Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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May 2019

Sacred Crystal Heart

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The forces of love are one with the Eternal God Spirit that resides within our Sacred Crystal Heart and are without exception, the strongest healing and harmonizing forces available on this planet.  When we open our crystal heart, we begin to work with spiritual powers which are sentient living forces in themselves, such as compassion, empathy, forgiveness and generosity towards others.  The crystal heart acts as the energetic gateway of our higher spiritual bodies and opens up all of the higher frequency centers that exist within the head and crown and beyond, into the morphogenetic layers where the blueprints reside. Those of us awakening our Sacred Crystal Heart on the earth, are birthing new configuration grids for crystalline lotus heart flowers on the inner vertical channels and within the planetary grid system. During this time more than ever, it is critical to preserve our sacred hearts.

Knowledge is power when it is applied appropriately in the practical application of personal development, and when it is used to cultivate positive change and inner spiritual transformation for that individual. When acquired knowledge is applied in the context of gaining direct experiential knowing, so that the wisdom of cellular knowing may emerge, knowledge then becomes representative of consciousness freedom. Nevertheless, the continual thirst to acquire knowledge can also become a perpetual mental body distraction through which we block our ability to be fully present in our experience of living and relating with others. Overreliance on the intellect and continually looking for answers in the external world while ignoring the whispers within our own Sacred Crystal Heart, distracts us from finding our innate wisdom, our inner truth.

During this time, it is of critical importance to explore and understand the workings of our Sacred Crystal Heart, our pure heart, which holds the feelings and language that communicates directly with the God Source and gives us the gift of experiencing unconditional love and peace.  When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel and sense something with greater awareness, this is the sacred heart resonance at work. Sensing and feeling energies are the higher functions of the heart complex, and the way that the heart, as an organ of perception, should be functioning within all people.

Thus, the most important organ system and spiritual lightbody component for every person on the earth is their Sacred Crystal Heart complex, which functions to receive and transmit the omnidirectional forces of love, and through which the inner wisdom of cellular knowing arises. All of us have an inner compass that is our spiritual guidance system that is based in the forces of love flowing from within our heart complex. Our Sacred Crystal Heart will lead us to safety and it will make the best choice for us at any given time, if we can quiet the mind and indeed listen to it. The crisis humanity is facing is the crisis of consciousness that is generated from a lack of love and from closed down hearts, as well as a lack of self-awareness to know what deeply motivates our behaviors. Through the opening of our Sacred Crystal Heart, we also gain increased knowledge of health through sustaining energetic balance, which serves as the healing force we transmit to become the true agents of spiritual healing in this world.

The forces of love are one with the Eternal God Spirit that resides within our Sacred Crystal Heart and are without exception, the strongest healing and harmonizing forces available on this planet. By finding the true love that exists from within the self, the crystal heart complex is activated from within the lightbody which is further designed to attract and embody the highest qualities of soul-spiritual intelligence.

The earth body functions as the Sacred Crystal Heart complex for the entire Solar System, and thus it is more important now than ever for humanity to consciously work to open their hearts in order to elevate the entire planet, which even raises the consciousness in the worlds that exist beyond. During the ascension cycle, as humanity raises and expands collective race consciousness, the impacts ripple out to influence the neighboring worlds and other species. To open the crystal heart means to devote oneself to learn how to be Love, loving ourselves, loving others, loving the earth and her creatures. The soul groups that incarnate on the earth receive the planetary DNA imprint that holds unique heart configurations in their individual lightbody that are based upon the diamond sun template and contain the Cosmic Kristos heart principle. The physical DNA which has been modified through alien hybridization in the lower dimensions, through direct physical genetic manipulation, can be corrected. The heart complex can connect with the higher spiritual intelligence and override these distortions by spiritualizing the emotional body into a soul. This is true for all reptilian and mammalian DNA even when they represent diametrically opposing principles.  This potential remains dormant until the individual makes a choice to evolve towards being more awake and more loving, seeking a meaningful relationship with All-That-Is. The Cosmic Kristos heart principle is gender based and generates the inner and outer heart flame twinning, a male and female heart complex that unites in order to merge into Oneness. This can be achieved through the biological spiritual ascension process on the earth which naturally evolves into inner heart flame twinning between the gender principles, circulating and generating forces of omnidirectional love through hierogamic union.

During spiritual initiations that are occurring more rapidly during the shift, the most critical aspect of awakening is to learn how to open the crystal heart and to get comfortable with a widening range of emotional spectrums by resolving emotional conflicts. When we open our crystal heart, we begin to work with spiritual powers which are sentient living forces in themselves, such as the heart-based qualities of feeling and expressing compassion, empathy, forgiveness and generosity towards others.   

Heart-Brain Complex

The crystal heart acts as the energetic gateway of our higher spiritual bodies and opens up all of the higher frequency centers that exist within the head and crown and beyond, into the morphogenetic layers where the blueprints reside. When we begin to activate our crystal heart complex, we will start to recognize the intelligence characteristic of the heart-brain which functions as the thinking-feeling aspect of our consciousness, which begins to develop direct cellular knowing during our experiences. The developed heart-brain complex cultivates a range of higher senses, which allow for reading energy signatures and decoding intelligent information in the field by feeling it within the heart.

The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul and monad matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. The entire planetary grid contains sentience and cellular memory, which is crystalline coded information that can be interpreted and felt in the awakened crystal heart. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary body’s nervous system and its nerve cells directly message into and through the individual human body sensors. The heart-brain complex is directed through energetic receivers and transmitters, through sensory and feeling levels of higher frequency consciousness. In effect the heart-brain function is a synthesis between sensory feeling and non-verbal intelligence, or cellular telepathy, which also directs the observer consciousness within the spiritual-energetic bodies.

This specific consciousness gateway is a feminine energetic principle, but its functions in the crystal heart network had been closed, damaged and blocked in the planetary body, therefore closing down the heart in the collective race consciousness during this last dark cycle. The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green wave spectrum of light and connects directly into the higher brain of the planet, the planetary logos which is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. These areas of the earth brain were specifically targeted for implanting alien machinery, to install a false Christ consciousness network to block these specific crystal heart functions in the majority of humanity. In order to rebuild the crystal heart diamond network, the ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure, and to run the spark of 144 harmonics throughout the energetic currents in order to activate the diamond grids. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of blockages and artificial grid structures that hold distortions in the personality layers, clearing out damage and waste products generated by miasma that had blocked the 45-degree angle position of the diamond grids. The debris and contents are being broken down into smaller consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these damaged grid areas on the earth. The result is collapsing false timelines and dissolving chakra membranes which greatly deteriorate the functioning of the 3D personality matrix.

Thus, the female principle in the crystal heart’s thinking aspect holds much more spiritual intelligence and expanded awareness than in the lower astral plane and the three-dimensional levels that make up the ego’s personality matrix. Our strong instinctual desires and thoughts around needs and wants originate on the lower astral plane and are filled with fantasies and illusions. These thought substances develop into fixed patterns of belief systems that become locked down into the mental body, which influence our personality and habits that create our version of reality. Each individual’s thoughts and images that are formed by the ego mind, have mirrored reflections into the entire multidimensional collective consciousness layers that comprise the entire structure of human and planetary anatomy.  There are mirrored reflections made between the mental body thoughtforms that imprint themselves as patterns into the physical body and the spiritual body. These mental distortions block the higher dimensional aspects of the spiritual consciousness that would progressively embody in the natural cycle of biological ascension.

Personality Matrix Blocks the Crystal Heart

As a result of the planetary distortions caused by the abuse of technological mind control targeting the personality matrix of humanity, these accumulated mental distortions and destructive behaviors impact the human genetic imprint, which blocks the natural alignment of soul and spiritual integration into the physical body of many people on the earth. In the original human DNA imprint, from birth to age 12 the child would undergo the process of accreting and absorbing the entire frequency spectrum within the 3D timelines, which would simultaneously activate and assemble their 1D-2D-3D DNA strands. Upon reaching the biological age of 12, the child would enter the soul integration process, in which the heart would open and they would begin to accrete and absorb the 4D-5D-6D timelines and related DNA strands for full soul embodiment. Because of the blockage in the human genetic imprint impacting the soul integration process, many people are seated in the lower layers of the personality matrix, without any heart opening. The heart blockage stunts the emotional body creating a tendency to digress the mind back into the spiritual development level of a 12-year-old child, especially when fear based thinking and high stress is being applied to groom the personality.

As the planetary ascension event is at the beginning of the first major expansion cycle that represents the shift into the next harmonic universe, at the microcosmic level this represents the soul integration process being pushed forward upon each individual on the earth. The incoming frequencies transmitting on the planet globally, are impacting the entire grid network and have a fundamental base frequency at the soul level of consciousness. These incoming frequencies can place immense pressure upon the unprepared mental and physical body, generating a type of increased constriction in the mind and body. If a person remains primarily stationed in the intellect of the personality matrix, the soul frequencies and higher that are being transmitted, will greatly increase mental pressure and biological deterioration. This can further increase the energy blockages in the lightbody, which if uncorrected can lead to manifesting disease or physical death. The crystal heart complex acts as a massive pressure release valve. If the individual can truly open their heart and desire to express more love, more kindness, more gratitude, these heart-based love frequencies can co-create miraculous healing recoveries. 

The mental body programming embedded in the three layers of ego, the personality matrix, suffers from being broken down and even crushed by the pressures generated by the incoming soul and plasma frequencies. This can result in some mental fracturing, which may be observed to be greatly increasing in some of the intellectual and academic environments. In this condition the personality matrix and body are subjected to gradually increasing molecular compaction in the human energy field, which slowly disintegrate the lower ego frequencies, as well as the artificial and extremely destructive negative aspects in the personality.  In order to adapt to the planetary shifts, the individual must learn to open their heart center and become willing to explore the deeper meaning of life through being willing to experience self-love and loving kindness. The ego must surrender to the development of the higher heart-based qualities that supersede the reliance upon the dogmatic or fixed beliefs around the nature of reality, that were formed by the intellect of the personality matrix. This process is called the ego death or the dark night of the soul, and it is when the ego must get out of the driver’s seat and allow the heart center to open in order to call upon the soul intelligence.

Pericardium Heart Shield

The pericardium is a double walled sac of connective tissue that contains the physical heart organ and the roots of all of the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart.

Pericardial fluid is secreted by the pericardium which is similar to the functions of the cerebral spinal fluid of the brain, it helps to protect the organ, but its spiritual function is to allow the spiritual essence to travel within its channels and open direct communication with God source. As the crystal heart center is further developed and nurtured to embody the monadic spirit, it opens into a flowering inner stargate through which the consciousness body can time travel. 

The pericardium has an energetic shield that covers the heart complex which functions spiritually to protect the higher heart from excessively destructive emotional energies, as well as protect the access levels of the entire soul and spiritual body of the individual. As a result of the ego-personality being subjected to mind control, the mental distortions accumulate as negative patterns that form a thick energy blockage around the pericardium. This dark blockage will be penetrated and cracked open when the heart center begins to open, and this stage is the process of soul body integration when the soul is reintroducing itself into the heart complex and this can feel physically painful and emotionally devastating when it happens. Many times, this stage of the soul integration process cracks openings of light throughout the dark blockages lodged in the pericardium heart shield, and this event may be spiritually catalyzed during emotionally painful interactions, such as during the ending of significant romantic relationships. Some people may experience this stage as feeling as if their physical heart is actually breaking, the emotional rawness and soreness is entirely tangible.

The pericardium channel links the energetic circuitry between the physical act of sexual intimacy and emotional experiences that happen during and after sexual activity, and as such the emotional devastation of heart break can be instigated during interactions with sexual partners. If the pericardium channel remains blocked it removes the sensory experience of heart based loving feelings that are generated by the opened heart, which should naturally occur during sexual intimacy. When engaging in sex without love, this greatly disrupts the emotional bond and heart connection made between lovers, increasing the energetic blockages around the pericardium. Essentially, this constricts the chest and contributes to numbing out emotions and sensory ability in those people that are having sex without heart connection or experiencing love. Thus, pericardial imbalances commonly manifest into destructive relationship patterns, that can shut down the heart center and can further escalate into extreme fears of intimacy and even sexual perversion.

As we navigate the challenges of earthly life, all humans have experienced great emotional pain at some point in their lives, and the result of the intense suffering felt from excessive negative emotions generates negative vibrations. These negative vibrations accumulate over time and when they remain unhealed, this blocks the true soul emotional body from expressing through the heart center, and this interferes with allowing the forces of love and the forces of God to enter our lives. The pericardium has a powerful influence on the quality of mental and emotional states that we actually experience, framing an interpretation of either love or fear that is based upon whether the heart complex is open or closed.

Self-love, self-acceptance, self-expression, along with practicing loving kindness in relation to others, spiritually heals the heart, mind, and body, and allows more love and joy to flow throughout the pericardium channel. To gather our spiritual strength, opening our heart and pericardium channels are the most important gateways that support us in finding inner peace and restoration, even when enduring a time of great change and spiritual crisis.   

Crystal Lotus Heart Flowers

Those of us awakening our sacred crystal heart on the earth, are birthing new configuration grids for crystalline lotus heart flowers on the inner vertical channels and within the planetary grid system. The crystal lotus heart flowers are replacing the artificial intelligence machinery links into the phantom areas and replacing obsolete functions of the 3D chakra system. They are zero-point energy portals that existed on other dimensional planes that functioned as diamond heart systems, and circulated higher spiritual consciousness energy throughout the diagonal grid networks, and these systems are now being brought into this reality. Previously, these lotus flowers and their grid networks were not available on the earth, as they were connected to higher creational planes that run feedback loops with the zero point. The crystalline lotus heart flowers are growing on the earth body like an etheric garden of beautiful flowers with light and sound frequencies filled with an orchestra of inspiring fragrances. The plant kingdom and physical flowers on the earth are being influenced by the shifts transpiring as a result of the growing crystalline flower grid network, which can be witnessed at this time in the entire rose species on the earth. The crystalline rose heart architecture has special significance in the Yeshua timeline as a love story in creation, returning to the invaded earth with a promise for restoring the Christos- Sophia consciousness in this fallen Universe, which goes back to the origins of the Cosmic Kristos races from Andromeda. The new etheric grid network of the crystal lotus heart flowers is birthed from the Sacred Krystal Rose Heart complex of the Aeonic Pair. This is also serving to help rejuvenate the human bodily organ systems by aligning them into the corrected proportions that evolve into sequential stages of the diamond sun lightbody. 

As the spiritual initiate works to clear his or her mind, body and sexual organs from the sexual misery programming and gender reversals, raising lower impulses and instinctual desires into the heart, the reproductive organs function at a higher energetic level to co-create these new lotus heart flowers. This new planetary architectural configuration is changing how male-female consciousness energy is birthed into co-creation in the matter world, as the Natural Laws are constructed in eternal love as the basis of reproduction for all of life.

Thymus Complex

The Thymus Complex is located in the higher heart center, located at the top of the breast bone, in which the soul star can be accessed to help activate and embody all three layers of the soul identity. The soul star is a tiny blue white light spark on the central vertical channel, that will open the access between the soul layers and the monadic layers through the higher heart opening. The incoming soul frequencies on the planet are being directed to this particular higher heart center to begin to activate the entire Thymus Complex to attract the soul layers, and then begin the spiritual link with the monadic layers. The Thymus Complex regulates changes to the metabolism, shifting functions in the endocrine system and begins to purify the blood with crystalline formations within the blood cells. The Thymus Complex (8th Chakra) works directly in alignment with the Thalamus complex (9th Chakra) to activate the permanent seed atom, which activates to form a breathing crystalline lotus or rose heart. This activation in the Thymus Complex is the first stage of the ascending consciousness moving into the morphogenetic fields where the blueprints reside, and as the result the individual becomes more aware of other identities and lifetimes as an eternal being. The Thymus complex governs changes that occur with metabolic functions, and if the heart center opening is being blocked by the mental body, it may manifest into an assortment of physical issues suddenly impacting the metabolic system, thymus gland and heart functions.

Alta Major and Thalamus Complex

In the Guardian context, the Alta Major center is located at the base of the skull, where the neck meets the skull. This is considered the Thalamus Complex, the 9th morphogenetic chakra that directly corresponds to the medulla oblongata and access into the Universal Antahkarana current. As a result of its placement in the head, it is also referred to as the Mouth of God or Goddess. This energy center in the lightbody directly regulates many aspects of brain and glandular function, and the circuitry connects into the hara center which represents the location where the monadic identity first anchors into the physical body.

In order to maintain connection and communication with the higher heart center located in the thymus gland, and to build the crystal lotus breath configuration within the sacred crystal heart, the three main energy centers in the head must be linked together and then sustained. These three energy centers operate as a trinity and connect into three major brain glands; the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal.  The energetic circuitry links between them exist from on the top of the head, to the middle of the forehead or top middle hairline, and then to the base of the skull. This trinity circuit communicates with the monadic consciousness layers, bringing the communication vibration down into the body and then the spiritual blueprint pattern is spoken through the throat center and voice box. This trinity pattern circuitry allows conscious awareness of our deep heart expression to be brought into the earth realm, by bringing one’s personal spiritual mission or divine purpose into physical actualization.  

The Alta Major center is an extremely sensitive portal of higher consciousness awareness which alerts us to the signature of negative energies, entities, or toxic influences in the environment. As a sensitive portal of consciousness that links directly into the brain and higher heart complex, it is highly susceptible to a range of implants, psychic attacks and misalignment. When the Alta Major center is misaligned, it interferes with brain function, heart centered communication and higher sensory perception. Blockages in the Alta neck center may result in an assortment of physical ailments and spiritual blockages, most importantly repelling full monadic embodiment and preventing the permanent seed activation in the higher heart complex from building out the crystal lotus and rose heart configurations. 

The Alta Major center is connected to the Atlas bone or C1 which is the very first bone in the neck, it is a ring like bone at the junction of where the skull and neck meet. The Atlas bone supports the weight of the skull, has facets that allow the head to move up and down and is responsible for the equilibrium management of the spine. The second neck bone is called Axis or C2 which is just below the Atlas bone, which allows the head to move from side to side. Together, the Atlas and Axis bones are referred to as the upper cervical spine. The Atlas and Axis are important neurologically because the brain stem extends down to the axis, which controls and coordinates virtually all of our body's vital functions.

If this important junction is blocked, implanted, or misaligned, it blocks the Thalamus Complex and 9th Chakra opening which is the medulla spiritual gateway through which our monadic identity can embody, and our consciousness can gain access into higher dimensions. Most people on earth have been subjected to a variety of physical and emotional traumas which have contributed to the lodging of a variety of implants and suppressor energy parasites to prevent soul and monadic embodiment. This is directly related to the Atlas C1, Axis C2 dislocation at the back of the cranium and spine, along with complications caused from unremoved crucifixion implants. In my years of research and successfully removing these implants from my own body, it is believed that the Atlas and Axis dislocation is a part of the weakness created in the body that allows energy parasites to become more easily embedded, blocking the process of natural spiritual embodiment.

This is a general overlay, observed as an alien implant that has intentionally dislocated the Atlas-Axis and the source appears to be connected to the hidden history of Annunaki genetic manipulation on the earth as a result of the Luciferian Rebellion and Michael Wars. In some cases, people may have success with etheric session work or it may be helpful to undergo structural realignment through the physical treatment of an Atlas Adjustment.

The process of realignment is called the Atlas Adjustment and a qualified chiropractic practitioner uses a specific tool that came from Switzerland that is called the Profilax. This tool is like a little hammer that pounds reverberation on the back of the atlas to center the skull, foreman magnum hole, so the skeletal neck is perfectly balanced on top the spine. Naturally there is a lot of controversy around this procedure so this is something to deeply consider in that it requires inquiry, research and personal discernment.

Basic Human Senses

Senses are a physiological capacity of humans that provide information for conscious perception and physical experience. As traditionally recognized in the 3D narrative, humans have the basic five known senses that are experienced in a physical body which are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Additionally, it is agreed that most humans have some degree of sensory abilities to identify temperature, balance, vibration, self-movement and body position, as well as experience sensations of internal stimulation such as feelings of hunger or thirst.  The capacities of the five main senses have a much broader range than what is generally assumed or that which could be identified through making an analysis using the scientific method. These common senses are experienced by the majority of humanity and those attuned to the personality matrix in the lower frequency dimensions. Within the planetary body instruction set pattern for the 2nd dimension, exists the planetary shield which informs the blueprint for the organs of perception that are manifested within the human physical body. The basic senses are experienced as the result of the 2D layers of the magnetic field, which projects sound waves that are picked up by the human lightbody’s energy receivers. These are processed as an electrical vibration that informs the specific sensory organ aspects in the central nervous system.

When we begin the soul integration process, the structures of the soul and higher spiritual bodies come with higher senses that go beyond the common senses that are based in the personality matrix and lower dimensions. The higher senses are directly connected into the lower senses, and will enhance perception that is characteristic of the higher dimensional level or spiritual layers. As a result of blockages, mainly those shutting down the heart center, this also blocks the energy receivers in the nadial structures from receiving impulses from the higher spiritual bodies. The higher consciousness aspects will compensate for this block in the natural pathways by bringing conscious awareness to higher dimensional experiences or directing the person’s attention to analyze their dreams or empathic, intuitive impressions.

Higher Sensory Perception

There are many higher senses that are not recognized as normal characteristics of the spiritually awakened human being, and these higher senses may come online when being initiated and accreting higher spiritual frequencies. Individuals that demonstrate these higher senses are not especially gifted, they are simply displaying the future potentials of humanity’s activated DNA that they have personally developed, sooner than others.  Higher sensory perception and all senses are modulated through the functioning of the DNA structure, and those that have opened their heart center combined with fewer overall distortions in their personal blueprint, will have greater ease in activating these dormant abilities. If a person refuses to acknowledge that higher sensory perception abilities exist as a normal attribute of human DNA functioning, or this is averse to their belief system, then they will shut off these abilities completely. As the planet shifts into the next harmonic, the earth’s population is now being exposed to the 4D-5D-6D incoming soul frequency patterns, which activate a whole new set of potential higher sensory abilities. Unfortunately, to combat the possibility of these higher senses coming online, the population has also been exposed to another generation of aggressive mass mind control strategies implemented by the authoritarian agendas of the Controllers, such as forced vaccination agendas and chemtrailing. 

All of our basic and higher senses are directly interwoven and connected into the structural anatomy of our lightbody, and they do not operate independently, as they may appear to on the external view. The primary energy receivers for the sensory abilities are stationed in the complete triad of the layers that form into the horizontal mental bodies, which create the foundation for the internal lightbody structure. The energy receivers became blocked at the time human DNA was unplugged during the Sumerian-Egypt invasion, which blocked the receivers from transferring and exchanging energetic impulses and data into the nadial structure and central nervous system. When we intend to direct our personal attention to open our heart and spiritually heal our body, we are able to remove nadial blockages and gradually heal our genetic code to help expand its higher sensory functions. 

In addition to the basic senses that are natural functions for human DNA in the lower frequency dimensions, when we move up the frequency scale into the soul, monadic, avatar and rishic planes, with each dimensional plane access, there are additional higher senses that are interconnected. Some of these higher senses will be experienced in dreamscape or consciousness experiences on other planes of reality, and some of them are potentially embodied as physical manifestations. As a result of the shift into the soul harmonic universe, the main higher sense that is coming online at this time is cellular telepathy, which allows for inner direct cognition, that allows a person to read and sense energy signatures. Cellular telepathy is connected to the layers of the soul matrix and when the soul is fully embodied, this sensory ability is turned on. Because the soul body is intimately connected to the human heart and is the true emotional body, if an individual is willing to open and heal their heart, this will attract the soul frequencies and the cellular telepathy skillset as a natural ability.

For those accessing the monadic planes or embodying their monadic matrix, transmutation allows shape shifting and transmigration abilities to come online. Additionally, these allow the projection of one’s consciousness for sensing and remote viewing in other dimensions and realities, to begin to come online as a natural ability. It should be noted that the disembodied NAA entities stationed in the monadic planes, also make use of these particular sense abilities, which they have activated through purely mental body means, called psionic ability. Psionic abilities are certainly much higher mental body senses than what is available to most earth humans at this time, however they are devoid of heart center.  For this reason, they contain much more limited abilities than what exists in the higher potentials of activating the original human DNA.

When we begin to access the avatar planes or embody the Christos diamond sun matrix, transfiguration allows for multiple holographic emanations to appear in several locations at once, so that bi-location becomes a natural aptitude.  Transfiguration also allows for making the consciousness body extremely small or extremely large, in order to gain a perceptive view of extremely small or large objects. As an example, making oneself very small to view carbon-based atoms and buckyballs, or making oneself very large to get an overview of an entire planetary body.  The transfiguration ability is at will, and is connected to the commitment to be GSF and earn Cosmic Citizenship, that offers complete spiritual freedom to travel in and out of time and into other Universes. 

Extremely rarified at this time on earth, the rishic planes allow for the Founder Flame body consciousness to enter and exit dimensionalization at will. This is a level of being that exists as a Solar flame body, able to create any multitude of forms and enter and then exit a reality in and out of time, at will.

Preservation of Our Sacred Hearts

During this time more than ever, there is critical importance in making the daily effort to preserve our sacred hearts, to remain open by feeling, experiencing and exchanging loving feelings. This means that in all things that we decide for ourselves, in every moment, that we do not ever forget what love and compassion feel like when flowing through our heart. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our sacred crystal heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being. To become aware so that when we face adversity, that we are not disconnecting any part of our body from the forces of love; from giving, receiving and exchanging love, compassion, and empathy for life. We must keep our mind and thoughts focused upon those higher qualities of love and appreciation that we experience in our daily lives, and identify that which we can share to circulate more unconditional love and kindness with other people.

During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger victim-victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. Anytime we interact with the third dimensional world and the Controller Pillars of Society, this potential manipulation and attack against our self-ownership exists. Many times, the external surface that is being shown to us overtly, is to distract from a larger covert agenda that is designed to be a consciousness trap. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream is not real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas.

During this turbulent phase and ongoing, the direct assault against the human heart is becoming more aggressive in order to attempt to annihilate it completely. For all of us that are dedicated and aware to serve our spiritual source, we know that this is a component of our sacred crystal heart undergoing spiritual warfare. We realize the heart center is responsible for the deep emotional feeling sensations that allow us to activate higher senses and communicate directly with our spiritual bodies and God Source. Under no circumstance will we allow anything to harm our sacred heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this earth, and for the creatures of this earth. Thus, we must do whatever we can to protect our sacred crystal heart from the onslaught of external dark exposures and unethical people that incite all forms of betrayal, especially spiritual betrayal and heart break.

How we neutralize spiritual betrayal agendas from taking control over our psyche, is to see these agendas clearly playing out in archetypal dramas and to recognize the fear programming when it is operating within a person, group or structure. At the same time, we must study ourselves and commit to eradicating all forms of deceptions or being complicit with others deceptions. Developing personal integrity by being authentic and transparent with others, and asking that mutual agreements be put in place to always be nonjudgmental and kind. When we can recognize the negative ego corruption or deception games being reinforced by others, then we can begin to recognize the real agendas that are hidden in the structure. When we can see the fear program running, then the game cannot automatically manipulate our subconscious because we are identifying it and calling it out, and from this perspective we can see its larger purpose is to incite fear and division. Refuse to be an agent of chaos, to incite fear or division, period. This is one of the most important concepts of psychological warfare, and helps us understand why the Guardians put such an emphasis on discerning darkness, discerning consciousness traps, seeing the dark agendas to divide and conquer. Because once you see the tactic and do not give your power away to it, the dark energy has no power in that situation, it cannot manipulate you.

The Spirit of Betrayal

In order to assault the human heart and intend to generate broken hearts and a lack of trust in all human beings on the earth, the NAA have leveraged the Spirit of Betrayal as one of their most important tools for waging psycho-emotional warfare. Betrayal is a seed fear that is a genetically rooted in the feminine principle from the traumatic experiences of the Lemurian Holocaust, and further into the Galactic plane from the Lyran Wars. These tragic events established that particular fear pattern of betrayal in the cellular memory of the planetary energy matrix body and consequently, in the collective race memory. These distorted fear patterns were then recorded in the various layers of the energy fields' collective unconscious memory, leaving a permanent imprint on the many individual layers of consciousness that had participated in that original timeline event. The traumatic records of those holocaust events from other timelines have been erased from our conscious mind, yet are recorded in the energy matrix and cells of every living thing.

Further, this seed fear was leveraged in order to fabricate the False Christ narrative for the NAA’s violent religions, in which the life cycle of the human being would be subjected to the manipulation of these negative archetypal forces and mind control, for programming cellular death. The mind control is designed to repeat the same storylines of betrayal, abandonment and death for every human being throughout every repeated reincarnation on the earth. These archetypal forces that make up the betrayal storyline are reinforced in the NAA version of the Christian religions, in which these same betrayal forces influence the subconscious patterns of the individual that is indoctrinated into these false belief systems.

The Spirit of Betrayal is enforced as a seed fear by the crucifixion of Christ narrative, which is a tortuous human blood sacrifice that instills heart break and rejection of true spiritual principles sacred to human beings. The annual calendar cycle of religious worship for the Christ’s birth, crucifixion, death and resurrection, are all based in the Spirit of Betrayal that is further kept in place by the Spirits of Deception. Those that betray us are also deceivers, and the damaging effect of betrayal and lies is that it destroys our sense of reality, our trust in others so that innocence is immediately shattered.  When we experience a life altering event catalyzed by deceptions and betrayal, we experience a broken heart and emotional damage, easily falling into the victim-victimizer role where we can be manipulated even further. The set up for this repeated cycle of betrayal generates severe emotional damage that shuts down the human heart, in which personal integrity and trust are eroded, and then moral character, virtues and ethics are destroyed.

Thus, the Spirit of Betrayal is a deeply painful fear hidden in the collective consciousness, it is the pain felt when being deceived, and then betrayed by those you trusted and loved the most. It is a violation of trust and bond. An act of betrayal creates a constellation of negative behaviors, thoughts and feelings in both its victims and its perpetrators. Spiritual betrayal is one of the most toxic and emotionally damaging fears, based on being betrayed by that which had represented God, spirit or holiness in the belief systems of that person. In order to destroy the crystal heart center of a human being, the NAA target spiritual betrayal and betrayal traumas in order to get the individual to reject God, reject spiritual principles and reject humanity, in order to lure them into dark agendas and possession. These methods to incite betrayal traumas with the express purpose of breaking human hearts are intentionally used in mass mind control, such as the sexual misery programming, and systematically used in all levels of carrying out satanic ritual abuse.

Healing the Heart

Preserving and healing our heart may be a uniquely different process for each person, however, the main purpose is to give personal meditative attention in better sensing our heart’s inner messages, in order to restore a flow of loving energy in our lives and achieve overall energetic balance. The human heart is an energy harmonizer, and naturally restores balance throughout the bodily systems when we learn how to balance the feeling sensations of the heart with the belief systems of the mind. Sensing our heart means that we are paying attention to our inner feelings, emotions, and needs while sensing the natural rhythms and discovering the deeper dimensions of our multidimensional heart. When our heart has been closed it is usually the result of previous trauma and pain that we had suffered during childhood and carried as miasmatic imprints that were unresolved from other lifetimes. In order to open our heart, we will need to be willing to face any buried and unresolved pain, facing the shadows we carry, which may include emotions like sadness, grief and despair.

As mentioned, when we begin to crack through the energetic barrier that was surrounding our pericardium and heart, we will feel the emotional depth of our soul wounds, the betrayals, the abandonment and the pain. This is the quintessential dark night of the soul. However, it is important to remember when you are undergoing this difficult stage of healing the heart, that you are surfacing all that has been unspoken and unheard to be witnessed, and that out of these powerful feelings and deep-seated grief will come a spiritual strength and renewal that will be worth it all. Practicing compassion for self and forgiveness of others, working on feelings of empathy, are ways of developing heart-based qualities that help us work through powerful and intense emotions. These are the beginning stages of intending to spiritually heal and open up our hearts on the earth. We can discover self-acceptance and find joy, feel reverence for and take pleasure in the simplest things in life. Here are some factors to support creating a peaceful oasis for ourselves even when exposed to the forces of chaos during the planetary shift.  

  • Address mental noise: Excessive mental chatter, negative self-talk and playing out archetypes of drama, generates imbalances throughout our body and places energy blocks around the heart. In order to regain energetic balance within all of the main four bodily systems, we must be able to sit quietly and still our mind. This begins with learning about the negative ego and learning how to control impulses and quiet the mind, through meditation or breathwork. To heal and open our sacred heart we must clear negative ego, reduce mental noise and outer distractions.
  • Forgiveness: To clear out the pericardium shield and related energy blockages from around our heart complex, many times we will need to forgive ourselves and others. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing one can do for ourselves. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger.
  • Letting go: For many people that undergo deeply shocking or hard emotional challenges, such as ending relationships, this can give rise to deep negative emotions like anger, resentments and bitterness that block us from moving forward in life. The pain of such events can make us suffer from a broken heart, which has both physical and energetic impacts to closing down our heart. If we can look at life as many lessons in which we are learning to become spiritually whole, the sensation of a broken heart provides the opportunity to explore more of the dimensions of our inner selves. By being present in the moment and surrendering to the now, judgments and future expectations of others are completely dissolved. Let it all go.
  • Discernment: If we act recklessly by making quick and careless decisions based on lower impulses, this interferes with good decision making by impairing our discernment. One must grow in spiritual maturity to be able to discern what is in alignment for them personally, without judgment and without concern for what others may think of your choices. As you allow yourself to be who you really are as an embodiment of soul purposed truth, you will allow others to be exactly who they need to be.
  • Take inventory: When we are feeling unhappy about the current conditions in our lives, it is time to restore energetic balance by taking inventory. What are you doing in your life now that brings you meaningful connection, fulfillment and feelings of joy in the moment? If we look to others to give us permission, or rely on relationships or external events in order to experience love and happiness, this sets us up to fail. When we focus only on the external to make us happy, this is based on temporary conditions, thus, we are distracting ourselves from hearing the real messages that come from inside our hearts.
  • Create Priorities: Once we have taken inventory and listened to our heart for more clarity on what generates meaningful connections and increased loving feelings, we will want to apply our new found awareness to co-create a healthier lifestyle and more balanced relationships. If we are too serious and in work mode too much of the time, without playfulness and humor, this also generates imbalances which shut down our heart. We must re-evaluate our commitments in life to reduce stress and seek to remove any areas where obligations or negative interactions are no longer supporting a more natural flow in our life.

When we are in energetic balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering. This is the path to becoming increasingly healthy and peaceful. May we share a prayer together for all human hearts to be healed and find inner peace.

Beloved Inner Christ self, God self, Guardian team and family, we would like to hold unconditional love, compassion, empathy and true caring for all of humanity and life on this planet, for all that we are enduring in these times. May God's divine plan return to this earth and support all of our brothers and sisters to heal and open their hearts and truly experience the perfect love and peace that is God.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

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Cathedral Activation Begins

December 2021

Cathedral Activation Begins

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

In the fog of global spiritual warfare, nothing can be accepted at face value, all is shifting on the inner, in between and outer planes, as the planet is in a state of grand flux in her ascension evolution. Through the transcendent moments of the triune unifier fire-water transmissions that were designed to surface our deepest spiritual wounds during the Ophiuchus cycle, these potent personal activations led up to a major crescendo of grid wars and defense of Christos trinity architecture and gateways. December was met with the major unpacking of NAA artificial machinery running black magic grids, reversal currents and metatronic base 5 programming throughout the ley lines as Dark Mother. These changes generated a series of explosions in the outer fields as the result of a series of Cathedral Activations which led to a grand activation at the Lincoln Cathedral in the United Kingdom during the Winter Solstice.

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