Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
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What is a Genetic Pathcutter?

A “Genetic Pathcutter” is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns and their recorded histories held in the human DNA patterns and, consequently, the interface within the planetary grids. I mention “incarnated,” as one must be in a human body to do this particular work for the good of the planetary collective, which is an incredibly important mission at this time of the Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature and holographic record. However, I want to be specific as there is one level of patterning that many Starseed lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balancing particular to the ancestral viral patterns held in the human biology. 

A while ago during a session with my guides they informed me that there were going to be new viral strains introduced to and discovered on the planet. They explained there was an evolutionary purpose for this, and that this was designed to burn out and clear old disease patterns in the ancestral and karmic lines. Apparently, these distortions were created by fear and belief systems which, over time, were genetically encoded in human DNA, and resulted in various forms of dis-ease or imbalance. These dis-ease patterns were then encoded and passed down from generation to generation. Levels of the passed down distorted or flawed DNA would result in a dissipation of the original form of the disease. The disease and its pattern would sometimes skip generations. The dissipated pattern of the original disease would then manifest in future generations in other forms or DNA mutations. This inherited genetic disease patterning is known in homeopathy or in spiritual language as a miasm

However, there is still much of this miasm patterning on the planet and in the human DNA. Now that we have reached a time of such energetic acceleration, a tipping point is about to occur. We now have opportunities to really clear and transform many of the old energetic patterns of humanity, including disease and dead light miasma patterns. Many lightworkers are stepping up to the plate in this regard and honoring their contracts to clear these patterns, not only for their ancestral genetic line but also for planetary purposes. We are currently witnessing huge upheavals forcing the transformation and restructuring of the many imbalances within our society that propagate disease, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disease within humanity. Lightworkers with Genetic Pathcutter contracts have incarnated to help support the alchemical transmutation of miasmatic pattern and dead light cellular record to rehabilitate the genetic material of a human biology upon an ascending earth. Participation in these contracts as naturally exchanged between these forces of polarity,  is also the pathway leading to the embodiment and possible activation of the resurrection template held within the silicate matrix of the 12 D Christos pattern. Genetic Pathcutters clear the levels of genetic record distortion and its generated miasma to allow an instructional pathway of which to bring the resurrection template back to this planet for the human race. Genetic Pathcutters may choose pre-incarnation one area (or more) in their family of origin DNA in order to clear those bloodline distortions, and overall by doing so within their lifestream, contribute to a larger group mission objective to serve the ascension of humanity.

Ancestral Clearing

All human beings that are incarnated into this earth as babies being born have the Consciousness memories of their ancestors recorded in the cells of their body. In the cycles of seven years, the ancestral trauma of the past is brought through the offspring and repeated with each seven year cycle throughout the human being's lifetime, until the trauma pattern is resolved, cleared and healed permanently. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of the being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded into the cellular matrix of our body. These memories are passed through the future generations into the offspring which will hold these accumulated records of memories in their body. When these accumulated memories include trauma, dysfunction, addiction and abusive relationships, these memories store aberrant emotions and belief systems generated from that original and subsequent related trauma. The energetic result is a range of potential negative effects on the consciousness of the person if this trauma remains uncleared. These negative effects include subconscious trauma behaviors that shape belief systems into Three Layers of EgoMiasmaDead EnergyNegative Forms, and Spirit Attachments that connect Ancestral Spirits and/or Fallen Angelics.

On the path of Kundalini awakening or Spiritual Ascension the first stages for spiritual healing and ongoing will include emotional and mental body clearing of these accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from both the patriarchal and matriarchal lineages of the persons Family of Origin. When we are observing trauma events and behaviors from past Timelines that we carry from our Parents and Ancestors, we can choose to heal these patterns through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Ascension Cycle will take us through many stages of emotional clearing in order to heal these cellular memories in our body and remove the blockages and negative effects they create. The process of active conscious participation with this emotional, mental and spiritual clearing at any phase is called Genetic Pathcutting.

Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters.