Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
Learn Meditation
Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
Quick Practice Steps

The Noble Eightfold Path is a foundational guideline of which may help you to delineate a way to discipline your mind and accelerate your focus to a direct alignment to the Unity Source Field. This is a Quick Map to lead you into experiencing spiritual support pronto. This guideline is a core practice that is developed for the newly initiated and leads all the way to the advanced meditator. 


Eightfold Path factors

Acquired factors

Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajñā, Pāli: paññā)

1. Right understanding

9. Superior right knowledge

2. Right intention

10. Superior right liberation

Ethical conduct (Sanskrit: śīla, Pāli: sīla)

3. Right speech


4. Right action


5. Right livelihood


Meditation (Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi)

6. Right effort


7. Right mindfulness


8. Right meditation



FIRST TRIAD: MEDITATION: Being newly awakened, the first triad to focus upon is building your spiritual house by laying the base foundation. To begin to build your spiritual house, the commitment is to the Meditation practice with a focus on Right Effort (discipline your will and be consistent), Right Mindfulness (take the ego out of the driver seat and clear fear programs), and Right Meditation (how this is achieved).  This first step is generally when a person is working within the 4-5-6D lightbody functions and anchoring that frequency quotient fully into the physical body. The majority of humanity is at this frequency level now. A consistent and true desire to align with your soul will yield great results very quickly in the new energy. You will experience a significant burst of transformational energies, assigned guidance and inner change if you commit to this as a lifestyle. The 12 D practice is an excellent technique to lay your foundational meditation practice. 


View the 12 D video here.

 ETHICAL CONDUCT: When you have mastered the first level foundation practice, then move onto the second triad. Apply Ethical Conduct as the core life principle to add to your Meditation practice. As you spiritually evolve being ethical is not an effort any longer, it just becomes organic to everything you naturally already are. Since there is no fear controlling you, choices are made to encourage life force to be available for everyone. Introduce the principle to assimilate Right Speech (speaking compassionately for all life), Right Action (surrendering to divine order rather than reacting to human order), Right Livelihood (based on inner alignment and not a fear based manipulation to make money).  As you meditate or reflect on what these three principles of Ethical Conduct mean to you, you will naturally attract clear and loving support to manifest their essence into your life.

 WISDOM: For the advanced spiritual initiate, in many cases this level appears where energetic stewardship by default (leadership assigned by Source) starts to become apparent in the outward manifestation. The third triad is assimilating Wisdom into the other core practices. By now all the other practices are a complete lifestyle and no effort is required or existing to direct energy. All exists in the Now moment. Spiritual consciousness becomes defined as the least effort is learned to maximize the sphere of Gods Influential Light into the World. Right Intention becomes developed as a part of being fully in service and in devotion to Gods Living Light. Right Understanding is then made clear to dissolve all errors in perception that had once created ego fear and self deception. Right knowledge is the gift given which includes that true knowledge is the act of being harmless to all beings. (Knowledge without God consciousness is black magic and creates karmic imbalances of pain and suffering in the world) This true knowledge then gives the being Ultimate Liberation, as death, pain and suffering all become meaningless in the overall picture. Right Liberation is a complete and abiding peace, experiencing your direct safety and connection is At One with God Source. Unity becomes the natural state of being.

If this feels resonant to your process as a means of support on your ascension journey, please revisit the weblink at

Suggested for You

Spiritual Housekeeping

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray and this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the SoulMonad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages and the ES Core Triad.

At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. This is a vortex set up specifically to exit out and clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF in the boundary test. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad, which is the Threefold Founder Flame. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign-Free, which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ authority.

In many of our community processes we teach an array of potential spiritual housekeeping or clearing techniques which can be acquired and learned through the many meditations. The Shadow Gate or Transit Gate Vortex is a basic technique that everyone will get a lot of benefit from. To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

When in situations or locations of severe negative energy build up in the collective, the land itself, the buildings or structures, or interacting with a possessed person/group, these tools can be a lifesaver, and reduce psychic sponging or the toxicity from entering your field. One may also find that dedicating the meditation you are guided to may be dedicated to the specific area or energetic problem lightens the density. Sometimes we may feel too tired and can access a meditation on cell phone or other devices ( turn off wireless and place on airplane mode), to help clear the present space we may find ourselves.

Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances. Remember that we do not impose our will on anybody or anything, however, we have a divine right to exist in the spaces without being attacked, parasitized and vampirized, and so we must strengthen our field awareness and our sphere of influence in the space. Here are some tools to be aware of not superimposing one's will to commit potential harm to others, but to access the natural laws to neutralize polarities or resolve the energetic conflict in the circumstance or space. These can be said out loud or said in the inner mind or imagined.

Unity Vow

Commanding Personal Space

GSF Project Decree

Transit Gate Vortex

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