Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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October 2013

Revealing the Impostor

Lisa Renee


Dear Ascending Family,

Our planet is undergoing an incredible quantum event within the energetic fields as the collective consciousness frequencies are reaching their divergence point, which necessitates the bifurcation of timelines. The bifurcation of time impacts the quantum reality the unmanifested field potential, and the external impacts through the process of how energy manifests into physical matter. Everything we have known to be in our physical world is undergoing rapid shifting to Reveal the Impostor spirit energy that has remained hidden inside our own bodies, minds and perceptions. The impostor spirit is also synonymous with false light, dead energy and unhealed negative ego architecture having the authority over the direction of one's body, mind and spirit.


An Impostor is defined as any entity or human being that is saying words or making representations that it does not embody, nor comprehend, nor behave or act in accordance with.

An Impostor Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, and manipulation, with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its personal agenda.

The planet and those sensing this shift transpiring now may experience intermittent flushes of fear, visions of phantom death or uncertainty in our future direction, all of which may feel unnerving. This is a time to remember we are safe in our connection while remaining vigilant at staying within our spiritual center, making the adjustments to stabilize our inner core, as we continue to ride through these choppy waters. Many changes, alterations, dismantling, initiations, endings and beginnings are all happening at the same time. What is occurring is beyond mental comprehension and is awe inspiring to witness as the perfection of the Universe is revealing itself through the rebalancing of energetic polarity. That which is the accurate energetic resonance of one's consciousness intention will truly attract its matched vibration, while that which is dissonant will fully repel itself away. What quality of vibrational thoughts we hold in our entire being will return as an amplified blessing or painful backlash, depending on the inner integrity and authenticity of the being's totality of spoken words, actions and behaviors. This makes superimposition over others, continual siphoning of others energies for one's selfish motivation much harder to accomplish in this changed terrain of the Krystal Star Host. This forces self-responsibility and energetic accountability for one's belief systems and matching the integrity of actions based upon them.

This stunning crossroads of change is shifting our planet to Reveal the Impostor spirit energy that has been operating from behind the scenes as the false light systems in this dark age. Every single one of us on this Earth has been greatly impacted and traumatized spiritually by this impostor energy, also used through the negative alien agenda that has masqueraded itself in our lives. We inherited this impostor spirit energy ancestrally, genetically and historically, as the true origins and memories have been manipulated and hidden from the human race.

Inner Armageddon Dismantling

In physical matter and within our own bodies during this time we may feel this stretching and splitting apart sensation, which may feel very harsh to our emotional body and heart space. Because the nature of the ego mind is mostly connected to the false light architecture, what is occurring is similar to the disintegration of the inner ego structures and its impostor spirit from continuing to block the higher heart complex. This is activating many people into spiritual initiation to align into their highest expression, resonant to that energetic state of heart based being. There is a pushing and pulling between the lower mind internal structures and the higher heart intelligence, which may feel like an internal and external war over the body consciousness. The bifurcation of timelines is changing the reality bubbles and as they are pushing and pulling apart space-time, where we all coexist this may bring up an Inner Armageddon sensation or phantom death experience. During this phantom death experience, we will be presented with choices to move into higher integrity alignment and be reborn into a new spiritual energy. This is occurring at the microcosm and macrocosm levels of reality.

Additionally, the bifurcation inherently surfaces confusing feelings and unresolved projections between the masculine and feminine principles of energy. The polarity rebalancing may feel to be splitting apart the gender power centers inside our own bodies, or feel like a separation of internal energies. As we become aware of where the internal gender energy was split apart through the impostor spirit without our previous conscious awareness, we are given the opportunity to merge, integrate and heal these areas. Also, we may improve how we relate to the gender roles throughout our life by clearing impostor energy. In order to heal, integrate and harmonize internal gender energies, we first break apart the core impostor spirit distortion, in order to identify the source causation of its memories.

For many this will involve the 3D negative ego false light architecture in the solar plexus feeling abrasive against the 4D/8D feeling heart complex. This may manifest externally as power conflicts in relationships, where there is a battle between forcing personal will (3D), which places extreme opposing pressure in the receptive centers of the heart and soul (4D). However, we have a great opportunity to heal the rift of gender polarity as well as recognize where that inner bifurcation existed when the impostor was inserted, so that we may merge back into wholeness through the unity platform. Some of us may not recognize the unity platform because this is a totally new experience while in a body. This action of healing gender polarity is synonymous with the override of the bi-wave forms, while merging into the tri-wave forms. As we unite our inner gender polarity we unite with the trinity forms, thus allowing our deeper heart connection to expand with the eternal God source and Inner Christos. This forces the eviction of the impostor spirit and this may feel very strange or scary, if one is not aware of the necessity of this purging.

Keeping our mind focused on meditation or spiritually centering exercises no matter where we find ourselves now, is required to find the inner core and remain in energetic balance. Please continue to dedicate oneself to work with clearing negative ego tools and be open to deeply feel the process of emotional healing through the phantom death energy transmutation. When we feel anxious, we can choose to shift and hold our perspective, to apply unconditional love and forgiveness to the now self and other selves. This is the requirement to achieve and maintain the state of inner peace and connection in the middle of this incredible chaos. Keep choosing love, harmlessness, compassion and mercy for everyone and everything while being as accurate and truthful with oneself, by checking inner motivations. The planet's highest expression for those that choose this heroic pathway, the ascending timeline, is available and will stay available. The Krystal Star Host is here to stay.

False Light of the False Parent

This Impostor spirit energy was inserted and imprinted as our False Parent, and the spiritual betrayal we have experienced in our heart and soul due to this fact has been crushing for many. Because of the timeline of the Impostor invasion, the False Parent has manifested physically, ancestrally, genetically, energetically and spiritually, throughout our sense of identity. Without our true spiritual identity and being incarnated into an enslaved reality deception, humanity has existed in a severe identity crisis unaware of its purpose, unaware of being interfered with in its inner source connection. We were tricked into believing the Impostor spirits values and purpose was one of benevolence and love for humanity, when its overall hidden motivation is to enslave and harm us. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple throughout all aspects of our societal leadership, and we will need to be strong spiritually and in our personal faith, to be able to see the authentic truth. The impostor spirit has hidden inside our schools, governments, hospitals, careers, leadership, family members, things we hold most sacred and finally, even inside of us. We believed this False Parent spirit loved us and cared for us, and we are seeing that is not really true. The impostor spirit is not capable or equipped to know true love or benevolence towards life, towards children, towards humanitarian values. Therefore, with this pattern surfacing, this is a very hard and confusing time for humanity to reach this inner spiritual revelation in all areas and walks of life.

These are general energetic qualities of the Luciferian Spirit and its archetypes, that one will find driving the motivation of the Negative Ego False Light systems:

The Luciferian Attributes and Impostor Spirit Qualities (Service to Self)

  • Cloaks itself within the authority of False Father God archetypes to manipulate though domination and control, while shapeshifting its outward appearance in both physical genders.
  • Siphons spiritual light and rapes the Mother's Holy Spirit through the feminine principle, with Vengeance and Self-righteousness while propping up a false spiritual parent or false Mother to the masses.
  • Through False Parent Archetypes it can only use the Negative Ego constructs to produce false spiritual light for its creations.
  • False Light is temporary and has to be consistently replenished through stealing or vampirizing from others inner resources of Light, primarily covets the Mothers Holy Spirit, is therefore misogynistic.
  • Has hatred and disdain for the power of the Mother's spiritual principle, resents and blames her Son Christos for his position, therefore has crucified him/her.
  • Has a superior, hierarchal and elitist mental body belief system that tricks it into believing its position or ability is higher than it really is, self-entitled.
  • Deception, manipulation and vampirism of others are its theme to survive within promoting chaos, confusion and ambiguity.
  • Self-aggrandizement of personal leadership role through its negative ego compels it to abuse power and authority believing the innocent are stupid, to be deceptively led and controlled.
  • Promotes false hierarchy for domination and control through promotion of hive mind mentality. Hive mind is to carry out group orders and not question authority.
  • Becomes hostile and violent when its authority or power is questioned.
  • Uses inner and outer violence to promote its agenda and will sacrifice others easily for its own selfish motivations.
  • Skillful to use manipulation techniques to avoid transparency and accountability to actions, which is to continually deceive others through a divide and conquer strategy.
  • Uses biblical deception and salvation models to promote seed fears of Armageddon software and Victim/Victimizer archetypes, to target any development of unity consciousness including attacking and destroying human values for achieving unconditional love and peace.
  • Steals access to paranormal ability or supraluminal intelligence in order to use astral glamour as the way to pretend or provide proof to the enslaved human, through the display of its superior intelligence and authority of those who serve the Luciferian False Light System. This is the razzle and dazzle to create followers of the false light systems. This way the person who is astral-hypnotized does not realize the same Luciferian spirit in that person feeding the astral glamour, is actually being used as their spiritual jailer and prison warden. This creates a reliance and dependency on the very thing that enslaves the person in the false light, which traps them without evolutionary possibility continued in the afterlife.

In the coming months we will further address anti-life and death architecture of the Satanic spirit, which also acts in the role as an Impostor spirit.

Without inner connection to life force and an awareness of the importance of the spiritual purpose in life, only digression, descension and genetic deterioration are made possible. This genetic deterioration is inherently the disconnection from God source, and this manifests as extreme pain and suffering. This is the time we must open our eyes to see the Impostor spirit energy in all ways, that it has infiltrated our life and ourselves. We will see how the impostor spirit construct created the false umbilicus connection to serve the False Parent and propagate its negative ego authority upon our body consciousness. As we become willing to face this truth, we are set free. As the Aurora Mother returns now to rebuild her body parts on this earth, she is the ultimate protector of Life and through her Holy Spirit we are reborn as her children in Christos.

This is the time of benevolence and blessing for the truth lover and the truth seeker, that has put their heart on the altar for God's Spirit. This shift begins an unraveling inner and outer dialogue to honor authentic transparency, which is the spiritual alignment required to speak and act within integrity, and the ability to know the difference. Many of us at this time are undergoing extreme and painful spiritual lessons to increase the skill of respecting personal boundaries, as well as other's boundaries to discern lessons of behavioral and spiritual integrity.

Embodying Integrity

Let's talk for a moment about why understanding the negative ego's polarity issues, between ego/fear and heart/love in every circumstance in one's life, is a huge step towards spiritual maturity and embodying integrity. To overcome the impostor spirit energy from continuing to deceive our mind and inflict harm to our body, we must choose to act and behave in accordance with Krystic attributes, GSF behaviors. If we choose the authority of God Source and its spirit Christos, but reflect actions and beliefs of the false light of negative ego, we remain in spiritual-energetic stagnation. In this state of stagnation we are confused and feel abandoned.

To learn how to embody inner integrity that is aligned naturally with one's inner source light we must behave and model Krystic behavior in the highest expression. May we dedicate ourselves to this embodiment process. The more heart based alignment and congruence we demonstrate with our actions, words and behaviors, the more aligned we become to our inner source. When the inner spiritual balance is achieved through accessing the right words, right action and right behaviors, we exist in total peace and contentment. The basic understanding is to strive for this spiritual goal of modeling and behaving within energetic integrity in all circumstances, which is the key to aligning to higher purpose and truth. As one dedicates to improve inner and outer energetic integrity, one greatly restores personal energetic discernment. This skill guides us to reeducate our mind to release and choose truthful heart based motivations for all things in one's life.

Ego Polarity is Separation

The Eternal God Source projects creation outward from its central point by polarizing the energetic spectrum of positive, negative and neutral charge within itself. It projects consciousness intelligence into smaller or separate units as it descends into the spirals of time, containing lower and lower octaves of dimensionalization. Just as a beautiful musical composition is written for life's soundtrack, the divine orchestration is created upon a musical scale of frequency and notes set into mathematical patterns that arrange a variation of light, sound and color. At all of the different levels of time and space within this divine orchestration within each dimension each planet, within each human being's light body, this same musical pattern is permeated and repeated throughout the Universe. All of these levels of creation are interconnected and interactive as ultimately the consciousness intelligence flows back into the central point of union with the Eternal God Source. We would not regard energetic polarity as something that is negative if we understood it is fundamentally inherent in all of creation, it is the natural creative process of polarization and integration.

Since we deal with issues of polarity every day, such as reconciling gender issues, how do we most effectively deal with the situation? When ego polarity is extremely amplified it magnifies issues of separation from ourselves and God Source, and this separation from others is what creates negative ego issues of judgment and conflict. As we feed negative ego programs, we become enmeshed in a delusion of false light that is created from our lower mental projections. These false light programs are used by archontic entities that trap us inside our own delusions, which make us feel very disconnected and unhappy.

To be effective one must generally agree that one must first find that place of inner light and unity, and commit to live within integrity inside ourselves. Living within integrity is to embody what we say, to live as we represent ourselves through behaviors, words and actions. To accomplish this one must dedicate to self-integrate back into the God Source consciousness, to reflect the Source attributes and this is our personal level of responsibility to spiritual maturity. This is the first point of spiritual alignment in choosing one's authority first and foremost as represented as the direct connection to the Eternal God Source. If that is not understood, nor acted upon by the free will of the being, this is the fundamental block of actualizing one's inner integrity to be aligned to the God Source. The most common block is that self-delusion, which propagates a state of denial at facing inner conflicts or external problems. When we continually ignore our personal ego issues, when we refuse to look at what is happening all around us, we distort our inner and outer energetic integrity.

Facing our Problems

So, when we have a problem or issue that comes up in our daily life, do we deny the problem exists? Do we detach from it as a state of reality by calling it an illusion and hope it goes away? Do we feel comfortable in the victim role and blame another person to make it their fault? Or do we understand the problem in a larger context of how the opposing forces of polarity work so that we can effectively deal with it? This means that taking responsibility for oneself is critical in order to find the right resolution to every problem.

As an example, maybe one is driving their car and gets a flat tire. How would you deal with this? One could say it is all illusion and that this is really not happening and try to fix the flat tire with one's mind. Or one could face the problem in the moment with calm acceptance at the circumstances, change the tire yourself or call road service and then resume driving.

Another example is that maybe one hears of someone relaying a frightening story about their UFO abduction. This sounds upsetting so some people react aggressively and say how crazy and stupid that person is who told the story. Further, continuing to accuse the person of lying and calling the story a hoax even if they have not researched the facts. Does it make sense that just because some people do not believe it to be true, and yet it still impacts thousands of people on this earth, that one's hostility is being used to deliberately mind control them to not face the problem? If one ignores that problem whether one believes it or not, does it go away? Do you care if there are aliens or government personnel abducting people on earth? What if your child was abducted? Why not go ask the thousands of UFO abductees yourself and find out first hand, to make an informed decision on the matter? When we continually ignore something or we delude ourselves that we hold a higher vibration and that's why we cannot participate with that problem, we become a part of the cover up. That cover up deceives the population to be accomplices in the promotion of manipulation intended to harm the rest of the humans and the planet.

We could say in a practical context if we deny that the problem exists, we also deny the possibility of finding the solution. When we try to uncreate the problem through denying it exists or ignoring it completely, we only allow the problem to go unresolved and build momentum for predators. Many times, when we refuse to face a problem it builds energetic resistance and gets much worse. When we actually face the problem and bring our focus and attention to it, we are not reinforcing the problem, we are willing to face it by being willing to find the resolution. The problem already has presented itself to you and it's already there. To be effective addressing or engaging with the problem at hand is generally a positive strategy in contrast to denial of the problem. Regarding problems in life as illusions or vibrational mismatches does not necessarily resolve the problem. Generally ignoring the problem makes it much worse. This is similar to saying one accepts the increasing millions of children being raped on earth because the vibrational match makes it the child's karma. That child is our future, and who is responsible for shaping its values?

Now take these practical examples into the larger picture of the current world scenario and take note of its many various conflicts. It is absolutely certain we all would like to observe something else happening on earth. Many would prefer to live in a beautiful paradise of everyone's creative expression, with total freedom from debt or other levels of slavery. We would like to forget there are unpleasant things happening around us and we may even want to get away from it all and go back home. However, there is a part of us on earth, a part of our collective creation that is really blocked, tortured and suffering in this density. There is a part of us impacted and affected, even sometimes trapped by the false light dramas that play out in the world, in our human family, with our loved ones and our personal circle of friends and community. We cannot afford to deny or ignore this fact any longer. Gaining clarity in the knowledge or accurate awareness of these larger truths in the world scape is not in itself separation. We can be in our spiritual integrity, aligned to our inner source and be very much aware of the detail of what is actually going on around us. Bringing attention to this detailed awareness and knowing about it does not promote separation or negative ego polarity thinking. It is in how we address the problem either with ego or heart based sincerity and that we are willing to be of service to deal with it. This act of being willing to know is of great service to the planet, humanity and the earth kingdoms.

Solutions without Attachment

If we focus on problems in the neutral context of intending solutions for all involved it removes the underlying blockage created by negative ego and false light polarity issues. Greater knowledge and awareness should not motivate fear but be understood as a base for creating effective solutions and informed action in one's life. Knowledge and accurate assessment are the basis to return one back to the stepping stones to resolve the problem, back into alignment with greater integrity. When we deny the problem from existence, we separate the problem from a solution. If we can come into a place of embodying inner energetic integrity, the responsibility to self-sourcing and energetic containment as supported with the 12 D shielding exercise, we can face problems and embrace them, in order to bring solutions through the mirrored alignment to that reflection made in the outer energetic integrity. We do not need to know the exact pathway to the solution, only the consciousness to hold compassionate witnessing to observe the problem honestly without attachment to the outcome. When we are called to action on a problem we check for its integrity and alignment.

Accepting As It Is Now

We all know and respect the humans who may believe or state that they are beyond polarity. Before we can regard ourselves as beyond polarity, we need to address the following inner questions.

Can I consciously integrate my whole spiritual being and physical body back into the Eternal Source here and now? Can I ascend through the dimensional structure of creation, going beyond the holographic reality right now? Am I completely unaffected by the world events, free from money, free from seeing wars and genocide and starving peoples? Do I see a created paradise around me? If one cannot do these things, one is not beyond polarity. Until that time there is a part of you in the collective that is trapped in polarity from various distortions that have transpired in the natural and unnatural processes of the timelines of creation. One has to ask oneself if we can afford to deny or be ignorant of these collective circumstances that are happening during this important cycle of end time.

It is accurate that we have higher parts of identity and some of them are beyond polarity. It is our lower parts of identity, our human-ness that needs our focused attention. It is our body consciousness as a human being that is in the most need of rehabilitation and spiritual healing. If we detach from the physical realities of our body and what is actually happening on the planet and the Negative Alien Agendas that we are all enmeshed and a part of, we risk losing a valuable part of our human-ness and many levels of that identity.

This timeline is not about ego judgment at any level anymore. It is not about blaming or assigning value of good or bad. This time is about being real, authentic and human and learning to be energetically resonant, and in effective heart based action from being informed, awake and aware. We have to get clear about what is working and what is not working, so we can bring ourselves back into integrity and alignment with our Eternal God Source in every way we are able. The core of our own energetic sustainability, our ability to effectively take responsibility for ourselves and our evolutionary direction hinges exactly on this specific knowledge. To achieve this, we must learn to comprehend the spectrum of negative ego polarity and its filters used through the impostor spirit to which we are all exposed.

The core of our ability to maintain a state of Unity with each other depends on our level of personal energetic sustainability, as it achieves integrity and coherence with one's inner source light. If one does not embody inner integrity, if one cannot recognize integrity through discernment, then one will look to depend on someone outside and will energetically feed off of something else externally. When one feeds off or uses someone else or something external to reinforce negative ego false light systems, one becomes parasitic. Simultaneously, through parasitism that person is using the impostor spirit and intruding on the energetic boundaries of other human beings right to exist.

If one does not respect others boundaries and refuses to own our own emotional needs or mental issues of judgment, one will be unable to create mutuality or effective solutions in any setting. If others need to make you wrong, recognize the ego game of non-acceptance and refrain from engaging. No person needs to justify one's existence to others and they do not have to justify their existence to you. Am I trying to make someone wrong or assign value of importance? Is someone trying to make me wrong or devalued through non-acceptance? Are we respecting each other's boundaries and right to exist and accept who we are? Can I engage this circumstance with effective right action, acceptance and without using the ego?

Additionally, holding group unity and acceptance does not mean we allow any factual unethical behavior or any fragmented person, place or thing to intentionally direct darkness, commit deception, inflict harm or allow their disconnected state the power to destroy our heart or spiritual purpose. In protecting our inner spiritual light, we defend our right to exist as we intend to be in coexistence and in a state of total harmlessness to oneself and others. We demonstrate this by embodying spiritual integrity and aligning our actions, words and behaviors to the matching heart vibration. This is the call to improvement of this spiritual practice in every area of our lives, and especially in the group setting.

In repeating the core message to communicate to our spiritual ascension communities:

Command and Claim your Personal Space and Body, no matter what.

Claim your Sovereignty.

Claim and own your Freedom.

Know that you are One with the Eternal Light of God.

Read the Impostor Spirit its Rights and force it to choose when it infringes on your right to exist as a GSF being.

Nothing can or will possess you or take this away from you when you know yourself as this Truth.

In order to create a loving compassionate field for all to grow within, may each of us deliberately step up our spiritual dedication to remove deception, lying, manipulation and ego based agendas from harming each other. May we grow our heart purity so that we can model ethical conduct and energetic integrity for the many spiritual communities who do not understand, nor comprehend the reason why ethical standards of behavior and integrity are required in Spiritual communities, and its Leadership that has energetic influence over others.

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christ heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


Reading the Impostor Spirit its Rights:

(Open Entity Transit portal - feel if this is guided and appropriate.)

I have created a container to contain these entities and Impostor spirit energies and I now address them fully:

All entities and Impostor spirits involved in this mind controlled program and its polarity game are claimed in their God-given rights:

You have the right to self-determine.

You have the right to your own sanity and to choose wholeness.

You have the right to leave this mind control matrix and end this war game.

You have the right to choose and you are free in God's Eternal Light.

You have two choices: to return to God's Light or to a time-space continuum or space of origin. Please choose now. I command this space and my total being dedicated to the sacred self-sovereign forces of God in Christ's authority, now.

Beloved God Forces, Holy Mother and our Avatar Christ Self please assist and transport any and all Imposter entities through all appropriate levels of transit as Sovereign freedom consecrated to God Source with all intention now is chosen, thank you. I AM God, I AM Sovereign, I AM Free! Please seal and end our communication transit portal.

(End Entity transit portal command)

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