Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
Quick Practice Steps

The Controllers have zero power over you (one's thoughts and emotional state) when you are outside of their frequency reach by maintaining neutral balance or the Observer Point. If you stay out of mental and emotional polarity (inferior and superior thought forms) it is very hard for them to manipulate or control you. The Controllers have no access to control Now Moment Consciousness and do not understand the self-organization of God Force in Action as the Compassionate Witness. When you are capable to maintain and then embody energetic balance (through observer with no attachment to outcome) God Forces can access your being and bring resolution, reconciliation and peace to the most despairing of circumstances. Remember Fear closes the door to God Force while holding the inner Balance (Peace and Love) opens it. 

To begin this process one must observe the functions of the mind and discern them in action and intend to return that part of that mind function, or thought back into the internal still point or neutral. As we observe the thought, action or behavior in ourselves externally, we source this as an aspect of our mind that is connected to the internal whole and return that thought to the still point of consciousness inside our heart.In the earlier stages this is the intention and goal of specific meditation to become aware of inner stillness without the mind interfering. Later it is a walking meditation in which every single thought, behavior and activity is witnessed by the Observer Point in the day to day activity. As this skill is developed this becomes possible with little to no effort to remain in the Observer Point. It is at this point a massive leap in higher consciousness and awareness of sentient forms may be experienced.

Monadic Integration

In the state of Monadic integration, the Consciousness experience allows for omnipresent Observer Point which when connected to the Christos consciousness as one's authority, results in a perpetual state of Compassionate Witnessing. The Law of Compassion may only be accessed through the deep practice of Compassion in the Law of One which is the direct teaching of the Christ or Krystal Star. Without the practice of Compassion in every day existence, one's consciousness descends to partial awakening, through means of the intellectual higher mind of the Luciferian consciousness.

Expanding Beyond Observer Point

The next stage beyond the Observer Point is the loving heart based feelings that are present in the Compassionate Witness. At the stage of achieving the Observer Point, one will progress in Consciousness to be a vessel of which expresses the Law of Compassion, or will remain stunted at the Observer Point consciousness.

This level of Observer Point when it remains static defines the Luciferian Abyss. This is the aspect of higher mind which holds access to a threshold of consciousness that is devoid of deep heart based Compassion and true empathy. It hangs on to the edge of the consciousness abyss until it can fully let go and surrender, dissolving into the oceanic field of loving compassion. Jumping over the Luciferian Abyss is the final point of surrender where we may feel fear we will be swallowed into the black hole of nothingness. At this point we stand at the edge of the abyss over the massive void. We must surrender to God to make the leap of faith and jump over to the other side into the arms of our Mother. This is why after achieving the Observer Point if feelings of Compassion do not naturally follow through an open heart, intentional effort to open the heart, commune with Mother and heal the inner child will be required to access the higher heart principle. Practicing the Law of One with the intent to open one’s higher heart to Compassion in meditation is the process which expands consciousness to the levels which access Higher Sensory Perception, through increasing sensory and feeling ability.

Set Neutral Association or Observer Point (Remain Non Attached to Outcome) Healing is non-verbal and non-linear. Release the mental body from fixating and Increase Higher Perceptive Feeling by doing an inner field check list. Stay fully present in the Now moment.


  • No Judgment, Replace with Discernment
  • Fearless and Timeless
  • Compassionate Witness
  • Breathe In Deeply and Relax: “I am Neutral”


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Narcissism And The Male Heart Wound

by Linda Marks 

Disconnection is both a personal and social disease in today's world. With it come the afflictions of addictions, depression and narcissism in epidemic proportions. 

For all but the last several hundred to one thousand years of human existence on this planet, we have lived in a more collective, tribal society. In such a society, much like the one author Jean Liedloff described in the Continuum Concept, babies are born with cellular expectations of a connectedness and relatedness with self, others and all of life. 

From this point of view, as infants, we feel connected to life and expect life and others in our lives to both recognize us as human beings and take care of us at the most basic levels when that is required. Likewise, we expect our caregivers to help steward us through a maturation process leading to appropriate self-sufficiency that can co-exist with appropriate interdependence. We place such emphasis on working long hours, and getting so much done, that we live in an always hurrying, overprogrammed culture. We don't have time to relax, to let down our defenses, to relate deeply. The pace of life today becomes another force to maintain disconnection.  

As we have moved farther away from tribal, village and community-based societies and into fragmented, disconnected nuclear family units or broken nuclear families, the sacred roles of both men and women have been lost. Men and women today are both engaged in the work culture for economic necessity and for a sense of identity and place. Many men and women alike are more distant from constant intimate daily presence in the lives of their children. Child care is often handed off to professional childcare providers, as the demands on one parent alone at home with children feels unbearable, as two parents each work and someone is needed to take care of the children or a single parent works to survive and can't be in two places at once. When working parents are lucky enough to have extended family, grandparents age into their 80's trying to surrogate parent their grandchildren.  Some of the energetic, emotional and practical mentoring and mirroring from parents and extended family that were once considered a child's birthright are less available. This is true for both boys and girls. 

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