Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
August 2005
Lisa Renee
Welcome to the first installment of a new series, Lifting Your Veil. The purpose of this monthly series will be to explore and to better understand the symptoms we may experience in our physical and energy bodies during Ascension. To describe this awakening process in more detail as we live through it and to explore various tools for clearing ourselves as smoothly and easily as possible. This article will review the meaning and mechanics of Ascension and discuss the various symptoms that we as humans may encounter in our evolution process. We will share and investigate these symptoms and in future installments explore the impacts these have upon human beings, our planet and consciousness.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 42385
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
September 2005
Lisa Renee
Last month we addressed the meaning of Ascension and why we as humans are experiencing various awakening symptoms at this time. Last month many of us were working with the incredible activation forces through the 8:8 portal energies and consequently, many of us went through a myriad of transmutational symptoms. Many of us felt physically ill and had many people around us feeling sick, getting sick and last minute hospital emergency room trips. This is a time of profound cellular reorganization and many of us are physically dropping density to shed these lower emotional patterns and old genetic patterns, through our physical selves by manifesting a particular illness.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 31817
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
October 2005
Lisa Renee
As I awoke today I felt a sense of urgency, anxiety and even panic. My heart was beating fast. I looked outside to see a beautiful orange morning sun with its streaming rays highlighting the clouds of the storm just passed. I became aware that my cellular body was vibrating with a knowingness of something inexpressible, some level of new energetic information holding such vastness that it felt all-encompassing. I looked outside the window again to see this magnificent view on the horizon as if it would reassure that part within me that everything is okay, everything is peaceful. All things will be all right. I was somewhat bewildered at this cellular response of deep anxiety, when I genuinely could feel in my heart that I had so much to be grateful for. I spent the morning breathing in the sensation of peace and cultivating greater acceptance and gratitude for all of the wonderful things showing up in my life.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 28172
Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process
November 2005
Lisa Renee
Welcome dear family to the end of 2005. This has been a year of Choices and Decisions, which lay the groundwork for our future selves in very profound ways. In preparation we have been making choices and decisions to support living more fully in our personal soul integrity. Over the past few months, we have asked many questions of ourselves and of our lives here. What do we want? Where do we want to stay? Who will come with us? Do we really want to Be here?
Currently we have met certain milestones on our journey in which the answers to our questions have created an accelerated pressure, pushing us through the transitional doorway. Naturally many of us are experiencing a plethora of symptoms and life altering changes as we are processed through the Universal Interchange Hub to our new destinations. The sheer force of this change has many of us wondering what reality we are experiencing, as we have awakened to new spaces, times, faces and places. It can all be so dizzying.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 22576
Suggested for You
Spirits of Christ
All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, all of these are direct choices made by each person in the moment and will have direct Energetic Consequences. Whatever quality of energies we prepare our body to be resonant with or hold as spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to have consent with. Whatever kind of force we are in consent with (whether we know this or not), is the Frequency that our body and Consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and spirit.
As it is understood there are demonic spirits that live in the internal structures of ego (which cause harm to our mind and body) one would be motivated to learn how to create the internal houses for the Spirits of Christ. As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. The goal for spiritual protection is to dismantle the Houses of Ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ.
State your authority and intention to be of service to God (See Law of Consent) and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness.
Clear Negative Ego
1. We have control over our opinions
2. We have control over our choices
3. We have control what we move away from ( avoid negative ego)
4. We have control over what we move toward ( allow peace)
We only have to control what thoughts we choose to honor, what choices we make, and what we accept in our lives and create a boundary to avoid. It is also helpful to develop an accurate assessment of this reality and accept our soul agreement to be here during the end times as this gives context to our current challenges on planet Earth.Disengaging from negativity is key to survival during these times. To disengage from negativity and its continued flow into our lives, Forgiveness of ourselves and others is key to shifting anger.
Believe in a Higher Power and purpose greater than your Self.
Be willing to choose something else and invite other possibilities into your life. Let Go of needing to be right.
Choosing peace through forgiveness lets you off the hook of attachment which continues the feedline of the negative energy flow of the circumstance, person or object. Cut it off!