Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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December 2019

Fascia Crystalline Network

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The Fascia Crystalline Network within our body has been impacted by the lower NET mutations in the corrupted 3D elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequential process of re-encryption upgrades. Many of us have been experiencing the intensification of structural changes and adjustments being made to the physical matrix, which include shifts in the bone, skin, and blood matrix with extensive realignments occurring within the entire fascia connective tissue system. This physical embodiment transformation is a macrocosm Paliadorian Activation for Ray Bodies that includes a widespread gridwork project that impacts the entire earth realm, although there are those on the Ascension path that have been clearing out these metatronic reversal mutations from their consciousness body in the previous cycles. This is an extensive development in the transformation of the physical matrix and will manifest some kind of Ascension symptoms for most people. Thus, it is crucial to focus on creating the conditions for increasing mind-body awareness, taking the time for inner stillness and meditation, personal reflection and taking good care of the body through adequate rest and stress management.

The Fascia Crystalline Network inside of our body will be coming online with Radial Body activations that expand consciousness to the next level of multidimensional awareness that is required to synchronize with the appropriate Consciousness Corridor. This architecture is of the Cosmic Order that re-routes group consciousness levels into their next evolution cycle or timeline shift, that will eventually take these collective consciousness groups to meet at the zero point during the planetary ascension cycle. The Fascia’s liquid crystalline system increases cell to cell communication and the internal consciousness messaging in our central nervous system, in order to show us where inside our body we need to consciously participate to emotionally heal and become spiritually whole. In many cases, the Fascia Crystalline Network will be upgraded into higher functioning designed for correcting and repairing the central nervous system and brain from receiving artificial intelligence mind control signals, alien implants and a range of inorganic overlays that are used for the consciousness subjugation of planetary inhabitants.

The primary areas of the Fascia Crystalline Network upgrades come from the Radial Body activation sequences that are forthcoming and are purposed to clear AI NET distortions that have been recorded in the Fascial Crystalline Network as death seals and other distortions made to the holographic template that interfere with cell to cell communication. The planetary death seals are in the subatomic layers and are related to metatronic distortions that weaken cellular integrity and accelerate aging, muscular atrophy and physical deterioration in the human body. It is also noted that the Epigenetic overlays that influence the negative ego software programs in the lower three-dimensional domains are manifested primarily through the personality matrix and these structures will undergo a major dissolution in the planetary architecture during the next year.

Fascia, the Sensory Information Organ

The human body is covered with a complex interconnective structure that forms into the embedded liquid crystalline matrix of the connective tissue network that is called the Fascia. This connective tissue network connects into every major system in the human body and its purpose is to relay sensory information and instruction sets throughout the multiple layers of tissue matrices, connecting internal and outer circuitry into the multidimensional spiritual layers. It is the Fascia Crystalline Network that saturates our cells with multidimensional light and sound, acting as the most important energetic communication system in our physical body. Specifically, the fascial liquid crystalline network connects directly with all of the horizontal triad bodies that make up the entire Radial Body system, and the main 12 meridians that intersect with the 12 axiatonal lines, which further communicate and send messaging into the brain and throughout the nervous system.

Within this complex network of integrated tissues, energy receivers and transmitters, fascia is the intelligent material that exists in between the cells, which covers the cellular tissues and connects those cells to other cells in the entire body. Fascia is primarily made up of a combination of substances which include a variety of proteins, such as collagen fibers and sulfur molecules. These structural proteins are intertwined as fibers that are twisted together into triple helixes that form into a liquid crystalline lattice overlay throughout the entire human body, from head to toe. In a living body, the water content acts as the hydration system for electrical conduction within the collagen fibers that functions as a protective webbing, like a membranous skin barrier that is wrapped around the entire body.

When the crystalline matrix is properly hydrated in the human body, the entire living system is bound within the water molecules and becomes electrified, transmitting energy signals at much faster speeds than the central nervous system.  Thus, the fascia network becomes a semiconductor that is conductive to electromagnetism, sparking protons and electrons to help create ions which are intrinsic to the biological ionization process of ascension that generates plasmic light. The biological ionization process is what builds and strengthens the lightbody, preparing the inner dwelling of our consciousness bodies to receive and embody liquid plasmic light.

By understanding the piezoelectric effects of the fascial network, life force energy can be circulated to move through blockages in the meridian system and further support biological ionization. Such as through applying physical pressure to any one focused area, where one is changing the electrical dynamics that exist within the entire structure of the layers of the bodily matrices via the manipulation of the fascia network, which interconnects and activates the energy meridians and then moves that energy current throughout the related internal circuitry. Additionally, the fascia network receives the energetic pulses we receive from the Cosmic Order that has been filtered down as energy transmissions made into the layers of the Radial body, which are then further filtered down to be transmitted into the horizontal triad bodies or dimensionalized shields. The fascia network acts as the capacitor needed to absorb the energetic current when our biology is being subjected to the added exposures of electromagnetic surges and intergalactic plasmas that are currently transmitting during the planetary ascension.  It modulates the down stepping of frequency activation in the ways that our physical body can handle or survive, so that we don’t blow our circuits.

Fascia is intelligently designed to integrate all component parts of the human body into a holistic living matrix, it is the primary organ system that is designed to unify all bodily systems in order to synthesize physical functions into achieving energetic balance or homeostasis. When there is an impact made to one smaller section of the fascia, it communicates throughout all of the interconnected structures, thus, the entire living system of the body is affected.

Fascia is the connective tissues crystalline matrix that stores and moves water throughout the body, it functions as the fiber optic network that carries voltage and oscillating frequency throughout the bio-neurological system via its semi conductive properties. Fascia exists in three main layers, the superficial fascia is beneath the skin’s dermal layers, the deeper layers of fascia surround and embed the bones, cartilage, organs and the brain, and the deepest layers are situated in the serous membranes which secrete fluids that fill the body cavities. These bodily fluids are lubricating secretions that come from glands and serous cells which facilitate major bodily functions like digestion, respiration and excretion of metabolic waste. Thus, if the liquid crystalline properties are unable to flow from lack of hydration or trauma blockages, the fascia solidifies and hardens, unable to transmit energetic signals and information, which leads to sensations of physical pain, emotional imbalances and mobility challenges.

The Fascia is integral for facilitating and maintaining the complex inner circuitry of communication in between the cellular tissues, like cell to cell communication, as well as connecting all of the layers of the living matrix components that exist in the human body. The fascial network helps to facilitate the function of every organ system, maintaining the network of energetic connectivity between all body parts simultaneously, all while providing a lubricating surface for the fiber of every muscle.

The fascia is the major structural component of our internal system, providing the counterbalance to the skeletal system through tensegrity (tensional integrity), it's also a messenger system, a key organ of sensory perception, and is integral for trauma wound healing, inflammation control and pain relief. The fascia network allows bodily structures to be more fluid, allowing for the stretching and compression of the tissues to move in multiple directions without losing their elasticity and strength. However, when the fascia becomes blocked from chronic stress or stagnant from an spiritual wound or external injury, this blockage can ripple out adverse impacts to our health, energy, well-being and mobility, as it effects our entire existence.

The Fascia crystalline network acts as the transport messenger of intelligent information, such as that made from encountering stimulus from the outer world by communicating that data to the inner energetic landscape of the entire human body.  The information that is collected from the environmental conditions are sent back into the cells of the human body in order to determine what genes are being transcribed within the cell and what instruction sets are needed for an assortment of functions to optimize the bodily systems. As an example, the cells in the body produce metabolic waste products that require detoxification, and the fascia network delivers the information needed in the cell to cell network to help facilitate the cellular detoxification process and then help to deliver nutrients to where they are most needed.  The fascia network performs the same function for releasing and clearing the energetic equivalents of toxins, such as implants, AI signals and energy parasites, which includes the realms of negative entity attachments and alien hybridization overlays. These classifications are considered energetic contaminants that require detoxification from the organic crystalline body and consciousness, which have negative impacts similar to unreleased metabolic waste that become toxic.

Trauma Recorded in the Fascia

We live in a death culture that largely ignores the accumulation of traumatic emotional wounds that form as normal human responses to being repeatedly terrorized, as well as experiencing moments of horror, that we then perceive to be trapped within us.

When chronic stress and trauma remain unchanged, the body manifests this accumulative stress in patterns of tension and blockages that can become locked into the fascia. These patterns of tension start to change and adjust the body language, movements and posture, and over time the mind and emotions will start to align to the same rigidity or binding patterns of the body.  The repetitive habits we create in response to ongoing stress patterns tend to get coupled with automatic reactions to certain events or triggers, that can begin to interrupt or block energy flow and cellular communication. Rather than receiving the signals from the soul and spirit, this is when the fascia will begin to solidify and harden into blockages and rigid holding patterns.

Repeated patterns that arise out of the instinctual brain trigger the fight flight freeze mechanism, and when these patterns are repeated in the biology, they set up distortion patterns in the physical body’s movements and posture. If there is a fear signal or pattern operating in the consciousness, it will keep recreating the same patterns in the body. When there are emotional triggers or couplings to what originated in the cellular memory trauma pattern, the neurology continues to receive that signal which fire through neuro-muscular patterns, which can result in a binding pattern that locks down in the fascia.

Emotional pain, physical trauma and traumatic events are stored as blockages in the living matrix of the body, in which the fascia network functions as the cellular communication system, holding the trauma record in the crystalline matrix until that source of pain has been addressed, released or integrated.  Traumas are deep energetic wounds often characterized by overwhelm, recorded within the layers of the body that lend to feelings of collapse and helpless resignation, which deeply impact the interconnective functions of the fascial network, impairing its spiritual function. The trauma memories that are recorded in the fascia liquid crystalline network extend into multiple lifetimes, galactic histories and historical timeline records that impact the evolutionary cycle and collective consciousness of the entire human race as experienced throughout the Universal Time Matrix.

When these traumas remain unhealed, they generate blockages and thus can create an assortment of imbalances and oppressions throughout the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. It is entirely possible for an aware person or empath to consciously read and perceive accumulative emotions recorded in the posture and body language of others, as well as gain an informed assessment of the circumstances in which many current events transpire. All emotions, thought perceptions and traumas have a unique energy signature, and by observing body language and listening to the energetic conditions present in the moment, we can receive many impressions about the past experiences that contribute to the current state of consciousness of that individual, place or thing. It is natural for the human biology to interpret these ranges of emotional sensations inside our own body, that help us assess the appropriate actions required when we are aware of the environmental conditions that we are being exposed to in present time.  This function is facilitated by the fascia network on the physical plane, while the soul matrix facilitates the higher sensory perception of cellular knowing and relays that energetic intelligence to the physical layers. Thus, when our fascia network is impaired, blocked or suppressed by some form of trauma, it interrupts and interferes with the holistic communication and messaging system of the entire biology and multidimensional consciousness layers.  

Unhealed trauma blockages can lend to the feeling of overwhelming stress in the biology that disconnects us from our soul and spiritual body, filling us with sensations of fear and dread.  Thus, it is important to understand that emotional wounds and related traumas can exert a layer of control over our biology which impacts body language and perceptions of reality, and this also extends to the light body. These same blockages are also spiritual wounds that exert a layer of control over our lightbody functions, damaging and dampening conscious awareness. To be exposed to repeated forms of emotional trauma is used as a method of spiritual warfare, therefore it is wise to remember that the 3D Controller society is a death culture by intentional design for this purpose. Subjecting the masses to repeated emotional traumas as normalized behaviors in society, is an act of mass spiritual warfare that robs many people of their innate capacity to feel safe and abundant while in their body. It interferes with natural embodiment process of receiving signals from the soul and spirit through the fascia network, thus impeding their ability to be fully authentic, relaxed and able to fulfill their life purpose. Pummeling the masses with the frequency of fear, intimidation and victimhood is an effective method of consciousness enslavement used by the NAA and Controllers, aimed at blocking the signals from spirit in favor of generating signals of fear into the fascia.

Traumas and Parasites

Traumas can generate pathways in the body for various energy parasites and unhealthy spiritual attachments, that can form into energy cords, appendages and tributaries that feed into the same internal wounds of that energetic trauma that further generate miasmas. In higher sensory vision, trauma blockages can appear like a black energy octopus with many tentacles spreading out in different directions in the person 's energy field. The blockage or implant can be sensed as having formed from a core trauma event in the individual’s timeline, with several lines of dark energy moving throughout the layers of the body, so they are unconsciously being triggered into playing out painful memories in their cellular record. Sometimes, this can appear to be like marionette strings on a puppet that are being manipulated by a dark entity attachment to incite painful reactions or addictions, that are being activated from certain emotional or mental triggers recorded in their memories. Many times, these strings of attachment appear to be wrapped or embedded around sections of the fascia and are stimulating emotional workings or traumatic injury components connected to a core spiritual wound.

When those deep trauma wounds are in the person’s body and there are cords connected to them, many times they also are connected to artificial mind control programs being broadcast that are specific to the current narrative pushed in the 3D belief systems. What can happen is that the unhealed traumatic wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate that is vibrating at the same frequency level of the stored pain, which then attaches to that trauma wound located within that individual. Within this destructive parasitic relationship, the individual’s mind and body will start to adjust to the negative patterning of the entity as normalized behavior, and then the fascia will begin to reflect the same patterning, which starts to break down the distribution of life force energy at the cell to cell communication level.

Thus, healing the fascia network plays an integral role in all levels of trauma healing and pain regulation, whether from accumulative emotional events, from physical injury, inflammation, accumulative toxicity or from attachments like energetic parasites. The collagen fibers in the connective tissue of the fascia also play an active role in transferring intelligent energy between and among the muscles and the skeletal structure, which unify together to act as a harmonic frequency resonator throughout the bodily crystalline matrices. The stronger the internal environment is for vibrating to the harmonic frequency resonance of the soul, monad and avatar self, the stronger the lightbody becomes to repel parasites and demonic forces from siphoning and staying attached to the body.

The mind, emotions and body are deeply interconnected through bio-neurology, as the fascia tends to hold the unresolved emotional or physical trauma recorded in the bodily tissues, which may lock down certain patterns of negative thinking and destructive behaviors that attract negative entities. When repeated cycles of negative conditioning result from unhealed trauma wounds, this accumulates in layers upon layers of negative emotional content, growing the internal blockage so that person may struggle to control their automatic impulses that have been set up as involuntary traumatic reactions.  Unfortunately, negative entities and controlling types that are inherently predatorial, aggressively take advantage of others that they perceive to be weaker as a result of these internalized traumas. Traumas are spiritual wounds which drastically deteriorate the overall lightbody strength and have been designed in the anti-soul culture to increase parasitic exploitation.

Spherical Energy Domains or Horizontal Triad Bodies

On the macrocosmic scale of the Universal Time Matrix, within the center of a merkaba field is a shield or spherical energy domain in which the process of individuation occurs within a holographic template form manifestation. In the exact center point, this sphere of energy exists in the center of the merkaba field in which the blueprint of that form is held to project that consciousness into matter, so the individual consciousness experiences a three-dimensional time and space. Each harmonic universe is comprised of three spherical energy domains that are nested within each other and surrounded by a frequency barrier, at the center of which exists the electromagnetic mathematical program that projects a hologram into three dimensions of time.

Within the Universal Time Matrix there are five nested harmonic universes, each with three shields or three spherical energy domains.  Each subset of three make up the dimensional spaces that exist within that particular three-dimensional spectrum of frequencies, or the electromagnetic domain in that harmonic universe. As an example, the first harmonic universe is where we have incarnated in this evolution cycle here on earth. This is made up of three layers of dimensional spectrums of frequency in 1D-2D-3D, that make up the three spherical energy domains of the personality matrix and the physical plane of matter. During the Ascension Cycle, the planetary body is transitioning into the next three layers of dimensional spectrum that exist in the 4D-5D-6D layers, that make up the next three spherical energy domains which include the entire soul matrix and this is located in the second harmonic universe.

Horizontal Triad Bodies

When we incarnate into a three-dimensional electromagnetic domain we are imprinted with the holographic template of the complete Universal Tree of Life, and all of these five harmonic universe layers direct the instructions for our consciousness life stream that is experiencing time and space. The five levels of the harmonic universes govern the spin rates for all of the merkaba fields which transmit electromagnetic currents that are based upon the architectural laws and frequency characteristics that exist within each system. As an example, the spin rate of the planetary merkaba fields govern the birth, evolution and death cycles of the entire planetary species.

As we are made aware from the Guardian Host context, alien machinery was installed into the planetary body for the main purpose of controlling these merkaba spin rates, and thus genetically modifying and controlling the direction of the collective consciousness stream of the planetary inhabitants. Thus, each individual receives the life force current, consciousness level, matter form and the holographic projection experience from their light body DNA template and the connections it has made with the merkaba spirals that transmit from within these five harmonic universes. This is required to align the merkaba fields to corrected positions that facilitated planetary ascension, as well as the continued biological spiritual expansion of the planetary inhabitants. In the dark cycle following the Luciferian Rebellion, the planetary architecture in the lower harmonic universe was blocked from interacting and receiving organic energy transmissions from the higher harmonic universes.  As a result, planetary ascension and full biological ascension in a silicate matrix 12 strand template was not made possible.

All of this changed in the 2012 and beyond ascension timeline, and now these energetic connections exist between the personal lightbody which is the microcosmic merkaba field, and the macrocosmic merkaba fields that are transmitting vast amounts of ray currents from the planetary, galactic and Universal levels. The macrocosmic ray currents are transmitted through the electromagnetic domains to be received into the microcosmic radiation bodies, or the Radial Body of the individuated consciousness forms that exist in the lower harmonic universes. For many people on the earth, their lightbody has been damaged or blocked with trauma so these macrocosmic energy connections are disconnected from these five layers that make up the Radial Body and the lightbody is unable to run the life force currents properly throughout their bodily systems.

In order to expand the life force current beyond the control mechanism of the base 10 artificial merkaba fields on the earth, and begin to repair the metatronic reversal fields and miasmas, the individual will need to intend to spiritually develop towards removing alien machinery and false identities and begin running the tri-wave current of the Christos shield. The Christos blueprint is a base 12 holographic template that continually expands to circulate the life force currents that exist from the God Source fields all the way into the lowest harmonic universe. These trinity wave forces re-string the subharmonics through every electromagnetic domain that holds the original divine human template of the entire 12 Stranded DNA.

The Christos imprint begins to circulate and expand the Radial Body layers of the higher frequency life force currents into the DNA-RNA from the axiom lines, which send it directly into the personal spherical energy domain, running current into the horizontal triad bodies. Each spherical energy domain is a template for the horizontal triad body that corresponds to three grouped DNA strands that are connected to the electromagnetic domain of that particular harmonic universe. The activation of the merkaba fields in each of the harmonic universes relates to one set of the three DNA strands, which corresponds to the triad of the spiritual bodies; the soul, monad, avatar and rishic consciousness levels.

The horizontal triad bodies are made up of trion fields, the ante-matter consciousness units from the highest harmonic universe which allows the individuated consciousness to make the energetic connections to the primal light source that occurs beyond or outside of the time matrix. The corridors leading into the God worlds are also referred to as the Center Point of All Union, these are the transmigration levels and home domain of the true Ascended Masters and Cosmic Citizens.

The interconnected collective layers of all of the five horizontal triad bodies which includes all spherical energy domains, is called the Radial Body. These are multidimensional radiation identity spheres that encompass and protect the horizontal triad bodies. The Radial Body controls all of the internal spherical energy domains which further govern the holographic projection in the timelines that the individual consciousness experiences while incarnated in the harmonic universes. The merkaba field circulation of the instruction sets that pass into the personal Christos shield and then into the individuals’ DNA template are what inform the Radial Body about the specific design for the actual holographic manifestation that is being experienced in time.

The Radial Body

Most are unaware that the extensive connective tissue of the fascia network is the manifestation of the pre-matter instruction set of tissue capsules and complex crystalline webbing that make up the multidimensional identity spheres energetic structure of the Radial Body.

Within the spiritual anatomy of the human lightbody, there are extremely refined layers of tissue capsules that act as an energetic skin which holds together the five spherical layers of the horizontal triad bodies that are collectively referred to as the Radial Body. The five horizontal triad grids are spherical energy domains that hold the morphogenetic field for the mental bodies and the stations of identity in time. Each formation of the energy sphere in a triad body shield builds a layer in the horizontal structure of the 12 Tree Grid and is directly connected to the mental body and the masculine principle that builds the internal Rod configuration. The Radial Body holds spheres within spheres that form tissue capsules or membranes around all layers of our horizontal triad bodies, which are structural shields that act similar to load bearing beams and flooring to our inner spiritual dwelling.

All living forms have a Radial body that surrounds each spherical domain in each density level and that runs life force currents through an instruction set within the blueprint of the lightbody. For every biological being, this forms into this spherical skin-like capsule that surrounds our entire physically manifested body. The Radial body is comprised of all of the five horizontal triad bodies that form into three layered spheres or structural shields. The horizontal shields are the organizational templates that instruct the consciousness in the body and its multidimensional life force currents, directing the configuration in which to bend the light and sound waves in order to create the entirety of the dimensional layered hologram. Each horizontal shield governs the functions of that particular dimensional layer in time and space, and connects directly to the spiritual embodiment process which further controls the mechanism of the merkaba spirals in each spherical domain. When the horizontal bodies unite within a trinity field, then two layers of the shields in each spherical domain activate aligning the tissue capsules and these bodies merge, which is intrinsic to the spiritual body integration process and ascension alignment to facilitate embodiment of the higher consciousness identities.  

The Radial Body receives the main instruction set for its physical matter form and manifestation hologram from the Avatar Christos shield network and the DNA template from the personal 12 Tree Grid. As the multidimensional life force currents move through the meridian lines and into each of the five spherical horizontal layers that make up the Radial Body, the consciousness projects the blueprint which externalizes the holographic projection. Within the tissue capsules of the horizontal triad bodies that form into the collective Radial body, similar to the nadis structure, there exists extremely refined energy rivulets called the Radis. These energetic rivulets act as the modulator of life force currents moving between the unmanifest and manifest realms that run into the energy circulation systems of the merkaba fields that deliver the instruction sets throughout the body. The Radis is responsible for converting primal light and sound life force currents into electromagnetic units that are ionic for generating a vast array of chemical interactions for biological ionization. An ion is an atom or molecule that has a net electrical charge with extra electrons or missing electrons. Thus, the primal life force currents generate ionic fields that generate the spectrum of frequency waves and plasmas which are the foundation of electromagnetism in the lower harmonic universes.

The Radial body works much like the projection screen that creates our moving hologram and determines the quality of the life we experience in the present moment. In this way, we could consider the Radial Body as our consciousness filter or lens, through which our consciousness may perceive multidimensional reality or eternal time. The Radial Body structures are what facilitate the birth transduction sequence for multidimensional consciousness to experience physical matter while in a lightbody holographic template. It is in the zero point, the past to future pulse intersection that exists in eternal time and in the present moment, which intersects and communicates directly with the entire Radial Body. While in the now presence of compassionate witnessing, it is the Radial Body that projects your consciousness out of time while holding in the zero point.

The Radial Body receives information through the merkaba circulation of spiral energies within the instructions held in the personal blueprint and DNA of the 12 Tree Grid to form the vehicles that consciousness embodies. During the ascension process, when two or more horizontal bodies merge in the Radial Body, this activation creates a dimensionalized level of a Merkaba Vehicle. When the merkaba vehicle is generated, the lower dimensional structures of the horizontal body template in the Radial body dissolves, expanding into the next harmonic universe level and then forming into a new transharmonic ascension template within the merkaba vehicle. A transharmonic merkaba vehicle is a pre-light and sound trion field in which the consciousness, the spiritual body, can transport itself through thought projection to a chosen specific location throughout time or out of time. This advanced consciousness ability of the diamond sun matrix merkaba vehicle has been attempted to be replicated through alien machinery with partial success and great destruction to the organic time matrix, and is known as the Looking Glass technology developed by primarily Zeta Groups from Orion.

Acupuncture Meridians and Fascia

The meridian lines connect into each of the five layers of the Radial Body, and they are interconnected with and can be accessed through acupuncture points that resonate directly with the liquid crystalline matrix of the Fascia tissue network. In the ancient acupuncture texts that predate the People’s Republic of China, which formed the established standards for current Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the fascia network was understood to be the mediating system of acupuncture practice.

Acupuncture channels are correlated to the fascial planes, and the needling points where all treatment is given are the stimulus to circulate energy signals through the energetic pathways for fascial network stimulation. Through the various methods of finding acupuncture points and meridian line placement on the physical plane, palpation reflects these are typically found in locations where there are greater amounts of connective tissue bundling in the fascial network. All methods of acupuncture needling directly interact with and impact the fascia crystalline network to treat energetic imbalances. Thus, it is best to comprehend that there cannot be rigid uniform standards placed upon practitioners needling positions when interacting with the multidimensional communication network within the human body.

The human body’s fascia network is the physical substrate that is represented in the energy meridians that have been mapped out in ancient timelines that predate current scientific development and are fundamentally represented in Traditional Chinese Medicine, with some limitations. To deeply understand the practice of acupuncture for the purpose of treating and healing a diverse level of physical ailments and spiritual issues, the practitioner is required to have an awareness of the multidimensional energy functions of the fascia crystalline network linking cell to cell communications, along with the basic understanding of the anatomy of the human lightbody. The fascia is not a static soft tissue component, but it is a complete sensory organ that defends the body from a range of pathogenic agents.

Meridians are strings of acupuncture points that are passageways of energy flows throughout the matrices of the human body, intersecting within physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. Every meridian corresponds to particular organ system but encompasses the larger interactive functions with other organs and related energies also. There are direct anatomical relationships to acupuncture points and meridian lines that connect directly to the connective tissue network of fascia, which further directs consciousness and sensory information into the layers of the Radial body. These 12 major meridians in the body can be studied and better understood through the Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities that seek to establish good health and wellbeing through sustained energetic balance.

Fascia is the matrix of structural support for the 3D physical vessel which wraps throughout the entire bodily matrix to maintain the functions within the internal environment, which enables energy flows in the form of acupuncture points and meridians to exist in every single part of the body. There are fascial strings in triple helixes that form into a network of lines that are aligned with the meridians that are found in a certain anatomical location. All human organs and tissues are coated with the liquid crystalline matrix of these connective tissues that extend into a complex network of refined membranes that interconnect and penetrate within all of the layers of the bodily matrices. For optimum health and function, the human body requires a free and balanced flow of life force current energy throughout the meridians, axiatonal lines and consciousness body. Acupuncture is a means of helping to restore energetic balance to these systems by opening up the communication links between the cells and the spiritual-energetic layers.

There are 12 primary horizontal meridians that work in the connective tissue matrix of the fascia, that further intersect into another 12 vertical axiatonal lines which when the polarities are unified, project out a diagonal diamond grid, which fortifies and amplifies the larger crystalline matrix of the human energy field or lightbody. These meridians and axiatonal lines work together as a holistic system that brings energetic balance and integrity to the structure and functions of the human body. When our fascia is blocked or restricted, it simultaneously informs us that we harbor an energetic blockage in our meridian system, and the energy blockage also stops the flow of nutrients into our cellular tissues.

The needle grasping the chi phenomenon has been described for over 2,000 years in acupuncture textbooks and it has been proven that the connective tissue network’s involvement with acupuncture needle manipulation is responsible for delivering an energetic signal into certain locations of the tissue matrix to achieve a range of therapeutic effects. There are case studies showing the finding of connective tissue responses with an increase in the action mechanism of the surrounding tissues actually tugging on the needled acupuncture points before, during and after needle insertion. This indicates that the effectiveness of acupuncture relies directly on the interaction made with the living intelligent consciousness in the crystalline matrix of the fascia. An important ramification of comprehending the fascial network and its complex meridian system is that the human body’s interconnection and interactions are being considered as completely interactive and adaptively responsive, which opens an obvious perception that balanced health can best be achieved through a holistic and integrated approach.

Epigenetic Overlay

With the Radial Body activations, this shifts the station of identities that existed in the center point of one three dimensional spherical domain in the personality matrix, into another three dimensional spherical domain in the soul matrix.  These activations are creating alterations in the epigenetic markers that are linked to the bone, muscle and fascia tissue matrix that activate new levels of energetic signaling pathways.

Epigenetics have played a key role in forming our personality and sense of self, as well as conditioning our 3D belief systems about the nature of reality. It is the basis of everything that we think we are, that has been shaped from the external environment and then has interacted with our unique genetic signature to generate a series of cause and effect reactions. The mind control programming that influences the negative ego programs are specifically aimed at the frequency of the 3D Solar Plexus layers, and this is the primary station of identity which forms into our conscious mind functions and personality matrix.  All of the external energetic stimulus that we are exposed to in the 3D material world, seen and unseen, as well as inheritable factors from ancestral and collective genetics, are some of the key ingredients in how our genes express themselves into certain characteristics that form into our flavor of the conscious mind ego programming. When we begin the spiritual ascension process, our heart center opens and during these first stages we endure the dark night of the soul, when the ego is dismantling and breaking down the belief systems that are held in time by the lower stations of identity. Over time and with experience, when dedicated to the process of consciousness development, these epigenetic external factors have less and less influence upon us, as we give birth to the true authentic core self, the inner spiritual self.

Essentially, epigenetics are the biological influences that place an overlay on top of our genomes and can change gene expression without permanently changing the DNA structure. We are pre-programmed with epigenetic overlays when we are born into this world, and we start to wear these overlays of societal thoughts and beliefs, many that are very harmful and destructive to our body and consciousness. However, when the human race awakens and begins to expand consciousness, we can choose to align our mind with positive and life affirming thoughts and images, which transform the epigenetic overlays, changing our timeline and changing the direction of our future destiny to be aligned with our highest expression.  

Thus, in this upcoming cycle for 2020 and beyond, the focus for those spiritually awakening is witnessing major transformations in the collective consciousness thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that were previously formed by the 3D epigenetic overlays and had locked collective consciousness down into the negative ego programs. This allows for the possibility of unlocking these aspects of collective consciousness that are held down in time, this is mind unlocking or dimensional time lock release, which allows the spiritual body to reconnect with the physical body.

Supporting our Fascia

For many of us, this new cycle of activations impacting the fascia network may lead us to explore an assortment of healthcare practices to enhance the conductivity of our bio-electrical matrix while experiencing physical release and pain relief. Many types of massage, forms of bodywork and fascia tools can be implemented to help break up stagnant patterns or trauma that is recorded in the fascia and energetic body. Acupuncture, Myofascial release, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE), Craniosacral therapy, Anatomy Trains, and even dancing, stretching, meditation and using a fascia blaster or foam roller in your living room. In whatever ways we intend to connect with our fascia and open the channels of communication within our liquid crystalline matrix, this helps to increase the coherence and adaptability of our body as it is undergoing tremendous pressure to transform and evolve.

When we look to the physical structure of fascia; collagen, sulfur, cell salts, silica, biotin and pure water hydration are extremely important to keep the tissues supple and lubricated. As the entire fascia system is transforming, it may be beneficial to support your body through additional supplementation. Collagen powders and liquids along with adequate hydration is generally the most important. Especially if you’re over the age of 40 and if there are physical manifestations of muscle loss, connective tissue stiffness, joints popping and cracking, limited flexibility and mobility or pain in any physical movement.

As we know these are times of great change where being flexible and adaptable mentally, emotionally and physically provide added support. The current embodiment process is an ongoing discovery of listening to the signals our bodies are sending us while staying as present and responsive as possible moment to moment.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season and Happy New Year!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Suggested for You

  • EMF Field Calibration


    Set the Command for Recalibration before bedtime. 

    Connect to 12D Hub (see 12D Technique)

    Invocate the following: 

    We Ask The Guardians, our God Self, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Christos Force Of Liquid Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible.  We ask the God Sentinels and Aurora Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Anchor, activate, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be. Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication. 

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body. Reset and Synchronize to Ascension Timeline of God-Sovereign-Free in this moment of Self. 

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all upgraded etheric merdian Channels to the Aurora Portal Network and their Axiatonal lines in order of priority. Please Recalibrate, Synchronize our clock shield and horizontal networks. 

    Anchor the Biological Codes for the Christos Race, Activate my Silicate Matrix and Activate the God Particle Electrons.  

    Beloved Aurora Forces and the New Earth Aurora Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electromagnetic devices and spectrum of frequencies in my home and office to be in attunement with my highest divine essence vibration.  

    Call upon your personal “Gatekeeper” assigned by the Guardian Celestial Management Structures to monitor and correct all disturbing radioactive and EMF frequencies creating disharmony within your field. Request your Regent Guardian “Gatekeeper”  permanently to monitor energy harmonization of your field 24/7/365.  Phase align and synchronize all 12 bodies and establish beneficial communications between all minds for optimum integration. 

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  • Non-Attachment

    There are a great many learning opportunities that help us gain self-mastery in the material world distractions. The most important lesson is becoming aware of these distractions, then to override them from controlling your personal force of will and Consciousness. This is the process of non-attachment. The ultimate dismantling is the release of all Attachments, including the attachment feelings to being attached. It may be helpful to identify, locate and release attachments that bind or limit your consciousness.

    • Practice focusing your Consciousness on the eternal parts and meditate with the knowing that consciousness exists without your body.
    • Attune to the specific distractions that keep you attached to the 3D material world. Note the distractions of attachment. Identify them and tell each one specifically that you are handing these attachments over to be released by your higher consciousness self. Affirm that you release all attachments to the force of your higher consciousness.
    • Ask your Higher Consciousness to locate any Consciousness Traps and to bring them to your attention. Ask to release your attachments to the consciousness traps and that you intend, with consent and authority to be released and Freed.
    • I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!

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