Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
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Most of us have been preparing our whole life times for this moment of the ascension timeline. We are learning how to walk the path of true self-mastery and attempting to hold energetic space for the highest probability for our god being ( and others) that we can. Going back to the newsletter, I have mentioned early on that this is again the ultimate initiation, that we must move to be god, sovereign, and free. “I am the law of one made manifest”, this is who we really are. The issue of existing in a polarized system down here on earth, as we are healing those schisms in consciousness on the planet, we assist healing through our personal consciousness.  If we can move beyond polarity thinking to hold neutral, the zero point neutral frequency, we are getting beyond manipulation of the binary thinking where the polarity consciousness goes.  It is important to know the agendas of what we are dealing with on the earth, but to also understand  how to hold the space neutrally, so we can heal our physical systems and hold the zero point field that we are designed to in our genetic potential. We have to face what we must heal, we cannot deny the darkness. 

Discernment vs Judgment is something that needs to be cultivated as a personal skill set. Discerning energetic signatures beyond mental judgments is a totally different way of disseminating information. One can discern darkness and call it as it is, without casting judgment or rejection upon its state of being. Discernment allows for an accurate perception, without judgment. This helps the individual choose resonance for the self which accelerates spiritual growth and makes the process easier.  This is definitely an important point as we go forward supporting unity consciousness within ourselves and within the way we live our lives and support each other as community. This is a core way to hold unity, master the ego well enough, as ego exists as as either/or thinking. When one understands unity intelligence it is in transcending the either/or, superior/inferior absolute thinking. This way, one can create many more alternate resolutions and probabilities to heal very difficult situations. This is going to be a level of possible energetic responsibility for a lot of us that have agreed to hold this particular space in the coming times. (Source: QA May 2008)