February 2023
Orion's Belt
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month we dig deeper into the dismantling of the complex AI systems that were running the Orion Matrix, which was connected to Orion's Belt, and was gaining power from multiple human holocaust histories connected to the Orion War timelines.
The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening during the Summer Solstice of 2022 addressed the ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian nets in the Wall of Time, that were being administered by the top levels of the 9D AI machinery program “Kronos”. Further, this 9D AI machinery Kronos was functioning as the master control programming for the multidimensional systems of sextant matrix and Fallen Angelic Timekeeper mechanisms that are used by the NAA for the management and manipulation of timelines. Segments of this master AI control system were being administrated by the highest level Thubanites in the Draco constellation and their subordinate AI hybrid factions of the Orion Group located in Orion's Belt. The victorious event of defeating the 9D AI machinery and enforcing Nets in Nibiru-Wormwood finally freed the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body, which began the series of actions required for the emergence of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Elaysian Sun. The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 43407

January 2023
Cosmic Spirit Body
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Even though the war over consciousness is still very active, it feels that over the last few months we have arrived at a new vantage point. Similar to hiking progressively taller peaks each with a greater vista until the summit is reached, we enter this year with a more panoramic view. Through the Universal Rose breath spiral, the three halls of record for Earth-Tara-Gaia, and the appearance of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers, humanity is aligning with the solar symbiosis star born cycle that has brought on the long-awaited return of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Triple Solar Reisha or Yanas. This is the representative merge that is made between the eternal spirit body in the seven heavenly worlds that are finally being reunited with the divine counterparts of their physical incarnates located in timelines of the matter worlds. The long-awaited healing of the Christos-Sophia hierogamic template for sacred marriage between the divine masculine and divine feminine principle was required to heal the Wall in Time to reset the particle spin that would be required to reset the planetary grid network. And so, the new stage of solar symbiosis planetary ascension initiation into the starborn level of the Diamond Sun template connecting to the Cosmic Spirit Body begins.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 36205

December 2022
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This year’s newsletters have been revealing the major planetary grid events unfolding the gradual stages of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening and reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine Rishi-Reisha in their hierogamic Emerald Sun template. These stages progressed through the ongoing retrievals which encompass many moving parts, that when reunited form into the eternal spiritual body for the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons. These are the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders, the Ancient Builder Races who originally built the creator source code and instructions sets for the entire Universal Time Matrix. This Cosmic Christos Sun family announces the end of the Cosmic Day evolution journey through the Universal Ascension Cycle, in which consciousness expansion into lower dimensions comes to a full stop. As the mass consciousness expansion comes to an end, we have completed the rounds of the twelve Astrological Ages, when all consciousness begins its return via a new spiritual journey back home through the Center of the Creation doorway.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 39757

November 2022
Alhambra Palace
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Emerald Order Guardians brought to our attention the next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order that began on 11:11 with the Cosmic Mother Dragon reclaiming her body parts in the sacred architecture connected to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. Essentially, the Cosmic Mother’s sophianic heart principle has a galactic access point within the Alhambra Palace complex, which holds an incredibly powerful secret of natural alignment with galactic nodes. The Cosmic Mother Dragon connected with the Unis Mundi in this location and transmitted light seed codes into Alhambra through her sacred rainbow dragon breath through the 11:11 gateway, as a part of the solar fire that anoints and reclaims sacred structures on the Earth for their true divine purpose. Alhambra’s recent retrieval from the anti-human vandals inverting its sacred architecture and spiritual properties in base 10 reversals, begins another stage of planetary architecture restoration of the sacred crystal heart of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine, which is necessary for the reseating of King Arthur and Queen Meri-Guinevere within the Triple Solar Solomon Temple being built in the Albion.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 25102
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Strategic Alliances
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
December 2007
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Once again, we find ourselves stationed at an intersection point in time facing many possible openings that will lead us into completely new terrain over the next year. We are still hacking through the bush, creating a new path into the unknown, a process similar to 'chop wood and carry water'. Many of us are in a phase of learning new disciplines for our upcoming soul projects, which require both an inner directed focus on an objective and an outward structure to manifest.
We have our eye on the ball and there is no energy left for dispersal to anything outside of the disciplined focus of our soul's mission. This is not a time to drop the ball, as we can feel the celestial mandate giving us a time frame. There are so many things to route in a day's time we truly have no other way to be but fully present in the Now. We can feel that we are carrying an important template and energy that will impact our lives and the lives of many others in the longer term. With that comes a responsibility, which we are protecting until we can carry it over the finish line. As we endeavor to clear a new pathway over the next three months, the decisions we make will be life changing. We have been asking for a new way of life, a new energy system to emerge as we stand on the threshold of the old crumbling system. We are coming to the tipping point of what reality and what timelines will manifest in the external systems of our world at a global level. We can empower ourselves by consciously aligning and committing to our spiritual truth and its purposes to serve in the new reality. For most beings however, who are unaware of the power they have to change their reality it will be the overall vibratory nature, the emotional equilibrium and resulting light quotient that will be the deciding factor in the next chapter of their body's consciousness.