Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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March 2013

Reclaiming the Christos Body

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The frequency impact of the unity source code anchored into the planetary architecture through the Krystal Host, is rippling throughout the multiple dimensional fields and into many dead energy spaces. Dead energy spaces or phantom matrices are separate areas where the massive layers of the consciousness fields that make up timelines and other spaces, are unable to exchange or circulate with the source code frequency. These dead spaces that house dead timelines or hungry ghost entities are being cleared out to other continuums or are being demolished and are collapsing. Gridworkers have been involved with many levels of clearing these dead spaces and dead influences from an explosive terrain of shattered and decimated portions of the obsolete and expired architecture. This demolition of blueprint and field architecture may feel intensely destructive energetically, but is required to lay down the next level of the foundation coming in to alignment with the upcoming Spring Equinox event. This is the sequence of architecture that is required to Reclaim the Christos Body for the earth.

Some of the demolition in these energy fields along with spiritual warfare conducted over controlling these spaces has contributed to radical surface earth changes and asteroid activity. Hold down your Krystal 12D hub and be in your heart wherever you live, fearlessly. These demolition grid projects encompass a range of positions in the process of manifestation into the physical realm. The inner spaces at the quantum energy levels, the in between spaces or the unmanifest layers, and the external influences or the chain of events that brings the quantum level and unmanifest levels into manifested forms. As a Starseed gridworker one may be working in one or all field levels for blueprint repair, transits and rehabilitation of the timelines and collective bodies.

As a result, where these dead energy structures were previously held in place and were operating in order to siphon energy from other separated parts of the time space fields, these spaces are being systematically inventoried for damage. Dead energy architecture cannot run these Krystal Star energies and as a consequence, shatter or collapse when exposed to them.

Ego Filters are Dead Energy

These dead energy mind control structures are commonly called ego filters, and we have become accustomed to the ego identity as a supposedly normal part of being incarnated on the 3D earth. These mind control structures, also used in companion with alien mind control implants, were inserted into the physical elemental bodies of human beings. This aggressively commenced as a hybridization and complete planetary infiltration of the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) approximately 5,500 years ago.

At which time this structure began a systematic DNA fragmentation and deterioration of the collective mental bodies. This obfuscated the individual’s mental body function relating to the control and awareness of one’s physical body and spiritual-energetic bodies. This collective race mental body and its individual ego filters, is what has interfered with the capacity to access higher spiritual-energetic intelligences. There will be further discussion on how the spiritual bodies were blocked by the ego’s filter in the mental body and how this has been accomplished by the N.A.A. It is important to understand as real as the ego personality may feel as a part of our human identity, it is a dead energy structure. Continual use of a dead energy structure to focus your consciousness and personal energies through, depletes all of your multidimensional bodies and eventually deplete one’s life force. When not corrected it creates soul damage and disconnection, which allows that portion of one’s life force and body to be misdirected, abused or used by someone or something else.

This corruption of the physical body is simultaneous to the corruption of the physical mind. The ego filter is a physical element, constructed from the physical structures of the human fleshly body. This filter located on the coccyx and called a reptilian tail, is not organic to humanity. It is designed to stop spiritual body activation, feed energy reversals to mind lock the body, and operate as a reptilian mind control projection. These structures allow the human body to be controlled by the mind which it follows, or leads and directs as a perceived identity. That ego mind identity is a byproduct of reptilian creation. By creating a false holographic insert version of the subconscious mind to be controlled by the reptilians, through basic bodily functions, they achieved their goal of infiltrating the physical body, the mind, and then the human soul and its power source. If the body is controlled, they can control the direction and location of the soul and move it from place to place to serve their needs. Additionally in the larger objective of negative hybridization, which is to deteriorate the original human DNA to form to the alien functions, is to ultimately shape human DNA so that the reptilian mind will run the body. Eventually if it’s called for and genetically compatible, some agendas are to totally inhabit the human body, while displacing the soul originally birthed into that body. This soul manipulation is desired because these entities do not have a soul, they are inspirited, however not connected to the soul body or capable of connecting directly to the eternal source through Christos.

By controlling the mind and personality connected to a human body, the parasitic entity can access a weakened body and fragile mind to begin its goal of controlling the energies and direction of the soul. When the extradimensional entity can control multiple millions of human minds in this way, exerting control over the collective mind of humanity, therefore exerting the control over the planetary body, the quantic yield and power from harnessing soul and other vital essences become a massive power source. So powerful that to lose this source as a controlling asset in the E.T. investment portfolio, creates aggressive warring conflicts between these intruding factions.

For these reasons there has been a recent phase of spiritual warfare commencing, to regain territory and dominion over the vast myriad of consciousness levels where souls and other power sources have been harnessed. Removing this dead energy, its alien influences and ego filters are a part of the necessity of reclaiming the body of the Christos for the earth.

Forced Identities

Additionally there has been a shattering and decimation of collective mind negative alien architectures, which have been used as consciousness filters to control humanity for a very long time. These mind control structures quantify as dead energy spaces and are configurations, which are used to filter soul energies through the harnessing of forced identities. A forced identity is a superimposed overlay that filters perception of an archetypal identity that is running an alien, anti-human mind control program through a human body. Depending on the chakra energies that are attuned to the particular quality of energy spectrum and the DNA imprints they are looking to harvest, the controlling entity directs and reinforces the archetypal ego identity for its own gain. Through the chakra systems they place archetypal mind filters that reinforce ego programs, and in some cases implant false memories, thought-forms or holographic movies to manipulate beliefs and direct actions within the human. All of this is to gain access and control to the planet earth, and to the many levels of resources located here. To control timelines and technology, perpetuate lies about the extraterrestrial involvement and harness the use of the collective quantic yield and individual life force or soul energies. These vital energies are comprised of the multidimensional collective human soul matrix, which so many have forgotten belong to the access of the human being directly.

When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. 

Almost all forced ego identities are based in heavy 2D sacral chakra addiction programs, as these identities are clearly intertwined through an addiction pathway that are easy to energetically control and manipulate.

Addiction in Mind Control Archetypes

Addictions are coping methods and defense mechanisms resulting from the severe trauma of ancestral issues and a variety of inherited genetic miasmas, that deposit dead energy in the bodies. Dead energy miasmas are similar to toxic waste products. This dead energy miasma originated from the abuse and damage of soul bodies, the hidden alien invasion, anti-human force and the impact is the disconnection from the inner self and one’s spiritual energies. Addiction is what the fragmented ego personality and its wounds resort to in obsessing on external fixations or substances. Focusing on external things to cope with life is a method of self-soothing one’s attention away from the painful void of inner shadow. The pain and suffering from inner shadow will find addiction in order to stop feeling the dead energy spaces in the bodies. This is achieved by altering the messaging of the Central Nervous System (CNS) relaying its impulse to the Brain that tells the body and body parts that it is in pain. When we understand the Soul’s Nadial Plexus is the blueprint to the physical CNS, it is clear that deep emotional pain, shock and trauma are directly inter-related to Soul Damage. Dead energy can consume the soul energies and this process feels painful, creates suffering and disease in the body.

To numb, shock or alter the neurological system and stop its message to the brain, addiction matrices are manifested in the 2nd chakra through implantation, programming, siphoning or direct trauma damage. Dead energy is the sensation of an unspeakable vast hunger that rips through your flesh and bones to feed it, and is understood through the archetype of Vampires needing to satisfy their never ending hunger or thirst. The Controllers exist in a state similar to the archetype of Vampires and intend to create more humans to be as they are. This is why glamorizing hungry Vampires and Zombies in the media and movies are so popular.

This is the hell state, being a vampire of an advanced addict requiring an external addiction to feed their inner hunger. This weakened state is highly taken advantage of by predator forces that use the person’s addiction to serve their collection of gathered energy. This is the perpetual cycle of stealing energy from the addicted person so they seek out in frenzy, more ways to become addicted. This is why advanced addiction cases have an extremely low success rate, as the entity possessing the person or manipulating addiction through forced identity is not dealt with. Upon comprehension of the deeper causes of addiction, more of us will be able to successfully heal the CNS and brain messaging damage that is propagated through soul abuse and alien implant trauma.

The Alien Set Up for Addiction

When no inner foundation, soul connection and self-love are present, the entire mental fixation is focused upon the external value and worth being shaped by the consensus reality or culture of that environment. To change the shape of human values formed by the consensus or culture, constant mind control through psycho-spiritual warfare is perpetuated to warp accurate reality and distort perception. An example of anti-human psycho-spiritual warfare used to warp perception of values in culture is justifying the beliefs that a boy child consented to sodomy, a woman’s clothing is consent for her to be raped, and an alien abductee is a lunatic. The predator continually warps reality and uses the victim to be the victimizer.

Psycho-spiritual warfare is carried out when the original identity of a being is continually erased, the memories of spiritual purpose and access to the soul is disconnected, and fears of survival, terrorism, cataclysm and Armageddon are artificially implanted in the planetary brain via the N.A.A. Humanity is undergoing a severe personal trauma, based on the disconnection from the real self-identity as a spiritual-energetic consciousness. This real self-identity is organic and not forced artificially, as with alien implants or mind control devices.

Many people ask why this has happened. To understand how this has occurred is to know we are not alone in the Universe and that extraterrestrials have been involved with this planet for thousands if not millions of years. This vast Universe is teaming with life at multiple dimensions of reality. If an Extraterrestrial entity with sophisticated knowledge of multiple dimensions, holographic architecture, and technology use of weaponry decided it would force this planet into a frequency prison under its mind control in order to take its resources for its own use, how would it go about its warfare? The Orion Controllers belief system uses hierarchal ranks of war mongering based on Patriarchal Domination and misogyny, to control everything in the Universe as a Supreme Deity. When intruders came to this earth thousands of years ago humanity was at a level of spiritual development similar to a 12 year old child. What emotionally or mentally developed 12 year old child is going to be able to defend itself from a hierarchal class of war strategists that have access to sophisticated weaponry, mind control technology and harbor elitist views of genetic race supremacy? That’s how we got here. We can see the impact of this alien invasion in the sociopathic sickness that has gripped the N.A.A. Ego minds that carry out these many insane abuses towards the planet and her inhabitants.

So as the result of the N.A.A. invasion, enforced worship of a False Father God religions and forced identity overlays, we have the emotionally traumatized, spiritually undeveloped, patriarchal dominated and chronically addicted ego problems rampant in humanity today.

NRG Implants Ego Addiction Archetypes 

The main addiction energetic pathway is interfaced between the planetary body template and the human body template with an artificial alien control structure known as the NRG. (To read more on the Nephilim Reversal Grid in U.K., see the Negative Alien Agenda Section).

With Negative Ego Clearing skills and self-awareness, all of these archetypal identity structures used by the NRG can be self-cleared.

As an example a seducer archetype is very energetically profitable to siphon, for an ego that is controlled by sexual addiction. When a human being is choosing to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the NRG network. If they continue to play the seducer game, the addiction matrix will become fused within their 2D chakra and energy body. When they are puppeted to play the addiction out, more dead energy is circulated and the sexual energy will be collected from the people involved through a variety of ways. If the seducer game does not stop, the addiction program structure goes deeper into the bodies like a burrowed tick. As this structure feeds it grows larger tentacles taking over more parts of the body to stimulate the addiction. Then these tentacles are used for direct possession of the body during the sexual act for the agenda of whoever is superimposing on the body. For obvious reasons, this repels the soul growth and inhibits the higher spiritual bodies from embodying or merging with that human being. One may note that is why many people involved in the sexual act, without consciousness and loving, go into a sexual trance. The trance is generated from being on autopilot and releasing the consent to have your bodily energies misdirected. At the point of climax is the most yield of sexual energies and they will be collected for those controlling the addiction program. Understanding the risk of sexual promiscuity has nothing to do with moral judgment, it has to do with spiritual maturity.

A wise one or sage archetype is a very good yield for an ego controlled by addictions, for group worship or external recognition. A femme fatale or player, is very good for an ego addicted to receive external attention or energy cords from the opposite sex to feel loved or worthy of attraction. These forced identities controlled through false archetypes overlaid on a human being’s aura, are then polarized in the opposite extremes between the Victim-Victimizer programs. These combined identity overlays, the addiction energetic pathways that grow in the CNS, the Victimizer-Victim software programs, are hooked into the collective mind filters that are used as a control panel to manipulate the minds of the masses on earth. And the millions of people that are severely addicted, traumatized and abused from this structure, have no idea that this alien agenda is controlling all of that as a collective energetic yield, at the damage and expense of the entire planet. This is what psycho-spiritual warfare looks like. This is why all humans need to be aware of the N.A.A.

The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been forced to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God. This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you, if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary Reptilian Controller Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding his cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity, or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost, are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is in the near vicinity. This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves. This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces. If they are unconscious, they will have no idea this thought form is not sourcing from them. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype.

It is through the Cosmic Mother Aether that the Cosmic Father Principle is reborn to replace the False Father Reptilian God. The pain of resistance that this polarity synthesis requires for the inner alchemy of rebirth is felt by many now. 

Invasion through Artificially Refracted Light

If we understand holograms of refracted light, we can begin to understand the holographic architecture placed in the consciousness fields to bend or control the refraction of light and sound within an inorganic state of being. An inorganic state defined as a state that was artificially built by an extradimensional entity (N.A.A.) with the aim and goal of subversion, infiltration and enslavement of beings subjected underneath its realm to its own reflection of light. All of these Ego Filters, Collective Archetypes, Addiction Programs, Mind Control Structures, Alien implants, are examples of inorganic refractions of holographic architecture, that were artificially built in dead energy structures through frequency manipulation. This is how they were able to invade the planet without being physically seen and detected by the spiritually oppressed human masses.

By superimposing these refracted light spectrums to be directed at the whim of the controlling entity through its hidden agenda, the entity can create overlays of perception, overlays of identity. This is the means of the alien mind control, which has been discussed fervently many times before. By controlling perceptions of identity one can control the consciousness of the identity, and eventually through subversion of the original identity, possess the beings body and mind to become subservient to an agenda that is neither organic nor natural to the soul.

We are able to change, alter and adjust refracted light patterns through the compassionate witnessing of these patterns, thereby applying pure love through our spiritual body consciousness to remove harmful frequency devices.

When we apply consciousness with intent, when we apply change in the frequency structure and we direct it throughout our bodies, we can remove, alter and clear artificial refractions of structures that impact our personal hologram. The HGS system is designed as a roadmap to reclaim the Christos Body, the Risen Christ through Sacred Marriage with the Trinity or Hieros Gamos through the removal of artificial, dead, inorganic, refracted light holograms that have been used to enslave and torment the human race for thousands of years. This is entirely possible, however most of us will need mental discipline and the reeducation to remember our original language and a context to apply frequency alterations with the Krystal and Christ consciousness intent.

Reclaiming Christos Body

The source code or unity intelligence field is a Krystal Star, Christos Consciousness hub, accessed through the merging of manifested bodies holding trinity wave formats that connect directly into the Eternal Source light or Godhead. The three sound-wave-tone parts when merged into internal energetic balance, become one component with access directly into the feedback loop exchanging with the Eternal source supply. This exchange with the godhead is the principle of Christos, an inner sustained eternal source light which signals the end of vampirism or consumptive modeling on planet. This is what it means by Godhead cannot be reached by anything but the Christos Consciousness, Krystal Star Tones, although this process of unifying consciousness with the Godhead is known by different names.

The Krystal, Christos architecture is that which allows the synchronic phasing of inner, outer and in between currents of energy to be inhaled and exhaled, circulating the eternal life spark of creation throughout the entire organism. 

This trinity principle is the original holographic architecture of the microcosm to macrocosm, in planetary, human and all of universal creation. Our bodies and souls were not created by Reptilian Anunnaki or other E.T. False Father Gods, we were modified and hybridized to suit their various domination agendas through hybridization. The Christos template is designed as a unity form of embodiment, thus all architecture, patterns and 12D code must be embodied as a trinity wave to return the Christos to the earth. The original source code of one component cannot work without the other three parts unified together. Hence, we have existed on 3D earth in a separated state governed by the tyranny of the False Father Gods, only allowed to experience a small component of the entirety of our existence. The Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Son or Christos are all One as the Godhead, however the Mother principle is not the Father principle, nor the Son. There is an energy matrix comprised of frequency that is a trinity wave tone, this tone is inter-dimensional and also a part of the core substance of our Universal matrix. Up until recently this planetary consciousness was separated from the merge between all of its creational components. Now that our Mother principle component has returned, this is the unique process and massive transformation an ascending group of humans begin, as potential planetary Christos consciousness.

Many of us as Starseeds are the Ascension blueprint prototypes to embody this source code energy into the physical realm, and we have begun the alchemical process to become the house where Christos dwells. The Spring Equinox will activate this Inner Christos embodiment potential for more of us in the Starseed family. This cycle will be a rebirth for the masculine principle.

Starseeds Reclaim Christos Mission 

During this end evolution cycle that leads into the current Ascension timeline, many different variations of soul-spirit consciousness from a vast array of planets, galaxies and universes have joined the reincarnation cycle on 3D planet earth. Some are biologically organic future humans, while others are not. Yet, all have come in order to experience the shifting consciousness fields on the 3D planet earth at this end cycle. These particular groups of soul-spirit beings that have incarnated in a 3D human body are referred to as Starseeds. Even though Starseeds hold more genetic memory from these future stations of identity, All is One and valued in its connection to the Eternal Source Creator. Starseeds have specific roles and a humanitarian spiritual mission to help free the planetary soul from spiritual and energetic oppression, enforced by the NAA through the False Father God Religions. This is to elevate and change destructive timelines through genetic rehabilitation and erase negative alien mind control software programs. These software program religions were put in place by the patriarchal dominate negative aliens in order to be worshipped as Gods and easily enforce the enslavement of the planetary population.

Starseeds entered this planetary consciousness body to experience reincarnation and activate their spiritual mission for a wide variety of reasons and interests. The primary goal was to re-establish the potential freedom from forced reincarnation through the restoration of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, through the reclamation of the Christos body template. In order to do so the Negative Alien Agenda of planetary domination, enslavement, hybridization and abduction would have to be eventually revealed to humanity. However, the extraterrestrial agenda and the history of extraterrestrial genetic influence in both every day human events and the many historical records have been extinguished in every way possible. Both benevolent and malevolent extraterrestrials have been involved with this planet for millions of years, and they have never left this planet. This was known on planet until the last 5,500 years, when most of this knowledge and its written history were destroyed. Only the reptilian bloodline manipulated humans were given this knowledge in secret to maintain their position for power and control. They are ultimately puppets for off planet Controllers that sold out the human race. History is re-written by the victor of war and hence, the real extraterrestrial agenda is hidden, while a false record of human history is put into its place.

Many Starseeds were aware of a psycho-spiritual warfare between extraterrestrial races and came to this planet as embodied human intelligence portals, to feed back to the overall group effort in its reconnaissance mission back to their home planet or Universe. However, when most got here they were subjected to the many alien implants, mind control systems, dark infiltration and victim-victimizer software like all human beings. For those reasons many still remain asleep or subverted to the fact of their real spiritual mission and consciousness.

However, it has been generally understood that during the end cycle the Neutron Window is opening between this third dimensional planet earth which intersects with the Universal Trans-harmonic gateways. The Trans-gate timelines are those which allow these Starseeds to reconnect and return to their home frequency after this tour of duty.

For Starseeds this lifetime is a recon mission that was required to gather intel to comprehend the levels of genetic damage, the source of planetary invasion, the identity of the main intruder races, and attempt to offer sovereignty and freedom to the souls which had been enslaved, abused and entrapped in repeated reincarnation cycles. One of the primary issues is the horrifying violation of the human soul from negative alien abduction, satanic ritual abuse, soul body siphoning, sexual mutilation, cloning replicant bodies, and using living human bodies sperm and ovum to genetically farm human and E.T. hybrid bodies. 

Many Starseeds have come to this planet to research, collect intel to source hybridization agendas and observe the alien abduction and contactee phenomena on planet. In most all cases the direct abduction or contact experience is required in order to collect the information and return it back through the Neutron Window to the Guardian Krystal Host races. The Krystal Star family is a Guardian race that has intervened with this planet to help heal and free the soul entrapment and bodily imprisonment the N.A.A. have extracted upon the human population of earth.

Ending Abduction Agreements

It is important to know that clearing the human body and aura of alien implants, as well as the abducting or possessing extraterrestrials from alien mind control programs and satanic infiltration is possible. Many alien abduction cases are caused by extraterrestrial entities satanic dark force possession. To stop abduction using HGS Calibration as well as clearing alien implants for mind control for each party is suggested (Note: the clearing of STS extradimensional races interfering with humanities spiritual progression from the Guardian hosted HGS template and Alien Implant Modules are suggested).

Comprehending the Starseed mission and its larger role is important to understand in order to know how to end agreements and stop allowing continual rogue E.T. abuses. Abuses happen when extraterrestrials or extra dimensional entities overtake sovereignty of the being and insist on superimposing certain experiences that are no longer efficient or helpful to the soul. This is why claiming authority to serve one’s Eternal and Original God Power, clearing ego controls and commanding personal space is critical to end abductions. This is very common with alien or extraterrestrial abduction experiences, where the selfish motivation of deception and manipulation is used to make friends with the human taken captive. This eventually creates Stockholm Syndrome, where the human who is being abducted repeatedly, starts to identify and think of their captors as a family. This is especially prevalent because abductees are persecuted violently by their own species of fellow humans, through a negative extraterrestrial mind control program called the victim-victimizer software. Even when the human is getting sick and their life is deteriorating, the alien abduction is still carried on at the extreme expense of the human being. The pain, isolation and trauma this creates for a human being also translates into soul and spiritual body damage.

Through the reeducation of extraterrestrial agendas involved on earth and the clearing of the damaged ego mind matrix, assistance, tools and support are available. It is possible with this clarity and larger context to release the karmic or miasmic imprints that these extraterrestrial agreements and genetic manipulation with the earth have created. Many of these abduction agreements have been used through trickery, deception and outright lies by telling the person only a small part of the larger story. Many of these alien abductions are deceptions involving the human government.

When a human being is traumatized heavily through alien abduction or contact experiences and is victimized by both the alien captor and human captors that are manipulated by the same alien force, the person incurs soul damage and terrible personal isolation, trauma and pain, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Without the personal knowledge or empowering tools to work with, the human encountering such experiences have many side effects, the most common is that their 3D life is destroyed and they spend their time hiding the fact they are attacked, harassed or abducted. This is a part of the victimizer software programs put in place by the N.A.A., to block the acceptance of extraterrestrial existence and these extradimensional entities radical impact upon human society.

Starseeds and Conservation Ethics

Because of the challenging nature to penetrate the incredible obstacles, frequency fences and negative control that is placed to prevent this information from being easily available to the masses, conservation ethics and project management skills are critical to the future success of Guardian Krystal Star projects. Conservation ethic is a Service to Others (STO) relationship mastery skill, that anyone will benefit from learning how to apply in absolutely every area of personal lifestyle, all relationships as well as the successful management of any type of currency or resource.

Conservation Ethics, is Being able to discern the Right Use of Action, harnesses precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful through conservation and right timing. These skills expand and differ slightly as one develops skill with conservation ethic in the management of the personal self, the management of children and family, the management of group resources, the management of community. As this planet is ending the waste of consumptive modeling and energetic vampirism architecture as directed by Dark Forces, in order to adapt to this shift, we will be required to develop energetic conservation skills. Cultivate the wisdom in learning when to engage or apply action and when not to engage with others, or to just allow, especially within conflicting circumstances. No person needs to justify their existence to another or to care what people think or judge upon them. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging, means one is not feeding the drama to escalate into chaos. Dark Forces will use drama and conflict to instigate schisms and chaos between ourself and others, making us less effective, distracting us and scattering our energies. This is a dark force ego tactic of divide and conquer, to spin out confusion and prevent unity. Conserving energy means a stronger focus so one becomes much more effective and productive with managing personal energies. When we learn this skill, we gain access to more resources and improved exchanges to connect with our spiritual sources. If we waste time and energy, if we abuse our spiritual energies or others, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased, draining us and therefore dissipating its positive influence.

Alien Implant Removal Module

All victimizer, mind control programs, mind slides and alien abduction trackers and locators can ultimately be cleared and healed through soul fiber and nadial plexus repair, to reorganize the central nervous system. Since the person is his or her most powerful healer, and this information provided here has been hidden from the masses, it created a block in healing and obstacles for many. People do not understand the causation of mind control, abduction, dark possession and their byproducts like severe addiction and devastating trauma, that are completely related to the N.A.A.

The N.A.A mind control agenda to abduct, control or direct the person’s soul energies and other entity possession problems, are promoted by this most harmful network. The human being's unaware submission and permission is what allows their body and consciousness to be unknowingly accessed by the mind control system through sprays of alien implants. For these reasons the Alien Implant Module (AIM) is being released publicly by the Guardians, on Spring Equinox on our website under the tab Hieros Gamos. Please follow instructions on HGS calibration, with patience and perseverance for the most accurate and protected support in self-clearing and applying conscious intent for positive frequency alteration. Many people have contributed tremendous effort and endured beyond incredible obstacles and attacks to bring this material forward. Please treat it responsibly and with care.

DO NOT SUBMIT TO MIND CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ALIEN IMPLANTS. You have the informed awareness and power within you to be aware and deflect these insidious and destructive behaviors and reclaim personal sovereignty.

For Reeducation and Continued Spiritual Support guidelines:
(ES Community has the Krystal Aegis tools)

  1. Spiritual Self Centering Model graphic (stay out of the ego box)
  2. Practice Law of One Principle
  3. Practice Relationship Mastery Guidelines
  4. Practice the HGS System Calibration
  5. Open Session in HGS Alien Implant Module, or AIM clearings

Being neutral with engaged detachment, observing with compassionate witness, not taking things personally and not allowing mind controlled persons to wreak havoc with your center of peace - are your full time job now. As this skill increases your body will be able to be freed from these automaton responses, fears generated from these ego filters, mind control programs and alien implants. Through the application of personal sovereignty and these tools, one will be able to free oneself from captivity and enslavement in every dimension. The HG system (HGS) is designed to support this problem with the elemental body corruption on 3D earth, and the re-encryption of certain bodily matrices to be elevated into the Aurora (AOA) elemental substances. This process is called the Aurora or Krystal Host, and applies to planet earth architecture repair as well as the repair of our individual bodies.

This community will continue to be informed to explore and eradicate this harmful system from its impact upon our bodies and consciousness. Please be patient, although consistent with your chosen spiritual practices.

Remember knowing this exists is a large part of the road to personal healing, and personal freedom, so take it in at your own pace and resonance. We are all here together no one is going to be left behind that does not want to be, however, you must apply yourself NOW to spiritual practice and healing.

Big Love and gratitude to the Starseed Family,


Suggested For You

Dedicated to the Emerald Founder Rishi

Dear Ascending Family,

Amongst the challenges of the essential embodiment themes connected to the retrievals of Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha consciousness body parts that are comprised of the organic Ruby Templar and Khemalot gender twin matrix, we both wish you many blessings for as much holy divine grace, wonderful ease and meaningful spiritual connections with all those whom you love and hold dear!

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