Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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June 2018

Crystal Core

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Currently, there is immense activity occurring underground as the result of the earth's Crystal Core activation. This has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the earth's crystalline grid, establishing new circuitry and lightbody code in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal intergalactic communication lines.  This is very encouraging and seems to be a part of the morphogenesis happening now, where changes in the quality of energy in a system allow profound changes in the expression of that energy into a variety forms and structures.

The earth’s Crystal Core structure is shifting, which has radically impacted the earth’s interior and subterranean areas, as the physical and chemical properties of matter are adjusting to the change that has been made to the planet’s core crystal structure. This is adjusting the layers of the atmosphere of earth, which further changes the atmospheric temperature and pressure in the different layers that are creating unique patterns within the densities. As a result of global changes occurring in atmospheric pressure, ascension symptoms may be experienced related to compression or decompression factors that are happening within the physical body. The physical body is working harder to adapt to these pressure changes, and this shift in the core has direct impacts upon blood, blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm. Thus, it is important to take steps to regain balance through a healthier lifestyle, finding inner stillness and meaningful connection in our lives in order to reduce stressors upon the body.

The core crystal structure of a planetary body is the most critical part of the foundation of matter. It instructs how the consciousness energies are brought into manifest bodies, and instructs the blueprint in the types of life forms that exist on that planet.  The Crystal Core of a planet affects everything from the magnetic field, temperature and geochemical composition, to its geometric shape, orientation in space and gravitational field. These combined factors have enormous implications on how atomic and subatomic particles organize themselves into the blueprints, which become physical matter on the planet and impact the perception we have of reality. The Crystal Core is both matter and anti-matter, whereby non-physical energy moves through it to become solidified and manifested into something tangible in the physical reality. The Crystal Core acts as the transducer of non-physical energy running in the planet, through which its magnetism condenses it into new elements in matter.   

From the Guardian Perspective, this activation is a sequence level in the fulfillment of the Paliadorian Covenant initiating Morphogenesis, which has shifted the internal Crystal Core structure, which is changing matter as we have known it. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new mesomorphic states, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. 

From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the planetary staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the planetary grid network. This has activated Sun Discs and Sun-Star crystals that also interconnect with the underground crystal caverns that hold information about the hidden timeline histories of Earth, Tara and Gaia. Essentially, we are in a phase of receiving more positive energy and benevolent technology that is designed to support human ascension and planetary liberation. The crystalline imprints are supporting the recoding of the kundalini forces that were missing an assortment of proper sub-harmonic frequencies, as well as igniting a vast network of previously dormant crystal caverns and star crystals. The crystal caverns are being reconnected through the Sun Disc network in multiple timelines of the Earth, Taran and Gaian bodies in which they exist. 

Once the kundalini current runs in corrected patterns to build the sub-harmonic strings in each of the 3-6-9 dimensions, the new horizontal network corrects fragmented mental body patterns which are then rebuilt into higher mind or mentor matrices. This is to say a previously fragmented mental body, can now hold a container for the higher consciousness aspect of the mentor body to integrate, in ways not previously possible. This is a planetary initiation that ignites an individual’s spiritual body into a catalytic process which activates the liquid crystal cells, both in the mitochondrial cristae, and within the diamond crystal heart which contains the permanent seed atom.

Plasma infusions have been made into the earth’s Crystal Core, which include the process of weaving an array of Aqualine light and sentient solar vapors from the Galactic Suns. This allows an interactive fusion between multiple Paliadorian Sun-Star bodies that have recently birthed into our Solar System network. This has increased the pearlescent color waves of the Eye of God that are becoming interlaced into the crystalline lattice of earth, stacks of interwoven chains that are connecting into the golden Sun Disc network. The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns from the Aqualasha matrix in the heart of Andromeda, are one of the Galactic Sun-Star bodies that have shown up for grid projects and are supporting crystal transmissions for planetary ascension.

This allows for the Seven Sacred Suns to unite to transmit the entire spectrum of Cosmic Sun-Star liquid crystal plasma waves into the crystalline grid, which is the source field for building and initiating the silicate matrix of the Christos Diamond Sun body, through the re-encryption of elements into the main seven interdimensional tone resonances. The recent change in the Crystal Core has impacted the exchange between matter and anti-matter, which has increased the speed of the inner and outer axis of rotation spin of the planetary body. This can greatly impact our perception of time and may lend to the sensation that we can bounce in and out of time, sense moments when time feels faster or slower, and then have sensations that we are experiencing a void space in no-time.

The Seven Suns frequencies make up the new base shield template that replace the 3D grounding mechanism, that existed in the lower three chakras and in the earth chakra interface. Ultimately this is resetting the lightbody grounding to a base 360 degrees or non-polarized base shield. The base 360 grounding shield means the center core of the lightbody is stationed in no-time, has transharmonic ability to enter any timeline from within the center of the 360 degrees. The new non-polarized base shield begins to build the completed Eukachristic Body for the Avatar Christos-Sophia consciousness, which is considered the stairway to heaven, the access into the Ascension Earth. Further, this subsequently develops into the Krystallah eternal lightbody, the vehicle for the Omniversal Personal Christ on earth and beyond, in its unified male-female hierogamic expression.

Crystal Properties

A crystal is a crystalline solid in which its atoms, molecules and ions are microscopically arranged into a crystal lattice that extends in all directions. Most of the common elements found in crystals originate in the earth crust and can be found in the periodic table according to their number of protons. However, it should be registered that the current periodic table presented in mainstream science is incomplete. During this cycle, new substances and elements are being birthed into matter which impact crystal properties. The elements that make up each crystal give it unique properties, such as its color, frequency potential and the intelligent design of its function on the earth. Most of the earth’s rocks are classified as silicate minerals that are based upon the chemical structure of the silica tetrahedron. Pairs of tetrahedra occur in many silicate minerals, forming the basic crystal structure of the planet, as well as the silicate matrix crystal structure in the human body, which determines the gender fin orientation for the merkaba spiral.

Paying attention to the wide-ranging use of silicate crystals throughout emerging advanced technologies, actually reveals similar parallels in how the crystalline consciousness in the human body works. We start to realize how valuable the human body really is in generating abundant supplies of energy potential and the ability to power up systems of energy. Silicon is most often used as a semiconductor, which is an essential component of most electronic circuits. A silicon chip can hold thousands of tiny transistors used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. Thus, anything that is computerized or relies on electromagnetic waves depends on semiconductors and transistors that are made from silicate crystals.

Crystals are neutrally charged unless they have been programmed directly, and thus the electromagnetic charge must be balanced in the crystal. This means that the amount of negative charge must be compensated by the same amount of positive charge to create energetic balance in the crystal. If the human body is a biological crystal, this tells us our body will logically return to energetic balance if we follow the laws of nature. However, crystals can become inactivated or made inert through a range of traumatic exposures, such as transmitting harmful artificial intelligence signals or electromagnetic weapons which can produce dead energy.

Crystals hold the blueprint of the living consciousness records contained in the evolutionary histories of the earth and beyond, recording the consciousness experiences of all life that have been imprinted through the complex patterns of frequencies and mathematical coding they can hold. Crystals can amplify and accelerate light frequencies that are similar to an energy based mathematical software program, they can be used for communication, transmission, teleportation, energy production, weather control and to store immense databases of frequency coded information.

Many of us may still hold cellular memories from the historical timeline records, in root race cycles spanning from Tara, or in the previous civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. We knew that crystals generated crystalline fields of energy that produced grid networks that controlled the holographic field of all creation.  After the fall of Atlantis, the knowledge of the crystalline fields and holographic geography was carried over into the Egyptian culture, and many other ancient cultures that attempted to salvage interdimensional gateways of energy on the earth in an attempt to stabilize the planetary crystalline field.  Our ancestors knew of the importance of crystals as sacred vibrational tools that supported our spiritual connection into the higher consciousness realms, and the significance that all living things are interconnected with the crystalline grid networks that exist in the planetary body.

Thus, many crystals have uniquely special properties which impact many spectrums of energy, frequency and vibration that are made through the crystal’s propagation of the direction of light and sound, as well as their electrical conductivity and piezoelectric properties. Crystals are just as unique in their individual energetic signature, as the many unique configurations and facets that are reflected in the individualized soul experience of a human being.

The earth body and the human body, as well as the entire DNA record is made in crystalline properties. The Silicate Matrix DNA template is the original human crystalline blueprint that is activated in the human body when contact or connection is made with love coded hydroplasmic light, which is essentially liquid crystals. The human energy field consists of an array of oscillating energy centers that are nested within a multi-dimensional blueprint of interacting crystal structures that organize into an assortment of crystalline functions. All of the interactive layers of the physical matrices, such as the organ and glandular systems, down to our skeletal structure are known to have piezoelectric properties and crystalline functioning. Our bone structure is the primary solid crystal in our physical body that acts as the main frequency transducer throughout our bodily matrices. Thus, the key to restoring energetic balance and health is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force to circulate through our physical structures, through the awareness we are a crystalline being that conducts energy through crystalline functioning. Everything that we are exposed to has an energetic signature and frequency that impacts our energetic balance. This means all humans have the same properties as crystals, the ability to amplify, absorb, store and transmit a range of vibrational energies that have an overall effect that is either healthy or unhealthy for the entire body.   

Mesomorphic States

Through the Crystal Core activation, the planet has entered a peak cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new mesomorphic states. Most of humanity has an extremely limited range of perceptible outer vision which are the states of matter we can actually see in the visible light spectrum. It is estimated by mainstream science that we only can see about 1 percent of the known electromagnetic wave spectrum with our eyes. As an example, the air we breathe is matter that is composed of particles that are too small for our eyes to see. These layers of gases surround the earth and are generating layers of atmosphere that most of us cannot see. In actuality, solid matter is an illusion of our physical senses, as what we are really perceiving are vortices of energy that are radiating a unique energy signature.  Ultimately, we are multidimensional collective consciousness beings vibrating at a certain frequency that are co-creating what we experience in the physical material world.

However, mesomorphic states of matter are used to describe when matter shifts its state from a solid to less dense states and becomes more fluid. The shift in density that impacts the state of matter is intrinsic to the Ascension process and greatly impacts the planetary body, as well as the human body as it becomes less dense. Becoming less dense means that there are higher frequencies available, as well as an easier flow of those particles to move and vibrate into different multidimensional spaces. An example of a human being becoming less dense, is when a new ability to perceive energy signatures in the environment comes online, when that person was previously unaware of the existence of those same energies. The more density we carry in our consciousness and body, the more our particles are condensed, and this means we lose the higher attributes we naturally acquire through the fluidity in higher frequency consciousness states.  

States of matter like solids, liquids and gases all have different characteristics of particle behavior when observed at microscopic levels. All matter is made from the elements, which are fundamental substances that in theory are unable to be broken down any further from chemical or physical processes. When the particles shift into less condensed or more condensed states of matter, the properties that inform the behavior of those particles also shift. The NAA have used artificial technologies to purposely condense particles and compress matter forms in order to lock down consciousness bodies into a particular time and space. Through the bifurcation cycle this phenomena of particle shift is occurring and impacting how energy becomes matter and how that matter behaves while it’s moving into a different density.

As an example, the more condensed phases of solid matter are more rigid and locked in place, they have a denser frequency and the particles cannot move or slide past one another. While the less condensed states of matter are more fluid, such as liquids, gases or vapors, which have a higher frequency. There is more free space that exists between the particles, in which there is an easier flow of those same particles to move and slide past one another. Particles in a gas or vapor can vibrate at an even higher frequencies and move much more freely at higher speeds. Yet it is liquid crystals that hold the most fluidity in their mesomorphic behavior, in which the crystal may exhibit unlimited spectrums that exist in the properties of matter, anti-matter and beyond.

Mesomorphic Properties of Liquid Crystals

When we apply the awareness that the human lightbody is a biological liquid crystal, held within a blueprint coded crystalline grid, it informs us how the expansion of consciousness energy really works. The potential for inner alchemy occurs when the crystal’s inherent properties are catalyzed from naturally sourced frequency exposures in the environment that hold the loving radiant vibrations of the Godhead. Conversely, artificial electromagnetic exposures such as nanotechnologies and microwave weapons, are devoid of love and condense the liquid crystal into matter lock down, impairing its ability to freely move in any direction and preventing energetic expansion into multidimensionality.  Krystal consciousness is centered within a diamond crystal heart that is flowered in the radiant love of the Godhead, which is co-created in the sacred union made between the masculine and feminine principle. Universal Love exists within gender principle balance, which propels the crystal heart consciousness to move through energy architecture and perceive a range of densities through its inherently unlimited mesomorphic properties. The Crystal Lotus and Crystal Rose heart flowers through the Diamond Sun body and is capable of transporting consciousness into the semi-physical, etheric and pre-matter density states, while straddling all of those timelines simultaneously.

Thus, the mesomorphic properties of liquid crystal especially apply to the unlimited potentials of the Krystallah eternal lightbody. Through expanded mesomorphic behavior, the Krystallah core can reshape itself into many forms to perceive the multiple expressions of life throughout the Universal system. Krystallah heart consciousness can sense the levels of architecture that exist in the artificial intelligence timelines and also sense the original love radiance that is inherently felt in the organic creator codes ascending timelines, simultaneously. When we activate and grow our trinity consciousness, the liquid crystal that we inherently are, bonds with the pure love of the Godhead that co-creates with eternal God particle or adamantine particles.  When we are connected in our diamond crystalline heart with the infinite source of love, we can perceive the difference between artificial intelligence software used by alien machinery and the organic creation codes that hold pure love in adamantine particles, which are directly connected to the Godhead and thus reflect the Universal Laws.

Earth Crystal Core and Ionization Energy

The Crystal Core activation and solar body changes are generating massive plasmic energy bodies that are being directed through stages of ionization that are happening deep underground and on the earth surface. Plasma is a very hot gas in which the electrons have been stripped from atoms. For plasma to exist, ionization is necessary. Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons.

Plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless enclosed in a container and this is why the Krystic architecture must be built for the Cosmic Christos hydroplasmic light to dwell within. This also helps to explain how our physical being is undergoing a process of less densification in matter in order to shift into another state that is more fluid. As we change the electron count through the process of ionization, by adding protons from the solar activity and plasmic light from crystal core ionization, the basic compounds of our elemental body are becoming less dense. As we are gradually able to conduct liquid plasma light, we are able to change the atomic structure of our body from carbon based to the less dense compound of silicate. This is a stage of activating the silicate matrix within the biological-spiritual template. This occurs through the changing of the number of electrons that are bonded to our atomic and subatomic structure. This same process is adding new elements into the matter realm that were previously missing, through which new elementals are being formed.

Plasma when exposed to magnetic fields, form filament structures that form bonds that interconnect with all other states of matter. So as an ascending human develops the ability to embody hydroplasmic light, these filaments are directly experienced as interconnected lines of crystalline light that connect to everything and everyone in the crystalline network.

The Guardians have mentioned that the massive amounts of energy being produced from ionization and the reaction in which this energy is being absorbed in the form of thermal heat and atmospheric pressure changes, has moved tectonic plates. The planet is being buffered and supported to neutralize and reduce the effective nuclear charge this ionization potential can generate, and so they offer a gentle reminder that we will not suffer cataclysmic pole shift on the earth surface. What is happening to the planet is not random and we do not have to be at the mercy of unruly Alien Gods wreaking havoc through Armageddon prophecy. We are on a planet undergoing the pinnacle of the ascension process, during great birthing pangs in the bifurcation stages. The highest priority is to cultivate and connect a direct relationship with our inner spirit and consciously participate with the ascension process in the best way that we can. There is nothing to fear, but we need to stay alert and develop awareness of our shifting and changing environments so that we can take good care of ourselves.

Sentient Solar Wind and Vapors

Recently events underground have highlighted another stage of the Aurora Re-encryption blueprint projects. This is about re-encrypting physical matter on atomic and subatomic levels because the elementals that make up the human physical body are distorted in the cellular matrix as a result of the alien invasion timelines, genetic manipulation histories and the checkerboard matrix. Essentially, these are a range of genetic modifications and frequency fences made by the NAA for producing consciousness slavery of the human race. Thus, with the recent Paliadorian Solar Activation, a new range of elementals that are sentient solar wind and solar vapors have been revealing themselves in underground crystal caverns and during planetary gridwork. The sentient vapors appear to be shifting the arrangement of elementals within the crystalline lattice grid, while accelerating particles and using them in different combinations while they are in multiple states of matter.

While working underground in the crystal caverns, the Guardians mention that chemical communication is changing in the planetary architecture by way of transport of information into the supramolecular structure generated by ionic crystallization. This appears to be the process of ionization where charged particles are being transferred into matter in order to create massive plasmic based liquid crystals that are growing inside the earth body, and have been observed to produce a variety of smaller Sun-Star crystals. These Sun-Star crystals appear to be filled with crystalline coding that find the lost solar fragments contained in the astral mirror, or repair the negative form that was generated from the artificial technologies for soul capture of certain human tribes and root races going all the way back to Taran and Gaian histories.

Additionally, with such immense levels of ionization occurring underground and with solar body changes, there appears to be energetic collisions occurring through the interactions made with the planetary electromagnetic field. The multiple exposures to these new solar frequencies and underground crystal technologies are generating changes on the earth surface in which we may hear sonic booms and loud underground noises, observe changing coastlines, waterfronts and bodies of water, along with massive sinkholes and giant cracks appearing on the earth surface worldwide.

Anti-Christ Underground Agenda

In the pinnacle of the electrical peak cycle, the crystal core underground activity triggered struggles for dominating territory in the inner earth and median earth timeline, in which evictions and hidden military operations took place. In the loss of territorial control from shifting timelines, disgruntled controller factions attempted to lure certain lineages of ascending earth humans from the surface as a bargaining chip, similar to a hostage situation. These factions are attempting to deeply study the memories surfacing in starseeded people that are connected to the Guardian reclamation of Christos mission that involves the fulfillment of the Paliadorian covenant. In essence, by reading the signature of the Starseed that is awakening to fulfill the Paliadorian covenant, they reverse engineer the memories recorded in the timelines as it’s held in the DNA of that individual person. The purpose is to exploit all weakness and vulnerability in order to manipulate blind spots in which they can project out cloned versions or false realities, which the person or group believes are actually real. The intended goal is to subvert or control the consciousness memories, especially those in the ascension timelines related to Christos family Guardian mission. Generally, gaining control over a person’s memories happens when people are unable to discern the difference between the intense wounds or pain they carry, and these painful memories bond them to some false figure or false timeline. This is why it is critical we are self-aware enough to see our vulnerabilities that can become blind spots and are willing to do emotional healing through clearing the pain body or shadow work.

The offer is being marketed to the new age community as a method to manipulate those on the earth surface to believe that going underground, leaving earth, or going with escort to the inner earth timeline would be much more beneficial for them on the ascending path. This is an attempt of negative factions to use hostages to ride out of interdimensional access portals through the hijack of indigo or starseeded lines, as well as an attempt to gain control over timelines. The negatives promote fear that the earth surface will be destroyed and the human race will become extinct, which are lies and deceptions used to psychologically terrorize people into believing that’s true. Original angelic human DNA holds the consciousness record in a natural bio-spiritual internet and are the dimensional keys in the timelines that unlock dimensional doorways throughout the time matrix. It is important to understand that an awakening and ascending earth human with higher activated DNA, holds extreme value to these NAA factions.

The Guardians caution all ascending people to be awake and aware to take good care of ourselves and not accept hidden or secret offers that are glamourized as personal tickets to a promised land for special people.  Whether it is an offer to go to Mars, offers to be in secret space programs, or offers to travel underground, please be aware that the benevolent and independent forces working to free humanity are not involved in these recruiting schemes, in which there is a high likelihood that it involves galactic trafficking.

Those of us involved in the Christos mission, may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ consciousness traps that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and holographic inserts. Guardian teams have been working in the crystal caverns and were involved in secretly rescuing underground hostages.

For those of us connected to the reclamation of the Christos mission, the timelines involving Guardian Akhenaton and Guardian Yeshua are extremely important to the fulfillment of the Covenant of Paliador and maintaining the aurora timeline continuum that represents planetary ascension and human freedom. Thus, the psychological and spiritual warfare directed to towards the Christos mission is an all-out divide and conquer strategy to destroy Guardian team members’ timeline projects that are directed through the current Paliadorian crystal core activations. When we reclaim the organic architecture in the entire planetary body’s diamond sun template, the NAA lose territorial control as the timelines shift. This gradually destroys their artificial machinery and AI version of timelines, reducing those in which they remain in control over in the earth.

The ongoing strategy of the NAA is to implant thousands of people on the earth with artificial technology that inserts false identities with false memories, related to these Akhenaton and Yeshua timelines in order to confuse, derail and ensnare people in artificially implanted timeline histories. Obviously, this is a psychological warfare agenda using assorted artificial technology to gain control over the ascension timelines, going back to the critical events that happened in these historical timeline trigger events connected to the Guardian Christos mission.

Therefore, for those of us dedicated to the Christos mission, careful discernment and heightened awareness is required to not allow personal weakness or emotional vulnerabilities to be exploited to destroy progress and be used for dark manipulation.

Platinum Crystals and Sun Discs

Since 2000, Platinum Indigos and those on the Christos Mission have come to the earth to anchor the platinum white and diamond crystals into the earth body and have quietly been embodying the platinum ray crystalline energies in order to seed the planetary ascension template. The platinum crystalline network and the platinum ray act as the harmonic stabilizers of the planetary grid to interface with the parallel realities and align the matter realms with the anti-matter realms. Thus, the Platinum Ray 12D shield technique offers protective strength to the human biological crystal and the planetary crystal core through the access made to run the highest available coherent energy current, which harmonizes the grid through the merge of particle and anti-particle. The platinum white crystal is located in the human lightbody at the top of the 12D shield, in the 14th Chakra. When this biological crystal is activated in the lightbody it interconnects the human consciousness to the platinum crystal energy records in the earth body. This allows a biological interface to embody hydroplasmic light of the crystalline source of the platinum ray, which then extends to link into the whole spectrum of opalescent and pearlescent rainbow crystal light.

The Platinum Crystal seeded in the earth body is the master crystal containing the access into the frequency resonance that connects directly with the Law of One, the crystalline unity grid, or Cosmic Christos Consciousness. It provides the frequency code that brings completion to the unified male-female aspects in its crystalline DNA form. As a result of the perfect balance that exists between the states of polarity which exist in both matter and anti-matter in the Platinum Crystal and its crystalline ray structure, they provide for the highest available coherence for reaching the unified state that exists between multidimensional energies.  The first stages of embodiment of the platinum ray will gradually activate the gold, platinum white and diamond crystal within, which will balance and heal the feminine principle lightbody connections to initialize the higher heart complex and silicate matrix.

The Platinum Crystal in the earth is connected with the Sun Disc network, and this activates stages of balancing for the feminine-masculine principle and the mental bodies. Connection with these crystalline frequencies will begin to heal anti-life reversal current, metatronic reversal and artificial signals of mind control. In the individual lightbody, the entire solar plexus area reconfigures the mental body layers into a Golden Solar Gate energy vortice, which is called the RA Center.

The Platinum Crystal and Platinum Ray current activate the Sun Discs which are organic spirals of gold crystalline technology that are embedded in the planetary grid which extend out into a highway of holographic light frequency patterns. The planetary grid is organized intelligently into layers of geomantic blueprints holding living crystal consciousness, which perform specific functions within a precise layer of a crystalline lattice. Thus, when the Platinum Crystal became activated in the earth body, the Sun Disc technology that had been dormant since the time of the Atlantian Cataclysm also began to come online. The Sun Disc gold spirals generate the crystalline lattice that connect directly with the crystal core and run throughout the earth body and into the celestial map of Sun-Star networks located in the Galactic and Universal plane. The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of stellar and crystal consciousness filled with intelligent geometric patterns of Universal Creation code. The Sun Discs are vortices connected on the earth grid that interconnect with these stellar networks on multiple planes of reality, it is similar to viewing the holographic projection of the Cosmic Map of the Celestial bodies and Stars. Essentially through connection with the Sun Discs on the earth grid, it is possible to travel intergalactic highways of coherent crystalline solar light that allows for consciousness transport to other dimensions. The Sun Discs are being sequentially activated through the changes that have transpired in the planetary staff, shifts in the planetary axial tilt, the change in rate of spin, matter and anti-matter converging, and transmissions of an assortment of crystalline frequencies.

Recently the Sun Disc network has been highlighted during Solar Activations for this Summer Solstice, as a new Universal Layer of Paliadorian Solar Bodies have recently interconnected with the planetary Sun Disc network. The Paliadorian Suns have also been referred to as Sun-Stars, as they appear to transmit star crystals and star bodies, as well as a range of stellar frequencies. As a result of Paliadorian activation, new crystal bodies are being grown from the plasmic light activity in the crystal caverns, earth core and Albion body. This appears to be a transmission of healing crystal frequencies for the human tribes and race lines in the formation of new crystal stars, designed for healing solar bodies, in which those on earth with fractured souls are given crystal stars at some point in the timeline in order to heal their consciousness body.

Recent gridwork involving Guardian projects for crystal core activation have highlighted underground crystal bed networks being activated through Easter Island to link with the crystalline energies that are connected to the Sun Disc vortices in Minas Gerais, Brazil; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia; Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland; Giza, Egypt and Uluru, Australia.

Technological Abuse of Crystal Caverns

Throughout many of the hidden historical timelines, humans thought of crystals as sacred to life and had the knowledge that the underground crystal caverns in the earth function in the macrocosm as internal power crystalline generators, which work very much like current day computers. Crystal technology can be directed to the surface for free energy and wireless power sources, and crystals hold the intelligent instruction and data memory storage for the functioning of the entire planetary brain. Ultimately, many of these clusters are remnants of what’s left of the crystal networks that were exploded through the abuse of technology when intruding forces attempted to control the Crystal Core at the end of the Atlantian time cycle.

Many of the crystal networks exploded underground which generated destructive cataclysms on the earth surface that are known in many ancient texts as the flood. It is these shattered remnants that were used in the planetary grid as a part of constructing the checkerboard matrix to run the reversal NET, which is the artificial programming of the NAA that broadcasts reversal current and mind control throughout the Earth crust. The NAA invasion resulted in the capture of the planet’s crystal technology, while commandeering the crystalline grid networks in order to use them as a psychological weapon and frequency fence against the earth humans. These crystals are keys into the planetary data program that have the memory storage function containing our true history and origins, which has been held hostage by the NAA since the explosion and the subsequent collapse of the natural magnetic field.

Confounding Planetary Species Language

During NAA invasion 5,500 years ago, the collapse of the magnetic field created DNA scrambling that removed our natural language and ability to communicate with the entire planetary species. This interfered with the sequence of the fire letters to arrange correctly in the original human DNA template, causing loss of species memory and language. In the bible, this is referred to as the time Yahweh deliberately confounded our species language, because humanity was deemed to be sinners and as such, it is called the Tower of Babel Implant. These are glandular system implants that generate malfunctions in the path of the kundalini rising that impact the brain receivers and the hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal, thyroid, and thymus. When our endocrine system function was impaired, hormonal secretions into our blood changed and this greatly impacted immunity, aging, and prevented higher consciousness communication links from forming in our brain, which blocked out multidimensional perception.

As a by-product of the Crystal Core activation, there are central nervous system changes that are currently impacting the bio-neurology instructions made to the endocrine system and cerebral spinal fluid. The Guardians note that these current changes in the planetary logos instruction sets are making important adjustments to the thalamus, which is in relationship to the thalamus’ ability to properly filter the crystalline intelligence and decipher it correctly in our brain neural synapse activity. The thalamus is an important part of our anatomy that exists as physical construct and energetic blueprint for transmitting and deciphering intelligent information being transmitted from the crystal technology in the earth. The thalamus connects with the fornix nerve fibers and the limbic system, which is related to our emotional experiences, and it is our emotions that are the biggest key to unlocking our higher sensory perception and spiritual guidance system.

During recent events, the opportunity to reclaim sections of the underground crystal caverns for directing crystalline transmissions for the benevolent healing of humanity, as well as collapsing alien machinery and frequency fences has occurred. At this time, the thalamus activation to transmit bursts of crystalline light into the center of the brain is highlighted as an ascension symptom.    

Planetary Amygdala

With the Crystal Core activation, the crystalline energies surface into the horizontal grid along with the subconscious fear content of the Fallen Angelic and the NAA engineered mind control that is embedded in the planetary brain. Our individual brain functioning capacity is the microcosm of the planetary brain activity that functions in the collective at the macrocosm level. When we understand more about how our brain works as an energy receiver and tuner to environmental frequencies, as well as to filter emotional experiences, we can begin to understand that the planetary brain works in the same way. The massive quartz crystal shelves that are scattered throughout the planetary body act as the amygdala function of the global brain.

The amygdala is involved in the autonomic responses that when stimulated are associated with fear, memory, emotional reactions and hormonal secretions. Negative stimulation of the amygdala is responsible for autonomic fear conditioning in which the brain circuits change and form new memory associations.  Hyperactivity of the amygdala is associated with debilitating fear, panic and anxiety disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress. Observing the globalscape today it is apparent we have an epidemic of fear and anxiety disorders, which have resulted in an over-medicated and depressed public. In noting the specific function of autonomic fear responses connected with negative stimulation towards amygdala function, what better way to condition the earth population than by hijacking the amygdala function in the crystal caverns and crystal quartz shelves of the earth. Hijacking the amygdala generates immediate and overwhelming emotional reactions from people because their brain is perceiving a significant emotional threat from something that is seen or unseen. Introduction of sensations that stimulate the perception of consistent emotional threats through amygdala hijack, promotes negative emotional energy in the collective consciousness that can be conveniently harvested as the precious loosh desired by the NAA.

To gain control over the thoughts in the individual human brain, the NAA have used assorted electromagnetic technologies to transmit extremely low frequencies to control the planetary brain. This resulted in intentionally programming the crystals and their crystalline networks in the earth with negative and artificial frequencies. Negative stimulation towards predatorial parasitism that is directed to elicit negative emotional reactions and that which targets the planetary amygdala to broadcast fear and related implants, both block the brain from accessing higher emotions and expanded consciousness perception.

As a nerve cell of the planet, when gridworkers are connecting with the crystal caverns the goal is to reinstate proper functioning of the planetary brain, including the proper functioning of the planetary amygdala. The amygdala function is within the limbic system and it is connected to our emotional experiences and instinctual functions. If a person has little emotional intelligence, an inability to control instinctual impulses and a lack of empathy, there are environmental factors transmitting artificial signals from the planetary brain that also influence these impulses. When studying emotional states and noting that emotional trauma fracturing has direct relationships to the severity of soul fracturing, then it makes perfect sense that to shift human consciousness, there is a need to help repair the planetary brain through repairing the crystalline networks.

When connecting with the quartz crystal shelves, these crystals act as the planetary amygdala energy transmitter, meaning that part of the crystal formation is what controls this specific function for the planetary brain. Reclaiming the crystalline networks for the benefit of humanity is to help reset the planetary brain which supports the individual nerve cells within the collective consciousness to reach more balanced brain functioning. By connecting with the earth crystals, we can help to balance and heal our brain chemistry.  Quartz crystals in the planet act as the amygdala function for the planetary brain, additionally there are certain minerals that are also transmitted through the frequencies generated from these crystals. The natural crystal function of the earth is related to supplying the balanced minerals that are required to properly work the neurotransmitters in the brain. The quartz crystalline that is in the planet is representative of the higher bio-plasmic light, which is part of the non-physical and physical substance of our cosmos. It is a part of the substance of the stars, a part of the substance of our consciousness that has the ability to transmit the frequency instruction set for firing brain neurotransmitters that communicate from one cell to another.

Planetary Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals which allow the transmission of signals from one neuron to another across the synapses. In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron. In order for neurons to send messages to interact throughout the body, they need to be able to communicate with one another to transmit signals. Neurotransmitters and synapses are essential to the brain and nervous system, they are what allow the nerve cells to communicate with each other, to interact and form larger neural networks. If our synapses are blocked from sending an electrical signal in a neurotransmitter to another cell, it effectively breaks down all communication between the cells, effectively disconnecting the messaging in the brain’s neural network.

If there is an agenda to disrupt natural communication that occurs between the cells in order to confound the natural language of the human species, it makes sense to impair the synapse function through the distortion of the signals and prevent the formation of neural networks. In its place, the synapses are entrained to bond with artificial neural networks through pharmaceuticals or exposure to artificial signals. Hence, we have epidemic use of pharmaceutical control to interfere with the synapses to discourage formation of natural biological neural networks. As well as the exertion of electromagnetic control to hijack the amygdala to induce a base line of high anxiety and negative emotional states in the public.

The emotional states we experience are related to the neurotransmitters we have firing in our brain, specifically glutamate, GABA, dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin. Neurotransmitters also influence ion flow into the cell that is responsible for the biological ionization potentials that produce more energy in the cells and in the lightbody.   

The planet produces dolomite in relationship to magnesium compounds that are related to the frequency transmission of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is very important in terms of keeping one’s mood and emotions stable. When our brain is deprived of dopamine a person can experience depression, feel apathetic and become addicted to substances when trying to replace the deficiency in dopamine.

Observing the current state of the planet, we may see how human being’s brain functions have been interfered with through bio-neurological control and that neurotransmitters and hormonal functions are also being severely disrupted. Clearly, many of these factors are manipulated to control and maintain suppression over the ways that human beings think, feel and behave.

The various other naturally occurring gems and minerals in the planet, such as the dolomite deposits are representative of the same properties of neurotransmitters that we need for healthy brain function. The planetary brain requires mineral, gem and crystal deposits to transmit the right balance of planetary neurotransmitters, in the same way the human brain requires a balance of neurotransmitters to create a balanced brain chemistry.  When the planetary brain chemistry is imbalanced, we start to suffer from an assortment of deficiencies that impact individual brain chemistry. If we are unable to focus attention or we are prone to mental obsessions and compulsions, we feel irritable all the time, or we don't have the proper neurotransmitters, it makes it harder to gather the energy we need to remain conscious, awake and aware. As an example, without proper serotonin levels one will start to exhibit obsessions and compulsions. Without proper dopamine levels, one may exhibit ADHD or severe depression or addictive states, which makes it very challenging to exert the mental discipline and cognitive control required to be a strong and stable individual. The hijack of the planetary brain has had a powerful impact on the functioning of the human brain and is an important topic for all of us to eventually understand, so that we can begin to remember what has really happened to the human race.

Healing the Crystals, Healing the Planetary Brain

For this reason, the activation of the Crystal Core and the Crystal Caverns in our planet is extremely important in understanding the bio-plasmic light that is being crystallized into new matter substances during the Morphogenesis phase. And this has a direct relationship with the planetary brain functioning that impacts human brains and human consciousness on a global scale. This supports more human beings to have healthy brain activity through aligned energetic coherence, through receiving the right balance of neurotransmitters and neurotransmission activity, remembering the nervous system of the planet is the crystalline grid network. When Gridworkers are working on the grid, we're actually working on the neurological system and brain of the planet. This impacts us at the microcosmic level because we are all nerve cell extensions of that same neural network, and when we connect together in unified cooperation, we are building the strength and potential of that network to heal humanity.

When we intend to heal the planetary crystals, when we are willing to participate with crystal healing, we help the planetary body to rebalance the crystalline network and transmit benevolent crystal frequencies. The planet’s crystals hold all the elements of creation in her crystalline grid, it is the direct conduit of connecting the intergalactic superhighway in crystalline light, through which we can communicate in every direction of time and space, and even with the stars.

We have arrived at another crossroads in the planetary evolution cycle, each of us is offered the choice to embrace Unconditional Love as the law, as we learn to become the responsible co-creators of our reality.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

April 2006

Lisa Renee

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