Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
Quick Practice Steps

The Key: Applying Non-Attached Receptivity

When you become aware of recurring scenarios that are triggering intense emotional responses, take time to distance yourself from the situation. (Especially if you have not been getting any change of responses and are still experiencing the same cycles of repetition.) This may mean changing your day to day patterns, changing your location, finding alternate ways to have residence, (example: doing an summer internship at Esalen, taking a long dreamed of trip out of the country, a ”just do it!” kind of scenario, etc) Many times when you take yourself out of your comfort zone by changing your daily patterns it allows a new energy to present itself to manifest a completely new way of being. 

Many times there is energetic symbolism in the circumstance that are not what they appear to be on the surface. This means that what you feel or think is the “issue” is only the illusion at the surface and diving deeper into the core or causation of the pattern will reveal its deeper truth. Until you see the deeper truth, the pattern (symbolism) will repeat itself and continue to manifest its recurring theme. To free yourself from these recurring themes it is necessary to attain a complete level of nonattachment. This is by achieving an observer consciousness to witness the issue. 

Generally the emotional charge that you attribute to a recurring life pattern is directly related to the degree you will repeat the life pattern. To break the cycle one must surrender to the process and cease resisting what has been presented or manifested in your life. Confrontation or attempting to force personal will on the situation will only multiply its intensity. To liberate yourself from the emotional bondage you may feel in these situations is to remove yourself energetically form the scenario completely. Diffuse your energies, do not engage in the drama or invest yourself in its outcome. When you actually walk away from the circumstance you contribute to the completion of that particular theme. Expressing nonattachment encompasses every possible situation in which you are mentally and emotionally invested. This is applied to a material object, a person or any other type of relationship you may have. 

However it is important to understand the most effective use in applying “nonattachment” is not to be confused to mean an emotional state of numbness or denial. Practice applying nonattachment to the “end result”, while remaining open to the opportunities presented is the most effective way to manifest the circumstances that are the true reflection of your god self.

In these new energies it is not possible to force outcomes (such as imposing your will) that will yield you long term positive results. Generally you will feel the energy deflated and draining when there is some kind of imposition or “force” involved. Many times we may feel thwarted as the landscape changes very quickly in this new environment and it challenges us to make micro-adjustments in our capacity to remain adaptable. To create a better sense of well being and inner peace remember to stay in the flow of moving energy. And that means flowing with the doorways that open and close with greater ease.

Practice with maintaining your observing consciousness and apply “nonattached receptivity” to any emotionally charged patterns. Unconditional acceptance of whatever has been presented without the need to change it or fit into a context of a “belief system” will help release those items (such as relationships with other souls/people no longer serving you).

Practice applying non-attached receptivity when asking yourself to honestly answer these questions in order to resolve any unhealed conflicts. Accept responsibility for your thoughts and feelings now.  

Describe your total responsibility for the Fear (and any of your physical imbalance) 


Describe the addictions, obsessions and negative thoughts you will stop NOW: 


Describe your spiritual connection to the universe: 


Describe the Behaviours you will start: 


Describe the Behaviours you will stop: 


Describe your process of detachment:



Suggested for You

Discipline the Ego

Since the linear ego mind’s purpose is designed to perceive linear time, as in point A to point B in a straight line, it is very limited in its capacity to access a wide range of possibilities in Consciousness. It will reduce possibilities to limitations of perceptions of time and collective belief systems logic. Therefore, this is not desirable when learning to expand consciousness. Ascension topics will challenge the ego belief systems of a closed mind, so attempt to hold an open mind in the spirit of exploration. The spiral Higher Sensory Perception is an aspect of the higher mind, when attuned correctly, will observe and receive information neutrally as “sensations” or direct cognition. The spiral energy of accessing information will allow you to go beyond linear time to access much more information in no-time.

Spiraling energy is how the energetic bodies and the Universal life force energies move through time and space. As a practice to discipline your ego, learn to refocus negative or judgmental thoughts when you become aware of them as an inner dialogue. As you discipline your Negative Ego from running your life, you will acquire greater skill at HSP and reading energies. Remember the linear thoughts of the ego mind blocks higher sensory perception. Being scared or fearful of the unknown will also block HSP. There is nothing to be afraid of in facing the truth. Refresh your mental discipline tools by reviewing the “Ego Discipline Techniques” in the ES Core Triad.

Engaged Detachment

In order to develop Self Awareness of being present with the Inner and Outer Dialogues through the Observing Consciousness one will require to develop the Spirit of Discipline. Refocusing mental perception from Negative Thoughts to its Positive Polarity through Unconditional Love and Forgiveness towards the self and others. Note: focusing on positive thoughts to replace negative thoughts are the first stage of egodiscipline, the second stage is applying neutrality or neutral association through sustained focus, as in inner quiet found during meditation. This is because many people in ego behavior misrepresent neutrality as dissociative reaction to external events or others feelings. Disassociation and neutrality is not the same state of consciousness, one is disconnected from circumstances, while the latter is connected through awareness, through observer. This is called engaged detachment.

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