June 2022
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
For those familiar with the ES body of work, the patterns of consciousness expansion and embodiment that allow greater levels of access to gridwork will be familiar. Yet, some of the Universal levels we are accessing now have not been possible in previous cycles and feel very new. As Thuban and the Draco constellation are being reclaimed for the Cosmic Dragon Mother of our Universal system, our planet is undergoing shifts in electromagnetism in order to eradicate the Poison Apple network and its false magnetism configurations that have shrouded humanity in the shadows of lunar spiritual oppression for thousands of years.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 35889

May 2022
Astral Reconstruction
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During the annual May alignments of Taurus, the planet undergoes what is called its electrical peak cycle which is generally during mid-May. This is the pinnacle wave of electrical force field transmission in the annual cycle of moving through the path of the Sun's annual motion relative to the constellations of stars. As such, this time is the annual period of the most potent Ascension wave during which many people will experience kundalini activation, spiritual awakening or a rapid consciousness expansion of their perception, as they are being exposed to increased electromagnetism and solar transmissions conducted throughout the planetary grid network. Recent events are revealing that the planetary architecture is enduring a massive Astral Reconstruction which has impacts on dissolving the veils of 3D reality, while the controlling forces are doing all they can to block or destroy these solar elements from awakening the masses.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 32144

April 2022
Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings are the esoteric mystery school teachings originally sourcing from the Emerald Founder Records that were being protected by the ancient Celtic Church that was first formed upon the Earth many thousands of years ago, by the remaining Azurite survivors of the Hyperborean Electric Wars on Gaia. These earlier first waves of the Christos Mission teams were time travelers into this density via the operational portions of the stargate system near the Irish Sea and North Sea. The Christos Mission teams brought their knowledge of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings and entered the island chains in the North Atlantic Sea located between Scotland and Norway and many settled throughout the northern most tip of Alba, or Scotland and Hibernia. This Azurite line of Ascended Masters on the Christos Mission came to teach and guide the angelic human tribes in order to help them rebuild their civilizations after the Ice Age floods that caused global catastrophe and to take an inventory of planetary grid damage, to assess the ground conditions for future rehabilitation missions.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 49511

March 2022
3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact
Lisa Renee
PLEASE NOTE: My body of work is offered to the public as Creative Commons with a Share-Alike Attribution license. My husband and I believe in a free information society and we do all we can to give as much free high-quality information to the public as possible. This also means that many good-hearted, benevolent people as well as those with malicious intentions, may take my newsletters, blogs or my Ascension Glossary information, run it through artificial intelligence and post it to their websites or social media. I have been open and transparent over the last 20 years of this mission, that we are targeted, censored and shadow banned. This is why I cannot have any social media presence. Our websites are run exclusively and entirely by my husband and myself. We are a hierogamic couple dedicated to God and the Christos mission and we do absolutely everything together, from building the websites with their energetic structure to every aspect of recording and broadcasting my content. We offer it with the intention of being in service and the hope that it will empower you. Thus, please discern the source of where you may find my body of work that is Energetic Synthesis and the Ascension Glossary. Our Newsletters are always available on our EnergeticSynthesis.com site. Every month, I record the Newsletter as a podcast which is also posted freely on EnergeticSynthesis.com. Please pay attention to the quality of the external websites where you may find our information. Our detractors work hard on a daily basis to assassinate our character and damage our credibility. May you be with God and the spirits of Christ, and know that you are loved very much. Our Christos families are with us now helping to radically change human civilization.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 47015
Suggested For You
Purging Archontic Deception
June 2013
Purging Archontic Deception
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
There is so much activity going on in the fields with interplanetary shocks, electrical peaks and geomagnetic storms (see Geomagnetic Jerk), which when we remain flexible give us the required momentum to catalyze some major transformations that progress us forward. This is a time of being exposed to proverbial shocks and literal electrical shocks as the Universal lighting rod moves us into the next stage of spiritual activation. Our bodies may feel like a live wire, with the electrical stimulation just pulsing and tingling through our nerve endings. Some of these shocking waves may come in behaviors that form from perceived betrayals or relationship conflicts, to surface previous hidden issues that have not yet been seen. To see something that was hidden when it was always in front of you, yet was being perceived differently, can be greatly alarming. Yet the empowerment and wisdom are in recognizing the object, event or being for what it really is, when it is newly perceived in this changing energetic terrain. The geomagnetic shifts on planet are making us look at things much differently. We are also able to sense energetic blueprint structures and geomantic code, codes that direct energies in a certain pattern or frequency in the field more than before. In this way we can reconcile conflicts and pain, when we can begin to recognize what it is, a program control code or implant, and perceive it accurately with neutrality and non-judgment, to clear or alter the code for beneficial impact. How much we are willing to know through non-judgment is the counterpoint that measures how deep the rabbit hole goes. That measurement is left to the self determination of what is spiritually ethical for your core soul being.