Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
January 2008
Lisa Renee
This first newsletter of the New Year contains some current planetary events, as well as a discussion of the Annual Energetic Theme for our planet's experience in 2008. The over-lighting theme for this coming year will be living and breathing our soul's full Luminosity of the Heart, as we delve into the higher consciousness expression of the Nineteenth Portal known as The Sun in classic Tarot.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 27903
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
February 2008
Lisa Renee
SO MUCH OF WHAT WE EXPERIENCE right now in our shifting reality system has relevance to computer technology and its related jargon. The verbal language that best expresses what is transpiring now in human evolution can be found within our current understanding of computing. We observe a clear pattern of humanity consistently being acclimated to co-exist with more and more advanced technologies, in an increasingly computerized society. This increased use of technology as commonplace in our day to day lives, is a part of the Ascension plan.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 25420
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
March 2008
Lisa Renee
Round and round we go in the Cosmic Rinse Cycle, whirling out every last bit of extraneous debris and then some as we are getting pulled inside and out of the Cosmic Vacuum. No one told us when the Divine Feminine God Aspect returned to the planet she would be bringing with her Power Tools.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 26834

Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
April 2008
Lisa Renee
As of this year we have moved into the next demarcation point of the New Age and have just started to experience the energetic transmissions from the Galactic Levels of Cosmic Consciousness. This is accelerating us beyond a phase of planetary consciousness development into the next level of awareness or Galactic consciousness expansion. Recently there have been levels of transmission from Cosmic Intelligences that have never been available to humanity and this planet before. From this point onward we will be exposed to ever higher frequencies and galactic coding generating from these Cosmic Intelligences.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 26164
Suggested for You
Introduction to ES Material
Dear Ascending Family,
I have compiled the information below as the suggested introduction to gain a context of understanding the consciosuness changes that are happening on the planet now. The shift in planetry consciousness is referred to as Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Ascension, or Expanding Consciousness during the Ascension Cycle which marks the completion of the evolutionary time cycle on the planet earth. Many more human beings are experiencing an array of paranormal consciousness experiences, regaining other lifetime memories, developing higher sensory perception, perceiving inter-dimensional entities, and having communications with perceived Guardian Angels or Extraterrestrials, as well as multi-dimensional experiences.
Biology of Kundalini
Dear Ascension Family,
I thought it appropriate to share kundalini resources as we go through this evolutionary phase. Many times my physical body is undergoing a very intense kundalini release with activated ascension symptom response and it has phases that it lasts for a long time at peak levels. Attempting to find nourishment is extremely difficult to frustrating, and I do not generally feel the ecstatic bliss states or vital energy. I am dealing with day to day commitments while my kundalini is burning out toxins and whatever else it is finding deep in the cellular material. Since western city life does not really support kundalini awakening or have any awareness about it, we have a challenge in that we are here to integrate into this contemporary society all the while with intense kundalini activations, transpiring simultaneously. This is one of the greatest challenges as an ascending human to find the balance in our lives as we are ascending. I am sure this is why so many of us undergoing kundalini activation isolate themselves, as the energy it takes to answer a simple question from other people, such as, how are you? What are you doing? can become a mind boggling proposition!