Q. I wonder if you could please speak a little bit about krystic qualities/characteristics of male and female. As we are working on the HG sacred union within, I think many of us would like some more clarity on what this may look like. Beyond the gender distortions, what does a monad embodied female or male on earth "look like". I know everyone is an individual, but I feel some general outlines may be helpful. Thank you SO much for all you are and for all you do.
A. Thank you! This is a fantastic question and certainly worth sharing dialogue to explore how we each can make productive movement forward into this direction within ourselves and within all of the relationships we are interconnected and interacting. In studying the Law of One Practices, the Relationship Mastery Guidelines, Self Awareness Guidelines and GSF Behaviors one will find the key notes of these qualities. This helps us establish patterns to which we can learn to develop more skill with compassionate communication, discerning ego judgments from exercising personal choice and discernment, and learning how to create more enjoyable relationships that are productive and harmonious.
I have no direct experience with studies of Non-Violent Communication, as these skills are natural to me. However, I find that NVC is extremely helpful in their basic philosophy which resembles Krystic signature. The emphasis from their perspective is similar however, without incorporating the spiritual consciousness development model that is connected to these values. The NVC baseline is an agreement to a shared humanitarian philosophy. That humanitarian philosophy (perception) is assumed as an agreement to exist as the core characteristics inherent in all human beings:
- All human beings share the basic same needs
- Our world offers sufficient resources for meeting everyone's basic needs
- All actions are attempts to meet needs
- Feelings point to needs being met or unmet
- All human beings have the capacity for compassion
- Human beings enjoy giving and being acknowledged (valued) for who they are
- Human beings meet needs through many interdependent relationships
- Human beings change and transform
- Choice is internal
- The most direct path to peace is through self-connection ( i.e. consciousness development)
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
As humanity and the planet undergo an expunging of this Patriarchal Domination, this creates imbalances in our gender roles shaped by the alien mind control of patriarchal suppression. This manifests as deep distortions and misery in the union and marriage between the male and female human being. Marriage between the genetic equals is a Christ principle ( a part of spiritual ascension) and so to destroy this principle on the earth, extreme abuse in the role between the genders has occurred. This "alien" distortion is a holographic separation in the blueprint that makes men and women on this planet be unable to perceive and communicate with each other as divine equals. This is exacerbated by alien mind control programs using hatred, discrimination and blaming behaviours as caused between the gender roles in order to promote division, separation between the sexes rather than engender unity , equality and appreciation. As a result in the global human population, most marriages and related types of sexual arrangements are based on hatred and inequality of life force energies or values, therefore the marriages/unions are greatly suffered by both parties as incomplete and grotesquely distorted versions of its true purpose in life.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
So right now, if it could be called a planetary “theme”, the old energy purging on planet could be described as the patriarchal exorcism, and this theme would be synonymous with the events that have transpired from the choices made since the Atlantean timelines that split the brotherhoods of humankind. If we follow that timeline, Atlantis is where we had a tremendous shift in consciousness that propelled humanity into a fallen state, the descension spiral and break between the Universal knowledge and the level of multidimensional consciousness. Humanity and other races along with us, became fully lost in the duality and separation consciousness with an negative ego filter. That filter was guided by the NAA (intruder races) to control the planet through the patriarchal imbalance of dominion, greed and culling genetic preferences through DNA manipulation. That Atlantean brotherhood conflict is still playing out its karmic patterns in the contemporary world at this time. There are multidimensional levels, “pinnacles” of conflicts right now in the middle east that are fighting over energies and control in ancient inter-dimensional portal gateways. These gateways (or stargates) were dormant and have not been activated in our recent history; these matrices are forming in accordance to the ascending planetary quantum mechanics of which as a result, these ancient portals are being reconnected or becoming more active. As these gates open access into other dimensions of time and space, as this is happening on earth now, most humans still remain asleep to these events, and as such there are massive conflicts of power ( wars, bloodshed, etc) over who is working with accessing those stargates and commanding those energies.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
Here on earth, we are being trained in the galactic emissary role as liaisons between E.T. Cosmic Christ brotherhood and the 3D human being. As this experience is going on, our physical self must be shifted and encrypted with new elemental fields. So, in understanding, the physical elemental vehicle/body is created out of main elements of the 3D physical earth plane, when we came into incarnation in this ascension cycle, our bodies took on snapshot of whatever elemental vehicle was imprinted through the soul blueprint as well as collective human imprints and family of origin imprints. As an example the body is subjected to the dimensional frequency and architecture level that was at the exact moment of birth which is the imprint into the time/space field. At any exact incarnational moment for any baby born into this 3D earth plane, there is a particular energy signature that is necessary in order for the human soul (or essence of that being) to function in the 3D level of time and space as that being. These imprints hold the balance of the elemental encryptions in one’s energy field that are directly related to the function of the personality in a body, that interrelationship between the stations of identity in consciousness to work in alignment with the physical body. For many people these interrelationships are coded in distortion and reversals, of which we must learn how to reprogram these distortions, which exist always as negative alien and negative ego filter embeds. As we change our thoughts, as we learn to be as one with Christ consciousness values, (life affirming values) this state of being recodes these negative embeds and their imprints. At this point many of these imprints are changing, being updated, as we are leaving the 3D constructs.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional