Some of us have noted for many years now our lower energy centers were shifting. Through the reconfiguration of these lower energy centers, known as the 1st Chakra, 2nd Chakra and 3rd Chakra or 1D-2D-3D Chakras, we could feel their color wave spectrum changing frequency. Some perceive this as embodying higher dimensional chakras with different frequency colors. This usually begins with Aurora coloring, perceiving the re-encryption process in the lower body which is making repairs to the etheric double and lower energy center functioning. The root or perineum area for many Starseed people is no longer red, but changes to lighter hues of violet, pink and once rolled up to the higher energy centers, it becomes shades of blue-green or light pastels. When we have embodied this frequency change, we do not have survival fears any more. We can clearly see when the False King of Tyranny, from the red wave spectrum, is manipulating victim archetypes in the public to incite fear. This frequency elevation process has been happening for some time, however, it is now happening progressively to more people. The lower Chakras used to be etheric cones that were non-physical membranes, located in the top layer of our Lightbody. The main energy centers are still present, yet are being elevated to run vital forces throughout our lower body glands, organs and meridians. The chakra cones will eventually become absorbed into the higher consciousness aspects of the body and reconfigured completely.
- Category: Bifurcation Updates

Tower of Babel, Glandular implants, Change to Glandular functions, Timeline ties to Sumeria-Egypt Invasion, Targeted attacks towards lightworkers doing spiritual mission for unification,sacred marriage, hierogamic union in all aspects. The attempt to kill the HGS code.
Meeting Transcript Discussion Summary
So we are memorializing our session today is Friday, October 21st of 2016. In just holding space to strengthen and fortify in our group consciousness, again holding space for our Hierogamic field and for sacred marriage and understanding its intrinsic connection, through everything that we are involved with in our lives on this planet. Wanting to recognize that the weeks preceding this recent newsletter have been very challenging and have really brought forth an understanding, at a deeper level. We keep going down the rabbit hole of understanding the war in consciousness that is transpiring on this planet really breaks down to this bi-wave, tri-wave consciousness conflict, the duality versus the Trinity wave that is created through sacred union through the balance of masculine feminine coming into unification at every level.
- Category: Bifurcation Updates

Beloved holy presence of God, holy Mother, holy Father, holy Christ-Sophia, we command this space as dedicated and consecrated to Cosmic Sovereign Law. We ask to open all channels of light. Our vertical channel fully connected, amplified with the eternal Living Light code. We dedicate and open our session in service to Cosmic Sovereign Law, to GSF timelines of the Aurora timeline continuum. We call upon all of our beloved Guardian teams, advisory teams and our highest God self, all those aligned to support the Law of One. Please join and amplify with us now. May we exchange together in the highest capacity of God's eternal and infinite light, love and power in divine right order, timing and harmony.
- Category: Bifurcation Updates

Rebuilding Foundation for shift into next Harmonic Universe and 911 Detonation Codes
Meeting Transcript Discussion Summary
So we are memorializing our weekly session. This is our weekly mentor meeting today is Friday, September 2 of 2016. In wanting to amplify, acknowledge and recognize the space. The space of energy that is being reconfigured in terms of its structure, very similar to this last week's blog the "rebuilding foundation" and there is planetary theme, consciousness theme, in terms of the structure that is changing and is impacting all of us at different levels, it ripples its effects into our life.
- Category: Bifurcation Updates