June 2020
Lisa Renee
Foreword: Before you attempt to digest this month’s challenging content, let it be said and known that the inverted systems and reversal networks in the planetary architecture are systematically being dismantled and aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Corrections are being made to the ley lines for horizontal-vertical-diagonal alignments, activation of organic creator code and Krystic zero-point architecture are detoxifying and purging out death codes from every corner of our planet. A selection of demonic hierarchies, satanic-luciferian cult harvesting stations, negative alien AI tech and mind control weaponry, and an array of parasitical infestations of miasma, miscreants and bottom feeders are also being cleaned up and evicted. This is a massive ongoing project currently underway which is being monitored by Cosmic Christos intelligences and cannot be stopped.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 59592
May 2020
Precipice of Evolution and Lyran History
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
We all have been here before, standing at a precipice of major evolutionary change where the same choices were presented to us, Love or Fear. Much of the current crisis and the themes we are facing now are steeped in our hidden Galactic history. We must ask ourselves, how do we actually choose a different future, an ascending timeline that benefits all human beings? If we can do our part to stay out of fear and continually choose love and peace, we can create a link through time in which our present timeline can phase lock into the future timeline of the Christos realignment, where spiritual freedom and human freedom has already manifested. As we restore energetic balance to the planetary architecture and energy grid networks, to be governed by Universal Laws, we establish the new laws to be made manifest through our physical body. All change begins within the self. As each of us holds value for all life, we are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that restores energetic balance, which increases our discernment in choosing to demonstrate life affirming actions for ourselves and humanity.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 62785
April 2020
Spiritual Immune System
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers. If we are to stay on course in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 50637
March 2020
Pestilence Program
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing. This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper. What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling? Awake and aware? Asleep at the wheel?
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 68491
Suggested For You
Cosmic Elohei
August 2022
Cosmic Elohei
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The Christos Mission has had some major achievements this year in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Lion Network configuring into the Reuche Pillars, that have allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields. Simultaneously, the exopolitical landscape is shifting rapidly as defectors from many of the warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. Although we are plagued with censorship and blocked from receiving truthful information in the public sphere, know that many positive things are happening for the liberation of the planet and all of humanity.