Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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June 2019

New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

With the current activation cycle there are new opportunities for repair and rehabilitation at higher dimensional levels, effecting Universal Melchizedek lineages. This is also awakening new levels of memory recovery, to identify factions that have historically and are currently working against humanity and the Ascension process. We are looking at who these factions are behind current attempts to hijack collective awakening, as well as the weaknesses they play on. As the veils that hide the NAA agendas are getting thinner, many of us are recollecting more pieces of our true history, while simultaneously activating more aspects of our original blueprints and consciousness coding.

During the intense cycle of ongoing Paliadorian Activations that commenced during the Mid-May electrical peak, there has been a focus on the rehabilitation of the Universal Melchizedek lineages, and the Emerald Order Guardian reconnaissance mission, involved in the recovery of many of the fallen aspects that were originally corrupted and infected when the Melchizedek factions fell into the black hole and suffered metatronic reversals. The artificial intelligence holograms and dimensional splicing that included the intentional corruption of the azurite shield by Thothian Luciferians, has been extracted from the phantom replicas, and has been expanded into the Holy Father’s Aquafey structure, which allows for re-templating for Universal Diamond Sun coding for Christos-Sophia and for performing Melchizedek family retrievals.

This is a part of the process of reassembling the Universal Tribal Shield network, and allows for certain stages of corrections to the Emerald Order Melchizedek architecture that opens and expands direct access to the Holy Father principle, through the building of the Universal Rod. This support to the Universal Tribal Shield allows more of the Paliadorian families and Starseeds on the ascending earth to directly access and communicate with the Omniversal Emerald Order Guardians, the original founders and architects of the Interdimensional Free World Councils. Many of us on the earth during the Ascension cycle, will give testimony from our consciousness experiences to show direct evidence in the tribunals held against those in the NAA groups that have sought to maintain a consciousness prison on the earth, while targeting the Starseeds and awakening population with many aggressive forms of covert technological warfare and dark entity harassment.

Along with the current themes of the Universal Master Templar coding being returned to the rightful owners, this has elevated the tragic events of the fallen, and the related historical timelines of the Thothian entities specifically involved in the covert conspiracy against humanity to carry out the Luciferian Covenant. As the Luciferian Covenant between humans and non-human groups comes into surface view for mass consciousness witnessing, the counter attack methods of these Thothian Luciferian groups are to ramp up technological mind control, psycho-emotional warfare and controlled opposition to another whole level of deception, aggression and tyranny. This is escalating right now in the globalscape and will continue, as the immense pressure of these conflicts are amplifying behind the scenes.

Thus, the Thothian Luciferian groups and their allies are organizing the next stages of planned takeover of all New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities through planned infiltration, with their specific grooming of an assortment of pied pipers. This controlled opposition agenda will also extend to any 3D organizations and public leaders with some power and influence that are connecting the larger dots towards seeing and understanding the key players that are embedded in multiple levels of planetary corruption, such as the gaslighting and propaganda schemes that exist in the many façades of the geopolitical climate that are used as cover ups to veil the exopolitical conflicts.  

In conveying the greater understanding of current events and who is behind them, let us return to the first major milestone in the planetary Ascension cycle with the onset of grid wars. This is the phase when the NAA groups were put on notice that the ascension waves were indeed beginning to awaken the population on planet earth, despite the electro-shock equipment and fences they had in place as the NET.

Harmonic Convergence Begins Luciferian Task Force

Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, there has been a specific space task force assembled by Thothian Luciferians and the members of the Galactic Federation to fully control the information given to the awakening population, for the purpose of complete takeover of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure movement. A comprehensive multiple pronged militarized approach was organized in order to gather and collect all of the technological and human resources that would be necessary to build an extensive artificial neurological network with silent sound technology. This would be used to target Starseeds and Indigos, as well as control all transmissions of channeled material that would be sent to the awakening population in the guise of friendly ET’s, Ascended Masters, and even deceased famous figures in human history.

As the Ascension cycle intensified and humanity was being monitored, many friendly enemy deals were made to enlist the further support and resources of the Reptile Insectoid Collectives, to cull the public into submission with implantation of assorted mind control techniques and technological fences. Although these groups have their own separate agendas, these enemy deals made them allies, and were primarily headed by the most hostile Dragon Moths and Zeta Drakonians from Orion. Thus, many people on earth were and are contacted by human and nonhuman imposters, comprised from these operations that are in military alliance to gaslight and lie to the earth people about many ongoing themes of global concern, for the purpose of intelligence handling and controlled opposition. These operatives have infiltrated many areas of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community. They are on the ground and in space, hidden behind the many false front organizations in which their primary job is to attack, dismiss and debunk unapproved topics through mass propaganda and character assassination schemes. The purpose is to take over any truthful information about the planetary ascension or disclosure event that happens to seep through the multidimensional communication gateways, when awakening people start to more easily receive telepathic transmissions from a variety of sources that cannot be prevented.

Even reasonably benevolent entities that were in communication with assorted channelers purposely lied to the New Age population out of fear that our spiritually immature, violent, warring civilization would infect and harm their civilizations. As a result, they were distressed enough to keep earth humans in the consciousness pen, afraid of what would happen if we were to be let out of the frequency fences into the higher dimensions as a collective race consciousness.

Like in the game ‘telephone’, by the time the original off planet transmission of an authentic message was being received by the person being contacted on the earth surface, that intelligence had gone through multiple filters and fences on several dimensions. Along with several alien handlers decoding the acceptable content and deleting or manipulating many of the truthful facts. By the time the information made it to the telepathic human that was channeling on the earth plane, the information had been tampered with by several intermediaries.

Without the awareness of the basic principles of psychological warfare and fear programming being waged against the general human population by the NAA, humans have been very ill equipped to navigate through the Thothian infiltration. This is made more difficult with so few people being willing to discipline the focus of their minds or taking responsibility to clear their inner shadows. The end result is that very little truthful, accurate, high-quality information was being disseminated by those people with reasonably good intentions, who were acting as the intelligence anchors for sharing channeled information or related research material in the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities.

Infiltrating the New Age Movement

When it became clear that there was no way to stop the planetary Ascension cycle that would commence in early 2000, more friendly enemy deals were made. This allowed the Thothian Groups to expand their resources towards directly targeting awakening Starseeds and Indigos, as well as begin to infiltrate and hijack the growing New Age movement. As the platinum ray and higher frequency transmissions were streaming into the planetary grid network, simultaneously the Thoth Group enlisted the support of the Galactic Federation crew to oversee the entire New Age channeling movement, in which transmissions were intercepted and infiltrated as faux greeting teams from supposedly friendly ET’s.  The heads of the Secret Space Programs joined in with their versions, attempting to infiltrate key whistleblowers with accurate information that revealed the Milab programs and their involvement with the galactic slave trade.

Thoth groups formed strategic alliances using the popular moniker of the Galactic Federation, making contact with selected members of the cabal, government and Illuminati bloodlines, who then started to widely infiltrate the secret societies (Free Masons, Knights Templar) and the spiritual communities. The propaganda of the Galactic Federation as a pro-human ET group is used to derail spiritual awakening people and route them into the New Age movement. This is a bait and switch tactic, moving people into their respective mind control and assorted fear-based belief systems that make them compliant for subjugation. Many popular spiritual energy healing systems have been infiltrated by the Galactic Federation in order to track and tag participants for astral implants in the New Age population. The New Age movement, which includes channeling information from an assortment of supposed Ascended Masters, is primarily dominated by the Luciferian Sirius A groups using the affiliation with the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command as their most common signature.  

Additionally, false fronts and assorted websites were created for various popular Ascended Masters to manipulate and control the information that was being given about the Ascension cycle and to hide the true histories with non-terrestrial entities among the awakening earth population.

Through the false fronts installed as operations for astral tagging and tracking in the New Age movement, intelligence data streams were manipulated to specifically attract Indigos for astral tracking by these Thothian Groups. There was and is an ongoing campaign specifically targeting Indigo 3’s, in which the unintegrated shadow self in the hybrid aspects could be more easily bound for attachments, possession and astral rape by these controlling entities.  One of the most popular false front operations gaining prominence in the mid 2000’s and ongoing was to direct artificial intelligence data streams from a fake Archangel Michael to assorted channelers in the new age movement, and blast these transmissions at high volume on the internet. The base of operations for these false channelings of Michael are located on the Golden Eagle Grid, which was outfitted to be a psychotronic weapon. This is used for transmitting disinformation to mislead the public, or small nuggets of truth laced with poisonous lies to damage discernment. This was intentionally directed to Indigos and Starseeds with the attempt to derail their continued awakening, and eventually track them for body-snatch or dark portal possession, when that human soul is under the guise of being communicated with by Archangel Michael.

Thothian Annunaki groups organized a militarized style of psychological warfare tactics with the Galactic Federation to further prey upon the spiritual and emotional desires of a primarily western Judeo-Christian population, to lead them into the False Ascension Matrix on the astral plane for soul capture during the death passage. The Luciferian Thothian groups currently transmit a range of twisted half-truths in ancient esoteric teachings of ascension to guru and seeker archetypes, that are purposely geared towards the consciousness enslavement of its audience. Many of the channeled transmissions are based in the information that was disseminated in the timeline of the Atlantian Mystery Schools, the Brotherhood of the Snake, which had acquired ancient written translations of stolen coded information in the Law of One records. These records were accessed and translated by Thoth and then subsequently repackaged through the release of the Emerald Tablets. The Emerald Tablets transmissions into the New Age movement are heavily hijacked and embedded with artificial intelligence and mind control programming in order to attract those spiritually awakening with Atlantian or Mystery School memories, and then tag and track these groups for mind control and spiritual oppression. 

This false ascension information has evolved into the New Age spiritual movement in which group think mind control was implemented to target hidden subconscious fears, while directing the conscious mind in the personality to explicitly remove or block awareness of any unpleasant aspects and dark topics. To prevent a person from facing fears head on or blocking perceptual vision, there is a strong transmission of mind control conditioning through the constant reinforcement of negative ego behaviors and self-deception that encourages the denial of the existence of darkness itself. The New Age group think that is cultivated by the Thothian Annunaki groups is polarized in astral delusions of bliss and complacency, which further encourage the harmful states of fear-based denial and deception. These systems reward the lack of personal responsibility for one’s actions and the continual refusal to address the dark, unpleasant and shadow aspects of reality.

Most people who live in denial of the existence of the darkness in its many forms are absolutely terrified to face the true and accurate facts of what is happening on the earth during the planetary Ascension cycle. The people that are the most terrified of darkness or traumatized by fears are the most prone to the New Age mind control hijack. Unresolved and buried fears necessitate forms of denial for those that are too scared to face their fears, and thus they will defend their false beliefs at all costs, because the belief system is what gives them the illusion of safety. Denial is putting up a thought barrier and arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist. Denial is refusing to perceive the more unpleasant aspects of the external reality. People that are stuck in the New Age hijack of denial, tend to also use spiritual bypassing as a way to explain away uncomfortable feelings.

Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing is an act of denying the truth in the name of higher consciousness as per the New Age belief system, such as the refusal to help others or have compassion for those that are suffering. As an example, this commonly happens to the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Black Magicians, who are many times told by the New Age groupthink that they brought these dark attacks on themselves because of their karma or negative behavior. This is generally explained away flippantly because the situation is considered to be negative, and that forgiveness must be administered. Yet, people are not willing to explore the negative energy in the situation because it is believed to lower one's vibration.

Spiritual Bypassing is generally an ego defense mechanism used by people that identify as lightworkers or on the Ascension path, who are unwilling to see negativity or look at unpleasant truths happening around them. They consider these unpleasant truths to be negative energy that lowers their personal vibration, so choose to ignore them and pretend they don't exist. They label these events or classify those people that are truth seekers that share this level of information with others, as fostering negativity and fear. As a result, they tend to be apathetic people easily manipulated by dark forces, with a weakened moral character and lower ethical standards in helping their fellow human, because their version of reality is selective or even delusional.

Spiritual Bypassing is an act of pure egoic selfishness in the guise of projecting oneself as an evolved and higher consciousness person. The profile of this person is that they ignore or downplay certain events they consider negative, in order to protect themselves from being mentally or emotionally triggered. As a result, they deny the truth or make convenient assumptions in order to rationalize the reasons that the tragic event has happened to another group of people. Usually, the blame is squarely placed on the victims, without any feelings of empathy or compassion.

As an example, it can be assumed that children being used as sex slaves or for SRA, have karmic reasons for being killed. Therefore, they don't have to do anything about it, because they need to maintain their high vibration and all is in divine order.

Weaponization of the New Age

During the Ascension Cycle, many of us have gathered on the earth to find out the truth, to reveal the true memories and accurate histories that have been stolen from humanity, and to find out exactly who is accountable for these tragic events in which the minds, identities and spiritual bodies of the souls of Tara, were absconded with, damaged and used in a consciousness prison. The prison acts as an energetic farm in which to power up an assortment of artificial realities for a gang of psychopathic and parasitic bullies, such as the Luciferian Thothian Annunaki and Galactic Federation. Along with an unholy alliance made with an assortment of neighboring intruding non-terrestrial groups that are willing to participate in the galactic human slave trade and barter for earth resources.

For these organized groups that serve the Thothian Luciferian, Galactic Federation and related Negative Alien agendas, the most important goal was to ensure that the majority of the earth humans would not awaken to realize that they were in a consciousness prison. Thus, it was very important to relay information that would divert people away from remembering what had truly happened to them, and how they ended up in the mind control prison.

Thus, the militarization of psychological warfare tactics was extended as an umbrella to cover many unapproved topics that were surfacing as a result of the shifting consciousness happening during the Ascension cycle. The topics of New Age, Ascension and Disclosure were largely considered taboo in the controlled press of the mainstream media and remain ‘untouchable’.  Untouchable means that if a prominent person makes a public statement on a topic that is considered untouchable, no matter if it’s accurate and honest, that person will be crucified publicly and threatened privately. They will potentially lose their career, status and standing in their community and among their group of peers. In the current terrain of global mind control, ridicule is negative ego’s most potent weapon and it is used in every organized industry, including spiritual communities which can be some of the worst offenders. This is a basic principle of psychological warfare, if someone is out of step with the controlled narrative and they are public about these views  they can be subjected to economic and social terrorism in which they will be personally ostracized, accused and penalized for their personal views.

Nonetheless, the awakening groups and concerned citizens that are interested in exploring one or more of the untouchable topics rose to form their own side of the alternative media movements, such as the UFO-Mufon, truther movement, Q-anon, and the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure movements. Many of these communities were organized around a wide range of topics that are being researched by independent journalists and experiencers that the controlled mainstream would label as conspiracy theorists. This is used as a derogatory term in the media to infer that these ideas are made up by crazy people.  The use of the term conspiracy theorist is used to undermine any dissent or questioning of the mainstream narratives, and to methodically terminate any and all access to public media outlets or online social platforms that are being organized by those groups that were seeking to open these untouchable topics into a larger public debate.  When one experiences direct threats and attacking from dark portal humans and dark forces for merely opening a respectful and compassionate dialogue about an untouchable topic, the first reaction can be shock and confusion. From this experience it becomes clear that we are not free, that we live in a consciousness pen. Anyone that does not believe this should just try to talk about these subjects openly in any kind of environment and watch what happens!

Many of these alternative movements have leaders by default, that rise into a meteoric online public status and go viral on multiple social platforms, only to implode from within and be completely extinguished, going down in flames within just a few years. What happened? The basic principles of psychological warfare; divide and conquer from within, the infiltration of intelligence and leadership with delusions of grandeur and negative ego, a lack of discernment and awareness of the controlled opposition in play designed to destroy the organizational tenets on which that community’s movement has been founded. There are no accidents and nothing is random, the dark task force is highly organized and very efficient. They will attack your weakest links in all areas, including those you love that are most vulnerable, such as partners, children and pets.

What most people are not aware of is that the extent of the grid damage incurred in the planetary body along with the soul fracturing is so extensive, that it is almost impossible to gain accurate details that we can call factual truths that are recorded in the planetary brain as historical timelines. No one can say exactly when disclosure will happen or predict future events at this specific date and time, it is impossible during this cycle when traveling in zero point and simultaneous spiral time. Humanity has to gather the holographic pieces of our lightbody and reassemble them in corrected position in order to reframe it with actual historical evidence recorded in our consciousness lifestream. Our consciousness has experiences that can never be erased, and that content is shared through the rehabilitation of the planetary brain as we reassemble and reclaim our spiritual body parts and ascend.

The earth has been subjected to electroshock mind control methods and energetic implants being administered to suppress the entire population, along with artificial realities being projected into multiple dimensional holograms, recorded with false histories and false timelines. This means we have to extract the artificial reality and remove the artificial intelligence holograms in order to see what is false and what is real in the human consciousness experience. This means no one has all the pieces of truth and the human race must all come together and unify in order to spiritually heal. We must be willing to dig deep and hard within to find the nuggets of truth buried inside our consciousness bodies, while we navigate this soup of NAA obfuscation and mind-controlled confusion. Keeping humanity confused and depleted is a psychological warfare strategy known as the confusion principle tactic, to spread mass lies mixed in with bits of truth in order to confound the population. Cultivating a culture where no one feels they can trust each other and they do not have any semblance of discerning what is truth and what is lies. This confusion has stolen our true spiritual identity and renders us blind to the awareness of the current war raging over human consciousness that is happening behind the veil and on the world stage.

New Age Astral Bliss

One of the most appealing ways the Thothian groups have found to manipulate the New Age, is to promote the states of astral bliss through the slick marketing of spiritual consumerism, which many people line up for like astral junkies to get a hit of false love transmitted from the astral plane implants while participating in these retreats. There is a manipulated state of astral bliss which is a type of emotional conditioning to activate addictive response patterns, while participating with many of the New Age group modalities that are hijacked by Thothian entities. Retreats that scratch the surface and allow us to feel something, allow us to check off a box that later gets turned into, I’m beyond all that shadow because I’ve dealt with that already. Thus, the setup is to ignore red flags and emotional weakness in everyday life, because the fear of actually facing deeper issues and having to make changes in one’s lifestyle is too overwhelming. Spiritual development is about getting the negative ego out of the driver’s seat and being open and willing to feel the changes that need to actually happen, while being honest with ourselves. If we are really being honest, we may know we need to change, but we will be faced with a test of self-responsibility. In the consumer spiritual market, we can transfer that responsibility onto something else and pretend that we are actually doing something spiritual, because we paid for a product or listened to a guru type that promised awakening.

New Age astral bliss narratives are filled with fantastical illusions, wishful and magical thinking, self-deception and escapist fantasies of the rainbows and butterflies outlook on life that appear to be like a Disney movie. Many times, severely emotionally wounded people are led into the New Age, where they are not interested in healing themselves or taking responsibility for their behaviors. They seek instead, further excuses to continue negative behaviors and being deceptive to others, in an accepted social setting. To have better discernment, the most common New Age Astral bliss profiles may include demonstrated qualities such as:

  • Complacency, carelessness, demonstrating a lack of responsibility and cluelessness towards others
  • Easily mentally confused and overwhelmed, vacant eyes and expression, incoherent and fractured communication
  • Drug like ecstasy, euphoria to sedative state when in astral frequency transmissions from Guru
  • Addictive tendencies to recreate the astral bliss filled state over and over again
  • Projected spiritual fantasies on others, accusing others of being dark, prone to emotional tantrums, acts as the chaos-disruptor
  • Ungrounded in body therefore prone to self-delusions, naïve with poor decision making
  • May be prone to emotional hysteria and archetypes of drama (rolling around on the ground crying, screaming, going into primal or fetal states when in groups)
  • Lack of discernment in environmental energies, places trust in untrustworthy people and highly corrupted organizations
  • Auric disconnections in one or more layers (i.e. body and heart disconnected)
  • No boundaries and open to whatever may come in the astral, covered with energy parasites
  • Rejects existence of pain and fear when confronted by it, cannot tell dark from light
  • Says everyone is "one" and so they can take whatever you have, because its theirs already
  • Tends to lack discipline or self-responsibility, may confuse drug like states and addictive states with higher consciousness state, retraumatizes wounds and fragments through drug use in shamanic journeying
  • Holier than thou with prideful self-importance, declares they are on a spiritual mission and that gives them permission to treat others badly
  • Hedonistic or bohemian personality, a total sensualist nature, following the highest excitement (Do what thou wilt)
  • Alien implanted, unaware of the existence of implants, mind control or negative ego
  • Unwilling to confront or face negativity or bad behaviors for fear of being labeled judgmental
  • Low ethical behavior, holds grudges, easily puts down others and engages in malicious gossip

These naïve astral visions propagated by the New Age hijack have filled people’s minds with denial, one of the most potent forms of fear-based programming. Denying the nature of reality and denying the painful truth by remaining in escapism and complacency by avoiding self-responsibility. These disempowering and negative qualities have come to be the primary factors that have dominated the acceptable narratives that are included in the New Age movement as group think.  Some of the New Age material has promoted shocking emotional damage to people in this way, by positively rewarding negative behaviors and unethical conduct such as spiritual bypassing, as acceptable norms in the management of the spiritual community.

There is a delusional psychosis that is spread and promoted to shape and reinforce very negative behavior as acceptable behavior in some of the New Age circles, in order to groom these people as hosts and sleepers for serving the Thothian Luciferians. The New Age hijack is what has been created in groups who refuse to grow up, or to become accountable for their behaviors and responsible for their lives, thus, committing to a personal value system that evolves into spiritual maturity and self-integrity.

In this context of a staged military style takeover, the general dissemination of New Age, Ascension or Disclosure information that is given out by the mind control handlers is used to take complete control over assigning approved topics and unapproved topics. Some of these fringe topics are being made increasingly acceptable in the mainstream, gaining larger audiences from massively growing commercial industries, as New Age themes have been parlayed into multiple million-dollar branding opportunities. As an example, after the success of a hit televised show, it is now acceptable to talk about Ancient Aliens that were involved in human history a few thousand years ago, but it remains unacceptable to talk about aliens here on earth with us right now.

Battle for Disclosure and Controlled Opposition

Humanity is enduring a hidden multidimensional battle for disclosure which is gradually happening as the collective consciousness shifts into higher dimensional planes as the result of the Ascension cycle. It is evident that there is a hijack of the disclosure movement in order to gain total control over how that particular content is being shared with the public. This is occurring via the spreading of familiar narratives and the same propaganda tactics that are used for the purpose of psychological manipulation of the intended audience and the key players. For propaganda to be effective it has to have a mouthpiece, there must be key players or persons in positions of power with significant control over mass-communication media who are thought to have credibility with a large audience that makes them money.

Controlled opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the Q-anon movement. Maybe it’s a guru personality offering DNA activation and the ability to manifest anything you want. As a result of the sensationalism, marketing or other methods to deliver this level of information, they gain power and influence from the amount of people that have gathered, along with the online clicks and money that is spent on their products or watching them at events. Power and influence are forces gathered through which they become a pied piper, a person that is celebrated, worshipped or made into a hero. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately, they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of controlled opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack critical thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity.

Deception tactics 101 are used to generate mental fabrications and emotional reactions intended for seizing control, power, benefits and advantages at the victim’s expense. That may be to intentionally spread disinformation or outright lies to stimulate emotional reactions, so people do not use critical thinking in discerning the quality or truthfulness of the information they are being given. The golden rule of deception is management of the other person's perception, such that they do not know any deception is happening and accept whatever you tell them or spoon feed them as truthful. If we don’t realize that we are being lied to we are at a disadvantage. This blocks out our higher discernment in determining the quality of people and objects that are emanating these combinations of forces that are dark or light, positive or negative, alien or human, or anything else for that matter. 

The disclosure movement has been intentionally shaped into the left-brain composite of the branch of alternative researchers and presenters who still operate on the presumption that the scientific method promoted by academia is credible, and attempt to deliver evidence-based information that can be corroborated through multiple parties of expert witnesses. The movement towards disclosure is predominately geared towards those males that are polarized in their mental body and masculine energy, the intellectual profile that rely on the sole basis of their physical body’s five basic senses. If they can see it in the visible light spectrum, well then, they’ll believe it. Thus, the primary profile of key people that are populating the disclosure movement tend to be 3D fact finders and researchers and not direct experiencers, hence many are not primarily interested in spiritual development or expanding consciousness. This provides a blaring blind spot for dark manipulation to incite negative ego behaviors and dominating egos run amok, as the result of gaining some power and influence, where promoting a brand, merchandise or online clicks are more important than actually having personal integrity and delivering high quality truthful assessments of the current conditions we find ourselves in.   

In the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community where large conferences and panels are gaining commercial popularity and increasing profitability, victims and victimizers are generated in those communities like the flavor of the month. From personal experiences and continued observation of key players, back stabbing and two-faced lying are standard fare at these events, along with a large smile flashing right on cue to endear the applauding audience. Most seasoned presenters with some semblance of personal integrity and ethical conduct learn very quickly that the majority of the people on these circuits are not your friends or peer group. They will turn on you quite viciously if you deviate from their approved topics or narratives or if you are perceived as threatening to their power base. Some of the most hostile mind-controlled people are on these panels and in these communities, as many are being directly controlled by the Thothian groups. Thus, they are highly reactive and emotionally explosive when they feel they are being challenged in any way.

Nevertheless, the disclosure event must eventually happen in order to reveal the deceptions, fraud and crimes against humanity made by those humans and nonhumans that have conspired to covertly generate global human slavery and mind control, by implementing the blueprint of the NAA groups for instigating world suffering for the purpose of creating a consciousness prison.  

Full Disclosure Event refers to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveals the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History. Not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records and enslave the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the Extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments. Additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet. How earth, human resources and technology are used as barter to trade with a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. Full Disclosure Event includes revealing the Power Elite groups and Negative Alien groups that have abused power on earth and are required to restore energetic balance, to make amends for the crimes they have made against humanity.

To stop the targeting of individuals attempting to disseminate the truth by crippling them financially, socially and otherwise, is another reason why disclosure is so important for those of us that seek to know the truth above all. It would remove a huge burden of threats and attacks to those of us under the assorted umbrella of the truth communities that are giving all of our time and energy, that is our life’s work to support full disclosure of this information to be freely given to the earth population. If people were not being lied to, but being re-educated towards the content that includes disclosure, they would be much more open.  More open and willing to comprehending the laws of nature and to see how the current death culture was engineered to violate those laws in order to enslave all of humanity. Much of what we see harming people in the world today could be stopped with only critical thinking, common sense and the ability to reduce some selfishness and greed.

Speaking of selfishness and greed, in order to better understand the Thothian Luciferians, the TEE entities and the Galactic Federation historical timeline tragedies on planet earth, we must go back in time to discover the original meaning behind the title of Lucifer. 

Who is the Original Lucifer?

The original use of the title Lucifer originates from the collective races that are from the Nibiruian lines of the Annunaki races that further merged with the Thoth-Enki Annunaki and Fallen Seraphim races.  During the last rounds of angelic human seeding on the planet earth, the Thoth-Enki Annunaki groups had entered into agreements with the Emerald Guardians in which they requested rehabilitation of their representative race lines, through intending to participate in the rehabilitation and regenesis of their DNA.  However, when these DNA regenesis and genetic spiritual healing programs were to begin, they immediately defected and joined the competing Annunaki groups genocidal programs against human beings. Consistently, their modus operandi for divide and conquer of earth has demonstrated ruthless psychological warfare that includes perpetuating falsity, deception and gaslighting tactics for their own agendas designed for enslaving other species. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self.  

The historical timelines that include the Thothian Luciferian groups and the Galactic Federation’s involvement with humanity, represent a dramatic archetypal storyline of warring predators that constantly shift military position and allegiances by consistently making friendly enemy deals. They like to play two sides of the coin in double dealings with other alien agendas in order to create temporary strategic alliances that benefit their general positioning over their perceived opponents. In their mind set, their opponents are the angelic human beings of Earth, Tara and Gaia, and those who protect them and their planetary territories, namely the Paliadorians and Guardian Krystic races.

Thothian Luciferians highly prize playing the war game of conquest in which they are challenged by brute force and cunning strategies, fighting to win positions of power and domination over other races and planets. Hundreds of thousands of years later, not much has changed. The Thothian Luciferian Groups and those with alliances in the Galactic Federation are the sworn enemies of all angelic human beings on the earth, and have dedicated themselves to perpetuate continual warring agendas of human and earth-based genocide. They desire to annihilate the original human silicate matrix DNA with the Inner Christos, and further eradicate the original peaceful, love based human culture by replacing it with their anti-human ideologies of war, blood sacrifice and self-hatred.

These primarily Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid race collectives joined together to form an anti-Kristos and anti-human domination agenda, that evolved over multiple thousands of years into the group consciousness gestalt which became known as the Luciferians.  This alliance was made between several Luciferian collective races to work towards installing the New World Order in order to take territorial control over the earth, prevent the planetary ascension and ultimately destroy the original human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA. This was formalized in an agreement just before staging the events that caused the Atlantian flood and this collective non-terrestrial agreement is referred to as the Luciferian Covenant.

Galactic Federation’s Luciferian Alliance

The Luciferian Annunaki collectives made further agreements with those that had been tasked by the Sirian Council to help protect the planetary Stargates and the developing and evolving angelic human races, and this particular group is the Galactic Federation. Annunaki members that were enlisted in the Galactic Federation wanted to gain control over the Giza Stargate, and to expand their expeditions beyond their current access levels in order to claim more territory in the outer domain for themselves.  Thus, it was the members of the Galactic Federation in alliance with the Thothian Groups that were the primary factions responsible for the total destruction and cataclysm that ensued, which thrust planet earth into the dark ages and was an orchestrated agenda of intentional angelic human genocide.

Further, they have been responsible for directly concealing the knowledge of this fact, through the continual manipulation and intentional falsification of written history and the purposeful eradication of human historical records that reveal the genuine existence of the Atlantian colonies and the highly advanced technologies that were commonplace in human society during this timeline. The true and accurate hidden historical records provide the scientific and factual evidence for the direct involvement of these non-terrestrial Luciferian groups, in which they banded together as the Snake Brotherhood Kings during Atlantis. They made a secret pact called the Luciferian Covenant for the purpose of the total annihilation of the historical timelines and cellular memories of humanity, to wipe out all records of highly technological human civilizations that were naturally evolving and advancing human consciousness and authentic human culture. The eradication of all of the technology, memories, histories and identities during the advanced civilization of the Atlantian colonies on the earth, is a conspiracy enacted through a blood covenant made with the Illuminati hybrid humans that make up the Power Elite and answer to the Thothian Luciferian groups.

Destructive Events Caused by Thoth and Galactic Federation

Multiple millions of years ago, the Galactic Federation worked closely with the High Sirian Council to serve as a Guardian race that would help to support the seeding and evolution process of the planet earth in its lowest density, the first Harmonic Universe, also called the third dimensional timelines. About 50,000 years ago, the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a harmonic resonator chamber within an interdimensional portal system in which visiting space craft could time travel and access the earth plane very quickly, especially if some kind of intervention was needed. It also marked the location of the Stargate and access to the Inner Earth. During the cycle in which the Great Pyramid was built or the pre-Atlantian times, the Galactic Federation was tasked to protect the Stargate portal and the ascension chamber within it and to intervene in case of an attack from hostile intruders such as the Annunaki resistance. However, the true intention behind the involvement of building and maintaining these technologies on the earth’s most important Stargate was to be exploited for a full domination agenda carried out covertly by the Thothian Luciferian groups.

The Great Pyramid was a Mystery School for the Blue Flame Melchizedek spiritual ascension program and to help accelerate DNA assembly for portal passage through the Inner Earth portal that was located under the Sphinx. Some patriarchal factions of the Annunaki Melchizedeks were influenced by Thoth and disregarded the Law of One teachings, thus they came into direct conflict with the Blue Flame Melchizedeks that had direct access to the portals. They became increasingly hostile when they were forbidden access to the Great Pyramid and its ascension chambers. Thus, they organized a larger group resistance in Atlantis with the plan to explode the protective force field in order to take control over the Giza Stargate, via setting off explosions. To achieve their goal, they enlisted the support of the sympathizers that were in the Galactic Federation as many were originally from the Annunaki lineages and felt they too were being unjustly discriminated against and were more powerful than the Law of One teachings. As a result of the infiltration that occurred from Sirius A, the Jehovian Annunaki took control over the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, joining the Luciferian Covenant and planning the final stages of the Atlantian Cataclysm with the purpose to eradicate the earth's historical records and technological knowledge, sending the earth's inhabitants back into the dark ages.

These same groups were responsible for directing scalar-based weapons into the planetary field, into the Stonehenge 11th Stargate in orchestration with the Nibiruians, to erase the collective human race memories and to eliminate any trace of our recorded histories stemming from Atlantis and the tragic events that led to the Atlantian Cataclysm. This became the Checkerboard Mutation. The Checkerboard Mutation is generated from multiple alien machinery systems that reverse the energy current throughout the planetary grid networks, to split them into bi-wave frequencies. The bi-wave consciousness allows for extreme polarity amplification in the Collective Consciousness energies, and the splitting between the polarities to generate extreme densification. This is also what produces gender reversals in the human Lightbody and gender splitting. These reversals are intended to maintain the reversal networks on the earth plane that keep human DNA Unplugged and the Thoth groups in control of the timelines on the earth grids. See Tower of Babel.

Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Thothian groups once again partnered with the Galactic Federation to stage several sequential invasions in the Sumerian-Egypt regions in order to gain control over the demographic areas of the Stargates in the Middle East. They introduced the Dragon Moths from Orion into the area in order to remove the Dynastic Egyptian histories that included the accurate records of the 12 tribes of angelic humans seeded on the earth, and the advanced technologies the Egyptians were using that came directly from the knowledge and memory of the Atlantian civilization. Erasure of the accurate timelines of Egyptian history and consistent manipulation of the information given to the public is ongoing in order to confuse, gaslight and derail any further investigation that connects the Atlantian Conspiracy to the disinformation that is given about Egyptian artifacts and supposed current discoveries. It is an active campaign of disinformation organized by those that are bound to serve the Luciferian Covenant.

They continued their Luciferian conquest during the Djoser Invasion to gain submission of the Pharaoh protecting grail line artifacts and portal access levels. Through the use of EMP weapons deployed through coordinated air strikes, they intentionally destroyed several ancient cities and historical records from Sumeria, Egypt and the Dead Sea, while burning alive many of the Egyptian population that lived there.

Under Pharaoh Thutmose III (Thoth), Hatshepsut's half-brother, the Galactic Federation was tasked to destroy the angelic human tribes genetically coded to the Temple Mount Stargate, known as grail-keepers.

Thus, true and accurate Egyptian history was replaced with the Black Sun agenda of inserting the Egyptian Pantheon of Gods, along with their black magic rituals, that were to be enforced by the installation of the Setian King lines, Hyksos and the Amun Snake Priesthood. These groups in the Middle East would eventually integrate into the Greek Mystery Schools and further evolve into the corrupted lineages of the secret societies that formed as the Knights Templars and Freemasons, some using the image of Akhenaton as their Luciferian high priest for enacting the blueprint for the New World Order. This is an inside joke to the Galactic Federation, to defame his image and make a mockery of his life. Akhenaton was a Krystic being serving the Law of One, attempting to negotiate with these rogue Annunaki groups to allow humanity to ascend in the 2012 window without interference. His negotiations to enter into a peace treaty failed, shortly after he was murdered a heretic king by a family member, and thus branded as a Luciferian high priest to the Illuminati hybrid lines. 

The Galactic Federation works with the NAA groups towards world domination and are behind the mind control propaganda that the Annunaki are the Gods of the earth and this Solar System, promoting themselves as the divine angels returning to help humanity ascend, to seduce the earth population into subjugation to their New World Order enslavement agenda.

Thothian Leviathan New World Order

The orchestration of several events leading to the final Atlantian Cataclysm and ripping wormholes in the Giza Stargate system, was only the first stage of implementing the Annunaki Thothian groups working alliance with the Galactic Federation, in which they combined their forces towards securing their domination agenda on the planet through the New World Order. The Thothian Luciferian groups specifically groomed the illuminati hybrid lines to be their representatives and to be the groundcrew carrying out the physical tasks required to gradually implement the consciousness enslavement blueprint of the New World Order, to be fully executed during the pinnacle stages of the ascension cycle. These human Annunaki hybrids were conditioned, implanted and prepared to be the primary Luciferian bloodlines that would be assigned into the highest echelon of global planetary leadership, and would come to be known more specifically as the Thothian Leviathan or Illuminati bloodlines.

The Luciferian cultivated Thothian Leviathan bloodlines were sent to the North American continent to gain control over the Sarasota Grual Stargate and prepare the groundwork of what would become the United States of America. This demographic location was designated for laying the architecture of the New Jerusalem as controlled by the Leviathan entities, for the purpose of building the main Control Pillars of Society upon the North American ley lines that supported the consciousness blueprint for ultimately manifesting their vision of the Global New World Order. The United States land mass was chosen as the epicenter for Thothian and Leviathan entities command central for implementing the programs of the Military Industrial Complex and black operations, that joined humans and nonhumans into several covert intelligence programs and secret space programs.  The United States became the primary world military power under their covert leadership in order to prepare for the final conflict or Megiddo battle, which was for gaining complete control over the earth and humanity when the Stargates opened and the planetary Ascension was underway.

And this brings us to the current global agendas still in play, as the battle for the surface earth continues with those loyal to the Luciferian Covenant, that are setting into motion all they can to implement the New World Order objectives, under the guise of socialism and into the hellish pit of communism, the blueprint of human slavery given to Marx from the Black Suns.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Suggested for You


    These articles are an Introduction to the Ascension material in our library to help you begin to develop a context on your personal Ascension Journey. Along with the Guardians, my mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impact of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. 

    Our objective is to better comprehend the changes we undergo in our life and understand the symptoms we may experience of our physical and energy body's “Ascension” (the awakening process) and to explore various tools for healing and clearing ourselves as smoothly and easily as possible. From this empowered place, one can release the fear and confusion we all experience having to be dismantled from the mental programs placed upon us from the egotistic material world, and begin to feel supported throughout our spiritual awakening process.

    Click on the links to the left or right to read various articles of interest that I feel are of primary importance at this time. 

  • 12th Dimensional Shield

    We will go over some spiritual homework that is suggested to strengthen your aura and to build your body to repel manipulation or obfuscation, which is confusion. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energy body (aura).

    So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego personality and God. And that can be simply stated in these words or words of your own that feel emotionally charged and connected to you such as:

    My declaration of intention to serve my source.
    I commit to serve my highest power fully completely and totally.

    I am God.  I am Sovereign.  I am Free.

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