February 2024
The Supreme Grand Master Architect
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Current themes continue with the ongoing revelations of the return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into this reality, as mentioned last month, Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and his Fatherly Solar Rishi Ruby Dragons are extinguishing access to the spiritual manifestation powers and artificial timelines of the intruding alien groups and imposter spirits of the NAA. These invaders have hijacked the creation source code of the organic consciousness architecture of the true Supreme Grand Master Architect of this Universe, with complex dimensional layers of AI supercomputer networks that run alien machinery for building counterfeit systems which have been used for setting up organized religions, secret societies and Luciferian Knights Templar financial empires in order to enslave the angelic human population.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 31297

January 2024
Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During the last weeks of aggressive interdimensional spiritual warfare, a very firm and resolute message was received from the Emerald Guardians that this phase of the Cosmic Energy Cycle heralds the triumphant return of the Ancient of all Ancients, from the 1st creation of the Cosmic Father Matrices that is bringing the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar in to spiritually marry with the Emerald Order Templar. The return of the Cosmic Father Ruby Sun network that originally created the spiritual solar father principle in the Eye of God or the Godhead Ruby Ray capstones located in the parallel Father Universes, is a significant and historical occasion that is delineated by the completion of the evolutionary rounds through the Astrological Ages that unite the Triune of Universes merging into the Universal Ascension Cycle.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 32557

Dear Ascending Family,
Amongst the challenges of the essential embodiment themes connected to the retrievals of Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha consciousness body parts that are comprised of the organic Ruby Templar and Khemalot gender twin matrix, we both wish you many blessings for as much holy divine grace, wonderful ease and meaningful spiritual connections with all those whom you love and hold dear!
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 18696

November 2023
Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The Emerald Guardians' recent reclamations of the Tiamat Logos generated the Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shields for Universal Gender Principle corrections; a 13:13 Cosmic Twinned Monad Emerald Masculine Star Templar and Blue Feminine Star Templar for realigning the authentic universal male-female star couplings in the original Sun-Star networks with Ascended Master Capstone Codes. The retrieval of authentic Capstone Codes opened the Cosmic Mother Elaysan Cathedral for playing Elohei-Lyran Harp musical tones from several Tantriahura Mother Stream and Father Stream fields merging with Blue Rainbow Arc, White Rainbow Arc and Violet Rainbow Arc plasma lotus flowering instruction sets for bridging the Emerald Timekeeper Quadrata for the Primary Gender Twin Flames in the Diamond Sun hierogamic union templates. These are required for Cosmic Dragon Starhuman embodiment sequences opening into the Universal Temple of Khemalohatea, which further gives birth to the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea, for the purpose of the reclamation of Universal Twin Flames transmigration into the God Worlds, while igniting the Camelot portal architecture throughout the planetary grid network.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 37694
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Electromagnetic Signals
March 2016
Electromagnetic Signals
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month’s newsletter is to better understand the important role of Electromagnetic Signals within the consciousness of the human body, and to raise awareness of the multiple sources of exposures we may have to these signals that are transmitting from the environment and beyond. Electromagnetic Signals are directly responsible for the electromagnetic wave representation that we access. This can be through of any kind of data transmission and its energetic frequency signature. Data transmission is communication of energetic information, by the transmission or propagation of ranges of frequencies that form unique Electromagnetic Signals. When we receive spiritual initiations we are receiving data transmissions into our Lightbody. These frequency downloads which allow us to embody higher frequencies are made through Electromagnetic Signals.