February 2019
Mainstreaming Satanism and Luciferianism
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Most of us can feel morality and culture being eroded at an increasing pace, but very few people recognize that this is by design. Until we can see the intentional distortions being offered up as the norm and identify the hidden motivations to herd an unaware humanity into consent with dark forces, we do not have free choice. Two of the main factions responsible for this are being given a make-over, to be sold to the public as something they are not. These are complex forces, mixing two energies that were organic to the earth realm, but that have been hijacked and amplified by invading off planet groups. These groups are exerting a tremendous influence over humanity at this time, and being able to read their signatures and decode their agendas, means being better able to maintain personal integrity and freedom of choice for all of humanity in the ascension cycle.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 125588

January 2019
Alignment to Natural Law
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
We are currently experiencing the next level of reckoning or clarification of the principles we live by, as the areas of our life that are not congruent or aligned may be getting more amplified. As the bifurcation is creating more distance between the polarity choices, misalignments that may have been hidden are now easier to perceive. This is happening at micro and macro levels for; individuals, families, organizations and larger institutions as well as within the main Controller Pillars of Society. The benefit is that we can more easily identify patterns of alignment and misalignment in our lives, giving us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of Alignment to Natural Laws. For this reason, we will explore the Thirteen Principles of Natural Laws in detail to help guide our discernment, as we endeavor to accurately assess the world of forces around us, in what can often feel like challenging or chaotic terrain.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 72260

December 2018
Banishing the Lies
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
In the age of social media and rampant propaganda, most of the public has been unable to separate honest and truthful representations from manufactured deceptions and lies. For deception to work both sides have to participate, both deceiver and deceived have to play their roles. How do we wise up to see the lies, the spiritual betrayal, the reality distortions, the energy blocks and dark force attachments that are part of being deceived? On a positive note, the embodiment principle of one the major chieftains of lies in the Belial gestalt, recently left his body and is currently unable to transfer his consciousness into another earthly form as he had planned.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 41766

November 2018
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Beyond this planet most of the extradimensional or ET species, as well as other more technologically advanced human civilizations, commonly use forms of Telepathy as the primary method of communication. Our reliance on spoken words is considered to be very primitive and is used by the NAA to justify the use of earth humans as a worker-slave class. This is why we are discussing the natural capacity of humans to be telepathic and how we might further develop it. The NAA are very aware of this capacity and extract it for their own purposes through MKUltra and Milab programs, and work to block telepathic development in the masses. So, what is telepathy?
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 50390
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The Trinitized Form
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
June 2007
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Welcome to June and thank you so much for being here. I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am that you are here in this space now and are on the planet contributing to this Ascension Cycle and thus, the healing of the whole human species and many other life forms.
If you are reading this message it is not by accident, as it holds a very specific frequency that attracts the energetic resonance of a Starseed or Indigo Soul. It takes one to know one, and we are waking up en masse on the planet now during this Ascension Cycle. If the last month was a rough go for you I want to help you remember just why you are here.