Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

January 2009

Lisa Renee


HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR! This first newsletter of the New Year discusses some current planetary events, as well as the Annual Energetic Theme for our planet's experience in 2009. The over-lighting theme for this coming year will be The Messenger of God revealed, as in the metaphor of Archangel Gabriel blowing his Trumpet of God's Revelation. In fact, Gabriel means the Messenger of God or the hero of God. Gabriel represents the power of God's Life Breath being brought into our consciousness where we can be asleep no more. We're understanding there are Universal Laws governing our reality and there are definitive archetypal patterns to absolutely all cycles of consciousness movement and expression. In this year of 2009 the planetary mass consciousness will experience the Portal of Judgment in this physical dimension.

The Portal of Judgment

We will observe this theme being emphasized in all facets, vantage points and perceptions playing out in the many layers of the holographic reality of our world this year. From each vibrational choice having been made there is the possibility of an entirely different perspective. For those who have not learned the difference between energetic discernment and ego judgment, they will need to assert external control mechanisms. This means that relative levels of distortion will be present and we will see many people develop a compelling need to proselytize and convert others. The urgency will be felt by many people, some of whom will feel the need to control their belief systems by re-asserting their personal will and control over their environments. This is how the group reality bubbles will form, where these old belief systems that people resist changing can be kept alive. This is how the ego plays the safety game, it thinks it is safe by controlling its environment, by imposing its personal beliefs. We may observe some of us regressing back into the Fanatical behavior, such as standing on the street corner with a megaphone announcing scriptural references to passersby. Everyone will feel the deep need to be the REVEALER of Truth.

The Global Awakening has been quickened with the recent social-economic downturns. This is a first level structure dismantling that will inspire many more people to ask the internal questions which they have been distracted from, into forgetting. More spiritual inquiry, self examination and opening to the inner spiritual influences is increasingly prevalent now. In this terrain much of humanity will be removed from the normal perceptive ranges of thinking and linear processing. Creative thinking, intuitive messages and feeling mechanisms will be more utilized because we have to change. The old way is not working anymore and new creative resolutions must be applied. Because proper ego training or discipline has not been applied for most of humanity, we will see both extremes operating simultaneously. We have witnessed more extremes of polarity and this is a part of experiencing the frequency splits between the levels of consciousness experience. This will continue as a pattern. Most of the masses are people that are not able to properly assess their reality, as they are still not aware of its delusion. Delusion creates deception and that makes for a harder challenge when one is attempting to receive and understand the impulses and messages coming from the higher self. Hence it creates more extreme behaviors like the example of the fanatic trying to convert others with their megaphone. This being really feels that it is the right thing to do! The right to own your personal discernment of truth versus the ego judgment to will it upon others, is the distinction to be made at this time. The Portal of Judgment will exacerbate these human behaviors.

The Law of Cause and Effect

During this year if we are ignorant to the Law of Cause and Effect and we are unconscious of how it operates in our lives, it will become like a punishing tyrant. This blind perception will create much misery in our lives, especially if we try to reason mentally what has gone wrong. Things are just not going to be working for you in the same way if you are really attached to the 3D structures. We are seeing the mass human scale of cause and effect, come back for us to witness in a global way. This is so we can see what has not been working and make the changes necessary to shift the paradigm, shift the belief systems. We are being challenged to hear the message, in a sense hear the call of Gabriel's trumpet that has sounded for us to get the message that we must make the changes in our daily lives. Not just the changes in our daily lives, but in all the relative ways needed in our social, economic and governmental structures, and the ways we live and interact as human beings. Through trial and error, through our personal experience we must discover the truth for ourselves. This cycle of extreme global events will awaken us from our inertia if we allow ourselves to listen to it. We will be able to clearly see the error of the patterns that have gone before us and be adaptable to the change, if we are able to be sincere and honest with ourselves. It is the time of correction. Ultimately humanity is standing at a choice point and opportunity, to experience realization and revelation through the extreme events of the cause and effect that we are witnessing. This is a moment of decision. We can choose to be illumined in the heavenly light and be the revealer of truth or descend into the obsessions of the loss of personal control and destruction. We all are standing on the threshold about to experience an entirely new reality, a greater reality.

Changing of the Guard

Last year we entered the first phases of anchoring the Galactic or Cosmic Consciousness on this planet. This was the first reconnection on our planet of the returning of human history, galactic record and its related frequency codes. These frequencies and codes began to flood into our energetic grid systems when the planetary galactic stargate systems were opened. As mentioned in the past few newsletters we have had a major galactic stargate opening in the United Kingdom. This has brought into our planetary dimension's frequencies, entities and creatures that have never existed within our human planes before. This creates some interesting dynamics, as we will experience both the most pure level of the cosmic crystal consciousness, Unity or Christ consciousness, and the origination source of the anti-christ creations. Many of these creations require healing and rehabilitation. We are entering the timelines of the core causation and source of the seed conflict of the Galactic race wars between the Anti-Life and the Eternal Life Forces. And it is in physical matter this conflict will be completed fully, finally and completely in the Ascension Cycle or 2012 Timeline. The time has come for the Changing of the Guard on this planet.

Last year the first waves of ascending humans were introduced to the Luminaries of the Next Universal Cycle. The Aurora Fields, The Diamond Ray and the Aquamarine Ray are emanations stemming from the next Universe. We were given more energetic responsibility as energetic placement holders, and for many of us it meant much of our old life was dismantled and dissolved. We were informed the Changing of the Guard was happening and we were the ones we were waiting for. We went through the painstaking task of the personal and group reevaluation of every single iota of our self and spiritual integrity. We had to release all attachments, as 2008 was a destruction of all that was not coming with us in this next cycle of our new prototype or the budding of our new protoform. We are embodying the new prototype for the human race, and we learned last year how excruciating the physical process of that alchemy could be. Our elemental vehicles were shifted, re-encrypted and the density and darkness was expelled from every possible level of our cellular, molecular and atomic matrix. Many of us are ready to transform and shed the painful cocoon we have been inhabiting and step into becoming our butterfly form. This is in a pinnacle process now as we are close to a major embodiment, an embodiment that has never happened before in the history of humanity. This is our Galactivation.


Those that have the agreement to be the first human prototypes are underway in a process of Galactic walk-in or Galactivation. This ascension wave began in October 2008 when the Galactic planetary stargate opened. This is not a walk-in of an entirely new Oversoul, this is the entire Monadic Galactic Family of One consciousness completing and walking into the extension of its physical human embodiment. It is the physical human that has agreed to be the Galactic Singularity point, an Interdimensional Portal of God Consciousness. I have been briefed that these Galactivating humans are Starseeds, and that this was one of the achievements planned for the group of Starseeds on this planet; the ability to complete this level of galactic consciousness embodiment. This activation level is what allows the physical bodies to begin to transmit and breath the zero point field, neutral field from the higher heart centers. The Thymus chakra and heart chakra change axiatonal line hook ups to the Universal Galactic Core. It is the God Matrix source field and its healing and rehabilitating capabilities are beyond our human verbal expression. The physical bodies have undergone tremendous levels of dropping density and detoxification in every shape and form imaginable, in order to handle these frequencies that would short out most human body's electrical circuitry. The first wave of Galactivating humans will be presented in 2009. This small group of beings are changing the timelines, the bloodlines and ending the agreements of the Redemptive Vehicle or the Redeemer Complex.

In this timeline that begins the cycle of the Changing of the Guard, we are beginning to finally end the role and the 3D contracts, or the necessity of the Galactic Polarity Integrator. The polarity integrator has had the role of holding the Christ redemptive vehicle agreement for the whole of human consciousness. We are ending the agreement of being the Redeemer and stepping into becoming the Revealer.

The Revealer is the Messenger of God Source Realized.

What is a Redemptive Vehicle Contract?

A vehicle utilized and purposed to bring the unification of Christ Expressions, the Trinitized Form into One Collective. One who begins, realizes and consummates to restore the Divine Right Order and Plan in the lower form worlds of the Adam Kadmon or human species model. In terms of the physical universe of eternity, the Christ is the Redemptive vehicle used to make God's children partners in the anointed Sonship of Light, fully capable of spiritual work in the dimensional worlds of Higher Intelligence. For those affected by the Fall, the Christ comes to restore the image and similitude that was lost, and to open the threshold gates or stargates, to the actual garment of Light that Man is to put on if he is to attain the level of the original Adam Kadmon, the 12 Strand DNA Divine Human.

The redemptive vehicle contract is also the support to alchemize the energetic cause and effect, the karmic results from of the accumulated belief systems on this planet. Like the belief that a human being such as Jesus the Christ, was required to be killed for the salvation for humanity. The same energetic result stems from all human parallel belief systems that include that a sacrifice to God must be made to ensure salvation. This false belief system is a deviant program created by the core Christ Crucifixion Insert, which was a distorted belief system propagated by an energetic holographic insert and mind control program placed into the human beings' collective mind matrix. This manipulated the human being to believe, both subconsciously and consciously, that it was necessary to kill each other in the name of God for our personal salvation. The human beings collective mind is a part of the planetary light body. The planetary mind matrix is also called the Logos and exists at the 7th dimensional level of the planet field. This is the field of the Violet Flame and comprises the planet's magnetosphere. (Please refer to my last newsletters for more information on the planetary Crucifixion insert). This is why in this last year and ongoing, the 7th plane and the Violet Ray have been critical missions of planetary grid healing repair work.

Because so many humans on this planet have belief systems based on a Cross/Crucifixion theology, the energetic cause and effect was disastrous to the expansion of humanity's consciousness to achieve liberation, sovereignty and Godhood in the Ascension cycles. Certain beings agreed to incarnate, the Redeemers, to alchemically transform the energetic manifestations, the implants and the holographic architecture of this distorted belief pattern where sacrifice was necessary to appease God. This required much soul retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale. These suffering souls, having been killed in the wars over God or made as a blood sacrifice, were the energetic power sources harnessed to retain the crucifixion insert and its belief system's architecture. One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious fundamental Christian programming. These programs were manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. When these were the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, the energetic results of which were vampiric siphoning of the group human divine soul.

Over eons of time as these repeated patterns were played out by humans, like the need to make sacrifices to God in order to be saved, they were recorded as karmic record into the planet, the human biology and the bloodlines. This resulted in terrible genetic damage. This prevented human beings from easily accessing their own inner spiritual connections to God, as it was so hard to experience the sensations of feeling God consciousness. The dominating controller forces wanting to maintain power over humanity utilized this genetic vulnerability, and amplified them into further weaknesses designed to break down and fragment the human divine spirit. These fragmentations are what create more levels of aberrant, discordant and dense vibrational qualities for the human experience and the planetary hologram, which support that consciousness reality. These fragmentations make up a huge part of the astral plane distortions.

The Planet Grid Healing Commission

In 2009, a specific focus is on our group healing commission that will be brought into more awareness as we heal this together, as a planetary and cosmic community. Those of us that are planetary repair type gridworkers, those of us being recruited into this group healing mission are beginning to understand the necessity of healing and repairing the planetary and human body holographic architecture. All qualities of consciousness, all consciousness experience as a reality comes from the energetic blueprint or the architecture, existing in the pre-manifestation levels of the physical. We are agreeing to take the energetic responsibility and beginning to interact with these levels, in order to bear witness to humanities hidden history and heal these distortions. It seems my body of work will revolve around my comprehension of healing these programs and how they have been inserted into mass mind control programs on this planet. It is this ancient knowledge of how the hologram works that allows our consciousness to change instantly. As when the belief systems change, when the mind control is gone the human is free to choose a more expanded perspective. Humanities mind has been enslaved and controlled, and it is through the understanding of the hologram that we will see exactly how this has been accomplished. And with freedom humanity can reclaim its divine inheritance to be a knower of God.

The Time is Now.

Stay in the luminosity of your heart and Soul Path. We are together as One!

Love, Lisa

Suggested for You

  • The Indigo Neurology

    At this time of accelerated evolution, it is required for some Indigo’s undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field.

    The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic switchboard for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be more easily calibrated to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring will hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual's body with minimum discomfort. Etheric Surgery will be an emerging career of the future, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time of human transition during the Ascension Cycle.  

    In my session experiences, I have witnessed that the Indigo energetic field matrices are much more highly sensitized and developed.  Indigos appear to be pre-wired into naturally being in a developed state of Higher Sensory Perception and thus have multidimensional awareness. Indigos process information and data in the environmental energies much differently than most third dimensional humans.

    Their mode of information processing is not in a linear sequence but in a multidimensional state. They tend to read a page or book from the middle of the page or at the end of the book, not reading to absorb the material from the book cover to finish as do most humans. They can scan a large field of material and pluck out specific data that is of direct interest to them and discard the rest. They can have a huge scope and breadth to their ability to absorb various amounts of information. They are not interested in absorbing anything that is not pertinent to them or of interest to them, hence school studies of detailed minutia is a nightmare for most of these Indigo students. Their cognitive abilities are different and many times they are not recognized and supported within their creative genius. If their immense potential is not cultivated, they may be considered impaired by the third dimensional standards. However, they are highly advanced and require new methods of learning and accessing their creative potential and soul purpose. 

    Indigos have highly developed senses in different areas, acute hearing, sight or sensitivity to smell, sounds and food. This can also develop into allergic responses to many environmental synthetics, pollutants and preservatives in food. Anything inorganic is an insult to their nervous system and may become intolerable for them.  Also, many Indigo’s are fully telepathic. If they are exposed to certain qualities of energy fields not in resonance to their personal vibration, it can feel excruciating to them. I have found that many Adult Indigos over time, have self medicated their sensitivity with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to harsh energies. Since childhood, they were emotionally overwhelmed from the tremendous input and array of external energies. Many times unaware they were an empath and that they would absorb the feelings, thoughts and energies of people around them. Over time this phenomena would feel painfully dense for them. 

    Over the years, when I had an session practice, I have facilitated neurological structure upgrades at the energetic template level for Indigo’s. This is a type of etheric surgery that upgrades the nadis structures and the energetic blueprint for the nervous system to be calibrated into harmony with the current vibration level of the soul essence housing the body(ies). I have facilitated this for Adults and children. In most cases the client feels more comfortable in a variety of ways. Many times nutrients and supplements are also requested to support the physical body with its neurological structure. As the nerve synapses fire energetic frequency it can burn through the neurotransmitter supply and specific tissue salts and minerals. Once these nutrients are replaced the Indigo feels much less anxiety or as highly sensitized when exposed to discordant frequencies. 

    We are going through a cycle of massive acceleration of frequency activation. We need to prepare our bodies and use all tools given to us to make this as smooth as possible. I highly encourage, as you are guided, to utilize the tools and begin to inquire within what is needed for you personally. Ask to be guided to the right healers, for information, or direct healing from your Ascension Teams and Indigo Star Families.  

    I offer this as information that has been provided to me during many of my etheric healing sessions. At this time it is difficult to quantify scientifically, as this data has been compiled through cultivating an multidimensional awareness over the past few years of my personal Ascension process and doing thousands of sessions.  I genuinely hope this will help parents of Indigo Children and Adult Indigos alike to discern better their own multidimensional energy anatomy and find solutions to allow them more comfort during this special time on the planet.  

    I have provided many tools on this website and the community. These invocational commands are called the “Indigo Calibration Tool”. As you are guided, please facilitate for yourself as needed and for your Indigo children. You may need to develop a spiritual program and do them repeatedly as this assists the inner plane healers and Master Guides supporting our personal evolution to get more accurate and specific in fine tuning the neurological structure upgrades.

    Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!


    As a parent, you must ask permission from the Higher selves involved if you are in harmony to represent this healing for the child. Feel your answer, or muscle test. If the answer is no, you must wait or ask for direct lead as to what step is next. If there is an opening, request as the Parent to address your Childs Higher Self Spiritual Council. (HSC) I would suggest to complete this calibration when your child has just gone to sleep. Request your Higher Self Councils and your child’s HSC work together to the highest capacity of exchange in service to the Light. I also highly suggest working with creating the 12D Shield for yourself first (as Step one) and then placing one around your child. This would be Step two.

    You may use the language of your own request or to your specific Spiritual Authority that you feel attuned to. I greatly suggest that you must include that you are intending to align to the Agenda of the Guardian Races here to serve the Law of One and Christ Mission, because they are truth spirits and do not deceive or manipulate. Otherwise, it is possible that one can get those entities with different agendas sneaking in. Many of these Indigo-Crystal children are of extreme interest to ET races and so your intention and setting the field is very important. It is your responsibility to command the space in the Light and In Service to the highest experssion of God Source. When you set the space, one is commanding that nothing else outside that vibration of the truth spirit or God Source be allowed within your sacred space.

    Much love and blessings to you both,


    Parent-Child Indigo Calibration

    Parent Speaks for Child:

    We Ask The Guardians, God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    I place my child in the stewardship of which is dedicated to serve God’s blessing and grace and for him/her to be returned as their rightful ownership held in the Natural Laws of God in divine sovereignty, as God would have it be. I bless and sanctify my child to be blessed, protected and dedicated to the highest expression that serves the Eternal God Plan, in the authority of God, and name of the Christ. Please give me direct cognition of any action or non- action to be addressed as the parent of  ______  as I state my blessing and commitment to protect my child as a servant and vessel of God’s highest light and expression.

    (Imagine or Intend filling yourself/child with 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light, the dimension where our 12 DNA strand AVATAR Blueprint exists.Spend a few moments feeling that fill your body.)

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in into full expansion in the Cosmic Christ Force of Krystal Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the AURORA KRYSTAL FORCES OF LIGHT to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Ask our Higher Selves to check to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies and parts or bodies have been abducted, and return them NOW, and to invalidate the beings that did the abduction, healing and sealing your field from intrusion. We call back now all that is our self sovereign god power and right.

    Further Return all energies and essences that were stolen or misdirected from control or manipulation. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW.

    Call in our personal ascension and evolution team to support.

    We Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and Holographic Repatterning to the Christ Mind.

    We ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering our spiritual growth.

    Remove all imbalanced energies, implants and their manipulation, all fear-based programs preventing us from completing our ascension.

    Please install the lattice work of light into our mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs.

    You may feel them moving out the top of your head. If you feel specific fears you know about yourself, request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Christ Masters to remove. The more specific the better.

    We request that our Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there.

    We Request that you clear and heal our etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking either of us or me.

    We request that you clear and heal our astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from our astral, or emotional body

    We thank the Beloved Guardians and our Evolution Teams and genetic technicians for this healing and support.

    We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral pattern in our genetic lineage contributing to any blockages preventing us from our soul and god realization. We claim in the Truth of our being fully revealed as Light. The divine inheritance that IS the Truth. Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!

    Request that the (Reptilian) tailbone implant/obstruction/manipulation to be removed by the Guardians or 12th Dimensional God Self and to restore the merkaba spin and rotation to its absolute perfect state of functioning. Command your Light to be All Received NOW. Open all energetic communication and pathways to be crystal clear with your etheric template body by axiatonal alignment to the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies. Ask your Root chakra and Sacral Chakra attunement and axiatonal lines be connected to the frequency hubs in divine harmony and right order.

    Anchor, activate, energize 12th Dimensional Blueprint, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be.

    Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body.

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, and the Electro magnetic Battery Body to new connections. Reset and Synchronize to Timeline in this moment of Self.

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all etheric merdian Channels to the Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines in order of priority as necessary. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through the Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Reset.

    Anchor the All Biological Codes and Seed Crytals as needed for the Christos race. Activate the Silicate matrix in its divine order.

    Ask AURORA FORCES of ELEMENTAL COMMAND and THEIR FAMILY of Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electro magnetic devices and frequencies in your home/office/school to be in attunement with your divine essence vibration, your soul plan, and then calibrate it seamlessly to the NEW EARTH planetary life force through the FOUR FACES OF MAN.

    Ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed for the optimum functioning and comfort of your bio-energy field and for your child that is outside the scope of your request or understanding.

    Calibrate all connections to harmonize and synchronize seamlessly with your energetic field to this timeline. 

    Permanently, Totally and Completely.


    Parent states Intention of Guardianship :

    I harmonize and hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. And So it Is.

    Please take this through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

    From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, annihilate the Negatives generating harm at the Moment of Self, Past, Present and Future timelines.

    Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and chakra complexes on all levels. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

    Beloveds, We thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in  all ways.

    And So it is. We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, for this eternal blessing of protection. 

  • Into the Void

    Those higher frequencies administered in a Stellar Activation Cycle, such as what we are experiencing now, are sourced from the Galactic and Cosmic planes and are absorbed into the stepped down layers of the Unified, Planetary and Human Energy Fields. These frequencies and light activations are absorbed at the higher plane levels and systematically descend into the various energetic layers until entering the world of form (density and matter). All life forms are energy placement holders and we act as the conduits of this energetic frequency to be penetrated through the planetary shield and its dimensional grid system. As this occurs and the frequency reaches levels of a percentage of critical mass, the grids that create the dimensional plane of “time and space” of which we experience as humans at this level of consciousness, begins to change and be altered. The reality of which we have experienced up to this point in this incarnation a nd our perception of that reality is beginning to be altered in rather drastic ways.

    We are transiting through a major cycle of completion and onto another phase transition of our Ascension process. We are in an intensified cycle of evolution when the planet and its inhabitants are exposed to greater amounts of frequency and light (higher energy frequency patterns). These Higher Energy frequencies are introduced through the Unified Fields (The energy fields of all living things, individual and collective, including our planetary system) in very systematic and mechanical process that could be referred to as a Stellar Activation. As the Earth accelerates in vibratory frequency the human body and its energetic counterparts are required to also increase relative to the Earth’s increased vibratory frequency.

    Those higher frequencies administered in a Stellar Activation Cycle, such as what we are experiencing now, are sourced from the Galactic and Cosmic planes and are absorbed into the stepped down layers of the Unified, Planetary and Human Energy Fields. These frequencies and light activations are absorbed at the higher plane levels and systematically descend into the various energetic layers until entering the world of form (density and matter). All life forms are energy placement holders and we act as the conduits of this energetic frequency to be penetrated through the planetary shield and its dimensional grid system. As this occurs and the frequency reaches levels of a percentage of critical mass, the grids that create the dimensional plane of “time and space” of which we experience as humans at this level of consciousness, begins to change and be altered. The reality of which we have experienced up to this point in this incarnation a nd our perception of that reality is beginning to be altered in rather drastic ways.

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