Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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July 2011

Reeducation of Human Value 

Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

Many more human beings have been inducted into the Ascension process and are now enduring the pinnacle levels of personal and professional dismantling, as the 3D system structures are collapsing.
All we believed in and thought was the nature of reality is being challenged, to the very core of our existence. We are being forced to adapt and evolve in the moment-to-moment whirlwind of changing terrain impacting our way of life. When our core existence is challenged during such immense levels of transformation, many feel the magnification of the smallest issue being amplified, so that every choice feels like a life or death matter. Indeed, problems we used to obsess about or believe were a big deal to ensure our happiness are losing their importance in our lives. There is nothing to hold onto or grasp any longer. We must become less attached to things and be willing to let go of spiritually bankrupt values, in order to survive the transformation required to become more balanced, with our own sense of a true humanity. What does it mean to you to be a humanitarian?

Restoring Humanity

We are undergoing an evolutionary shift in the human race, which is the return to knowing our own true essence, that which is Hu-Man. Many human beings are sensing a global shift, which is requiring an internal dialogue to explore the profound change of our own personal values. What we value, what we place importance upon is undergoing a fundamental change. That fundamental change is to be Re-educated to Value All Human life. To promote life force, all living things within the Kingdoms of Human, for a true humanity to be restored to this planet. If that timeline is not possible on this planet, the alternate future choice is being made available on other planets for the continuation of human consciousness development without reptilian enslavement. The only way to value life and create societal structures that value life is to comprehend what has brought us to this state. A state of existence where our values focus on hate, discrimination, corruption and murder, as societal norms and promoted role models of power for our children. Is this state of existence pro human? Who is benefiting?

Many scientific theories attempt to explain that humans have arrived at this current level of evolution based on Darwinian natural selection. This is entirely false. There has been nothing naturally selected in the manipulated direction of the human species on this planet for over 5,500 years. Extraterrestrial involvement has always been a part of the human genetic material and purposed evolution in the creation of this planet. That fact will be revealed undeniably as common knowledge in the future, because it is the truth. It will also come to be understood that the vibration creating thought forms stemming in hate, discrimination, corruption and murder are not organic human thought forms. They are anti-human, anti-life reptilian thought forms that exist as forces, as well as entities that direct those forces. A large majority of human beings have been unconsciously possessed or taken over by these forces they do not understand.

This is how the human race and this planet were progressively invaded, by anti-human and alien forces. It is similar to an infection that spread virally into the collective mind and collective bodies without the conscious awareness of how it was actually transpiring. Without conscious awareness that human beings were being consumed, possessed, and enslaved, the human being was vulnerable to being manipulated by forces they could not physically detect. This is one perspective from the Guardians as to why there has been a rare decision to make a direct intervention on this planet, from multiple ET groups. Advanced ET neighboring races that live in harmony with the Natural Laws have made a collective agreement to participate with the end of these antilife forces ruling the Human kingdoms before it annihilates itself.

The organic and natural essence of a human being is not hate it is love, which is an eternal life force. If a human being consumes itself with hate, it is possible to destroy its eternal nature. That choice is what is of critical importance for all human beings during these potent evolutionary times.

The Value of Money vs. The Value of Life

To become transparent to view plainly the corruption running in all controller systems, and blindly allowing it to continue to infect our lives, we must change the weighted average of valuing money, which is finite over life force, which is infinite. In order to transform how we arrived at this current human station of disconnect and emotional torment, it requires we take a deep dark look into the crevices of our shadow self. We have allowed our shadow self to be manipulated by an anti-human sentiment and anti-human controller agenda. This agenda now has a stronghold on the mass population based on all that we have given it, in terms of societal value and therefore our human consciousness power.

The Value of Money, the Value of Currency has taken over any value of promoting human life or protecting any other living thing. Investment in the finite worlds of money, have taken priority in most humans, over the desire to invest in the infinite nature of their consciousness. There are serious consequences to that ignorance. The Reptilian Contingent and its small percentage of human puppeteers, created the organizations that became the corrupted priesthood that humans worship. As they consume our planetary resources and steal human wealth and wellbeing, they laugh at how stupid we are. They could care less about a human being's potential or human rights to live on this planet with a sense of wellbeing. They enjoy and feed on human terror and human pain and therefore set up control systems that ensure that happens continually. How do we continue to allow sociopaths and their psychosis to be the rulers and decision makers of our human kingdom? (see a profile of sociopathic traits, the reptilian mind set making up our worlds ruling class.)

As we in the mass human population continue to place value on what the sociopaths feed us in lies, it is their centralized power center that continues to carry out the Negative Alien Agenda, through multiple subsidiaries. Ultimately at the top of the food chain it is the Negative Alien Agenda that is behind the manipulated control of our World currencies and their markets. Money is the controller group tool of manipulation given to the corrupted human Power Elite. This group has been given the power from our misaligned values, to ultimately decide who has resources or not, who lives and dies, who gets to eat or starve, who gets an education and who dies of cancer or can be healed. Most of what is made available to the human masses as accepted standards of contaminated food, medical treatment or technology, would not be touched by a Power Elite family with a ten foot pole. And this is all propagated in a manufactured belief that humans are free and have free will, in this enslaved control system. As long as we allow them to assign and control our human value, we are never free.

Surrender without Submission to Negativity

The Golden Rule to remember with surrendering to Spirit is: DO not manipulate. For those resisting these life changes from fear of the unknown, it has been a brutal time. Stay alert and awake and walk through your dark night without the mind manipulating for control. The anti-life force primary tool is manipulation. If you emotionally manipulate others or manipulate circumstances from your own fear, you just allowed them a big weak spot to exploit in your life. If you are a Lightworker or Starseed the impact is 1000 times greater to impede your greater purposes and will submit your work to negativity.

The acceleration from recent planetary shifts is impacting people at all levels of spiritual development, who are experiencing a forced submission into surrendering to What IS. The state of What Is, is very different than the story that most people believe and have been telling themselves, is the nature of reality. The more you think you are in control of your life from the ego by manipulating What IS, the worse the onslaught of negativity that will return to you. In this new architecture, if you have begun the process of spiritual ascension, manipulation is amplified as a heavy external price to pay for your rapid learning.

To be peacefully initiated into the world of a changing paradigm this time period requires balance and calm be attained even when panic ensues. For those of us who have been involved in our personal evolutionary work on the road to self responsibility and energetic accountability, this is par for the course. We saw this coming as the global macrocosm movement has led the way to the same patterns to manifest at the microcosm levels of our own personal experiences. We must learn to command our personal space in God's sovereignty to achieve peace. This group has been blessed to finally reach energetic support and is the first wave living in alignment, as the ascended human prototypes.

The old energy foundation is no longer there for ascending humans, and they have found their worlds crumbling away as the foundation collapses. Those standing at the crossroads of human evolution, with or without an understanding of the planetary changes, are being squarely directed to face the horrifying truth found in the pile of lies that had been covering up what is Real Value.

In the global scape, the horrifying truth is unraveling in front of every public touchstone of media. Republican-Democrat, Obama-Osama they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in lullaby to stay asleep. It is all a game of manipulation. Increased transparency is the only guarantee as the systems collapse. What many human beings have invested in as a stable reality is crumbling as it was built upon a deteriorating foundation of lies. All lies create webs of deception and deceit, and many of those lies told to the masses are being unraveled through a broken system. A system built on manipulation in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse. To stop being herded by manipulation we must be awakened even if what we see is painful. Illusions and deceptions are shattering everywhere.

Flourishing in the New Energy

As we are being dismantled and removed from the old anti-life structures, to be successful going forward we have to transform our personal values in the ways we have exchanged our energy and our currency. Even if we have pennies to our name, we have to value ourselves and others without resentment or bitterness. We have to learn the strength and discipline in maintaining fearlessness in the now moment. This experience of being financially insecure, although it can be terrifying, teaches you to learn how to be inner directed and cultivate your spiritual connection first and foremost. If you master this by maintaining calm, you will get all you need and be supported in the destiny direction you were designed for. Not in your timing but in divine timing. Patience is required as delayed gratification teaches the ego it is not in control anymore. 

The creation of new currency formats will be explored and developed much more progressively now. The recent new energy architecture will finally support balanced energy, money or currency for barter, for those human beings that sincerely support goods and services with intentional humanitarian values. We have to understand the corruption and satanic ritual used to control the world money supply and consciously override its control over us. Learning to bless ourselves and bless money, while changing our values, is a potent way to begin to change the distribution of money supply.

There are some common ground rules to understand going forward in learning that you will be provided for when you commit to your spiritual values, even when it looks dismal and impossible on the external. Sometimes you are in a dead end job paying minimally, so you can spend your free time without distraction developing your inner knowledge and clarity of self. You cannot align to your soul purpose without the inner clarity of your true essence and that process may take some time. The more committed you are to developing your spirit the faster it comes. If you are in a forced hiatus in earning revenue, reflect on how you can create value exchange with humans that value life force. Refocus and revalue all poverty thought forms as not your own, but as reptilian based. Override those thoughts with feelings and inspirations of freedom, creativity and untapped human potentials as God life force coming through your body.

Here are some guidelines to remember in creating value exchange currency in the new energy architecture:

• Establishing a clear value exchange in all professional and personal relationships
• Honoring all transactions you make as win-win scenarios rather than winner-loser
• Fearless with parting with currency or money in every transaction
• Developing better communication skills and dialogue for absolute clarity with exchanges and expectations
• Payment given is intentionally exchanged at full 100% value of currency transacted, do not devalue who you are paying or the service/goods you are paying for 
• Setting intention to receive currency from only those who value you and your service
• Bless and sanctify all resources you have with an appreciation for Life
• If a payment is received with negative energy or devaluation, Bless the transaction at 100% value and release the negativity cords between the parties exchanged

The one way exchanges commonly made in the past such as vampirism deals, selling your soul for money, deceit or manipulation to suck something out of another, will not be tolerated. Dressing up a product you do not believe in or doing work that is not aligned to your personal or spiritual development will be felt as dead energy. If you do not address the dead energy and continue to suffer the path from your fear or excuses, you will have energetic consequences to that decision. Usually if you do not get the message to make the necessary change, the Universe will get out its corrective Two by Four, that takes you out from that path in a very dramatic and painful way. No ego defense of self righteousness will defend what is really the transparent truth. Vindictiveness and attack of who is perceived as harming or suppressing you, is not a viable tool and will work not lead in any positive direction.

Achieving healthy self esteem and personal worth by aligning yourself to soul worthy goals and inspirations is your daily practice of revaluing your personal priorities. The good news is that you have every support in the Universe to help you make these profound shifts into a supportive and loving outcome, if you understand the task required of you now. Revalue your priorities revalue yourself.

Solar and Lunar Forces

Since June we entered another cosmic cycle pushing us forward which included a series of solar and lunar eclipses, which changed the relationship between three stellar bodies, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. This created a significant alteration in the gravitational and magnetic field pattern of the planet which will also result in future anomalies of viewing multiple time and space merges or bleed-through realities. Some of you may have seen reports and video of Mirage Cities in China recently. 

This field alteration is a key point to understand mind control architecture and how the artificially controlled magnetic field pattern is mandatory in broadcasting frequency fences that block conscious perception of this fact in most human basic sensory abilities. This is why most human beings cannot see or sense ET presence. This sensory ability has been blocked in a certain perceptive range of frequency broadband. These frequency fences and static nets are used to create holographic inserts, both in audio and visual, to project a desired reality like a film camera projecting a movie on a screen, in order to control a planet and manipulate the beings upon it. Since June 7th, on the full Lunar Eclipse we were alerted by the Guardians that these recent changes would impact our moon and it would require a change of belief, on what the moon actually is to our planet.

The Moon is a Craft

From the Guardian perspective our moon is an inorganic structure and did not come from our solar system. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadians and Reptilians. The moon is a craft that was stolen from war, stripped and refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are beings living inside of it even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a moon base in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Guardians have mentioned many times the invasion of our magnetosphere as the invasion of our logos, and now this goes deeper to understand how that was accomplished by artificially generating magnetic fields from the moon and lunar force, that would power the mind control software in the planetary body. The mind control and artificial software systems, Armageddon software, are generated and controlled by the magnetic field. Without the field generating in certain parameters the frequency net is not as effective or has holes in it. This is the same as an invisible electric fence for dogs, to keep them inside a yard. This is exactly what they are informing us of now. There is a war over lunar forces in our system and a collapse of intermediary entities that are of moon chain lineages.

These Lunar chains are being removed, evicted and taken out of their use of siphoning human energy. The necessity of the removal of these artificial systems and the entities using them is from the shift in the time fields as of June 1st. According to them, the solar and lunar force relationship to the planetary body recently changed the gravitational field, which is generated from the yield of protons ejected and radiated from the Sun, or Solar Force. From this point forward an exodus of lunar forces and moon chain beings from our Solar System is transpiring now. Apparently, most moons we know of in our solar system are artificial and placed there to create interrupted or chartered trajectory and inorganic orbital paths and wobbles between stellar bodies. Our recent ES community Asian Grid Project is significant to the soul retrieval work and entity transit removal, of these moon chain lineages during the recent eclipses. After receiving this last transmission, if the moon is gone one day from our sky it would not be surprising. Apparently adjusting the planetary magnetic field to harmonize life patterns is a consciousness technology that is common with Advanced ET races. Just as the Reptilians have invaded and manipulated our magnetic field, it can be returned back to balance. As alarming as this may sound, they are emphasizing calm and neutrality in receiving this information, as it will be more relative to us and make more sense in the months to come.

The Moon Manipulation and Number 23

The example given to the moon magnetic field manipulation is that the axis of the Earth is off 23 degrees, from the vertical axis to the orbit of the earth around the sun. Apparently, this is not the original and organic pathway or orbit of our planet. The tilt is what causes the earth to wobble like a spinning top as it slows down. This is also why the North Pole moves backwards through the zodiac, moving from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. It takes approximately 26,000 years for a wobble to complete itself.

It is the reason that the Number 23 appears in many different levels of manipulated events on the planet, as well as used in occult ritual to manipulate outcomes. The number 23 has been studied by many great metaphysicians, including Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson who wrote three books about the number. The number is seen by these authors as being the key to illumination and they also claim that major shifts in collective consciousness and world events, can be seen in each cycle of 23 years. Well, we now know why. If we use the number 23 in occult ritual, we are tapping into the manipulated mind control field of the artificial lunar forces. If we do not utilize our sovereignty and self determination in God's authority, we become subjected to these magnetic forces controlling us into a subverted reality of mind control. Mind control creates psychotic break and is the reason for these inorganic lunar consciousness episodes in people seeking illumination through the mind. These people go insane. For many eons, as appear in our mythological archetypes, humans have inherently understood the lunacy in the lunar forces.

Kundalini Release and Physical Changes

This event since June 7th also has had a large impact on our physical body as well as our energy bodies. With the Solar and Lunar forces changing relationship to our planet the channels in the vertical central current of our light body are being opened to new levels. This is really impactful in that these internal channels are allowing much more energy exchanges mixing between the upper Monad God Spirit light body and the lower planetary kundalini energies in the physical plane. This changes the lower dimensional expressions and reconfigures the parameter of frequency and the color spectrum, in which our physical body operates.

Lately many of us may have felt like a roman candle shooting off incredible heat from your hands and feet, in the finger and toe tips and the center palms. Rushing heat patterns pool up in certain organs and the spleen has also been getting an upgrade. Because of these recent changes of solar and lunar relationship to planet many of us are having accelerated kundalini releases. Understanding kundalini is the spiritual evolutionary force of the planetary body, our body's energy relationship to the planetary body as a microcosm of that energy field, and how that relationship ultimately connects our body into the Universal body of divine energies. When we understand the energy of kundalini it is supportive to comprehend why your body is acting so different during this last ecliptic cycle. These last eclipses absolutely have impacted our bodies, and many of us are having extensive kundalini releases.

There are many good sources of reference material on symptoms of kundalini experiences. This will help to support and comfort many of us newly acquainted with kundalini force, and release the anxiety and fear that something is wrong with me. Many people that are aware of kundalini have not connected it with the process of ascension and spiritual initiation through the multidimensional realms. However, sharing our personal experiences with each other is invaluable as when the mind can comprehend the event the body can start to realign itself into balance. It removes the fear from the equation, which is the nature of most blockages.

Thank you to the ES community and all planetary gridworkers who have been clearing and doing soul retrieval work, and in all ways that are supporting our planet to Ascension.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path. Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

© 2011, Lisa Renee


This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2009-2011, Lisa Renee

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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at:



Suggested For You


February 2017


Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Over the last several weeks, I have been aware of a large Universal Gate structure coming into view in our Solar System which appears as a massive wheel with spiral spokes coming out from its center hub. It has recently become clear that this architecture is related to the Consciousness Corridors.  This is how beings will be routed into their placements or frequency match for the next cycle. What we are in Consent with largely determines which corridor we go through and which timeline we align with moving forward into the next cycle. There is no better position than to be aware that this movement through transtime is happening, and be able to consciously participate with it by intending to move into the most positive and highest expression for yourself and others. 

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