Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
January 2009
Lisa Renee
HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR! This first newsletter of the New Year discusses some current planetary events, as well as the Annual Energetic Theme for our planet's experience in 2009. The over-lighting theme for this coming year will be The Messenger of God revealed, as in the metaphor of Archangel Gabriel blowing his Trumpet of God's Revelation. In fact, Gabriel means the Messenger of God or the hero of God. Gabriel represents the power of God's Life Breath being brought into our consciousness where we can be asleep no more. We're understanding there are Universal Laws governing our reality and there are definitive archetypal patterns to absolutely all cycles of consciousness movement and expression. In this year of 2009 the planetary mass consciousness will experience the Portal of Judgment in this physical dimension.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 24982
November 2009
Stepping into the Unknown
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
This month is the start of a brand new cosmic cycle that is signaling an evolutionary shift into completely unknown territories, and will be an entirely new life experience for many of us.
During the past months since July, we have been teetering in between worlds as a result of a vast influx of new cosmic frequencies and their reconnections to the axiatonal line system of our planet’s consciousness grid. This is changing the fabric of time and space as we know it. This cosmic time alignment sets the runway for what is about to transpire, which is something that has never happened before in the history of our Universe.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 24506
July 2009
Surpassing the Glass Ceiling
Lisa Renee
Dear Friends,
There are many possible new realities being birthed during this time in order to allow the maximum openings for all beings to heal genetically. This allows the capacity to experience expanded consciousness and therefore make available higher evolutionary choices. This is the benevolence of the Universe through the grace of the God Source attempting to harmonize all levels of the consciousness within this creational experience.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 22683
August 2009
Our Spiraling Universe
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
More than ever it’s All about the Spin. Spinning out these new realities, birthing us like a newborn star, the Universe is spiraling us outside of the Time Matrix. The Cosmic Birther has indeed been busy. About now those on the Ascension wave timeline are really feeling the spiraling energies changing our consciousness. Multiple sets of Synchronicity, Soul connections, Aha moments, Past Life memory, Mystery Manifestations, and Flashing Mathematical Master codes like; 1111, 4444, 8888 are a part of our everyday life. We are undergoing a phase of radical change in the ratio of the particle spin between protons the female principle particle and electrons the male principle particle. This is changing EVERYTHING! Revelations are packed into every square inch as light packets coded with frequency are bouncing through us, within a newly available frequency spectrum. As the dimensions collide and timelines collapse, sometimes right before our very eyes, our horizon is shifting and changing like we change our clothing.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 33877
Suggested For You
Quantum of Light
September 2014
Quantum of Light
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
For many years the Omniversal Family Tree of Krystal Star known as the Guardians, have been relaying a wide array of information about the Ascension process that our planet and human bodies undergo at the end of an Astrological Age. We are moving into another interval of the higher octave through the bifurcation of time fields, which results in the phenomena of timeline collapse. For many, this manifests as a bookend to delineate the ending of the past, such as ancestral patterns and forces many of us to undergo a resetting of our inner foundation and way of life. These phases of timeline collapse generally bring with them many levels of exit points, resetting and ego dismantling, in order to extract the false and reinstate a more accurate and progressive direction for the Soul. We must progress towards group consciousness and being of service to the whole. For those unaware of Ascension, the uninitiated or uninformed, this time can be confusing and painful to navigate.