Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Results 1 - 30 of 369


10th Stargate Network

In the ascension stairstep the 10D sphere or chakra in the individual is where we enter the Avatar level of embodiment.


12 Strand Christ DNA Activation

Activate and align the 12 dimensional bodies in the pineal/brain center, invoke the return and reinstall of all Fire Letters and codes.


12 Tree Grid Integration

Harmonize the chakras that correspond to the planetary grid points in our body for perfect integration within our divine blueprint.


12D Shield Core Practice

The 12D Shield Core practice can be immediate once you have attuned and anchored the frequency and shield into your aura. Create your Personal CONTAINER FIRST!


1D Atomic Body Treatment

In depth clearing of dead light harnesses and their related implants and devices, allowing the current self to connect directly to its own inner spiritual source light.


3D Sun Star Crystal Seal Adjustment

DEEP ETHERIC SURGERY!!! - Upgrade and release of the mental body harness, to repattern electrotonal programs.


5D Galactic Bridging Meditation

We create a galactic bridge to assist the galactic federation and other beings, who are stuck in false 5D Ascension Programs.


5D Higher Mind Integration

The 5D Higher Mind Integration Meditation to elevate the mental body from the 3D Solar Plexus and expand into the higher mental body field.


Abuses of Power

The current human culture has been shaped to distort natural laws and subvert human heart-based values.



Ascension Class September 2016


Addressing Fear of Death

It is important to understand that all of our spiritual practice today is to help us prepare for the next highest consciousness journey.


Akasha Golden Aether Dodecahedron

To connect directly with the hand of creation blueprint of the akasha golden aether dodecahedron through our ninth and tenth dimensional axiatonal lines.


Alhambra Palace

Emerald Order Guardians brought to our attention the next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order.


Alignment to Natural Law

We must bring all of their existing inner worlds into Alignment with the Natural Laws, or we'll be faced with the increasing negative consequences of our actions in the outer worlds.


Anchoring Krystallah Pillars in Notre Dame

Connect with the Cosmic Mother’s Krystallah blueprint which activates four sonic pillars of the Sophianic template and anchor them in in the underground network of Notre Dame, Paris.


AoA Alpha/Omega Clearing

Reverse Armageddon software and NA agenda implants from your auric layers. May require repeated use.


Aquamarine Crystal KA Activation for Plasma Rings

Clear out inorganic elements from the sacral centers with the aquamarine crystal, ignite the upgrades in the Lotus Points.


Arc Zone

Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation.


Artificial Timeline Wars

Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and moving soul and monadic families out of artificial timelines.


Ascension Class 1

TOPIC: What is Ascension? Includes the technique instruction of the 12D shield process and Q&A on topic. Includes mp3 recording of class and e-book material. Revised 6/29/2013


Ascension Class 2 The Levels of Being- Multidimensionality - Core Fear Removal Q & A. Revised 6/29/2013.


Ascension Class 3

File: Introduction to Hidden Human History -- Humanity as Energetic Beings. Revised 6/29/2013.


Ascension Class 4

File: AscensionClass4.mp3 Introduction to Genetic Pathcutting -- Ascension Symptomology. Revised 6/29/2013.


Ascension Class 5

File: AscensionClass5.mp3 Introduction to Indigo Races - Ebook and Pyschic Self Defense Class for Indigos. Revised 6/29/2013.


Ascension Guest - Anne Taylor

Anne Taylor is a Gifted Spiritual Intuitive and a Galactic Sister.


Ascension Meditation

To increase your light quotient


Ascension Timeline Rebellion

We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon.


Asian Grid Project

Support Asian grid release of soul transit through war.


Astral Reconstruction

4 VIDEOS. Aquarian Solar Dragon announces this shift happening now.


Astrological Blueprint Corrections

We are addressing the holographic blueprint of the constellations and planetary bodies and their astrological correspondences that may have been magnetically imprinted into our soul and spirit body.


Latest Products

Khem Code Induction with Copper Roses

Participate with the induction of the Khem Code as re-encrypted with the copper rose gold failsafe of copper roses


Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea

Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shields for Universal Gender Principle corrections


Doradic Capstone for Genetic Time Codes

Participate with capstone codes for strengthening the platform of conscious perception


Enki DNA Overlays

The corrupted elementals and artificial red wave machinery that were used to encode Enki DNA Overlays into angelic humans.


Cosmic Emerald Heart in Hill of Tara

Connect with the Eiras sound flame within our Emerald Crystal Heart


Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire

The Cosmic Mother placed a complete replica of herself in a Triple Solar White Diamond Elohei.


Elaysian Living Waters and Triple Lotus Cathedral

Connect to the Elaysian Living Waters and ignite the Blue, White and Pink Lotus corrections for the Elaysian Krystal Cathedral.


Tiamat Logos

The corrected crystal key activations for the Universal Melchizedek Ankh Body.


Blue Rainbow Bridge

The planetary grid system and crystal core received a massive influx of rainbow plasmic gamma ray.

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