion happening in your mind. Pause and wait until the infusion transmission feels complete. When it is complete ask if the session has ended or if you should continue, yes or no. Continue to repeat the process, paying attention to inner guidance yes or no answers, and intuitively asking for clearings, extractions, or crystal infusions for the individual as you are guided by your heart and higher sensory perception technique. Crystals have many healing properties and energy themes, so there may be messages you receive on how to best conduct them in the healing session, which can extend to other types of clearings.

This is the second option and is best for the beginner. Now, when you have identified a crystal for energy transmission to a certain area of the body or a body part for that individual, now draw a circle on the image and intend to place the crystal energy where it is needed. Draw a line from the crystal panel picture ending with an arrow pointing to the place in the body, represented by the body graphic image that was indicated for sending crystal energy. Continue to scan and check if any more crystal energies are needed for energy healing, and with every item you find from your inner scanning of the child’s aura, note which crystal energy and where it is needed and then intend to transmit them in the same way. Pay attention to heal aura tears, holes, weakness or dark spots and intend to extract harmful or obsolete items while infusing crystal healing energies for the highest benefit as God intends. The same circled place on the body may need more than one crystal frequency. So, with each item that is identified as weakness in the child’s aura or body part, circle the area on the body graphic and then draw a line from the crystal panel item to the exact place in the body with an arrow pointing to the area designated for crystal healing.

Please note that the crystal panel has two black rocks on the lower right-hand side, these are Hematite and Black Obsidian. Remember that the black rocks when they are chosen are generally for the explicit purpose of performing extraction-based clearings. An extraction is a clearing removal of implant, foreign object, artificial structures, nanotech, attachment or dark entity. When a message for extraction has been requested, say out loud; Thank you [Obsidian or Hematite]. Please extract what is needed and necessary from [name] as God intends it to be. Imagine that you can see that aligned extraction and clearing from the aura happening in your mind. Pause and wait until the extraction feels complete.

With an extraction request, draw a circle on the body graphic where the extraction is taking place. Then draw a line with an arrow pointing to the black panel items, Obsidian or Hematite. Verify in your mind that this is an extraction, and when you draw the circle on location and the line pointing to the black panel items to emphasize and confirm the extraction request. Please know that Obsidian and Hematite are very helpful for clearing negativity and for grounding but they also hold other healing properties. For the purpose of the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel, they are designated for the primary support of performing extractions by absorbing and sending assorted dark energy collected back into the Earth body for transmutation. Black Obsidian is black lava rock having come directly from a volcano, and is perfect for serving this extraction function.  

With an extraction completed, most of the time the area will need to be nourished in the crystal light source to rebalance, heal and seal the area. Ask if a crystal infusion is needed or necessary to accomplish a complete spiritual healing of the extraction area. Continue to repeat the process, paying attention to inner guidance, and intuitively asking for clearings, extractions, or crystal infusions for the individual as you are guided by your heart and higher sensory perception technique.

When it is complete ask if the session has ended or if you should continue, yes or no. Continue to repeat the process, paying attention to inner guidance, and intuitively asking for clearings, extractions, or crystal infusions for the individual as you are guided by your heart and higher sensory perception technique.

When the session feels complete, be sure to have the intention to close and seal your session with appreciation to the crystal family, and God.

Beloved Holy Presence, please clear any negative influences as I have permission to represent on behalf of [name]. Please Eliminate, Release, Protect, Set Free through alignment with Self-Sovereignty, connecting to the Zero Point. I request a Simple Triad Sweep, for the final clearing, to seal the Aura and to Close this Crystal Healing Session. Thank you, God, for this healing session in the eternal love, light and power of Christos!

Intend to amplify and seal your personal Christos shield to ensure your aura has fully disconnected from the healing session and the child’s aura or healing subject. Sometimes young children will be hosted in their parent’s auric field for additional support when they are weaker or feeling unwell, but this is not appropriate if the crystal healing was conducted for a child or children that are not your own biological or adopted children. The Set Free command is to help distinguish individual autonomy for each unique soul involved in the healing session, and this can be said out loud to disentangle or clear auric enmeshments as a result of the healing session.

This system is offered to parents and adults to help support their children in order to maintain spiritual alignment and connection with God, and to be inner sustained and protected by your own inner light source. There is nothing more powerful than your direct connection to the God Source, which is the ultimate spiritual healer. We pray that the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel being overlit by the Amethyst Order serves you well.

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Sample Aurora Crystal Healing Template for Children

 Crystal Body Child

Click here to download a printable PDF of the Aurora Crystal Healing Panel which includes the Three Blank Templates and basic instruction outline.


References and resources

Books and Crafts

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