The Big Five AD Strategies to generate Archontic Deception Behavior that influences the collective into feeding Negative Ego Behaviors via Mind Control technologies, thus spreading anti-human value systems into society and the human public are:
1. Divide and Conquer
2. Victim/Victimizer
3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
5. Misogyny
To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism. These AD Behaviors and attitudes are propagated by the Controllers to create Mind Control bondage and enslavement of the human race and thus the planet. To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how Satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and spiritually abusive behaviors (AD). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors.
Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception or AD Behaviors.The goal with the below discernment guideline is to identify and locate these spiritually abusive AD Behaviors in yourself, others and in any external organization of which you participate and to transform them through practicing GSF Behaviors. All decisions one is able to make from an informed position by identifying AD behaviors will increase personal discernment and energetic resonance of GSF in one’s life. The only thing any person can change is themselves through their heart responses and behaviors. Change starts within.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Since the linear ego mind’s purpose is designed to perceive linear time, as in point A to point B in a straight line, it is very limited in its capacity to access a wide range of possibilities in Consciousness. It will reduce possibilities to limitations of perceptions of time and collective belief systems logic. Therefore, this is not desirable when learning to expand consciousness. Ascension topics will challenge the ego belief systems of a closed mind, so attempt to hold an open mind in the spirit of exploration. The spiral Higher Sensory Perception is an aspect of the higher mind, when attuned correctly, will observe and receive information neutrally as “sensations” or direct cognition. The spiral energy of accessing information will allow you to go beyond linear time to access much more information in no-time.
Spiraling energy is how the energetic bodies and the Universal life force energies move through time and space. As a practice to discipline your ego, learn to refocus negative or judgmental thoughts when you become aware of them as an inner dialogue. As you discipline your Negative Ego from running your life, you will acquire greater skill at HSP and reading energies. Remember the linear thoughts of the ego mind blocks higher sensory perception. Being scared or fearful of the unknown will also block HSP. There is nothing to be afraid of in facing the truth. Refresh your mental discipline tools by reviewing the “Ego Discipline Techniques” in the ES Core Triad.
Engaged Detachment
In order to develop Self Awareness of being present with the Inner and Outer Dialogues through the Observing Consciousness one will require to develop the Spirit of Discipline. Refocusing mental perception from Negative Thoughts to its Positive Polarity through Unconditional Love and Forgiveness towards the self and others. Note: focusing on positive thoughts to replace negative thoughts are the first stage of egodiscipline, the second stage is applying neutrality or neutral association through sustained focus, as in inner quiet found during meditation. This is because many people in ego behavior misrepresent neutrality as dissociative reaction to external events or others feelings. Disassociation and neutrality is not the same state of consciousness, one is disconnected from circumstances, while the latter is connected through awareness, through observer. This is called engaged detachment.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
One can never trust a person who is ego fractured, soul fragmented and emotionally infantile no matter how charismatic they are. A person in this condition needs loving compassionate, non-judgmental spiritual assistance. This is the general profile of a wounded ego and definition of a Satanic influenced or possessed being. It is the same to understand a loving mother would never put her child in the care of a known sexual predator, common sense would tell her to not put her child at risk for torture.
Unfortunately their are many charismatic liars promoting themselves in positions of authority as well as in the spiritual or consciousness realm through predator-seducer egos and direct Satanic manipulation. These people can “appear” charming and capable on the outside. To be able to see satanic manipulation and its N.A.A. methods of using Archontic Deception Behavior in tricking the masses, you have to understand its ego motivation, strategies and ideological reasons for exploiting humanity. To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.
Houses of Ego
The Imposter Spirit and predator forces attempt to increase the power of the Seven Houses of Ego in shaping and reinforcing human behavior through Mind Control which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. When the body, mind and heart are corrupted by repeated Negative Ego thoughts, actions and deeds, the internal structure to house these energies, these qualities of spirits, will reside in the Houses of Ego. These lower quality spirits manifest tremendous pain and suffering, and are also called Satanic or Luciferian forces. In severe cases of repeated destructive spiritual behavior this can evolve to a thoughtform possession around a certain theme, such as with Addiction. Metatronic Reversal coding such as Splitter Tech runs itself through the signals of the Houses of Ego, hence we must clear ourselves of these predator forces in order to become free from the control of the predator.
Responsibility of Consent
To stop Negative Ego one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing in your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This takes deep conviction and strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your body in the authority of God or Christ and terminate the consent given to the Imposter Spirit and the Negative Ego to control your mind. Otherwise this is the call to Spiritual Maturity. This is each beings responsibility to command the personal space which is designating one’s choice of spiritual-energetic authority which is the Law of Consent. If no choice is made it will be made at one’s consciousness frequency level combined with where one’s genetic ancestry has evolved in this cycle and the quality of energetic consciousness.
Egotism – The First Stages
Egotism is the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance — intellectual, physical, social and other. The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he or she gives to others. Egotism means placing oneself at the core of one's world with no concern for others, including those loved or considered as "close," in any other terms except those set by the egotist.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain value for self serving motivation and taking in an excessive amount of resources than that which he or she gives back to others. Usually these are actions of taking in others energy, time and resources and is accompanied with very low ethical standards and displaying low moral character traits. This is also called Consumptive Modeling or energetic vampirism. Egotism may be fulfilled by exploiting the sympathy, trauma, emotion or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force, deception, manipulation, Mind Control and fraud. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the 'Me' operating in their personal qualities and personal identity. This is a person who can not be trusted as they will always manipulate the circumstances to Service to Self as their primary or only concern.
Without developing Self Awareness and ego discipline, the untamed Negative Ego is exploited by Mind Control and further develops itself into serious spiritual pathologies which lead to Narcissism and Psychopathy. Psychotronic Mind Control harnesses the lower vibratory frequencies that comprise the lower Three Layers of Ego for targeting Negative Ego and AD Behaviors in the population.
Self Justification
Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not need to justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them.
Ego Ignorance
Ignorance is defined as that which is only identified with the material world and the use of external organs of perception.
To remain ignorant is a choice that many people make both consciously and unconsciously because they are afraid. Satanic forces as well as the NAA understand this Trauma behavior in humanity and exploit this weakness of “ego fear” aggressively. If the masses remain in Negative Ego fears, they will remain ignorant, therefore the masses are much easier to manipulate and Mind Control through chaos, fears, confusion and power conflicts.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
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PSD Discussion 4 ( Class is in ES Shop)
Attachment Cords
Dear Family,
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of Attachment Cords between ourselves and others, what are they, why do they exist? Also known as “etheric” or karmic cords most energy healers/intuitives are acutely aware of these cords existing in a myriad of patterns in the human energy field. Some of them are sourced in a present incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord will permeate through any time and space! Truly our emotional body and the chemistry that is our emotions is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe and one of the gifts we have received from God Source. It is worthwhile to understand the impact and incredible force of power that is our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let us investigate cording….