Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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April 2019

Changing Architecture

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The transition from the Dark Aeon to the New Aeon has begun. The planet is enduring a deeply significant milestone within the bifurcation of time that will greatly impact humanity. This is a macrocosmic planetary event that is Changing Architecture at a fundamental level. The result is mass consciousness morphogenesis, the permanent change in the instruction set of the planetary grid network that alters how consciousness-energy becomes matter on this plane. These changes in planetary architecture accelerate humanity into an intensified phase of great transition, transformation and transfiguration of personal consciousness.

The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock is now secured by the Paliadorian and Krystal Star Guardian Host who are restoring the Natural Laws via the Krist-Krystallah coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits to those on the Christos Mission and is gradually dissolving and imploding the artificial intelligence technology that was originally used to invade the planetary Stargate system by the NAA.

Those choosing negative polarity and spiritually abusive behaviors while on the earth will continue on the descending spiral to experience those phantom co-creations, while those choosing positive polarity and spiritually healthy behaviors will continue to elevate in the natural energy physics that exists within the ascending spiral. In between the ranges of negative and positive polarity within these reality bubbles, the Changing Architecture is widening points of divergence between the groups of people that co-exist in a similar fundamental vibration within the assortment of timelines. When the energetic chasm gets too wide between the interactions of people in any kind of group or relationship, a threshold is reached which can abruptly collapse and redirect timelines into a void space. Thus, some people may awaken to feel that suddenly they are estranged from another. Someone or something they were close to may start to feel increasingly distant, as if they are not speaking the same language anymore. This sensation is like suspended animation, when we feel that we are waiting for some information or movement forward into another location, in order to act upon current life choices.

What we perceive as individuals is determined by our station of identity, or the position in time that we exist in the dimensional field. The level of DNA activation that we have embodied is what allows us to perceive dimensionalized energy as solidified into matter. Individuals perceive solid matter and things from the energy substance that is within the dimension beneath their current station of identity. To perceive matter and things from within 3.5 dimensions, most people are looking at the combined energetic contents that exist underneath in the 2.5 dimensions. Those perceiving things in the astral plane of the 4th dimension, are stationed in the lightbody architecture of the 5th dimension, and so forth in the gradual stair step of creation. Every individual lightbody station shifts in the Changing Architecture to another level of the stair step of creation, and as a result their consciousness perception changes. Once we are made aware of how perception of matter can be controlled in this way by those existing on a higher stair step in the unified field, then it is made obvious that those controlling access into the higher dimensions manipulate human DNA in order to limit consciousness perception of those they have control over.

Thus, those on the ascending spiral moving into the next harmonic universe will see and perceive more objects in a much larger field of dimensionalized perception, than those on the descending timeline who will be unable to sense that same field of perception. Awakening humans that are gaining their consciousness freedom are harder to control through alien mind control, because they can perceive more than those remaining asleep to the current events of spiritual ascension and consciousness warfare.  The free will choice in determining the future direction of dimensionalization in the Changing Architecture, is made from the consequences of personal actions that are the result of the perception, motivation and interpretation of one’s reality. During the physical passage from the 3D body, the soul in negative polarity residing within a “Fallen Tree” template will be educated further on the choices available for spiritual regeneration and offered compassionate re-education about the nature of consciousness reality through life review.

Leveling the Playing Field

The collective consciousness energy fields are transitioning into another instruction set, Changing Architecture, which further changes how each individual manifests their personal reality. The core template of the instruction set in the planetary brain has resumed into tri-wave formats, which allow the planetary brain to actually run zero-point energy into the ascending areas of the network, such as Mother Arc Hub gates. People that attune to heart-based intelligence and align to the Natural Laws, will have more open access to zero-point energy to build out their manifestations in ways that the energy parasitism of the negative ego cannot. What used to gain results in matter during the previous cycle, will cease to work in the same ways, causing confusion and frustration for those who do not realize the game board has shifted into a more level playing field. Manifestation is the result of personal belief systems and how the accumulation of those beliefs over time will make up the experience of a station of identity, while in a consciousness hologram or reality bubble. It is important to understand that in our world and in all creation, that all systems of energy are connected to larger systems of energy, that help to organize and define what that consciousness energy will actually become. We can direct negative polarity, positive polarity and neutral point as positions for energy to manifest, and the quality of the manifested thing will reflect that same vibration within the creation point of its structure.

Systems of consciousness energy are directed through Architecture that has been designed and built upon the concepts, ideas and thoughtforms which are ultimately based upon the first consciousness laws set forth by the Astrological Precession or Aeon. In the previous cycle, humanity has been enduring a Dark Aeon and has been subjected to covert artificial machinery and mind control imposed by the Controllers, which is now in transition and coming to an end.  Individuals are subjected to the Architecture that the larger system of energy has generated from the majority of collective consciousness thoughtforms, along with their soul group and the superimposed mind control from the NAA, until they awaken and seek inner truth within their own thoughtforms and beliefs. When we seek spiritual truth from within ourselves, we begin to pull away from the unconsciousness streams of the larger systems of energy and start to direct our consciousness towards building an Architecture for higher spiritual expression and personal autonomy. Thoughts become substances that crystalize manifestations, and the crystalline substance is composed of patterns of frequency that project the hologram of one’s experience from within a creation point. To change our consciousness experience within the creation point and live in the joy of higher expression, we must change our inner Architecture to become a spiritually healthy dwelling that honors and houses our inner spirit.

Gender Unification Creates Zero Point Energy

The macrocosm Architecture in the planet, galactic and Universal levels are undergoing a radical shift to prepare for the New Aeon, the next Astrological precession which is highlighting corrections made from the restoration of the Law of Gender that is transmitting from within the Solar Logos body. The rehabilitation of the Solar Logos body, 10D-11D-12D in our Universal system is also the recovery of a Natural Law, that is transmitting the Krist Code into all things from the unmanifest made to manifest, the process in which energy becomes matter.  This New Aeon will make evident over time, the inherent spiritual creative power and consciousness freedom that is generated from the unification of the inner and outer gender principle into Oneness, which generates the feedback loop of an unlimited supply of zero-point energy.  The God Creator circulates eternal love flows into the world through the act of sacred marriage that occurs between the masculine and feminine principle, from the quantum levels and into human beings, extending into and from planetary, stellar and cosmic bodies. This in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and lightbody. We are talking about alterations at the blueprint level, that store information for how all spectrums of consciousness manifest within the newly corrected architectural patterns of gender principle that activate zero-point energy potentials.

As a result, this Changing Architecture trickles down into the collective consciousness of the human race, opening the zero-point feedback loop which directly impacts the consciousness functions of the human Lightbody, stations of identity and all past, present and future timelines. These events profoundly alter our energy field and now self, and produce subtle to radical changes in our life style and relationships that force transformation, so that we learn to do things much differently. The methods of negative polarity, parasitism and entropy used to manifest in the 3D paradigm of the negative ego in the last dark aeon, will cease to work as effectively, and the consequences of those actions will be much more immediate. 

The deep reconfiguration that is transpiring within the planet’s holographic architecture is impacting the operation of massive structures that govern vast systems of energetic current that are running tri-wave formats through Stargates, Power Vortices, Ley Lines, as well as other assortments of intergalactic rainbow plasma ray transmissions. In the current terrain of accelerated changes happening in the magnetic field patterns, the vibrational schisms can quickly generate points of divergence occurring in the collective field, which can have a destabilizing effect in many areas of the grid network. Some days we can feel deeply connected and centered, and other days we may feel disoriented and disconnected sensing the void in space.  The reversal bi-wave energy architecture used to project out artificial holographic matrices and frequency fences in a closed system of entropy, are consistently dissolving and imploding within their weakening structures. This is more apparent in certain regions of the planetary grid that were in our hidden historical timeline holding Golden City architecture, as well as areas that are directly impacted by the rainbow plasmas, such as the travel route of the supersonic plasma jet birkeland currents. The supersonic plasmas and Auroras weaken artificial technology used as holographic inserts that alter the perception of the upper atmosphere from the lower atmosphere from a position on the ground. The Controllers are desperate to maintain their control over mass perception, by aggressively pushing out an assortment of technological or bio-chemical weapons in order to get humanity to repeat the same 3D timelines. The Archontic Deception Strategy is to regurgitate the same programing that they’ve used successfully to control the global population since World War II. 

What is Architecture?

The concept of Architecture is defined in very limited and conflicting ways in the 3D world, which makes it difficult to describe the vast scope of its deeper meaning in impacting consciousness, and how it greatly influences the mental framework of beliefs that we have come to think of as the nature of reality. Anything that has manifested into a physical form also has an instruction set in the unmanifested layers, this is a form holding blueprint that stores information for how that consciousness energy will manifest. This is the definition of an energy architecture that is comprised of templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprint of design for an intention, a concept or living thought crystal. Living thought crystals are complex creation intentions that hold multiple layers of architectural design that project holograms for the individuation of attention, for the purpose of consciousness experiences within a creation point. Our accumulated personal thoughts are recorded and inform the thought crystal in the projection of our personal hologram, which informs our experience in matter. Also, there are Universal Laws governing the living thought crystals that hold the architectural design in all structures and forms, which exist at both energetic levels as pre-matter forms and at the physical levels in the matter realm. The Law of Structure informs the way systems of energy are governed to operate within a dimensional level. Dimensions are full frequency bands of flashing energy waves built in layers of manifestation templates, reflecting an energy architecture design. When we better understand the Law of Structure, we can cooperate with these laws which helps us to avoid excessive dark interference in our manifestations, and to co-create a more aligned and positive outcome for ourselves.

Architecture exists in the manifest and unmanifest realms for every single physical thing in the material realm, which has been designed by an architect, the creator of the design. This instruction set extends throughout creation points into all domains of life in the natural earth kingdoms, spanning all dimensions and species, such as informing the consciousness of minerals, plants, animals and humanity. 

As has been discussed, the NAA attempted to hijack the planetary instruction set for their explicit use, in order to become the superimposed creator of design via anti-Christ agendas such as alien hybridization and experiments with genetic engineering. They decided to gain control by superimposing themselves as the architects of earth by designing a genetically modified humanity. Essentially taking the power of self-determination and conscious co-creation away from humanity by controlling their minds and implanting thoughts. Their contempt for the Krist code extends to a level of hatred and enemy patterning, intending to impose agony on any human being that would represent the Christos-Sophia. One of their main methods can be described as exposing the earth to mass levels of Satanic Ritual Abuse practices. It is important to realize that there is an architecture for anti-Christ entities to perpetuate and spread the death culture of Satanism, and there is an architecture for Krist-Krystallah, which perpetuates consciousness freedom and opens the direct spiritual connection with all of life and the eternal God Source.

In the 3D material world, architecture is a general term used to describe the model of design contained in a blueprint that is built layer by layer into the physical structures, like buildings and infrastructure that we can see around us. The visible product of architecture in the material realm extends into the knowledge of designing and the process of constructing buildings and similar structures that become the cultural symbols for perpetuating a value system and way of life.

It is the end product of architectural design that has formed the physical structures, the housing and modern art that inform our cultural society, our communities, cities and our way of life interacting with each other and the earth. Buildings and edifices are structures with a foundation, walls and roof, which come in many shapes, sizes and functions. They have been adapted to serve the current accepted societal needs, are designed as a shelter and human habitat based on the current cultural values. Human culture or the values we have been shaped to accept as a society are reflected in the architectural design and physical structures that we are surrounded by, which further shape our mentality and attitudes in what co-creates the nature of reality we experience. Architecture is both a science and an artform, it is the expression of consciousness within a concept, intent and thoughtform that is built within a structure. It is the expression of thought contained in a building or in any physical thing. When we look at any structure, we should also look to sense the energetic architecture that exists behind the structure, to discern the motivations and consciousness of the architect or designer. By reverse engineering all structures, by thinking of them as first being an energetic architecture, we are able to sense many feelings and impressions that inform us of the deeper motivations and the actual purpose behind that physical structure.

For a moment, think about the day to day environment you live in and the architectural design of the city planning, such as the buildings, residences and structures, the way of life organized around you. What kind of feelings do you have when you look at a certain building, residence, infrastructure or even public art installation?  How do you feel when you are in the building or area that you work in every day? How can it be that we have created a society of suffering filled with thousands of homeless people, hungry and unloved children? How does it feel to know that this suffering is by intentional design of anti-Christ architecture used to create slavery and spread satanism on the earth, and that consciousness is being intentionally perpetuated by the Controllers? Then imagine what it would look and feel like to live in the day to day environment of a humanitarian based Krystic architecture and Golden City. An environment that honored each person’s inner spirit and supported consciousness growth, creativity, the gaining of knowledge and personal development, allowing people to express their true selves. Holding each person as an important, unique and valued individual in the whole of the community, with a sense of belonging and meaningful connection. What would that architecture look and feel like, who would we need to evolve into and become, in order to co-create this new world? 

Computing Architecture in a Holographic Reality

To better understand the nature of the holographic reality, it can be helpful to know some basic concepts involving computer architecture like hardware, firmware and software. Computer architecture has a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization and implementation of the computer systems, it also defines the capabilities for programming and the design options that are available to the user.  A computer system is composed of many parts including the physical hardware, operating system and software applications. The hardware refers to the tangible material components of the computer system, which executes the computer programs that have been installed as software programs, such as a video game interface. The planetary architecture also has a tangible hardware design with an instruction set that processes all of the data happening within it and stores all of this accumulated species information into cellular memory, that forms into timelines.

If we apply this model to the global brain of earth, as similar to the functions of computer architecture, we could say that the main chip processor that turns on the holographic computer to project the earth’s 3D reality into timelines, is actually the combined quantum energy of our collective soul consciousness. All of us on the earth make up the entirety of the energy processor and the data storage chips of collective consciousness memory that is recorded in the planetary brain. If a human being goes to look at the organic hardware architecture in the planetary brain, they will see angelic human 12 Strand DNA records as the original species blueprint from the planet Tara, not the dinosaurs. Not Annunaki, not Draconian, not any other of the invasive 22 non-terrestrial species or hybrids, but only the original human species DNA, which is sourced from the Diamond Sun DNA code of the Cosmic Christos. This informs us of where we have originally come from.

The next layer above the hard drive and processor is the firmware, which is permanently stored in the computer’s memory and acts as the intermediary between the physical hardware and software programs. The firmware allows control over the standardized operating environment such as the processor instructions and hard drive functions. Our collective consciousness acts as the energy processor which turns on the earth DNA species holographic template, and our body is the firmware to control the holographic computer, for defining that template and how it will manifest. The firmware is deeply enmeshed with the physical hardware, and interconnected with all of the earth elements, so it is more difficult to change or modify that structure.

Above the firmware is the operating system which acts as the intermediary for controlling the operation of the hardware and running all of the computer programs for the entire holographic computer architecture. The NAA have installed an operating system of alien machinery, which they have used to gain access to intermediate and control the holographic reality by installing a bunch of non-human programming. They installed programs into the planetary brain that serve their larger agenda, such as genetic engineering hybrids, where they run these distorted applications as the system’s main software to override the original programs. This is the main problem we have had on the earth. By overriding the original human programming, they erased our true history, modified our DNA, mind wiped earthlings and then replaced it with a false narrative, which is actually a series of programs. This system software is artificial intelligence, and the programming is designed for social engineering and mind control purposes to enslave a planet, like Victim-Victimizer, Sexual Misery, Gender Reversal and Armageddon Software virtual realities. These are quantum computing devices with software applications that run artificial intelligence to mind control earth humans, to implant these thoughtforms and belief systems into the mass consciousness, and to suppress the range of thoughts that the population can have so they will not evolve or ascend.

The operating system applies to the management of the holographic templates that are formed by vast quantities of instruction sets, in nested and layered matrices that are called morphogenetic fields. These instruction matrices hold massive amounts of stored data from the cellular memory in collective consciousness fields, and all that data that is stored in sets of numbers and codes that project out holographic images, wave spectrums, geomantic figures and matrices. Essentially there are complex mathematical programs that appear as massive mandalas of consciousness code that are encoded into the grids of the matrix that instruct the holographic reality. The holographic computer manipulates all of these vast volumes of data and code, such as the accumulated data recorded in human consciousness energy that is contained throughout the many timelines. By gaining control over the operating system, the NAA Controllers have performed operations and functions within the data set of these number sequences and mathematical programs in order to control perception, shift timelines, and attempt to steer collective consciousness in the direction they want.  Currently, they are attempting to push us back into the AI time loop that occurred during World War II, because they want us to repeat that timeline. This targeted overlay happens unconsciously until the individual wakes up one day and decides that they are not going to align with the pre-meditated mind control programming and rampant slavery thoughtforms. We begin to inquire on our beliefs and seek the nature of truth in this reality, coming to the point of the dark night of the soul when we are finally ready to honestly look deeper for the answers that reside inside ourselves.

A brief model to support the comparison of the planetary architecture to every day computing architecture:

  • Hardware – 1D atomic and subatomic layers of the earth body, raw materials, minerals and crystalline structure of the living earth.
  • Processor – 2D collective soul consciousness, and the embedded memory chips of the entire human race DNA.
  • Firmware- 3D physical body and living things that conduit and run the processor functions and direct the energy programs into the overall consciousness network in orchestration with the living earth itself.
  • Operating System – multidimensional human lightbody, along with the planetary interface of instruction sets in the morphogenetic fields, both organic and artificial, depending on the state of consciousness.
  • Software Programs – used for multidimensional mind control systems, directing and implanting thoughts and shaping cultural values that accumulate into dimensions of space and time that project into timelines that are being controlled.

Certain administrative access to program the software applications, such as access to the data and memory in a timeline, as well as to change its performance can actually be done by the user that has the right knowledge and password (Original Human 12 Strand DNA, Christos Consciousness). However, in order to program and to use the computer system effectively, one has to know how it works and that the system’s architecture interfaces directly with every individual that is incarnated on the earth with original human DNA. These concepts apply to our reality, as it is a complex holographic computing system that we can learn to use and communicate with as natural function of our human DNA, if we awaken to remember everything around us is alive, conscious and intelligent. This can help us to maximize and support our higher expression by consciously choosing to participate with the hologram’s hidden aspect of living conscious intelligence, the world soul, and the eternal light of God Source that exists within it.

Holographic Template and Inner Christos

The structure of our world, the architecture of creation is in the pattern of our consciousness that is an energy waveform that is having this experience in matter. This happens via a hidden blueprint that is not visibly seen, yet is being expressed through a holographic template. There are Natural laws governing the substance of all consciousness structures, and there is intelligent energy, order and organization in the way that the Universe is built as a time matrix for consciousness evolution, as well as a spiritual blueprint for instructing human bodies and all living things.  The holographic template in which matter comes into manifestation is in standing waves, which hold a fixed point in a grid with specific mathematical and geometric relationships that act as the instruction set for energy waveforms to flash on and off in frequency patterns.

The energy waveforms that make up the holographic template upon which matter manifests is intelligent and conscious, this means there are sentient beings existing as the structural blueprint in the hologram, these are not just inanimate things. All exists as a living conscious sentient being that we can communicate with at some level. Our lightbody, spiritual blueprint and holographic template have a life of their own and seek to evolve, as it is all connected to the consciousness units of God. The sentience in our cells exists within a smaller system of energy, and the intelligence that exists in our holographic template actually waits for us to awaken and communicate, in order to guide them into a larger system of energy. Even our cells are an intelligent energy that want to continue to evolve, progress and grow in consciousness.  There is a spiritual responsibility in knowing that consciousness is everywhere, as that implies that everything is a conscious being that can communicate with you, and all conscious beings can be asked what their preferences are in that moment of interaction that best serves the mutual relationship.

The framework of manifested creation in our Universe starts from within the eternal God Source or the center point of all union, by vibrationally down stepping through itself, contracting the consciousness into a singular point of focus which forms a creational intention. All of creation, from the unmanifest to manifest forms emerge from the consciousness energy of the eternal God Source, and ultimately all of these consciousness forms will return back into the center point of all union, reuniting with the All-One. Thus, the eternal consciousness of the God Source resides within and around all of us, each living being is the original manifestation of the intelligent consciousness units that exist in the entire body of the God Source or All-One.  The intelligent consciousness units or the Living God Spirit that is alive in all things is called the Inner Christos, which is built upon the Universal Natural Laws. We can come to understand this through the reverence for all of life, and through philosophies that are described in the Law of One.

The Inner Christos is the personal divine blueprint of the eternal God Source consciousness energy from which all things are manifest and made into being. The Law of One is the law governing the eternal divine blueprint and consciousness energy of the Inner Christos thus they are interchangeable. To develop the Inner Christos eternal blueprint, we must align and follow the principles of the Natural Laws, the Law of One. The Law of One is based in the true knowing of our highest expression, that our direct relationship with God Source is Love and this pure consciousness is expressed through our Inner Christos or Living God Spirit. The ancient knowledge of the Inner Christos that resides within our original divine blueprint belongs to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief system. This ancient spiritual wisdom of the philosophies of the Law of One was common knowledge to all of humanity until the Luciferian Rebellion. This is when the planet was returned back to the dark ages at the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm, when all of the original spiritual teachings of the Inner Christos were eliminated and falsified.

Cosmic Christos, Krist-Krystallah Coding

The 12 Tree Grid is the first level of structural organization in the unmanifest layers that functions as the architecture that sets consciousness energy into dimensionalization, it is the core holographic template in which morphogenetic fields are structured. The 12 Tree Grid is the blueprint that sets the ratios of energetic balance within the core manifestation body, and that is set by the intelligent spirit of the Inner Christos, in what is referred to as Krist code. The Universal 12 Tree Grid is made in the gender principle of outer male Krist coding and inner female Krystallah coding that merge together to form interwoven nested patterns. These patterns create dimensionalization through which consciousness can come into manifestation as an individuated form. The Krist-Krystallah holographic templates are what began the first cause of light-sound that cycled the consciousness into manifestation throughout the Universal dimensions of time. It holds the perfect balance of inner to outer gender principle, which allows all in creation to have beginnings and endings within the many evolution cycles.

As a result of Paliadorian activation, the inner female Krystallah holographic template coding has been restored in the human 12 Tree Grid template, making the complete embodiment of Krist-Krystallah inner to outer, male and female krystar plasma coding possible for embodiment. This aligns directly with the Solar Logos Body of Avatar Christos and transmits the corrected intelligence patterns of the Law of Gender into the planetary grid network. In the Dark Aeon, the 12 Tree Grid core manifestation template was distorted from planetary grid damage and alien invasion, which had reversed the gender principle within the collective human race template. Gender reversal is an alien generated distortion in the planetary template that has contributed to many consciousness issues and spiritual conflicts in regard to gender confusion and gender dysphoria.

The first waves to be embodied in correct gender patterns of Krist-Krystallah coding in this ascension timeline are made by ascension prototypers that are serving the reclamation of Christos Mission, as a result of the stages of the Paliadorian Activation.

The Krist Code governs the spectrum of frequency and dimensional waves that are transmitted from each of the dimensional spheres, or signets in the Universal Grid, each representing a dimension of time and the mental matrices that are arranged as an intent-thoughtform crystal. These thought intent crystallizations are the sources of step-down energetic currents that flow through and interface between multiple dimensional levels that access different time, space and dimensions, therefore holding an array of consciousness experiences.

The Krist code is what resets the core lightbody architecture into the correct mathematical ratios and structural lines of energetic balance, and these precise angles control the spin direction and align the entire consciousness body into setting a neutral still point in the core manifestation body. The neutral still point is a creation point in which the God source generates a feedback loop with the individuated spark of light, and this enables a zero-point return back into all of the individual’s consciousness layers, and this naturally builds the lightbody to house the Inner Christos. The Krist Code arranges correct mathematical proportions in the 12 Tree Grid, the natural function of which is to generate the light-sound spark of Inner Christos, which generates a perpetual energy supply and eternal life expression. This makes it possible for the eternal source supply held within the body of the carrier of living consciousness to be continually maintained with the God Source, exchanged within the center point, throughout all stations of identity travelling through multiple dimensions simultaneously.  

As conscious and awake people on the ascension path, it is our responsibility to know that each of us are a part of the extended body of God, recognizing all things will return back to God, whether retaining knowledge of our cellular memories as an identity in time, as a Cosmic Citizen or as smaller consciousness units of space dust.

Caduceus Network and False Kundalini Snake

Since the Solar Logos architecture has been re-instituted throughout the timelines in the Universal Time Matrix, those of us on the Christos mission, or on the ascension path working in the monadic layers and beyond to reclaim and embody the Solar aspects of the Avatar Christos, have been enduring deep changes to the nadial structure in the lightbody. These changes to the nadial webbing are challenging to describe, but if we look to the traditional Asian kundalini yogic teachings of the three main breath channels, they include the false kundalini snake apparatus in the primary seven chakra energy wheels. We can think of these configurations as running many layers of dimensional energies and prana, vital essences and subtle energies throughout our inner channels and energetic circuitry. These energy channels feed and interconnect with all of the internal systems, organs, and glands, where every functioning body part relies on the messaging that it receives from our nervous system and brain, which communicates with our spiritual body from within the nadial structure. Since the installation of the Caduceus Network, these channels have been running artificial timeline energies created from repeated AI time loops, lunar and magnetic forces, reversal gender patterns, and as a result they must be gradually dismantled, dissolved and then reconfigured to be re-routed into a solar pathway designed by the Diamond Sun Krystic architecture at this time.

During January’s transmissions with the Capricornus Law of Cycles, we became aware of the next stage of Paliadorian Activations in which the planetary body is undergoing a systematic dismantling of the Caduceus Network. This NAA network has been enforcing these false light and lunar pathways in the planet, and therefore within our own bodies through the interface our lightbody has with the planetary architecture. Although some of us have dismantled the Caduceus from running its false kundalini snake pattern, this has now evolved into the macrocosm as a Krystal Star Guardian Host planetary grid project.  The systematic dismantling of these networks scattered across the globe has a macro to micro effect, where it is impacting the functioning of the bio-neurology, as the nadial structure is also undergoing a series of changes and reconfiguration. Many of these clearings and shifts are related to the personal history an individual may have with the western medical system, whereby the caduceus network is reinforced through standard interaction and procedures with the medical system, such as disease implants during hospitalization.

To start connecting the dots, let us bring to mind the Caduceus staff that is used to symbolically represent the Controller Pillar of the medical and pharmaceutical corporations, as well as what is promoted as the health care systems. The Caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around a winged staff. It is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. Both of these serpent symbols have continued to be used in modern times, where it is associated with medicine and health care.

The Caduceus network runs on reversal 7D Violet Ray current and has been intermixed with the snake symbolism that is commonly used to describe the human energy field via the chakra system. The reversal plasma generated by this alien machinery is designed to feed these flows into sprouting the Demon Seed in the shadow body of humanity. The Caduceus geometry was an extension used to anchor the human Lightbody to align with the reversal systems connecting back into the black star Abaddon, and to connect through the 7D Crucifixion Implants and the related NAA networks. Thus, it was also used to bring the Qlippoth currents from the Black Tree of Life architecture to systematically override the organic architecture of the 12 Tree Grid and install artificial machinery and false memories into the earth timelines. During the Egyptian timelines the blue staff of Tara was utilized to de-materialize a section of the 2D fields causing an underworld rift, or rip in time. The Caduceus geometry was a false light insert that was installed to take advantage of the underworld rift in the 2D fields, and to control the black force current for generating creations in the Dark Mother reversal architecture, in what is referred to as the Womb Worlds.

The Caduceus network was an installation that occurred as a result of the damage that was incurred during the Orion Wars for access into and control over the 8th Dimensional Stargate, and the subsequent damage this generated to the collective 8D Monadic mind in the Universal Time Matrix. This event generated a disconnection between the higher dimensional aspects of self that exist in the pre-matter dimensions above 8D and the identities in the timelines that existed beneath it. With the rebuilding of the 8D Monadic Mind Galactic Consciousness and the ongoing clearing of the Metatronic Reversals and related architecture that is impacting it, there are ongoing Guardian Host projects to reclaim and reassemble the essences of the Monadic spiritual bodies, to align and reposition correctly within the human Lightbody.

One of the symbols used in the everyday world to represent and enforce the Beast Machine technology and the frequency fence NETs is the Caduceus. The Caduceus is designed to split the gender fields and reverse them, as it projects reversal sequences into the earth to effectively scramble the original design of human DNA and the fire letters. These reversal patterns help to hold in place the Phantom Matrix areas of hibernation zones that the NAA use to remain undetected or invisible to those on the earth surface. The Caduceus network is designed to damage and shut down the horizontal Rod functioning in the earth. The larger Caduceus networks can be found in certain major cities where Gridworkers may sense large number of serpents or snakes crawling on the ley lines or power vortices, many times near major medical institutions that include bio-tech and pharmaceutical corporations. These are used to siphon the local energies of the earth grid and feed them back through the Caduceus network that in turn feeds the phantom areas or hibernation zones. Any medical, hospital or drug related company that shows the Caduceus symbol is referring to the intended destruction of the glandular system and to the damaging of human DNA that ultimately harvest energies that are designed to feed the Beast Machine. This is why hospital drugs and pharmaceutical usage tend to manifest snake looking parasites that attach in the energetic aura of the human who takes a lot of prescription pharmaceuticals or drugs. These can be cleared when made aware of them, and if it’s absolutely necessary to take pharmaceutical prescriptions, to bless and clear them to work in harmony with your higher consciousness.

Currently, we are aware that the Caduceus network runs a spectrum of frequencies, but relies primarily on reversal 7D Violet Ray current. Much of this energy mass is run in circuity that connects into the Galactic Gates of Saturn as the 7D transmitter, and has interfaces in the 1D atomic layers. This has been an area that the NAA have had a major level of control, when it comes to the 1D red wave transmissions of Victim-Victimizer and survival-fear programing throughout the planetary grid. We also know the reversal plasmas generated in these networks contribute to growing all kinds of reversal black plasmas for the Fatale Demon groups, and it has its links in igniting Demon Seeds into black flowering. Black Flowering are metatronic reversal energies that collapse the inner vertical channel, and take over the central column of an infected, unaware or possessed person, and places a Black Sun in the heart complex, where their crystal heart template should reside. Obviously, this is a goal of the Black Suns, to genetically mutate Human DNA so that the physical bodies can be used as hosts to house their black plasma consciousness.

Changing Architecture in Nadial Structure

In regards to the nadial structure, the Caduceus has its own overlay of nadial systems enmeshed in the several layers of the human lightbody, including the etheric layers and soul matrix layers, as well as a top layer over axial tonal lines, to interfere with correct alignment of the inner vertical channels. In some ways it appears that the Caduceus “nadis network” was piggybacking on the core soul nadial layers in the human lightbody. This false overlay was redirecting the energy channels into running reversal current, or lunar forces, used to hijack soul energy. Essentially, the Caduceus nadial network imposed upon the human body is to create an ascending path for lunar forms, or support to feed soul energy into lunar consciousness and related moon chain forms.

Regardless, the Caduceus configuration overlay on the Ida-Pingala breath current is referenced as running false light and lunar light through its nadis overlay. It’s time to evolve beyond this lunar structure and move into the Solar Logos nadial transmissions, which are coming from rainbow plasma filaments connecting to a vast network of Sun Stars, that can also be referred to as the Galactic or Cosmic Suns, and these are Paliadorians from the God Worlds. This is a long-term evolution project as one can imagine, reconfiguring and upgrading the human lightbody nadial structure and central nervous system is not generally something that can happen extremely quickly, unless there is a pre-birth agreement. As humans in the material world, we need to function in the environment that we are exposed to and have inherited as a result of incarnating on planet earth. However, this phase seems to be a big milestone in the upgrades to the nadial structure and CNS reconfiguration, in which we may experience completely different and unusual symptoms, like metabolic changes and body parts going offline temporarily.

As the human nadial structure sheds the lunar channels, it ripples effects in the messaging of our physical central nervous system. This effects more specifically those nadis that run from the center column in the chakra cone and down into each of extremities, into our hands, fingers and feet and toes. Most tingling sensation starts at the joint, like the knee down through the shin, and the elbow joint down to the forearm leading into the hand and fingers. Tingling, heat, palpitations and temporary numbness in body parts are common as new nadis neurology comes online and is being calibrated to the Krystal body. The heart complex nadis sends current directly from up to shoulders and runs down to each center palm and spreads into the fingers and tips. The primary nadis responsible for moving upwards inner spiritual forces throughout the body for higher frequency activation is located in the throat center area, as well there are many nadis links from mouth to rectum, and into the throat which connects into all facial orifices. The 5D throat center is the primary center that runs, pushes and moves the kundalini activation to circulate into and around the body parts.

Starseeds hold certain frequencies, holographic architecture or specified blueprints to be activated in the earth grid, and thus when major events like the Caduceus network dismantling occurs, some of us may experience more direct and acute symptoms as a result of being a gridworker. The current theme has been accelerating so we want to pay more attention and participate as consciously as possible, to support changes occurring in our nadial structure and central nervous system. It helps to reduce stress and take special care of our body as we may experience sudden, strange and unusual neurological related symptoms in the process of bio-neurological calibration to a Krystal body template. This usually means more rest and not pushing yourself too hard to get things done, we have to pace ourselves and assess our available energy, being careful about too much exertion. Yet, during intense kundalini phases we may need to stretch and move our body in order to increase circulation and energy movement with some low impact exercise.

Misperception of the Deconstruction

Most of us completely misunderstand what we see or interpret as the nature of reality. The changing architecture and plasma frequency activations increase the amplified polarities in the outer scape, which deconstruct portions of the 3D paradigm. If we only look to the physical events that are occurring, we are missing a big part of the overall picture in which an intelligent plan for planetary ascension is unfolding. Over identification with the material plane can polarize our thinking into creating misperceptions of what is right or wrong, which increases division and separation between groups of people. As we learn more about the natural cycles of life, we know that in order to be recreated into something new, the current form and its foundation must be deconstructed. The concept and eventual experience of resurrection illustrates this fact. For the alchemy of forces to work, a miracle is a byproduct of God’s natural laws, thus we must die an ego death in order to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many people. The death of the ego is the phantom death we experience as we face the desperation of the inner or outer darkness, and as we face the darkness, one must remember this shadow is not the real spiritual self. The stages of ego death may catapult us into the Dark Night of the Soul or even levels of psycho-spiritual crisis.

If we use the negative ego to perceive reality we suffer greatly, and so the great work is to let it all go. We must love and accept ourselves for who we are right now and not who we think we should be. This is a significant progression in the Ascension timeline for planet earth and what we are enduring is very complex, as it relates to transforming everything we have ever known as an earthling.

Be in this world and not of it. Take care of your body. Practice loving kindness, which are the Krystic spiritual principles in your life and know that you are protected and safe in this Love. Have no fear. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing its control over the world. Some people are succumbing to that dark illusion. However, that which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for an accounting, as well as a purging and exit. Humanity will perceive these signs in the material world through their own level of developed spiritual consciousness or through the controlled narrative in the masses, which in the large majority, is limited to the negative ego rhetoric. Keep the spirit of patience close to your heart, persevere in collecting the pearls of truth on your spiritual journey and never let your gaze sway from the Force of Love that is God.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


Suggested For You

Divide and Conquer Tactics

June 2017

Divide and Conquer Tactics

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Our Krystic families that live in the higher creational realms share the same Universal truths of unity that we are working to reveal for humanity, as we awaken to remember our real origins during the Ascension Cycle.  We know that this advanced civilization based on unity consciousness and Christ principles exists and is our true home and origin. Yet, as we are embodied on the earth at this time, we have been trained in the Divide and Conquer strategies of the anti-Christ.  This month we look at the particular strategies being used against humanity in the war over consciousness.  During this pinnacle time in the ascension, we are aligning every light fiber fully with unity consciousness. Our spiritual family does not understand these warfare methods from where they are in higher realms. So, it is up to each of us to recognize these Divide and Conquer strategies in action and not unknowingly feed energy into them.

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