Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

April 2008

Lisa Renee

As of this year we have moved into the next demarcation point of the New Age and have just started to experience the energetic transmissions from the Galactic Levels of Cosmic Consciousness. This is accelerating us beyond a phase of planetary consciousness development into the next level of awareness or Galactic consciousness expansion. Recently there have been levels of transmission from Cosmic Intelligences that have never been available to humanity and this planet before. From this point onward we will be exposed to ever higher frequencies and galactic coding generating from these Cosmic Intelligences.

The energetic circuitry this planet needed to create a dual communication exchange with these intelligences has now been completed. Further, the energetic conditions needed to build and influence the critical mass into this new portal, into accessing this Vantage Point has been intercepted and reached.

This next year will reveal to the waves of human beings in the Ascending Timelines, the Energetic Reality of Unity Consciousness. Rather than experiencing Unity as a mental or emotional concept from an imposed belief structure stemming from our inherently created polarity, we will feel and experience Unity as an actual reality. We will start to create living systems based on this reality. Unity Consciousness as an Energetic Reality, is the New Vantage Point we are able to access now. And this comes from a new ability to transcend the inherent polarity schism that exists within the energetic template of our bodies and thus our entire perceived reality system. Unity Consciousness is the Frequency of Love generated from the Cosmic or Galactic Christ.

Displaced and Disoriented

In the last three months we have experienced an odd sensation of intense energies pushing and pulling us, yet with no associated forward momentum. In this interim phase it felt as if we were waiting for something to happen, while we watched the external crumble away. We have been waiting for this next timeline of our reality to phase lock into our Now moment of awareness. Until that timeline comes into our direct view of visibility, we are unable to see it or sense it. At times, our personality has been quite uncomfortable with this process.

During this period many of us have been displaced and disoriented as our home spaces and locations were placed in upheaval or we were abruptly given deadlines to move our residence.

The common link among this displaced group is the theme of being called into the new Galactic Integrator or stewardship role. There have been some hearty new soul curricula introduced to this group, along with peeling off the last remnants of ego in order to prepare the identity for the next stages. Naked, vulnerable and stretched to the beyond, we were tested to trust that resources would magically appear in the 11.99th hour.

In many cases we had no sense of direction as to how to create the next step and many of our soul group has been existing in a transitional or spiritual nomadic phase. With everything in such a state of flux it was clear that long term decisions were not to be made as nothing was feeling in true alignment anyway. For some the tensions and frustrations over this lack of clarity in direction were quite high. Especially for those of us that have small children and other connections to maintain the 3D reality structure.

We found ourselves flip-flopping, making decisions that ultimately led us back into a full circle or to the same place we started. Some of our innocent bystanders and life observers, friends and family have definitely been perplexed by these new behaviors and experiences. Most observers even while supportive, were not able to create a context in which to place these changes. The intimacies shared with certain friends and family began to feel like an ever growing space was being wedged in between, altering the ability to share mutual life experiences. Reevaluations ensued as we have felt distinct changes shifting our friendships. 

The spiritual nomads found that couch surfing and other temporary housing or work scenarios had shown up as interim support systems. Everything is subject to change at a moment’s notice. 

The Ascension Vanguard, the beings with the agreement to experience this in the first waves are about to emerge outside of this experience, as the forward momentum begins.

The Crystal River 

In April and ongoing the momentum begins as long as we maintain the now moment presence and move into the stream. It will feel like a new river of energy beginning to flow around us and this has a completely new quality of iridescent pastel milky light energy. As we let the river fill up to create a crystal container of light around us, we are learning to relax and float in the container while letting the river carry us.

As we go through this portal with a newly expanded view, we are accessing a new timeline direction with a new Vantage Point. The new Vantage Point is like seeing a visual representation of the horizon and seeing that the horizon has been lifted and moved onto a higher level. Our future momentum and movement have been greatly affected by this event as we are now lifted into this new direction. What exists in our reality structure is defined by 'As Above So Below', and has been met with an intersection that blends and merges these reality systems into a completely new palette and stream of color. From this Crystal River we get to utilize systems of energy, frequency spectrums and wave forms to create a newly vitalized patterning for our creative soul experience. The River of Life will support us in new ways as we learn to relax into the new way of being. 

The Crystal River is the next level of human light body expansion, stemming from the particle acceleration created by the accumulated access to the Admantine particles or the Aurora Races re-encryption format. The Admantine particle acceleration and its related portal system of exchange with the planet is happening now. Just in divine timing for CERN to begin its particle accelerator experiment in May 2008. Clearly, we are getting geared up for the particle conversion process when the Galactic Core’s begin to phase lock and massive God Matrix, Zero Point energy exchanges. We have no timelines available just yet, on when this transpires.

Particle Acceleration Technology

The European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN is the world's largest particle physics laboratory, situated in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the border between France and Switzerland. Its main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research. Numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN by international collaborations to make use of them. Most of the activities at CERN are currently directed towards building a new collider, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the experiments for it. The LHC physics experiments are expected to start May 2008, delayed due to an inner triplet magnet assembly failing a pressure test in March 2007. The LHC tunnel is located 100 meters underground, in the region between the Geneva airport and the nearby Jura mountains. It uses the 27 km circumference circular tunnel previously occupied by LEP which was closed down in November 2000. CERN's existing PS/SPS accelerator complexes will be used to pre-accelerate protons which will then be injected into the LHC.

See Wikipedia

Masculine and Feminine Power Rifts 

Certainly, this has been an Age of the Female God Principal becoming embodied as the Prophet of the New Age and the forerunner of the Human Ascension Cycle. Recently rips through the fabric of time that have been key to creating gender splitting and distortion, have been more readily apparent. Many of us are fulfilling the completion of roles we had embodied through the many stations of identities we have inhabited, such as in Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt. 

Deeply embedded unconscious schisms and their ego implants have been more readily surfacing into view in mixed gender relations. This is specifically prevalent in circumstances of ego perceived influence or power. As a species and as a gender in form, we are rebalancing the power structures that have been so distorted for eons of time. We are learning and developing new ways of loving and accepting each other through the mirrors of our gender. Old energy paradigms are completely obsolete and yet our New World systems are not yet in place to support our new ways of being. This creates many challenges with our ability to maintain absolute clarity in our gender interactions and to be aware of the deeply ingrained ego pitfalls of our species. 

There are not many divine union templates available in our society as a tangible example for us, and so this transitional process takes great patience and fortitude. As more Female bodies become integrated and embodied in the True God Source, The Female Melchizedek Form or Female Cosmic Christ, there are power conflicts surfacing from age old implants. These are needing to be cleared and the energies to be unified. These implants are from the old energy structure still attempting to wield control over the exertion of True Power. This New Power Source is God Source and obviously, cannot be controlled nor contained.

We are getting used to the Female God Power Principle being exerted into our world in New Ways. Flare ups, misrepresentations and accusations to manipulate these power conflicts between the genders may occur. Allow the space for healing to transpire without judgment. We are coming to the end of an incredibly long history of patriarchal dominion and the extreme enslavement of our species, based on these systems. We may be called to complete our long histories of this involvement with the interaction or remembrance of our other stations of identity. If these circumstances show up in your life or become hostile or challenging, do not let this throw you off balance, stay in your power in all ways. Your ability to maintain the now presence, fully owning your power is all that is needed.

Transharmonic Pillar

The Cosmic Triad formation has been critical in the ability of our timeline grids to intercept the spiritual link up, thus opening a Transharmonic Gate exchange with these Cosmic Intelligences. The Triad is a planetary grid building technique that many of the planetary guardians, now incarnated and activated to understand their role, have been embodying their divine purpose to collaborate with. This was a personal role and piece fulfilled by our ES community trip recently in Damanhur. The Transharmonic Pillar was visibly represented through the Trinitized Form, Cosmic Christ Template Body, as it became activated for our group. We began to comprehend that WE ARE THE STARGATES! The Eternal Living Light exists within us as the divine birthright to our species to evolve into our own Universes. With this spiritual technology activated inside us we are the Stargate portals of the Universe. This means no physical location matters, as we inherently can exist in anytime and any space once we have activated our Transharmonic Pillar.

Those in the Guardian Groups have been activated into this awareness in order to be the bridge and mapmakers for humanity. This is what it means to be a portal jumper. As a contingent plan some of us will be able to hold thousands of energy bodies within the Transharmonic Pillar to access the Transharmonic Gate.

With the Andromedan Core link up to the Milk Way Core and our Earth Core, the Transharmonic Universe Timelines will now be available for access at this level of human consciousness, after eons of time. This transpired as a result of the multidimensional intersection and timeline grids collapse, that was anchored into our time zone as a part of the events in March 2007 and ongoing. This was a part of implementing the Ascension Plan B Timeline Project, which is not the original stair step Ascension model planned to merge humanity and the planet with its 5D Counterpart. This Cosmic Triad, Trinity intersection is a Transharmonic Conversion Point. The place which connects to the middle time zone and the Inner Earth time zone, which leads up to the 12D Blueprints that exist for the planetary body. It is also the Dimensional Doorway leading us to the Next Universal Cycle, evolving us into our destiny as a fully Ascended Race of Beings.

May we utilize the Spiritual Technologies of our own Consciousness to transform humanity and our planet into the Golden Age for all Sentient Beings.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path.

We are here as One.

Love, Lisa


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