Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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October 2009

Between Two Worlds

Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

We are getting more used to surreal events as a part of our day to day living, where the strange meets the bizarre as these events are becoming a normal daily occurrence. Synchronicities, abrupt and spontaneous changes, surprises or opportunities appearing out of the blue, relationships on every level coming, going, ending or starting are a part of acclimating ourselves to this new energetic terrain. This new energetic terrain has been palpable to experience, which feels as if we are suspended in Between Two Worlds. And indeed we are.

This strange feeling is also exacerbated by what is transpiring in the external consciousness fields, the phenomena of timelines or dimensions collapsing. When the mass consciousness fields planetary timeline grids are in this state of dissolution, it creates exaggerated time and space displacement which can make us feel disoriented, disconnected or confused. It is also defined by the feeling of energies constantly moving in a pattern of expansion and constriction or stopping and starting. We have had to learn to go with the flow and be uber patient when the energies constrict. The constriction is like an iron wall of dead energy, and there is no getting around it when you come to this impasse in regard to a project, communications or coordinating efforts within a group or family. You just have to wait until the door opens again to facilitate the movement forward in any direction. This is also extremely amplified when we are in Mercury Retrograde periods where technology goes askew, which was for most of September and just completed on September 29th.

Generally this is a temporary phase, as we are becoming unplugged from one sense of reality and being moved into another. We are moving up the proverbial Jacob’s Ladder and with every rung we ascend, we are attempting to heal the memory residing in our cells at that level. As we heal the pattern it frees us from that rung so we can move up the ladder into the next rung of a higher reality experience. As we are freed of the pain that had led to our distortion, we are freed from that timeline we were traveling and we are granted freedom and connection to our God Source at the same time. We are moving through this ladder so incredibly quickly it makes us deal with so many energies being introduced into our personal field all at the same time. So, the paradox of this sensation as we feel it is everything is happening and nothing is happening, all at the same time.

(See more on Jacob's Ladder)

Mathematical Encodement

We are aligning the foundation of our new energetic reality platform and it is moving slowly into its place and its realignment into our core being. The core foundation is built, however we must realign every molecule to be vibrationally aligned with it. Every layer of our auric lightbody is also being realigned to this new energetic platform. This is why many of us are having to upgrade or change certain core items that have a mathematical or numerical value now. The holographic reality system is mathematically encoded and these items have an energetic consequence upon us. Items that have an energetic signature with us in the old reality are our cell phone number, our residence, our job or business purpose, our personal name, auto or transport system, website or social network platform, the food we eat or any other product or project.

If something in your life is not in sync with your new energy reality platform you will experience a standstill or dead spot. Sometimes it means your phone or car will die or something will have to be exchanged for something new. Listen to your guidance and act upon these changes that you may need to make even if they seem to appear insignificant. Apparently, they are not and require pulling out anything and everything that had an identity signature and energetic impact somehow in our old life. This spiritual house cleaning is very refined at this time and is similar to a purging out of the old lifestyle from your cellular memory.

This movement forward will happen in successive waves and the openings are really beginning in this month of October and leading into January of 2010. These are the openings that align us to our New Beginnings in every way.

The Uranian Influence
As we begin to explore the understanding that there is a blueprint, an energetic architecture and creational purpose to absolutely everything in the material manifestation, astrology really helps us to gain some perspective that might otherwise send us into shock. Astrology as a science, not entertainment horoscopes, reveal the magnetic imprint that influences our consciousness into archetypal patterns, both at the personal and global levels of human behavior. As mentioned before, it is through archetypes and creational myths that spirit manifests into matter. To see the interconnection of these patterns is extremely empowering in our personal spiritual growth and by seeing how our energy impacts the larger whole.

The last few months and ongoing, we are enduring a planetary growth phase of feeling the increased weight of a Uranian Influence. Upon researching what the planetary impact of Uranus means from the Astrologer perspective, the global pattern was made entirely clear. As we move into the Aquarian Age, Uranus certainly plays an important role in our personal and social reform and the shift into a new paradigm.

“Positive Uranian influence breaks up what is stable and known, to make way for something else. Uranus represents the revolutionary, the new, untried and futuristic, but its energies can easily play out as reactionary. Including reverence for traditional institutions no longer viable in worldly terms, fascism, dictatorial behavior and a tendency to allow the means justify the ends. Uranus/Aquarius is also humanitarian and egalitarian in orientation, but again noble sentiments can be displaced by a cold, ivory tower isolationism that loves humanity only from a distance, and only where its useful for maintaining crowd control.
Uranus has been associated with mental trauma, nervous system disorders and spiritual enlightenment. Maybe the distinction lies in how well the basic human unit adapts to the flashes of lightening this insight brings, how receptive towards change one chooses to be when Uranus energy manifests as the complete destruction of the known and familiar in one's life. Unfortunately, some people do seem to avoid the breath of Uranus for much of their neatly ordered life. Either they are very, very good at suppression or they are very, very asleep to the higher broadcasting frequencies of life. Nonetheless, with increasing frequency Uranian disruption is touching even them, materializing as sudden upsets in job, health, relationship or government. Uranus rules occult activities including astrology, including new inventions, discoveries, contradictions, strangers and outcasts. If the wavelengths of Uranus are resisted or if the body is ill equipped to tolerate these higher vibrational frequencies due to sexual blockage, control issues or a core dis-ease with Nature, such as the incidence of disorders linked with the nervous system i.e. multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, leukemia, eczema, lupus, shingles and autoimmune disorders increases.”

Source from:

I could not have articulated this any more succinctly to cover the issues we are facing now in the transformation of our lives. Thank you to Mystic Marguerite.

This Uranian Influence is forcing us to become more comfortable in the face of the unknown or mysterious by allowing ourselves to just surrender to the faith and trust required in the whole evolutionary process. There is Nowhere to Go or Nothing to Be except Here in the Now.

Masculine Revelation

The September alignments and ongoing are significantly impacting the male bodies. Since April there has been a massive shift in the magnetic field that held together the main 3D planetary mind control grid. These intricate and organized systems have propagated much of the patriarchal domination and enslavement programming of both men and women on this planet. When referring to mass consciousness fields in the planetary holographic reality, it is this mind control system that has contributed to the energetic architecture of what we as individuals, as human beings are currently experiencing which shape our physical reality. It means that beyond what we think we are, there is a grid system controlled by others, not by our personal conscious participation, that impulses our thoughts to believe we are something that we are not.

Naturally we can choose to hold this belief system or not, however in the current state of how we have defined our reality socially, economically, governmentally, it makes one’s choice to not conform extremely difficult to impossible. For a being to not conform to acceptable social programming, generally makes deviation from that standard as a norm a very painful isolating experience. Since the controllers designed it to be self-policing through a divide and conquer mentality, the potential ostracism and persecution from those humans programmed to self police the nonconformists of the system, create more fear in the individual and the masses. This prevents many beings the freedom to choose creative consciousness expansion or spiritual growth, as our controlled system does not allow for it. To empower one’s self takes incredible self discipline in mental and emotional control, while not using the external world as a part of self definition and self worth. This has been a part of why these mind control systems have been so effective in suppressing human consciousness from actualizing our true potential as a multidimensional divine being. Becoming multidimensional, through spiritual lightbody activation and growth, activates sensory abilities through higher intelligence fields that we then can experience as a conscious part of ourselves.

When holding these belief systems as the reality, our human consciousness is the battery source that keeps these realities manifested in the larger hologram which we perceive as the earth plane reality. In order to change the reality, we have to change the belief system. We also need to remove the power we gave these systems by feeding it our energies through our thoughts, our emotions and where we direct ourselves in attention and action.

The dismantling process of our physical identity, of all we had believed is true is collapsing through these larger systems. This pattern is especially spreading through the male community at this time. It is forcing transformation through the 2D sex chakra and 4D heart opening and this is transpiring in a combined merging. In most of us our astral body, 2D and 4D emotional body, has been extremely damaged by accumulated aberrant emotional or suppressed energies. This is challenging us to introspect and evaluate all of our gender roles and is especially amplified by the male revelation happening at this time.

This dark cycle of human evolution through the patriarchal domination has been influenced and manipulated in many different ways, however, since this holographic mind control system is breaking down in places it is freeing many of the males from being in its grasp. Largely what this NRG (Nephilim Reversal Grid) and 3D mind control system was designed to do was to control the patriarch or male to be the enforcer of the female principle suppression and act as a tyrant of the peoples. This also condoned the False King archetype, a tyrant power hungry controller to be glorified as an aspiring model for the young male. Especially in the Western World we groom our boys to be mostly tyrants in our society.

(Note: In modern usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small elite group or family, over the best interests of the general population, one which the tyrant governs or controls.)

This is why changing the consciousness fields by collapsing timelines and erasing past events recorded in the cellular memory, both in our planet and in our bodies, is a process of reaching the necessary critical mass required to change the belief system and therefore the reality, for a group planetary consciousness. At this stage not every individual is ready at a personal level to take responsibility for the direction of their thought forms beyond current 3D programming. Our human group thought form, along with the events in time create the energetic momentum that leads us to the timeline we will choose for our reality experience on the planet. We can choose the Armageddon Timeline or the Ascension Timeline, it is our choice. This is a part of the Natural Law of Creation, that indeed our human thoughts create our experiential reality. This is at a critical stage now and many of the Starseed Map Makers are active in clearing, erasing, upgrading, and bridging the consciousness fields and retrieving the souls or fragments there. This is in order to create the highest possible choice available at that specific vibrational level and for the beings that exist within that spectrum

During this phase many more males will awaken into their true understanding of power and accept their rightful kingship archetypally; the public servant and benevolent ruler in order to receive the spiritual Rod of initiation. This is the beginning stage of Alchemy on the Earth which is necessary to allow for the next phases of our Ascension Cycle, that manifests the Trinitized Form Embodiments. 

Spiritual Marriages in No Time

New Unions are being formed in the context of this new energetic reality platform, which I do not have suitable words yet to describe. Mostly in the context of complete devotion to planetary service, these couplings are forming to join collective power. There is a pattern of arranged spiritual marriages that are being formed in some space of No Time. Many of them are happening before even actual physical contact, where one or both parties are either contacted by guides or given explicit details about who or what is their next partner. These unions in particular, are trans-dimensional and placed inside an alchemical container outside of this time matrix. This is a very new template of genetic equals, which I understand very little. However, it seems that this would be the next natural progression with the masculine energies shifting at this time. They are still hard to translate physically into this dimension, however, it is like the divine union template beyond any karmic entanglement, negative form projection, or bound inside time.

I have asked all the questions: Is this a soulmate, divine ray, divine twin, sacred union marriage? I was given the answer no, these are Spiritual Marriages in No Time.  There seems to be an exacting future time when these meetings or couplings need to merge together to accomplish a mutual agreement. In some cases, the future child has been the one to inform the couple of their intended marriage arrangement. In any case, these relationships are extremely difficult to tread in this physical plane, as these energies are intense, alchemical and can create easy delusion. Be very clear, stay as non-attached and as realistic as possible. It’s easy to project fantasies or an illusion of perfection on this partner. No one is perfect and there will be emotional work and personal effort needed to make these relationships flourish and remain balanced. These are the first wave of transdimensional relationship templates in No Time connected through 13th Gateway, so this group will be anchoring this on the earth plane.

Overall, the energetic terrain is much more supportive for our Galactic Starseed Families and even though we are still working quite hard, there is a level of felt support coming in. For those at the beginning of their ascension process that are clearing a lot of fear or pain programming, this can be a very difficult time, a dark night of the soul. The combined energies are very intense now and have definitely created separating reality bubbles and a frequency split. This gives us that sensation of being in Between Two Worlds, which is definitely where many of us are sensing ourselves now.

We are in this adventure together and until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path.

Love, Lisa

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Melchizedek Logos

July 2022

Melchizedek Logos

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The current shift into the next harmonic universe, the changing position of the World Soul to Machu Picchu’s Ancient Andromedan gateway system, and all the Melchizedek events brought to light this month are bringing on rapid and intense spiritual activations. As we process the liberation of the Universal Melchizedek Logos during the June Solstice, this has impacted several areas on the planet that held some parts of the Emerald Founder Records.

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