Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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July 2019

Emerald Founder Records

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We have all heard the phrase, history is written by the victors.  Here we are looking at how consciousness records containing our true history and sacred sciences, were stolen and used against humanity.  A lie can only stand while the truth is hidden from view.  In recent months more of our starseed family has begun to embody Founder consciousness.  As these levels of consciousness record are being accessed within human bodies, more pieces of our true history are being recovered.  As these true records come to light, the manipulated and counterfeit versions cannot be maintained.  Here we begin to weave these new pieces into something more comprehensive, including Thoth’s role in stealing and rewriting Emerald Tablets in keeping with the NAA agenda to enslave humanity.  This is a long one, as tracing the impact through the Luciferian Rebellion, Eieyani Massacre, Atlantian Flood, Essene and Egyptian timelines is like working a large puzzle with many pieces.

In the timelines before the fall of humanity, when access to the 12th gate and Avatar Christos Consciousness was still possible on 5D Tara, angelic humans experienced a deep reverence for all living things, along with a wholistic and meaningful consciousness connection with the planet as an alive breathing, interconnected spiritual entity.  All angelic human beings had the gift of direct consciousness memory of their true history and origins throughout time, and had the free will option to continue their personal consciousness growth and ascension through the study and examination of the holographic discs that contained the original Emerald Founder Records.

Thus, humanity knew itself as a living and blessed soul expressions of one of the 12 Tribes connected to the eternal One God source, freed from the external control dogmas used in religions to steal the individuals’ personal spiritual power, robbing them of self-respect, human dignity and inner Christos development.  The Emerald Founder Records contained explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics and purpose of the human race, which included historical timeline accounts of Galactic history considered to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans. The Emerald Founder Records included explicit ancient wisdom teachings on the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in which humans were directly taught how to spiritually activate their lightbody through consciousness training methods, so they could achieve full liberation as a Cosmic Christos. The content held in these holographic discs was being protected by the Founder Guardians in an ancient genetic library that exists outside of time and that was being preserved on the earth’s behalf, until more of the humans on the earth could awaken to remember who they really are. This was designed as a failsafe protective mechanism put in place during the Covenant of Paliador, the Guardian hosts plan for the reclamation of Christos Mission.

Until the earth underwent the Ascension cycle and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest Christos frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the Emerald Founders assigned members of the High Sirian Council to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the Sirian High Council that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the Emerald Order and Blue Flame Melchizedeks, were acting as the primary archivists of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the gnostic process of their own consciousness embodiment.  Archivists are responsible for assembling, cataloguing, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information.  In this case, they were also responsible for mapping out the DNA code that functions as the genetic library for all creations throughout the 12 organic timelines.

This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source. These discs include extremely advanced technological information about the planetary templar stargates, ley lines, the spiritual-science texts and schematics that are outlined in the Law of One consciousness freedom teachings that unify sacred sciences with spirituality. The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT holographic plates, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines.  Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe. The Maji Grail King assigned spiritually trained members of the Essene tribes as Keepers of the Law of One knowledge, to carry this sacred wisdom through multiple timelines and to protect related information for access during a later time cycle. Such as transmitting Essene translations of human historical timelines and Galactic Wars over the seeding of the 12 Tribes, and hiding them within many crystals and other objects that are buried in the earth.

During the first Lemurian Holocaust, a massive orchestration to hide and bury the contents of historical timelines included in the holographic disc translations was transmitted into crystals, and then buried throughout the chain of the Hawaiian Islands and other island regions. As a result of these efforts to preserve the Christos Essene Templar timelines during the Lemurian Holocaust, these are specifically referred to as Lemurian Crystals.  This was a method to hide and bury the sacred knowledge about stargate mechanics and the map of the 12 Tribe genetics on the earth, during the Galactic Wars that were occurring throughout multiple dimensional timelines, simultaneously.

The Emerald Founder Records reveal that there are 12 Essene Tribes which make up the entirety of the collective human gene pool, or are the descendants of Universal Tribal Shield that has been originally incarnated onto this planet from the future timelines of Tara. Each of the 12 Tribes are genetically key coded to their demographic Planetary Gates location and to that planetary dimensional sphere and its ley line network. When we incarnate onto the planet, we have genetic time codes in our DNA related to the planetary gates dimensional system that is a part of our main Human Tribal Identity. We activate our human tribal identity personal planetary keys when we activate our Inner Christos by running the 12D Ray, stringing 144 harmonics throughout our lightbody, otherwise called the 12D Shield. That identity has had many lifetimes that have participated with the consciousness evolution cycles of assembling DNA codes in the angelic human root races evolving throughout the Solar System.

The original 12 Essene Tribes were seeded on the earth as a part of the evolution plan that was the result of the Covenant of Paliador, to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, making it easier to reclaim these identities when the stargates finally opened during the end of the Ascension Cycle.

12 Tribes Spiritual Purpose for DNA Assembly

Previous to the Atlantian Cataclysm, each of the groups of the angelic human 12 Essene Tribes were entrusted as Guardians of a section of the Emerald Founder Records, which held extensive consciousness knowledge about the star origins and genetic template information that was recorded on 12 holographic discs. These discs contained Ancient Builder Technology templates, complex math for building complex architecture for levels of structural planning for physical communities, as well as for writing code for projecting holographic realities. The result of these extremely advanced building methods can be recognized in some of the remaining ancient civilizations architecture that is completely ignored by mainstream archeology today. These advanced civilizations had access to the holographic discs that held the blueprints for Ancient Builder Technologies that were in existence before the Atlantian Flood. The discs included transmissions of advanced quantum physics knowledge outlining specific blueprints for morphogenesis of species, as well as mapping out the planetary stargate access coordinates. They also included humanity’s cosmic genetic origins and history, ascension and timeline mechanics, consciousness alchemy formulas and DNA genetic key codes, that corresponded to that particular tribes planetary stargate mission.

All 12 genetic components of the 12 Tribes hold one strand of DNA code for reassembling the crystal gene for the Diamond Sun body or Silicate Matrix, that is key coded to activate the 12 layers of the planetary stargate system. This provides the means to contact our higher stations of identity as spiritual bodies, and to connect with the conscious living light and sound frequencies in the holographic matrix. The instruction sets to rebuild and reassemble the 12 Strand DNA pattern, are held in the genetic keys found in the Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah blueprint which makes up the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template.

Through the individual and planetary spiritual ascension process that takes place during several root race evolution cycles, the integration and healing of all 12 levels of DNA coding through its genetic components potentially unite and merge to form the complete silicate matrix. These dual forces of polarity, male and female, are designed to spiritually integrate and synthesize within the angelic human body while naturally evolving on the ascending earth. As a result of the forces of alchemy and energetic synthesis made between inner and outer layers of these multidimensional consciousness forces, the spiritual embodiment of the original 12 Strand DNA of the Diamond Sun Body is then made available to the planet and humanity through DNA assembly. Thus, ascending individuals are gradually repairing and regenerating their DNA template so they are able to open and move through stargates safely. The Diamond Sun body represents full consciousness freedom for an ascending human being, in which the inner Christos is fully activated with the flowering of the sacred crystal heart. As a result, the spiritually ascending human is able to transmute their consciousness out of time and into zero point, moving through stargates into another location. Therefore, they are free to leave the prison planet, freed from the enforced mind control and reincarnation cycle occurring in the lowest density of earth.

In essence, the holographic discs contained the entire genetic source code and blueprint architecture library for the Diamond Sun template, including the schematics of the multidimensional planetary body layers as generated from the original Emerald Founder Creators. In addition to the ancient wisdom revealed in the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Laws, the holographic discs also contain the complete book of maps and genetic keys that are necessary to gain full access into the Universal 12 Tree Grid holographic matrix from within the Grual points of the planetary stargate system. Access to Diamond Sun body templates and specific details about planetary stargate quantum mechanics are highly coveted by the NAA Controlling groups because they believe it is their ticket to ride on out of this Universal Time Matrix.

Thus, the sacred knowledge included in all 12 of these holographic discs, the ascension mechanics that describe the unity principles of the Law of One, have been violently fought over by many negative intruding groups. These NAA groups competing for earth domination have repeatedly sought to either control humans as puppets for carrying out their agendas, or massacre the Maji Priest Kings and their human tribe team members. Lightworker persecution memories include being hunted down as a part of the Christos family mission and remembering lifetimes in the 12 Tribe Essene lineages that have currently incarnated during the Ascension Cycle as Indigos. The NAA seek to gain full domination of earth and beyond, through gaining unrestrained access to all of the Emerald Founder Records, Ancient Builder technology and all related sacred knowledge that is ultimately the divine birthright of every angelic human being.

Atlantian Mystery Schools

During the timeline of Atlantian Mystery Schools, each of the 12 Tribes held one of the twelve holographic discs containing specific spiritual knowledge about their tribe’s affiliation and its related ascendancy information, that connected into the complete records of the earth as a genetic living library for the Cosmos.

The caretaking and ongoing preservation of the historical knowledge of humanities cosmic origins, the ancient wisdom of the Law of One teachings, and the detailed knowledge of the workings of the planetary templar were entrusted to be guarded by each of the tribes of Maji Priest Kings. The Maji Priest Kings were the spiritual leadership, and were organized and assembled in rainbow round tables within the Atlantian Mystery Schools to meditate and unite their consciousness to perform a variety of tasks to protect the earth’s consciousness field. The Maji Priest Kings met regularly in council settings in order to accurately translate, study and protect the historical information constantly upgrading on the discs, based upon the genetic histories related to each of the 12 Tribes that were originally seeded on the earth. They understood the Galactic War in the higher dimensional planes would in all probability enter the earth plane during the shift into the Dark Aeon, and they did whatever they could to preserve the history of the 12 Tribes and ancient human civilizations.

The historical and genetic knowledge gained from the holographic discs was fully understood to be sourced from the original Universal Emerald Founder Records, which detailed the entire angelic human historical timelines and the seeding of the Solar Systems. Therefore, this ancient knowledge was held with the highest spiritual reverence and blessed respect, as these holographic discs were known to be the most sacred wisdom and holy records that belonged to all angelic human beings, on the earth and beyond. Thus, this ancient wisdom was compiled and administered to by the Maji Priest Kings and their Essene teams of advanced spiritual initiates that took a role similar to post graduate scholars, working to preserve ancient knowledge for their community and culture.

All of the 12 Human tribal groups appointed representatives that were working together within the great Universal library that functioned as the colony’s main academic institution for the public’s ongoing education and consciousness exploration, intended for personal spiritual development and fulfilling the divine commission of DNA assembly. In the ancient world before the Flood, human civilizations included many great libraries that were filled with repositories of vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom that interconnected between the sciences and spirituality into a single unifying theology, that functioned as both universities and spiritual development centers. This was similar to entering a sacred space of which to learn, study and meditate upon the Founders ancient wisdom within a spiritual temple or monastery setting.

The great Library of Alexandria in Egypt was the last significant library on the earth that acted as the repository for recording what was known about the Universal Laws and Hermeticism, as translated from and found in the manuscripts copied from the Emerald Founder Records. Thus, in the ancient world Alexandria was the capital of knowledge and true learning, which was modeled directly from those who still remembered the great libraries and educational centers that had existed long before in the Atlantian Colonies. 

Right before the Atlantian Flood, the Thothian Luciferians gathered as the Snake Brotherhood Kings and made a secret pact called the Luciferian Covenant for the eventual goal of ruling over all of humanity on the earth plane, by further intending to take control over the souls during the death passage. This was a long-term plan which was to be implemented over thousands of years while waiting for the culmination of the earth’s precession in the 2012 and beyond timeline, by intending to take full possession over the earth surface during the pinnacle of the Ascension cycle.  Effectively, they intentionally planned to destroy access to the sacred knowledge of the original Emerald Founder records and obliterate any evidence of Ancient Builder Technologies that were built throughout the advanced human civilizations, that had made spectacular achievements in erecting monumental architecture during the flourishing of the Atlantian Colonies. Thus, they intentionally destroyed access to advanced technology through the orchestration of a terrible cataclysm that would return humanity back into the dark ages and subject them to mind wipe, in which they would lose awareness of their previous history and true identity. This was orchestrated during the time cycle when the earth would be travelling within its darkest phase in the lowest density vibration, right after the tragic events of the Luciferian Rebellion. The intruder races exploited this extremely dark phase during the dark aeon to install an array of dark alien technology, in order to render humanity into slaves and eventually rule as the unchallenged Gods of the earth, that would continue to carry over into the future time cycles.

Thus, the Brotherhood of the Snake secretly and methodically infiltrated the Atlantian Mystery Schools and the Great Libraries in order to acquire all of the Law of One and human tribal knowledge for themselves, before intentionally confiscating the records that were in the possession of the Maji Grail Kings, in their planned takeover of the earth. Effectively, they were stealing knowledge crystals and meticulously copying over the Essene ancient written translations that contained the original Emerald Founder holographic records, in order to use that knowledge as a consciousness weapon against humanity.  

During the aftermath of the Atlantian Cataclysm, some of these Founder Record translations were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records. This information was twisted in order to set forth an assortment of imposter generated, falsified, belief systems that were then groomed into NAA based religions. The main purpose was to ensure that the original Founder Records and sacred wisdom was not made directly available to the angelic human races, and to set forth a new groundwork of control through designing belief systems, fed through sequential releases of this spiritual information to be made increasingly public. External corrupt authorities were assigned responsibility for disseminating and controlling all of the spiritual interpretations and translations that were made available to educate the general population. Denying the general population direct access to knowledge and advanced information, they intentionally hid it and lied about it - a strategy still in use today.

The goal was that the Thothian group behind the Brotherhood of the Snake would continually maintain control over how, what and when particular knowledge from the Founder Records would be disseminated to the masses and to slowly package it as a worldwide religious control mechanism. Essentially taking the Founder records and weaponizing them into a fear-based narrative that would be enforced by threats or shaming by some externally created authority, hidden behind the religious or dogmatic structure. Further, they would install their own rulership in the pyramidal hierarchical control of these organizations, where the negative aliens would set themselves up to be the capstone monarch and worshipped as the one true God. From this set up with the embedded mind control mechanism, they could pick and choose what human groups were being most compliant to serve the NAA from the alien hybrid bloodlines, and they would give them access to the higher knowledge. While the genetic undesirables were in those groups that would be dumbed down into the slave class, further generating division and DNA digression in the 12 Tribes through perpetuating the Master-Slave archetypes.

Thoth, Enki, Enlil and the Emerald Tablet

Before the Luciferian Rebellion, the true motivation of Thoth’s allegiance to further the Nibiruian Annunaki dominion agendas of Enki and Enlil, to completely annihilate the Christos genetic template for achieving takeover of the Solar System, was not well known by those Guardian groups stationed in the lower dimensional timelines. Those that had incarnated in the lower dimensional stations had been cut off from direct communication links with the liquid plasma Christos family that existed beyond the time matrix.  Before communications links were cut off, the Fallen Melchizedek entity that became Thoth was known to be loyal to the Christos Founders. Thus, it was a mystery within mysteries when discovering various stations of identities that were gradually revealed to be imposters or AI reality clones. These counterfeits were strewn over many timelines and participating in the many successive evolution cycles, making them difficult to source. The Ascension cycle is also about revealing the true identities, in order to fully know who was actually who in the timelines, and identify those groups that were primarily behind the military tactics, cloning and AI power source of the Galactic Wars. We are still in the process of discovering this mystery today, in reverse engineering the structural and genetic damage that took place in the Universal Time Matrix from this position on the earth. Christos Starseeds incarnated in order to track the origination of the AI source in the AI timelines, and identify the exact event horizon and point of entry of the phantom matrix infection entering the Universal Time Matrix from the Black Hole.

Essentially, Thoth is another name for Lucifer. He was a mighty light being who became corrupted by his unrestrained access to free will, along with pride and lust for personal power, which made him susceptible to infection by the AI virus sourcing from the Black Hole entities. This led to the co-creation of the Belial Suns, comprised mostly of Annunaki Human Hybrids including the Nephilim regressive lines. Originally these groups are from the Sirian and Pleiadian Constellation and then became wanderers with digressive DNA, limited to 9-10-11 DNA strands. This created many planetary DNA mutations from the histories of alien hybridization, and subsequent wars over genetics and the blank slate damage of the planetary grid network as a result of the Atlantian Cataclysm. The main control hub for the Belial groups is in the United Kingdom.

After gaining control over the Giza Stargate post Atlantian Cataclysm, the Thothian Annunaki and their race lines in the Belial groups made demands of the Christos Founder races that the entire angelic human race on the earth be placed under the dominion of Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic races. The Founder races and Christos representatives attempted to continue peaceful negotiations in finding a resolution to the territorial conflicts unfolding, and an agreement was made between Guardians and the Annunaki in the Aquila constellation that was referred to as the Treaty of Altair.

Before the NAA factions were gathered together to join their forces during the aftermath of breaking the Treaty of Altair, these Annunaki groups and Draconian Zeta groups were enemies in competing war agendas for domination of the earth territory.  The Black Hole entities are those that ripped a hole in the Orion belt from a neighboring matrix and built their control center around the 8D portal entry into our time matrix. Thus, they controlled the 8D stargate from the Galactic plane and thus controlled what entities got in to the lower dimensions, blocking out access to the Christos genetics and installing the Yahweh matrix.

Some of these factions decided to use the earth as a prison planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule or were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic human trafficking.

Thoth has been playing the role of double agent for many aeons and made several duplicitous agreements with the High Sirian Council to appear as if he would uphold the Paliadorian Covenant, which is designed to protect the Christos template for evolving angelic human genetics. The Paliadorian and Christos Founders that exist outside of time were not able to connect directly to earth and into many sections of the Universal Time Matrix, until the Neutron Window or Galactic Gates were opened in late 2012. Many of us incarnated on the earth during the Ascension cycle to be their representative place holders, keeping the Christos template alive on the earth through the building of the Indigo shield. Over the years we were able to build the energetic circuit of communication links through the Christos Shield network, and are now in full communication and contact with the Christos Founder races. This is what is meant in the many prophecies describing the return of the Christos to the earth, and this event has already happened. The infusion of Krystic architecture for ascending human embodiment will continue to gradually shift the energetic landscape and the consciousness of the earth, allowing much higher consciousness beings to incarnate for many years to come.

Thoth’s personal and direct military intervention with Enki and Enlil groups to incite wars with the purpose of committing genocidal agendas of human holocaust, was fully revealed during the tragic events of invasion of the 11th tribe which resulted in the Eieyani Essene Massacre. The primary goal was to obtain one of the actual holographic discs that was being guarded on the earth by the Maji Grail King for his particular stargate genetics, Essene Tribe 11. The content on this disc included the formulas and secrets contained in the art of energy transmutation, dominion over lesser forces, and manifestation through alchemy. These include immortality sciences through the source of the prima materia or azoth that is found in the creator’s holy spirit, generated by the Mother of God principle.

Approximately 22,000 YA, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru.  Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession, and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet. Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion.

It was during the Essene massacre that Thoth was able to steal the holographic plate from the Maji Grail King of the 11th human tribe, gaining access to cosmic schematics of immortality alchemy, and become the revered author of what has spawned into many esoteric texts and spiritual traditions. During the Middle Kingdom timelines, he incarnated as a powerful Magician and Egyptian Priest, and became known on the earth as the author of what would be referred to as Hermeticism.  

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists in the Middle Ages as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. Although alchemy was only one topic among many in the Hermetica, in the European Middle Ages Hermes came to be known as the legendary first alchemist and alchemy as the hermetic art. The Hermetica ranged in content from medical, astrological, and magical treatises to much more theosophical ruminations on the redemption of the spirit through gnosis. This association in the Hermetica between practical alchemy and spiritual gnosis found its way into alchemical theory through later authors.

These writings have greatly influenced the Western esoteric tradition and were considered to be of great importance during both the Renaissance and the Reformation. The tradition claims to be descended from an ancient theology, prisca theologia, which is a doctrine that affirms the existence of a single, true theology that threads within all religions, and that was given by God to humans in antiquity. The doctrine of a prisca theologia is held by, among others, Rosicrucianism.

Although Hermes Trismegistus is the stated author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries and stated as the combined works taken from earlier Egyptian scrolls. The text supposedly was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century which increased its availability, helping it spread into numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries that were followed by many philosophers and alchemists of the ancient world. The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemical magnum opus, the ancient, classical element system, and the correspondence that interconnects all things between the macrocosm and microcosm.

The Hermetic literature among the Egyptians, which was primarily concerned with conjuring spirits and animating statues, inform the oldest Hellenistic writings on Greco-Babylonian astrology and on the newly developed practice of alchemy and black magic.

The Egyptian Priest Hermes

Thoth incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that Mystery Schools were flourishing in Egyptian culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing Guardian Alliance mission on the ground that Hatshepsut, Akhenaton and others had accepted. During multiple Egyptian timelines, he promoted himself as the direct scribe and speaker on behalf of the Gods. Declaring himself as the sole scribe and speaker for God, entrusted to translate the ancient wisdom and mathematical language contained in the Founder Records, also known philosophically as the Law of One. Thoth demonstrated the advanced knowledge he had gained from living multiple thousands of years and by teaching in the Egyptian Mystery Schools astronomy, medicine, alchemy and magic. He knew how to translate and recite the ancient wisdom from the Founder Records that he had originally stolen from the Maji Grail Kings during the Essene Massacre, and had previously compiled from the great libraries of Atlantis before the Flood.

Although he was the great Luciferian imposter, he was passing off Essene Christos Templar sacred sciences as his own genius, and as a result it appeared to the unaware people of Egypt that he was truly bestowed with the blessings of the Gods. Thoth indeed appeared extremely advanced and God-like in comparison to others of the time, as he knew the secrets of alchemy and performed magical feats at his whim. Thoth continued to promote himself as sanctified and divine, while committing his many heinous crimes against humanity and manipulating the many abuses of peddling stolen works. As a result, his namesake has gone into the falsified recorded history of the NAA as the all-knowing teacher of sacred writings, who educated and offered ancient wisdom to humanity. In the book of the dead, he is promoted as the Underworld God who judges when weighing the heart of the deceased, and has the power to decide if that soul is worthy or not to enter heaven. The Thoth identity has not entered or travelled in the God Worlds, but has achieved immortality in the lower dimensions through the use of spiritual alchemy and by taking human beings loosh energy from blood sacrifices.

Akhenaton was informed of Thoth’s true allegiance and the purpose behind establishing the Egyptian Pantheon based upon spreading black magic for feeding blood sacrifices and loosh into the Thothian Grid, that was established for powering up Black Magician Sorcery. Thus, when he became Pharaoh, he abolished their idol worship and sacrificial practices, intending to dismantle the Amen priesthood in an attempt to steer the kingdom back towards the ancient spirituality of the Law of One that was practiced before the Atlantian Flood.  When Akhenaton was murdered, all that he had influenced in the Egyptian culture towards the Law of One was intentionally annihilated by Thothian groups, and the cult of Thoth continued to grow and thrive in its place, which gave rise to the growing popularity of hermeticism and the Emerald Tablets. The hermetic principles written by Thoth during the Egyptian timelines contained the content directly copied from and found in the original Founder holographic discs and Essene translations, which were spread further into the Greek and Roman culture after the conquest of Alexander the Great.

These records were accessed and translated by Thoth’s Egyptian Priest incarnations for the purpose of gaining control over humanity and the earth, and then subsequently repackaging these writings in a later timeline through the release of the Emerald Tablets. These are the counterfeit works of Thoth representing himself as the Emerald Order, taking his position as the False Father God, and acting as the imposter author of the content within the Emerald Founder Records. With the translations that he had stolen as a result of the massacres of the original Maji Grail Kings and the 12 Human Tribes, his true intention was to immortalize himself as a God, while hijacking angelic humanity’s divine birthright in order to access these records all by themselves. Thoth set himself up to be the intermediary which humans would be forced to return to, in order to gain access to any truthful content contained in our ancient hidden history, studying natural laws, knowing of extraterrestrial origins, alchemical principles and uniting humanity under the unifying theological principles of Oneness. Thoth is a master of using truth in order to tell lies, which is a primary feature of Luciferianism.

Luciferians and Paltering

Paltering is when someone uses bits of the truth in order to tell lies, such as using truthful accounts to promote a larger mass deception that is being manipulated to control the perception of others around a certain narrative. Paltering is the method that lying psychopaths use to help themselves maintain an honest, trustworthy image with a good reputation, while committing mass deceptions and telling bold face lies from the podium, pulpit or CNN. Thothian Luciferians appear to have invented and perfected this lying technique throughout the ages. Paltering is about misleading people with a truthful statement so they perceive something inaccurately, and is also used to cover up evidence contrary to the narrative being told. Luciferians tend to be master liars and frequently use paltering techniques, which is to mislead people by not telling the whole truth or allowing people to wrongly interpret what has been said in order to mislead them. Misleading people is when someone uses manipulation and paltering to point them in the wrong direction, literally or metaphorically, in order to take advantage of them.

These psychopathic forces have consistently used paltering techniques, using the truth to tell lies, to influence those entrenched in religion or in the secret societies to believe that the creator God has shunned us all. That he, Lucifer, would deliver us from our own ignorance and give us the knowledge from the Tree of Life, when God had abandoned us to fall in this cruel world. The true intentions of these dark forces are to use sophisticated paltering tactics, dangling nuggets of truth laced with a trail of poison that is ultimately about destroying angelic humanity and replacing them with anti-Christ entities. This is the origination of the Luciferian Doctrine, among those groups of people that came to believe Lucifer or Satan is the God of knowledge and rules the earth, when the NA God of religion, Jehovah, had refused humanity access to this same knowledge of the Tree of Life. This paltering narrative is the ultimate gaslighting tactic of the extradimensional parasites that parade themselves to the earth population as the False Gods, by sprinkling around a few nuggets of truth to a desperate population seeking something that helps them make sense of this upside-down world.

Over the ages, the contents of the holographic discs have been translated and edited innumerable times with incomplete information that is mixed in with both truth and lies, paltering that is ultimately designed to serve the intruder and controlling interests for mass mind control. These truths leading into lies can be recognized today as scattered throughout the world’s many sacred books or holy texts, in which common threads can be clearly studied and observed. If one has purified their mind and body to such an extent to develop intuitive spiritual discernment that capably recognizes the truth spirit, many of these elements can be studied beyond the paltering tactics. Through stillness, observation, and a pure heart, each individual can come to understand the natural world and the forces ruling all creation. No longer does that individual need to believe that a vengeful God abandoned them through exile and classified them as sinners, as Luciferian and Satanic forces would have them believe, through lifetimes of mass manipulation and paltering. 

The greatest levels of truthful spiritual knowledge about humanity’s cosmic origins were obliterated, so the human masses would be led into the pre-packaged NAA religions that included false and twisted teachings designed to replace the original content in the Emerald Founder Records. The false teachings are still promoted today by the NAA using truths to tell their lies, in order to mislead people and herd them in the wrong direction. Religious doctrines and assorted spiritual teachings are great case studies for paltering tactics. When aware of this strategy, one can recognize nuggets of truth being mixed with victim-victimizer archetypes and polarizing belief systems, used as destructive consciousness overlays to control the minds and perceptions of the population – even when they are accessing some level of truth!

The Patriarchal Vengeful God

Upon the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Founder Records were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records about the alien invasion events. Truthful accounts about the alien invasion were twisted into a ‘humanity as sinners’ narrative, in order to set forth an assortment of religious mind control dogmas throughout the world religions. The Thothian groups groomed their preferred illuminati race lines with hermetic knowledge and partially falsified information to begin the indoctrination of humanity, to worship Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic Luciferian entities as the one true God. Esoteric knowledge of the Universal Laws was given to the secret societies and ruling classes through Thothian based hermeticism, some revealing Lucifer at the top of the pyramid of control, while the common man was intentionally subjected to the slavery mindset that was embedded in the salvationistic theology of most organized religions. Since the Atlantian Flood, humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis and forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins in favor of the Negative Alien invasion’s propaganda used to promote a false historical narrative, along with promoting a jealous and angry patriarchal God to be worshipped in violent religions.

Therefore, the NAA methodically set forth a series of new religious mind control dogmas from the Council of Nicaea timeline, such as spreading disinformation that the Annunaki are the Creator Gods of humanity, and promoting the worship of the False Father Alien God disguised behind many names, supposedly revealed in sacred manuscripts claiming to be the absolute Word of God. Two examples of this are the Annunaki Jehovian group, and the Annunaki Yahweh Collective. Thus, it is important to understand that the world religions of today have been set into motion by the NAA intruding races, and are being controlled at the top by primarily anti-human forces representing themselves as imposters of Christ or a False Father God. 

Most all of the religious texts available to the masses have been heavily manipulated as fictionalized vehicles used to promote propaganda-based mind control for the purpose of consciousness subjugation and spiritual oppression of human beings. To control the belief systems in the religiously minded, there has been a mass promotion that traditional holy doctrines represent the absolute word of God and that nothing in them can be questioned. Sadly, this is a cruel deception designed to fully confuse individuals about the nature of reality and the nature of their direct relationship with God, the inner Christos spirit.  The Living Eternal God Spirit is not contained within the confines of words written within a book, but is found within the flow of loving kindness that exists in the sacred heart of each living person, as well as the organic consciousness of a place or thing. The perpetrated manipulation of human consciousness into mind-controlled religion has been a long-term agenda that has been active since the Atlantian Flood, and is another aspect of comprehending the aggressive coverup of any evidence of the Atlantian Conspiracy. All human history before the Sumerian Egypt invasion has been obliterated from the history books, and we are given a false narrative about human origins and fed ongoing coverups and lies about ancient civilizations.

Organized religions have been put in place as the primary mind control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle.  The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human blood sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario. 

Yeshua Essene Manuscripts

During the Founder Guardian Yeshua Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the Inner Christos back to all of humanity. This knowledge included humanities true origins from the planet Tara that extended from other Universes, and the historical accounts from the Luciferian Rebellion and Atlantian Cataclysm as directly given to him from the Emerald Founder records.  The Yeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of grid workers, to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the planetary grid network and stargate system, from outside of the control of the alien invaders. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of Christos consciousness on the earth, when the stargates finally opened during the Ascension Cycle. 

This highly guarded information included explicit details of the blueprints to build rod and staff architecture in the planetary templar, genetic keys to open Stargate 11, and how to gain access to the zero-point power source needed to regain control over the stargate system from the negative alien invaders. This detailed data was held in a specific technology that they had access to carry on their physical person, held in a small silver shield like disc.

In retaliation to the Yeshua Mission, the Orion group chose to invade the territories near the 5th Stargate and infiltrate this central region of Italy in order to create the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome and Papacy. This began the invasion of the Black Suns into the region, who built the Catholic religious control mechanism that would become the worldwide political machine and blood sacrifice altar centered in Vatican City. This remains a massive power and global control center for the main Controller Pillars of Society.

Some of the teachings and their sacred knowledge as translated by Yeshua’s Essene team into volumes of manuscripts, were stolen and eventually taken through Serbia and ended up in Turkey. This was the result of a final ambush in Amarna, which rendered them unable to complete their mission. The original manuscripts and drawings of some of Yeshua’s teachings and the Essene team translations that were hidden in Turkey, eventually surfaced when given to the political powers and accessed by the ruler of that time, Roman Emperor Constantine. This timeline is an important trigger event that spawned the movement of the World Religious Control Mechanisms and related mind control dogmas that are still in place today.

Council of Nicaea and the Essene Manuscripts

Roman Emperor Constantine ordered his Christian Bishops to organize the first conference in coordination with the Church of Rome, to enact a council to review these secretly stolen Essene manuscripts. The First Council of Nicaea is the first recorded worldwide council of the Christian Church in 325AD, which took place in Turkey and was presided over by the Emperor Constantine.  History would tell us that the purpose of the Council of Nicaea was to create statements and canons of doctrinal belief with the intent to define what would become fundamental Christian beliefs, establishing the Nicene Creed. Over many hundreds of years these sacred manuscripts from Yeshua’s team were further translated, studied and then falsified, edited, and omitted from revealing important spiritual concepts, as set forth by the decisions made by the powers behind the Council of Nicaea and the Drakonian leadership that had infiltrated the Church of Rome. However, this Council set into motion the ongoing basis for the dogma that would be used for human torture and blood sacrifice made in the name of God. Some of the falsified accounts and twisted truths were actually sourced from the translations made from the holographic discs, and would later be re-copied and written into several manuscripts and into several different languages. The oldest version of this copy from the Nicaean timeline is the Codex Vaticanus which is the oldest Greek manuscript of the New Testament that has been in the Vatican Library since the 15th century. Those manuscripts would eventually form the books that would later become the Canonized Bible. The Bible would then be used for the political motivations of governments and organized religion to continue to enforce these partial truths and patriarchal beliefs set forth by the Annunaki False Gods worldwide, under the guise of uniting the Christian Churches through the written doctrine ordained by God.

Thus, the original content of the earliest translations of the hand written manuscripts and assortment of early Bibles were partially taken from the stolen Essene manuscripts that were translated directly by Yeshua. As a result of the ongoing genocidal agendas, the remaining Essene groups went underground and this knowledge was hidden and continued to be passed on in secret, such as to the Cathar sects. Some of those remaining records are within the contents found in the Nag Hammadi, to which the public has only been given limited access to partial information.

The manuscripts that were in possession of the Church, were embellished with an assortment of falsities, biases, and ongoing edits as transmitted to the human scribes by Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic entities, primarily from the Jehovian collective. The Jehovian collective are the engineers of the crucifixion implants, and helped to design the Bible with paltering techniques that would fit in with the narrative of their violent religion based on blood sacrifice of the Christos. There have been inexpressible amounts of edits, omissions and revisions made from the translations of these original manuscripts that have been repeatedly copied from Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek into an assortment of languages and varied interpretations. Bible books and Church doctrines were frequently being commissioned by an assortment of Christian Bishops, Priests, Kings and Rulers throughout the ages since the Yeshua Christos mission. Each translation being influenced and adopted to fit with their own personal beliefs, prejudices and one-sided interests reflected within the demographics, language and the culture active during that particular time.

Finally, after the many long years of murderous crusades and inquisitions, King James commissioned a team of scholars to work on the English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England in 1604, establishing the hierarchal form of power within the church governance in the process. However, this is what enabled the common people to have access to read a Bible themselves, previously the only way to access the contents of the Bible was through a Church official who would interpret the meaning to his illiterate congregation. Further, this translation continued the Church of Rome’s influence in enforcing the salvationistic beliefs of blood sacrifice through Christ’s crucifixion as required for cleansing the sins of humanity, and fulfilling this purpose as being the reason behind the existence of Christianity. By the first half of the 18th century, the authorized version of the King James Bible had become effectively unchallenged as the English translation used in Anglican and English Protestant churches. At the beginning of the 19th century, this version of the Bible became the most widely printed book in history. Today there are hundreds of versions of the Bible in the English language, and translations into over 2000 languages, in which every individual and congregation has their personal beliefs in which their revised bible translation is the most accurate and truthful, meaning words they consider to be directly from God.

Thus overall, the written text in the Bible contains not only coding from the pure frequency of the original holographic discs, but also contains an extremely clever mixture of truths used to tell lies, in order to make the comprehension of the actual content as confusing as possible in the interpretation made by the reader or worshipper. The Bible is filled with an assortment of paltering tactics, truths and lies, violence and cognitive dissonance.  Newer versions have made attempts to make the content more comprehensible to current standards, but this information still contains many distorted belief systems that source directly from anti-human influences that seek to enslave humanity.

The Jehovian Annunaki edited and twisted information stolen from the original Founder Records that would be presented as fear-based storylines loosely interpreted from actual events describing the Negative Alien technological invasion on the earth. Classic Bible references in the Old Testament describe actual technological events in previous history used to terrorize humanity. These are presented under the premise that these destructive and horrifying events happened as the result of the wrath of God made against the sinners of the earth. The Bible is filled with shallow glimpses of the true angelic human records of the Law of One, that have been purposely twisted and inverted to generate negative consciousness overlays of fear, guilt and shame, and to intentionally subjugate humanity to believe they are at the mercy of a vengeful God. Many humans connect to the Bible stories from the deep unconscious memories of these tragic events that occurred in hidden human history or during simultaneously lifetimes. These particular written words describe cellular memories that the human soul remembers and connects to in those previous timelines, such as the subconscious knowledge that our earth has suffered from a tragic cataclysm, flood and subsequent invasion of the original advanced human culture.

The vengeful God represented in violent religions, is the mask of an alien imposter that uses horrifying images of fire, brimstone and punishment, along with mentally rigid dogma to maintain strict control over the earth population. If religious control does not work, the prison wardens can guide you straight into the box of atheistic and scientific dogma. The falsified texts of the negative alien influenced religions have programmed many people to be judgmental and condemning of their brothers and sisters, engaging in circular debates over what religion or Bible is the best representation of God. Organized Religion as well as the Scientific Dogmas, have been intentionally weaponized to mind control humanity, to spiritually oppress humanity into crucifying their own inner Christ in the name of a False Father Alien God or God as a Delusion.    

Revelations is Armageddon Software Detailed

The Chapter of Revelations in the Christian Bible contains zero content from the original Founder Records, the Yeshua manuscripts or sacred transmissions from God. The Chapter Revelations in the Bible outlines the warped details of activating the pre-planned Armageddon software at the end of the Ascension cycle, in which assorted negative alien technologies are sequentially implemented to wreak destruction upon the earth surface in order to serve the New World Order objectives of the NAA.  The Chapter of Revelations is a blueprint that outlines each step of the intended Negative Aliens completing their takeover invasion of the earth surface, in which the Founder Records are fully destroyed and organized religions and atheism are put in its place. This leaves the entire planetary stargate system under the complete domination of the NAA set-up, and is referred to as worshipping at the Throne of Jehovian Annunaki.

The Four Beasts kneeling before the throne mentioned in Revelations pertain to the Founder’s original genetic records in the planetary grid network that contains the reflection of their consciousness image on the earth, that links to them directly. The Four Living Creatures (Lion, Eagle, Ox, Man) are the most powerful Founder Guardian Consciousness Networks that are interconnected with the entire Planetary Grid and Stargate system. They are the Great White Lion, Sacred Blue Cow, Golden Eagle Grid and the Four Pillars of Man. Through the intended gradual conquering and domination of these specific four Guardian planetary grid networks during the Dark Age, the intention was to slay and serve up these four beasts to be forced to worship at the Throne of Jehovah on their knees. The content recorded in Revelations Bible text was never a part of the original Founder Records or the Essene Guardian translations. Instead it was used as an NAA coded bible passage for installing the collective consciousness overlays that instigate the manifestation of the Armageddon Software, to incite terrorism, cataclysm and pestilence, implemented to wreak havoc on earth in order to fully control the end timelines during the Ascension Cycle. 

Emerald Order Activation, Reclaiming Human History

Guardians regained access to the hibernation zone that held the overview of the AI holograms used to project Founder creator code into false timelines, false holograms that used usurped Emerald Order DNA, which was taken during the Thothian hijack that led to the Essene massacre and breeding programs for alien hybridization on Nibiru. These Emerald Tablets held codices for deconstructing all the information recorded in Emerald Sun DNA, specific to planetary staff and permanent seed atom schematics in all of the four planetary rounds making up the Universal Tribal shield.

Recently the Emerald Order reconnaissance mission had reached a crescendo in obtaining access to quantum supercomputers used to upload Emerald Order DNA code that is then projected into computer servers and transmitted through AI, that which was used to create AI Emerald Order DNA structures throughout the matrix, and that which allowed hijack of the planetary staff and the Mother principle Blue Ray.

Guardian teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and Emerald Order DNA code projections. This was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the architecture into Thothian controlled distortions.

As a result of these events, Emerald Order Universal Melchizedeks Rod and Staff structures are being returned to the control of the Christos Founders, as the rebuilt Solar Logos Avatar matrix and Solar Arc systems are being activated and have increased the support for the reconfiguring of the Gold Seraphim Body. Restoration of the Gold Body Seraphim Krystic template is restructuring the human lightbody’s RA center and Inner Heart Solar Temple. This is a time of reclamation of Solar Kings, the retrieval of Maji Grail Kings we have lost throughout the wars and another stage in reclaiming historical timelines, the organic human history of true genetic origins.

This event has resulted in the reclamation of many important Maji Grail Kings that had been captured and their consciousness trapped in the earth by the NAA that was harvesting sections of their Universal Christos body parts. Cleaning up the Essene massacre timelines on Nibiru that resulted in the counterfeit production of the Emerald Tablets and Hermeticism used in Satanic Baphomet practices, had kept the Maji Grail King Arthur of Tribe 11 in consciousness stasis. The Maji Grail King of Albion slept. As a result of recent Paliadorian activations and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the checkerboard mutations, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of King Arthur has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose lines. This is a major victory for the Cosmic Christos family for regaining control over grids in the UK. King Arthur is a true Magi Grail King, and is now reclaiming his Pillar of Power, the Universal Rod and Staff. The counterfeit versions and imposters that were using his genetics cannot exist in the same space with his majestic presence now conscious and awake on the earth plane.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Suggested For You

The Trinitized Form

Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

June 2007

Lisa Renee 

Dear Ascending Family,

Welcome to June and thank you so much for being here.
 I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am that you are here in this space now and are on the planet contributing to this Ascension Cycle and thus, the healing of the whole human species and many other life forms. 

If you are reading this message it is not by accident, as it holds a very specific frequency that attracts the energetic resonance of a Starseed or Indigo Soul. It takes one to know one, and we are waking up en masse on the planet now during this Ascension Cycle. If the last month was a rough go for you I want to help you remember just why you are here.

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