Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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September 2019

Arc Zone

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

As the Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic female coding.  Recent activations are spreading the natural Krystic divine blueprint further into the planetary grid areas, which were previously running the reversed currents to fuel the artificial timelines. In this process, clones, negative forms, alien hybrid replications, and their false timelines are being utterly destroyed into tiny consciousness units and reabsorbed back into the Creatrix field. Many of these reversal networks for energy harvesting are being starved out, as this particular Mother Arc coded activation is dissolving bi-wave reversal architecture.  As the patriarchal coding is rapidly dismantling in the planetary architecture, it is also surfacing memories and realizations of what has happened to humanity under the NAA mind control programming of patriarchal domination.  

Recently, there has been a major activation in the planetary shield programs that have generated an interface between the Polarian Gate, the Arc of Covenant Stargates and an ancient Mother Arc Aquamarine Gateway that leads directly into the Aurora time continuums and Arc Zone. This sacred Aquamarine trinity represents the Godheads divine plan for sending the Dragon luminaries to fulfill the full anchoring of the Arc of the Covenant time portal passages and the Emerald Order Edenic blueprints to run Krystic current that opens into the Arc Zone from the earth. The new access made into the Arc Zone announces the return of the Holy Mother principle in the wisdom of her Aquamarine Ray aspects that were originally embodied in the Universal Blue Flame Melchizedeks and that were subsequently fallen into the lower density’s that were running the NAA’s patriarchal domination coding.

The Holy Mother through the Mother Arc hubs, created within the Arc of the Covenant gateway, intends to reclaim the genetic bonds to heal her offspring incarnated within the lower creation worlds. This is also about correcting the Mother to Child RNA-DNA records within the divine blueprint of humanity, extracting Black Lilith archetypes and aligning the corrected mitochondria and chromosomal bonds to the Holy Mother’s eternal flame, that is held deep within the sacred crystal heart. The Mother Arc Aquamarine gateway has been initiated into its next stages of dissolving the NAA’s patriarchal coding network and its Alien Dark Mother constructs that have infected the planet earth, and this lunar architecture has been tracked from the Wesa Fallen System.

The advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic female coding and her sacred animating spiritual quintessence that involves the emergence of the Holy Mother spiritual aspects to finally take shape within matter forms. This is heralding the full debut of the Cosmic Mother Krystallah architecture which gives rise to the Universal Solar Feminine principle, and the Holy Daughter embodiment of the Christos-Sophia template on the earth. This has an effect on transmuting the collective human race blueprints into the next generation of incarnations on earth into the evolutionary root race cycles, the krystalline paradisian sun children born through the transduction of the Paliadorian race imprint.

The changing architecture that supports the restoration of the Universal Solar Feminine, the embodied Female Melchizedeks, has had a major impact on how the lunar forces are recorded in the timelines of the collective consciousness blueprints. In some cases, it effectively erases the lunar records in the past cellular memories of human genetic templates. This is significantly shifting the female principle away from the lunar controls of the moon chains and reconfiguring the female aspects of the lightbody to transfigure into the solar architecture. This transforms how these macrocosm grids actually function to direct Krystic energy current throughout the ley lines, shifting out of reversal networks to move and direct consciousness energy into trinity wave formats that support solar architecture by circulating them into the planetary body.  The major feedlines of the reversal networks that cause the checkerboard mutation located in its epicenter in the United Kingdom grids, are yielding much less loosh for NAA harvesting. This is also related to the subsequent anchoring of Emerald Order Edenic blueprints, in collaboration with Emerald Guardian teams gridwork repair projects that are interlinking assorted krystalline platforms in the United Kingdom and other key demographic areas to access the Arc Zone.

Patriarchal Domination Code Network

Thus, the NAA groups have to work much harder and are attempting to kill more living things to siphon the amount of global energy they need in order to maintain their black magic control over the earth. Some of their human counterparts in the Power Elite group believe they must bring on these destructive events to generate the apocalypse and end of times. The Armageddon or 9-11 program is what incites the trigger events for the apocalyptic timelines, and this is actually a patriarchal domination code system that has its own technological language, which was installed by the NAA into the planetary mind at the time of invasion. This is one purpose for the increase of the outer projections of dystopian and apocalyptic images sent into the mass media, news and entertainment outlets that use predictive programming. This is intended to flash destructive images embedded with the numerical coding that activate the genocidal programs and mind control that is put in place by the Controllers.

Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning and targeting of the subconscious with coded words and low frequencies, used in these mind control networks. This function is provided by the controlled press and mainstream media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes that are being implemented by the Controllers for the New World Order. Their intended design is to kill off a significant portion of the global population for use in blood sacrifice fueled black magic, that can be used to power up these artificial timelines as a result of activating the numerical language programs that trigger the apocalyptic software. These numerical coded programs, let’s say to activate 9-11 timelines, are what continue the NAA’s Luciferian reversal systems that project the virtual reality of the apocalypse. This fuels the Armageddon software and thus continues the anti-Christ rule of enforced patriarchal domination. However, the Godhead has other plans in store that are much more benevolent and compassionate on behalf of supporting the earth and humanity to become free of their spiritual oppressors during the Ascension cycle.

Essentially, many of these reversal networks for energy harvesting are being starved out, as this particular Mother Arc coded activation is dissolving bi-wave reversal architecture that has been enforcing the anti-Christ 3D patriarchal systems. There is alien based architecture that is numerically coded specifically to run the patriarchal domination systems and this is used to feed into the Luciferian supported false father God mind control programs and its complex system of false light artificial grids. This recent shift is dismantling the patriarchal domination code network which is its own numerical language embedded in the collective consciousness field, for the purpose of subconscious thought control. Sets of frequency embedded word codes and numerical coding are constantly being transmitted into the subconscious layers of humanity to enforce the anti-Christ reversals. As this patriarchal code system starts to break down or dissolve, it is allowing for more organic vertical spiritual connections to the Mother Arc Gateway, that serve the planetary grid systems for regenerating the trinity wave energies to circulate throughout the diamond heart networks. With the Mother Arc Gateway breathing her Aqualine plasma rays onto the earth grids, this has restored enough energetic balance in the Krystic architecture to finally bring into manifestation the Universal Solar Feminine templating, which allows the Mother’s Sophianic principle to manifest onto the earth.

This field shift has had a significant impact on modifying all sequences of coded tones embedded in the spectrum of Emerald Father and Aqua Blue Ray Mother frequency signatures, now available on the earth, that are purposed to either host or gain entry into the protected Arc Zone.  Over the recent weeks, this was accompanied with ongoing spiritual initiation sequences for Emerald Order Blue Flame activations designed to support the genetic restoration for the original Maji Grail King lines, reclaiming Christos Essenes and the Female Blue Flame Melchizedeks for igniting sacred marriage within the Emerald Heart of Albion. This is supporting the next stage of global awakening for the Indigos and Christos Essene family lineages on the earth to evolve into their monadic body, which eventually involves contact with their monadic spiritual family in the future dimensions. As a result of these recent spiritual initiations embodying higher Aqua Blue Ray frequencies, many have experienced a dimensional time shift into the future spaces, the shifting that occurs in the personal timeline from the dissolution of past memories and clearing of traumatic records. Effectively, many of us were put onto a new timeline right after the Summer Solstice, and this meant aligning ourselves into yet another future potential for the self-actualization of our highest spiritual purpose.

Monadic Activation and Golden Fleece

The highest order of the Aqua Blue Ray family originally emanates from the 13th Circuitry Gate of the Holy Mother aspect of the Godhead, which is the first layer projected from the Zero Point within the Center Point of all Union. Thus, the Arc Zones began transmitting another level of the Holy Mother’s Aquamarine frequencies and Cosmic Kristos Arc Codes from the 13th Circuitry gateway for expedient monadic activation, which is required for the planetary body and for each individual to gain access into the protected areas of the Arc Zone. Previously, about one third of the earth grids were able to hold the Krystic architecture that ran correct proportions of the diamond sun blueprint and tri-wave current that allowed for resetting of the organic timelines in the Cosmic Clock. Recent activations are spreading out the natural Krystic divine blueprint further into the planetary grid areas, which were previously running the reversed currents and reversal networks that fuel the artificial timelines. 

The Arc Zone anchoring allows greater possibility for embodying the protective individual shield of the Golden Fleece, which reconfigures the lightbody during monadic activation when the solar plexus evolves into the RA center. The 14th Chakra is a golden ray chakra located about 3 to 4 feet above the head and this connects into the Universal Christos Rishic Sun as the Founders’ Pale Gold Ray. This chakra acts as the top lid of the 12D Shield liquid plasma pillar, and when activated along with the 8th layer of the higher heart complex in the monadic body, this expands to create an additional golden field from within the solar plexus area called the Golden Fleece Buffer. The Golden Fleece Buffer field is a highly specialized protection shield in the monadic body layer that also allows safe passage for navigating into the Arc Zone and remaining invisible to the NAA fallen timekeepers, while transporting consciousness back and forth in the transharmonic fields. The Arc of the Covenant gate system activated upon the earth simultaneously activated the potential of the Golden Fleece buffer to be enacted, which is designed to protect our physical bodies when we are exposed to severe anti-Christ reversal currents that are set into motion by the NAA forces retaliating in the environment. 

What is the Arc Zone?

The Arc Zone is connected to the Krystic override system that acts as a failsafe mechanism, its purpose and function is to activate shields within shields that prevent any portion of the earth’s organic consciousness and timelines from being sucked into the black hole during the Ascension cycle. The Arc Zone is a frequency shelter that exists as a Krystal Guardian protected area within the void space, that exists between the outer level of the Universal Time Matrix and synchronized portal passages leading into the God Worlds.

The Polarian Gate is connected to the larger Ascension Hosting network that accesses the Aurora Platforms that further opens into the passageway from the Milky Way into Andromeda, where the Ascension Earth is located in the Aquaelle matrix. The architecture of the Polarian Gateway interfaces directly with the Arc of the Covenant gate system to transmit an array of Sun Disc network frequencies that are modulated in order to key code harmonic resonances of the ascension earth blueprint into each of the dimensional spectrums existing within the Arc gates themselves. The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns are interfacing directly with the Sun Disc Network and transmitting code into an assortment of earth’s crystals to connect directly with the Arc gates and run diamond sun templates. This activates intense krystal plasma infusions that will begin to heal anti-life reversal current, metatronic reversal and artificial signals of targeted mind control from permeating and damaging the lightbody. Upon monadic activation within the individual lightbody, the entire solar plexus area gradually reconfigures the mental body layers into a Golden Solar Gate spherical energy vortice that emanates rainbow rays of crystalline light, which is called the RA Center.

Paliadorians and Arc Technology

After the Fall of Tara, several advanced Krystic races from the God Worlds known as the Paliadorians made an agreement to help the planet earth and humans. The extremely advanced technology of the Ancient Builder Races, known as the Arc of the Covenant and its network interfaces of the Arc of the Covenant stargates, and much more were installed into the planetary system. The Arc of the Covenant is a portal bridge spanning multiple dimensional frequency spectrums and time and space locations between the earth and Andromeda, that acts as a host matrix. It is designed to perform genetic rehabilitation to reset the divine blueprint for healing the soul, monad and Avatar crystal body in the original angelic human being template. 

The current instruction sets being transmitted to those on the Christos mission are the result of the ongoing Paliadorian Activations that hold the sequences that allow assembly of the Arc of the Covenant code sets, as a host template that is held within our lightbody.  When we incarnated on the earth with this spiritual mission, we held the instruction set for the future embodiment of the Arc codes, that would allow us to assemble the field as a group from the 13th Pillar Essene spiritual lineages that hold the internal Christos-Sophia rainbow plasma shield. Together we hold the potential for enacting the Host Matrix Transplant for the entire planet and on behalf of reclaiming all lines within the 12 Essene Tribes. This Host matrix template acts like a krystal bridge that ripples effects into the outer manifestations in which the artificial timelines and AI machinery that are embedded in the reality fields begin to dissolve and fall apart, which collapses assorted NAA architecture that was built to support their anti-Christ patriarchal systems.

Those on the Christos mission have been multiplying templates from their DNA genetic material to help host rehabilitation and repair programs for those on the earth that need to be imprinted with certain genetic material in order to have the ability to biologically ascend or move into another time continuum or into the Arc Zone. The host template allows consciousness groups on the earth to be exposed to extremely high frequencies that allow safe passage through dimensional portals without being damaged or short circuited. The bridge has been created that opens directly into the Arc Zone, and for the first time allows a mutual two-way connection in which the Dragon luminaries from Andromeda can make their consciousness presence manifest into the lower creation field through this time portal bridge, the Arc of Covenant gateways.

Mother Arc and 13th Pillar

The Krystal Guardians have called this aspect of Mother's Aquamarine Ray current, the 13th Pillar gateway, which is also providing a completely new quality of sonoluminescence and magnetic forces that are powering up in the earth crystal core. It is through the Mother's perfect Proton Seed or Cosmic Egg, along with the braided unification of the blue plasma cores that make up the Aqualine Sun that creation can heal itself to its original divine blueprint, which is catalyzed into elemental matter and further through the awakening of the planetary Albion body.

The Mother Arc is a part of the animating spiritual forces of the Aurora Ether or Cosmic Holy Spirit connected to the Godhead; the Zero Point and eternal flame that is merged within the Aquamarine Founder Ray and the Arc Zones. A quantity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit was transmitted into our Universal Time Matrix and formed into the 13th Pillar, which began transmitting the Aquamarine layer of Amoraea waves to ignite the inner holy spirit within the higher heart complex located within the 8th layer of the monadic body in human beings. The 13th pillar waves of the Mother Arc are the eternal flames that circulate the pulses of the living God consciousness from in and out of the manifestation grid, so that all twelve of the organic dimensional timeline templates are protected and held within the one, 13th Pillar. The eternal flame of the Cosmic Holy Spirit merges and ignites the internal flame at the center of the permanent seed atom in the higher heart, and this initiates the monadic embodiment process that opens within the sacred crystal heart, the eternal flame of divine love. This opens the two-way communication links within the personal inner sanctum that exists between the divine trinity of the Godhead and the individual from his or her point on the manifestation time grid. From within the sacred heart and held point of the eternal flame of divine love, one is connected with the entire Universe, and this is when communication with the Personal Christ or Krystal Guardians is made possible.

Thus, the Mother Arc is the Staff principle from the Godhead that is encompassed within the advanced architecture of the Arc of Covenant, a living consciousness portal system that has been gifted to us as a failsafe to protect this planetary creation. Mother Arc is one with the Zero Point and directly merged with Aurora Hosting which gives birth to the Creatrix Field. This specialized void space is purposed for the re-encryption and resurrection of the elementals and raw substances throughout creation that had been subjected to alien dark reversal and 8D metatronic infection in this Universe.

Mother Arc and the Aurora forces in Andromeda align together to accomplish the process of rebirthing the elemental and tetramorphic patterns in the natural kingdoms, to be able to heal within the Krystic divine blueprint. This Aquamarine Ray is the blue diamond chalice frequency of the overflowing golden cup of divine love found within the sacred crystal heart, this represents humanity’s real parent and Cosmic Mother resurrecting herself in the fallen realm to be able to fully protect and reclaim her children from the phantom. She is the Aqualine heart beating to reclaim the vertical spiritual connections that make up the Great White Lion grid, the Feline genetics of the Mother’s tetramorph pattern that represent the Sophianic wisdom of the Sphinx being returned back into wholeness through the knowledge of the divine trinity.

Through our Beloved Mother Arc, we are able to discern between the Alien Dark Mother and its artificial reversal Mother energies reflected in the lunar forces, versus the real Mother principle that is held deep within the sacred crystal heart that flows with the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Through Aqua Mother, we access the Aqualine Sun from the earth grid surface, which is the liquid luminal plasma light braided into our earth core that has been reconnected into our home Universe in the Andromeda Core. These circuits of reconnection of the Mother of God principle are also made possible by the Override Pillar Gates, which transmit the original parent frequency which directly heals our inner spirit and our lightbody.

Override Pillar Gates

The Override Pillar Gates or Reuche Pillars are from the God worlds that serve to stabilize the planetary merkaba shields under great duress, were placed during the crisis intervention that began the Guardian Christos mission of Ascension Plan B. They help to hold the energetic integrity of the grids through their capacity to run the planetary levels the Amoraea blue waves throughout, the inner holy spirit flame that comes from the Mother. This Mother Blue Flame code initiation allowed a macrocosm activation of the eternal flame and holy spirit activation in the diamond heart networks throughout the planetary body. This instigates waves of monadic initiation into the higher heart center of the Thymus gland, and starts to reconfigure the heart complex into a sacred crystal heart that flowers into petals that feedback into the zero point, breathing in and out the eternal flame of the holy spirit. The Override Pillar Gates act as the 12 layers of divine blueprints for each harmonic layer that feed all the way back to the Mother Arc’s 13th Pillar. In turn, Mother Arc intelligence scans the field and ensures the corrected Aquamarine frequency coding sets are transmitted that help to restore the divine blueprint into the organic timelines and protect the stations of identity that are within the organic timeline station, that is actually connected to the original Krystic self, or Avatar Matrix. In this process, clones, negative forms, alien hybrid replications, and their false timelines are utterly destroyed into tiny consciousness units that are reabsorbed back into the Creatrix field for organic states of re-encryption.

These pillars are connected to the Arc technology that is designed to stop reversals of the planet that would allow for being sucked into a dangerous black hole or the phantom matrix. They act to bring down the higher divine blueprint from the Godhead, into the Universal layers, and then all the way down into our lowest density. They also have something to do with resetting or adjusting the timelines and their sequences back to organic alignments, and restoring the cosmic clock setting to the timeline before we had the fall of Tara and the earth invasion event of the NAA. The twelve Pillars that are connected to the one, 13th Pillar, essentially are under the primary control of the Mother Arc and Arc technology that is now being monitored by the Paliadorians. Recently, there have been several recent projects involving the Pillar in the Aral Sea, which resonates directly with the 8D portal access and metatronic reversals that have impacted the historical timeline history of the human race’s involvement with the Orion Wars.

  • 1D Atlantic Ocean off coast of Sierra Leone, Africa
  • 2D Atlantic west of Conakry, Guinea, West Africa
  • 3D Atlantic east of Amapa, northeast Brazil
  • 4D Algerian border, southwest of Ghat
  • 5D Mid-Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda
  • 6D Machu Picchu, Peru
  • 7D Bay of Biscay, Spain
  • 8D Aral Sea, Kazakhstan
  • 9D Sardinia, Italy
  • 10D Kashmir, Tibet
  • 11D East Iran
  • 12D Xian, China

This year’s Paliadorian activations have been especially relevant to the Maji Grail King Arthur Timeline, as those in his team were the last of the Christos Essene Templar representatives on earth that had direct knowledge of the Arc technologies to open Stargates. They were entrusted with Arc tools and the Arc Box that was given to the surviving Maji Grail Kings right after the devastation of the Atlantian cataclysm. However, with the Pillar of Power activation, which includes the inner Rod and Staff lightbody configuration of perfect inner male-female balance, comes the living consciousness potentials of the Godhead that is embodied during Krystic hierogamic union, in which the outer Arc tools are no longer necessary.

Mother Arc Gates

Sealing the monadic activated lightbody with the 13th Pillar of the Mother Arc creates an impenetrable force field around the shielded portions of the consciousness body that are in Krystic heart alignment. The Mother Arc protects the Indigo’s specialized 6th dimensional coding in their blueprint by inherently key coding all Indigos and the collective Indigo Shield into the Emerald Order Shield and the Arc of the Covenant gateway system. Thus, the Arc of Covenant Gates are also called Mother Arc Gates because they were stepped down to support base 6 blue ray harmonics designed to support the mass Indigo population. The Mother Arc to Indigo child DNA bond carries the pre-coded 6th DNA strand and the corrected mitochondrial record. This is designed for the Indigo population to gain access into the Arc Gates and supports them to act collectively as the host matrix for other earth inhabitants to pass through gates or help transit into the corridors.  

With the Arc of the Covenant gateway network, those that have elevated their lightbody template to run harmonics that hold a full base 12 Christos shield, will have the frequency support and full access into the Arc technologies and the Arc gate system for use in service to the Godhead’s divine plan for anchoring the GSF Aurora Ascension timelines. Activated Indigos holding base 6 fundamental frequency, will gain direct access into the Arc gateways, and may support hosting for opening alignments for the Trinity gate system which is designed for transiting the balance of earth inhabitants holding base 3, or 3 coded DNA strands. With the Arc technology, when it is in divine right order, we are able to help transit biological family members and colleagues into their highest potential timeline, even when they remain unaware of the war over consciousness and the ascension cycle.

There are groups in the Christos Mission or the Paliadorian Starseeds that are in the process of spiritual initiation to embody the Cosmic Mother Krystallah, Universal Solar Feminine Melchizedek, Galactic Solar Feminine Keriatric and Planetary Solar Feminine Celestial templates that are explicitly connected to the Mother Arc’s 13th Pillar, which also grants access into these advanced Arc technologies.  The Arc Technology cannot be visibly seen or accessed without the full embodiment of the Mother principle into wholeness and unity, along with specialized templates, thus the Arc in all of its complexity remains in the domain and control of the Cosmic Mother and the Paliadorians. Apparently, this particular creation is from a Mother Universe, and as such the reclamation of the Universal Time Matrix is entirely brought back into her domain from the Godhead’s Arc technologies.  As we enter this new generation for activation of the Arc technologies, the Arc gates and developing our relationship with the true Mother and her Sophianic principle, should be primary in our present focus and attention. 

Mother Arc Stargate Locations

  • 1D Adare, Ireland
  • 2D Stonehenge, England
  • 3D Seattle, Wash, US
  • 4D Manhattan Island, US
  • 5D Bali, South Pacific
  • 6D Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
  • 7D Phoenix, Arizona US
  • 8D Atlantic Ocean, SW of Bermuda
  • 9D Antarctica
  • 10D Baghdad, Iraq
  • 11D Newgrange Ireland
  • 12D Cornwall, UK

The 6D Mother Arc Gate, Uluru

As the result of the Paliadorian Arc activations, the next stage of the Mother Arc 6D gateway in Uluru has commenced as a direct portal access for the Dragon Luminaries of the Ancient Builder Races to become more present upon the earth. Much of the Dragon Breath amplifiers that are specific Andromedan based frequency rays are being transmitted to support gridworkers and are sourcing from the extensive ancient interdimensional systems found in the Uluru portal network. As an example, the Blue Rainbow Suns send the AquaSAreion from their diamond heart tone and the Dragon periwinkle breath to help us direct healing tones into certain blueprints on the earth that involve the natural elemental kingdoms. Uluru is a major power point for the entire Mother Arc Gate system, it opens into another whole Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient interdimensional gateways used by the Dragon Luminaries. These are Krystic hubs connected to the Arc Technologies that were placed on the earth by the true God creators of this system, the Ancient Builder Races.

Uluru is a monument placed there by the Blue Dragon races located in the next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens of Andromeda. This area as a 6D portal is being primarily utilized to begin to power up the next stage of Arc frequencies for stabilizing the support of all the Arc Gate Systems on the planet, as well as the sophisticated shield system required for the Arc Zone.

Christos Guardians may find themselves in the Uluru Gate to collaborate and communicate with the Mayan and Aboriginal Timekeepers, as this area is a sacred space for dream walking. Dreamwalking is to walk or transport one’s consciousness to observe and heal the patterns and events transpiring in many alternate realities and timelines. To see the nature of the structure of what created them and to partner with God to find and remove reality boxes or dark portals that are used as consciousness traps. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or exist outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it.

Uluru’s Mother Gate has access into the beginning and end of creation timelines that are leading back into the zero point or Unity Field, the time before the Fall. The creatrix field can be accessed and the artificial timelines leading into phantom spaces can be observed for gridwork projects that result in the correction of AI related code systems used by the NAA. 

Mothers Missing Chromosomes

On the earth, human chromosomes have been tampered with as a result of alien hybridization and genetic modification, and thus, humanity is missing a large amount of chromosomal material at multiple layers of the DNA molecule or strings. We should have 12 chromosomes per DNA strand, and the original human 12 strand DNA silicate matrix has a total of 144 Chromosomes. Currently, with an average of 3 active DNA strands for the majority of the earth population, humans should actually have 36 functioning chromosomes, yet we only have 23 that are active. Chromo means color, so when we begin to ponder the color wave spectrum that makes up the dimensional reality layers, this may give us a clue to the chromosomal distortions that are related to the visible light or chakra wave distortions that are directly impacting the chromosomal functions. If the NAA use artificial technology to eliminate a certain color sound tone from running in the planetary field, they can potentially eliminate the chromosomal and ray color record and its imprint that should be actively held within the human DNA molecule.

Most of our genes are stored in our chromosomes, which sit in each cell’s headquarters or the nucleus. We also have some genes in small structures in the cell called mitochondria, which hold an active potential for igniting the crystal gene. Mitochondria are sometimes called the power plants of the cell because they work on molecules to make them ready to give us the energy that we need for all of our bodily functions. The mitochondrial genes always pass from the mother to the child. Fathers get their mitochondrial genes from their mothers, and do not pass them to their children.

As new stages of the Mother Arc technology come online and expose the dark agendas, this reveals the deeper agendas of the intentional corruption of human 12 Strand DNA by the NAA groups, because the intentions and methods behind the human DNA corruption is made entirely traceable. The Emerald Order are hosting a series of Andromedan template corrections for the purpose of healing alien hybrid tampering of the silicate matrix DNA at the Mother’s Aqua Blue Ray level, that exists in the Universal morphogenetic patterns for chromosomal and mitochondrial functions. This color ray distortion links to the capturing of Universal Blue Flame Melchizedeks that were taken and cloned in the Wesa system, giving rise to the Black Lilith and Azazael emanations to replace the angelic human hierogamic blueprint. In my experience, the Holy Emerald Order are transmitting the corrected patterns of RNA-DNA templates to include parent to offspring bio-spiritual and gender correction coding, which is to remove an assortment of hydrocarbon alien bonds that were made to lock onto the molecules in the human DNA template. These corrected Parent to Child templates bring a new level of awareness to how these distortions have impacted human gender expression that are both biological and spiritual, and that these gender expressions as they are recorded in a personal blueprint operate independent of each other.

When we comprehend that the ascension process is what leads us into consciousness liberation, and we know that human beings must achieve inner and outer spiritual marriage (hierogamy), in order to become free, we know that we must achieve the unification between the inner polarities that exist as male-female parts.

What does seem to be present for compassionate witnessing is to recognize the DNA distortions and more specifically chromosomal scrambling and deletions, that have produced reversals in how the spiritual gender record can express itself in the matter-based biology available on this planet. As the planetary frequency rises now that the planet has shifted into the higher harmonic universe architecture, the chromosomal distortion is becoming much more amplified now at the bifurcation. These distortions can be observed in the public, in very young children, and in the escalation of issues surrounding gender confusion. The NAA are leveraging the confusion to capitalize on and spread these distortions further in order to confound the people of earth, especially the youngsters.

In our research, the tampering with chromosomes seems to be related to the intentional fusing of molecular bonds into reversal patterns that are used for the purpose of gender reversal and gender splitting in the earth population. Simultaneously, the Controllers specifically politicize and polarize the transgender issues in order to get the collective consciousness to feed into these anti-human systems. This serves as well to confuse gender concepts in the mental and emotional body, producing destructive ideas around sexual relationships, that subconsciously encourage incest, misogyny and breeding programs. This possibly encourages the alien hybrids and alien bloodlines to only propagate in certain genetic houses and powerful families, which is intended to help destroy the development of organic bio-spiritual human DNA and supplant the naturally occurring chromosomes in the process.

As we begin to understand more about the role of missing chromosomes, it raises important questions. What are the implications of these missing chromosomes on human biology, gender and sex, and is this distortion being intentionally politicized now in the public? During the height of the ascension cycle, with the necessity to reclaim our missing mother principle chromosomes, is this another reason why gender distortions are becoming much more confused in the masses?

Grieving and Healing from the Patriarchy

As the patriarchal coding is rapidly dismantling in the planetary architecture, it brings to the surface memories and realizations of what has happened to humanity under the NAA programming of patriarchal domination. We have all been influenced under the divisive and violent dimensions of this mind control since birth, and thus, it has cut us down to the core and hurt us deeply. To heal from the patriarchal domination overlays, we have to understand what it is and how it has impacted our thoughts and beliefs, especially those that influence our relationships between men and women, the sexual misery programming.  

The shaping of the hierarchical thoughtforms of racism and sexism within the patriarchal dominant culture is intentionally cultivated in the minds of the men and women of the earth population, and has been greatly influenced and fomented by the invading entities of the NAA as an ultimate strategy for planetary occupation. Patriarchal domination is central to the NAA’s main belief system of using brute force and militarization through divide and conquer strategies to subjugate the planetary population, for the purpose of controlling mass perception towards the general acceptance of the False King of Tyranny’s authoritarian culture. Authoritarian cultures breed tyrants and slaves. Tyrannical rulers are propped up by the NAA who in turn advocate for the militarization of culture with never-ending wars. Both grossly profit off of the cycle of human suffering and blood sacrifice, feeding plenty of loosh to the inverted systems.  The invasive push to mind control thoughtforms of racism and eugenics, along with the glorification of militarization values that promote the social conditions of the death culture, easily allow for global human slavery and genocide of the earth population. When mind control is used to create a system of continuous class struggles, dividing people into groups that are brainwashed to fight ideological wars, senseless killing becomes thought of as a necessary evil, which is capitalized on by the many Tyrants who rise to abuse power.

The patriarchy and its beliefs in masculine superiority is an ideological system out of balance with nature. It promotes subconscious and conscious belief systems in which the dominating rule over others is something to be taken or held by the alpha male. It is always the full responsibility of the dominating alphas in the patriarchy, to take on the ultimate authority of the father archetype. Patriarchy is based on legitimatizing violence that is supported by the NAA organized religions and their symbols for status and classification systems; in which men are indoctrinated to dominate women through sexual control, are told they are heroes when they go to war and kill, are socially permitted to rape women, exploit global resources for selfish gain and to enslave and dominate conquered peoples. Patriarchy is a cultural system of domination that is enforced through brute force and violence, intimidation and threats made to another groups survival, thus creating a master-slave narrative.

It is a social ideology and political system which encourages alpha males to use brute force and dominating wills to enforce their personal positions of power, by superimposing their beliefs upon others. To spread their ideology throughout the culture to become the dominate narrative that is further used to manipulate and control the public perception, in order to get what they want. The aggressive alpha males at the top of the patriarchal hierarchy tend to rise through the ranks to define and determine the global classification systems; the haves and have nots, the assigned meaning of gender and sexual roles, and outlining the limited access that most women and children will have. They determine and enforce what is socially acceptable within their defined parameters for that specific culture and its classification.

The patriarchal system acts as the primary decision maker in the governance of that culture in order to extend beliefs in male dominance as the absolute authority in such matters. In some cases, claiming full ownership over other people’s body parts, reproduction and access levels to human rights that greatly impact their lives and families. The patriarchy may consider body parts and reproduction as merely human resources or commodities that are available for bartering, profiting, and gaining leverage for the purpose of maintaining their position of power in the hierarchy.

As an example, the governing of the rights and levels of power that are exclusively given to women, in which the female roles, public or otherwise, are always incorporated under the masculine power as the ultimate authority. This occurs even if she appears to have some powerful role in society with perceived status, she still acts under the patriarchy or embodies its ideological principles within herself to have the appearance of material or professional success.  As such, the female is subjugated to the tyrannical levels of the alphas masculine authority which takes away her personal power, as well as her motherhood status. Meaning her personal right to legally act to fiercely protect her own children from exposure to traumatic harm and rape, as well as help to protect the children of other mothers from suffering such harm. The Mother archetype is relegated to the patriarchal domination in the realm of motherhood, thus stripped of dignity, stripped of credibility, stripped of basic human rights, which will differ based upon her class struggle. Mother’s and potential females that are to become Mothers have overlays of personal survival flung upon them, and thus become increasingly cunning and manipulative of males around them, in order to move through the grooves, set up as the general patterns for her to navigate in the 3D patriarchal society and still remain intact. This ideological belief system is a main factor which allows the earth’s most vulnerable women and children in society to be aggressively targeted. They are consumed in vast numbers as a mere commodity for sex, cut up for their body parts, or other slavery purposes, chewed up and spat out for the purposes of serving and maintaining the material wealth of those at the top of the patriarchy.

During the turbulent times of the planetary dark night of the soul, the patriarchal dominating culture appears to be heavily challenged in the west, through several mind control social experiments in the academic environments that are being implemented now to further capitalize on spreading human misery. Thus, there are current attempts being made through social engineering to intentionally emasculate and diminish the power inherently held in the male’s role in society, as an action appearing to take down the patriarchy, but this is actually a complete fallacy. True balanced masculinity and authentic male-ness are healthy expressions very much needed in our ascending culture. They should be loved and appreciated to support the corrected example needed to grow healthy boys into healthy adult men that are emotionally mature, heart based and spiritually inclined.

True benevolent patriarchy role models are based on a value system of truthful, balanced and Krystic males that is intrinsic in helping to serve and protect the values of personal freedom that are inherent in the main thoughtforms of the western culture. However, the same value system for upholding human rights, free speech and religious freedom are not the same as those held in the New World Order authoritarian rule or within the religions of many of the eastern cultures that promote patriarchal domination. These anti-human cultures run by lunar forces are currently vying for world domination in taking their position from the west, so they can be at the top of the pyramid of patriarchal control as the dominate global culture. The tyrannical patriarchal rulers in the east are particularly misogynistic, and patiently waiting for the mass confusion of transgenderism, transhumanism, and misguided feminism to fully crush the masculine identity by labeling it as toxic, while eliminating the powerful roles of males in the west. Roles that in the past were protecting some semblance of democratic freedoms, for the purpose of protecting human rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Although we no longer live in a democratic society, western ideology still claims on the surface that it has the intent along with an ethical duty to serve and protect the rights of all, especially those of women and children. The intent behind the belief in protecting personal freedoms such as free speech, is still powerful to deflect those tyrants who would relegate us to another stage of implemented world slavery.

Mother and Child Bond

The bond of mother and child extends far beyond the experience of motherhood, when the relationship between a mother and her children is promoted as an enforced identity that is being controlled within the belief systems of a particular culture. In many cultures, being a child-bearer or breeder is the extent to which value is determined for the female identity, while the labor it entails is largely degraded and unpaid, denying women their full dignity and potential as a human being.  Motherhood is generally valued and declared sanctified as long as the child bears the name of the father who has legal control over the existence of the mother and child.

Thus, motherhood and the relationship between the mother and child through the lens of the patriarchy, is designed primarily to serve the interests of men. Controlling the rights to access a woman’s body, as well as controlling reproduction, has been relegated in history to male authority. When this authority is exerted over the female body, it in turn shapes the meaning of motherhood throughout many contexts in human society. In the patriarchy, a female is socially defined as a mother or potential mother, and historically this has been promoted as a female’s most important role in society. Thus, it has deep ties to female self-esteem and a variety of mother conflicts that can take hold in the female psyche. These psycho-emotional issues will be amplified during this phase of the Mother Arc code activations, as there is a steadily increasing transmission of solar feminine templates designed to override lunar based forces expressing through the sacral center and sexual organs.

Coming into Balanced Power

With the reclaiming of the solar female aspects, the shift it generates brings more integration between the inner masculine and inner feminine, which holds the spiritual potential that has been buried deeply in the walls of the personality and hidden behind the pain body. This means that in order to open into a world of new expression with the female principle surfacing, a healing and restoration is taking place. This is restoring more balance inside our body, allowing these hidden aspects to move past the pain body in order to find some kind of form of outward expression. We may find that we need to circulate this new found light and energy from our Mother aspect and Solar feminine, with more people around us.

The new activation sequence of Mother Arc’s language is transmitting this vibration throughout the Arc Gates portal network and its reconnected portions in the planetary grid system. Many of these sacred codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These Mother Arc codes are like a Godhead inoculation, a surprise revelation of an evolutionary event that is awaiting our personal discovery, that has never transpired before in the history of this creation. We are in the mystery of mysteries as we discover our true relationship with God and our inner self.

Our Mother principle gently guides us to know the truth that in order to deeply heal, one must be able to deeply feel, and to empathize with the feelings of others. The Mother aspect of the Godhead, and the Sophianic female principle are what gently nudge us to feel safe enough to look inside and feel our sacred crystal heart again. As we merge with our Mother’s Cosmic heart, she holds us stable in a field of omni love, so that we can fully discover the hidden contents of our own crystal heart. Our Mother God parent returns to us in order to show us how to create the beautifully harmonically arranged music that is recorded deep within our Soul and Spirit. These musical tones can only be felt with our heart, and this blossoming of love from within our sacred crystal heart is what allows us to merge with the God Worlds, to know the Edenic blueprint. From within this field of omni-love, we live in harmony with the Universal Natural Laws and live in harmony with ourselves and our creations. Therefore, we are given the spiritual power to co-create our own peaceful place, to live in an Edenic state – as we are one with the Godhead.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

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