What is 3D Mind Control? Misuse of Technology and Psycho-Spiritual Warfare
When one has control over the thoughts of one's mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape value systems to which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. God, Religious Violence, gender issues, financial and debt enslavement, Consumptive Modeling, Misogyny and sexuality are the most mind controlled and manipulated belief systems promoted by the NAA and their human Power Elite to continue their enslavement and vampirism of humanity and planetary resources.
Most of the Negative Aliens and those humans serving the NAA are unable to feel, experience or express higher emotions, such as emotive and empathetic states of loving kindness or Compassion. Essentially, with a Lack of Empathy as an Archontic Deception value system, it is easy to Mind Control program killing machines that have no remorse for their actions nor care of the consequences to their actions. The Negative Aliens have downloaded their genetic mutations through Mind Control technologies which manifest as a severe Lack of Empathy within the collective consciousness of the human race, in order to control the planet to serve their agenda. A major control mechanism is to enforce the cycles of Victim-Victimizer archetypes into the collective consciousness and population of earth.
When a person is mentally and emotionally unstable they are more vulnerable to Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Possession. Mind control scripts and their string commands are being used to sweep and locate unstable people (such as severely wounded young males) to act out and spread this "program" to infect more people with a sick or imbalanced mental state. Large events of gatherings are a perfect terrain for executing these kinds of triggers into the field.
The Dead Light matrices also reflect the Artificially Bent Light “Holographic Inserts” (which contain the controlled versions of the nature of this reality, such as Crucifixion Implants) and these are also shattering and exploding systematically into the outer fields of the planet. These are false realities (artificial holographic inserts) that we have thought were “real” and then developed mental beliefs that held that specific version of reality and its Timelines kept in place. As these false realities are shattered into pieces (for those maintaining energetic balance in this explosive terrain), we can read the signature of those “Dead Light” pieces that reflect the nature of its disease and its schism. Holographic Inserts work as a mind control software program.
- Category: N.A.A.
If you are needing more clarity on the nature of alien implants it is suggested that you review the Negative Alien Agenda (N.A.A.) pages on our website and review the March 2013 newsletter, Reclaiming the Christos Body.
When we understand holograms of refracted light, we can begin to understand the holographic architecture placed in the consciousness fields of the planet to bend or control the refraction of light and sound within an inorganic state of being. An inorganic state defined as a state that was artificially built by an extradimensional entity (N.A.A.) with the aim and goal of subversion, infiltration and enslavement of beings subjected underneath its realm to its own “reflection of light”. All of these Ego Filters, Collective Archetypes, Addiction Programs, Mind Control Structures, Alien Implants, are examples of inorganic refractions of holographic architecture that were artificially built in dead energy structures through frequency manipulation. This is how they were able to invade the planet without being physically seen and detected by the spiritually oppressed human masses. By superimposing these refracted light spectrums to be directed at the whim of the “controlling entity”, through its hidden agenda – the entity can create overlays of perception, overlays of identity, and this is the means of alien mind control of which has been discussed fervently many times before in this body of work. By controlling perception of identity, one can control the consciousness of the identity and eventually through subversion of the original identity, possess the beings body and mind to become subservient to an agenda that is neither organic nor natural to the soul.
- Category: N.A.A.
The Negative Aliens Archons group or the NAA do not want to heal thereby integrate into human society as an equal. They want to rule humans and earth as an absolute authority with an iron fist in the Controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny. This is also called Patriarchal Domination. The Power Elite are the group of humans that have been handed the control over the majority of the resources of the planet in order to carry out the Archontic Deception Strategy that the NAA has put into place to ensure the war Enslavement mind control programming continues to divide and conquer the human population on the earth. This is a self enforcing system of mind control promoted through all world organizations to shape ideologies and values based on the Archontic Deception Behaviors of the Predator Mind of the Negative Aliens. Those humans that feed the False King of Tyranny are rewarded monetarily or with status, power or fame over the rest of the underlings on the earth. The Orion Group created hierarchical Controller systems that operate behind every World Power or Pillar of Society. They use technological Mind Control, Suppressor Parasites SPE and have downloaded their Predator Mind to the people of the earth through invasion of the Planetary Logos in order to enslave and dominate the direction of human being affairs on the earth.
Patriarchal Domination
Patriarchal Domination is enforced in a variety of ways through abuses of alpha male power to control women and those ranked lower on the social or religious classification system through fear and intimidation. This is a learned skill that is promoted in a variety of ways or is mimicked from boys watching their Father's or male authority figures to enforce the Archontic Deception Strategy and promote Misogyny to continue the cycle of abuse of women or girls. This is a primary strategy of programming humans in to Mind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids. Strategies of exerting power and control through Misogyny exist at every level of society, starting as domestic violence and forms of abuse which shape core values and the way humans are programmed to think. To better grasp how the Archons of the False King of Tyranny operate to abuse power systems on the earth, please see the domestic abuse chart.
Shaping of World Organizations
There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs. These pillars of society are manipulated to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes.
- Power Elites or Controller
- Military Industrial
- Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
- Religious-Academic-Financial
- Controlled Media and Press
In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious - Academic - Financial - we can see how even though these three areas of belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used interchangeably to appear in diametric opposition to the onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to the top of the chain. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create victims and victimizers is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism and war through Hell fire and brimstone of the Alien Gods. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in controlling human beings. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing.
Nephilim Reversal Grid
The NRG system keeps electron reversal distortions feeding the patriarchal domination archetypes of tyranny as assumed by males and females as within their “accepted” roles of identity which are shaped into societal norms through Mind Control. This results in a bevy of highly destructive mental belief systems and emotional body schisms that self enforce enslavement behaviors in the population. These schisms are highly dysfunctional to the point they create genetic damage in the 2nd and 4th chakra layer functioning of the Lightbody. These archetypes were once “creational myths” to play out in the polarity game of Victim-Victimizer but became a massive source of resources (food) for the Controllers. As these archetypes were then used to negatively Mind Control people into separation and slavery, the population digressed (then societal behavior patterns digressed) into aggressive anti-human, robotic and disconnected behavior that self enforces the population enslavement to serve the NAA.
The Crucifixion Strategy is an example of an artificially bent light architecture to create the mental archetype and therefore belief system of Salvation as a requirement through “Redemption" in a NAA fabricated violent religion based on Blood Sacrifice. This action created intermediaries (False Gods) that are interfering with a human being’s direct relationship to God Source and enforcing divide and conquer strategy between all of humanity on the planet. This is called the Archontic Deception Strategy to shape the predator mind in humanity through promoting Archontic Deception Behaviors. The correction of this imbalance is being restored to the planet and therefore humanity at this time in the Ascension Cycle through the end of Consumptive Modeling and the reclamation of the Diamond Sun Body through Krystal Star. [August 2011].
Discerning Tyrants and Controllers
Tyranny is about the abuse of power over others through a variety of methods; deception, lying, manipulation,Mind Control, bullying and intimidation. Whether it's a pushy person, a control freak, a bully, or an outright tyrant, the problem is the same: their goals are always more important than yours. A difficult, pushy person has gone too far again. They are bossing you around, acting selfish and self-important, threatening you, making demands, barking orders, and abusing their power. Control freaks, imperative people, and tyrants exercise power in a harsh, cruel, or destructive manner. They are oppressive, harsh, arbitrary people who make life difficult for too many of us. Control-oriented people as described here expect to control the people and events around them. Exposing or challenging their tactics could provoke their anger and result in severe and possibly dangerous retaliation. Expect to be a target of their backlash. Protect yourself and others who could become targets before challenging a Controller or control-oriented person. See Leadership Vs. Tyranny
Nephilim Reversal Mind Control
This dark cycle of human evolution through the Patriarchal Domination has been influenced and manipulated in many different ways, however, since this holographic Mind Control system is breaking down in places, it is freeing many of the males from being in its “grasp”. Largely what this NRG (nephilim reversal grid- 3D mind control system) system was designed to do was to control the patriarch or male to be the “enforcer” of the female principle suppression and act as a tyrant of the peoples. This also condoned the False King of Tyranny archetype, a tyrant, power hungry Controller, to be glorified as an aspiring alpha male model for the young boys. Especially in the Western World, we groomed our boys to be mostly tyrants in our society.
(Note: In modern usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small elite group or family, over the best interests of the general population, one which the tyrant governs or controls.)...
During this phase many more males will awaken into their true understanding of “power” and accept their rightful kingship ( archetypally, the public servant and benevolent ruler) in order to receive the spiritual “Rod” of initiation. This is the beginning stage of Magnum Opus Alchemy on the Earth which is necessary to allow for the next phases of our Ascension Cycle that manifests the Trinitized Form Embodiments. This includes Spiritual Marriages in No Time.
Top 5 Archontic Strategies
The Big Five AD Strategies to generate more AD Negative Ego Behaviors and spread their anti-human value systems in the human public are:
1. Divide and Conquer
2. Victim/Victimizer
3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
5. Misogyny
(See Archons and Archontic Deception Strategy.)
Father Arc
The awakening Holy Father Arc is illuminating his return as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun returning benevolence merged with true power. This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King of Tyranny archetype and its continual abuse of power through technological mind control upon the earth. However, the end of the rule of the Tyrant must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on the earth the tyrant archetype has become a bad addiction of Victim-Victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of. The ending of tyrannical control requires the spiritual responsibility to end all victim related patterns. Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips of tyranny.
(Source:Ascension Glossary - False King of Tyranny)
- Category: N.A.A.

When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul.
Psycho-spiritual warfare through technological Mind Control to create fear and trauma is used to control the masses in a variety of ways. God, Religious Violence, gender issues, and sexuality are the most mind controlled and manipulated belief systems promoted by the NAA and their human power elite to continue their enslavement and vampirism of humanity.
Discerning Spirits
Most people are unaware there are dark spirits that are assigned certain purposes by the humans and nonhumans who evoke them. We live in a multidimensional world with every kind of spirit force one could imagine. There are Spirits of Hate, Spirits of Rape, Spirits of Poverty, and Spirits of Pedophilia. We do not want to communicate with these spirits unless we are qualified to perform deliverance (transiting). Most of these collective forces of spirits were earthly humans once, who over time were bound to a consciousness theme, from their own repeated actions of committing the same. It is important to comprehend that absolutely everything on the planet has some type of Consciousness or spirit. When you observe it operating en masse in the world, then it means there is a type of consciousness spirit behind that action. There are dark spirits, and there are truth and light spirits. These lower spirits are manipulated and embodied by people. This is the nature of consciousness, so it is important to discern the nature of spirit forces.
Fear Tactics
This might be of help to understand the fear tactics used by the dark forces to manipulate and distract the light workers.
1. Astral body infiltrations: Lots of light workers get stuck in the astral world, a Phantom Matrix this is not an enlightened plane, these are delusions and fantasies that they believe to be true; this is from a lack of understanding of their spiritual selves and lack of discernment.
2. Projecting holographic inserts of Artificial Machinery into a persons body (mental emotional) or into the levels of consciousness during dream state to manipulate the being is another level of Mind Control manipulation.
3. Using Negative Form and their residue energy to create confusion and to manipulate the being. Negative form is a form of karma or Miasma that is extracted as a splinter or negative projection from our simultaneous incarnations where we had a trauma or event that could be used to manipulate the present time. Create a burden of karma that would make it extremely dense to the light worker, the trauma of this pain weigh heavy on the light worker.
4. Using painful memories from other life times or current life time to create pain and to control the person.
5. Using isolation techniques, victimizing or defamation of the character so the person is singled out. This happens a lot in the leadership areas as the dark does not want spiritual leaders.
6. Acting out deception-betrayal scenarios within the closer family relationships.
7. Possession of unstable personalities and their bodies for the use of direction dark force to inflict harm. Unstable persons can be use as portals for dark force use.
Characteristic of an unstable person - rapidly changing mood, because of the insecurity they seek to rapidly control their environment to fit into their situation and belief system, often have chaotic relationship with people around them, go from one emotional crisis to another, often show dependency, addiction and have separation anxiety as well as issues with their own image as well as feeling of emptiness and sadness. They have dominating ego and if they cannot control the situation they go into a temper tantrum, or they get mad, at this point the person is extremely vulnerable to dark possession or Mind Control. Many of these negative behaviors are spiritually abusive and called Archontic Deception Behaviors.
(Ref. July 2012 News Letter/Discussion)
Alien Predator uses Victimizer Software
Also, the Victim-Victimizer Mind Control software program and its use from “predator forces” are utilized to enforce the enslavement of humanity through the patriarchal elitist programming by the False King of Tyranny. One may pay attention to the cycle the predator force uses the Victim-Victimizer software in controlling human beings to enforce their own enslavement and torture. It is a Mind Slide and or Holographic Insert program where human beings completely ignore unapproved “words”, terms or issues that involve their enslavement or torture, even if they come face to face with it. If they do face it, the predator may threaten their life, their career, their family, through this software to influence public or group perception to incite persecution. This may happen when the person is aware he has been targeted for persecution, or the person is not aware at all that events are being influenced through this targeting software Alien Machinery.
Spiritual Leaders and those making headway in certain “unapproved” areas of public discussion, such as Extraterrestrials, UFO’s, abduction cases, Alien Implants, the Satanic use of child sacrifice, pedophilia,Moloch insignia for SRA - will be targeted for victimization.
V/V Case Study
The Victim-Victimizer or VV targeting program is a general definition of what I have experienced for many years now, as a spiritual "leader" (by default) and steward of this content over the years, with some of the community members, non-community members, in outside emails from people, internet stalkers, disinformation people, etc. For more read the V/V Case Study.
(Source: Ascension Glossary - Dark Force Manipulation Methods)
- Category: N.A.A.