I have included compiled psychological research to bring a practical reality to the exploration of the negative ego that is tangible. In many cases we can say that a psychopath may be possessed and in the clutches of dark spirit control, however the purpose of this exercise is to learn factually how to identify such behaviors and stop feeding them. As we go through the practical checklists to learn how to identify behaviors of egotism, narcissism and psychopathy, we can clearly see a range of unchecked ego behaviors impacting many people on the planet. These are the three main stages of promoting, distributing and reinforcing the stages of negative ego behaviors in the AD strategy which grows from egotism all the way into psychopathy and psychotic behavior. We may notice that people near us exhibit some range of these Negative Ego behaviors or many of these negative ego behaviors. Obviously the more dysfunctional behaviors one sees on the checklist when evaluating behavior, would be very informative to the level of severity the person has allowed themselves to be controlled through their negative ego. A serious consequence of psychopathy is no genuine feeling of remorse or empathy.We can apply this checklist to ourselves to inquire what may trigger our own negative ego to rear up from unhealed pain. Or we may apply the checklist for better discernment when making choices of where we place our trust and what we value as a model of strengthening our character. If we observe a person acting out an excessive amount of these behaviors near to us, we may choose to not support them in their delusions. As we build better and practical ways of discerning trustworthiness and competency, we also gain confidence to build stronger intuition in such matters, where the checklist is not required.
As is made clear here in these checklists, the more severe the Negative Ego dysfunction the more potentially disconnected the person is from their heart, intuition, self-awareness and spiritual source. This immediately gives one a gauge to measure what level a person can be trusted, no matter what words they may be speaking.In the severe stages of narcissism and psychopathy, the veneer of seduction, charisma and “mimicry” of empathic reactions that are geared for manipulation to serve one’s egocentric needs, and can be seen much more clearly over time. It is very common for people that base their leadership or authority on controlling behaviors and tyrannical principles, to aggressively manipulate others by creating a façade of charisma from mimicking what they have found people want to hear from their wounded ego parts. Many people do not want to hear or know the truth; they want to be lulled to sleep by fantasy delusions.This is the tough part. We have to ask if we are able to seek the honest factual truth of behavioral interactions or have people feed us lies that are flattering or comfortable for our wounded ego parts.Otherwise we reinforce the delusion in the person/circumstance and we become enablers, allowing them to continue to perpetrate deceptions in the group through their own self-deception. Promoting and enabling delusions leads to pathological thinking and spreads a fabricated reality through “false impressions”. This false impression is the spin on perceptions that are designed to serve the agenda of the Negative Ego, Narcissistic or psychopathic personality.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Meditation is the skill of focusing 100% of your energy and attention in one specific area in the present moment. The consistent practice of meditation comes with a myriad of health benefits that include increased concentration, decreased anxiety, and a general feeling of well being and connection. Although a great number of people try meditation at some point in their lives, a small percentage actually are consistent with their dedication for the long-term. The most difficult period of reprogramming personal habits or unconscious behaviors is the first 21 days. If commitment and dedication are disciplined with persistence for over the 21 day period, generally it is much easier for the person to continue to maintain their meditation practice. The benefits and rewards of a meditation lifestyle become exceedingly obvious, and the state of inner peace and balance are much easier to achieve in all life situations. Quieting the mind, becoming present to the now moment are the cornerstones of a balanced human being.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
The Noble Eightfold Path is a foundational guideline of which may help you to delineate a way to discipline your mind and accelerate your focus to a direct alignment to the Unity Source Field. This is a Quick Map to lead you into experiencing spiritual support pronto. This guideline is a core practice that is developed for the newly initiated and leads all the way to the advanced meditator.
Division |
Eightfold Path factors |
Acquired factors |
Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajñā, Pāli: paññā) |
1. Right understanding |
9. Superior right knowledge |
2. Right intention |
10. Superior right liberation |
Ethical conduct (Sanskrit: śīla, Pāli: sīla) |
3. Right speech |
4. Right action |
5. Right livelihood |
Meditation (Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi) |
6. Right effort |
7. Right mindfulness |
8. Right meditation |
FIRST TRIAD: MEDITATION: Being newly awakened, the first triad to focus upon is building your spiritual house by laying the base foundation. To begin to build your spiritual house, the commitment is to the Meditation practice with a focus on Right Effort (discipline your will and be consistent), Right Mindfulness (take the ego out of the driver seat and clear fear programs), and Right Meditation (how this is achieved). This first step is generally when a person is working within the 4-5-6D lightbody functions and anchoring that frequency quotient fully into the physical body. The majority of humanity is at this frequency level now. A consistent and true desire to align with your soul will yield great results very quickly in the new energy. You will experience a significant burst of transformational energies, assigned guidance and inner change if you commit to this as a lifestyle. The 12 D practice is an excellent technique to lay your foundational meditation practice.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
The Key: Applying Non-Attached Receptivity
When you become aware of recurring scenarios that are triggering intense emotional responses, take time to distance yourself from the situation. (Especially if you have not been getting any change of responses and are still experiencing the same cycles of repetition.) This may mean changing your day to day patterns, changing your location, finding alternate ways to have residence, (example: doing an summer internship at Esalen, taking a long dreamed of trip out of the country, a ”just do it!” kind of scenario, etc) Many times when you take yourself out of your comfort zone by changing your daily patterns it allows a new energy to present itself to manifest a completely new way of being.
Many times there is energetic symbolism in the circumstance that are not what they appear to be on the surface. This means that what you feel or think is the “issue” is only the illusion at the surface and diving deeper into the core or causation of the pattern will reveal its deeper truth. Until you see the deeper truth, the pattern (symbolism) will repeat itself and continue to manifest its recurring theme. To free yourself from these recurring themes it is necessary to attain a complete level of nonattachment. This is by achieving an observer consciousness to witness the issue.
Generally the emotional charge that you attribute to a recurring life pattern is directly related to the degree you will repeat the life pattern. To break the cycle one must surrender to the process and cease resisting what has been presented or manifested in your life. Confrontation or attempting to force personal will on the situation will only multiply its intensity. To liberate yourself from the emotional bondage you may feel in these situations is to remove yourself energetically form the scenario completely. Diffuse your energies, do not engage in the drama or invest yourself in its outcome. When you actually walk away from the circumstance you contribute to the completion of that particular theme. Expressing nonattachment encompasses every possible situation in which you are mentally and emotionally invested. This is applied to a material object, a person or any other type of relationship you may have.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Suggested for You
Dismantling Process
The creation physics are changing in how we exist in this time and space, (as a linear concept) and since our brains and conscious mind are wired to experience space/time linearly, this transition really puts our human brain into a loop! Most people I observe at this time are very confused by these changes, and that confusion is very painful to them. That is why developing a personal framework to understand what is happening now on the planet is important and key at this phase of growth to maintain serenity.
Learning the Language of Spirit, and working in alignment with Divine timing is crucial for maintaining personal sanity and staying integrated during our Ascension transformation! As we are leaving 3D mechanics into the higher octave spiritual layers and their corresponding dimensions), this means the old behavior and way we have lived life is not currently working and will not work for us in the future. There is no forcing it or controlling it. Adaptability and flexibility are behavioral keynotes that are vital for us at this time.
It is imperative to have some kind of practice, exercise or technique where one is connecting/communicating every day with our inner spirit, preferably AM and PM, until one has accomplished life as a walking meditation. Inner peace and neutral association to the increasing external chaos will be maintained once you reprogram your body and mind to be in its natural state and stay centered there.
The spiritual evolution process is very coherent in that the full dismantling of old structures that have maintained the illusion of your security and attachment issues must be forfeited. With the changing physics of reality, you are asked to change your perceptions to that material illusion that X, (Whatever X is) = security and stability. When the forces of transformation have come to visit, there is a specific order that it generally works with in polishing the diamond soul within. Knowing how these steps work is incredibly useful to putting together your evolutionary road map.