Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
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Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
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Observer Parent and Child Phobia Clearing


In this meditation we will address phobias. A phobia is a fear, a collection of memories that create morbid fears and is a type of anxiety disorder brought on by hidden trauma and unresolved spiritual pain, which creates fear. This fear is influenced individually or through collective human pain, which is a persistent fear of an object or situation in which a person may suffer greatly when this remains unresolved.

We will address the kinds of phobias into three categories. However, all phobias are types of anxiety disorders, stemming from unresolved fears. The three categories are: Social phobia, the fear of other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of embarrassment of scrutiny of others. Social phobia may be further subdivided into generalized social anxiety.

Social phobias include fear of public situations and scrutiny which leads to embarrassment. This kind of social phobia is a fear program that operates in the Victim-Victimizer mind control program that are used by the Negative Alien Agenda.
Specific phobias are fears of a single, specific panic trigger such as an animal, wind or water, heights or flying. Many people have these fears, but to a lesser degree than those who suffer from specific phobias.

A specific phobia is marked with a persistent fear of an object or situation, which brings about an excessive or unreasonable fear when in the presence of, or anticipating of.

Agoraphobia is a generalized fear of leaving home or small familiar safe spaces with the possibility of panic attacks or anxiety that might follow. It also may be caused by specific phobias such as a fear of open spaces or social embarrassment, which is related to unhealed traumas that occur in unfamiliar areas or unknown areas.

Phobias vary in severity among individuals. This means their intensity has a different type of volume control, depending on each person. Most individuals understand that they are suffering from irrational fears, but may feel that they are powerless to override their panic reaction. When we feel powerless, we feel we are worthless. The opportunity is to know that we may gain our personal power by shifting fears and phobias that have contributed to feelings of low self-esteem and low self-worth.

The first use of this meditation treatment is to identify and clear general phobias. The purpose of this treatment is to utilize it repeatedly to address phobias or fears that become specifically and clearly identified from the continued use of this meditation. The goal is to identify the actual phobia or fear being addressed by holding it as an observer for the focus of clearing and healing. The second goal is to find the causal event of the phobia or fear in terms of the cellular memories and where the location of those memories happened in time, as this may be in the past, present or future.

Many phobias are prevalent in childhood and bring into surface issues of the inner child, where the actual trauma began. Many traumas stem from phobias generated from the Negative Alien Controller Program memories, false memories or accurate experiences.

Patiently and lovingly ask your inner child, which has memories inside your physical body from the spiritual parent point of view, the observer, to show you what happened and to locate those memories, so the child and the body knows that it is safe again. The child must trust that it is safe before it will cooperate. Your job as the spiritual parent is to let your child know that you will keep him or her safe because you now have learned how to connect to God and Christ now.

Prepare for meditation.

We call upon our birth family and all of the Aurora amplifiers. Beloveds, we welcome you and thank you for your support, protection and foundation, for each and every being representing our group field.

Beloved God, open all channels of Light. We open to clear all Light fibers within our nadis and aura to be fully connected and resonant with the Eternal Living Light Code.

We call upon the Group Avatar God Selves, our Guardian families of Aurora, Guardian Mentor Band that serve the Krystal Star, aligned to the Law of One. May we exchange together in the highest capacity of God's infinite Light, Love and Power in Divine right order and harmony.

Now intend to connect to your inner core. Declare your intention from your heart: I commit to serve my highest power. My intention is to serve my God Source fully, completely and totally.

Now activate your inner spirit and strengthen your core 12th dimensional shield. From within your 12 D hub, intend to create the handshake with Unity Intelligence of the Krystal Star.

Taking a nice, deep breath from your heart and pushing the breath out counterclockwise into your residence, home or area of meditation. Perform a boundary test. Sending out the crystalline lights.

I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

Now, setting the space. As we open our Group Vortex, we open into the expansion of Celestial Christ Force. Beloveds, may we hold this space entirely in the Eternal God Light. Set the spin rates accordingly as we anchor, lock and seal throughout this hologram.

And now we call upon Beloved and Holy Mother. Mother Arc and our Aurora Families to connect through the transharmonic and Aurora pillar gates. We ask the Aurora Family and all aspects of the mirrored reflection within the Krystal Kaleidoscope of the Aurora Rays and transtime continuum to support the re-encryption of our cellular body and their spiritual energetic memories to be re-made in God's Holy image.

Please help me to align to the mirrored symmetry of Christ's reflection here on Earth. We wish to align and be purified as the clear Light vessel of God's Law, God's Love, God's Light and God's Power in the world. May the inner God Spirit of each and every being utilize only what is required in Divine perfection of God's plan and God's will.

For those new with us this evening, Beloveds, please provide the gatekeeping sequence level required for each being to activate into their highest God purpose and Spirit Lightbody in Divine harmony and in the Divine grace of God.

We hold the intention now to build strongly the inner core foundation of our Krystic house, to house the inner spiritual Light presence and to prepare our bodies to hold Krystal Star Aurora colors, as designed in the Krystal Kaleidoscope.

Through the power and Eternal Light of God and Christos Sophia, through the perfect union of KRYST HALA, we bring our courage to the forefront to identify, locate phobias and fears that have been collected into our cellular memories that generate fear, generate trigger fear mechanisms into deeper phobias of mind control or environmental circumstances, that we may find ourselves.

Beloved Inner Child of my physical body. I commit to my spiritual dedication to listen to you, and protect you through my commitment as your True Parent to love you always. Beloved Child of mine, please cooperate with me now so that we together as a team, can remove all phobias, fears, torments and traumas that have hurt you. Thank you for all you have given me and please forgive me now. I love you with all of my heart, and I protect you with all of my heart.

Now bring to mind your awareness of your core Light shield and inner spirit by focusing deeply on your heart center.

Ask your monadic body as governed by your Krystic Avatar Self to show itself to you now. See the spiritual image as an outline of your energetic body. In this image of your body, you can through your own intention at will, make your personal identity and its energetic body image very small or very large.

See the small outline of your energetic body inside your heart, sitting on the internal throne of your crystal diamond heart, which is the representation of your relationship to God in the Krystal Cathedral. Focus on that smaller image of you fitting in the dimensions deep inside of your heart complex.

Now watch the inner self get up from your seat on the inner throne of God inside your heart center. And from a distance view, see your smaller body image moving closer towards you, now. Walking closer towards you, your larger observer view. Watch that your smaller energetic body is slowly growing larger. Sense and observe that the entire energetic outline of your spiritual body inside your heart is growing larger. And it's growing to the full size of your entire physical body in this exact moment, in this current identity of who you are in this time and space.

Focus a moment on the entire energetic outline of your spiritual body that has walked outwardly from inside of your heart complex, which is now fully overlaid on your physical body, saturating yourselves fully enmeshed within every layer, every pore of your entire body. The spiritual layer has grown in size and is existing about 12 inches with an outside webbing. This monadic webbing can look like gold dust as a covering that fully encompasses your entire physical body. Focusing on the areas of the outline, the 12 inches of energetic webbing of the gold dust overlay of your spiritual body – the energetic intelligence of this body that is now overlaid on your physical body self.

Now expand your observer view to inhabit inside this energetic spiritual layer of the body. Intend to expand your mind. Focus your mind to sense and feel this energetic part of your spiritual self. This is a part of your spiritual energetic body. Sense how this feels. Maybe there are colors and sensations that are stronger for you, now. Intend to remember what this feels like.

Now intend to encase yourself inside this gold energy body. Focus all of your intention on this outlined webbing of your spiritual body. See all of the spiritual cords still attached through all of your auric layers. See the silver seed holding a long silver cord in your hara line. You can see a beautiful, golden aqua light line with violet light emanating from your heart, swirling in the patterns of moving colors. All layers are connected. All layers are protected by the Guardian host of Krystal Star.

Now intend to move your consciousness, your mental focus, while inside this spiritual golden body. Now push it up over your head. Traveling up the central vertical channel of your column, and go up as far as you feel you can.

Some of us may move slowly up or go instantly very far up into a bird’s eye view. As if we are floating above, and yet we’re not moving. We can see underneath of our point in consciousness, our physical body self is underneath us. And as we rise higher and higher in our golden body, we will start to see the overview of realities that exist beneath our observer consciousness.

Imagine in your inner vision, you are floating high above your physical body. And you can see an infinite horizon of many realities, many timelines, all happening at once, simultaneously.

Take some nice, deep breaths and relax. Allow yourself to hold this higher vantage point, the observer consciousness overview. Stay focused in this space, floating way above your physical body.

This is a higher perception skill and Divine right of your Spirit. You have always had this access – the ability to perceive a higher overview of your real self, the potential you have across all time and beyond identity. If this feels uncomfortable breath and relax. Everything will be okay. You are protected by God's Spirit in this space.

Now repeat as internally guided:

I am safe, protected and supported by God in every area of my life. I request all of my memories, all of my consciousness to be returned to me fully and completely now. I am willing to remember and see the truth of what has happened to me. I am willing to release and clear and permanently let go of phobias, fears, shadows and all of their painful memories, across time. I am committed to expanding my consciousness beyond all fears in service to God and Christ.

As the Light of God that I am, I challenge all spiritual force, negative force of social phobias and social fears that interfere with my right of self-determination, my free will and creative expression of my core God Spirit and identity to be in direct relationship with the Eternal God Spirit.

I choose the power of God's authority and Christ to free my body, free my mind, free my spirit of any interfering negative spirit oppression that uses social fears and phobias to suppress my awareness and consciousness from the past, present or future.

I address any generational or ancestral spirit that have been bound through phobias and fears in the past, present and future in the authority of Christ Sophia in God's name. All forms of social phobia and fears attached to interfering spirits identify yourself now.

These are sometimes masking in symbols or disguises.

See a large, emerald green tetrahedron pyramid in the distance spinning in front of you, about 100 yards away. Intend now to send all spiritual oppressions, shadow spirits and their debris to the spinning green pyramid now. This is a Guardian collection station.

Now focus on the areas in your body that you may sense you have pain, suffering, fears or anxiety. We now ask God's Holy Spirit and your inner child to show you the places and spaces where you have been traumatized and wounded.

Where is the point of causation of current social phobia and social fears?

Do not be scared. You are a child of God. You are walking with the Holy Spirits of Christ. Let her take you gently to find those places, to find the situations, those timelines, those identities where you may have wounds. Ask your core spirit what places exist within your mind, body and spirit they may have rejected God's Spirit from heart or mental-based traumas of social fear or social phobias.

Beloved Holy Spirit and Beloved inner child, please find the pain. Please find the trigger point of referred pain. Please find the pain in the positional movement. Please correct and release the pain. Please locate the area of cellular memory embeds, residue, debris in the core template of the aura.

I request to observe its causation of false reality, insert programming or imprint. Beloved inner child, may we allow together to reveal and release to clear all pain.

Now may we clear personality influences located as memories in the now self. Clear now self, other selves, the collective mind, ancestral genetic. Clear attachments, fragments, in all combinations. Please clear mind slides, obfuscators, mind control and any inorganic timelines or architecture. Please replace the organic matrix.

I am safe, protected and supported by God in every area of my life. I request all of my memories and all of my consciousness to be returned to me fully and completely now.

Now let us focus on identifying and clearing specific phobias, fears that may have single triggers or multiple specific panic triggers.

As the Light of God I am, I challenge any spiritual force, negative force of specific phobias and fears that interferes with my right of self-determination, free will and creative expression of my core God Spirit and identity to be in direct relationship with the Eternal God Spirit.

I choose the power of God's authority in Christ to free my body, free my mind, free my spirit from any interfering negative spirit oppression that uses specific fears and specific phobias, and their panic triggers to suppress my consciousness and suppress my awareness from accessing the past, present or future.

I address any generational and ancestral spirit that have been bound through specific phobias and fears in the past, present and future. In the authority of Christos Sophia in God's name, all forms of specific phobia and fears and their panic triggers attached to interfering spirits, identify yourself now.

Bring to mind the large, emerald green tetrahedron in the distance spinning. Send all spirits, shadow and their debris to the spinning green pyramid now. This is a collection station.

Now focus on the areas in your body and in your life that you may have pain, suffering, fears or anxiety. Ask God's Holy Spirit and your inner child to show you the places and spaces where you have been traumatized and wounded.

Where is the point of causation of current specific phobia and specific fears?

Do not be scared. You are a child of God. You are walking with the Holy Spirits of Christ. Let her take you gently to find those places, situations, timelines and identities where you may have wounds. Ask your core spirit and inner child the places that exist within your mind, body and spirit that may have rejected God's Eternal Spirit from heart or mental based trauma, based in specific fears and specific phobias with triggers.

Beloved Holy Spirit and inner child, please locate the pain. Please locate the trigger points of referred pain. Please locate the pain in the bodies’ position, movement or action. Please locate the area of cellular memory embeds, residue and debris in the core template of the body’s aura.

Beloveds, I request to observe the causation. Either false reality, insert programs and all their memory imprints.

I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear all pain.

Now clearing personality influences located as memories in the now self. Please clear the other selves, the collective mind, the ancestral genetic, the attachments and fragments, in all combinations. Please clear mind slides, obfuscators, mind control and inorganic machinery.

Please replace the organic matrix, now.

I am safe, protected and supported by God in every area of my life. I request all of my memories and consciousness to be returned to me fully and completely now.

Now let us focus on identifying and clearing agoraphobic fears related to leaving familiar safe areas, being terrified of the unknown or fearful of making needed changes. We ask to include all memories of panic attacks and to clear cellular memories and the residue imprints from our amidala, the neurological brain receptor sites related to these phobias and fears.

As the Light of God I am I challenge any spiritual force, negative force of agoraphobic fears that interferes with my ability to make evolutionary changes into my life and return my right of spiritual self-determination, free will and creative expression of my core God's Spirit and identity to be in direct relationship with the Eternal God Spirit.

I choose the power of God's authority in Christ to free my body, free my mind, free my spirit of any interfering negative spiritual oppressions that use agoraphobic fears and their related phobias, as well as their panic triggers to suppress my evolution and to control my consciousness and awareness from accessing the past, present or future.

I address any generational and ancestral spirit that have been bound through agoraphobic fears and phobias in the past, present and future. In the authority of Christos Sophia in God's Eternal name, all forms of agoraphobic fear and related phobias, as well as panic triggers attached to interfering spirits, identify yourself now.

See a large, emerald green tetrahedron in the distance spinning. Send all shadow spirits and their debris to the spinning green pyramid now. This is a Guardian collection station.

Now focus on the areas in your body, in your life, you may have pain, suffering, fear or anxiety. We now ask God's Holy Spirit and your inner child to show you the places and spaces where you have been traumatized or wounded.

Where is the point of causation of current agoraphobic fears and their phobias specific to panic triggers?
Do not be scared. You are a child of God. You are walking with the Holy Spirits of Christ. Let her take you gently to find those places, situations, timelines and identities where you may have wounds.

Ask your inner child and core Spirit what places exist within your mind, within your body, within your Spirit that may have rejected God's Eternal Spirit from heart or mental based traumas, from agoraphobic fears and phobias with panic triggers.

Beloveds, please locate the pain. Beloveds, please locate the trigger point of referred pain. Beloveds, please locate the pain in the body's action or position or movement. Beloveds, please locate the area of cellular memory, their embeds, residue and debris in the core template of the body's aura.

I request to observe the causation event in false reality insert programming and all imprint and residue.

Beloved inner child, please allow this to reveal. May we together release and clear the pain, and clear the panic.
May we clear all personality influences located in memories within the now self, other selves, collective mind, ancestral genetic, attachments, fragments, in all combinations.

Please clear mind slides, obfuscators, mind control, inorganic machinery or architecture in the timeline.

Replace organic matrix.

I am willing to remember and see the truth of what has happened to me. I am willing to release and clear and permanently let go of specific phobias, specific fears, all of their shadows and creatures, all of their painful triggers and memories, across time. I am committed to expanding my consciousness beyond fears in service to God and Christ.

I am safe, protected and supported by God in every area of my life. I request all of my memories, all of my consciousness to be returned to me fully and completely now.

Beloveds, we ask to clear all memories and influences from the brain levels of the cingulate gyrus, the amidala, the cerebral and neocortex. Please perform a brain symmetry adjustment and system-to-system integration within the brain to the Christ mind.

Please replace the organic matrix of the Christ mind to merge fully within my brain.

We ask the memories and influences to be cleared from the blueprint structures.

Please clear cellular DNA, chromosomal, molecular, atomic, subatomic, nuclei, subnuclei, quantum field, energy-to-form, to the birth transduction and all DNA morphogenetic imprints.

Please clear memories and influences in the quantic field impact of inner space time.

Please clear memories and influences in the in-between space time of the un-manifest to manifest worlds.

Please clear the outerspace time influences through all external impacts.

Clear all memory and influences permanently and completely.

Set free.
Sovereign Zero Point.

Now gently bring your focus back to your gold spiritual body, still floating above in the higher overview of the observer fields.

Point your feet down, and start to intend to descend your spiritual body back into alignment with your physical body self, the current identity and now self in the material world. Smoothly and with focus coming down and like a glove slipping back into center. Balance and stabilize the core. Core-to-core alignment now. Fully aligned with your physical body.

Now focus on your breath. Feel the sensation of your head and crown. Moving down your shoulders, arms hands, torso, pelvis, to both of your legs. Moving down into both of your feet, firmly grounding your presence.

Integrate physical core, mental core, spiritual core, emotional core, system-to-system alignment.

Gently breathing in. Feeling rainbow colors, the Aurora color waves running through your center and heart.

Beloved God, Holy God Spirit, reconnect all body parts and intelligence to the control of our Avatar Christ and original spirit now, as God would have it be.

Beloved God, we pray for all humanity and the planet for peace, love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. May every being find its way home to the Living Light.

As we harmonize and hold this space in the name of the Eternal Living God Self.

Beloved Families of Aurora and Christ as witness to Oneness, we seal this into the Light of union and wholeness in service to One Self. We ask to seal our bodies as consecrated to the Eternal Light of God and to our Family of Oneness.

Please collapse the time fields. Please seal the individual aura. Closing the group field.

We thank you for this opportunity. Our infinite stream of love is with you in all ways.

I seal this session container into the Light of wholeness, truth and union. And so it is.